05-03-2013 - Richards Bay Country Club

Richards Bay Country Club
P O Box 10024
Fax No
035 - 753 2441
035 – 753 1230 / 086 618 2065
Minutes of Meeting
Richards Bay Country Club Exco meeting held on Thursday the 5th of March 2013
At Richards Bay Country Club at 17:30
1. Welcome – Meeting opened by Chairman, John Smith, at 17:37
2. Attendance/Apologies
Steve Smith (SS) RBCC President (smiffs@intekom.co.za)
John Smith (JS) RBCC Chairman (chairman@rbcc.co.za)
Justin Joseph (JJ) RBCC Golf Captain (Justin.joseph@telkomsa.net)
Kevin Stobart (KS) RBCC Committee Member (kevins@npa.co.za)
Darren Liebenberg (DL) Home Owners Association (ecp@yit.co.za)
Phillip Fouche (PF) Tennis Section (phillipfch@gmail.co.za)
Thys Walters (TW) Tennis Section (thys.walters@gmail.com)
Marnus Steenkamp (MS) RBCC Treasurer (marnus@psgprofplan.co.za)
Andrew Marx (AM) (Andrew@neilsonauctioneers.co.za)
Werner Nienaber (WN) Squash Section (wernern@powprop.co.za)
Hannes Uys (HU) Sports Development Section (hannes.uys@afrox.linde.com)
Eric Mhlongo (EM) (eric@zenzelasecurity.co.za)
Manie Lourens (ML) (lourensm@richemp.org.za)
Gerry Gibson (GG) (gerryg@telkomsa.net)
Louise Wood (LW) – RBCC Accounts (accounts@rbcc.co.za)
3. Matters Arising:
 Minutes of the previous accepted
4. Managers’ Report:
 Restaurant manager decision to change restaurant hours accepted as the cost
of keeping restaurant open on quiet mornings outweighs the income at this
 New hours to be posted on restaurant and notice sent to members.
 Action plan but forward for review is accepted but reference numbers to be
Office Bearers
President: S. Smith, Chairman: J.G. Smith, Treasurer: M. Steenkamp
Members: K. Stobart, P.Roos, W. Nienaber, K v Zyl, T. Walters, J. Joseph.
added to the list.
Updated list to be brought to the next meeting for review.
Gaap: Jeff from Gaap will be contacted for training for Louise and Sue.
Add onto Action list: hire 6 more golf carts once finances are stable.
5. Financials:
 Due to the Tennis Affiliation fees outstanding, one of the junior tennis league
players is not able to compete. Affiliation fee to be processed ASAP.
 Golf affiliation fees are also outstanding. To be paid before end of March.
 Financial Reports to be sent to Marnus.
 Application put forward for payment to be made from the Stabilization Fund
for the repair of the electric supply in the golf cart shed.
 Air-conditioner in bar has been replaced and paid for but funds need to be
replaced by Stabilization Fund.
 Email will be sent out to request money from the Stabilization Fund for
building repairs/equipment purchased.
 Point raised: Some of these funds need to be directed to Sports Development
such as Tennis building and courts to be upgraded.
 Result: Committee to be set up to manage this funding. The Stabilisation
Fund was set up to use the interest for maintenance of the Main Club
facilities and is to be made up of 4 home owners, 4 club members, and 2 from
the municipal council. Email to be sent out to arrange this committee and
move forward with meeting this week.
 Monthly municipal grant - meeting with the mayor this week confirmed that
funds are available but payment to be followed up.
 Renewal of RBCC lease has been sent but no response received.
 Stock levels are very high and most of the cash flow is held up in this area.
 RBCC budget to be emailed to Hannes.
6. Tennis:
 Midbay tournament scheduled for the 16th of March.
 Affiliation fees to be paid as above.
 Advertising boards to be put up - income from this will be managed by the
Tennis Section.
 Resurfacing of courts - comparative quotes to be sourced but the estimated
cost will be around R75 000.00. Once all the quotes are in a formal
application can made for financials from the Stabilisation Fund.
 Accounts: Electricity amount allocated to the Tennis Section is incorrect and
needs to be followed up.
 Member Activity Level: There are about 40 active members which is a 50%
activity level.
Concept put forward to have a fun day with friendly tennis competition
between the Tennis and Golf Sections. To be organized.
7. Squash:
 From the High school league there were 6 people chosen to attend the
Provincial KZN schools comp. One of the players result was 17th overall.
 Development program starts running on Saturday.
 Member Fees for Squash is very high and many of the development members
who have been equipped by RBCC have moved over the Veld en Vlei Club due
to costs. Many Veld en Vlei Club members are affiliated with Veld en Vlei
Club for the lower rate but the playing standards are much lower than that of
 Proposal to be drafted and sent to John to decrease membership and
encourage more RBCC members. Possible membership fee of R1300.00.
 Member Activity Level: about 16 active members.
 Active membership needs to be encouraged.
 Point raised: Sports decisions are based on bar/restaurant funds but this is a
sports club first.
 Quotes to fix the floors - outstanding.
8. Home Owners Association:
 Finger printing at security gate is slow and there have been problems setting it
up. Contractors are charged R95.00 per person to recoup the costs of this system
but is has not been implemented as yet. This cost should have been raised before
the system was installed. There was an email sent to John regarding this system
costs but this to be resent. Old disk system still in place, this is only for security
issues for onsite workers.
 Marking out of bounds has not been done - Kevin, Gerry and John McFarland
will do rounds to sort this out before next golf meeting in 2 weeks.
 Marius asked if the Home Owners Association has been registered for vat. The
response was yes.
 Development at the back of the tennis courts. Paving stones removed by Gerry
but have to be replaced. Will be replaced by John.
9. Golf Section:
 Assistant for the Pro Shop has been hired.
 Golf score cards received and paid for: There was an error on them but Jimmy
has cut and paste over the error on each of the cards. Thank you to Jimmy
Terblanche in the News Letter.
 Honorary Members don’t pay Club/Section Membership Fees, only NGN
Affiliation as per the RBCC constitution. If an Honorary has paid membership
fees in error this amount can be credited on his member account. Follow this
up for Jimmy Terblanche.
Supplier accounts for the Pro shop have been opened directly so the club will
have better purchase prices. Control of these costs will fall on the new
Financial Manager.
Golf Fixtures are busy this month with Rotary this Saturday, public holiday on
the 21st of March and then Easter the following weekend. Club Champs will
also take place during the first week in April. Fixture list to be sent out with
Club Champ and Inkwazi dates. To be sent to Louise to forward to members.
Accounts: Find out if other sporting goods (such as Tennis rackets and balls)
can be purchased through the Pro Shop suppliers and sold in the Pro shop.
24th of March is the handicap league - send email out to all members.
Upcoming fixtures to be advertised in the Zululand Observer.
Foot paths – markings need to be sorted out. Will be done along with the
marking of the house boundaries this week. This agreement was discussed at
passed meetings and signage has to be put up. John to put something forward
to the Home Owners regarding markings/signage.
10. Sports Development Trust:
 2 new applications have been received and these subs were paid. They will
participate in the next RBM Sponsor day as these applicants form part of the
social club. This will be a social golf day.
 R27000.00 received from a developer in December - email to be sent out to
thank this sponsor. Most of this money was allocated to club expenses.
 Is contact made with social corporate teams who will invest in development?
This will be implemented from next year but for now its equipment
sponsorship only.
 Golf equipment was sponsored by Lotto, but money is still outstanding from
them. This to be followed up on the accounts to see if these balances can be
offset against other fees.
 About 10 development golfers have to play at least twice a month: they need
to fill in membership forms as junior members so that they can get a
handicap card. These players can tee off at the back of the field while they are
part of the development crowd and still learning golf etiquette.
 Request: Approach some members to volunteer to play with the development
guys to train them up.
 Report requested from STD for Exco with updated information pertaining to
the development sector.
 Articles can be placed on the website to drive this sector.
11. General:
 Staff quarters require curtains and cabling to be sorted out in the restaurant.
Weeds have been cleared out of the gutters.
 Website - Louise to look into that - Bruce Molver. Reports from subsections
to be added onto the web.
 Very big thank you to Dorri for the large amount of volunteer work she has
put into the club over the past 4 months. John will send a proposal of what
the club can get for her to show our appreciation.
 New staff quarters: It's important that the staff are on site, this
accommodation is not offered as part of the staff package but used as an
overnight stay for shift workers at night. These facilities are not for off-duty
 News Letter: Input to be received from all sections along with a booking form
for golf.
 Membership: Some members are receiving a pensioner rate but they are not
pensioners. The constitution will indicate the age at which members are
charged as pensioners. This will be sorted out before the next.
 Car wash: There was a proposal (email) sent out regarding allowing the car
wash stations access to the RBCC parking lot. Some Exco Members felt that
they were not consulted on this decision and clear lines of communication
need to be established to discuss matters like this.
 Result: An email protocol will be set up for fast, reliable communication to
the committee to handle day to day items.
 Suggestion: If the Chairman has to make an Exco decision this can be sent out
via email with a request for response (date/time to be on the email) If the
response is unanimous the decision can be made but if there is a negative
report then the decision must be brought to the Exco meeting for final vote.
 Updated email distribution list to be made up for the Exco Committee.
 Thursday pizza evening still running but the prices have gone up. The price
increase was due to improper costing done in the past as this special was
actually costing the club rather than bring in revenue. Costs need to be
looked at regarding the menu.
 The restaurant is lacking in both staff and food quality and this is being
attended to. A report back will be available at the next meeting.
12. Closure – 19:40
13. Next Meeting –