CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 1: ELECTED MEMBERS AND CHIEF EXECUTIVES COMMITMENTS Ref 1.1 1.2 Action Ensure effective leadership to seek, promote and support improved outcomes of young people who are LAC/CL. Continue to secure apprenticeships/other work experience opportunities for young people who are LAC/CL within OCE. Measure % increase in outcome indicators % LAC in positive post school destinations Milestones Delivery of Corporate Parenting Training to Elected Members Establish a LAC Champions Board of Elected Members/Chief Officers Approval of LAC as a priority group in the Single Outcome Agreement 2013-14 Agreed process for the delivery of Corporate Parenting Achievement Awards Timescale Oct 12 Evaluate the experience of post holders at the end of placement Continue to identify successful candidates for internship/apprenticeships in Directorate April 13 Dec 12 April 13 RAG Lead Officer(S) Chief Executive Elected Members Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB April 13 April 13 Chief Executive Elected Members Natalija Clark , SC&WB 1 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 2: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITMENTS Ref 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Action Mainstream the support for LAC/CL internships/apprenticeships. Measure % staff who are aware of their CP duties Milestones Amend EHRIA to include LAC/CL in special consideration category Identify a lead officers to support recruitment for LAC/CL internships/apprenticeships Establish a mentoring scheme for LAC/CL and Care Leaver internships/apprenticeships Establish WC&MDB Training on OIL as part of Corporate Induction Establish a Corporate Parenting Budget from within existing resources Timescale Sept 12 Develop criteria for accessing funding April 13 Mar 2013 Ensure that Financial regulations make provision to be able to address immediate and unexpected events in the lives of LAC/CL. Ensure all children and young people who are Looked After (away from home) in residential units have access to ICT. Total increase in available resources % LAC (away from home) with ICT access Complete upgrade of ICT in residential units Provide internet access on ICT equipment in residential units Continue to secure apprenticeships/other work experience opportunities for young people who are LAC/CL within CG Directorate. % LAC in positive post school destinations Evaluate the experience of post holders at the end of placement Continue to identify successful candidates for internship/apprenticeships in directorate Oct 12 RAG Lead Officer(S) Ewan Surtherland, CG Natalija Clark, SC&WB Jan 13 April 13 April 13 April 13 April 13 Barry ??, CG Natalija Clark, SC&WB Paul Fleming, CG Shona Manson & Natalija Clark, SC&WB Paul Fleming, CG Natalija Clark, SC&WB 2 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 3: HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITMENTS Ref 3.1 3.2 3.3 Action Ensure Housing staff understand their additional responsibilities to LAC/CL. Measure % Care Leavers accessing appropriate housing Identification of CL at risk of becoming homeless and secure appropriate accommodation. % Care Leavers accessing appropriate supported housing Continue to secure apprenticeships/other work experience opportunities for young people who are LAC/CL within H&E Directorate. % LAC in positive post school destinations Milestones Deliver WC&MDB to staff in allocations, arrears, recovery and estate management. Review effectiveness of Housing Allocation Policy in meeting the needs of Care Leavers without resorting to homelessness legislation Identification of joint working arrangements for LAC/CL set out in the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy Joint review undertaken of accommodation options for CL Develop a Supported Housing Strategy for CL Reduction in the number of CL presenting as homeless Timescale Dec 12 Evaluate the experience of post holders at the end of placement Continue to identify successful candidates for internship/apprenticeships in Directorate Continue to support LAC/CL to undertake assessment to secure a 4 year Trade Apprenticeship April 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Dec 12 Mar 13 Mar 13 April 13 April 13 RAG Lead Officer(S) David Leslie, H&E Kevin Kelly, H&E Neil Carnegie, H&E Natalija Clark, SC&WB Paul Hannan, H&E Graeme Stuart, H&E Linda Brownlie, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB Paul Fleming, H&E, John Quine, H&E Natalija Clark, SC&WB 3 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 4: EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT COMMITMENTS Ref 4.1 4.2 Action Ensure that LAC and YP have the same opportunities as their peers who are not Looked After to benefit from high quality education through Curriculum for Excellence. Outcome % LAC Attaining/Achie ving at school Improve the % of LAC entering positive and sustained post school destinations. % LAC in positive post school destinations 4.3 Establish budgets to support young people to achieve their potential in relation to their interests and talents % LAC accessing leisure, sport and cultural activities 4.4 Continue to secure apprenticeships/other work experience % LAC in positive post school destinations Milestones Deliver WC&MDB Training to all Designated Senior Managers for LAC Establish process to ensure that LAC concerns have been identified and support co-ordinated (ASN/CSPs) Complete review of inclusion Policies to ensure LAC are a priority group Improved the % of LAC achieving and attaining in mainstream school Establish Case File Audit process for LAC CSPs Establish Activity Agreement Procedures Recording LAC destinations in 16+ LC Teams Increased the % of LAC/CL entering positive post school destinations in education, training and employment Increase in % LAC participating in music lessons Increase in % LAC participating in sports Increase in % LAC participating in cultural activities Evaluate the experience of post holders at the end of placement Continue to identify successful candidates for internship/apprenticeships in directorate Timescale Aug 12 Aug 12 Mar 13 RAG Lead Officer(S) Sheila Sansbury, EC&S Jacinta Birchley, EC&S Natalija Clark, SC&WB Mar 13 Mar 13 Aug 13 Aug 12 Feb 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Sheila Sansbury, EC&S John Cairns, EC&S Natalija Clark, SC&WB Sheila Sansbury, EC&S Neil Bruce, ECS Gail Woodcock, ECS Natalija Clark, SC&WB April 13 April 13 4 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 4: EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT COMMITMENTS Ref Action Outcome Milestones Timescale RAG Lead Officer(S) opportunities for young people who are LAC/CL within ECS Directorate. 5 RE AND WELLBEING Ref 5.1 Action Undertake an audit of the needs of Children and Young People who are Looked After and Care Leavers Outcome Performance Measure o New data set approved o Baselines established for new indicators on ICT systems Timescale Mar 2012 o % of indicators where improved outcomes are evidence in the ICSP Working links established and key commitments agreed with: NHS, Grampian Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Third Sector, College, Universities. Working links established and key commitments agreed. Mar 2013 o o 5.2 Create links and work with other public sector agencies on creating a Corporate family o 5.3 Create links and work with private sector companies on raising the LAC profile and agree commitments Ensure that staff understand that GIRFEC guidance has a clear role when achieving economic o 5.4 Lead Officer/Support Officer Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB Apr 2012 Dec 2013 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB Dec 2014 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB % of SC&WB staff attending Care First 6 Training Mar 2012 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Mairi MacLeod, SC&WB % of SC&WB staff attending SW&WB Single Agency Jun 2012 6 outcomes for LAC and YP 5.5 Establish Family Firm Guidance and Procedure for LAC Apprenticeships. Training o % of SC&WB staff attending GIRFEC Apr 2013 o Committee approval of Family Firm Guidance and Procedure Number of LAC in a positive destination by type. June 2012 Natalija Clark, SC&WB annually Natalija Clark, SC&WB % of DSMs in Residential Establishments are trained in core tasks Apr 2012 Jacinta Birchley, EC&S Natalija Clark, EC&S o 5.6 Ensure that Designated Managers understand their role on how to o 7 support LAC and YP 5.7 Ensure that LAC or YP are involved in decisions which affect them and that they get the required support. o Briefings delivered on Curriculum for Excellence Senior Phase to DSMs in Residential Establishments Apr 2012 Jacinta Birchley, EC&S Natalija Clark, EC&S o Self –Evaluation of DSMs on core tasks Mar 2012 Natalija Clark, SC&WB Jacinta Birchlet, SC&WB o % increase of LAC filling in ‘Have Your Say’ Form before their firs LAC Review % increase of LAAC who are contacted by Children’s Rights Officer within the standard time interval Aug 2012 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Aug 2012 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Vicki Robertson, SC&WB o 8 5.8 Expect the best from all services so that LAC and YP can reach their full potential. o o 5.9 Ensure that staff are aware of intended post school destinations all young people who have been Looked After and work with 16+ Learning Choices Team to ensure a co-ordinated approach in supporting LAC and YP into positive destinations. o Regular contact with other Council Directorates and feedback on the delivery of their commitments Regular contact with other partners within the Corporate Family and feedback on the delivery of their commitments ongoing Natalija Clark, SC&WB Kay Dunn, SC&WB ongoing Natalija Clark SC&WB Kay Dunn, SC&WB % increase of LAC who are in positive and sustained destinations Mar 2013 John Cairns, EC&S Natalija Clark, SC&WB 9 5.10 Review Residential Children’s Homes and Throughcare Service to establish new standards for the Corporate Parenting. o o o o o 5.11 Ensure that Children’s Residential Homes are free from cigarette smoke. o o o Data analysis completed Process Maps completed Consultation feedback reviewed Mar 2012 Rapid Improvement Workshops with LAC and Care Leavers, families, staff and partners completed Committee approved redesign and new Standards. Aug 2012 Recruit a Care Leaver to take on mentoring and training role within their peer group Identified resources to train a mentor for and accredited volunteering opportunity Smoking cessation sessions organised in residential units Aug 2012 Natalija Clark, SC&WB Shona Manson, SC&WB Dec 2012 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Shona Manson, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB Mar 2013 Natalija Clark, SC&WB Shona Manson, SC&WB Mar 2012 Shona Manson, SC&WB Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark SC&WB May 2012 10 o 5.12 Establish a QA&PM Framework to measure improved outcomes for Looked After Children and Care Leavers. Delivery of 2 sessions per 4 residential homes for staff and LAC % reduction in LAC on CPR % of LAC views considered at Single Plan, LAC Review or CPCC meetings May 2013 Kevin Leslie, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB Mar 2013 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB o % of LAC accessing health assessment and specialist services within time interval Mar 2013 o % of LAC attending, Attaining and achieving at school Mar 2013 o % LAC entering positive post school destinations o % care leavers with a Pathways Coordinator o o Mar 2013 Mar 2013 11 5.13 Establish budgets to support young people to achieve their potential in relation to their interests and talents o % care leavers obtaining their own tenancy in appropriate accommodation Mar 2013 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB o % participating in music lessons % attending school trips and excursions % attending cultural or religious activities % achieving their driving licences Mar 2013 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Paul Dixon, CG o % of Looked After Young People in employment/work experience June 2012 Housing and Environment Natalija Clark, SC&WB o % increase in number of health assessment within a time interval % increase in numbers of Smoking cessation sessions delivered Mar 2013 Janette Smart, LAC Nurse, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB Janette Smart, LAC Nurse, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB Janette Smart, LAC Nurse, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB Janette Smart, LAC Nurse, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB o o o 5.14 5.15 5.16 Offer apprenticeships and/or other work opportunities to candidates from Corporate Parenting Category LAC and YP have access to Health assessments and GP Support LAC to make healthy life style choices. o Oct 2012 12 o % of LAC and YP and care leavers who report a reduction in cessation of tobacco use following sessions at 3 months and 1 year % staff received an awareness raising session about substance misuse Apr 2014 o % staff received an awareness raising session about alcohol misuse. Apr 2014 o % increase in numbers of YP receiving advice on sexual health o % increase in numbers of YP receiving mental health advice and support o Janette Smart, LAC Nurse, NHS Natalija Clark, SC&WB Apr 2014 13 5.17 Self-evaluate on the commitments set out in the Corporate Parenting Policy and Action Plan o Annual feedback on the delivery of commitments Mar 2013 Kay Dunn, SC&WB Natalija Clark, SC&WB CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 2: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITMENTS Ref 2.1 Action Outcome Milestones Timescale RAG Lead Officer(S) 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 14 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 2: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITMENTS Ref Action Outcome Milestones Timescale RAG Lead Officer(S) 15 4. ENTERPRISE, PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE Ref 6.1 Action Prioritise LAC in the social benefit aspects of the future business contracts 6.2 Offer apprenticeships and/or other work opportunities to candidates from Corporate Parenting Category Outcome Performance Measure o % LAC employed in any new business development. Timescale Mar 2013 Lead Officer/Support Officer Gordon McIntosh, Director, EP&I Hugh Murdoch, HoS, EP&I o June 2012 Hugh Murdoch, EP&I Michael Hearns, EP&I % of Looked After Young People in employment/work experience 16 CORPORATE PARENTING ACTION PLAN 2012-2015 Section 2: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITMENTS Ref 2.1 Action Outcome Milestones Timescale RAG Lead Officer(S) 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 17 18 19