Ayurvedic Treatment

From SHRI DHANVANTARI (Published on behalf of the Madras Ayurvedic College) III, 3.Tuesday, 13 th February 1923
Shleepadamu (Elephantiasis)
Y. Subba Rao, L.M.S.
Silavatpadam Sleepadam, that is, feet like stone, and hence Sleepadamu in
Ayurveda. In Andhra, it is known as Boda Kalu (pillar-like leg). This condition is
observed not only in the feet but in hands, ears, lips, eyelid joints and penis too. That it is
also seen in testicles is not mentioned in ancient treatises but it has been indicated in detail
in Siddhanta Nidaana of Gananatha Sen. But his source literature is not known.
Elephantiasis is highly prevalent in regions where land is wet with rainwater
remaining stagnant throughout the year, where humidity is high, and in areas around tanks.
It is observed predominantly in individuals with Kapha nature and in those who
consume foods that tend to increase phlegm.
Elephantiasis is of three kinds resulting from the vitiation of Vatha, Pittha or
Kapha, the vital stimulating, metabolizing and stabilizing forces. But Kapha is considered
the principal among these doshas since the characteristics of Kapha” like heaviness and
hardness are observed in all the three varieties of elephantiasis, whether it be originating
from Vatha, Pittha or Kapha. The dosha that is thus vitiated flows downward into the
groins, thighs, knee joints, feet and brings about changes in blood, muscle and adipose
tissue and makes those organs heavy and hard. Of these, blood and muscle have been
mentioned by Vaagbhata, and muscle and adipose tissue by the author of Vaidya
Signs and Symptoms
These differ depending on the specific dosha. In all instances, there will be a painful
lump in the groin that slowly spreads to the feet. Severe fever follows.
In elephantiasis caused by Vatha
There will be severe pain, with sudden onset and for no specific reason. Then the
skin cracks and secretions start. The spot will be black or bluish and rough. Along with
this, fever will be severe.
In elephantiasis caused by Pittha
In this condition, the affected part will be soft and yellowish. Patient will be
restless, burning with fever and thirst.
In elephantiasis caused by Kapha
In this condition, the affected part will be white or pale white and shining. The part
will be heavy, hard, smooth and numb. The entire foot will with muscle and tissue
granulation have an undulating surface like an anthill.
Conditions not amenable to therapy:
1. Chronic cases (unrelieved for over a year).
2. Foot is very stout.
3. Patient exhibiting Vatha related signs, very itchy with phlegm like secretions.
4. Surface of the affected part is full of muscular granulations and resembles an
5. Patient is of Kapha nature.
6. Food and other habits of the patient promote Kapha.
The last two conditions are mentioned only in Vaidya Chintamani. Madhavakara
specially indicates that such individuals have a tendency to develop elephantiasis.
According to Vaidya Chintamani, elephantiasis itself appears to be not amenable to
treatment. Until now, as the author of Vaidya Chintamani has indicated, elephantiasis
appears to be a condition without a cure.
Ayurvedic Treatment
(See the appendix for formulations)
The therapy is of six kinds:
1. Langhanamu (fasting, slimming)
When the patient has fever, it is best not to give him food. In case the patient is very
weak, supplements like light porridge should be given as per the patient’s liking.
2. Lepanamu (Unguent therapy: application of pastes/ointments)
In very painful conditions, Bhaishajya Ratnavali indicates external application on
the affected part with one of the following:
i) Emetic nut (Fruit of Randia spinosa), Neethi vellu and salt, in equal proportions,
fine grounded with butter made from buffalo milk.
ii) Dattooradi lepanamu (see formulation 13).
iii) Croton seed (Croton tiglium) ground in sour gruel.
iv) Root of Mistletoe (Dendraphthoe foliate/Boranthus foliate) growing on Trewana
multiflora tree powdered and mixed with ghee. (Bhaishajya Ratnavali).
Many other balms are prescribed. I will describe them below. The medical
profession may examine and test them to find out which of them are effective and publish
their experience in medical journals.
v) The root of leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica and deodar (Cedrus deodara) ground
in equal proportions.
vi) White mustard (Brassica comprestris) and the bark of mulagasellu powdered
and mixed in cow urine.
The following has been specially mentioned as suitable for application in Pitthacaused elephantiasis:
vii) Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia), liquorice (Glycerrhiza glabra), Pluchea
lanceolata, spikenard (Nardostachys jatamamsi), and spreading hogweed (Boerhavia
diffusa) well ground in the wash of jowar or durra (Sorghum vulgare).
In Kapha-caused elephantiasis:
viii) Fever nut (Caesalpinia crista) leaf juice, Putrajiva roburghii leaf juice, and
castor oil. (for external application as well as oral consumption)
In Susrutha:
ix) Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa), Tinospora cordifolia, babreng (Emblia ribes),
deodar (Cedrus deodara), and root of leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica) made into a paste.
x) Roots of mustard (Brassica compestris), drumstick (Morninga olifera) and
In Vaagbhatam:
Siddhartha lepanamu (formulation 14), Abhayaadi lepanamu (formulation 16),
Guduchyaadi lepanamu (formulation 17), Chitrakaadi kalkamu (formulation 18). These
and others are mentioned in Vaidya Chintamani.
3. Swedana Kriya (Sudation Therapy to induce perspiration) is very good and should be
preceded by oil or lubrication therapy.
4. Virechamu (Purgation): This is very important. In Western medicine, purgatives are
given at the very beginning because of the view that if faecal matter accumulates in the
intestines, toxic substances enter blood and interfere with attempts to control the disease.
5. Raktamokshanamu (Blood-letting): Susrutaacharya has particularly indicated its
After oil and sudation therapies (Vaagbhata prescribes upavaaha sudation) of the
affected parts of the body, the vein four inches above the ankle joint is cut. After recovery,
medicated enema is given.
If it is not possible, Vaagbhata opines that cauterisation and inducing pustules with
drugs is desirable. After such treatment, a mixture of cow urine and castor oil should be
taken for a month in the morning. After some remission, cooked ‘panchaavu’ rice should
be eaten with milk in which dry ginger has been boiled. Oil of Indian jalap may be applied
In Pittha-caused elephantiasis:
The vein below the ankle joint should be cut, and tumour and erysipelas, and
Kapha-inhibiting medicines should be administered.
In Chikitsaasaaram:
Oil of white mustard (Brassica compestris), Juice of the root of Butea monosperma,
deodar (Cedrus deodara), dry ginger, bael (Aegle marmelos) fruit, Indian dellium and cow
urine should be taken.
In Kapha-caused elephantiasis:
After oil and sudation therapies, the vein at the thumb should be cut and medicines
inhibiting Kapha should be given. Barley diet is very good.
Oral drugs in Kapha-caused elephantiasis:
Oil of Indian jalap, cow urine, and castor oil in equal proportions should be
consumed for a month.
In Pittha- and Kapha-caused elephantiasis:
Babreng (Emblia ribes), black pepper, Madar (Calotropis procera), dry ginger,
leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), deodar (Cedrus deodara), cardamom and the five salts
should be taken in equal proportions, or
Mustard oil and Putrajiva roxburghii should be taken in equal proportions, or the
juice of Putrajiva roxburghii, Kechuka mogga, and Pakam uppu consumed in equal
proportions (Vaagbhata).
6. Administration of pyrogenic substances/drugs to elevate body temperature to bring
down Kapha:
There will be good relief if pyrogenic medicines are given in honey. Powder of
tender Terminelia chebula should be taken.
While these are prescribed separately for the ‘dosha’ variations, the following can
be generally used in all types of elephantiasis:
Alkaline remedies (Susrutham):
1. Kakadani, Hemplathis harreleculeris, poison berry (Solanum indicam), Solanum
surratanse, flower of Anthocephalus indicus, shoe flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, and
Sukanaasa grass are burnt and mixed with cow urine filtered 21 times; and the juice of
Ficus hispida, the decoction of emetic nut and Suklanaasasva rasam are separately cooked
with cow urine as the fourth part into an alkaline preparation and taken with elephantiasiscurative potion. (???)
2. Purging croton (Croton tiglium), Indian jalap (Operculina turpethum), croton seed
(Baliospermum montanum), indigo (Indigofera tinctoria), Syaamaa (Vriddha daaru),
Sapthalaa and Sankhinee are burnt and filtered with cow urine, and the alkali prepared with
the decoction of triphalamulu [Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), Belleric
myrobalan (Terminalia bellerica) and Emblic myrobalan (Embrica officinlis)].
SHRI DHANVANTARI, 15th March 1923
Sleepadam is called elephantiasis.
It is of two kinds : (1) This develops through the microorganism (krimi) Filaria bancrofti.
(2) The other variety developed because of other reasons. The first one is of more frequent
occurrence. This organism is found all over the tropical regions. The organism microfilaria
is present in the blood of a half to one fourth of humans inhabiting these regions. I will
briefly describe microfilaria. If a drop of blood containing this organism is placed on a
slide and examined through microscope, it will appear as a small, colourless snake. The
organism will keep moving (struggling?) till about two to three hours after blood is drawn.
Its length will be around one-tenth (?) of an inch. It will be thicker at the mouth and thinner
at the tail end. It will be fitted in a sac as wide as its own size and a little longer than its
length. The organism will be moving forward and backward in it. Two to three spots can be
seen on its body. One of them will be "V" shaped. It has a six-lipped prepuce (like a sac)
near its head. That will keep the head opened and closed often.
It is not often seen in blood during daytime. But by evening, it starts entering the blood
flowing below the skin and by midnight it can be seen even in four to five hundreds in a
drop of blood. If counted thus all over the body, there could be four crores of them.
Gradually by early morning it will move away from blood in outer parts and relaxes in
aorta and the lungs. This is the opinion of Manson. When a patient of lymph scrotum who
had microfilaria in blood suddenly committed suicide, he could discover where microfilaria
were located during daytime). Later, Mansonbahr expressed the opinion that it will be in
liver and spleen, also during daytime. Mackenji indicated that in those who were awake the
whole might and slept during daytime, the microfilaria will be present in outer (peripheral)
blood and move inside during nights. But it cannot be said that it will come out only during
sleep because they start coming out into outer blood even before sleep. Some opine that for
long-lasting development of filaria, they should grow in certain species of mosquitoes and
since those mosquitoes have the habit of biting humans only during nights, these organisms
come into outer blood during nights. But what do the organisms lose if they remain in outer
blood during day and night? One cannot say that they are in danger if they stay in outer
blood or that they recede into the interior to relax. Organism of the same species – Filaria
Larva stays in outer blood during entire daytime and recedes into the interior during night.
So, there is no harm if it stays in outer blood. Filaria in Fiji Islands, which are in no way
different from Filaria bancrofti, remain in outer blood day and night. Don't they need
relaxation? Let the medical persons in that speciality ponder over these questions. Based on
the fact that as mentioned earlier, in Fiji Islands, filaria stay throughout in outer blood and
those mosquitoes bite humans in the same manner, Wilson and Craig established a
relationship between the two. If an Indian human being having filaria is taken to Fiji
Islands, unlike the local organism, this organism will enter the outer regions only during
nights. Therefore, Ashbourne and Craig came to the conclusion that this organism in our
country and that in the Fiji Islands are not the same and gave it the nomenclature of Filaria
Philippines. However, under the microscope, the two look alike. As Mackenji indicated, if
during daytime these organisms enter the outer blood of individuals who are awake in
nights, they cannot enter the body of mosquitoes, which bite in the nights. I therefore
believe that there is no association between the two. Otherwise, the assumption of
Mackenji may be wrong.
Thus depending on the countries and seasons, when microorganisms enter outer blood,
Culex sp. of mosquitoes in our country and Stegomyia sp. In some other countries bite the
humans and suck blood. This blood does not clot in the stomach of mosquito but the blood
gets thickened. As a result, the organisms, with effort, pierce the sac enclosing them and
come out. Later, they move from the stomach of mosquito and through blood, reach the
thoracic muscles. There some changes take place in their shape, which would take about 15
to 20 days. Subsequently, all move to mosquito's head and settle in proboscis. When the
mosquito bites someone else, the organism gains entry into the body through the skin
adjoining the aperture at the site of bite. If the mosquito is made to bite not an animal but a
soft substance like a banana, the organisms don't leave the mosquito.
It is impossible to say that the organism is not entering our body through any other means.
It can enter our body, if after developing fully, it gets excreted through feces from the
mosquito's digestive tract or if it gains entry into our drinking water in which mosquito had
fallen and died. It can enter the body through skin, food or water. I will briefly describe the
filariasis-causing organisms. The male and female organisms are found together in bundles
in lymph ducts. The female organism will be double the size of the male. The female
organism will be two to three inches long. Hair is found near the mouth. The tail will be
thin and round. The reproductive organ of the female will be located at 1/10 of an inch
away from the mouth. Skin will be smooth.
The male organism measures a half of the female. The tail resembles a corkscrew or vine
and will be wound round. Leiper has described that around its anus two rows of hair are
found with 15 hair in each row.
It gives birth to young ones often but if abortion occurs due to any reason it lays eggs.
Some believe that this disease may develop when the eggs, which are broader than
microfilaria, block chyle ducts (rasaayanika naadulu).
How the disease develops due to this organism remains to be seen.
No disease occurs due to the presence of this microfilaria in blood. But when a large
organism blocks the chyle ducts, "lymph" flow is obstructed and these ducts become bigger
and thicker. This can happen in the (big) thoracic duct or the smaller ducts. In
elephantiasis, these small organisms are not found in blood; still the following instances are
cited to indicate that filaria is responsible for the disease :
Elephantiasis is more prevalent in those countries where filarial is found.
Diseases causing varicosity of lymph ducts and elephantiasis are often seen in the same
Lymphscrotum and elephantiasis scrotum often occur one after the other.
Elephantiasis (on feet) develops subsequent to the surgical removal of Imphscrotum.
Elephantiasis is also a lymph-related disease.
Elephantiasis as well as the diseases related to thickening of lymph ducts several times
occur as a result of lymphangitis.
Since filaria causes diseases of lymph ducts, most probably elephantiasis may also be
caused by filaria.
But in cases of elephantiasis, microfilaria are not found in blood. Reasons for the above :
All the large microorganisms may die because of lymphangitis.
Filaria may block the lymph ducts and thereby not allow the young ones to enter
In the event of abortion in female filaria organisms or if the pregnant female dies, eggs may
block lymph ducts.
Mansonbahr opines that this disease is caused due to changes in `lymph' glands.
The four theories expressed above will not stand if any human in whose blood small
organisms had been found earlier does not show them after development of elephantiasis.
This is so because the above mentioned events do not explain how microfilaria born
subsequent to blocks in lymph ducts get reduced.
Since most of the lymph ducts will be blocked in elephantiasis, this organism will be
moving only in the ducts in some parts. Manson felt that this could be the reason for
reduction of this organism in blood. Since this is not logical, I believe that microfilaria get
reduced in blood in the following manner:
In individuals who did not experience lymphangitis, microfilaria often gives birth to young
ones in lymph ducts. They reach the thoracic duct through these ducts and gain entry to
bloodstream through the heart. While passing through microarteries, they cannot go out.
This is because of the sac covering them and since like leucocytes they do not by
themselves have amoeboid movements they cannot come out through endothelial cells. The
organism does not have the capacity to do so because of the sac. Therefore, they keep
flowing with the bloodstream. They keep increasing in blood everytime the female give
birth to young ones. But when lymphangitis occurs, lymph ducts and microarteries closeby
get inflar led, just as RBCs and other blood cells flow out even without amoeboid
movements filaria too can get out passing through the endothelial cells, in spite of the sac.
Having got out like that, as the chyle ducts are blocked, filariae keep dying. Since
microfilaria come out of the blood, their presence in blood gets reduced. I believe it is in
this way that this organism gets reduced. I will be glad if someone can comment on this.
Manson has written about the mode of development of elephantiasis. Subsequent to the
blockage by chyle ducts and storage of lymph, lymphangitis occurs because of:
Any other microorganisms originating from injury or abcess,
Toxic substances released by larger microorganisms,
Toxic residues because of death of small organisms.
With lymphangitis developing several times, tissues develop at site and elephantiasis
Signs And Symptoms
There will be severe fever. Chills precede the fever. Glands in the groin raise and become
painful. Gradually the route along the large lymph duct along the inside (dorsal) part of the
thigh will be markedly seen and becomes very painful. Slowly the inflammation spreads to
the tissues alongside and causes pain. The skin may then split and secretions ooze out.
Later, due to the inflated tissues, the entire region may develop oedema.
After a few days, fever subsides with extreme sweating. Later, the swelling too subsides
but not totally. In some fever will not be severe. With lymphangitis occurring several times,
the part becomes stout, the outer skin turns thick and rough. Sweat glands and others
become enlarged, hair becomes brittle and nails get thicker and ugly. Skin folds appear at
joints. It will not be a pitting oedema.
Though the condition occurs in feet in 90% of cases, it can also be seen in ovaries, hands,
breasts, reproductive organs of women, in the neck 'sirachhadatwak', jaws, groin and other
I have described the mode of development of elephantiasis as per ayurvedic science and
western school. According to one science, it is due to the aggravation of one of the three
'doshas' and in the other it is due to filaria. Elephantiasis does not occur in individuals with
'kapha' tendency even when the dosha is aggravated. Similarly, the disease does not
develop when microfilaria or filaria are seen in blood but it occurs when some chemicals
cause a block or when there are some changes in the glands. Some experience lymphangitis
once in 5-6 years and in some others, once a fortnight. Reasons for these differences are not
In some circumstances (prakritis) when any organism is introduced into human body, that
disease is not developed. Then only (I knew) it is vitality or the body's inherent capacity
and since the organisms enter the body to induce a disease, the body develops a substance
to kill that organism. It is also termed immunity. There is another point to be noted. It
should be examined if filaria causes elephantiasis in those who have more kapha tendency
or those who consume kapha causing food. Walking in cold water, moving about for long
in sun, standing for long periods, indulging in excessive exercise etc., cause lymphangitis.
It is too well known that drenching in water increases kapha. Kapha will be aggravated
when exposed to hot sun. Any one among the other reasons can raise it. It should be
examined if increase in the tridoshas is associated with lymphangitis.
When filaria are present in blood and if for any reason, increase in kapha occurs only then
will lymphangitis develop. Otherwise it will be only in blood. Though these tridoshas keep
varying due to external reasons, they exist in the body equally in the natural state. We
should try to find out how it is happening and in which form they are in the body. Those
substances must be reaching (influencing ??) one or all the 'saptadhatus' (seven substances)
and raising or reducing them. Due to these substances being lower or higher and due to the
above mentioned circumstances as well as food and other reasons they could be inducing
changes. It is not possible to write in detail but I am indicating (in brief).
There are many glands in our body. They are ductless glands — liver, kidney, etc. They
will be releasing some secretions into blood. Some strange changes may occur in the body
due to them. Even the westerners have not explored them. But they are making untiring
efforts. These secretions circulating with blood induce many changes in the body. It is
important to know how, in which form and to what extent they are existing in the blood.
They are called hormones. In my opinion, their varying combinations result in the genesis
of tridoshas. It needs evidence but since this article is not pertaining to tridoshas, it is not
possible to write about it. I shall write in detail in the monthly Andhra Medical Journal.
The aggravation of doshas forming a basis for development of filaria could be a reason for
blockage of lymph ducts. Anyone (interested) may examine the following two aspects:
Will elephantiasis occur in humans having microfilaria if aggravation of kapha
(through kapha-causing foods) is induced in them?
In individuals with kapha tendency, why does not elephantiasis occur even in
the presence of microfilaria in blood?
SHRI DHANVANTARI, 29th April 1923
Only western medical professionals are attempting it (surgery). It is found very
useful in cases of elephantiasis scrotum. Its usage (upayoga kramam) is available in any
western medical treatise. After surgery, the condition may recur in the foot or any other
part. Even if it recurs, it will give some comfort to the patient for 10-12 years and it is
therefore useful to some extent. Several attempts are being made for surgical intervention
in other parts also. But it has been of no use. If it occurs in manoeuvrable parts such as
breasts, chest, surgery can bring relief for some years before recurring. Surgery on
locations like foot or hand has been of no use.
When elephantiasis occurs in foot, attempts have been made to block the
femoral artery.
2. Planting new skin after removing skin and adipose tissue. Charles has attempted
3. Handlyne therapy : Planting silk threads at a point above the place of blockage
by chemicals and tying the threads together above the Inguinal ligament and planting in the
tissues there. Their aim is to improve the flow of lymph (lasika) through this (process).
This entails risk of microorganisms.
4. Lanzes operation : The outside (ventral) part of the thigh is slit vertically till the
bone is reached. Holes are drilled in the bone and connective tissue is planted therein.
5. Rondolian's operation : He removed major portion of aponeurosis after slitting
Fascia lata on the ventral (outside) side of thigh. The purpose is to create a passage for
lasika ducts.
All of them should try more to purge (send out) the filariae. The shield around it is
protecting it from all the drugs. All surgical interventions help control the swelling of the
concerned parts, but are not useful for killing the organisms.
Western medical professionals are trying their best to kill these organisms.
Robertson : (Blue pill) – Liquor Donopani. This drug has to be taken for 8 months.
Mythelene blue : Two grains of it should be taken twice a day for 1 week.
Ampsalvs : Some are giving it intravenously along with iron (lohamu) and
pashanam etc. for 8 months.
Of late, P.N.Das of Jagannatham (Puri ?) has been doing a lot of work in this field.
He has been testing the efficacy of different drugs which he has been employing on the
large and small organisms placed on slides. Predominant among the drugs used by him are
: Antimony tartarate, Novoarsens billon, Mythelene blue and others.
Among them, Antimony tartarate was very beneficial. He presented a paper on his
trials at the Indian Medical Conference. He dissolved Antimony tartarate in water in 100:2
proportion. Beginning with 30 drops, he increased the dose gradually increased it at the rate
of 15 drops and has been giving 10-15 injections intravenously. I pray that he also tests
useful ayurvedic drugs and examine their efficacy too.
SHRI DHANVATARI, Wednesday, 25th Jul;y 1923
I am now presenting some more formulations and yoga rajas (exceptional remedies)
from manuscripts. I request the readers to clinically test them and publish the results in
1. Panchanana Ghritam : Ghee (4 seers), Ponnaganti leaf (3 pal), spreading hogweed
(Boerhavia diffusa) (3 pal), five-leaved chaste (Vitex negundo) (3 pal), Bauhinia variegae
seeds (3 pal), leaves of Abrus precatorius (1 pal), water (4 seers), Seshakashayam (1 seer),
Chebulic myrobalan (3 tolas), root of leadwort (3 tolas), boric acid (2 tolas), dry ginger (2
tolas) and rock salt (2 tolas) are cooked to prepare the medicated ghee.
If oil is used, it will be Panchanana Tailam.
The Tailam is applied exteriorly and the Ghritam is taken orally.
2. Nityananda Rasamu: Mercury extracted from asafoetida (???), purified sulphur,
copper, bell metal (Bronze), stannium? (tin) , yellow orpiment, copper sulphate, calx of
shell, varata bhasmamu (calx of shell), dry ginger, pepper and long pepper, thriphalamulu
(Chebulic myrobalan, Belleric myrobalan and Emblic myrobalan), iron, babreng (Emblia
ribes), the five salts, Java long pepper (Piper retrofractum), root of long pepper, common
juniper (Juniper communis), Malabar nut (Adhatoda vasica), Zedoary (Curcuma zedoria),
pakavallu, deodar (Cedrus deodara), yelakulu, turpein/Indian jalap (Operculina
turpethem), root of leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), root of Baliospermum Montana all
mixed in equal proportions and rubbed into a decoction of Chebulic myrobalan.
3.Sleepada Gaja Kesari: Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), Belleric myrobalan
(Terminalia bellerica) and Emblic myrobalan (Emblica officinlis), aconite/Monks hood
(Aconitum ferox Wall), ajwain (Trachyspermum amnii), Malabar nut (Adhatoda vasica),
sulphur, root of leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), manisikha, boric acid, seeds of purging
croton (Croton tiglium) in equal proportions rubbed into juices of Eclipta alba, land
caltrops/puncture rine (rind/rim???) (Tribulus terristris), lemon (Citris limon) or fresh
ginger (Zingiber officinalis).
To be taken in doses of 1-grain pill with warm water.
4.Sleepadari Rasamu: Barks of neem (Azadiracta indica) and cutch tree (Acacia catechu)
together powdered and 24 grains taken with cow urine.
5.Sleepadari Churnamu: Land caltrop/puncture rine (rind/rim???) (Tribulus terristris),
East Indian globe/thistle (Sphereanthus indicus) and Tinospora cordifolia in equal
proportions mixed with an equal quantity of powdered seeds of Elephant creeper (Argyreia
speciosa) taken with sour gruel.
6.Pippalyaadi Churnamu: Root of long pepper (Piper longum), the three myrobalans,
spreading hog weed (Boerrhvia diffusa), deodar (Cedrus deodara) and dry ginger (Zingiber
Officinalis): Two parts of each and an equal amount of powdered seeds of Elephant creeper
(Argyreia speciosa).
Half a tola is taken with sour gruel.
7. Sleepadari Lohamu: Two tolas of magnet metal and two tolas of Shilajit (Bitumen) are
rubbed into 6 tolas of a decoction of the three myrobalans.
A dose of 12-grain pill should be taken.
8. Pippalyadi Modakamu: Root of long pepper (2 tolas), root of leadwort (4 tolas), root
of Baliospermum Montana (8 tolas), powder of Chebulic myrobalan (20 tolas), and jaggery
(14 parts) mixed with honey into a ball.
To be taken in the morning.
9. Pippalyadi Churnamu: Root of long pepper), Malabar nut, deodar (Cedrus deodara),
spreading hogweed (Boerhavia diffusa), and bael (Aegle marmelos) root in equal
proportions mixed with an equal amount of powdered seeds of Elephant creeper (Argyreia
Eight (8) grains to be taken with sour gruel.
10. Vriddhadaaru Churnamu: Thrikatu (Dry ginger, pepper and long pepper),
thriphalamulu (three myrobalans), Java long pepper (Piper retrofractum), Indian barberry
(Berberis aristata), Cratela nervula, Tribulus terristris, sensitive water plant (Nepturia
olerocea), and Tinospora cordifolia in equal proportions powdered and mixed with twice
the amount of powdered seeds of Elephant creeper (Argyreia speciosa).
To be taken in karsha pramaanamu with sour gruel.
11. Soureswara Ghritamu: Basil (Ocimum sanctum), deodar (Cedrus deodara)
stem/wood, thrikatu (dry ginger, pepper and long pepper), thriphalamulu (three
myrobalans), the five salts, babreng (Emblia ribes), leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), Java
long pepper (Piper retrofractum), root of long pepper (Piper longum), Indian bedellium
(Cammiphora mukul) gum, common juniper (Juniper communis), sweet flag (Acorus
calamus), yavakshaaram, mercury, shari, cardamom (Elettaria cardamom), and powder of
Elephant creeper (Argyreia speciosa) seeds each in karsha pramaana are boiled together
with one prastham each of dashamoola decoction, rice gruel and dadhimandamu (a type of
dadhi) are boiled to make the medicated ghee.
To be taken in three karsha pramaana.
Vidangaadi Tailamu: Oil in required amount is added to Babreng (Emblia ribes),
black pepper (Piper nigrum), gigantic swallowwort (Calotropis gigantia), dry ginger
(zingiber officinalis), leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), pinus deodar (Citrus deodara), and
cardamom (Elettaria cardamom) to prepare the medicated oil. The author of Chintaamani
used sugandhi (Indian sarsaparilla, Hemidesmus indicus) instead of black pepper.
13. Dhattooradi Lepamu: Thorn apple (Datura metel), castor root, five-leaved chaste
(Vitex negundo), spreading hogweed (Boerrhvia diffusa) root, drumstick (Moringa olifera)
root and white mustard (Brassica compestris) in equal proportions made into an ointment.
14. Siddhartha Lepamu: White mustard (Brassica compestris), root bark of Moringa
olifera, deodar (Cedrus deodara) and dry ginger (Zingiber officinalis) ground in cow urine
for use as ointment.
15. Pittha Shleepada Lepamu: Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia), liquorice (Glycerrhiza
glabra), Pluchea lanceolata, spike nord (Nardostachys jatamamsi), spreading hog weed
(Boerrhvia diffusa) root in equal proportions are made into an ointment with sour gruel.
16. Abhayaadi Lepamu: Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), white mustard
(Brassica compestris), asafoetida, Malabar nut (Adhatoda vasica), drumstick (Moringa
olifera) root and madar (Calotropis gigantea ?) root in equal proportions ground in the
latex of madar to make the ointment.
17. Gudoochyaadi Lepamu: Tinospora cordifolia vine, picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa)
and babreng (Emblia ribes) ground in cow urine to make the ointment.
18. Chitrakaadi Kalkamu: Root of leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), deodar (Cedrus
deodara), bark of drumstick (Moringa olifera) and white mustard (Brassica compestris)
made into a paste and ground in cow urine and warmed to make the ointment.
-----------------Translated by Dr V. Ramadas Murty, English and botanical names provided by
……………………..Edited and formatted by S P K Gupta to approximate current scientific
journal style
Glossary of English and Botanical Names used as equivalents to Telugu terms in the
Original Article by Dr Y Subba Rao
??????(Compound Medicine, What Is The Composition?) …… Prateevaka Churna
??????? ……………………………………………………………... Seshakashayam
??????? ……………………………………………………... Sukladaasasua Rasam
??????? ………………………………………………………… Sapthalaa Sankhinee
??????? ……………………………………………………………….. Ponnaganti Aku
??????? …………………………………………………………………..….. Aava Vellu
??????? …………………………………………………………………..….. Kakadani
??????? ………………………………………………………………….Dashamoola
??????? …………………………………………………………………… Regati Vellu
??????? ……………………………………………………………………...Neethi Vellu
??????? ……………………………………………………………………….. Yelakulu
??????? ……………………………………………………………………………... Sari
??????? ……………………………………………………………….. Kechuka Mogga
??????? ……………………………………………………………………..Pakam Uppu
??????? ……………………………………………………………………….. Pakavallu
??????? …………………………………………………………………………Manisikha
??????? ………………………………………………………………………Mulagasellu
Abrus precatorius ………………………………………………………….. Guruvintha
Aconite/Monks Hood, Aconitum ferox Wall ………………………………….... Nabhi
Ajwain, Trachyspermum amnii ……………………………………………...….. Omam
Anthocephalus indicus ………………………………………………….. ….. Kadamba
Asfoetida ………………………………………………………………………….. Inguva
Babreng, Emblia ribes ……………………………………... Vidangam/ Vidangamu
Bael, Aegle marmelos …………………………………………………………….. Bilva
Baliospermum montana ……………………………………….. ….. Pedda Nepalam
Barbeng, Emblia ribes ………………………………………….….. Vaayu Vidangam
Basil , Ocimum sanctum ………………………………………………….….. Surasa
Bauhinia variegae ………………………………………………. ….. Devakanchaura
Bell Metal, Bronze …………………………………………………….. ….. Kaansyamu
Bitumen ………………………………………………………………………….. Shilajit
Black Pepper ……………………………………………………………….... Maricham
Boric Acid ………………………………………………….. Yavaksharam/ Veligaramu
Cardamom, Elettaria cardamom …………………………………………….. ….. Yela
Castor, Ricinus communis ……………..……………………………….….. Yerandam
Chebulic Myrobalan, Terminalia chebula: Abhaya, Karakkaya/ Karakkayalu/Karaka
Common Juniper, Juniper communis ………………………………….. ….. Hapusha
Conch Shell Calx ………………………………………………..….. Sankhabhasmamu
Copper …………………………………………………………………….. Thamramu
Copper Sulphate …………………………………………………….….. Mylethuthamu
Cowrie Shell Calx .…………………………………………….….. Varata Bhasmamu
Cratela Nervula, Tribulus terristris …………………………..….. Varuna Gokshura
Croton Seed, Baliospermum montanum …………………………………. Danthee
Croton Seed, Croton tiglium ……………………………………. Tella Nepalamulu
Cutch Tree, Acacia catechuc ……………………………………………….. Chandra
Deodar, Cedrus deodara …………………………..…………….. Deva/Devadaaru
Drumstick, Morninga olifera ……………………………………….... Mulaga/ Munaga
Dry Ginger, Zingiber officinalis ………………………………….... Naagaram/ Sonti
East Indian Globe/Thistle, Sphereanthus indicus ………………….. Bodatharamu
Eclipta alba………………………………………………………………….. Bhringaraja
Elephant Creeper, Argyreia speciosa:Vriddhadaaru/Vriddhadaarukam/Vrudha Daaru/
Emetic Nut Randia spinosa ..……………………….. Mrangapandlu/ Madanaphala
Fever Nut, Caesalpinia crista ……………………………………………..….. Gaccha
Ficus hispida …………………………………………………… ….. Kaakodumbarikaa
Five Salts ( I.E. ?????????????????) ……………………….. Pancha Lavanamulu
Five-Leaved Chaste, Vitex negundo ……………………………….. Nirgundi/ Vaavili
Gigantic Swallow Wort, Calotropis gigantia ……………………….…………. Arkam
Ginger, Zingiber officinalis) …………………………………………………….. . Allam
Grass Variety ???? …………………………………………………… ….. Sukanaasa
Hemplathis harreleculeris …………………………………………. ….. Kakabjandhu
Indian Barberry, Berberis aristata …………………………………….. Maani Pasupu
Indian Bedellium/ Guggul, Commiphora mukul Gum …………………….... Guggulu
Indian Jalap, Operculina turpethum………………..…………………………... Tivrith
Indian Madder, Rubia cordifolia ……………………………………………. Manjishta
Indian Sarsaparilla, Hemidesmus indicus ……………………………. ….. Sugandhi
Indigo, Indigofera tinctoria ………………………………………………….... Neelinee
Iron ………………………………………………………………………………. Lohamu
Jaggery …………………………………………………………………………. Bellamu
Java Long Pepper, Piper retrofractum ……………..………..….. Chevyam/Chavyam
Jowar ………………………………………………………………………… ….. Jonnalu
Land Caltrops/Puncture Rine, Tribulus terristris ……..………………………. Palleru
Leadwort, Plumbago zeylanica ………………………………… ….. Chitrakam/Chitra
Lime, Citris Limon ………………………………………………………….. Nimmakaya
Liquorice, Glycerrhiza glabra …………………...…. Athimadhuram/Yashtimadhuram
Long Pepper …………………………………………………… ….. Pillalee/ Pippalee
Madar, Calotropis procera …………………………………………….….. Arka/ Jilledu
Magnet Metal ………………………………………………………….. Kanta Lohamu
Malabar Nut, Adhatoda vasica ………………………………………….. Vasa/Vaasa
Mercury …………………………………………………………………………….. Paara
Mercury extracted from Redegas (?) ……………………..….. Hingulothara Rasamu
Mistletoe, Dendraphthoe foliate/Boranthus foliate ………..……………… Badavika
Mustard, Brassica compestris …………………………………………… ….. Aavaalu
Neem, Azadirachta indica ………….……………………………………….….. Vepa
Picrorhiza, Picrorhiza kurroa ……………………………. ….. Katukaa/ Katukarohini
Pinus Deodar, Citrus deodara ……………………………………… ….. Bhadradaaru
Pluchea lanceolata …………………………………………………………... Raasnaa
Poison Berry, Solanum indicam ……………………………………………. Brihatee
Purging Croton, Croton tiglium ……………………….
….. Draavanthi/ Nepalam
Purified Sulphur ………………………………………….. ….. Suddha Gandhakamu
Putrajiva roxburghii …………………………….….. Putrajeevakamu/ Putrajeevani
Rice Gruel ……………………………………………………... Dhanyayusha Dravam
Rock Salt ………………………………………………………….. ….. Saindhalavanam
Sensitive Water Plant, Nepturia olerocea ………………... Arabhusha/Alambhusha
Shoe Flower, Hibiscus roja sinensis ……………………………………... Mandaara
Solanum surratanse …………………………………………………. ….. Kantakaree
Spike Nord, Nardostachys jatamamsi …………………………….. ….. Jataamaamsi
Spreading Hogweed, Boerhavia diffusa…………… ….. Punarnava/ Tella Galjeru
Stannum/Tin …………… ….……………………………………………. ….. Vangamu
Sulphur ………………………………………………………………... ….. Gandhakamu
Sweet Flag, Acorus calamus ………………………………………………….. Vacha
Terminelia chebula …………………………………………………….. Vardhamana
Thorn Apple, Datura metel ………………………………………………….. Ummetha
Three Myrobalans (Chebulic Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan and Emblic Myrobalan;
Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Embrica officinlis) ……… ……
Three Spices (Dry Ginger, Pepper And Long Pepper)…..Thrikatukamulu/Thrikatu
Tinospora cordifolia ……………………….….. Amruthaa/ Gudoochi/ Thippa Theege
Trewana multiflora ………………………………………………………….... Pindari
Turpein/Indian Jalap, Operculina turpethem …………………………….. Thegada
Whey (????) Curd …..………………………………………………. Dadhimandamu
White Mustard, Brassica compestris ………………………………… Tella Aavaalu
Yellow Orpiment …………………………………………………………. Thaalakamu
Zedary, Curcuma zedoria ……………………………………………… ….. Kachoralu
Health and Medicine
???????????????? ………………………………………………………………...panchaavu
???????????????? …………………………………………………………………Upavaaha
Alkali……………………………………………………………………………….. Kshara
Bark ..………………………………………………………………………………………….Chekka
Blood-Letting …………..………………………………………………Rakta Mokshanamu
Decoction …………………………………………………………………………Kashayam
Elephantiasis Curative Potion.……….………………………………..Sleepada Hara Drava
Gruel.. ……………………………………………………………………. … Kanjikamu
Flower ……………………………………………………………………………Pushpam
Ghee ………………………………………………………………………………Ghritam
Hardness ………………………………………………………………………. Mahathva
Heaviness ………………………………………………………………………..Guruthva
Heavy…………………………………………………………………………………. Guru
Herbal Leaves Paste ………………………………………………………………….Kalka
Juice ………………………………………………………………………………...Rasam
Khara …………………………………………………………………………………..Hard
Light …………..…………………………………………………………………….. Laghu
Lubrication Therapy.…………………………….…………………………… . .Sneha Kriya
Medicated Enema ...…………………………………………………………………….Vasti
Medicated Ghee …………………………………..……………………………Ghrita Pakva
Medicated 0il ………………………………..…………………………………Taila Paaka
Milk /Latex ……………………………………………………………………………Paalu
Numbness ...………………………………………………………………………….Jada
Oil ……………………………………………………………………………………Tailam
Phlegm/ Kapha/ ………………………………………………………………….…Sleshma
Porridge …………………………………………………………………………….. . Keya
Pustules ..………………………………………………………………………….Pokkulu
Powder …………………………………………………………………………..Churnam
Purgation …………………………………………………………………….Virechanamu
Root ……………………………………………………………………………….Moolam
Root Bark ………………………………………………………………………Veru Patta
Rubbing into Juiced Leaves ………………………………………………… Mardanam
Seeds ………………………..……………………………………………… Beeja/Vittulu
Smooth …………………………………………………………………………….Snigdha
Sour Gruel …………………………………………………………………..….Kanjikamu
Stem/Wood ……………………………………………………………………Kaashtamu
Weights And Measures
Karsha Pramaana