2005 Minutes - Chesterfield Mews Community Association

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: May 19, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home
of Jo Ann Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia on May 19, 2005. The meeting
convened at 7:35 p.m., with President Jo Ann Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff substituting as secretary for
Diane Coleman.
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Dave Sobel
Sia Ansari
Michael Epley
Ginny Howden
Robert Parker
Candace Baker
Nancy Duff
Diane Coleman was not present.
Members in attendance are listed on the attached sign-in sheet.
Election of Officers:
Election of Officers to the Board of Directors was held and the following were
elected officers of the Association:
Jo Ann Andren
Vice-President: Dave Sobel
Nancy Duff
Robert Parker
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes were not read, as Diane Coleman (secretary) was not present.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s Report read.
A motion was made by Nancy Duff, seconded and amended after debate among the Board to adopt a
resolution affirming the vote and approval of the members of the Association taken at the annual meeting
conducted on April 26, 2005, pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 (b) of the Declaration, to increase the
maximum annual assessment chargeable by the Association to $1,000 per lot to be paid in two installments,
the first installment due on June 1, 2005, and the second installment due on December 1, 2005.
A second motion was made by Bob Parker and seconded by Sia Ansari, and debated among the Board, to
change the first due date for this year only, to be due and payable on July 1, 2005, due to meeting the date
requirement in Article VI, Sec. 7 of the Declaration. The second payment shall be due and payable on
December 1, 2005.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors: 1) confirms by this resolution that the 2005 maximum annual
assessment is $1,000 per lot; and 2) that the Board hereby sets the annual assessment of the membership at
$1,000 per lot; and 3) this assessment shall be due and payable in two (2) installments, one installment to be
paid on July 1, 2005 (for this year only), and the 2nd installment to be paid on December 1, 2005.
Upon motion duly made, amended, seconded and unanimously carried, this Resolution was adopted.
Contract Review:
1. Revised Valley Crest 1-year maintenance contract . . . A motion was made by Ginny Howden and
seconded by Dave Sobel to sign the one-year contract with Valley Crest dated May 2, 2005, with the options
package. After discussion among the board, the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari opposed.
2. Retainer for Chadwick, Washington, Moriarty, Elmore & Bunn . . . A motion was made by Dave
Sobel and seconded by Nancy Duff to sign the Retainer Agreement with Chadwick, Washington, Moriarity,
Elmore & Bunn, P. C. After discussion among the Board, the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari and
Michael Epley opposed.
3. Extended Services from Koger Management Group . . . A motion was made by Ginny Howden and
seconded to postpone a vote on the extended services contract with Koger Management Group in 90 days.
During this 90-day period, the Board would obtain a written bid from Koger. After discussion among the
Board, the motion was unanimously carried.
4. Mason & Mason Report . . . A motion was made by Sia Ansari to postpone the updated revision of the
2002 Mason & Mason Report until 2007, when it was due to be done. In the meantime, Bob Parker would
review the report and update it with additional figures to include landscaping issues. After discussion
among the Board, the motion was carried, with Dave Sobel opposed.
5. Dominion Paving-crack fill and sealing . . . A Motion was made by Michael Epley and seconded by
Ginny Howden to commence the asphalt repair sometime in 2005, according to the Mason & Mason Report,
and to amend the budget documents not to exceed the estimate of $25,079.00. After discussion among the
Board, the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari abstaining.
Michael Epley volunteered to be the contact with Dominion Paving & Sealing for an updated estimate of the
February 22, 2005 estimate. He will also contact John Cooney to discuss the logistics of implementing this
repair and to solicit two (2) other bids for this project. These estimates would be obtained in 30 days and
reported to the Board at the June Board Meeting.
6. Dead Tree Removal (5) . . . Nancy Duff brought to the attention of the Board that she spoke with Mr.
Ganapathi at 3140 Eakin Park Court where 3 of the 5 dead trees in the community are located. This issue
was discussed, as well as other drainage problems. It was decided that in the next thirty (30) days we would
get three (3) bids, identify and determine what trees and drainage issues need to be removed and repaired in
the next 12 months, to be prioritized based on their safety risk to the community. Jo Ann Andren reminded
the board that the trees that have fallen in the community recently necessitating emergency removal have
been live trees not dead trees. This information will be obtained by Jo Ann Andren, Ginny Howden and
Nancy Duff, who will report back to the Board at the June Board meeting.
7. Audit and Tax Update . . . Dave Sobel will pass on the information regarding the tax audits and tax
returns to the new treasurer, Bob Parker. Bob will obtain bids in the next 30 days and will report to the
Board at the June Board meeting.
8. Website . . . A motion was made by Nancy Duff and seconded that Ginny Howden continue to maintain
the website for the Association. After discussion by the Board, the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari
9. Newsletter . . . Michael Epley volunteered to be the coordinator of the newsletter, with Candace Baker
being the copy editor. It was also noted that Ross Bankston may be interested in participating with the
publishing of the newsletter. He would be contacted to see how he could contribute to this newsletter. It
was noted that 3 members of the Board would review the newsletter before final print. The former newsletter
editor, Nic Baker, very consistently had the newsletter prepared within one week of the monthly board
meeting. The initial target for the new newsletter team will be to have it prepared within two weeks of the
monthly board meeting.
Committee Reports/Information:
Architectural Review Committee: There was no action taken or report presented to the Board on this
committee as it was postponed until the next Board meeting. However, a problem was discussed regarding
the difficulty in obtaining the correct color of green paint from McCormick Paint for the homes on
Colchester Brook, as this paint color seems to have been discontinued. Dave Sobel will investigate if this is
the case, and if so, propose a possible solution to this problem.
Nominating Committee: It was announced that the following individuals were previously appointed to the
Nominating Committee: Jo Ann Andren, Chairman, Frank Kelly and Dennis O’Connor.
Neighborhood Watch: Ginny Howden volunteered to be the community contact with the Neighborhood
Watch for Fairfax County.
Absentee Owners/New Comers: A motion was made by Nancy Duff that Candace Baker be the chairperson
of the “Welcoming Committee” and that she would draft a “welcome package” to present to new
homeowners in the next 90 days. After discussion among the Board, this motion was unanimously carried.
Social Committee: A motion was made by Michael Epley and seconded to form a social committee. After
discussion by the Board, the motion carried. Nancy Duff was appointed Chairman. Members of this
committee include Katherine Epley, Helen Fortner, Ernie, and Richard Pitre. The first social event will be
the 30th Anniversary Picnic to be held in July. A tentative date was set for Saturday, July 16, 2005.
It was announced by Jo Ann Andren that the Board be given 90 days to decide if and where committees
would be needed.
Members who were present discussed some of their concerns and suggestions on how to improve
community relations. It was suggested that we include the Members Open Forum at the beginning of the
meeting rather than at the end, so they do not have to sit through all association business. There was also
concern and discussion regarding the division among the community and the Board; homeowner problems;
and parliamentary procedures for implementing the increase in the annual assessment.
The Board has been put on notice by the following homeowners addressing certain problems with their
property. Copies of said letters are attached to the Minutes:
William Saint
3179 Colchester Brook Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: two (2) drainage problems located in the common area adjacent
to his residence.
Steve & Danette Gauerke
3161 Colchester Brook Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: No Parking Zone Request. It was decided that Dave Sobel and
Michael Epley would speak to the individuals involved and if the
problem is not solved by the next Board meeting, the Board will
take this matter to a vote as to whether to designate that area as a
“no parking” zone.
Bogdan Glinkowski
3164 Readsborough Ct.
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Drainage problems.
Eugenie Mielczarek
3181 Readsborough Ct.
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Dangerous erosion on common property slope between 3177 and
3181 Readsborough Court.
Last minute motions:
Finance Committee . . . A motion was made by Sia Ansari and seconded to form a Finance Committee.
After discussion by the Board, the motion was defeated 7-1, with Sia Ansari voting in favor of the finance
Survey . . . A motion was made by Dave Sobel for Ginny to send a survey to the community to get their
input and feedback regarding the special assessment and what members would like to see in the community.
After discussion by the Board, the motion was carried.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
The Board went into executive session to discuss confidential matters and board communications.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: June 16, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home
of Jo Ann Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia on June 16, 2005. The meeting
convened at 7:35 p.m., with President Jo Ann Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary, took the
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Michael Epley
Ginny Howden
Robert Parker
Candace Baker
Nancy Duff
Diane Coleman
David Sobel and Sia Ansari were not present.
Members in attendance: Ross Bankson
Theodore Hassan
David Duff
John Coony
Lance Howden
Helen Fortner
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of May 19, 2005, were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s Report read.
The following were concerns/issues brought up by members in attendance:
1. Mr. Hassan was having difficulty finding a replacement globe for the light fixture outside of his home.
Diane Coleman has volunteered to look into this and the Architectural Control Committee will make a
recommendation for a replacement globe within 30 days if the actual globe cannot be found.
2. A letter was submitted by Michael Epley on behalf of CJ Rushin-Bell regarding her problems with
Koger Management. A copy of said letter is attached to the minutes as part of the record.
3. Helen Fortner also had a complaint about Koger Management. Apparently, her check for payment of
her assessment was returned to her. She also suggested that member(s) of the Board be the signatory on
checks, rather than Koger.
4. Helen Fortner read a letter sent by Marlin Schrock which is attached to the minutes as part of the
permanent record.
President’s Report:
President Jo Ann Andren reported that she is in the process of confirming the insurance coverage of the
Association, that the monuments are covered under our current policy, and that we are carrying the
appropriate level of coverage.
A check in the amount of $11,282.59 was given to Bob Parker by Jo Ann which represents funds in the PNC
Bank account (copy attached) which as been closed out. Bob is to deposit these funds in an account where
he feels appropriate.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President, as Dave Sobel was not in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker presented a thorough analysis of the budget for fiscal year 2005-2006 (copy attached) correcting
the previous budget submitted by Koger. After discussion by the Board, Michael Epley made a motion to
approve the budget for fiscal year 2005-2006 submitted by Bob. The motion was unanimously carried.
Bob also gave a report as to the operating and capital budget comparisons of 2004 and 2005, as well as a
multi-year set of operating and capital forecasts and projections up until 2009. These reports were used for
discussion purposes only to assist in the allocation of funds and setting timelines for priority projects. These
reports are attached.
Bob also submitted four (4) proposals from accounting firms to prepare audits and tax returns. After
discussion among the Board, Bob made a motion to engage the services of Ahlberg & Company
immediately to initiate audits for our three (3) most recent fiscal years, and to prepare all outstanding tax
returns. The motion was unanimously carried.
Social Committee: A motion was made by Nancy Duff to approve the members of the Social Committee,
i.,e., Helen Fortner, Ernie Kaiser, Robbin Sorrensen, Richard Pitre, Nikki Coletta, Cathy Hall and Lance
Howden, with Nancy Duff as Chairperson. The motion was unanimously carried.
The report of the Social Committee was read and submitted to the Board, and is attached as part of the
A motion was made by Nancy Duff, Chairperson of the Committee, requesting that the Association sponsor
and support the Chesterfield Mews 30th Birthday Celebration, to take place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 17,
2005; that the BOD agrees to provide a maximum of $350.00 to defray the costs for this event. After
discussion among the Board, the motion was defeated, with Bob, Michael and Nancy voting in favor of this
motion; JoAnn, Ginny, Candace and Diane opposed. Motion was defeated.
Bob then made a motion for the Board to provide operating funds for the committee up to $350.00, to be
made up by homeowner contributions. After discussion among the Board, the motion was carried, with
Nancy opposed; Candace abstained.
It was also noted by Ginny that all committee meetings must be given the same notice to homeowners as
board meetings. Due to the short notice of the Social Committee Meeting scheduled for Friday, June 17,
2005, Lance and Ginny will post a sign at the circle and on the website notifying homeowners of the meeting
at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, June 17, 2005, at 3173 Eakin Park Court.
Grounds and Maintenance: JoAnn had talked to Valley Crest regarding the mulching and carving of beds,
and it after discussion among the Board, it was decided that Valley Crest would continue to mulch the areas
as soon as possible as specified in the current contract which was voted on at the previous meeting.
Architectural Control Committee: A motion was made to appoint Diane Coleman and Dennis O’Connor to
the Architectural Review Committee. The motion was unanimously carried.
A paper ballot vote was taken to decide the third person on the Architectural Control Committee. The
results of the vote taken was 3 votes for Dave Sobel, 2 votes for Michael Espley. Dave Sobel will be the
third member of the committee.
President Jo Ann Andren appointed Diane Coleman as Chairperson.
Survey: Ginny gave a report as to the status of the survey sent out to the community on June 12, 2005. She
has requested that all surveys be returned to her by June 25, 2005. She will present the results at the next
board meeting on July 21.
Neighborhood Watch: Ginny reported that before the last Board meeting she had called the police because
of an individual in the community who was drunk in public before noon, and was cause for concern.
Nothing came of this, and he has not been seen since.
She also noted that the Summer Safety Fair is being held on Saturday, June 18, 2005.
Welcoming Committee: Candace presented an outline of her proposed “welcome package” to new members
of the community. Members of the Board are to submit all comments/suggestions to Candace no later than
July 1, 2005. She will present a draft of this package at the next Board meeting. She also suggested that we
allocate a budget item for the cost of this package; however, it was decided that an amount already in the
budget would cover these costs.
Communications Committee: A motion was made by Michael Epley to adopt the following Resolution:
It is resolved that the Board of Directors (the Board) for the Chesterfield Mews Community Association
(CMCA) is charged with, and carries the duty to provide certain notices and information to the membership,
as well as provide a free, effective means for members to communicate amongst themselves and with the
Board. Consequently, upon adoption of this resolution, the Board shall create and empower a standing
Communications Committee. This committee shall be charged with the following powers:
1. To publish and distribute to all members of the CMCA a newsletter describing any and all issues of
importance to the association and the community; AND
2. To publish and maintain a website describing any and all issues of importance to the association, and
providing other item for the convenience of the membership AND
3. To create and maintain a free, effective means approved by the Board of Directors of the CMCA to
communicate with each other; AND
To publish notices of all Board and committee meetings through all mediums is maintained; AND
To update all publications it maintains at least monthly; AND
6. To prepare welcome packages for new members of the CMCA and new members of the Board of
Directors; AND
7. To ensure the adequacy of Seller’s Disclosure Packages, as under the Virginia Property Owner’s Act;
To report regularly to the Board of Directors the status of its activities, and of any missed publications.
Provided, that all such powers are implemented in accordance with any rules or regulations which are duly
adopted by the Board of Directors of the CMCA.
After discussion among the Board, the motion was unanimously carried.
A motion was made that the following individuals be members of the Communications Committee: Ross
Bankson, Michael Epley, Ginny Howden and Candace Baker. The motion was unanimously carried.
President Jo Ann Andren appointed Candace Baker as the Chairperson.
Crack Fill and Sealing: Michael reported to the Board that he had no additional bids at this time. Four
separate contractors have recently walked the property but have not yet submitted bids. He expects to have
these bids at the next Board meeting, but does not expect any of these bids to be over budget. Dominion
Paving has confirmed that their February proposal is still in effect for the next 30 days.
Michael is to follow up with Dominion Paving for an accurate count of parking spaces; obtain a proposal for
concrete repairs and curb painting.
Parking Problems: It was decided that parking issues will be directed to Diane Coleman and Michael
Epley. Michael will follow up with Dave and Mr. & Mrs. Gauerke regarding their parking problem
previously communicated to the Board.
The Board has received letters from the following homeowners addressing certain problems with their
property. Copies of said letters are attached to the Minutes, with a summary of each below:
1. Nancy Duff on behalf of Mr. Ganapathi (3140 Eakin Park Ct.) and Mr. Pitre (3138 Eakin Park Ct.)
regarding the three dead trees in front of and on the side of Mr. Ganapathi’s property.
Sharon Irving
3181 Colchester Brook Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: two drainage problems (1) behind the fence of 3181 Colchester;
(2) walkway from 3181 – 3179 Colchester.
3. Bruce Pincus
3155 Colchester Brook Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
1) Drainage problem behind house/erosion of hill;
2) Dead tree on Guysborough behind his property;
3) Parking problem – 2 commercial vehicles parked on Colchester.
President Jo Ann Andren will respond in writing to these homeowners.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: July 21, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home
of Jo Ann Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia on July 21, 2005. The meeting
convened at 7:45 p.m., with President Jo Ann Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary, took the
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Michael Epley
Ginny Howden
Robert Parker
Dave Sobel
Sia Ansari
Nancy Duff
Candace Baker and Diane Coleman were not present.
Members in attendance: Helen Fortner
Richard Pitre
Robbin Sorensen
Pete Westphal
Mary McGarvey
Approval of Minutes: Since the minutes of the meeting of June 16, 2005, were previously sent to the
BOD, the reading of the minutes was waived and approved.
Richard Pitre inquired as to the meetings of the Communications Committee, and suggested that the
Committee meet the same time every month so other members of the community could easily attend. He
was advised that all committee meetings are to be posted with 3-day notice and it would also be posted on
the website.
Mr. Pitre also inquired as to the disclaimer at the bottom of the Newsletter. Michael Epley explained their
reasoning behind the disclaimer.
There was no further discussion from members of the community.
Grounds and Maintenance: Since Michael Epley had to leave the meeting early, he requested that we
address the issue of the dead trees. JoAnn provided a spreadsheet of the 5 bids which included three
different levels of work.
After discussion and debate, a motion was made by Dave Sobel that the BOD authorize JoAnn Andren to
accept the most reasonable bid from Valley Crest to remove the dead trees and the high risk trees in the
community. Ginny Howden seconded the motion.
Michael amended the motion to have the work done within thirty (30) days.
After further discussion among the BOD, the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari abstaining.
JoAnn Andren would contact Valley Crest to begin the work as soon as possible.
Crack Fill and Seal: Michael Epley highly recommended Dominion Paving to do the work. Dave Sobel
made a motion for Dominion Paving to perform the work based on their previous proposal, not to exceed the
cost of $26,000. This would include the painting and the correct number of parking spaces, to be done this
year before the first frost. Ginny Howden seconded the motion. After further discussion among the Board,
the motion was carried, with Sia Ansari abstaining.
Koger Management: It was suggested by Dave Sobel that we send a letter to Koger in 90 days and request a
formal bid for a contract for services for 2006. Nancy Duff will draft the letter for approval.
Bank Accounts: Sia Ansari made a motion to move the bank accounts in the Arizona Bank in state with a
bank with a local presence.
After discussion among the BOD, it was decided that no action would be taken at this time while the
Association was being audited. Sia Ansari withdrew his motion.
However, a motion was made by Bob Parker for the treasurer to assess the banking relationship and change
banks as necessary by year end. Sia Ansari seconded the motion. After discussion among the Board the
motion was carried, with Dave Sobel abstaining.
August Board Meeting: Due to Board members being away in August, the August 18, 2005, regular Board
Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 25, 2005, commencing at 7:30 p.m. at 3160 Readsborough Drive,
Fairfax, Virginia.
President’s Report:
JoAnn Andren presented a letter from Potomac Disposal Services (PDS) dated 5/27/05 informing the
Association of a price increase of $1,200/year. No action was taken on this issue.
JoAnn Andren also brought up the issue of liability insurance as our policy is up for renewal this month.
A Motion was made by Dave Sobel to renew the liability insurance policy with Hutton & Payne Insurance
LLC. The motion was unanimously carried.
A second Motion was made by Dave Sobel to add an additional rider to this policy to include coverage for
the signage at the front of the community entrance for an additional cost of $175.00 per year. The motion
was unanimously carried.
A third Motion was made by Dave to accept the additional rider for coverage for terrorism. After discussion
among the BOD, the motion was defeated unanimously.
JoAnn would follow through with Hutton & Payne Insurance for the renewal and additional rider for the
community signs.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker submitted his Treasurer’s Report, which is attached.
Bob also submitted a Motion regarding delinquent accounts. After discussion among the BOD, it was
decided that Bob would write a policy for delinquent accounts, in particular, those individuals who are
hardship cases. The Motion was withdrawn until this policy was finalized.
Dave Sobel made a motion that any dues over 120 days past due, that we should proceed with the collection
process and turn it over to Ken Chadwick, our attorney. The motion was unanimously carried
Social Committee: The report of the Social Committee was read and submitted to the BOD, and is
attached as part of the record.
A motion was made by Nancy Duff, to make the Social Committee a standing committee. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Architectural Control Committee: Jo Ann Andren appointed JoAnn Coleman to the Architectural Control
Committee, in the place of Diane Coleman, with Dave Sobel serving as Chairman.
Survey: Ginny Howden gave the results of the survey sent out to the community on June 12, 2005. 51
people responded.
Neighborhood Watch: It was announced that the annual Neighborhood Watch Day set by Fairfax County
is scheduled for August 2, 2005. A flyer will be sent out to the community announcing the day.
Welcoming Committee: There was no report of the Welcoming Committee, as Candace Baker was not
Communications Committee: There was no report of the Communications Committee.
The Board has received letters from the following homeowners addressing certain problems with their
property. Copies of said letters are attached to the Minutes, with a summary of each below:
Shoma Boudreau
6516 Anna Maria Ct.
McLean, VA 22101
Problem: Dissatisfaction of Services provided by Koger Management and the CMHA. Poorly kept
grounds, removal of dead trees.
Shyah D. Kani
3131 Guysborough Drive
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Question about a tree being on community property or his property
which is encroaching on his house. Plat attached.
Ryan W. Myers
3163 Eakin Park Court
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Pine tree along Guysborough Ct. potentially falling.
Tracy Thompson
3170 Colchester Brook Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
Community property behind backyard has drainage problems, swampy area.
Reseeding of grass behind her house.
President Jo Ann Andren will respond in writing to these homeowners.
JoAnn Andren has also received many phone calls in the last week from homeowners complaining of noise
disturbances. The only thing the BOD can do is to refer them to call the Police. This will be announced in
the newsletter. No other action was taken.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: August 25, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home
of JoAnn Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, on August 25, 2005 (rescheduled
from August 18, 2005). The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m., with President JoAnn Andren presiding, and
Nancy Duff, secretary, took the minutes.
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Ginny Howden
Robert Parker
Dave Sobel
Sia Ansari
Candace Baker
Nancy Duff
Michael Epley was not present.
Members in attendance: Helen Fortner
Ross Bankson
Mary McGarvey
Milly Suchocki
Nic Baker
Approval of Minutes: Since the minutes of the meeting of July 21, 2005, were previously sent to the
BOD, the reading of the minutes was waived and approved as corrected.
Chris Brigham of Dittmar Company attended the meeting to discuss the future development of Cravens
Nursery. Dittmar is a developer and management company and is the contract purchaser of Cravens
Nursery. Dittmar intends to develop the Cravens property and to build 14 single family homes or
townhouses. They are in the process of conducting feasibility studies, and Mr. Brigham was there to discuss
Dittmar’s plans with the hope of getting the approval of our community to move forward on this project.
It was decided that CMCA will hold a special meeting in mid-September with Mr. Brigham present to
explain the future development of this property and answer questions and concerns of homeowners. The
date and time will be announced once we have confirmed the school calendar and holidays. Nancy Duff will
contact the area schools on Friday.
President’s Report:
There was no report of the President.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker reported that the audits were underway.
Bob Parker made the following motion: I move that the Board of Directors adopt a resolution for the
Association to follow a practice of pursuing delinquent member accounts according to the following actions:
1. Bill all delinquent accounts on a monthly basis for outstanding dues and any
late fees.
2. 30-days Past Due: Assess a $25.00 late payment fee to the account.
3. 120-days Past Due: Forward the account for action by the Association’s attorney. As per our current
attorney retainer engagement letter, concurrent with turn-over to our attorney, a delinquency letter will
accompany the 120-day notice and include a $105.00 attorney charge.
4. 150-days Past Due and thereafter: Follow attorney recommendations regarding any lien to be placed on
the member’s property.
5. Any hardship request by a member should be made to either: (a) the Association’s management firm
(currently Koger Management), or (b) directly to the CMCA President or Treasurer.
Hardship requests made through the current CMCA management company will be reviewed without
attribution to the requesting member. All hardship requests will be reviewed and approved by three Board
Members to include the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. In order to complete a hardship request
approval in a timely manner, the President may identify alternative Board members to complete the review
should the CMCA Secretary and/or Treasurer be unavailable. Approval or denial of hardship requests will
be completed within 30 days of receipt of the request.
These actions should be effective immediately.
Accounts currently delinquent more than 120 days will be given notice with the next invoice that the account
will be turned over to the attorney for action.
After discussion among the Board, the Motion was unanimously carried.
Communications Committee: Candace Baker reported that letters would be sent to absentee owners.
It was also agreed that the goal of the Committee is to publish the Newsletter within two (2) weeks of the
Board Meeting. Candace also reported that the “Welcome Package” is still being developed.
Social Committee: Nancy Duff reported that the Social Committee would be meeting in the next two
weeks, and that they would like to plan an event for Halloween. Dave Sobel offered to make his projector
available for an “outdoor movie night.” This event will be discussed at the next Social Committee Meeting.
Grounds and Maintenance: Jo Ann Andren made a motion which would give her the authority to spend up
to $500.00 for emergency situations on grounds and maintenance. Sia Ansari amended the motion setting a
cap of $300. Upon motion being duly made, discussed and amended, it was decided that JoAnn Andren will
have the authority to spend up to $300.00 for emergency situations on grounds and maintenance. Any costs
between $300-$500, must be approved by the Treasurer or Vice President. The motion was unanimously
JoAnn Andren also reported that the dead trees and high risk trees had been removed; however, the stumps
were scheduled to be removed Monday, August 29, 2005.
JoAnn also reported the following matters:
2 large limbs had fallen off live, healthy trees before even removing the dead trees;
A request was made to Valley Crest to submit an extended maintenance/arbor care proposal;
Steve, with Valley Crest, is awesome-takes great pride in his work in the community-drives through to check
on things;
Spouting water on Upper Eakin – Sat, a.m. (sump pump?)
Complaints were made by: Bruce Pincus – wanted limb removed; Bruce Pincus also wanted to know what
would be planted in place of dead tree removed or would mulch be resculpted? Dave Steares was concerned
that Valley Crest injured his fence, however, the neighbor confessed.
Architectural Control Committee: JoAnn Andren submitted to Dave Sobel, Chairman, the following list of
Architectural Control issues:
1. Need replacement full view storm door options – in dark brown – follow up with Sheri on Colchester
Brook; JoAnn may be able to help by checking with my window/door replacement guy;
Need an answer on replacement bulb for rear deck light fixture – follow up with Teddy Hassan;
Call this week re: violation of deck being built by Bruce Lui – too narrow, not preapproved;
Need paint chip colors
Inspections to take place now: exterior Paint
doors – Type and color
rake Board – best done by roofers
fogged windows
fences and gates
courtyard and steps
A letter was submitted by Sia Ansari on behalf of his neighbors, Ross Bankson, Nikki Coletta and Bruce
Lui, requesting the approval to replace the walkway located in front of their respective townhouses. He was
advised to submit a diagram from the contractor, Jack Stone, to the Architectural Control Committee
reflecting the design, stone and color specifications before it could be approved.
Neighborhood Watch: There was no report submitted for Neighborhood Watch.
Vehicle Violations: JoAnn Andren reported the following vehicle violations:
Michael Epley’s car
Other gold car on Upper Eakin-Brighton b sale houses
Xerox marked van-Delbourne Ct.
Car Service “L” plate on lower Eakin
Ryan’s truck with sign posts?
A vehicle violations policy was discussed and a recommendation was made that we have a written policy
regarding this issue; however, no action was taken at this time. Sia was asked to consider taking charge of
this function.
Crack Fill and Seal: JoAnn Andren spoke to, Mike. an employee from Dominion Paving and was told that
he was not aware that Dominion had been contracted to do the asphalt repair. Due to the urgency of
completing this project before the first frost, Candace Baker moved to give the coordination of this task to
John Cooney based on information supplied by Dave Sobel that John Cooney was willing and that Michael
Epley was willing to step down.. The motion was seconded by Ginny Howden. After discussion among the
Board, the motion was unanimously carried.
Since Michael Epley was out of town, JoAnn would contact John to begin the logistics of this project and to
get on Dominion’s schedule as soon as possible.
The Board received a letter from the following homeowner addressing a problem with his property. A copy
of said letter is attached to the Minutes, with a summary below:
Nic Baker
3133 Readsborough Court
Fairfax, VA 22030
Problem: Drainage problem on common property adjacent to his property. Requested an inspection by
the BOD and Valley Crest to determine how the problem can be solved.
A letter from Diane Coleman, dated August 1, 2005, was submitted noting her resignation as a member of
the Board. This vacancy will be announced in the next newsletter.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously
carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: September 15, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the
home of JoAnn Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, on September 15, 2005.
The meeting convened at 7:43 p.m., with President JoAnn Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary,
took the minutes.
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Ginny Howden
Robert Parker
Sia Ansari
Michael Epley
Candace Baker
Nancy Duff
Dave Sobel was not present
Members in attendance: Helen Fortner
Ross Bankson
Cathy Hall
Approval of Minutes: Since the minutes of the meeting of August 25, 2005, were previously sent to
the BOD, the reading of the minutes was waived and approved as submitted.
Members present did not have issues to discuss.
President’s Report:
There was no report of the President.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker filed the following Report:
Financial Summary:
Our (fiscal) year-to-date variance at net income through August 31st reads as $23,384. This doesn’t
reflect the planned $11,395 reserve contribution. The remaining variance is about $11,900 better than
budget. That consists of:
$8600 better due to timing of the audit expense and other items
$2500 worse in legal expense
$1700 better for the grounds contract
$650 better for the management contract
$500 better for late fees and tennis income we don’t forecast
Overall, we’re not in bad shape but legal fees aren’t getting better.
Association Audit
Ahlberg & Company requested records from Koger and has been awaiting notice of those pulled from
The Board then discussed our concern over why our legal expenses were increasing. Apparently,
telephone calls are covered under the retainer, but any work performed after the telephone call is billed.
We were all alerted to be very careful when consulting with the attorney and to be sure that we will not be
charged for more than the phone call.
Communications Committee: Candace Baker reported that the next meeting of the Communications
Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. A draft of the “Welcoming
Package” will be presented at the meeting.
Social Committee: Nancy Duff reported that the Social Committee had met on September 8, 2005, and
planned a Halloween party, scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 2005, from 6-8:00 p.m. Dave Sobel has
agreed to provide his projector for “scary movie night.” There will be a costume contest for both children
and adults with prizes for each. We will also have games and a pumpkin carving/painting contest.
Refreshments will be provided by the Committee.
Nancy also discussed the possibility of having a “Clean-Up Day” in the community as many homeowners
requested one. The Social Committee volunteered to set up the logistics. The scheduled date is Saturday,
November 5, 2005, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This “clean-up” project will concentrate on the courtyard
areas, rather than the common area. Any homeowners who need assistance will be asked to call a
designated person (to be announced) and volunteers will assist.
JoAnn will check with Valley Crest to see if they will donate a dumpster for the day as they had
previously offered. Michael will donate trash bags.
Grounds and Maintenance: There was no report submitted for Grounds and Maintenance. However, Jo
Ann hopes to get other bids by the next Board meeting in October.
Architectural Control Committee: Dave Sobel was not present at the meeting, however, it was
announced that the Architectural Control Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, September 19,
2005, at 7:30 p.m. at Dave’s house at 3171 Colchester Brook.
Neighborhood Watch: Ginny Howden reported that she received a call from Frank Kelly who reported
to her that he had his gas tank siphoned. Anyone who hears anything like that from other neighbors
should report it to Ginny.
Also, Ginny recently attended the Neighborhood Watch meeting for the county at the Police Station
recently. She was also introduced to the Citizen’s Advisory Counsel who has a contact in each district. In
any situation that is to be reported should be reported through Ginny first, and she will contact the contact
person at the Citizen’s Advisory Board.
Motions: Nancy presented 3 motions to the Board:
Nancy moved that the BOD adopt a resolution to use the current edition of Robert’s Rules of
Order, Newly Revised, as a guideline to govern the conduct of the meetings of the Board of Directors
when not in conflict with the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act or the Association documents.
After discussion and debate among the Board, the Motion was tabled.
Nancy moved that the BOD adopt a resolution requiring that any member seeking a position on the
BOD, or any committee, must be a “member in good standing,” which is defined as a member who is
current with all Association assessments and who is in compliance with all requirements and obligations
with the Association documents.
After discussion among the Board, the Motion was amended as follows:
Nancy moved that the BOD recommend that any member seeking a position on the BOD or any
committee, must be a “member in good standing” which is defined as a member who is current with all
Association assessments and who is in compliance with all requirements and obligations with the
Association documents.
The Motion was unanimously carried.
The third Motion was withdrawn.
Board Appointment: The following individuals submitted their names with a brief bio for consideration
of filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Diane Coleman:
Helen Fortner
Roberta Sorensen
Marlin Schrock
Catherine Hall
Ross Bankson
The vote was taken by written ballot and Ross Bankson won. He will fill the vacancy of Diane Coleman,
effective immediately, whose term ends at the end of this fiscal year, April 30, 2006.
Crack Fill and Seal: JoAnn and Ginny met with Mike of Dominion Paving who advised them that we
missed the “window” to have the crack-fill and seal done before the first frost. Apparently, the best time
to perform this work is between Memorial Day to mid-September. However, he did suggest to fill the
worst cracks now before the cold season. He said he would honor his prices to complete the crack-fill/seal
in the spring.
Mike of Dominion also walked the grounds with Ginny discussing the “high risk” sidewalk areas. We
were given a proposal for concrete work on the sidewalks, curb and gutter for a total cost of $8,763.00.
After discussion and debate, Bob made a motion for Ginny to follow up with Mike of Dominion and if
doing the sidewalk is time sensitive due to weather/cold, he should go ahead and do the high-risk repair
totaling $8,763. If timing is not an issue, then she should wait until the next meeting to bring it to a vote.
After discussion, Bob withdrew his Motion.
Michael Epley moved to do the repair work for the high risk areas at the cost of $8,763. After further
discussion among the Board, Michael, JoAnn and Ginny voted in favor; Sia opposed; and Nancy, Bob and
Candace abstained. Motion defeated.
After further discussion and clarification among the Board on the same issue, Michael moved to do the
repair work for the high risk areas at a cost of $8763. Michael, Ginny, Candace, JoAnn and Nancy voted
in favor; Sia opposed; and Bob abstained. Motion carried.
Koger Management . . . Nancy presented a draft letter to Koger Management requesting that they
provide a proposal for a “full-service” contract. JoAnn will be sending it to Koger in the next few days.
Two other bids will be solicited, and the company doing our audit offered to make recommendations.
The Board received 2 letters from the following homeowners: A copy of each letter is attached to the
Minutes, with a summary below:
Jean Mielczarek
3181 Readsborough Court
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Undermined evergreen trees on eroded slope between 8181 and 3179 (The Whitakers)
Nancy Minter
3137 Eakin Park Ct.
Fairfax, VA 22031
Problem: Nancy commented on the meeting with Dittmar Company and the development of Craven’s
Nursery property.
Speaking of Dittmar, JoAnn mentioned that she thought Nic Baker would be a good candidate to act as a
liaison among the community, the county and Dittmar to keep us advised as to the development of this
property. Milly and other homeowners, who would be directly impacted by this development, were also
mentioned, in hopes of getting as many homeowners involved in the process. Candace said she would
talk to Nic.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously
carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: October 20, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home of JoAnn
Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, on October 20, 2005. The meeting convened at 7:35
p.m., with President JoAnn Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary, took the minutes.
Board Members in Attendance: JoAnn Andren
Dave Sobel
Ginny Howden
Michael Epley
Candace Baker
Ross Bankson
Nancy Duff
Bob Parker and Sia Ansari were not present.
Members in attendance: Helen Fortner
Marlin Schrock
Cathy Hall
Mary McGarvey
Approval of Minutes: Since the minutes of the meeting of September 15, 2005, were previously sent to the BOD, the
reading of the minutes was waived and approved as submitted.
Marlin Schrock inquired as to the piles of leaves that were gathered in the streets by Valley Crest. JoAnn Andren
confirmed that they would be removed in the next day or so.
An email was submitted to JoAnn Andren from Anne Patchell wherein she resent her email of March 9, 2005, addressing
her problem with the location and replacement of her mailbox on Eakin Park Ct. Ross Bankson will speak to Anne and
research with the Post Office if this could be done. No action was taken at this time.
JoAnn Andren also submitted her own letter addressing a safe place for teenagers to play basketball or throw a football,
and requesting that the circle at the top of Readsborough (where the basketball standard is located) by designating a “no
parking” zone. Marlin Schrock volunteered to work with JoAnn to research other options, one of which is to use the
tennis courts for multiple use. No action was taken at this time.
President’s Report:
There was no report of the President.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker submitted the following Report:
Financial Summary:
Our (fiscal) Year-to-Date variance at net income through September 30th changed little from the prior month in real terms.
Our insurance payment was made though not in the year-to-date budget but within our full year plan. Though legal fees
remain over budget (only our retainer is in the budget) the good news is for another full month, the snow removal item
remains strongly better than our year-to-date budget.
You may have noted on our balance sheet that our “excess” cash now shows as being invested in a CD. Note that it is a
CD in name only; the account allows for ample additions and subtractions throughout the one year term. The highly
flexible nature of the CD reflects the extra effort the Community Association Bank makes towards meeting the needs of
the associations. It earns a yield of 4.00%. You may also have noted that balances still appear in the former Riggs
accounts. These balances will be resolved with progress in the audit process.
Association Audit:
Koger remains the cog in the gears of progress for us. Ahlberg & Company requested prior year records from Koger in
July and continues to await notice of those being pulled from storage. We are assembling a short list (3 to 4) of new
management firms to solicit for bids, review their background and references and prepare for transition at the end of
Koger’s contract.
Communications Committee: Candace Baker, Chairman, submitted a proposed Welcome Package. The Board is to
review this package and give feedback to Candace as soon as possible. The next meeting of the Communications
Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Candace Baker.
Social Committee:
Nancy Duff reported that the Social Committee had met on October 6, 2005, (Minutes attached)
to plan the Halloween Party, scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Courtyard Clean-Up Day,
scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. JoAnn was asked if she would check with Valley Crest
regarding use of a dumpster on Clean-Up Day, as well as inquire if it was possible to have two employees of Valley Crest
come to Clean-Up Day from 11:00-1:00 p.m. to assist homeowners in guiding them how to maintain trees and shrubs.
She will check to see if they would “volunteer” or get their hourly rate. She will inform Nancy of her results.
Board members were encouraged to participate in community events. They were notified that they were eligible to
participate in the Holiday Raffle. Only committee members and their spouses are not.
The next meeting of the Social Committee is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. at 3173 Eakin Park
Vehicle Violations: Vehicle Violations will be listed in each newsletter. Options were discussed, but no action was taken
at this time.
Crack-fill and sidewalk repair: The recent crack fill and sidewalk repair has been completed. The cost for this service
totaled $11,147. Sealing will be done in the spring.
Grounds and Maintenance: Jo Ann had just received bids for drainage on the day of the Board meeting. She will
review these bids and distribute them to the Board for discussion at the next Board meeting.
Neighborhood Watch: Ginny reported that there was a theft recently from an unlocked car. There were no other reports
this month.
Architectural Control Committee:
Dave Sobel, Chairman, submitted the following Report of the last two meetings of the
CMCA Architectural Control Board Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2005
In attendance: Dave Sobel, Dennis O’Conner, Joanne Colman, JoAnn Andren
Discussion of storm door/window options for homes. Selected:
Pella, model 4602, Color Brown
Andersen / Home Depot, EMCO HD 75/150 Color : Bronze
Vote to approve these two options passed unanimously.
Discussion of next steps – AC board will create a tip sheet for residents
Dave Sobel will develop response letter to submissions
Discussion of upcoming inspection. Dennis to prepare guidelines for next meeting
Next meeting set for Oct 17, at Joanne Coleman’s home at 7:30pm
CMCA Architectural Control Board Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2005
In attendance: Dave Sobel, Dennis O’Conner, Joanne Colman
Nancy Duff presented plan for renovation of courtyard in their cluster. Approved
Paint colors
Dennis has found all the formulas for the paints
Two door colors have been discontinued, and McCormick has no record of them. Committee voted to retire those two
Committee requests to purchase paints from McCormick in all colors, and requests approval of expeneduture
Inspection Guidelines were reviewed by committee, with open discussion. Dennis
to revise again and
present at next meeting.
Dave to present question to main board – is there a known height requirement for
the steps?
Committee voted unanimously to retire color Chestnut used in one cluster of
homes for trim/rakeboards and
replace with Oxford, making the Oxford Brown the color for all trim/rakeboard in the community.
Committee to ask Candice what is going in the welcome packet, and should
approved paint colors be one?
Committee to ask Communications committee to restate notice that changes must
be approved, to include
form on website.
Next meeting set for Nov 14, at Dennis O’Connor’s home at 7:30pm, 3141
McCormick Paint Colors for Chesterfield Mews Residents
Table 1. Paint Availability
House Colors
Yes, with formula.
Yes, with formula.
Yes, still a current color (#117)
Yes, with formula.
Yes, with formula.
Moss Green
Neutral Gray
Oxford Brown
Chesterfield Brown
Door Colors (and color number for current colors)
Yes, still a current color (#106).
Farm House Red
Yes, still a current color (#217).
Old Colonial Red
Yes, still a current color (#225).
Harness Shop Tan
No, there’s no record of this color at McCormick Paint.
Persian Plum
Yes, still a current color (#480).
York Beige
No, there’s no record of this color at McCormick Paint.
ouse Colors
Moss Green
Neutral Gray
Oxford Brown
Chesterfield Brown
64 126
Standard color (#117)
GAL 504
401 744 80
-67 114
oor Colors
Farm House Red
Old Colonial Red
Harness Shop Tan (104)
Persian Plum
York Beige (484)
Standard color (#106)
Standard color (#217)
Standard color (#225)
Not available
Standard color (#480)
Not available
* Formula is not needed for standard colors.
Paints are available at:
McCormick Paint
8501 Tyco Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 734-0770
Use McCormick State House Exterior Flat Acrylic House Paint (19 series) or State House Exterior Lustre Acrylic Latex
House Paint (27 series)
For “still a current color”, paint chips are shown in the brochure “McCormick Paints: Exterior Colour Collection”.
For “formula” colors, no chip is available, except at the McCormick store in the Chesterfield Mews file.
This information is current as of 9/28/05.
Dave Sobel made a motion to allow him to purchase wood and McCormick paint to make “paint chips” for use by the
ACC. After discussion among the Board, the motion was unanimously carried.
Michael Epley will provide to Dave Sobel a copy of the Uniform Building Code so that Dave can check on the step height
for courtyards.
Newsletter Topics: It was requested that the Newsletter restate that “notice of changes must be approved by the ACC.”
It was also requested that the list of Board members be changed to better facilitate calls from homeowners regarding
certain problems.
Koger Management . . . Nancy presented a draft letter to Koger Management at the September Board Meeting requesting
that they provide a proposal for a “full-service” contract. This letter was not sent out as of the October meeting. It was
decided that JoAnn would contact Jeff Koger immediately. JoAnn is also in the process of getting names of other
management companies so that we can receive other bids for 2006. Our contract with Koger expires on 12/31/05.
Snow Czar: It was recommended to JoAnn by our insurance company that CMCA provide snow removal for the
sidewalks. There was also discussion that Bob Dufrane would be interested in being the “snow czar.” After discussion
among the Board on this issue, it was decided that JoAnn would call Bob to discuss this issue with him. No further action
was taken at this time.
Tennis Court: There was discussion among the Board that we would get a proposal for resurfacing the tennis court and
also a proposal as an all-purpose court and to explore making a permanent basketball court at the tennis court. No action
was taken.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Date of Approval
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: December 15, 2005
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home of
JoAnn Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, on December 15, 2005. The meeting
convened at 7:35 p.m., with President JoAnn Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary, took the minutes.
Board Members in Attendance:
JoAnn Andren
Dave Sobel
Ginny Howden
Candace Baker
Ross Bankson
Bob Parker
Nancy Duff
Michael Epley and Sia Ansari were not present.
Members in attendance:
Approval of Minutes:
approved as corrected.
Nic Baker
David Duff
Helen Fortner
Wayne Heill
Mary McGarvey
Minutes of the meeting of October 20, 2005, and November 17, 2005, were both
There were no issues discussed by homeowners during the open forum.
President’s Report:
There was no report of the President.
Vice-President’s Report:
There was no report of the Vice President.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Parker advised the BOD that the audit was progressing, and that Koger has now provided everything
needed to complete the audit by Ahlberg & Company.
Communications Committee: Candace Baker, Chairman, reported that the Welcome Package has not yet been
finalized. She is still waiting for feedback from members of the BOD. The next meeting for the
Communications Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 7:30 p.m., at the home of Ross
Social Committee: Nancy Duff reported that there are no plans for the immediate future for the social
committee; however, the next event should take place in the spring.
Neighborhood Watch: Ginny Howden reported that there were no incidents to report.
Architectural Control Committee: Dave Sobel reported that Koger Management will be performing home
inspections in December, 2005. Jo Ann reported that she had received a call this week from Janet Castrovinci
at Koger saying that they do not do full property inspections in the winter months, only those for properties
being placed on the market. Jo Ann said that perhaps a full winter inspection can be negotiated with Bob or Jeff
Koger if the weather is mild.
There was discussion among the BOD that the Architectural Control Committee should be “looped in” with
Koger when property sells. It was decided that Dave Sobel and JoAnn Andren would address this issue with
Snow Czar: Bob Dufrane is the new snow czar, with Joe Heron as backup. The snow removal contract has
been amended to read that all snow removal will be on an “on call” basis.
Tennis Court: There was no update as to the tennis court.
Drainage Issues: Proposals have been received for the drainage problems in the community. A date will be set
the week after Christmas for members of the BOD to walk the property and to see first-hand these problem
There was discussion among the BOD of a problem with the house on Guysborough that recently turned over
ownership; and the graffiti on the sign at the entrance of the community. Police were called regarding the
graffiti issue. It was emphasized among the BOD, that if there is any illegal act to report in the community, that
it is the owner’s responsibility to call the police. However, they should also report the incident to Ginny or
JoAnn as a report only. It is not the responsibility of the BOD to address illegal matters.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Date of Appro