Mind 440 Hearing Aid

CCT370H Introduction to Computer Visualization
Winter 2010
Norman Valdez Chavez
Assignment 1: Product Visualization Narrative
February 2nd 2010
Project Proposal Submitted by Antonia De Avila 996 451 450
Project Summary
Purpose and Objectives
Industry History
Industry Trends
Product Design/ Marketing
Mind 440 Hearing Aid
Identify a problem
Project Summary
Product Visualization is increasingly becoming an important part of presenting products to the market. For the
assignment, there will be a closer look at how companies use computer visualization such as 3D visualizations to design a
product post development. The paper will focus on the Hearing Aid industry and how the company Widex® uses 3D
computer visualization to market their product.
Purpose and Objectives
This Narrative will describe the Hearing Aid Industry, History and Marketing.
Introduce Widex® new BTE (behind the ear) model and how the company uses computer visualization.
The objective is to identify a problem with a Widex® hearing aid product and present a solution that will attract
and retain target market.
Industry History
Vacuum tubes were critical to the development of electronic technology, and impacted many industries. The tubes helped
advance radio broadcasting, television, telephone networks, analog and digital computers (Wikipedia, 2010). In 1920’s
vacuum tubes helped build the early ages of the Hearing Aid Industry by improving the sound intensification in a hearing
aid and move away from ear trumpets. Later with transistors in 1948, hearing aids reduced in size to ear models (Hearing
Aid Museum, 2006). Technology has not only helped people with hearing loss, it has also changed social acceptance.
People feared they would be alienated by others if they wore hearing aids. With technology it has helped reduce the
stigma as technology becomes sophisticated and continues to shrinks in size (Slide Share, 2009). Today digital technology
is shaping the industry economically, it is more affordable than analog hearing aids and has increasingly more capabilities.
Industry Trends
One in ten Americans experience impaired hearing; ten million are baby boomers aged 45-64 alone who have hearing loss
(AARP, 2007). The baby boomer generation is shaping the way the industry is heading. Research shows baby boomers
today are experiencing hear loss 20 years earlier than the previous generations (CBC News, 2007). This is due to the
“noisy” environments they live in; with exposure to rock concerts, loud stereos, city traffic, and power tools (AARP,
2007). They are the generation, who made and used, electronics like walkmans and iPods. With hearing losses being more
evident around the ages of 45-64 and over, the baby boomers are refusing to wear the same hearing aids their
grandmothers used to wear (AARP, 2007). This shifts industry standards by influencing companies to make products that
take into consideration the stigma of wearing a hearing aid and creating well designed products. They are the generation
who raised the bar for good product design, thus driving the Industry to manufacture fashionable hearing aids (CBC
News, 2007)
"I can't tell you how many people I run into in their late forties who are upset because they have to wear hearing aids,"
"[Hearing aids] have always been so ugly, and people associate them with aging. But there [also] used to be a stigma around
glasses until they became fashion items."
- Heather Ferguson, the president of the Toronto-based Hearing Foundation of Canada.
Table 1.1 Hearing Aid Evolutions
Product Design/ Marketing
Today the Industry is starting to market stylish behind the ear (BTE) models that are targeted specifically to Baby
Boomers. More and more hearing aids have stylish colours and design patterns. The New York Times wrote an article of
how a Danish company Oticon is turning hearing aids into fashionable accessories. Kathleen Osborn,45, a client who uses
an Oticon product states: “They[hearing aid] go with my hair- and my personality”. This illustrates how new designs
marketed to appeal to people who traditionally are reluctant to seek help with hearing loss (New York Times, 2006)
Table 1.2 New Design Products in Market
The new Zen program, Mind 440 hearing aid product by Widex® is the product I choose to research and implement a
change. Widex creates products using advance technology for people who have hearing loss and are looking for a better
quality of life. Today Widex® is the world leader of digital hearing aid manufacturing in addition to has a world market
share of approximately 10% (Widex, 2010). In June 27th 2008 the Food and Drug Administration approved the Mind 440
hearing aid to enter the market. This product targets adults between 21 years of age and older (FDA, 2008). This is the
reason I choose the product because it targets the baby boomers that are currently experiencing hearing loss. Hearing Aid
companies use ear-molds of patient’s ear canal and measure the ear to properly fit a hearing aid. Widex® uses the Widex’
Compass Fitting software to fit hearing aids. The software uses the Sensogram program to measure the frequency ranges,
acoustically to ensure the most accurate and personalized sound quality.
The main reason I choose Widex® is due to the fact they are the first company in the industry to strategically move to 3D
computer visualization. In current use along with the Sensogram Widex® uses SpaceClaim® and COMSOL which enable
them to respond faster to new design opportunities (SpaceClaim®, 2009). The image below is an example of how
Widex® develops a hearing aid with 3D direct modelling using the SpaceClaim® software.
Table 1.3 SpaceClaim® 3D Modelling
“Often I had models for analysis we couldn’t get to at all because it took forever.
Now, I am saving at least 10 man hours per model analyzed and I am able to get results more quickly than I had anticipated.”
-Mads Jakob Jensen Development Engineer, Widex (SpaceClaim®, 2006)
Widex® uses both COMSOL and SpaceClaim® to help in their post production process. The COMSOL is used to analyze
acoustics and vibrations to optimize hearing aid performance. While the SpaceClaim® analyzes a single piece of
geometry and allows the user to change the products overall shape and look. The SpaceClaim® report states using the
easy-to-use 3D Direct Modelling software, Mads Jakob Jensen was able to bypass the design department and reduce
product development cycle time and cost (2006).Using 3D visualization is becoming a big part in the design process and
in the Hearing Aid industry it will provide clearer marketing campaigns, product placements, and customizations. I
believe Widex® has fostered a create asset for their future growth.
Mind 440 Hearing Aid
The Mind 440 seen in Table 1.2 is designed differently from traditional hearing aids. There are different types of hearing
aids such as: Completely in the canal (CIC), In the Canal (ITC), Half Shell (HS), In-the-ear (full-shell) hearing aid and
also the Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid that hooks over the top of your ear and rest behind the ear. The Mind 440 is a
BTE hearing aid that picks up sound, amplifies it and carries the amplified sound to the ear plug that fits inside your ear
canal. Compared to the other aids this product is the largest and most visible, though with advance technology they are
becoming smaller and less visible. In general the BTE is appropriate for almost all types of hearing loss, appropriate for
all ages, and easy to fit. I interviewed Wieslaw Chmielewski, from ActivEars in Hanover, and found other reasons why
BTE are more desirable than hearing aids like CIC. The CIC may be smaller and more cosmetically appealing, however
BTE fits everyone and some people cannot use a CIC because it does not have enough power or fit the patient’s ear canal.
Also the BTE lasts longer than most alternatives.
The Mind440 hearing aid offers the highest sound quality and with models that do suit all types of hearing loss. The
hearing aid also offers value to the customer with SmartSpeak. SmartSpeak is a technology embedded in the hearing aid
that allows users to hear how to use hearing aid in any language. Back to the sound quality the Mind 440 is built around
harmony and balance. The device uses the TruSound compression system to create precise sounds.
I believe the Mind 440 is a great product overall. It is innovative and uses the latest technology available in the industry
and the first digital hearing aid. The design is sleek and elegant with a hard shell exterior designed to custom fit around
the back of the ear. The advertising Widex® uses to promote the product is elegant and speaks to hip and fashion forward
Identify a problem
Although the product is praised for its size and high quality sound, there are some potential improvements. After hunting
down a few Mind 440 reviews I found the following drawbacks an avid user reported (McGrane, 2009):
Mature users who have been wearing hearing aids do not care if anyone sees the hearing aid.
Smaller hearing aids are prone to have more moisture problems than the large ones.
Small hearing aids are easier to drop and loose.
The Mind 440 have a very small batteries: size 10 and they had to change the batteries weekly
Because the hearing aid is so small a remote control is needed to switch between programs.
I do believe the Mind 440 is a great product concept, with a few modifications Widex® will be able to advertise their
products to the market with confidence. The my product proposal will still market baby boomers as well as be able to
reach niche markets like teenagers who are just entering the market. The product will also take into consideration of
mature users who usually don’t care for fashion or discreet hearing aids. The goal is to make the hearing aid effortless and
Some ideas I would like to propose include:
Mind 440 can have the ability to expand with an attachment or quick release. This will allow people to have the
choice to wear the hearing aid discreetly or adjust the hearing aid to fit more comfortably. With this option mature
users can use the attachment that gives them a sense of ‘continuity’, from their old pairs.
Mind 440 should take into consideration daily problems like moisture. This can be done by researching new
technology that can be used on the product’s exterior which repels and/or reduces moisture. One option is to
incorporate bedding around hearing aid to cushion ear and be able to absorb moisture. This modification shows
Widex® listens to their consumer comments and implements changes to satisfy their needs.
Mind 440 is currently on of the smallest BTE, it can be easy to lose, especially with older people. The hearing
aids can incorporate an alert system activated from the aids’ remote. This alert system would active hearing aid to
either vibrate light up, or beep. This modification can help create value to users.
 Mind 440 have small batteries which can be difficult to change and become expensive to replace weekly. The best
solution for Widex® is to incorporate rechargeable feature. The hearing aids can use home electricity to recharge
over night. This modification increases products reliability.
 Mind 440 can give their users a choice to use a remote or connect their hearing aids to their iPod or Cell phone
control. There can be a program installed where users who do have a stigma of wearing a hearing and cautious of
using a remote can use their hand devices to remotely change hearing aid settings. Bluetooth can be a great way to
connect to handheld devices. This modification can attract more baby boomers and make them feel technology savvy
using their hearing aids.
 Mind 440 can incorporate many other applications with Bluetooth technology. The product can have a Smart Link
to FM radios, personal iPods, Television sets, and more. Adding features like this can attract new younger users and
retain baby boomers.
Table 1.4 My Hearing Aid Re-Design
1. CBC News (2007, February 26th) The Hearing Aid Revolution. Listen up Canada News. Retrieved January 29th
2010 from: http://www.listenupcanada.com/Pages/Common/ContentPage.aspx?name=News_2_26_07
2. Case Study: Widex Enhances Hearing Aid Technology with 3D Design Modeling pdf (2009) SpaceClaim
3. Consumer Guide to Hearing Aids (2007) AARP: American Association of Retired Persons. Retrieved January
20th 2010 from: http://www.hearingloss.org/docs/aarphearing_guide.pdf
4. Eisenberg, Annie ( 2006, September 24th ) The hearing Aid as Fashion Statement. New York Times. Retrieved
January 19th from:http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/24/business/yourmoney/24novel.html
5. HearingAids (2009, June) Hearing Aid Industry Outlook. SlideShare. Retrieved January 19th 2010 from:
6. The Hearing Foundation of Canada. Retrieved January 30th 2010 from:
7. McGrane, Karen. (2009, September 30th) Widex Mind 440 Hearing Aid Review. Word Press Blog. Retrieved
January 30th 2010 from: http://karenmcgrane.com/2009/09/30/widex-mind-440/
8. Shell Designer (2009) Retrieved January 20th 2010 from 3Shape Official Site http://www.3shape.com/ourproducts/hearing-instruments/shelldesigner.aspx
9. Widex Enhances Hearing Aid Technology with SpaceClaim Modeling and COMSOL. (2009, November 1st )
Retrieved January 25th 2010 from: http://www.deskeng.com/articles/aaaswd.htm
10. Zen Program (2009, June) Mind 440 Hearing Aid. Retrieved January 20th 2010 from: Widex® Official Site
Images Used
Table 1.1 Hearing Aid Evolutions. Vacuum Tubes. Wikipedia. Retrieved January 30th 2010 from
Table 1.1 Hearing Aid Evolutions. Ear Trumpet. Retrieved January 30th 2010 from
Table 1.1 Hearing Aid Evolutions. Body-Style Transistor. Retrieved January 30th 2010 from
Table 1.2 New Design Products in Market. Flash 19 Retrieved January 30th 2010 from
Table 1.2 New Design Products in Market. Passion 115 Retrieved January 30th 2010 from
Table 1.2 New Design Products in Market. Mind 440. Retrieved January 30th 2010 from