Literatura - Ženske studije i istraživanja

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letnji semestar 2007-2008.
Lista obavezne literature:
1. Birke, Lynda (2004): Feminizam, životinje i znanost, Treća, br. 2, Centar za ženske studije,
Zagreb, 127-145.
2. d’ Eaubonne, Francois (2000): Što bi moglo biti ekofeminističko društvo, Treća, br.2,
Centar za ženske studije, Zagreb, 59-62.
3. Geiger, Marija (2006): Kako je okoliš postao feminističko pitanje ili što je zapravo
ekofeminizam? Kruh i ruže, br. 30, Ženska infoteka, Zagreb, 13-22.
4. Holi, Mirela (2007): Povjest ideje, Mitski aspekti ekofeminizma, Novi pokreti, Zagreb, 1544.
5. Holi, Mirela (2007): Društveni aspekti ekofeminizma (podčinjenost i moć), Mitski aspekti
ekofeminizma, Novi pokreti, Zagreb, 242-281.
6. Holi, Mirela (2007): Politički ekofeminizam, Mitski aspekti ekofeminizma, Novi pokreti,
Zagreb, 154-186.
7. Plumwood, Val (2000): Razlika i dubinska ekologija, Treća, br. 2, Centar za ženske studije,
Zagreb, 83-115.
8. Singer, Peter (1998): Sve su životinje jednake..., Oslobađanje životinja, Ibis, Zagreb, 1-18.
9. Singer, Peter (1998): Vladavina čovjeka, Oslobađanje životinja, Ibis, Zagreb, 155-177.
10. Šiva, Vandava (2004): Razvoj, ekologija i žene, Genero, br 4/5, Centar za ženske studije,
Beograd, str.75-83.
11. Warren, J. Karen (2006): Snaga i obećanje ekološkog feminizma, Kruh i ruže, br. 30,
Ženska infoteka, Zagreb, 44-56.
Lista dodatne literature:
1. de Bovoar, Simon (1989) Introduction to The Second Sex, The Second Sex, Vintage, New
2. Gard, Greta (1997): Toward a Queer Ecofeminism, Hipatia, Vol. 12
3. Gard, Greta (2001): Women, Water, Energy: An Ecofeminist Approach, Organization &
Environment, br .14, 157-172
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Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
4. Holi, Mirela: Animalizam u (eko)feminističkom diskursu: od ontološkog veganizma do
ekološkog animalizma
7. Lin, Vendi i Dau, Lora (2001): Queering ecological Feminism, Ethics & the Environment,
br. 6.
8. Mihajlov, Anđelka (2007): Odraz za buducnost – Etika odgovornosti, HesperiaEdu,
9. Mihajlov, Anđelka (2005): Održivi razvoj i životna sredina ka Evropi u 95+ koraka,
Ambasadori životne sredine/PKS, Beograd
10. Milojević, Ivana (2008): Gender Issues, Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st Century
11. Milojević, Ivana (2008): Future Studies Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st Century
12. Milojević, Ivana (2008): Women, Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st Century
13. Milojević, Ivana (2000): Future Studies, Routledge International Encyclopedia of
Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge, pp.894-895
14. Mies, Marija (1986): Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale - Women in the
International Division of Labor, Zed Books, London
15. Prodanović, Sonja (2008): Lokalna Agenda 21: Agenda za plan razvoja lokalne zajednice
- participacija ka održivoj stabilnoj budućnosti
16. Ratković, Karmen (2000): O ekofeminizmu- uvod, Treća, br. 2, Centar za ženske studije
17. Sandilends, Katriona (2002): Lesbian Separatist Communities and the Experience of
nature: Toward a Queer Ecology, Organization & Environment, br. 15, 131-163
18. Sandilends, Katriona (2005): Unnatural Passions: Notes Toward a Queer Ecology,
Invisible Culture, br. 9, 1-31.
19. Stojaković, Gordana (2001) Znamenite žene Novog Sada I, Novi Sad
20. Sen, Amartja (2000): Održive alternative razvoja, CEDIP Lectures, Centro
Documentazione Parchi, Provincia di Firenze.
18. Šiva, Vandana (1999): The Practice of Earth Democracy,
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Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
Ivana Milojević, Australija
Rod i duhovnost
Required Reading (and supplied by lecturer):
1. Milojević, Ivana, “Basics of feminist/feminine pedagogy”, “Spiritual approaches to
teaching and learning” and “Overview of spiritual ecofeminism” handouts, will be
supplied directly to students at the beginning of the course.
2. Milojević, Ivana (2008) Women. Gender Issues. Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st
Century, Berkshire Publishing Group: Great Barrington, MA, USA.
3. Tong, Rosemarie Putnam (1998) Feminist Thought, 2nd edition, Chapter 8
“Ecofeminism”, pp. 246-277, Allen & Unwin: St Leonards, NSW, Australia.
4. Other Suggested Readings (for further research and study in the area):
5. Adams, Carol J. (1992) The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical
Theory, Continuum: New York, USA.
6. Allione, Tsultrim (1984) Women of Wisdom, Arkana, Penguin Group: London, UK.
7. Anderson, Pamela Sue (1998) A Feminist Philosophy of Religion: The Rationality and
Myths of Religious Belief, Blackwell: Oxford, UK.
8. Anderson, Pamela Sue and Clack, Beverley, eds. (2004) Feminist Philosophy of
Religion: Critical Readings, Routledge: London: Routledge
9. Cahill, Susan (1996) Wise Women: Over 2000 Years of Spiritual Writing by Women,
W.W. Norton and Company: New York and London.
10. Caldecott, Leonie and Leland, Stephanie, eds. (1983) Reclaim the Earth: Women
Speak Out for Life on Earth, The Women’s Press: London, UK.
11. Chittister, Joan D. (1998) Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men,
Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing: Michigan, USA.
12. Christ, Carol P. and Plaskow, Judith (1979) Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in
Religion, HarperCollins: New York, USA.
13. Collins, Kate (1996) The Thinking Women’s Guide to God, Sunday Mail Magazine,
April 7, 1996, pp. 3-4.
14. Dresser, Marianne (1996) Buddhist Women on the Edge: Contemporary Perspectives
from the Western Frontier, North Atlantic Books: Berkley, CA, USA.
15. Eisler, Riane (1987) The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future,
16. Publishers: San Francisco, USA.
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Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
17. Feminist Theology journal (2004- ), Sage Publishers,
18. Flinders, Carol Lee (1998) At the Root of This Longing: Reconciling a Spiritual
Hunger and a Feminist Thirst, HarperSanFrancisco: Sand Francisco, USA.
19. Fitzgerald, Jennifer Jayanti & Bussey, Marcus Bussey (2006) Fire in Our Eyes,
Flowers in Our Hearts: Tantric Women Tell Their Stories, Gurukula Press: Maleny,
20. Hogan, Linda and Peterson, Brenda (2004) Face to Face: Women Writers on Faith,
Mysticism, and Awakening, North Point Press: New York: USA.
21. Johnsen, Linda (1994) Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India, Yes
International Publishers: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
22. Kinsley, David (1997) Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas,
University of California Press: Berkley, CA, USA.
23. Larrington, Carolyne, ed. (1992) The Feminist Companion to Mythology, Pandora
Press; London, UK.
24. Masini, Eleonora (1993) “Women as Builders of Alternative Futures”. Report Number
11, Centre for European Studies, Universitat Trier, Germany.
25. Merchant, Carolyn (1995) Earthcare: Women and the Environment, Routledge: New
York, USA.
26. Merchant, Carolyn (1992) Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World,
Routledge: New York, USA.
27. Milojević, Ivana (1998) Learning from Feminist Futures, in Hicks, David & Slaughter,
Richard, eds. 1998 World Yearbook for Education (pp. 83–95). London: Kogan Page.
28. Milojević, Ivana (2001) “Gender, Peace and Terrestrial Futures: Alternatives to
Terrorism and War”.
29. Mullin, Glenn H. (2003) Female Buddhas: Women and Enlightenment in Tibetan
Mystical Art, Clear Light Publishers, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
30. Pinkola Estes, Clarissa (1992) Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of
the Wild Woman Archetype, Rider & Co: London, UK.
31. Seager, Joni (1993) Earth Follies: Coming to Feminist Terms with the Global
Environmental Crisis, Routledge: New York, USA.
32. Sharma, Arvind ed. (1987) Women in World Religions, State University of New York
Press: New York, USA.
33. Shiva, Vandana (1989) Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Zed Books:
London, UK.
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Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
34. Shlain, Leonard (1998) The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, Viking: New York, USA.
35. Walker, Barbara G. (1983) The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets,
HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, USA.
36. Walker, Barbara G. (1985) The Crone: Women of Age, Wisdom, and Power,
HarperSanFrancisco: San Franscisco, USA.
37. Walker, Barbara G. (1988) The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects,
Harper & Row: San Francisco, USA.
38. Walker, Barbara G. (2000) Restoring the Goddess: Equal Rites for Modern Women,
Prometheus Books: New York, USA.
39. Warren, Karen J. ed. (1991) Ecological Feminism, special issue of Hypatia: A Journal
of Feminist Philosophy, Vol. 6, No.1.
40. Warren, Karen (2000) Ecofeminist Philosophy: A Western Perspective on What It Is
and Why It Matters, esp. Chapter 9 “Surviving Patirarchy: Ecofeminist philosophy and
spirituality”. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, USA.
41. Young-Eisendrath, Polly (1999) Women & Desire: Beyond Wanting to be Wanted,
Pitkus: London, UK.
Prodanović Sonja, Beograd:
Kontekst geneze Ekofeminizma
Vandana Shiva & Maria Mies (1993) Ecofeminizam, ZED Books , London
Vandana Shiva (1988): Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Zed Books
Vandana Shiva (1993): Monocultures of the Mind, Zed Books, London
Mies Maria (Claudia von Werlof & Veronika Bernholdt-Thomasen): Women:The Last
Colony, Zed Books, London
Mies Maria (1986): Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale, Zed, London
Rosalie Bertell (1985): No Immediate Danger- Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth,
The Women Press Limited, London
Etienne Balibar(1998): Droit de Cite- Culture et politique en democratie, AUBE,
David Malin Roodman (!998): The Natural Wealth of Nations, Norton/Worldwotch
Books, New York
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Rowbotham Shila (1979): The Trouble with «Patriarchy«, New Stateman
(dec.21- 8,pp 970), London
Pateman Carole (1988): The Sexual Contract, Polity Press, Cambridge UK
Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Sarajevo
Bibliografija radova o ekofeminizmu u Islamu
Abu-Sway, Mustafa. “Toward an Islamic Jurisprudence of the Environment” (Fiqh al-Bi’ah
f’il-Islam). Lecture presented at Belfast mosque, February 1998. Updated 20 June 1999
________. Islam: The Environment and Health. Qualbert, SA: Islamic Medical Association of
South Africa, 1999.
Ackerman, Denise, and Tahira Joyner. “Earth-Healing in South Africa: Challenges to Church
and Mosque.” In Women Healing Earth: Third World Women on Ecology, Feminism, and
Religion, ed. Rosemary Radford Ruether, 121–34. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1996.
Aftab, Tahera. "Text and Practice: Women and Nature in Islam." In Custodians of the Earth?
Women, Spirituality and the Environment. Alaine Low and Soraya Tremayne, eds. Oxford,
UK: Berghahn Books, 2001.
Agwan, A. R. The Environmental Concern of Islam. New Delhi: Institute of Objective
Ahmad, Akhtaruddin. Islam and the Environmental Crisis. London: Ta-Ha Publishers, 1998.
Ahmad, Ali. A Cosmopolitan Orientation of International Environmental Law: An Islamic
________. “Islamic Water Law as an Antidote for Maintaining Water Quality.” University of
Denver Water Law Review 2, no. 2 (Summer 1999): 170–88.
Ajmal, Mohammed. “Islam and Ecological Problems.” In Quest for New Science, eds. Rais
Ahmed and S. Naseem Ahmed, 215–20. Aligarh: Centre for Studies on Science, 1984.
Al-Amin, Hi’at Muhammad. Al-fiqhah al-b’at. Beirut: Mu’assasat al-wa ‘i al-islami, 1420
Alhilaly, Tajuddin H. “Islam and Ecology,” trans. Keysar Trad, 1993. updated n.d., (cited 14 August 2001).
Ammar, Nawal H. “Islam and Deep Ecology.” In Deep Ecology and World Religions: New
Essays on Sacred Ground, eds. David Landis Barnhill and Roger S. Gottlieb, 193–211.
________. “An Islamic Response to the Manifest Ecological Crisis: Issues of Justice.” In
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Visions of a New Earth: Religious Perspectives on Population, Consumption, and Ecology,
eds. Harold Coward and Daniel C. Maguire, 131– 46. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New
________. “Islam and the Environment: A Legalistic and Textual View.” In Population,
Consumption, and the Environment: Religious and Secular Responses, eds. Harold Coward
and Daniel C. Maguire, 67. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Asmal, Abdul Cader, and Mohammed Asmal. “As Islamic Perspective.” In Consumption,
Population, and Sustainability: Perspectives from Science and Religion, eds. Audrey
Chapman, Rodney Peterson, and Barbara Smith-Moran, 157–65. Washington, D.C.: Island
Press, 2000.
Ayduz, Davud. “The Approach to the Environment Question of the Qur’an and its
Contemporary Commentary, the Risale-i Nur.” Paper presented at the Fourth International
Symposium on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Contemporary Approach Toward Understanding
the Qur’an: The Example of Risale-i Nur, Istanbul, Turkey, 20–22 September 1998.
Ba Kader, Abou Bakr Ahmed. Environmental Protection in Islam. Washington, D.C.: Island
Ba Kader, Abou Bakr Ahmed, Abdul Latif Tawfik El Shirazy Al Sabagh, Mohamed Al
Sayyed Al Glenid, and Mawil Y. Izzi Deen. Islamic Principles for the Conservation of the
Natural Environment. 2d ed. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of
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Ba Ubaid, Ali Yeslam. "Environment, Ethics, and Design: An Inquiry into the Ethical
Underpinnings for a Contemporary Muslim Environmentalism and its Environmental Design
Implications." Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1999.
Ban, E.G. The Constant Feud: Forest vs. Desert. New York, NY: Gefen, 1999.
Barnhill, David, and Roger Gottlieb, eds. Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on
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Bivins, Mary W. "Women, Ecology, and Islam in the Making of Modern Hausa Cultural
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Bousquet, G. “Des animaux et de leur traitement selon le Judaisme, le Christianisme et
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Callicott, J. Baird. “The Historical Roots of Western European Environmental Attitudes and
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Udruženje građana Ženske studije i istraživanja
Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
Canan, Ibrahim. Environmental Ethics in the Light of the Hadiths. (In Turkish). Istanbul: New
________. “Environment in Islam.” Yeni Turkiye 5 (July-August, 1995): 27–38.
Canatan, Kadir. “The Paradigmatic Background to the Ecological Crisis and Said Nursi’s
Cosmological Teachings.” Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Contemporary Approach Toward Understanding the Qur’an: The
Chee Yoke Ling. Humanity Must Protect Nature: What Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, and
Christianity Have to Say about Environmental Protection. Penang, Malaysia: Third World
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Dutton, Yasin. “Islam and the Environment: A Framework for Inquiry.” Faiths and the
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Dwivedi, O. P., ed. World Religions and the Environment. New Delhi: Gilanjal Publishing
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Erdur, Oguz. “Reappropriating the ‘Green’: Islamist Environmentalism.” New Perspectives
on Turkey 17 (fall 1997): 151–66.
Faruqui, Naser, Asit Biswas, and Murad Bino, eds. Water Management in Islam. Tokyo,
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Findly, E. “Jahangir’s Vow of Non-Violence.” Journal of American Oriental Society 107, no.
2 (1987): 245–56.
Foltz, Richard. Animals in Islamic Traditions and Muslim Cultures. Oxford, UK: Oneworld
________. ed. Environmentalism in the Muslim World. New York, NY: Nova Science
________. Worldviews, Religion, and the Environment. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth,
________. “Is There an Islamic Environmentalism?” Environmental Ethics 22, no. 4 (2000):
Foltz, Richard, Azizan Baharuddin, and Frederick M. Denny, eds. Islam and Ecology: A
Udruženje građana Ženske studije i istraživanja
Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
Bestowed Trust. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Divinity School, Center for the Study of World
Religions, 2003; Distributed by Harvard University Press.
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John Bowker, 79–100. London: Pinter, 1994.
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Haleem, Harfiya Abdel, ed. Islam and the Environment. London: Ta-Ha Publishers, 1998.
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Udruženje građana Ženske studije i istraživanja
Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
Development: Global Challenge and International Response, eds. J. Ronald Engel and Joan
Gibb Engel, 189–98. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona Press, 1990.
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Kralja Aleksandra 8, 21 000 Novi Sad, studije@eunet.yu
Narayan, Rajdeva, ed. Ecology and Religion: Ecological Concepts in Hinduism, Buddhism,
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presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A
Contemporary Approach Toward Understanding the Qur’an: The Example of Risale-i Nur,
________. The Ethical Dimension of Human Attitude Toward Nature. Ankara: Ministry of
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no. 1 (1986): 99–106.
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Raskhy, Fruzan. “Ertebat-e ensan va tabi‘at az negah-e eslam va Ayin-e Da’o (The
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Selin, Helaine, ed. Nature Across Cultures: Views of Nature and the Environment in NonWestern Cultures. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Shafaat, Ahmad. "Ecological Implications of an Islamic View of God, Universe, and Human
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