Norfolk Terrier Show Results 2011

This is the final show of the year held on 10th December at the
National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, and the last
opportunity for a dog to qualify for Crufts in 2012 and for pups
born before 10th June to make their debut this year. There is very
much an ‘end of term’ feeling and a chance to exchange
Christmas cards and save expensive postage. Specialist breeder,
Patsy Green (Wharfvalley) judged Norfolk Terriers; her choice
for Best of Breed was Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s b&t dog CH
BELLEVILLE BLACKLACE, winning his 2nd successive CC
this year, but with a total now of 7 CCs. He is by SA Ch
Macsnest Nik The Kaluha at Collaton (Imp) out of Belleville
Lace Petticoat.
The bitch CC went to a new one from Jill Stevenson’s kennel,
BRICKIN PARTY TIME, who had been a long suffering
‘model’ at the judging seminar in October but was enjoying
herself today, she is by Rouletta Fameuse Le Smart out of
Brickin Rumoured Affair.
RCC in dogs was Mary Atkinson’s dual CC winner
MOORTOP NO CHOICE now a junior but this year’s Top
Puppy, he is homebred by Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at
Moortop out of Moortop Shandy Choice.
Jackie Phillips won the BRCC with her black & tan
CH BLAKENS DOLLY MIXTURE, the top bitch of the year;
quite an achievement to win this position in consecutive years
with litter sisters. She and Ch Blakens Toffee Kisses are both
by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of Ch Vichea Pick And Mix.
Jane Devereux judged this show on Sunday 4th
December, held at Weedon Village Hall, which was quite
tightly packed with some exhibitors having to set up in
an adjacent room. The ring covered in green Astroturf
gave a brave splash of colour and was a very good
footing for the dogs. Best in Show and Best Bitch was
CH JAEVA COMFORT AND JOY, repeating her win
of a year ago, she is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of
Jaeva Picture Perfect, bred, owned and shown by Martin
Best Opposite Sex as Best Dog, Reserve Best In Show
and also Best Puppy was another Martin Phillips bred
youngster in JAEVA MADE IN GOLD; he was shown
by one of his joint owners, Andrew Gullick, and is coowned with Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Mrs Sue Wilding.
He is by this year’s Top Dog, Ch Kinsridge Top Gun out
of Jaeva Fancy That.
Reserve Best Dog was Mary Atkinson’s dual CC winner,
MOORTOP NO CHOICE, who is by her Wharfvalley
Diamond Bright of Moortop out of Moortop Shandy
Choice. Reserve Best Bitch was Jackie Phillips with her
Tom Tom at Jaeva out of Ch Vichea Pick And Mix). She
is runner–up and Top Bitch of the Year.
The second MCNTA Championship show was held on Sunday
6th November. At the last minute it was discovered that
Tomlinsons Canine Centre had made a double booking on the
same day, so another venue at Great Bridgeford Village Hall
near Stafford was found at very short notice. Members of the
committee rallied round to provide the catering and there was a
very cosy atmosphere. There were 61 entries with only one dog
and two bitches absent.
Mr Martin Phillips (Jaeva) was the judge and his choice
for the Dog CC and Best In Show went to black & tan
CH BELLEVILLE BLACKLACE, winning his 6th CC in
total, his first this year; shown and bred by Cathy ThompsonMorgan, he is by SA Ch Macsnest Nik The Kaluha at Collaton
(imp) out of Belleville Lace Petticoat; he had won his first minor
puppy class under Martin at WELKS in 2009.
Reserve BIS and the DRCC went to Diane Jenkins’
CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN (Ch Kinsridge Top Dollar out of
Oktumi Elude) but his daughter, KINSRIDGE GUNG HO won
the Bitch CC aged nearly 15 months – her first such award after
2 RCCs; her dam is Foxhouse Funky Foxtrots to Kinsridge.
Jane Devereux had a good day with her March born red bitch
puppy, VICHEA EASTER LILY, winning the bitch RCC, her
Minor Puppy Bitch class and then Best Puppy. She is by
Shanandi Pot Noodle at Jaeva out of Vichea Rambling Rose.
Added this year to the shows awarding CCs to Norfolks was
Midland Counties Canine Society championship show which
was held on Sunday 30th October, over a month since the last
NTC Ch show. It is the third ch show to be held at the
Staffordshire show ground, today in the annex of Bingley Hall,
near Stafford.
Giving CC’s to Norfolks for the first time was our judge Mr
Colin Powell; his choice for Best of Breed and the Dog CC was
CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN owned by Diane Jenkins who
could have almost walked to the show; he is by Ch Kinsridge
Top Dollar out of Oktumi Elude, and this was his 7th CC and 4th
BOB this year; he also proved his success at stud by siring both
RCC winners.
The bitch CC was a 5th for CH BLAKENS DOLLY
MIXTURE (by Ch Ton Tom at Jaeva out of Ch Vichea Pick
And Mix), she is owned by Jackie Phillips, and she also has 3
BOBs. With two more shows to come these two are the leading
dog and bitch on the points table this year.
RCC in dogs and also Best Puppy was JAEVA MADE IN
GOLD an 8 month old red minor puppy in the joint ownership
of Beatrice Phillips, Andrew Gullick and Sue Wilding; bred by
Martin Phillips he is by Ch Kinsridge Top Gun out of Jaeva
Fancy That, a daughter of Ch/Fin Ch Heilurihännän From Me
To You. His half sister, KINSRIDGE GUNG HO won the
RCC in bitches, her second such award, she is owned and bred
by Diane Jenkins out of Foxhouse Fancy Foxtrots to Kinsridge.
Two champions were made up on Sunday 25th November by the
specialist Norfolk Terrier judge, Eileen Needham (Titanium).
Held at Brackley Leisure Centre, there was plenty of room and a
very happy atmosphere, with the green carpeting of the ring
setting off the dogs beautifully and giving them easy footing.
Show Manager, Andre Hess and the stewards, Geoff Buckley
and Fiona Macartney and Cup Steward Jane Lloyd ensured that
everything ran like clockwork. There was an excellent entry
with very few absentees, in fact only one dog didn’t appear from
an entry of 37 dogs, with 6 bitches absent from the 49 entered.
The Dog CC and Best of Breed and winner of a large Open
Class was Elisabeth Matell’s CANTAB WINNING WAYS OF
CRACKNOR (IMP), bred in Sweden by Kenneth & Marita
Eliasson, by Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be a Winner out of Swe
Ch Cracknor ‘n’ Cantab Combined, who had been bred in
England by Elisabeth before joining the Cantab kennel. His first
CC was won last year at the Midland Counties Norfolk Terrier
Association show judged by Dorothy Dorkins, and his second at
Three Counties, with Best of Breed, in June this year from
Cherry Howard. It has been a good year for this kennel as he is
Elisabeth’s second champion; CH CRACKNOR CUSTOM
MADE won her 3rd CC at National Terrier in April, while her
half sister, CRACKNOR CROSS THE T’S is a grand champion
in the USA winning Group 2 in the Terrier Group at
Westminster in the spring.
There was great applause though for the very first champion
owned and shown by Karen Hurrion, VALENTINES
CHERRY CRUMBLE who got her final crowning CC at this
show. Her first had been gained at Paignton in 2009 from
Cherry Howard, and her 2nd last year at LKA from Ruth
Corkhill; during her showing career she has also won 4 RCCs.
Her sire is Ch Belleville Premonition and her dam, Tyark
Treacle, has also bred the young junior bitch VILLASSA ALL
GOLD who has won two RCCs this year and bears Karen’s new
affix. Dog shows though have to compete with her first love of
horse shows, dressage and eventing.
The dog RCC went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s black & tan
CH BELLEVILLE BLACKLACE, back in the ring now his
kennel mate has retired. He is by SA Ch Macsnest Nik The
Kaluha at Collaton (imp) out of Belleville Lace Petticoat.
The bitch RCC went to another champion CH SETTRENDA
SAUCY SOX, in the ownership of Terry and Linda Cooper
from the first litter they bred by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of
Tegwani Scarlet Ribbons at Jaeva.
Mary Atkinson won the battle of the puppies when her
MOORTOP NO CHOICE was judged to be Best Puppy. By
Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at Moortop out of Moortop
Shandy Choice, he already has won 2 CCs and this makes his 6th
Best Puppy award.
This show was held less than a week after Richmond, on Friday
16th September at Newby Hall near Ripon in North Yorkshire,
where another all-rounder judge was giving Challenge
Certificates to Norfolks for the first time, Mr Jack Watson. He
drew an entry of 15 dogs, 2 absent and 16 bitches, with 4 absent.
He gave Best of Breed and her 3rd champion qualifying CC to
JAEVA GOLDILOCKS, now 2 years 4 months old; she is in
the ownership of Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Mrs Kate Tate and
was another bred in the Jaeva kennel of Mr Martin Phillips, by
the visiting Finnish dog, Ch/Fin Ch Heilurihännän From Me To
You out of Jaeva Hotpants (see pedigrees). Her previous CCs
were won at Bournemouth last year under Jeff Luscott and at
earlier this month at City of Birmingham by Mr Nick
Hammond, all with Best of Breed. She makes up a trio of
champion bitches bred at Jaeva this year, with HELLS FURY
Great excitement and unexpected joy though for Andrea Smith
who won her first ever CC and Best Puppy with her young
puppy JAVIDEL MAY JUST HAVE TOO from the minor
puppy class, he is by Ch Belleville Angello out of Stridview
Bluebell for Javidel. There are now four CC winning puppies
being shown, so the competition is very hot in junior and puppy
classes. It is very difficult to win against the established
kennels, so this was a great achievement.
The Dog RCC went to Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN LOOK
AWAY NOW, the ticket at Richmond, who won the older
puppy dog class, (Brickin Smart Outlook x Brickin Skip Away).
But there was a welcome return to the ring winning the bitch
CC’s already to her name and is owned and was shown today by
Mrs Marilyn Claydon but bred by her daughter, Mrs ClaydonAtkinson, the bitch is by Brymarden Carbon Copy out of
Brymarden Can Can.
Richmond Show for terriers was on Saturday 10th September; it
is now is held at Loseley Park near Guildford where delicious
ice cream is made from the milk of their herd of Jersey cows.
There is now a much better layout under massive in-and-out
tents in the middle of the showground, with plenty of space
beside the rings for grooming and cages under cover, which was
needed when the rain came down later. Benches were almost
irrelevant and ignored as they were so far from the ringside.
Norfolks were judged by Mr Tom Johnston, awarding
Challenge Certificates to Norfolks for the first time; the 29
entries were rather down on last year with only 8 dogs,
including 5 in a strong puppy class and 12 bitches present.
Best of Breed and winning her 4th CC (and 3rd BoB) was the
latest champion, CH BLAKENS DOLLY MIXTURE owned
and shown by Jackie Phillips, who presents all her dogs so
beautifully. The bitch is by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of
Ch Vichea Pick And Mix.
At two shows in the last month the dog CC has been awarded to
puppies, who were both competing in the puppy class, but today
it was the turn of BRICKIN LOOK AWAY NOW, owned and
home bred by Jill Stevenson from her Brickin Smart Outlook
and Brickin Skip Away, he was also Best Puppy – his litter
sister BRICKIN HOP AND SKIP won the bitch puppy class.
The RCC went to Mary Atkinson’s WHARFVALLEY
another dog by Brickin Smart Outlook but out of Wharfvalley
Rose Petal. This dog won the American Points Trophy last year
from wins at Open Shows, and is the sire of her puppy, dual CC
The RCC in bitches went to last week’s CC winner, JAEVA
GOLDILOCKS, who was handled by Andrew Gullick, and
bred by Martin Phillips - she is by Ch/Fin Ch Heilurihännän
From MeTo You out of Jaeva Hotpants, and is now owned by
Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Mrs Kate Tate.
This show has now found a permanent home at Stoneleigh Park
near Coventry, and Terrier day was Saturday 3rd September.
All rings are under cover, the bright carpet cheered up our ring,
and there was plenty of room too in the grooming area. It was an
early start of 9am for Norfolks, judged by Mr Nick Hammond
from Ireland, who was awarding CCs in the breed for the first
time. He drew an entry of 49 dogs, with 19 dogs and 19 bitches
Winning her second CC and Best of Breed was Mrs Beatrice
Phillips and Mrs Kate Tate’s JAEVA GOLDILOCKS, shown
today by Andrew Gullick. This bitch by Ch/Fin Ch
Heilurihännän From MeTo You out of Jaeva Hotpants, won her
first CC and BoB last year at Bournemouth under Jeff Luscott.
A first CC and Best Puppy went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s
8 month old red dog from the Post Graduate class,
Blacklace out of Ch Belleville Another Passion, he went on to
win 2nd in the Puppy Group under the judge, Valerie Foss.
CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN owned and shown by Diane
Jenkins won the RCC this time.
Karen Hurrion’s VILLASSA ALL GOLD won the bitch RCC
(Ch Belleville Angello - Tyark Treacle) repeating her success at
the Welsh Kennel Club.
On 27th August no longer has tickets for Norfolks, and only 4
dogs from two kennels turned up in the three mixed sex classes
for judging by Mr M Vickers. Mary Atkinson won Best Dog,
Best of Breed and Best Puppy with MOORTOP NO CHOICE,
Saturday 20th August was the date for this show held at the
Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells in Powys. Due to rain
earlier and rather soggy grass rings the judging took place
indoors in the sheds; one slight difficulty was that the benches
were in a different building to the ring, but exhibitors overcame
this problem by setting up ‘camp’ near the ringside in the
grooming area.
Mr David Winsley was awarding CC’s to Norfolk Terriers for
the first time and made up the seventh champion of the year
when Jackie Phillips’ black & tan BLAKENS DOLLY
MIXTURE won her 3rd CC and was Best of Breed. She is a
litter sister of last year’s top bitch Ch Blakens Toffee Kisses as
they are both by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of her Ch Vichea
Pick And Mix. Her first CC was won at WELKS in April under
Norma Newton, and her second last week at Bournemouth from
Mrs Patricia Broome. She has also won 3 RCCs this year for
good measure.
The dog CC went to Diane Jenkins and CH KINSRIDGE TOP
GUN, this was his 6th CC of the year with 8 in total – he is by
Ch Kinsridge Top Dollar JW out of Oktumi Elude. The RCC
went to Elisabeth Matell’s CANTAB WINNING WAYS OF
CRACKNOR (Imp), who has two CCs so far, imported from
Sweden where he was bred by Kenneth & Marita Eliasson, he is
by Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be a Winner out of Swe Ch
Cracknor ‘N’ Cantab Combined.
The RCC in bitches was a first such award for Karen Hurrion’s
VILLASSA ALL GOLD, winning from the Junior Bitch class,
she is a half sister to Valentines Cherry Crumble, by Ch
Belleville Angello out of Tyark Treacle who has been a prolific
brood bitch - she was the only bitch amongst a litter of six
puppies born in June last year.
Best Puppy was another win for the very successful young dog
of Mary Atkinson’s MOORTOP NO CHOICE, a dual CC
winner and he was also 3rd in the Pup of the Year competition
later that day.
Norfolk Terriers were judged at Bournemouth Show on
Sunday 13th August by specialist Mrs Patricia Broome,
(Roxway) in the middle of the New Forest. Traffic on the
way home can have long delays at Lyndhurst, but there is
a beautiful way to avoid this bottleneck driving very
carefully through the forest lanes among the wandering
ponies and their foals.
Awarded Best of Breed, the Dog CC and Best Puppy was
MOORTOP NO CHOICE, owned and exhibited by
Mary Atkinson who had made the long journey from
Yorkshire; this is the second time he has done the treble
and this was his fourth Best Puppy award. He is by her
Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at Moortop out of Moortop
Shandy Choice.
The Bitch CC was also a second for Jackie Phillips with
her b&t BLAKENS DOLLY MIXTURE, from her very
successful litter by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of Ch
Vichea Pick And Mix, her sister Ch Blakens Toffee
Kisses was made up last year.
RCC in dogs went to CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN
shown by Diane Jenkins but he gave her a difficult time
today. Rita Mitchell was delighted with her Open Class
winner’s performance, RICHELL SHOW OFF who
went on to win the Bitch RCC, she is by Ch Off The Cuff
by Richell out of Richell Drama Queen.
Patsy Green also had a good day with three from her
kennel winning their classes, WHARFVALLEY GOLD
all by Brickin Smart Outlook out of Wharfvalley Rose
Petal – and it was their nephew who won BOB.
This show was held at Westpoint just outside Exeter on
Monday 1st August on a very grey misty day, but terriers
are judged in the dry echoing main hall. Our original
judge, Paul Wilkinson, was ill and substitute judge, Mrs
Patsy Hollings took over his entry. She confirmed her
liking for the bitch to whom she had awarded Group 4 at
East of England three weeks before, and gave Best of
Breed and a 3rd qualifying CC to Martin Phillips’ young
JAEVA COMFORT AND JOY, making up his 101st
Jaeva champion, she is another bitch by his successful
sire Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Jaeva Picture Perfect.
She is our 6th champion so far this year. (Subject to
confirmation by the Kennel Club)
The dog CC went to Diane Jenkins with CH
KINSRIDGE TOP GUN behaving perfectly today (by
Ch Kinsridge Top Dollar ex Oktumi Elude). RCCs went
to Jill Stevenson’s dog BRICKIN BETTER BE GOOD
(Brickin Smart Outlook – Watercroft Idle Talk) and
Jackie Phillips’ black & tan bitch BLAKENS DOLLY
MIXTURE (Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva – Ch Vichea Pick
And Mix). Best Puppy went to Karen Hurrion’s dog
puppy, another black & tan, VILLASSA DONE DEAL
by Ch Belleville Lord Angel out of Villassa Top Totty.
But many congratulations to Diane Jenkins, breeder and
exhibitor of KINSRIDGE GUNG HO who on Monday
was the winner of Pup Of The Year stakes class under
Mrs Jane Lilley. She had also beaten the winning dog
puppy that day and had to return to Exeter on
Wednesday, a four hour journey each way, to contest the
final against the winners of the other two days – and
emerged triumphant. So Norfolks Terriers will be
represented in this prestigious competition in January
next year. Gung Ho is by Ch Kinsridge Top Gun out of
Foxhouse Funky Foxtrots to Kinsridge.
This show in the lovely setting of Harewood House sadly
does not have CCs any more, but 11 dogs and 7 bitches
were present for Mr John Bunting to judge on 24th July.
Best of Breed and Best Dog saw the return of Cathy
BLACKLACE, (SA Ch Macsnest Nik the Kaluha at
Collaton (imp) out of Belleville Lace Petticoat); and she
also won the Reserve Best Bitch with BELLEVILLE
SILK STOCKINGS (Ch Belleville Angello out of Ch
Belleville Silk Petticoat).
Ruth Gee had a very successful day with litter her
brother and sister; WATERCROFT HOT LOVE was
Best Bitch and WATERCROFT HOT NEWS was
Reserve Best Dog. They are also by Ch Belleville
Angello but out of Watercroft Hot Stuff. Mary
Atkinson’s MOORTOP NO CHOICE was Best Puppy,
he is by Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at Moortop out of
Moortop Shandy Choice.
Held at Peterborough, Mrs Nan Chadwick (Sandygrace) was
awarding CCs to Norfolk Terriers for the first time on Sunday
10th July at East of England. Winning her 2nd CC and Best of
Breed was Martin Phillips’ JAEVA COMFORT AND JOY by
his prolific sire Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Jaeva Picture
Perfect. She went on to be 4th in the Terrier Group later under
judge, Patsy Hollings.
Making up her first champion of the year with some relief was
Cathy Thompson-Morgan with BELLEVILLE LORD
ANGEL, her black & tan dog by Ch Belleville Blacklace our of
Belleville Another Angel; he has not been an easy dog to show
as he has very determined ideas of his own. He is the 5th Norfolk
Terrier champion of the year, but only the second dog. (Subject
to confirmation by the Kennel Club.)
Jill Stevenson had an excellent day with three of her dogs
polishing off both RCCs and Best Puppy awards. They were all
by her very successful sire, Brickin Smart Outlook; BRICKIN
BETTER BE GOOD from the Limit class was the DRCC, out
of Watercroft Idle Talk. Her bitch puppy, BRICKIN HOP
AND SKIP was the RBCC out of Brickin Skip Away but her
litter brother BRICKIN LOOK AWAY NOW beat her to win
Best Puppy. Pam Wellstead is also having a successful time
showing a black & tan from this litter with BRICKIN TRUE
Mr Frank Cane drew an excellent entry at Windsor on Thursday
30th June, the first day of the show. We had a long wait as he
had to judge both types of Fox Terriers before us, and we had a
full classification, 4 puppy classes and also Yearling Dog or
Bitch, Veteran and Good Citizen classes as well. This made us
all very hungry for the traditional Norfolk strawberry picnic,
organised by Elisabeth Matell, which took place after the
judging, with Pimms and a celebration Jaeva cake to consume as
well as all the other scrumptious goodies. Thank you to
everyone who brought something for the feast.
It was a great day for Jane Devereux and her b/t VICHEA
PICK POCKET, who won his first CC and Best of Breed; he is
by Jaeva Pocket Rocket out of Vichea Rambling Rose.
The Bitch CC went to the Coopers’ CH SETTRENDA SAUCY
SOX, her 5th such award, she is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out
of Tegwani Scarlet Ribbons at Jaeva.
Reserve CC in dogs went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s
BELLEVILLE LORD ANGEL, who had won his second dog
CC at Border Union the previous week, and the bitch Reserve
CC went to Dot Britten’s recently crowned CH KINSRIDGE
It was refreshing to see the four puppy classes better filled with
new names appearing. Just under 9 month old MOORTOP NO
CHOICE was Best Puppy for Mary Atkinson from the MPD
class. The only one in the litter, he is by Wharfvalley Diamond
Bright at Moortop out of Moortop Shandy Choice.
No CCs were available here on Friday 24th June. Norfolks were
judged by Mr Ron Menaker from the USA; with only 10
entries and 5 dogs and 3 bitches present, he chose for BOB &
FOR KREATIN, BD & BP was won by Mary Atkinson’s
MOORTOP NO CHOICE, with RBD going to Dorothy
Dorkins’ LOWMITA CINNAMON and RBB to Karen
Shows are happening thick and fast; on Saturday 18th June the
scene moved north to Border Union near Kelso where specialist,
Mr Bryan Claydon (Brymarden) was judging the breed. 37
entries, with 16 dogs and 13 bitches actually present, but no new
dogs or puppies appearing. Winning her first CC and Best of
Breed was Martin Phillips’ JAEVA COMFORT AND JOY,
only 16 ½ months old, she was Best In Show at the Club
Christmas Show and won the BRCC at LKA last year. Her sire
is Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake and dam Jaeva Picture Perfect.
The dog CC was a second such award for BELLEVILLE
LORD ANGEL and Cathy Thompson-Morgan, he is by Ch
Belleville Blacklace out of Belleville Another Angel; the RDCC
went to Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN BETTER BE GOOD by
Brickin Smart Outlook out of Watercroft Idle Talk. The RBCC
was BLAKENS DOLLY MIXTURE, owned and bred by
Jackie Phillips by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of Ch Vichea Pick
And Mix.
Best Puppy was Mary Atkinson’s MOORTOP NO CHOICE,
by her Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at Moortop out of Moortop
Shandy Choice.
This was held midweek at Malvern, Worcestershire on
Wednesday, 8th June with a break of only three clear days
following Southern Counties show. There were 22 dogs entered,
3 absent, and 24 bitches entered with 8 absent for Mrs Cherry
Howard to judge. Best of breed and winning his second CC was
Elisabeth Matell’s stylish imported Swedish dog CANTAB
WINNING WAYS OF CRACKNOR (Imp), who was bred by
Kenneth & Marita Eliasson by Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be A
Winner out of Swe Ch Cracknor ‘N’ Cantab Combined.
The bitch CC was won by Mrs Dot Britten’s beautifully
KRISMA, her third such award in as many shows, making her
the fourth Norfolk champion of the year; she was bred by Diane
Jenkins by Kinsridge Crossword Puzzle out of Kinsridge Stars
N Stripes – for her full details see ChPedigrees2011-2015 .
Diane’s 2 year old dog CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN was RCC,
having dug his toes in during the challenge and refusing to move
any more on the grass, although he behaved in his class – and
you have to move to win. He later redeemed himself by winning
the champion stakes, inside, under Mrs Jane Lilley.
The RCC in bitches went to Terry & Linda Cooper’s CH
SETTRENDA SAUCY SOX who was in great bloom, she is by
Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Tegwani Scarlet Ribbons for
The Centenary Show of Southern Counties was held at
Newbury Showground on Saturday 4th June and the vastly
improved layout was much appreciated by exhibitors, now using
frame tents the old long march from bench to ringside is a thing
of the past. The day warmed up so the shade in the tent was
kinder to the dogs being judged today by Mrs Paula
Heikkinen-Lehkonen from Finland. 14 dogs were present (2
absent) with the CC and Best of Breed going to Diane Jenkins’
CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN (Ch Kinsridge Top Dollar –
Oktumi Elude) who went on to be 3rd in the Group later in the
afternoon under Reiner Vuorinen. With the first Norfolk she
has ever owned, Mrs Beverley Ackling won first the Puppy Dog
class then RCC; RUBY REUBEN, who was bred by Mrs
Nevill-Gliddon, is by Jaeva Gorden Bennet out of Jaeva BeeGood ; he had been Reserve Best Dog at Bath the previous
week, and was 2nd in his class at National Terrier in April.
Fifteen bitches were present with 4 absentees. The Bitch CC
was a second for Dot Britten’s KINSRIDGE MAID IN
MANHATTEN FOR KRISMA, following her success in
Scotland. Bred by Diane Jenkins, she is by Kinsridge
Crossword Puzzle out of Kinsridge Stars N Stripes.
Diane had a very good day as she also won the BRCC and Best
Puppy with KINSRIDGE GUNG HO, a daughter of the BOB,
Ch Kinsridge Top Gun out of Foxhouse Funky Foxtrots to
This show with Terrier Day on Friday 27th May has no CCs, so
there was only a small entry of Norfolk exhibitors for Mr Roger
Crooks to judge – four dogs, with Best Dog to Jane Devereux’s
black & tan VICHEA PICK POCKET (Jaeva Pocket Rocket –
Vichea Rambling Rose); Mrs B Ackling’s puppy RUBY
RUEBEN (Jaeva Gorden Bennet - Jaeva Bee-Good) was RBD
and Best Puppy.
Best Bitch from the eight present and Best of Breed went to Rita
Mitchell’s RICHELL SHOW OFF, by Ch Off The Cuff by
Richell out of Richell Drama Queen. RBB went to Christine
Hitchen’s KREATIN KISS N TELL by Ch Belleville Smart
Alec – Brymarden Carmen for Kreatin.
It is a very long trek for nearly all exhibitors to the
representative show held at the Royal Highland Showground at
Ingliston, Edinburgh on Saturday 21st May, where Mr Richard
Allen was awarding CCs to Norfolks for the first time. He drew
an entry of 9 dogs and 12 bitches (2 absent). Making her
journey from Bucks worth while was Dot Britten who won Best
of Breed and the Bitch CC with KINSRIDGE MAID IN
MANHATTAN FOR KRISMA; a red bitch, she was bred by
Diane Jenkins by Kinsridge Crossword Puzzle out of Kinsridge
Stars N Stripes. She had won the Bitch RCC at The National
the previous week.
The dog CC and Best Puppy was awarded to Mary Atkinson’s
seven month old puppy at his first championship show,
MOORTOP NO CHOICE, what a debut for the only one in
the litter by her Wharfvalley Diamond Bright at Moortop out of
Moortop Shandy Choice. The Dog RCC went to Patsy Green’s
Diamond Bright at M, they are by Brickin Smart Outlook out of
Wharfvalley Rose Petal.
The bitch RCC went to Jackie Phillips with her black & tan
BLAKENS DOLLY MIXTURE, the litter sister of
Ch Blakens Toffee Kisses, they are by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva
out of Vichea Pick And Mix.
Now held at Staffordshire County Showground, Best of Breed
and the Dog CC on Saturday 7th May under judge Judy Averis
went to Diane Jenkins’ CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN, his 5th
CC in total who was made up at Crufts.
Great cheers rang out when JAEVA HELLS FURY won her
third CC and became the 100th champion owned or bred by
Martin Phillips. What an achievement! He had success with
Staffordshires originally but from his first champion made up in
1984 with Ch Jaeva Bisto Brown to this latest black & tan bitch
(who is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Jaeva Helfa Leather),
he has consistently been one of the leading breeders of Norfolk
Terriers. Including in his champion tally he has also owned or
bred many Norwich, 3 Soft-Coated Wheatens, a Cairn, a
Sealyham, 2 St Bernards and a Flat-Coated Retriever. Many
congratulations on reaching this fantastic milestone and to his
partners and helpers, including Andrew Gullick, his mother
Beatrice and Kate Tate who own several Jaeva Norfolk
The RDCC went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s black & tan
BELLEVILLE LORD ANGEL and the bitch RCC to Dot
KRISMA, bred by Diane Jenkins by Kinsridge Crossword
Puzzle out of Kinsridge Stars N Stripes.
Best Puppy went to Jill Stevenson’s red nine month old
Bramble by Brickin out of Brickin Daring Affair.
Terriers were judged on the day of the Royal Wedding on Friday
29th April, and many were determined to mark this special day
by dressing up with a wedding theme – Patsy Green arrived in
full wedding clothes complete with smart hat, Andre Hess
looked amazing in his flowery Ascot hat and Elisabeth Matell
was glamorous wearing a fascinator.
Norfolks were second in the ring so exhibitors were able to
follow proceeding on television screen provided by the WELKS
committee which was very much appreciated. The judging of
Norfolks by Mrs Norma Newton (Strathinver) was inside as
rain was threatened.
She chose new dogs for the CCs and BP, all were black and
tans. Best of Breed was Jackie Phillips’ bitch BLAKENS
DOLLY MIXTURE, now allowed her moment in the spotlight
following her very successful litter sister Ch Blakens Toffee
Kisses’ career, both are by Ch Tom Tom at Jaeva out of Ch
Vichea Pick And Mix. The dog CC went to Cathy ThompsonMorgan’s BELLEVILLE LORD ANGEL, by her Ch
Belleville Blacklace out of Belleville Another Angel, who is
also the dam of Ch Belleville Angello, (by Ch Belleville
The RCCs went to the Crufts winners: Diane Jenkins’
CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN and the bitch RCC to Terry &
Linda Cooper’s CH SETTRENDA SAUCY SOX. (Details
below). Best puppy went to Ruth Gee with her almost year old
WATERCROFT HOT NEWS, another black & tan by Ch
Belleville Angello out of Watercroft Hot Stuff.
Saturday 16th April was a busy day at Brackley Leisure Centre.
In the morning was the presentation of trophies by the President,
Mrs Rita Mitchell to the owners of the 2010 winning dogs –
details of winners and runner-ups can be found in 2011 Show
Results; bannerettes were also given to commemorate
champions made up last year, this was followed by the Club
AGM under Chairman, Mrs Patsy Green. The Spring Open
Show took place after lunch. Our judge this year was Norfolk
specialist, Mrs Liz Hindley (Jotruba) who has been extremely
successful with the breed in Australia.
Best in Show and Best Bitch was dual CC winner, JAEVA
HELLS FURY, shown and bred by Martin Phillips, and now
co-owned between Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Mrs Kate Tate;
a black & tan she is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Jaeva
Helfa Leather. Reserve Best in Show and Best Dog was
CRACKNOR, bred by Kenneth & Marita Eliasson in Sweden,
(Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be A Winner out of Swe Ch
Cracknor N Cantab Combined).
A memorable day for Mrs Debbie Mounfield when her
ARDERRY SKY ROCKET was awarded Reserve Best Dog
(Jaeva Pocket Rocket – Jaeva Ruby Tuesday) and she also
showed the Reserve Best Bitch, co-owned with Mrs Kate Tate,
the Crufts BOB, Ch Settrenda Saucy Socks. They were bred by
Terry & Linda Cooper by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of
Tegwani Scarlet Ribbons at Jaeva.
Best Puppy went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s
BELLEVILLE CHERRY RED, now almost a year old, who is
by Kapitada Dandy Lion at Belleville – Rouletta Red Delicious
The first of the regular shows, National Terrier is traditionally
held on the first Saturday in April, this year on the 2nd at Bingley
Hall, in the Staffordshire County Showground. Mrs Dot
Britten (Krisma) was our specialist judge, and she gave Best of
Breed to the Crufts crowned CH KINSRIDGE TOP GUN,
owned and bred by Diane Jenkins, and he was also shortlisted in
the group judging; he is by Ch Kinsridge Top Dollar out of
Oktumi Elude. Diane also had a good day with her two young
puppies winning both the minor puppy classes, her young bitch
KINSRIDGE GUNG HO being Best Puppy, as suggested by
her name she is by Ch Kinsridge Top Gun out of Foxhouse
Funky Foxtrots to Kinsridge.
In a repeat of Crufts, the RCC went to the Junior Dog winner,
Elisabeth Matell’s Swedish dog CANTAB WINNING WAYS
OF CRACKNOR, (by Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be A Winner
out of Swe Ch Cracknor N Cantab Combined ). But her day was
really made when her homebred CRACKNOR CUSTOM
MADE won her third qualifying CC, bred from two much
travelled Norfolks, US born Am Ch Cause A Comotion out of
Am Ch Cracknor Copydex, who was UK born, had an American
adventure, then returned home – they are half siblings, both out
of the celebrated Coco, Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre. ‘Roxy’
recently had a litter and her previous CCs were won last year at
Windsor under Diane Jenkins and at City of Birmingham under
Swedish judge Mr Dan Ericsson in September.
The bitch RCC went to Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Mrs Kate
Tate’s JAEVA HELLS FURY, who has 2 CCs from last year,
she was bred by Martin Phillips by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out
of Jaeva Helfa Leather.
The new season started off with a bang on Saturday 12th March
at the NEC in Birmingham. All dogs have to qualify for Crufts,
those who have been awarded Stud Book numbers and dogs
placed 1st-3rd at championship shows the previous year. Our
judge, Mr Geoff Corish, used to handle Norfolks for the Nanfan
Kennel of Joy Taylor. He drew an entry of 85 dogs with 14
absentees. There was a long wait for exhibitors as they were
third in the ring, and the Best of Breed and Bitch CC winner,
CH SETTRENDA SAUCY SOX, only just made it to the
group in time. No time for post judging photographs and
congratulations, she, with her owners, Linda and Terry Cooper,
had to rush off to the far distant Best in Show ring. Not very
satisfactory, and bad planning on part of Crufts management, as
the judge also had another breed to judge earlier.
following CCs won in 2010 at Midland Counties Norfolk Terrier
Association’s first ch show from Dorothy Dorkins, Paignton
from Marilyn Claydon and Three Counties from Elisabeth
Matell. She is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Tegwani
Scarlet Ribbons at Jaeva, and is from the first litter of Norfolks
they have bred. Terry Cooper has just started being Acting
Treasurer for the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB.
The Dog CC was the 3rd crowning CC at last for KINSRIDGE
TOP GUN (subject to confirmation by the Kennel Club) bred
and exhibited by Diane Jenkins, he has also 6 reserve CCs to his
credit. ‘Henry’ is by the 2009 top winner Ch Kinsridge Top
Dollar JW out of Oktumi Elude, and he was runner-up Top Dog
last year. He won his previous CCs under Elisabeth Matell at
Three Counties and under the Swedish judge Mr Dan Ericsson
at City of Birmingham in September.
Elisabeth Matell owned both the RCC winners; her Swedish
CRACKNOR by Swe/Ger Ch Easy Born To Be A Winner out
of Swe Ch Cracknor N Cantab Combined was shown in the ring
by his breeder, Kenneth Eliasson. This was only his second
show in this country, having won the Dog CC at his first show.
But Elisabeth handled the BRCC winner in CRACKNOR
CUSTOM MADE in immaculate condition following a litter of
puppies. She is by Am Ch Cause A Comotion out of Am Ch
Cracknor Copydex. Her half sister, AM CH CRACKNOR
CROSS THE T’S recently was 2nd in the Terrier Group at
Westminster in Madison Square Garden, New York.
BEST PUPPY was between the exuberant dog, LOWMITA
CINNAMON and the bitch puppy BRICKIN WAR DANCE,
with the former getting the rosette. Owned and bred by Dorothy
Dorkins and handled by Gina, he is by Lowmita Sweet William
out of Nanfan Chick Pea.
We were delighted that the Norfolk Terrier Booth at Discover
Dogs won 1st prize as Best Terrier booth and was Runner Up
overall, Labradors being the winner – so many congratulations
to Dorothy Dorkins and her teams of helpers and to Sally
Willbie who contributed many of the photographs and the new
photographs and material from Dorothy and Gina. Gina
Dorkins also made a wonderful display for the Norfolk Terrier
Stand and did a roaring trade.
At the end of 2010 there were eight Norfolk Terrier champions,
four of each sex.
CH BLAKENS TOFFEE KISSES (black & tan bitch)
Waiting in the wings with two CCs at the end of 2010 were:
JAEVA HELLS FURY (black & tan bitch)
Those with one CC gained in the last two years are: