Membership Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday February 12, 2015 Chamber Upper Conference Room COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Warren Dwight Holman EXCUSED: Sheila Rice Bonnie Mitchell CHAMBER STAFF: Steve Malicott Joann Gogo Allie Stockburger Erling Juel Barb Carbis REVIEW OF MINUTES: * Motion was made and seconded to approve the January 8, 2015 Minutes as distributed UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Focus on the Implementation plan for the Benefits Based Investment Program; 1. The draft brochure was well liked by the Board as it shows what you receive for your investment in the chamber. As far as we know it has never been written down and able to use for recruiting and retaining members. 2. Would like to track annual investments and benefits used, also track changes in dues and benefits. 3. Do not focus on the dollar amount, but a soft sell on benefits and resources. 4. Not a lot of comments from the Board letters to the pilot program investors. This may be a private matter and may contact Steve personally. Sheila Rice from NeighborWorks, and Bill Harp from General Mills have contacted Steve with their preference. 5. Continuing discussion on getting this program implemented as we work along the timeline with Communication Committee. The committee is following Joann’s timeline and it is working well. b. Communication Committee; had their first meeting on February 3rd to get to know each other and what is expected of this group. This is a great group and they are excited about what they can do, and how they will manage change. c. Business card member visit referrals: There has been no response and lessons learned that we need to focus on getting the cards to the right person in the business who can make a decision regarding membership. NEW BUSINESS: a. Went over the membership report. January has been a little slow but Joann has numerous potential members. b. Joann reported on her past due contacts and these numbers have been consistently down since Joann has taken over this task. c. Business of the Year Nominations – due February 15th. Numerous nominations have come in the deadline on the form is February 15th. Sue stated that more are due within the next few days, and the committee will decide through email. Chamber staff will follow-up after the President’s Day Holiday on February 16th before sending to Membership Committee for final review. Standing Agenda: a. The weekly CEO report provides a good update on what is happening with the Chamber and member visits are good b. Legislative update: Business Advocacy Committee will have conference calls with Jan Cahill, the Chambers’ Lobbyist on Fridays at 2:00 pm. c. Speaker’s series for Membership Recruitment/Retention – will be March 19 with Michael Morrison located at the Airport’s Top of the Fall’s banquet room. CORE BUSINESS STRATEGIES: a. Went over upcoming events; the Chamber is having numerous events in the next couple of months. b. Recommendation: Small Business who host BAH are having small turnouts with few to no Board member presence. Sue will take this concern to the Executive Committee. OTHER BUSINESS: a. The next Board of Directors meeting will be February25, 2015. The next Membership Committee meeting is scheduled for March 12th; however, it was felt by the committee that we should not cancel the meeting and instead send out a doodle calendar option to determine another date when Sue can be present. No meeting is scheduled at this time as Sue will not be able to attend on March12th. Was discussed and decided that a meeting is needed due to the implementation of the Benefit Based Investment Plan. A date will be set at a later date and members will be notified. Respectfully submitted for the Committee by, Barb Carbis