Anders Engberg-Pedersen – short CV

Madvigs Allé 5, 4th
1829 Frederiksberg /
Phone: (+45) 53440771
b. 1980 in Odense, Denmark
PhD Comparative Literature, Harvard University / Dr. phil. Neuere deutsche Literatur,
(Summa Cum Laude) Humboldt Universität (cotutelle), 2012
A.M. Comparative Literature, Harvard University, 2007
B.A. Comparative Literature (Minor in Cognitive Science), University of Copenhagen, 2004
Graduated from the Gymnasium at Roskilde Katedralskole, 1999
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature in the Department for the Study of Culture at the
University of Southern Denmark, Sept. 2013Affiliate of Center for War Studies at the University of Southern Denmark, 2014Postdoc at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen,
sponsored by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2012-16
Co-Director of the research group ‘War and Culture’ in the Department for the Study of Culture
at the University of Southern Denmark, 2014-17
Visiting scholar, Columbia University, spring semester, 2015.
Empire of Chance. The Napoleonic Wars and the Disorder of Things
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015
Jyllandsposten, March 17, 2015; Geographical Imaginations, April 14, 2015;
Weekendavisen, April 24, 2015;, April 30, 2015; Journal of Military
History, vol. 79, nr. 3 and vol. 79, nr. 4; K&K, vol. 43, nr. 120 (2015); Weekly Standard,
January 11, 2016
Das Geständnis und seine Instanzen. Zur Bedeutungsverschiebung des Geständnisses im
Prozess der Moderne. Eds. A. Engberg-Pedersen, E. Nordhausen, M. Hoffmaster, V.
Öhner, Wien-Berlin: Verlag Turia + Kant, 2011
Literature and Cartography. Theories, Histories, Genres, ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen,
Currently under review with The University of Chicago Press
Visualizing War. Emotions, Technologies, Communities, eds. Anders Engberg-Pedersen and
Kathrin Maurer, Currently under review with Routledge
Book in Progress
Military Aesthetics: Technology, Experience, and Late Modern War
Under contract with Stanford University Press
The Empire of Chance: War, Literature, and the Epistemic Order of Modernity, 2012
“Flat Emotions: On the Metapictures of War Maps” in Visualizing War. Emotions, Technologies,
Communities, eds. Anders Engberg-Pedersen and Kathrin Maurer, expected 2016
“Estranging the Map. On Literature and Cartography” in Literature and Cartography. Theories,
Histories, Genres, ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, under review
“Cartographies of War: Stars Charts, Topographical Sketches, War Games” in Literature and
Cartography. Theories, Histories, Genres, ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, under review
“Technologies of Experience: Harun Farocki’s ‘Serious Games’ and Military Aesthetics”
in Boundary 2, forthcoming
“Kapitalens fiktion: Joseph Vogl afkoder den økonomiske orden ved hjælp af litteraturen” in
Salon 55, forthcoming
“Governed by Chance: On War, Disorder, and Representation” in Boundary 2 Review, September
29, 2015
“Critique of Cartographic Reason: Tolstoj on the Media of War” in Russian Literature, vol. 77
nr. 3 (2015), 307-336
“Hvad ved litteraturen?” in Salon 55, Dec. 2014
“Sketching War: August von Larisch’s Collection of Field Maps from the Russian Campaign of
1812” in Imago Mundi, vol. 66:1, 70-81, 2014
“The Refraction of Geometry: Tristram Shandy and the Poetics of War 1700/1800” in
Representations, vol. 123, nr. 1, (Summer 2013), p. 23-52
“Det Symbolske Terræn – Kartografi og Krigens Poetik i det 19. Århundrede” in Kritik, nr. 2,
August 2013
“Takt: Der Kriegszustand und die Kunst des Urteilens im 19. Jahrhundert” in Repräsentationen
des Krieges. Emotionalisierungsstrategien in der Literatur und in den audiovisuellen
Medien vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, eds. Søren R. Fauth et al., Göttingen: Wallstein
Verlag, 2012, p. 198-217
“Die Verwaltung des Raumes: Kriegskartographische Praxis um 1800” in S. Siegel, P. Weigel
(Hg.): Die Werkstatt des Kartographen. Materialien und Praktiken visueller
Welterzeugung, München, Wilhelm Fink, 2011, p. 29-49
“Einleitung” with E. Nordhausen, in Das Geständnis und seine Instanzen. Zur
Bedeutungsverschiebung des Geständnisses im Prozess der Moderne, eds. A.
Engberg-Pedersen, E. Nordhausen, M. Hoffmaster, V. Öhner. Wien-Berlin: Verlag Turia
+ Kant, 2011, p. 9-21
“Inquest and Close-up: Jeanne d’Arc, Carl Th. Dreyer, and the Apparatus of Justice 1431/1928”
in Das Geständnis und seine Instanzen. Zur Bedeutungsverschiebung des Geständnisses
im Prozess der Moderne, eds. A. Engberg-Pedersen et al. Wien-Berlin: Verlag Turia +
Kant, 2011, p. 65-85
“Kleist’s Endings – ‘(Die Fortsetzung folgt)’” in Publications of the English Goethe Society,
Volume 78, Numbers 1-2, September 2009, p. 81-88
“Spatial Distortion – Kafka's Aphoristic Travels and the Invention of a Literary Form" in
Imaginäre Topographien: Migration und Verortung, ed. Müller-Richter and UritescuLombard. Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2007, p. 113-127
“Den Sande Vej. Om Vejmotivet i Kafkas Zürauer-aforismer” (The True Way. On the Roadmotif in Kafka’s Zürauer-aphorisms). Published in Manus nr. 4, Copenhagen, 2004, p.
“Ubrydelige Konstellationer – Transcendensfilosofiske konflikter i P.B. Shelley’s forfatterskab”
(Unbreakable Constellations – Philosophical Conflicts of Transcendence in the Works of
P.B. Shelley). Published by Dansk Selskab for Romantikstudier/Danish Society for
Studies in Romanticism, Aarhus, 2002, p. 1-41
Jesus, Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, by Bart D. Ehrman, from English into
Danish. Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 2001
“Amnesie in litteris,” by Patrick Süskind, from German into Danish, in Kritik nr. 135
published by Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 2002
“On the Metadiscursive Function of the ‘Alien.’ Negotiations between Heinrich von Kleist,
Zygmunt Bauman, and Bernhard von Waldenfels,” by Klaus Müller-Richter and Daniela
Schmeiser, from German into English, in Imagining Blackness in Germany and Austria,
ed. C. Szilagyi, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle (UK), 2012
“Forskning på smalkost.” Expanded commentary written together with Mikkel Bille, Steffen
Dalsgaard, Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Eline Lorenzen, Bjørn Panyella Pedersen, og
Thomas Poulsen in BioZoom, nr. 4, vol. 17, 2015, p. 4-5.
“Den kuraterede krig.” Review of Judith Butler, Krigens Rammer. Hvornår er livet sorgbart?,
Weekendavisen, Bøger December 23, 2015, p. 10.
“Et monster uden gerningsmænd.” Review of Herta Müller, Altid den samme Sne og altid den
samme Onkel, Weekendavisen, Bøger, November 20, 2015, p. 11.
“Forskning på smalkost.” Commentary written together with Mikkel Bille, Steffen Dalsgaard,
Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Eline Lorenzen, Bjørn Panyella Pedersen, og Thomas Poulsen
in Berlingske Tidende, October 10, 2015, p. 16.
“I begyndelsen var ydmygelsen.” Review of Thomas Bernhard, Et Barn, Weekendavisen, Bøger,
September 9, 2015, p. 11.
“Nobelpristagers hovedbog udgives på ‘mikroforlag.’” Interview in Jyllandsposten, Kultur,
September 9, 2015, p. 19.
“The Astrology of War.” Center for War Studies, blog post, September 8, 2015.
“Play it again, Murakami.” Review of Haruki Murakami, Mænd uden Kvinder, Weekendavisen
Bøger, September 18, p. 9.
“Creating War in California.”
Center for War Studies, blog post, September 2, 2015.
“Letter to the Editor.” In Journal of Military History, vol. 79, nr. 4, p. 1202-1203.
“Portrait Stories.” Review of Michal Peled Ginsburg Portrait Stories in Orbis Litterarum,
“Ensomhedens virtuos.” Essay on Clemens J. Setz’s Indigo in Samlerens Bogklub, July, 2015.
“Socialrealisme på teenagetysk.” Review of Stefanie de Velasco, Tigermælk, Weekendavisen
Bøger, July 8, p. 4.
“RomerRiget om krig.” Radio debate, June 20, 2015, RomerRiget week 25, 2015, Radio24syv.
“Napoleon’s maps.” Center for War Studies, blog post, June 18, 2015.
“Napoleon ændrede europæernes tankegang.” Interview in Jyllandsposten Viden, June 12, 2015,
p. 4-5.
“Fra unik magtposition til frit fald.” Interview in Jyllandsposten Viden, June 12, 2015, p. 6-9.
“På kapitalens nåde.” Review of Joseph Vogl, Der Souveränitätseffekt, Weekendavisen Bøger,
April 24, 2015, p. 5.
“Engang hed det granatchok.” Review of David J. Morris, The Evil Hours: A Biography of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Weekendavisen Bøger, April 10, 2015, p. 5.
“On the Place of the Humanities in the Study of War.” Center for War Studies, blog post,
Tuesday 17, 2015.
“Hvor tilfældet hersker enerådigt.” Essay in Weekendavisen Ideer, February 27, 2015, p. 4-5.
–––––––– Reprinted in Chakoten. Dansk Militærhistorisk Selskab, 70/3, Sept. 2015, p. 10-14.
“Alt det vi knap nok ser.” Review of Colm Tóibín, Nora Webster, Weekendavisen Bøger,
February 20, 2015, p. 3.
“Da Shahen forlod Wien.” Review of Joseph Roth, Historien om den 1002. nat, Weekendavisen
Bøger, November 21, 2014, p. 1
“Planet Setz.” Review of Clemens J. Setz, Kærligheden på Mahlstädterbarnets Tid,
Weekendavisen Bøger, November 14, 2014, p. 1-2.
“Sort i sort.” Review of Sibylle Berg, Tusind tak for livet, Weekendavisen Bøger, October 24,
2014, p. 7.
“Lanzarotetrekanten.” Review of Juli Zeh, Nultid, Weekendavisen Bøger, October 2, 2014, p. 8.
“Øvelse gør mester.” Commentary in Weekendavisen Bøger, August 1, 2014, p.16.
“Powwow i Rungstedlund.” Review of Benedicte Riis, Karen Blixens Far Blandt Indianerne,
Weekendavisen Bøger, July 25, 2014, p. 5.
“Glasflaskespytterne.” Review of Thomas Bernhard, Kulden. En Isolation, Weekendavisen
Bøger, June 6, 2014, p. 5.
“Fantasiens Sauce Piquante.” Review of Hans Egede Schack, Phantasterne, Weekendavisen
Bøger, April 4, 2014, p. 12.
“Oplyste og følsomme androider.” Essay in Weekendavisen Ideer, February 28, p. 4-5, 2014.
“Slut med Maskeraden.” Review of Pierre Andrézel, Gengældelsens Veje, Weekendavisen Bøger,
January 3, 2014, p. 1-2.
“Til alle udannede.” Review of Birgit Eriksson, Moderne Dannelse. Goethes Wilhelm Meister og
dannelsesromanens aktualitet, Weekendavisen Bøger August 9, 2013, p. 10.
“Markedets Visdom.” Review of Adam Smith, Nationernes Velstand, Weekendavisen Bøger
August 2, 2013, p. 11.
“Et kort suk, en lang rallen.” Review of Thomas Bernhard, Åndedrættet. En Afgørelse,
Weekendavisen Bøger April 25, 2013, p. 5.
“Tankens Berøring.” Interview in Weekendavisen Ideer March 3, 2013, p. 5.
“Postdoc-stilling kan være et privilegium.” Interview in Forskerforum, nr. 261, 2013, p. 28-9.
“Manns syre.” Review of Thomas Mann, Tidlige Fortællinger, Weekendavisen Bøger February
8, 2013, p. 9.
“Wagners Testamente.” Review of Anders V. Munch, Fra Bayreuth til Bauhaus.
Gesamtkunstwerk’et og de moderne kunstformer, Weekendavisen Bøger January 4, 2013,
p. 9.
“Undergang i liggestolen.” Review of Thomas Mann: Døden i Venedig, Weekendavisen Bøger
October 12, 2012, p. 10.
“Vidnets triumf.” Review of Claude Lanzmann: The Patagonian Hare: A memoir,
Weekendavisen Kultur August 31, 2012, p. 4.
“Den mumificerede roman.” Review of Judith Schalansky: Giraffens Hals. Dannelsesroman,
Weekendavisen Bøger August 31, 2012, p. 6
“Et almindeligt overmenneske.” Review of Julian Young: Friedrich Nietzsche, A Philosophical
Biography, Weekendavien Bøger June 29, 2012, p. 14.
“Diktatoren, der forsvandt.” Review of Paul Preston: Franco, Weekendavisen Bøger June 1,
2012, p. 9
“Revolution for feinschmeckere.” Review of Hannah Arendt Om revolution, Weekendavisen
Bøger, January 27, 2012, p. 10
“Friheden sætter sig mellem to stole.” Review of Rune Engelbreth Larsen Frihed og
Retfærdighed – Arv og Aktualitet, Weekendavisen Bøger, December 9, 2011, p. 2
“Helvede ligger i Salzburg.” Review of Thomas Bernhard Årsagen – en Antydning,
Weekendavisen Bøger, October 21, 2011, p. 2
“Under al kritik.” Review of Kritik nr. 200, red. af Lasse Horne Kjældgaard og Frederik
Stjernfelt, Weekendavisen Bøger September 16, 2011, p. 12
“‘Sociologi er en kampsport.’” Review of Lisanne Wilken Bourdieu for Begyndere,
Weekendavisen Bøger, August 19, 2011, p. 5
“Tidens uorden.” Review of Paul Harding Tinkers, Weekendavisen Bøger, August 5, 2011, p.
“Forstyr ikke mine diagrammer.” Review of Bruno Latour Cogitamus. Six lettres sur les
humanités scientifique, Weekendavisen Bøger, July 29, 2011, p. 12
“Kraks Blå Bog over oplysningstiden.” Review of Philipp Blom: A Wicked Company. The
Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment, Weekendavisen Bøger, July 22,
2011, p. 5
“Transatlantisk kærlighed.” Review of Colm Toíbin Brooklyn, Weekendavisen Bøger,
May 19, 2011, p. 6
“Vi er alle tyskere.” Review of Peter Watson The German Genius, Weekendavisen Bøger,
April 20, 2011, p. 15
“Hemmelighedernes fysiognomi.” Review of Colm Toíbin The Empty Family,
Weekendavisen Bøger, March 25, 2011, p. 2
“Adam Smiths økonomiske spøgelseshistorie.” Review of Joseph Vogl Das Gespenst des
Kapitals, Weekendavisen Bøger, February 4, 2011, p. 14-15
“Selvmyrderi.” Commentary in Weekendavisen December, 10, 2010
“Pusjkin i spejlkabinettet” (“Pushkin in the Hall of Mirrors”) in the program for the Royal
Danish Opera’s staging of Eugene Onegin, September 2009, p. 18-23
Member of The Young Academy, 2015Sapere Aude Young Elite Researcher 2013
Postdoc at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen,
sponsored by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2012-16
PhD (Harvard)/Dr. phil. (Humboldt), Summa Cum Laude, 2012
The Whiting Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, 2011 (declined)
International Ph.D.-fellowship from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation,
Thesis advisor of Alice Speri, winner of a Hoopes Prize at Harvard University, 2009
Graduate Society Merit Award/Arthur Lehman Scholarship, 2008
Susan Anthony Potter Essay Prize for the best graduate student essay in the field of Comparative
Literature at Harvard University, 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, fall 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, spring 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, fall 2007
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, spring 2007
GSAS Pre-Dissertation Summer Language Fellowship, 2007
Davis Center Research Travel Grant, 2007
Center for European Studies Research Travel Grant, 2007
Douglas Dillon Fellowship at Harvard University, 2005-6
Oticon Fund Travel Grant, 2005
Karen and Olga Nybye’s Fund Research Grant, 2005
Presidential Scholar at Harvard University, 2004
Fulbright Scholar, 2004-5
Augustinus Fund Research Grant, 2004
Knud and Dagny Gad Andresens Fund Research Grant, 2004
Oticon Fund Travel Grant, 2004
Anders Månsson’s Fund Research Grant, 2004
Study-Abroad Fellowship from the University of Copenhagen, 2002
International Studies Scholarship from the University of Copenhagen, 2002
Graduated from the Gymnasium with a 12,1 average, the highest in Denmark, 1999
18th – 21th-century literature (German, French, Russian, Scandinavian), war, cartography, the
history and poetics of knowledge, media archaeology, literature and philosophy, literature and the
Danish – native
German, English, Russian, French – substantial fluency
Swedish, Norwegian, Latin – reading proficiency
Italian – basic reading ability
1. University of Southern Denmark
The Literary Senses (in Danish), fall 2014
Literary and Cultural History: Antiquity and the Middle Ages (in Danish), fall 2014
Literary and Cultural History: 20th and 21th Centuries (in Danish), spring 2014
Modernity and its Discontents: Revolution, Science, and Ennui 1848-1884 (in Danish), fall 2013
2. University of Copenhagen
Literary Theory and Analysis (in Danish), spring 2013
3. Harvard University
a) Teaching Fellow
German A, fall 2008
The Novel after Theory, spring 2008
Modern Scandinavian Masterpieces: Doubt, Decision, and Narrative from Kierkegaard to
Dogma ’95, fall 2007
On Theory, spring 2007
How and What Russia Learned to Read, spring 2007
German 91r. Supervised Reading and Research, spring 2007
Modern European Intellectual History from Nietzsche to Poststructuralism, fall 2006
Russian Culture from the Revolution to Perestroika, fall 2006
b) Tutorials
Literature 98, fall 2008 – spring 2009
Literature 99, fall 2008 – spring 2009
Social Studies 99, fall 2008 – spring 2009
Faculty mentor in the Harvard College Research Program, summer 2008
4. Other Teaching
Invited speaker at the European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA) in the seminar “Philosophy and
Poetry” Berlin, May, 2010
Tutor at Boston University, spring 2008
5. Pedagogical Training
PhD supervision course at The University of Southern Denmark, spring, 2014
Course in University Teaching (Universitetspædagogikum), University of Copenhagen, 2012-13
Video recording of my seminar followed by a discussion with a Derek Bok Center pedagogue at
Harvard University, fall 2008
German Philology – a four months long course in pedagogical method in language teaching,
spring 2008
Graduate Writing Fellow for four months at the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at
Harvard University, fall 2007
Participant in the Derek Bok Center Teaching Conference, September 2006
Editor of Passage, 2015Book Presentation “Empire of Chance” at the University of Southern Denmark, December 9,
Co-organizer with Professor Frederik Tygstrup of the graduate seminar “Matter, Sensation and
Meaning” at the University of Copenhagen, December 17-18, 2015.
Invited lecture “Kan Napoleonskrigene forstås? Litterære og filosofiske perspektiver på
krigstilstanden” in Mølholm Kirke, November 2015.
“From dissertation to book” – professional development seminar for graduate students at Harvard
University, March 31, 2015
Invited Paper: “Litteraturvidenskab og Videnshistorie” at the one-day seminar
“Litteraturvidenskaben i dag. Faglig debatdag på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab”
followed by a panel debate at the University of Copenhagen, October, 2014
Research Management Course run by CBS Executive, 2014
Introduction to Research Management at SDU, 2014
Member of the PhD selection committee at IKV, 2014 and 2015
Member of Forskningsudvalget (the research council) at IKV, 2014Peer reviewer for the journals Modernism/Modernity; Kritik; Media, War & Conflict
Reviewer of literature, philosophy, and intellectual history at Weekendavisen
Organizer of a PhD Masterclass with W.J.T. Mitchell, November 2014
Co-organizer with Kathrin Maurer of the conference Visualizing War. The Power of Emotions in
Politics at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, November 2014
Co-Director with Kathrin Maurer of the research group War and Culture at the Department for
the Study of Culture, 2014-17
Invited lecture “Literature and the History of Knowledge” at the Copenhagen Intellectual History
Seminar, April, 2014
Invited lecture “Dømmekraftens Takt: Kant, Kleist, Clausewitz” at Folkeuniversitetet i Odense,
March, 2014
Invited lecture “Krig og Litteratur” at Frederiksborg Gymnasium, March 2014
Co-organizer with Professor Frederik Tygstrup of the graduate seminar: “Innovative
Cartographies: Mappings in the Arts” at the University of Copenhagen, February 20-22,
Co-organizer with Professor Joanna Stalnaker and Professor Oliver Simons of the conference
“The Ends of the Eighteenth Century” at Columbia University, November 2013.
Guest lecture “Tilfældets Imperie: Napoleonskrigene og det Militære Verdensbillede” in Ældre
Litteraturhistorie at Copenhagen University, May 2013
Member of the selection committee for the position of Swedish Lecturer in the Department of
Germanic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, 2008-9
Coordinator of the workshop "Modernity and German-Language Cultures" at Harvard University,
Co-organizer with Professor Oliver Simons of the panel “Heinrich von Kleist: the End – 1800” at
the Modern Language Association conference, December 2008
Co-organizer with Professor Oliver Simons of the panel “Heinrich von Kleist: the End – 1800” at
the German Studies Association, 32nd Annual Convention, St. Paul, October 2008
Head organizer of the Forum Kulturpoetik/BTWH conference “Scenes of Justice: The Production
of Truth” at Harvard University, June 2008
Chair of the panel “Violence in the Works of Heinrich von Kleist II” at the Northeastern Modern
Language Association conference, April 2008
Co-organizer with Professor Oliver Simons and Professor Jimena Canales of the workshop
“Epistemologies of Science and Literature: Interdisciplinarity in the Humanities” at
Harvard University, 2007-8
Co-organizer of the conference “Science and Literature: Interdisciplinarity in the Humanities” at
Harvard University, April 2007
Guest lecture “Ideology and its Defamiliarizations – Lydia Ginzburg and Andrey Tarkovsky” in
Professor Svetlana Boym’s course Russian Culture from the Revolution to
Perestroika at Harvard University, November 2006
Co-organizer with Professor Oliver Simons and Professor Jimena Canales of the interdisciplinary
workshop “Literature/Science/Media” at Harvard University, 2006-7
Co-organizer of a workshop on Kafka at the University of Copenhagen, 2003-4
“Military Aesthetics: Technology, Experience, and Late Modern War” at the Boundary 2
conference, The Militarization of Knowledge, The University of Pittsburg, November,
“War and Chance” in the Humanities Lectures series at RUC, October, 2015.
“Geometri og Tilfældigheder: Om Krigens Former i Litteratur og Kartografi” at Det Jyske
Kunstakademi, October, 2015.
“Designing Experience. War and Aesthetics” at the workshop Transformation of Human
Experience in Virtual Frontlines of Conflict, at CRIC, Department of Political Science,
Copenhagen University, January 2015.
“The Military Aesthetic Regime. Harun Farocki’s Serious Games” at the conference Visualizing
War. The Power of Emotions in Politics at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
November 2014
“The Prism of War: Concept and Metaphor in French Theory” at the German Studies
Association, Kansas City, Missouri, September, 2014
“Technologies of Experience: Harun Farocki’s Serious Games” at the conference “Sensing War,”
London, June 2014
“Technologies of Experience and Negotiation: Harun Farocki’s Serious Games and Nicht ohne
Risiko” with Ramona Uritescu-Lombard at the conference “Modeling the Future – Risk
and Simulation” IFK, Wien, May/June 2014.
“Innovative Cartographies – Transparency, Opacity, Functionality” at the graduate seminar:
“Innovative Cartographies: Mappings in the Arts” at the University of Copenhagen,
February 20-22, 2014.
“Continued by Other Means: Balzac on the End of War” at the conference “The Ends of the
Eighteenth Century,” Columbia University, November, 2013
“‘Ein erfundenes Beispiel.’ Clausewitz on Future Contingents” at the conference “Government
and Catastrophe in Nineteenth-century German Literature and Culture,” Syddansk
Universitet, August 2013
“Senseless Order: Rhythm and Touch in E.T.A. Hoffmann” at the conference “Im Rhythmus des
Lernens,” Princeton University, March 2013
“Det Symbolske Terræn – Kartografi og Krigens Poetik i det 19. Århundrede” in
‘Stedforskningsnetværket’ at Institut for Litteratur, Kultur og Medier, Syddansk
Universitet, Odense, October 2012
“The Sense of Tact” at the summer academy “Aktuelle Tendenzen der Interdisziplinären
Begriffsgeschichte,” ZfL (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung), Berlin,
September 2012
“The Empire of Chance.” Dissertation defense at Harvard University, February 2012
“Tact: Warfare and The Art of Judgment” at the conference “War – Literature, Media, Emotions
at Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, September 2010.
“The Coping Subject. Lessons in Security from Rousseau to Kleist” at the conference
“Gefahrensinn” at Humboldt Universität, Berlin, June 2010
“Zentrale und Mobile Kartographie. Zur Verwaltung des Napoleonischen Kriegskartenwesens”
at the conference “Kartographieren. Materialien und Praktiken Visueller Welterzeugung”
in Gotha, June 2010
“The ‘Mapping’ Metaphor in Cultural Studies” – Roundtable discussion at the symposium
“Laboratory: Methods of Interart Studies” at the Freie Universität Berlin, November 2009
“Spatial Economy 1800.” German Studies Association, 33rd Annual Convention, Washington,
D.C., October 2009
“‘Innen und außen!’ – Confessions in Wittgenstein and Bernhard.” Vienna University at the
BTWH-conference “Geständnis und Urteil,” June 2009
“Miniatures: Maps, Triangles and Virtuality around 1800.” Humboldt University at the
conference “Verdichtungen,” Berlin, May 2009
“Terra Cognita – the Secret Science of Empires.” New York University at the conference
“Secrecy,” NY, May 2009
“Damage Control: Cartography and Contingency in Jomini, Clausewitz, Stendhal.” American
Comparative Literature Association, 24th Annual Convention, Harvard University,
Cambridge, March 2009
“Forewords to afterthoughts: Learning how not to think in Kleist.” German Studies Association,
32nd Annual Convention, St. Paul, October 2008
“Epistemologies of War: Kleist and Clausewitz.” Northeastern Modern Language
Association, 39th Annual Convention, Buffalo, April 2008
“Critique of Cartographic Reason: Tolstoy’s Narrative Strategies.” Harvard University at the
conference “Narrating the World. Current Debates in Science and Literature Revised,”
Cambridge, April 2008
“Kleist’s Endings: Holograms and Uncertainty.” University of London at the conference
“Containment and Subversion. The Work and Person of Heinrich von Kleist,” October
“Mobility and Immobility in Franz Kafka.” BTWH-conference “Media and Mobility” at
University of California Berkeley, March 2006
“Dramatic Irony and Cognitive Science: The example of Gogol.” 16th Annual University of
California San Diego Undergraduate Research Conference, May 2003
“Das Wissen der Literatur” (Humboldt, Harvard, Princeton, Berkeley)
Forum Kulturpoetik/BTWH Network (Berkeley-Tübingen-Wien-Harvard)
German Studies Association
Modern Language Association
American Comparative Literature Association
William Mills Todd III
Harvard College Professor, Harry Tuchman
Levin Professor of Literature,
and Professor of Comparative Literature
Joseph Vogl
Professor für Literatur- und
Kulturwissenschaft / Medien,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Barker Center 369
12 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Room 3.507
Dorotheenstraße 24
Berlin, 10099
Tom Conley
Abott Lawrence Lowell Professor
of Romance Languages and Literatures
and of Visual and Environmental Studies
at Harvard University
Oliver Simons
Associate Professor of Germanic
Languages at Columbia University
Boylston Hall 509
Harvard Yard
Cambridge, MA 02138
414 Hamilton Hall
1130 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027
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