EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Key Area A. Provide strategies and leadership for individual and organisational learning KEY AREA A. PROVIDE STRATEGIES AND LEADERSHIP FOR INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING ........................................................................ 1 Introduction to Key Area A .................................................................................................................. 3 AA Develop a vision and strategy for individual and organisational learning ............................ 5 AA 1 Collect and disseminate intelligence on KILT 5 AA 1.1 Identify current provision and developments in learning services, infrastructure and products 7 AA 1.2 Identify and disseminate good practice in using KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 7 AA 1.3 Benchmark organisational learning practice in using KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 8 AA 1.4 Promote the use of KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 8 AA 2 Establish strategies for individual and organisational learning AA 2.1 Create a shared vision and mission to give purpose to learning AA 2.2 Gain support for organisational learning strategies. AA 2.3 Develop strategies for learning AA 2.4 Implement strategies for e-learning AA 2.5 Evaluate and improve strategies for learning 9 11 12 12 13 13 AA 3 Contribute to strategies for e-learning AA 3.1 Establish your role and responsibilities for learning strategies AA 3.2 Evaluate and improve your contribution to learning strategies AA 3.3 Make significant contributions to learning strategies 14 15 16 15 AA 4 Promote a culture that encourages innovation, learning and knowledge sharing AA 4.1 Communicate the value of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing AA 4.2 Provide support for innovation, learning and knowledge sharing AA 4.3 Recognise achievements in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing AA 4.4 Responds appropriately to changing environments 16 17 17 17 18 AA 5 Establish and maintain partnerships for learning AA 5.1 Support and communicate the value of building partnerships AA 5.2 Recognise achievements of partnerships 18 19 19 AA 6 Lead a learning organisation AA 6.1 Create and support a learning organisation AA 6.2 Promotes and support professional development AA 6.3 Promotes and review effective training and learning AB 5 5 6 6 Manage quality of learning services and products ................................................................ 20 AB 1 Manage Organisational performance AB 1.1 Develop measures and criteria to evaluate your organisation’s performance AB 1.2 Evaluate your organisation’s performance AB 1.3 Explain the causes of success and failure in organisational strategies. AB 1.4 Measure the impact of policies on organisational learning, innovation and knowledge creation 20 20 20 20 21 AB 2 Promote accountability AB 2.1 Promote outcome-based performance AB 2.2 Interpret and apply relevant legislation and policy AB 2.3 Collect, analyse and report relevant data AB 2.4 Operate in an ethical framework 21 21 21 22 22 AB 3 Establish and maintain quality assurance systems AB 3.1 Promote quality AB 3.2 Establish quality assurance systems 22 23 23 e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 1 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AB 3.3 AB 3.4 AB 3.5 AB 3.6 Maintain quality assurance systems Recommend improvement to learning services products and processes Recommend improvements to quality assurance systems Empower staff and learners e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 2 24 24 24 25 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Introduction to Key Area A Key Area A is about the development of a learning strategy adapted to the needs of organisations operating in a knowledge society. It is essentially about how organisations can become and remain learning organisations, by making the best use of knowledge information and communication technologies (KILT), from e-mail to sophisticated enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) and learning management systems (LMS). This area is of relevance to a broad variety of organisations including: organisations buying and implementing learning services and products organisations providing services and products authorities operating at local, regional, national or European level This key area is divided into two principal activities: Developing a vision and strategy for individual and organisational learning Managing the quality of learning services and products The importance of organisations’ having a learning strategy can hardly be overstated. A learning organisation is one that learns and encourages learning among its people. It promotes exchange of information between employees thus creating a more knowledgable workforce. This in turn produces a very flexible organisation where people will accept and adapt to new ideas and changes through a shared vision. A learning organisation thrives on change and encourages experimentation. It knows how Communicate success and failure. Facilitate learning from the surrounding environment. Facilitate learning from employees. Reward learning. The competencies involved in this Key Area are as follows: Collect and disseminate information and good practice in the use of knowledge, information and learning technologies Establish strategies for individual and organisational learning Contribute to strategies for e-learning Promote a culture that encourages innovation, learning and knowledge sharing Establish and maintain partnerships for learning Lead a learning organisation Manage Organisational performance Promote accountability Establish and maintain quality assurance systems Core knowledge requirements The following list indicates the knowledge requirements that are central to Key Area A, and that apply to all units of competence. Additional knowledge requirements are also indicated for individual units of competence. To perform competently in this Key Area, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Organisational context i. the organisation’s occupational health and safety policies e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 3 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS ii. the organisation’s environmental policies iii. the organisation’s policy regarding accessibility to learning opportunities and resources iv. the organisation’s policy regarding the confidentiality of data about learners: what information may be made available to whom v. the resources and conditions necessary to create and support learning organisation Health and safety vi. occupational health and safety regulations vii. regulations, recommendations and specific requirements to make the learning environment suitable for knowledge, information and learning technologies (KILT) Legal requirements viii.occupational health and safety regulations ix. relevant data protection legislation: and how to ensure this is rigorously applied x. relevant legislation with regard to individual rights and equality of opportunity Planning xi. the principles and processes of planning and scheduling work Communication xii. How to identify key stakeholders in an organisation, e.g. xiii.How to disseminate information on trends and best practice in learning technologies, as well as organisational and personal experience Learning technologies xiv.the contribution that the use of KILT technologies can make to support organisational and individual learning xv. how to match technological provision to learner needs Monitoring and evaluation xvi.the range of ways in which KILT may be used for monitoring and evaluation xvii.how to analyse information to identify trends and common and emerging problems xviii.the importance of involving users in evaluating the quality of the support they receive, and how to do so Continual improvement xix.how to use information and experience to improve systems and personal performance Accessibility xx. basic principles of ensuring accessibility in the learning environment N.B. the term organisation is used here to describe the entity responsible for providing the learning services. This may be your own organisation or an external organisation that has commissioned your services. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 4 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AA Develop a vision and strategy for individual and organisational learning AA 1 Lead a learning organisation Knowledge and skills required In addition to the core knowledge requirements, to perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Organisational context xxi. Definition of a learning organisation Communication xxii. Appropriate methods of dissemination of information as well as organisational and personal experience Managing information xxiii.Reliable sources of information on trends and developments in learning technologies, service providers, tools and techniques xxiv.How to deal with the information collected Learning and development xxv. Principles of continuing professional development Learning technologies xxvi.The contribution of learning technologies to the creation of a learning organisation xxvii.How to identify and disseminate the benefits gained from using KILT and the problems encountered xxviii.How to evaluate the impact on the organisation of the use of learning technologies Knowledge management xxix. Accessibility xxx. How to ensure equal access to learning opportunities Monitoring and evaluation xxxi. How to recommend improvements in the light of ongoing research recommend improvements in the light of results of benchmarking of good practice AA 1.1 Create and support a learning organisation 1. put in place the necessary KILT infrastructure to support a learning organisation 2. identify and act upon opportunities for individual and organisational growth. 3. demonstrate evidence of a personal and team commitment to a learning organisation. 4. encourage people to take risks and challenge assumptions in productive ways. 5. test and expand the boundaries of contemporary practices in innovative ways. 6. recognise and reward the learning of others 7. evaluate the contribution of learning activities to organisational performance e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 5 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AA 1.2 Promote and support professional development 1. obtain your organisation’s commitment to support the development of its people 2. encourage people to improve their own and other people’s performance 3. publicly value the contribution of people to the organisation 4. ensure equality of opportunity in the development of people 5. draw up a plan with clear aims and objectives which are understood by everyone 6. promote the development of people in line with the organisation’s aims and objectives 7. monitor people’s understanding of how they contribute to achieving the organisation’s aims and provide objectives Indicators AA 1.3 Promote and review effective training and learning 1. review the outcomes of training and development policies and activities at timely intervals and all invite stakeholders to contribute. 2. collect evidence in order to measure the effectiveness of management support for learning and development. 3. collect and analyse evidence in order to measure the improvement of the organisation, teams and individuals. 4. invite feedback to ensure that staff understand the impact of the development of people on the performance of the organisation, teams and individuals. 5. present the results of evaluations and the lessons learned from experience in a way that gives a complete and balanced picture of the organisation's performance and encourages future improvement in the development of people. 6. promote the importance of informal learning 7. ensure that knowledge management and learning activities are managed in such a way as to ensure synergy and maximum results AA 2 Collect and disseminate information and good practice in the use of knowledge, information and learning technologies. This competency is about identifying and promoting good practice in the use of KILT for learning. It involves collecting and disseminating information on current and future developments in the field of elearning in order to plan, develop and implement e-learning programmes. It further involves facilitating and championing good practice in e-learning in order to enhance individual and organisational performance. Knowledge and skills required In addition to the core knowledge requirements, to perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Communication xxxii. Appropriate methods of dissemination of information as well as organisational and personal experience e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 6 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Managing information xxxiii.Reliable sources of information on trends and developments in learning technologies, service providers, tools and techniques xxxiv.How to deal with the information collected Learning technologies xxxv.Sources of free and priced learning technologies resources in respect of the range and quality of resources, quality and speed of service, and value for money xxxvi.Relevant professional networks and communities xxxvii.How to identify and disseminate the benefits gained from using KILT and the problems encountered xxxviii.How to evaluate the impact on the organisation of the use of learning technologies xxxix.How to evaluate current and future trends in learning services, infrastructure and resources xl. How to identify, obtain and present relevant technical information Accessibility xli. How to ensure equal access to relevant information Networking xlii.How to make the most of networking opportunities in order to obtain and share information Benchmarking xliii. The principles of benchmarking Monitoring and evaluation xliv. How to recommend improvements in the light of ongoing research xlv. how to recommend improvements in the light of results of benchmarking of good practice AA 2.1 Identify current provision and developments in learning services, infrastructure and products 1. identify and access sufficient reliable sources to provide comprehensive information on developing practice in KILT both within and outside the organisation. 2. set up systems to collect and disseminate information on learning services, infrastructure and products 3. develop and put in place processes to track relevant developments in learning technology from diverse and reliable sources of free and priced learning services, infrastructure and resources. 4. participate actively in professional networks and learning communities involved in buying, using or developing KILT resources. 5. check regularly to ensure that all potential sources of information regarding learning services, infrastructure and products are exploited AA 2.2 Identify and disseminate good practice in using KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 1. evaluate current and future trends in learning services, infrastructure and resources in relation to the organisation’s current and anticipated future needs in terms of range and quality of service and value for money . 2. evaluate accurately the impact of developments in KILT on the organisation. 3. recommend improvements based on relevant developments in information technology clearly and with justifications that support their implementation. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 7 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 4. publicise recommended sources of learning services, infrastructure and resources and organise information on developments in KILT in ways that make it easily accessible to those who need it. 5. establish criteria for defining good practice 6. evaluate developing practice against established criteria in order to determine its relevance and quality and whether it is suitable for the organisation. 7. present relevant good practice in using KILT at a level of detail and in formats that allow recipients to adopt and adapt it in their own work. 8. evaluate the impact of promoting good practice on the organisation. AA 2.3 Identify opportunities for using e-learning services, infrastructure and resources 1. establish which activities would benefit from ICT in order to improve learning – from registration to assessment. 2. establish whether the abilities and working/learning styles of the users will enable them to benefit from the new opportunity. 3. establish the impact on the IT infrastructure – change, bandwidth, etc. – and the organisation of using e-learning services, infrastructure and resources. 4. consult openly with colleagues, experts and ICT specialists, record the opportunities and report to the relevant people appropriately. AA 2.4 Benchmark organisational learning practice in using KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 1. identify current practice from leading competitors, in your sector of activity. 2. select relevant criteria for comparing learning services, infrastructure and products. 3. assess the relationship between learning services, infrastructure and products and the overall performances of the organisation. 4. compare the policies, performance and results of benchmarked organisations with those of your own organisation 5. identify key action points to improve learning services, infrastructure and products. AA 2.5 Promote the use of KILT for learning services, infrastructure and products 1. inform all the people involved in the learning process (learners, and staff) of the availability of tools and of coverage of KILT-based learning resources, in ways that promote understanding of how the tools and resources can help meet learning objectives. 2. provide opportunities and support for learners, management and staff to try out KILT-based learning tools and resources. 3. ensure that learners with special needs have access to KILT-based learning tools and resources. 4. identify the benefits colleagues and learners derive from using KILT-based learning, any problems they encounter and disseminate the results to improve awareness and promote innovation. 5. use appropriate communication channels to publicise the uses and benefits of KILT-based learning. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 8 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AA 2.6 Provide relevant technical information to support the development of ICT assisted learning To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that you: 1. identify and collate technical information, verifying its accuracy and completeness. 2. obtain advice and guidance from external specialists, where there is doubt about the accuracy and completeness of the technical information available. 3. present technical information in formats that allow the recipients to understand it and use it to support their actions and decisions. 4. provide clear and concise explanations of technical information, when required. 5. observe rules and regulations relating to health and safety in providing technical information. AA 3 Establish strategies for individual and organisational learning Introduction This competency is about developing, implementing and evaluating strategies for integrating information and communication technologies with other materials and technologies to promote learning and enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and enjoyment of learning. The strategies are likely to be medium- to long-term, involve significant financial, technological and human resources, and may be developed at a number of different levels: national, regional, local, sectoral or for organisations, such as companies, educational institutions or private training providers. This competency does not cover developing e-learning strategies for individual learners or groups of learners as this is dealt with in Key Area D: Provide support for learners. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Organisational context xlvi.How to link organisational objectives to individual objectives in investing in training and development xlvii. The impact on the IT infrastructure – change, bandwidth, etc. – and the organisation of using elearning services, infrastructure and resources. xlviii.The organisation’s policy and procedures for purchasing, customising and using KILT resources Strategy and leadership xlix.how to develop a clear vision of the future l. how to develop specific, realistic and measurable objectives and agree dates by which they must be achieved li. how to gain support for your strategic vision and objectives lii. the importance of aligning the e-learning strategy with the client’s wider business, educational or public service strategy, and how to do so liii. how to gain people’s commitment to their roles and contributions to the overall strategy liv. how stakeholders’ interests and organisational policies may come into conflict. Strategic planning lv. Key elements of strategic planning, e.g. lvi. organisational model: centralised/decentralised lvii. learning/training models e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 9 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS lviii. investment in people lix. assessment policies lx. continuing professional development… lxi. the importance of your organisation having clear policies and values and your role and responsibility in relation to developing these lxii.how to develop values and policies which reflect the requirements, expectations and interests of your governing body and all your organisation’s stakeholders lxiii.how to develop an implementation plan and what it should contain lxiv.the importance of continuously adjusting your understanding and perceptions in the light of feedback, learning and experience and how to do so lxv.the importance of adjusting strategic vision and objectives in the light of consultation feedback and how to do so appropriately Analytical and decision making techniques lxvi.how to assess whether resources are likely to be sufficient to meet identified needs lxvii.how to assess the significance of factors in the implementation experience and developments in e-learning technologies and methodologies lxviii.how to decide whether changes are required lxix.how to compare actual outcomes against objectives lxx.how to identify the reasons for variances Research techniques lxxi.how to identify clearly why the client needs an e-learning strategy lxxii.how to identify key stakeholder groups, their interest and needs lxxiii.how to identify the resources available to support an e-learning strategy lxxiv.how to use questions to help people understand their own needs and provide the information you need Communication lxxv.how to make clear statements and specifications lxxvi.the importance of consulting openly and realistically with a wide range of stakeholder groups, and how to do so. Stakeholders may include: lxxvii. IT department lxxviii.HR department lxxix.Training department lxxx. Learners, employees, taff lxxxi. Partners… lxxxii.the importance of communicating plans to all involved and how to do so lxxxiii.the importance of communicating regularly with stakeholders on progress and any changes to plans lxxxiv.the requirements of confidentiality: what information may, and may not, be given to whom lxxxv.the importance of reporting clearly and effectively, and how to do so lxxxvi.the importance of consulting thoroughly with your organisation’s governing body and its stakeholders on values and policies lxxxvii.the methods available to consult effectively on values and policies and how to select a method appropriate to the circumstances. Continuous improvement lxxxviii.the importance of making your experience available to others and using this experience to improve in the future. Delegation lxxxix.how to delegate responsibilities, objectives and resources effectively to individuals and groups e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 10 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Learning technologies xc. your own and others’ experiences in developing e-learning strategies xci.developments in e-learning technologies and methodologies xcii.How to develop KILT plans to meet learning objectives xciii.How to select appropriate learning methods and technologies on the basis of learning theory xciv.How to perform a media selection in order to support different learning activities xcv.How to use KILT to support relevant practice xcvi.How to use KILT to support collaborative learning xcvii.How to manage the relationship between learners’ abilities, learning styles and KILT xcviii. Learning and development xcix.pedagogical principles relevant to developing e-learning strategies Monitoring and evaluation c. the methods of regularly reviewing values and policies to ensure they are up-to-date and capable of meeting likely future circumstances ci. how to select an appropriate method to review values and policies. cii. the importance of monitoring progress against plans and how to do so ciii.the types of action you may take in event of obstacles, threats or opportunities and how to choose what action is appropriate civ.the importance of keeping records of any changes made and the reasons for these changes, and how to do so cv. systems for evaluating the outcomes of the e-learning strategy against plans Providing support cvi.the importance of providing support to help individuals and groups plan and take action to achieve their objectives, and how to do so Providing support cvii. how to provide opportunities and support for learners, management and staff to try out KILTbased learning tools and resources. cviii. Resource management cix.the range of resources required to support an e-learning strategy Transferring experience cx. what learning can be transferred from one context to another cxi.how to transfer the learning from one context to another Organisational context cxii.the organisation’s vision and mission and how these may affect the formulation of values and policies. cxiii.the nature of the organisation’s environment and their wider business, educational or public service strategy Providing support cxiv.why values and policies need to provide staff with guidance on how to respond under pressure and resolve conflicts of interest. AA 3.1 Create a shared vision and mission to give purpose to learning 1. consult with your organisation's governing body and appropriate stakeholders on the vision and mission for learning and the use of KILT in a way which is open, realistic and likely to engage their e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 11 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS support. 2. propose a vision and mission that take into account the requirements, expectations and interests of your organisation's governing body and appropriate stakeholders. 3. propose a vision and mission that reflect the nature and values of your organisation and its role in the larger environment and community. 4. the mission is both challenging and realistic. 5. the mission helps members of your organisation to focus their contributions to learning creatively. 6. the vision and mission are fully aligned with the organisation’s wider business, educational or public service strategy 7. your organisation's vision and mission for learning are regularly reviewed in the light of trends and opportunities, internal and external. AA 3.2 Gain support for organisational learning strategies. 1. clearly identify the reasons why the client - the organisation, sector or geographical area for which you are developing the strategy - requires a learning strategy 2. identify all the key stakeholder groups linked to the client, internal or external, for which you develop an e-learning strategy and accurately research what they require from it. 3. the consultations and negotiations which you carry out allow learning strategies to be influenced by, and made more consistent with, stakeholders' interests: 4. identify what can be learned from your own and others’ previous experiences to inform the development, implementation and evaluation of your e-learning strategy 5. take into consideration the current state of the client’s information system and staff IT literacy as well as current and future development in KILT and practices in learning and human resource development and management. 6. the compromises which you make to resolve conflicts in stakeholders' interests are realistic, balance these competing interests, and acknowledge the tensions between them. 7. present strategies to stakeholders in a way which is likely to attract their support. 8. where stakeholders do not fully support strategies, you take action to minimise potential problems. 9. consult with stakeholders on a regular basis and ensure that support for the organisation's vision, mission, objectives and strategies is available when needed. AA 3.3 Develop strategies for learning To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that: 1. the objectives and strategies which you formulate are consistent with your organisation's mission and values and encourage life long learning and continuing professional development. 2. the objectives and strategies which you formulate take into account the requirements, expectations and interests of your organisation's governing body and appropriate stakeholders. 3. accurately identify all the resources - financial, human, physical, technological and intellectual - that are available to support the learning strategy 4. assess the extent to which the available resources are able to meet the requirements of the client and stakeholders, and clearly specify those requirements that cannot be met e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 12 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 5. take full account of the constraints upon objectives and strategies. 6. agree on objectives that are realistic, measurable including the timescale and budget by which they must be achieved. 7. the objectives and strategies contain sufficient detail to allow the planning and development of specific programmes of work:. 8. your statements include guidance on how to respond when under pressure and how to respond when stakeholders' interests and organisational policies are in conflict. 9. your revisions to objectives and strategies take advantage of actual and anticipated changes in circumstances. AA 3.4 Implement strategies for e-learning To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that: 1. develop an implementation plan which clearly specifies the learning strategy, the strategic vision and objectives, the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in its implementation, the resources to be deployed, communication protocols, and monitoring systems 2. communicate the implementation plan to all involved, in ways which help them to understand and commit to their individual and group roles and contributions to the overall strategy 3. clearly delegate responsibilities to individuals and groups, together with authority over the necessary resources, to achieve specific objectives of the e-learning strategy 4. provide the necessary support to help individuals and groups plan and take action to achieve the objectives delegated to them 5. monitor the progress of the implementation plan at agreed intervals and take appropriate action in the event of obstacles, threats or opportunities 6. make and record changes to the strategic vision and objectives in response to significant factors in the implementation experience or developments in e-learning technologies and methodologies 7. communicate regularly and effectively with all key stakeholder groups about progress and any changes to the implementation plan, the problems encountered and the benefits gained, in line with the requirements of confidentiality. 8. review the values and policies of your organisation regularly and ensure they take account of likely future circumstances. AA 3.5 Evaluate and improve strategies for learning To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that you: 1. establish evaluation and recording systems which can report accurately on the outcomes of the learning strategy against objectives: 2. compare actual outcomes against objectives at the agreed dates and give reasons for any variances. 3. consult with learners, training managers, trainers, teachers, technicians, human resource managers and other key stakeholder groups to identify any value added beyond the specified objectives. 4. communicate the evaluation results to key stakeholder groups, in line with the requirements of confidentiality and get their feed-back. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 13 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 5. compare the outcomes and added value of the e-learning strategy with the outcomes and added value of e-learning and alternative learning strategies adopted by others. 6. make the evaluation and comparison results available to support the development and improvement of future learning strategies and the use of KILT. 7. adjust the vision and objectives of the e-learning strategy appropriately in the light of feedback from key stakeholder groups, checking that it remains aligned with the client’s wider business, educational or public service strategy. AA 4 Contribute to strategies for e-learning Introduction This Unit of competence is for those who do not have primary responsibility for e-learning strategies, but are called upon to make a significant contribution to developing, implementing and evaluating strategies for integrating information and communication technologies with other materials and technologies to promote learning and enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and enjoyment of learning. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Strategy and leadership cxv.how to contribute to the development of a clear vision of the future cxvi.how to develop specific, realistic and measurable objectives and agree dates by which they must be achieved cxvii.how to gain support for the organisation’s strategic vision and objectives cxviii.the importance of aligning the e-learning strategy with the organisation’s wider business, educational or public service strategy, and how to do so cxix.how to gain people’s commitment to their roles and contributions to the overall strategy cxx.how stakeholders’ interests and organisational policies may come into conflict. Strategic planning cxxi.Key elements of strategic planning, e.g. cxxii. organisational model: centralised/decentralised cxxiii. learning/training models cxxiv. investment in people cxxv. assessment policies cxxvi. continuing professional development… cxxvii.the importance of your organisation having clear policies and values and your role and responsibility in relation to developing these cxxviii.how to develop values and policies which reflect the requirements, expectations and interests of Organisational context cxxix.the range of different colleagues involved in the e-learning strategy, their roles and responsibilities, and how to relate to them cxxx.the range of stakeholder groups, their needs and interests, and how to take these into account. Analytical and decision making techniques cxxxi.how to compare actual outcomes against objectives cxxxii.how to identify the reasons for variances e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 14 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Communication cxxxiii.the importance of communicating regularly with colleagues and stakeholders on progress and any changes to plans cxxxiv.the requirements of confidentiality: what information may, and may not, be given to whom cxxxv.the importance of agreeing protocols for communication and reporting, and how to do so cxxxvi.the importance of reporting clearly and effectively, and how to do so Continuous improvement cxxxvii.the importance of seeking feedback from others, and how to do so cxxxviii.the importance of reflecting on your experience and feedback from others and how to use this to improve future performance cxxxix.the importance of making your experience available to others and using this experience to improve in the future. Monitoring and evaluation cxl.the importance of monitoring progress against plans and how to do so cxli.the types of action you may take in event of obstacles, threats or opportunities and how to choose what action is appropriate Providing support cxlii.the importance of providing support to help colleagues fulfil their responsibilities, and how to do so Self awareness cxliii.your own knowledge, skills and competences and what you can contribute to the e-learning strategy cxliv.the importance of clarifying and agreeing your own role, responsibilities and objectives and how to do so AA 4.1 Establish your role and responsibilities for learning strategies 1. clearly specify what you can contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of elearning strategies. 2. agree with colleagues your role and responsibilities in relation to e-learning strategies. 3. agree specific, realistic and measurable objectives for your area of responsibility and the dates by which these must be achieved. 4. identify how your role and responsibilities contribute to the overall strategy and how these interface with others’ roles and responsibilities. 5. help others understand your role and responsibilities and how these interface with theirs. 6. agree with colleagues protocols for communication and reporting. AA 4.2 Make significant contributions to learning strategies To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that: 1. your activities are focused on realising the shared vision and objectives of the e-learning strategy. 2. your contributions take appropriate account of the needs and interests of all key stakeholder groups. 3. your contributions are consistent with your role, responsibilities and the specific objectives agreed. 4. provide colleagues with appropriate support to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities within the e-learning strategy. 5. monitor and report on progress of work in your own area of responsibility, and take appropriate e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 15 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS action in the event of obstacles, threats or opportunities. 6. communicate regularly and effectively with colleagues and stakeholders about progress, changes to plans, problems encountered and benefits gained, in line with the requirements of confidentiality. AA 4.3 Evaluate and improve your contribution to learning strategies 1. compare the outcomes of your work against specified objectives at agreed dates, and identify reasons for any significant variances. 2. report on the achievement of objectives and any other value added. 3. invite colleagues to provide feedback on your contribution to e-learning strategies and recommend ways in which this could be improved. 4. reflect on your experience and the feedback of others and identify ways in which your contributions could be improved in the future. 5. make the results of your experience available to support the development and improvement of future e-learning strategies. AA 5 Promote a culture that encourages innovation, learning and knowledge sharing Introduction This competency is about promoting a culture within your organisation or community that encourages people to be innovative, learn continuously, codify their knowledge and share this with others. This requires a clear understanding of the organic relationship between individual and organisational learning and knowledge management. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Analytical and decision making techniques cxlv.how to assess the contribution of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing to your organisation’s or community’s success Communication cxlvi.the importance of communicating effectively, and how to do so cxlvii.the range of media and techniques that can be used to support effective communication cxlviii.the range of opportunities available to publicise achievements, and how to take advantage of these opportunities cxlix.the requirements of confidentiality: what information may, and may not, be given to whom Continuous improvement cl. the importance of using both positive and negative results to improve future performance, and how to do so Working with others/networking Innovation, learning and knowledge sharing cli. the types of contribution that innovation, learning and knowledge sharing can make to an organisation or community clii.the different responsibilities that people may have for innovation, learning and knowledge sharing e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 16 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS cliii.the range of structures, systems, tools and techniques available to support innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, and how to select appropriate ones People development cliv.how to assess people’s levels of skills clv.the range of opportunities available to help people develop and practice their skills Providing support clvi.how to encourage people to support each others’ efforts in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing clvii.behaviour that might inhibit innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, and how to address this behaviour Self awareness clviii.the importance of acting as a role model of good practice, and how to do so Strategy and leadership clix.the importance of establishing clear policies, and how to do so clx.the range of possible obstacles to innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, and how to eliminate or reduce these obstacles clxi.the range of rewards and sanctions available to encourage innovation, learning and knowledge sharing AA 5.1 Communicate the value of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing 1. clarify the contribution that innovation, learning and knowledge sharing can make to the success of your organisation or community. 2. establish a clear policy that describes peoples’ responsibilities to innovate, learn and share their knowledge. 3. identify any obstacles to innovation, learning and knowledge sharing and take effective steps to eliminate or reduce these obstacles. 4. specify the rewards for innovation, learning and knowledge sharing and any sanctions for failure to seize opportunities to innovate, learn and share knowledge appropriately. 5. use an appropriate range of media and techniques effectively to communicate the value of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. AA 5.2 Provide support for innovation, learning and knowledge sharing 1. identify people’s levels of skills in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing and provide opportunities for them to develop and practice these skills. 2. provide appropriate structures, systems, tools and techniques to support effective innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. 3. act as a role model of good practice in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. 4. encourage people to support each others’ efforts in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. AA 5.3 Recognise achievements in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing 1. identify the activities and results of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. 2. accurately assess the contribution of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing activities to your organisation’s or community’s success. 3. identify people’s roles and responsibilities in these achievements. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 17 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 4. reward innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, in line with the established policy. 5. seize opportunities to publicise achievements in innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, in line with the requirements of confidentiality. 6. use the results of innovation, learning and knowledge sharing - both positive and negative - to improve future results. AA 5.4 Respond appropriately to changing environments 1. ensure that the organisation is responsive to the changing environment and trends. Short, medium and long term Educational, policies Population growth, employment rate, level of education Economic Environmental 2. ensure that the organisation’s values are reviewed at appropriate times. 3. establish change and transition processes 4. ensure that planning and monitoring cycles are reviewed, negotiated and established to align with identified new directions AA 6 Establish and maintain partnerships for learning This Unit of competence focuses on the building and fostering of professional partnerships. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Partnerships clxii. Types of partnerships: clxiii. internal partnerships and networks clxiv. external networks clxv. local community clxvi. service providers, vendors clxvii. staff responsible for establishing partnerships: clxviii. Staff groups clxix. Task/project groups clxx.Members of targets groups clxxi. Cross-functional groups Working with others/networking clxxii. how to use networks to find suitable partners Monitoring and evaluation clxxiii. how to monitor and evaluate the progress and results of partnerships Organisational context clxxiv. the organisation’s policy and practices regarding partnerships Communication clxxv. how to communicate the value of partnerships to stakeholders e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 18 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AA 6.1 Support and communicate the value of building partnerships 1. clarify the contribution that partnerships can make to the success of your organisation, projects or community: 2. establish a clear policy that describes peoples’ and teams’ responsibilities to set up and maintain partnerships. 3. provide opportunities to all relevant stakeholders, inclusive of target groups to be involved in, and influence the decision process and contribute with their networks and connections. 4. provide appropriate structures, systems, tools and techniques to support and maintain effective networks, connections and partnerships. 5. identify any obstacles to the establishment of desired partnerships and take effective steps to eliminate or reduce these obstacles. 6. use an appropriate range of media and techniques effectively to communicate the value of partnerships. AA 6.2 Recognise achievements of partnerships To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that: 1. identify the activities and results of partnerships. 2. accurately assess the contribution of partnerships to your organisation’s or community’s success. 3. identify people’s roles and responsibilities in these achievements. 4. reward innovation, learning and knowledge sharing, in line with the established policy. 5. seize opportunities to publicise achievements, in line with the requirements of confidentiality. 6. use the outcomes of partnerships - both positive and negative - to improve future results. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 19 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AB Manage the quality of learning services and products AB 1 Manage Organisational performance Introduction Organisational performance is at the heart of all individual and organisational policies. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently in this Unit, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Current theories relating to clxxvi.Organisational change clxxvii.Performance measurement AB 1.1 Develop measures and criteria to evaluate your organisation’s performance 1. develop cost-effective measures and criteria and make optimum use of existing sources of data and means of data gathering. 2. develop measures and criteria capable of providing information in time to enable an effective response. 3. develop measures and criteria sufficient to provide information to make judgements about progress towards the mission and objectives and the implementation of policies. AB 1.2 Evaluate your organisation’s performance 1. evaluate organisation’s performance against agreed criteria using sufficient, reliable evidence. 2. your evaluations of your organisation’s performance take account of all relevant factors. 3. present the results of evaluations in a way that gives a complete and balanced picture of the organisation's performance. 4. where performance fails to meet the agreed criteria, you identify possible reasons and discuss these with stakeholders. 5. evaluations and presentation of results are consistent with organisational values and policies and with legal requirements. AB 1.3 Explain the causes of success and failure in organisational strategies. 1. explanations of the causes of success and failure are based on sufficient, reliable information. 2. explanations, and reasons for rejection of any alternative explanations, are clear, concise and appropriate to the audience you are presenting to. 3. where it is likely to be difficult to find remedies for the causes of failure, you offer reasons to counter possible objections. 4. make the lessons to be drawn from success and failure available for use in future organisational planning. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 20 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS AB 1.4 Measure the impact of policies on organisational learning, innovation and knowledge creation 1. agree the scope and objectives of the system to monitor and evaluate organisational performance with relevant people. 2. develop a system which takes account of all critical factors. 3. identify appropriate performance measures and assessment tools and techniques. sampling approach opinion poll data mining interviews, etc. 4. identify and confirm existing and potential sources of information. 5. obtain and provide sufficient resources for the system to be effective. 6. where it is not possible to obtain or provide sufficient resources, the objectives and scope are modified with the agreement of relevant people. 7. monitoring and evaluation systems are clearly, accurately and comprehensively documented. 8. give relevant people adequate and accurate information about the evaluation. AB 2 Promote accountability Introduction Accountability is being personally accountable for the outcomes of one’s own performance and that of the organisation or unit. Accountability require that: all activity promotes the best interest of students/clients; results achieved are the best possible; practices are fair and equitable; outcomes are reported and used to inform the new direction. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently in this Unit, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Current theories relating to clxxviii.responsibility and accountability clxxix.strategic planning clxxx.legislative and policy process clxxxi.assessment and evaluation clxxxii.analysis, reporting and reconceptualisation of data AB 2.1 Promote outcome-based performance 1. develop and agree performance outcomes with all relevant stakeholders. 2. measure performance against planned outcomes. 3. revise expected outcomes on an ongoing basis in the light of changing circumstances. 4. develop new plans in the light of feedback on outcomes. AB 2.2 Interpret and apply relevant legislation and policy 1. understand and communicate knowledge of relevant legislation and policy throughout the e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 21 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS organisation. 2. confirm that practices satisfy the requirements of relevant legislation policy. 3. take into account the implications of legislation and policy in daily operation. AB 2.3 Collect, analyse and report relevant data 1. make data collection strategies an integral part of the planning process. 2. collect data with minimum intrusion using a balance of quantitative and qualitative data. 3. conduct program evaluation on a scheduled basis. 4. analyse collected data against system and organisation / unit goals to develop or adapt programmes. 5. record the extent to which outcomes were achieved and the recommended changes. 6. provide reports to the stakeholders timely and according to guidelines. AB 2.4 Operate in an ethical framework 1. share information openly and honestly. 2. perform activities in accordance taking into account the stated needs, priorities and policies of the organisation with respect to the perspectives and best interests of all stakeholders. 3. organisation’s policies and procedures regarding ethical behaviour, accountability and professional requirements are followed in performing the full range of activities. 4. communicate and assess appropriate procedures and sources of advice for resolving ethical, accountability and professional conflicts involving self and others. 5. accept personal responsibility for maintaining knowledge of ethical, professional and accountability requirements, and implement strategies for obtaining up-to-date information on these matters. 6. assess ethical, accountability and professional issues, evaluate possible solutions and consequences, and determine appropriate actions. AB 3 Establish and maintain quality assurance systems Knowledge and skills Analytical techniques clxxxiii.how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. Communication clxxxiv.the principles and processes of effective communication and how to apply them clxxxv.how to make recommendations in a form which supports decision making. Involvement and motivation clxxxvi.how to motivate individuals to be involved in continuous quality improvement. Monitoring and evaluation clxxxvii.the relevant information from performance monitoring and evaluation systems clxxxviii.how to assess the implications of the results of monitoring and evaluation for the organisation clxxxix.the relevant trends and developments, both inside and outside the organisation cxc.how to develop criteria to measure effectiveness. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 22 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Organisational context cxci.the people who should be involved in decisions on continuous quality improvement and how to secure their involvement. Quality management cxcii.how to assess the impact of trends and developments on the perceived or actual quality of the organisation’s products, services and processes. Resource management how to assess the resources needed to implement improvements, and how to obtain and provide these resources. AB 3.1 Promote quality To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that you: 1. promote quality as central to the organisation’s strategy for success. 2. analyse processes sufficiently to determine appropriate quality assurance systems and measurements. 3. determine criteria for quality against which products, designs and processes can be evaluated . 4. present your recommendations and rationale for establishing quality assurance systems to relevant people with the appropriate level of detail and degree of urgency. 5. agree implementation plans, taking account of feedback from relevant people - customers, partners, colleagues. 6. evaluate the quality of products, designs and processes objectively against agreed criteria. 7. advise individual s and teams on developing and implementing plans to maintain and improve quality and efficiency. 8. support and encourage individuals and teams to collect, analyse and interpret information on quality and efficiency to achieve continuous improvements to products, designs and production processes. 9. set up systems that clearly specify the processes, procedures and measurements required to ensure products and services are within the limits of acceptable quality. 10. set up quality assurance systems that are capable of making sure that agreed customer requirements are consistently met. 11. communicate the establishment of quality assurance systems in a way that is clear, detailed and allows adequate time for preparation. 12. communicate the results and benefits of assuring quality at times most likely to gain the commitment of relevant people to the systems. AB 3.2 Establish quality assurance systems 1. your analysis of processes is sufficient to determine appropriate quality assurance systems and measurements. 2. present your recommendations and rationale for establishing quality assurance systems to relevant people with the appropriate level of detail and degree of urgency. 7. agree implementation plans, taking account of feedback from relevant people. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 23 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 8. provide opportunities for those involved in quality assurance systems to contribute to their development. 9. the systems you set up clearly specify the processes, procedures and measurements required to ensure products and services are within the limits of acceptable quality. 10. your quality assurance systems are capable of making sure that agreed customer requirements are consistently met. 11. communicate the establishment of quality assurance systems in a way which is clear, detailed and allows adequate time for preparation. 12. communicate the results and benefits of assuring quality at times most likely to gain the commitment of relevant people to the systems. AB 3.3 Maintain quality assurance systems 1. present information on quality assurance systems, procedures and responsibilities to relevant people at a time and place and in a format appropriate to their needs. 2. confirm relevant people’s understanding of, and commitment to, quality assurance systems at appropriate intervals. 3. collect and evaluate information, and report the results at required intervals, using agreed methods and against specified performance measures. 4. take prompt and effective action to clarify inadequate, contradictory or ambiguous information. 5. actively encourage relevant people freely to report actual and potential variations in quality. 6. take timely and effective action, consistent with quality assurance procedures, to rectify unacceptable variations in products and services. AB 3.4 Recommend improvement to learning services products and processes 1. assess the outcomes of continuous monitoring and quality evaluations for their implications for the organisation. 2. correctly identify trends and developments in the quality of products, services and processes. 3. advise relevant people promptly about the impact trends and developments may have on the perceived and actual quality of the organisation’s products, services and processes. 4. make recommendations for improving the quality of products, services and processes to relevant people in a form which supports decision-making. 5. your recommendations clearly show the benefits which improvements could bring against the resources which would need to be expended. 6. obtain and provide sufficient resources and support to allow improvements to be implemented successfully. 7. monitor improvements for their effectiveness against agreed criteria. 8. encourage relevant people to be involved in continuous quality improvement. AB 3.5 Recommend improvements to quality assurance systems 1. provide opportunities for relevant people to suggest improvements to quality assurance systems. 2. your base your recommendations on sufficient, valid and reliable information on the effectiveness e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 24 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS and efficiency of quality assurance systems. 3. your recommendations have the potential to improve the contribution which quality assurance systems make to the organisation and its customers. 4. present your recommendations to relevant people clearly, logically and in time to be of use. 5. where recommendations are not accepted, you establish the reasons and present these to relevant people in a manner which maintains morale and motivation. AB 3.6 Empower staff and learners 1. challenge performance. 2. support the enhancement of standards in lifelong learning. 3. ensure continual improvement of learning services and products. 4. empower staff to make decisions, to take risks and to adopt creative solutions. 5. encourage staff to develop an attitude which strives to achieve continuous improvement of products and services. 6. involve learners and stakeholders in the planning and evaluation process. 7. enable all staff to contribute towards continuous improvement goals. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 25 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016