Developed under NSRP ASE ISE-6 Technology Investment Agreement (TIA) 2007-379 Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium (ISEC) Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Document Number ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Version 2.0 Submitted by: Dr. Burton Gischner Electric Boat Corporation Submitted on: 2007-08-13 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Government Purpose Rights Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Overall ISE Project Goals 3 1.2 ISE-6 Participants 3 1.3 ISE-6 Objective 4 1.4 Document Scope 5 NOMENCLATURE 6 2.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations 6 2.2 Definitions 9 LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT BUSINESS PROCESSES 11 3.1 Summary of Use Cases 16 3.2 Life Cycle Support Business Process for IPDE Data Exchange 17 DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION OF EACH USE CASE 18 5 RELATIONSHIP OF PLCS USE CASES TO AP239 APPLICATION ACTIVITY MODEL (AAM) 6 24 5.1 Comparison of Models 24 5.2 Mapping of ISE-6 Use Cases to AP239 AAM Diagrams 24 5.3 AAM Diagrams and Explanations 26 SUMMARY ISE-6-TEAM-0001 53 Page 2 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overall ISE Project Goals ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases The Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium (ISEC) was formed in 1999 as a consortium of several major shipyards and CAD vendors with the goal of developing an information interoperability capability for U.S. Naval shipbuilding. ISEC has addressed these interoperability issues in a series of NSRP (National Shipbuilding Research Program) Projects known as the Integrated Shipbuilding Environment (ISE). The NSRP Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise (ASE) was established in 1998 as collaboration of eleven shipyards with Navy and other federal agencies. It has attempted to solve interoperability and data exchange issues by awarding various projects over the past eight years to this consortium of shipyards, CAD vendors, and universities. The projects awarded by NSRP in this area are known informally as: HARVEST, ISPE, ISE-1, ISE-2, ISE-3, ISE-4, ISE-5, and ISE-6 and they have successfully attacked various phases of the interoperability problem. The HARVEST Project completed the STEP Shipbuilding Structural Application Protocols (AP215, AP216, and AP218) and secured their approval as International Standards (IS). ISPE determined the requirements for exchanging steel processing product model data in a shipyard independent format. ISE-1 outlined the requirements and architecture for an interoperability solution. ISE-2 implemented that solution in the structural and piping disciplines. ISE-3 continued these implementations in the HVAC and Common Parts Catalog (CPC) interface areas. ISE-4 focused on the areas of Ship Arrangements, Steel Processing, Engineering Analysis, and Electrical. ISE-5 continued development and implementation in the electrotechnical area. The ISE Consortium is continuing its efforts at developing tools for product data interoperability under the current NSRP ASE Project for “Enabling Shipyard Interoperability” (ISE-6). This project will run from March 2007 through March 2009 and is extending the ISE work to Product Life Cycle Support issues as well as continuing to support the ISE Team’s participation with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Navy’s DONXML activities. 1.2 ISE-6 Participants ISE-6 – Enabling Shipyard Interoperability is an NSRP ASE sponsored, industry led project under the auspices of the Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium (ISEC). This program is a collaborative effort that includes several U.S. shipyards, software vendors, and research institutions. The term “shipyard” is used to mean not only the commercial shipyards, but also the “virtual” shipyard represented by the U.S. Navy and the NAVSEA CAD-2 program. The ISE-6 Team is led by Electric Boat Corporation (EB) with members from the following organizations: Northrop Grumman Ship Systems (NGSS) Atlantec Enterprise Solutions (AES) Industrial Planning Technology (IPT) Intergraph Corporation (INGR) Knowledge Systems Solutions, Inc. (KSS) Naval Surface Warfare Center - Carderock Division (NSWCCD) Product Data Services Corp. (PDS) ShipConstructor Software, Inc. (SSI) ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 3 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 1.3 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases ISE-6 Objective The objective of the ISE-6 Project is to prototype and evaluate the use of international standards and the ISE interoperability architecture in the realm of ship’s life cycle support and post-delivery operations. The project will identify and document the Use Cases and scenarios that apply to data required for postdelivery support and operations, both on shore and on ship. Information requirements will be derived from the Use Cases and will be documented in XML form in accordance with the ISE methodology. The project will prototype the ability to manage the identified information elements and will demonstrate that life cycle support information can be shared among software applications – using the ISE XML neutral formats. The prototypes will demonstrate a Web-based integration architecture that could be applied to systems on-board the ship as well as shore-based repair and maintenance systems. This architecture and consequent prototypes will be based upon the international standard for Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) data (ISO 10303-239) and on the S1000D standard for XML-based technical documentation. In previous projects, the ISE Team has utilized a suite of STEP Application Protocols (APs) to transfer product model data in various disciplines. These include: ISO 10303-203: AP for Configuration Controlled Design ISO 10303-209: AP for Composite and Metallic Structural Analysis and Related Design ISO 10303-212: AP for Electrotechnical Design and Installation ISO 10303-214: AP for Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Processes ISO 10303-215: AP for Ship Arrangement ISO 10303-216: AP for Ship Moulded Forms ISO 10303-218: AP for Ship Structure ISO 10303-227: AP for Plant Spatial Configuration While these application protocols cover a rich set of product model data, the focus of all of them is on exchanges in the areas of design, analysis, and manufacturing. The operational and maintenance data requirements for product life cycle support necessitate the use of an additional AP developed to meet these requirements, ISO 10303-239: AP for Product Life Cycle Support. There are several different approaches used in implementing STEP, and as in previous projects, the ISE architecture will be flexible and accommodate a variety of implementation techniques. Traditionally when STEP is used for product data exchange, the translators produce a neutral data representation known as a STEP physical file, or a Part 21 file. Some of the ISE-6 prototype translators will produce files in this format. However, with the growing use of the Internet and the World Wide Web, a new STEP format has been developed, called Part 28, which utilizes XML structures to encapsulate the STEP data. Processors will be developed during the ISE-6 Project to convert the Part 21 files into XML-based Part 28 files to enable interactive exchanges of PLCS data using the Web. Mediator programs will also be available to go in the other direction, converting XML-based Part 28 files into the more traditional Part 21 format. Thus some of the ISE-6 – PLCS translators will produce files in Part 21 format while others will create Part 28 files, but the previously mentioned processors and mediators developed under the ISE Project will be made publicly available and will enable file conversion between Part 28 and Part 21 formats. The intent of the ISE-6 Project is to define an information model that encompasses the full range of logistics data and products, with linkage back to the associated engineering data and drawings. This equates to the term APSI in the ANSI standard EIA-649-A. What is difficult for shipyards, Participating Managers (PARMs), and other entities providing life cycle support is managing the collection of logistics ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 4 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases and engineering data in a coherent fashion. Not the least difficulty is that the logistics data and products typically reside in a large number of independent software systems. 1.4 Document Scope The purpose of this document is to identify and document the Use Cases and scenarios that apply to data required for post-delivery support and operations, both on shore and on ship. For each Use Case, it will be indicated if these activities apply to Ship Acquisition, or Ship Alterations, or both. The information created in the Use Cases for design new construction can later be used for post-delivery support and operations. Information requirements will be derived from these Use Cases and will be documented in XML form in accordance with the ISE methodology. The PLCS standard contains an Application Activity Model (AAM), which captures life cycle support activities. However this is a very high level model, which does not adequately capture the specific activities performed by shipyards and the Navy while executing post-delivery support and operations. These specific shipbuilding activities must be defined for the resulting information models to truly integrate shipyard and Navy software systems. This document defines a set of shipbuilding Use Cases that define activities performed by the shipyards and the Navy for Product Life Cycle Support pertaining to Ship Acquisition (Design New Construction). Another set of shipbuilding Use Cases is specified to deal with Ship Alterations and life cycle support. These were developed based upon the experience and expertise of the participating shipyards and the ISE-6 Team. In this document, we will refer to the data defined during the ship acquisition process that is required for post-delivery support and operations simply as logistics data and products. This includes drawings, models, and training materials as well as the configuration baseline of the ship. ANSI Standard EIA-649-A describes these logistics data and products as Product Configuration Information (PCI) which includes both Product Definition Information (PDI) and Product Operational Information (POI). Traditionally, logistics data and products are defined by an Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) organization. Often, separate ILS organizations exist for ship acquisition and life cycle support. In this document, we will present Use Cases arising from both groups’ activities. The approach taken in this document is to define the overall business process for the definition, development, and delivery of logistics products. The specific steps within the business process are decomposed into individual Use Cases. Finally, the Use Cases are mapped back into the general AP239 AAM. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 5 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 2 NOMENCLATURE 2.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases AAM: Application Activity Model AEL: Allowance Equipage list AES: Atlantec Enterprise Solutions ANSI: American National Standards Institute AP: Application Protocol: Documents that specify the format for representing product data within a set of related processes or activities APL: Allowance Parts List APSI: Assured Product and Support Information AP203: ISO 10303-203: AP for Configuration Controlled Design AP209: ISO 10303-209: AP for Composite and Metallic Structural Analysis and Related Design AP212: ISO 10303-212: AP for Electrotechnical Design and Installation AP214: ISO 10303-214: AP for Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Processes AP215: ISO 10303-215: AP for Ship Arrangement AP216: ISO 10303-216: AP for Ship Moulded Forms AP218: ISO 10303-218: AP for Ship Structure AP227: ISO 10303-227: AP for Plant Spatial Configuration AP239: ISO 10303-239: AP for Product Life Cycle Support ASE: Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise program of the NSRP CAD: Computer Aided Design CDMD-OA: Configuration Data Manager Database – Open Architecture CI: Configuration Item CK: Charlie Kilo CMRM: Configuration Management Reference Material COSAL: Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List CPC: Common Parts Catalog CPP: Computer Program Packages CWI: Configuration Worthy Item DEX: Data Exchange Set DoD: Department of Defense DONXML: Department of Navy XML Repository created to provide guidance for use of Extensible Markup Language in a standardized way ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 6 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases EB: Electric Boat Corporation EFD: Equipment Functional Description EIA-649-A: ANSI Standard for: Configuration Managememt EIA-836: ANSI Standard for: Configuration Management Data Exchange and Interoperability ESWBS: Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure EXPRESS: A formal data specification language that specifies the product information to be represented FAA: Federal Aviation Administration FMP: Fleet Modernization Process FSI: Functionally Significant Item GFI: Government Furnished Information HARVEST: NSRP Project to complete STEP Shipbuilding Structural Application Protocols HSC: Hierarchical Structure Code IDEF0: Integration Definition for Process Modeling ILS: Integrated Logistics Support INGR: Intergraph Corporation IPDE: Integrated Product Data Environment IPT: Industrial Planning Technology IS: International Standard ISE: Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Project ISEC: Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium ISO: International Organization for Standardization ISPE: Integrated Steel Processing Environment Project KSS: Knowledge Systems Solutions, Inc. LSA: Logistics Support Analysis LSAR: Logistics Support Analysis Record MAMS: Maintenance Assistance Modules MRC: Major Repairable Component NAVSEA: Naval Sea Systems Command NGSS: Northrop Grumman Ship Systems NSRP: National Shipbuilding Research Program NSWCCD: Naval Surface Warfare Center - Carderock Division PARM: Participating Manager Part 21: ISO 10303-21: STEP Implementation Method - Clear Text Encoding of Exchange Structure ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 7 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Part 28: ISO 10303-28: STEP Implementation Method - XML representation for EXPRESSdriven data PCI: Product Configuration Information PDI: Product Definition Information PDS: Product Data Services Corporation PLCS: Product Life Cycle Support PIF: Product In Focus PMS: Planned Maintenance System POI: Product Operational Information RIC: Repairable Identification Code RMA: Reliability Maintenance Analysis SCLSIS: Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information System SCM: Software Controls Manual SSI: ShipConstructor Software, Inc. STEP: STandard for the Exchange of Product Model Data: It is the familiar name given for the international standard ISO 10303 Industrial Automation Systems and Integration Product Model Representation and Exchange. The objective is to provide a mechanism that is capable of describing product model data throughout the life cycle of a product. The standard is a collection of parts, each published separately. SWP: Software Programs S1000D: International Specification for the Procurement and Production of Technical Publications TIA: Technology Investment Agreement TDMIS: Technical Data Management Information System TOC: Total Ownership Cost VFI: Vendor Furnished Information XML: Extensible Markup Language ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 8 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 2.2 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Definitions Charlie Kilo (CK) A record of the ship reporting back as to what work has been done as part of a ship alteration. Configuration Item (CI) A collection of objects related to the specific functionality of a larger system. Examples of these objects may be requirements, code, documentation, models, and other files. Configuration Management systems oversee the life of the CIs through a combination of process and tools. The objective of these systems is to avoid the introduction of errors related to lack of testing or incompatibilities with other CIs. A Configuration Item (CI) can be differentiated from a Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) in that: a CWI is terminology to translate what is in the design and requires support (initial determination of a CI) the CI typically means the actualization of the item onto the ship with its support Configuration Worthy Items (CWI) A Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) is defined as any item that requires maintenance or logistic support during its life cycle. An item is considered configuration worthy if it meets one or more of the following criteria: a. Any item that requires any one of the following elements of logistics: Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Software Programs (SWP), Software Controls Manual (SCM), Computer Program Packages (CPP), Maintenance Assistance Modules (MAMS), or intermediate/depot level maintenance plans or drawings. b. Any hardware, software or firmware item required to describe a ship’s functional hierarchy. c. Any clearly identifiable functional assemblies such as pump/motor combinations. d. Any electronic functional groups. e. Any system or equipment requiring maintenance. f. Any Computer Aided Design (CAD) item used in digital data exchange that is identified separately from the associated software. These CAD items are the components that are on the drawings or models which need to be supported logistically. Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) The allowance list of spare parts carried onboard the ship. Data Exchange Set (DEX) A subset of the overall PLCS information model that is suited for a particular business process. It also includes usage guidance. Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure (ESWBS) A five character work breakdown structure, defined by the Navy, which establishes system boundaries, system descriptions and functional nomenclature for an entire ship class. ESWBS has many functions, one of them being to serve as a framework for categorizing each and every item on a ship. The ESWBS is the basis for the development of Hierarchical Structure Codes (HSC), used by the shipyard to identify all configuration worthy items on the ship. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 9 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Functionally Significant Item (FSI) A Functionally Significant Item (FSI) is defined as an item whose failure would have a significant impact on the availability of a required function or on life cycle costs. An FSI can be a system, subsystem, equipment, or component, or a summary level of two or more FSIs. For life cycle management purposes, an FSI is any item that requires any element of logistic support for which configuration information is needed to operate or maintain the ship that is needed to fully describe the functional hierarchy of the ship itself down to the lowest level subassembly. A Functionally Significant Item (FSI) can be considered as an equivalent term to Configuration Worthy Item (CWI). Product Configuration Information (PCI) The term used by the current configuration standards. It is synonymous with the older term Configuration Status Record and the PLCS term Assured Product and Support Information (APSI). PCI is produced and managed by the process of Configuration status Accounting. It lists all product and configuration information for each approved baseline. PCI includes both Product Definition Information (PDI) and Product Operational Information (POI). Product Definition Information (PDI) A synonym for product attributes, configuration documentation, design basis, design information, design output, engineering drawing, interface control document, interface document, requirements document, software requirements specification, software design document, software product specification, or specification. Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The methodology to handle the life cycle concerns of a component. The methodology handles hazard (environmental) issues, configuration management, logistics issues, ship specifications, maintenance engineering, and supply support. A STEP Application Protocol (ISO 10303-239:2004) has been adopted as an International Standard to be used for PLCS product model exchanges. Product Operational Information (POI) A synonym for product operation and maintenance instructions and other derived information, operational information, technical manual, or technical order. Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information System (SCLSIS) The Navy standard for logistics systems. Use Case A description of a set of sequence of actions performed by a system and initiated by an actor. It is used to capture the functional requirements of a system. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 10 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases 3 Life Cycle Support Business Processes The overall Business Process for Life Cycle Support during Ship Acquisition is shown below in Figure 1. The diagram notionally illustrates the overall process, major participants, and major data flows. This diagram represents the viewpoint of an ILS organization and does not show all the relationships between the entities. (For example, supplier VFI is not shown as input to detailed design.) However, the relationship between design data and ILS is explicitly detailed. Use Cases are explicitly identified where appropriate, otherwise major ILS activities are further decomposed into specific Use Cases in Figures 3-6 as indicated. Drawings & Prod. Data Define ILS Approach (Use Case 19) Part Usage Analysis (See Figure 6) System Diagrams & Specs Supportability and TOC Analysis (Use Case 15) Configuration Identification (See Figure 3) Specs Procurement Legend Customer Design / Eng ILS CWI Components Ship System Design Design Changes Detailed Design Drawings Define Ship Support Approach (Use Case 18) Production Changes Requirements Ship Contract OEM Components Logistics Support Analysis (See Figure 5) Logistics Data Purchase Specs Supplier VFI Changes Shipyard Configuration Status Accounting (See Figure 4) Logistics Products & Configuration Baseline External Navy System Supplier Ship Delivery GFE Figure 1 – Overall Life Cycle Support Business Process for Ship Acquisition ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 11 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases This overall process can be summarized as follows: The contract is awarded, which provides the base requirements for the ship design and logistics data and products. The Navy refines their expectations and requirements for the life cycle support of the ship. The shipyard and Navy ILS organizations define the specific approach and tools that will be used for this ship contract within the bounds of the contract and the customer life cycle support approach. The ship design starts with a system design that defines the system components and their functional properties. This information is specified in system diagrams and functional specifications for components. The supportability and Total Ownership Cost (TOC) of the components are analyzed and additional specifications are generated. Procurement utilizes the functional and support specifications to select a supplier. Vendor Furnished Information (VFI) is provided by the supplier to define the specific engineering, maintenance, and support properties of the component. Detailed design develops the full ship design, drawings, and production data. Changes to the design result from analysis results, design changes, production problems, or design problems. Configuration worthy components are identified, based initially upon the system design and later upon the detailed design and design changes. The details are shown in Figure 3. Once a component has been identified as a Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) and a specific supplier selected, a Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) is performed to develop the associated logistics data and products. The details are shown in Figure 5. The configuration of logistics data and products is maintained by Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) processes. Newly developed data is added to the baseline. Design changes are assessed and incorporated. The details are shown in Figure 4. Government Furnished Information (GFI) is provided by the supplier of Navy systems, either to the contractor or directly to the Navy. These suppliers are typically PARMs, under contract to the program office. The contractor delivers the drawings, configuration baseline and set of logistic products to the Navy. Note that each Navy system supplier follows the same process as the prime contractor, usually with the exception of the last step (unless they are integrating other Navy systems or components). The overall Business Process for Life Cycle Support during Ship Alteration is shown below in Figure 2. As in the case of Figure 1, the diagram notionally illustrates the overall process, major participants, and major data flows. This diagram represents the viewpoint of an ILS organization and does not show all the relationships between the entities. Use Cases are explicitly identified where appropriate, otherwise major ILS activities are further decomposed into specific Use Cases in Figures 3-5 as indicated. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 12 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability Ship Alteration Contract Develop Ship Alteration Package ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Ship Installation Contract SCD Procurement Configuration Identification (See Figure 3) CWI Components Supplier OEM Components Design Changes Fabrication of Material Logistics Support Analysis & Documentation (See Figure 5) Changes Legend Customer Design / Eng ILS Shipyard External Develop Kitting Plan (Use Case #21) Logistics Data & Docs Kitting of Material LAR Reverse LAR Kits Configuration Status Accounting (See Figure 4) Logistics Products & Configuration Baseline Logistics Products & Configuration Baseline Logistics Data & Docs Install Ship Alt On Ship Installation Status Plan Configuration with ILS Certification (Use Case #22) Report Ship Alt Status Update Configuration with Installed Alterations (Use Case #23) Figure 2 – Overall Life Cycle Support Business Process for Ship Alteration ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 13 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Configuration Identification Identify Identify Configuration Configuration Worthy Worthy Items Items (Use (Use Case Case #2) #2) Classify Classify Instances Instances based based on on Functionality Functionality (Use (Use Case Case #3) #3) Identify Identify Hierarchy Hierarchy Classification Classification for for Functional Functional and and System System Designators Designators (ESWBS (ESWBS Breakdown) Breakdown) (Use (Use Case Case #1) #1) Figure 3 –Configuration Identification Use Cases Configuration Status Accounting Initial Assessment for Configuration Changes (Use Case #4) Develop Planned Change (Use Case #16) Update Configuration Data & Support Products (Use Case #5) Release Configuration Data & Support Products (Use Case #17) Figure 4 –Configuration Status Accounting Use Cases ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 14 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Logistics Support Analysis & Documentation Develop Logistical Technical Data (Use Case #6) Develop Provisioning Technical Documentation Packages and Assign Repairable Identification Code (Use Case #7) Perform Maintenance Planning Development (Use Case #11) Establish Stowage Requirements and Identify Locations (Use Case #13) Develop Training Tools and Documentation (Use Case #14) Figure 5 –Logistics Support Analysis & Documentation Use Cases Part Usage Analysis Perform Reliability Maintenance Analysis (Use Case #8) Perform System Safety Review (Use Case #9) Perform Human Factors Review (Use Case #10) Identify Environmental Concerns (Use Case #12) Perform Part Supportability and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (Use Case #20) Figure 6 – Part Usage Analysis Use Cases ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 15 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 3.1 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Summary of Use Cases The set of Use Cases for Life Cycle Support during Ship Acquisition and Ship Alterations, illustrated in Figures 1-6 above, are summarized below. These two sets of Use Cases will be the basis of the context schemas and exchanges to be developed during the ISE-6 Project. In the table below, Use Cases that apply only to Ship Acquisition are indicated by Type = “Acquisition”, while those Use Cases that apply only to Ship Alterations are indicated by Type = “Ship Alt”. Use Cases that are applicable to both Ship Acquisition and Ship Alterations are indicated by Type = “Both”. Life Cycle Support Use Cases for Ship Acquisition and/or Ship Alterations: Type 1. Identify Hierarchy Classification for Functional and System Designators Both 2. Identify Configuration Worthy Items Both 3. Classify Instances Based on Functionality Both 4. Initial Assessment of Change for Configuration Changes Both 5. Update Configuration Data & Support Products Both 6. Develop Logistical Technical Data Both 7. Develop Provisioning Technical Documentation Packages and Assign Repairable Identification Code Both 8. Perform Reliability Maintenance Analysis Acquisition 9. Perform System Safety Review Acquisition 10. Perform Human Factors Review Acquisition 11. Perform Maintenance Planning Development Both 12. Identify Environmental Concerns Acquisition 13. Establish Stowage Requirements and Identify Locations Both 14. Develop Training Tools and Documentation Both 15. Part Usage Requirements Acquisition 16. Develop Planned Change Both 17. Release Configuration Data and Support Products Both 18. Define Ship Support Policy Acquisition 19. Define ILS Approach Acquisition 20. Perform Part Supportability and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Acquisition 21. Develop Kitting Plan Ship Alt 22. Plan Configuration with ILS Certification Ship Alt 23. Update Configuration with Installed Alterations Ship Alt ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 16 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 3.2 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Life Cycle Support Business Process for IPDE Data Exchange The Use Cases described above have focused on the business processes of life cycle support during ship acquisition as well as for ship alterations. Although these two scenarios provide the basis for the ISE-6 context schemas and have led to the Use Cases defined in this project, it is felt that these are not ideal scenarios for the project demonstration scheduled for March 2008. That demonstration will focus on life cycle support business processes that represent exchange between multiple Integrated Product Data Environments (IPDEs). This scenario is illustrated in Figure 7 and will be executed in the ISE-6 Demo. The Use Cases described in Figure 7 are a subset of those from the previous two scenarios, so the demonstration will not require any new schema development. User C View Data User A Creates IPDE Data and Stores in System Ship Acquisition Use Cases (See Figure 1) User A Data Store User B Extracts Data for Use Use Case # 5 Update Configuration Data and Support Products User B Data Store Use Case # 17 Release Configuration Data and Support Products User C Resynchronization of Data Use Case # 23 Update Configuration with Installed Alterations User D Extracts Data Use Case # 5 Update Configuration Data and Support Products User D Data Store User D Updates Data Use Case # 16 Develop Planned Change Figure 7 - Overall Life Cycle Support Business Process for IPDE Data Exchange ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 17 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 4 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION OF EACH USE CASE Use Case #1 - Identify Hierarchy Classification for Functional and System Designators Develop the hierarchy classification for functional and system designators. This is done by selecting the appropriate Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure (ESWBS) code from the Users Guide for Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure (ESWBS) for All Ships and Ship/Combat Systems. The ESWBS is a work breakdown structure, utilizing a five character numbering system, to identify functional areas, systems, and major components. Systems to be included on the ship should be specified by the Navy (not all ESWBS groups are used on all ships). The ESWBS is the basis for the Hierarchical Structure Code (HSC), developed later to classify all Configuration Worthy Items (CWI). The top level ESWBS is shown below in Table 1. An example ESWBS breakdown structure is shown in Table 2. Table 1 – Top Level ESWBS Breakdown ESWBS Equipment Functional Description (EFD) 10000 HULL STRUCTURE, GENERAL 20000 PROPULSION PLANT, GENERAL 30000 ELECTRIC PLANT, GENERAL 40000 COMMAND AND SURVEILLANCE, GENERAL 50000 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS, GENERAL 60000 OUTFIT AND FURNISHINGS, GENERAL 70000 ARMAMENT, GENERAL Table 2 – Example of a Specific ESWBS Breakdown Structure ESWBS Equipment Functional Description (EFD) 51500 AIR REVITALIZATION SYSTEMS 51510 CO/H2 BURNERS 51511 CO/H2 BURNER - NO. 1 51512 CO/H2 BURNER - NO. 2 ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 18 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability Use Case #2 - ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Identify Configuration Worthy Items Based on design models and system diagrams, identify component instances that are configuration worthy. A Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) is defined as any item that requires maintenance or logistic support during its life cycle. An item is considered configuration worthy if it meets one or more of the following criteria: a. Any item that requires any one of the following elements of logistics: Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Software Programs (SWP), Software Controls Manual (SCM), Computer Program Packages (CPP), Maintenance Assistance Modules (MAMS), or intermediate/depot level maintenance plans or drawings. b. Any hardware, software or firmware item required to describe a ship’s functional hierarchy. c. Any clearly identifiable functional assemblies such as pump/motor combinations. d. Any electronic functional groups. e. Any system or equipment requiring maintenance. f. Any Computer Aided Design (CAD) item used in digital data exchange that is identified separately from the associated software. These CAD items are the components that are on the drawings or models which need to be supported logistically. Use Case #3 - Classify Instances Based on Functionality Assign each instance of a CWI a unique HSC classified by system within the functional area. The HSC is an indenturing code of up to 12 characters, which identifies the functional/hierarchical relationship of the ship, ship systems, and equipment configuration records. HSC is typically defined for the entire ship class. Associated with each HSC is an Equipment Functional Description (EFD) which provides a unique functional description of the component. Further breakdown of the component is possible, to support subcomponents identified as configuration worthy. HSC Guidelines: The first five characters: Positions 1-5 must be in the accordance with the Master Default ESWBS file (available in the reference section of the CDMD-OA Database and the Configuration Management Reference Material (CMRM) websites). The sixth through the twelfth characters: The seven digit character sequence, which follows the ESWBS, breaks the equipment into subsystems, components, assemblies and subassemblies. Valid values for each of the last seven characters include combinations of digits “0-9” and characters “A-Z”, excluding the characters “O” and “I”. Typically, two alpha characters in the sixth and seventh position denote the functional group of the component (i.e. “DH” is a valve). ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 19 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Usage note: o For equipment, the structure starts with the highest-level equipment followed by lower components in functionally related groups. o For piping systems, the structure starts with the source to the demand consistent with the system diagrams, indenturing at major components and services. o Components may also be split into different groupings according to component types, e.g. globe valves, butterfly valves, etc. The ESWBS breakdown example given in Table 2 is extended to illustrate an HSC breakdown structure in Table 3 below. Table 3 – Example of a Specific HSC Breakdown Structure ESWBS Equipment Functional Description (EFD) 51500 AIR REVITALIZATION SYSTEMS 51510 CO/H2 BURNERS 51511 CO/H2 BURNER - NO. 1 51511SG1 CO/H2, BURNER #1 51511SG1A CO/H2, BURNER #1, ELECTRIC MOTOR 51511SG1D CO/H2, BURNER #1, ELECTRICAL ASSY 51511SG1D1 CO/H2, BURNER #1, CONTACTOR 51512 Use Case #4 - CO/H2 BURNER - NO. 2 Initial Assessment of Change for Configuration Changes This assessment reviews a design or logistics proposed change to determine the logistical impact. It identifies the items which are planned for removal, modification, or addition to the baseline with the impact to its technical documentation, maintenance, and provisioning. Use Case #5 - Update Configuration Data & Support Products Incorporate the updated configuration data and support products resulting from a design or logistics change. This will update the configuration baseline. Use Case #6 - Develop Logistical Technical Data For each instance of a CWI, develop the appropriate technical data and documentation required to effectively operate and maintain each class of ship throughout its life cycle. This may be developed at the system level and/or the equipment level. This documentation will be used to effectively operate and maintain each class of ship throughout its life cycle. Damage Control Plates are included as a part of the Logistics Technical Data. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 20 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability Use Case #7 - ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Develop Provisioning Technical Documentation Packages and Assign Repairable Identification Code This process, occurring after procurement, involves the decomposition of a Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) into components which themselves are CWIs. Each CWI is assigned a Repairable Identification Code (RIC) to the component so that the item will have full logistical support. The RIC provides the interface key to the supply support of components and to the components technical documentation such as identifying technical manuals in the Technical Data Management Information System (TDMIS) and identification in the supply system. A RIC uniquely identifies a particular commodity. When the code is related to an Allowance Parts List or an Allowance Equipage List, it is known as an APL or AEL, respectively. Although the Hierarchical Structure Code (HSC) identifies a function on a ship, the Repairable Identification Code (RIC) identifies the commodity that is performing that function. The RIC relates to a set of characteristics which identify a particular system, equipment, or component. Please note that another term which may be used for a Configuration Worthy Item (CWI) is Functionally Significant Item (FSI). Use Case #8 - Perform Reliability Maintenance Analysis Ensure that the ship and its systems are designed in a way that the top level Reliability Maintenance Analysis (RMA) requirements imposed by the customer are met. The requirements ensure that the ship meets its operational requirements with minimal down time for equipment. There is also an evaluation of proposed procurement items, which happens before procurement and provisioning. Use Case #9 - Perform System Safety Review Support the timely identification of hazards and the initiation of actions necessary to eliminate hazards or reduce the associated risks to an acceptable level within the system. Use Case #10 - Perform Human Factors Review Perform Human Engineering review of arrangement drawings, digital and physical mockups or operational consoles designed for areas involving human interface. Use Case #11 - Perform Maintenance Planning Development Determine and set up the conditions required to perform specific repairs and preventive maintenance. This includes developing maintenance plans, maintenance standards, and maintenance requirement cards. Maintenance plans and maintenance requirement cards are developed for each Major Repairable Component (MRC). The Maintenance Planning and Development Phase provides a cost effective life cycle approach which is consistent with the Class Maintenance Program Procedure. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 21 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Use Case #12 - Identify Environmental Concerns This is the process of identifying and documenting the chemical material properties that make up a component, structure, or piping. This provides documentation (an 'Environmental Map') of where hazardous compounds are used onboard the ship. Use Case #13 - Establish Stowage Requirements and Identify Locations Identify and track items identified on the Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) for stowage requirements. The COSAL is made up of equipment/components required for the ship to perform its operational requirements, and repair parts, special tools and miscellaneous portable equipment required to repair those items. This provides the basis for development of the stowage requirements. The stowage items identified in this process produce the stowage requirements for the locations to stow those items. Use Case #14 - Develop Training Tools and Documentation Develop training materials and trainers that support personnel procedures for operation, maintenance and repair of ship systems. Use Case #15 – Part Usage Requirements Identify part usage requirements relating to logistics and support, and incorporate them into procurement specifications. Use Case #16 – Develop Planned Change Develop updates for configuration data and support products to address a proposed design or logistics change. Use Case #17 – Release Configuration Data and Support Products Release configuration data and support products to the ship owner. Use Case #18 – Define Ship Support Policy This is the process by which the ship owner defines the policies that will be employed to support the ship. This may include: the contractual arrangements for support (such as organic support, contractor logistic support, contract for availability); the maintenance philosophy to be applied (such as reliability centered maintenance or calendar based maintenance); inventory management policy; the stock management philosophy policy to be applied (such as just in time supply or managed inventory); training philosophy to be used (such as on-the-job training). These policy choices will be influenced by many factors including: ship capabilities, intended missions, contractor capabilities, available technology, the program office, expected budget, DoD and Navy policy, as well as experience from the other ship programs. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 22 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Use Case #19 – Define ILS Approach This is the process of specifying and implementing the processes, procedures, and tools that an ILS organization will use to develop logistics data and products for a specific ship or ship class. Different ship contracts have different requirements which may be satisfied by various combinations of processes, procedures, and tools. This is a collaborative process between the ILS organization and the Navy customer and will be influenced by the specifics of the ship support approach adopted. The resulting ILS Support Plan is utilized throughout the ILS organization in all activities relating to this ship contract. (This is not shown in Figure 1.) Use Case #20 – Perform Part Supportability and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Ensure that the part is designed in a way that the top level supportability and life cycle cost requirements imposed by the customer are met. Supportability and life cycle cost analysis includes the whole life cycle of system and support elements. The analysis ensures that the ship will achieve optimum system performance at minimum life cycle cost. Use Case #21 - Develop Kitting Plan Specify and define kits required by the AIT to install the Ship Alteration. Kitted material is supplied to the AIT by the planning yard. Use Case #22 - Plan Configuration with ILS Certification Plan the finalizing of the Ship Alteration, including incorporating all planned configuration changes in the configuration baseline and approval of the ILS Certification, indicating all required support products are complete. Use Case #23 - Update Configuration with Installed Alterations Update the configuration baseline to incorporate all configuration changes reported from the installation of the Ship Alteration. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 23 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases 5 RELATIONSHIP OF PLCS USE CASES TO AP239 APPLICATION ACTIVITY MODEL (AAM) 5.1 Comparison of Models AP239 Application Activity Model (AAM) General model for logistics support which may include the development of logistics support systems and procedures Many activities relate to planning and development of requirements for support ISE-6 Use Cases Assume Navy infrastructure will be used for logistics support o o o Overall support requirements established by Navy o 5.2 Logistics support systems have been implemented Most logistics support procedures are defined CDMD-OA – Navy LSAR Contractor typically negotiates specific support requirements with Navy for given ship class contract Mapping of ISE-6 Use Cases to AP239 AAM Diagrams Table 4 below relates each ISE-6 PLCS Use Case to the AP239 Application Activity Model (AAM) Diagram(s) that best correspond to that Use Case. Only a segment of the AAM Diagrams are used and there is not a perfect correlation in all cases because the AAM focuses on providing through life support, while the ISE-6 Use Cases focus on managing the support information during ship acquisition or ship alterations. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 24 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Table 4 – Comparing ISE-6 PLCS Use Case to AP239 AAM Diagram ISE-6 Use Case AP239 AAM # AAM Diagrams Name See Figures Below 1. Identify Hierarchy Classification for Functional and System Designators A1211 16 2. Identify Configuration Worthy Items A1211 16 3. Classify Instances Based on Functionality A1212, A1213, A1214, A122 4. Initial Assessment of Change for Configuration Changes 15, 16, 17 A111, A112 5. Update Configuration Data & Support Products 10, 11, 12 A134 18, 20 6. Develop Logistical Technical Data A1215, A133 16, 18 7. Develop Provisioning Technical Documentation Packages and Assign Repairable Identification Code A1215, A133 16, 18 8. Perform Reliability Maintenance Analysis A1215, A133 16, 18 9. Perform System Safety Review A1215, A133 16, 18 10. Perform Human Factors Review A1215, A133 16, 18 11. Perform Maintenance Planning Development A1215, A133 16, 18 12. Identify Environmental Concerns A1215, A133 16, 18 13. Establish Stowage Requirements and Identify Locations A1215, A133 16, 18 14. Develop Training Tools and Documentation A1215, A133 16, 18 15. Part Usage Requirements A1215, A133 16, 18 16. Develop Planned Change A1131, A1132, A11331-A11335 17. Release Configuration Data and Support Products 18. Define Ship Support Policy 19. Define ILS Approach 21. Develop Kitting Plan 22. Plan Configuration with ILS Certification 23. Update Configuration with Installed Alterations ISE-6-TEAM-0001 A134 18, 20 A2431 24 A131, A132, A21 20. Perform Part Supportability and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 13, 14 18, 19, 21, 22 A1215, A133 16, 18 A223, A41121, A41122, A41123 23, 25, 26 A111, A112 10, 11, 12 A134 18, 20 Page 25 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 5.3 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases AAM Diagrams and Explanations Figures 9 through 26 show the actual AAM Models that correspond to or include the activities represented in the ISE-6 PLCS Use Cases. The graphical form of the application activity model is presented in the IDEF0 activity modeling format. Activities and data flows that are out of scope are marked with asterisks. Figure 8 describes the basic notation used in IDEF0 modeling. Each activity may be decomposed to provide more detail. If an activity has been decomposed, a separate diagram is included. In an IDEF0 diagram: Boxes represent activities Inputs are represented by arrows entering the Box on the left hand side Controls are represented by arrows entering the Box from the top Mechanisms are represented by arrows entering the Box from the bottom Outputs are represented by arrows leaving the Box on the right hand side CONTROL INPUT OUTPUT MECHANISM Figure 8 — IDEF0 Basic Notation ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 26 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 9: A0 - Provide Through Life Support for Product A1 - Manage Information to Support a Product A2 - Generate Support Solutions A3 - Commission Support System A4 - Provide Support Figure 9 – AP239 AAM Diagram A0 – Provide Through Life Support for Product ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 27 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 10: A11 - Manage Configuration Change A111 - Manage Issue A112 - Establish Requirement for Change A113 - Evaluate & Coordinate Solution or Variance A114 - Assess Audit Feedback Figure 10 – AP239 AAM Diagram A11 – Manage Configuration Change ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 28 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 11: A111 o o Manage Issue Action to record and assess issues according to type and priority. NOTE: Issues that require change action are passed to the other configuration change management activities. A unique identifier is issued as part of activity A1.2 (manage identification). Issues include any issue, problem or proposal related to configuration management. Such issues can be variances, documentation error reports from any source but principally from support engineering, resource management, maintenance and feedback or configuration discrepancy reports, perhaps arising from change monitoring or audit activity. A1111 - Register Issue A1112 - Assess Issue Figure 11 – AP239 AAM Diagram A111 – Manage Issue ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 29 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 12: A112 o o Establish Requirement for Change Action to document and assess the problem or change opportunity. NOTE: This activity covers documentation of the change opportunity or problem and the creation of a suitable description, analysis of the opportunity or problem, and the reason for a possible change along with a statement of expected impact sufficient for evaluation, determination of the appropriate level of priority, and the raising and the approval of a valid need for change as an input to evaluating and coordinating a solution or variance. A1121 - Identify & Prioritize Change A1122 - Document Change Opportunity or Problem A1123 - Analyze Change Problem or Opportunity Figure 12 – AP239 AAM Diagram A112 – Establish Requirement for Change ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 30 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 13: A113 - Evaluate & Coordinate Solution or Variance A1131 - Develop Change o o A1132 o o Action to refine the preliminary assessment to determine all potential consequences of a possible change including necessary coordination between the impacted items to enable effectivity to be determined. NOTE: The preliminary assessment occurs in activity A1.1.2. The level of analysis required will depend on the nature of the change taking into account effects on support engineering and resource management and impacts on other approved changes. Plan Change Action to establish which members of the PIF are to be changed, including new production and existing products. NOTE: There are many influencing factors on this activity including an assessment of the urgency and priority of the change and the availability of parts and materials, software and replacement parts. Determining an effectivity requires knowledge not only of the lead times associated with changing the product (whether in production or by retrofit, recall or other means) but of the actions and lead times necessary to effect the associated change in all impacted support areas (such as the update of support software, availability of spare and repair parts, or revision to operating and maintenance instructions). Once the change is approved detailed implementation planning, which expands but remains consistent with the basic planning is normally required. Implementation of a change involves the release of new or revised configuration documentation including requirements and design information. This implementation may involve changes to information on operation and maintenance, build and test, and commercial documentation. The new or revised information is identified and released within activity A1.3 (manage information). The release process ties the document revisions to a change. It is not always necessary to have a plan before a change task can be authorized. However, a change implementation plan is usually needed. A1133 - ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Establish Business Solution & Authorize Change Page 31 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 13 – AP239 AAM Diagram A113 – Evaluate & Coordinate Solution or Variance ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 32 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 14: A1133 - Establish Business Solution & Authorize Change A11331 - Assess Solution Risk o A11332 o o Compare Solution Options Action to select the solution that best meets the valid need for change. A11336 o Compile Justification for Solution Action to review the total change package and complete a justification for the implementation requirements with a recommended classification and priority. A11335 o Classify Solution Action to classify the chosen solution with respect to appropriate parameters. NOTE: Change solutions can be classified in many ways, including: Nature of change, such as safety critical Scale of change, such as major or minor Implementation impact, such as an in-service change Regulatory interest, such as FAA approval required. A11334 o Establish Cost of Solution Action to evaluate the cost of a change by subjecting the most beneficial solution to a commercial pricing exercise, creating a price that meets the implementation and effectivity requirements. A11333 o o Action to assess the risks associated with a quantified solution to a valid need for change. Authorize Change Authorization, rejection or deferment of a recommended change based on the associated justification. NOTE: If the change is authorized a change order will be issued for implementation. If the change is rejected a further review can be initiated. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 33 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 14 – AP239 AAM Diagram A1133 – Establish Business Solution & Authorize Change ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 34 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 15: A12 - Manage Identification A121 - Identify Product and Support System Elements A122 - Define Product Structure Figure 15 – AP239 AAM Diagram A12 – Manage Identification ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 35 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 16: A121 - Identify Product and Support System Elements A1211 - Define PIF Boundary o o A1212 o o o Define Interface between Elements Action to identify any interfaces between elements that will be subject to configuration management. The nature of interfaces depends on the nature of the elements themselves. The interface description may include the physical and functional attributes of the connection, spatial relationships, parent-child relationships and other forms of reference, such as the links to product, support and configuration data. This activity provides the foundation on which to generate the checklist that is used when changes to elements are proposed and ensures all consequences of a proposed change are considered. The descriptions of interface elements also provide a starting point for the development of product structures. A1214 o o Identify Element Action to provide unambiguous names and identifiers for all elements of the Product in Focus and the support system. NOTE: An element may have many identifiers, each assigned by a different organization. This model assumes that the pair of values for "identifier" and "assigning organization" are unique across the PIF scope. This should be reflected in the Information Management Rules. A1213 o Action to provide a boundary definition of the set of products for which support is required, including an indication of the level product decomposition at which support is expected. NOTE: The PIF is the set of operational products, usually sharing a common product design, for which support is required. This set of products may be further subdivided across several deployment environments, each requiring a tailored support solution based on a common set of task specifications. Classify Element or Interface Action to classify elements to provide a convenient reference in the business context. NOTE: The classification method will also assist in defining information needs. Classification of elements can include: The selection of configuration items and configuration item interfaces Differentiation by size or complexity, using distinctions such as, major unit, minor unit, assembly, and raw material Differentiation in respect of types of information to be held, including those items that require load testing. ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 36 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability A1215 o o ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Define Information Required for Element or Interface Action to define what APSI shall be developed and maintained for each item in question, to enable the support solution definition to be implemented and maintained throughout the life of the PIF NOTE A configuration item can have a large quantity of associated information. Such information can include: design data configuration item interfaces specifications interface control documentation records of support analyses such as reliability centred maintenance analysis, or level of repair analysis the support solution definition technical publications test results and certification quality assurance documentation Figure 16 – AP239 AAM Diagram A121 – Identify Product and Support System Elements ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 37 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 17: A122 o o Define Product Structure Action to develop the required views of each relevant product, in the form of assembly structures or breakdowns built from classified elements and to establish necessary relationships between the different views to provide navigation between views. NOTE: The managed set of product views (the PIF structure) provides unambiguous identification of the PIF for support management purposes and a key mechanism for navigating and managing the effectivity of all related information, including that specified by the information need providing the product definition and support solution. A1221 - Develop Structure Views A1222 - Define Link between Product Structures Figure 17 – AP239 AAM Diagram A122 – Define Product Structure ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 38 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 18: A13 - Manage Information A131 - Develop Information Management Plan o o Action to generate a plan for the information management activities required to achieve and sustain a coherent information environment, reflecting the information management strategy and requirements. NOTE: Activities within the plan include specification of required information deliverables, development of the information management rules, development of information exchange agreements between participating organizations, development and testing of information exchange capability, tasks to reformat information to comply with the rules. The information strategy requirements usually originate in customer or contractor policies and standards (covering information technology, business-to-business trading, configuration management, quality assurance). The contractual requirements usually originate in the change management plan or a change order. A132 - Define Information Architecture or Rule A133 - Populate Information Structure o o Action to populate the PIF structure with the information specified by information needs. NOTE: This activity captures all necessary information on product and support elements, including relevant interfaces and inter-changeability information, and establishes appropriate relationships with the PIF structure to establish a sufficient set of product and support information for the PIF to meet life cycle support needs. A134 - ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Release Assured Product and Support Information Page 39 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 18 – AP239 AAM Diagram A13 – Manage Information ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 40 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 19: A132 o o Define Information Architecture or Rule Action to establish necessary information management rules to achieve unambiguous information sharing and exchange capability in a digital environment including definition of the meaning, structure and organization of data required by the extended enterprise engaged in product support. NOTE: This activity covers the production of an information model that defines how the product data will be held. The architecture may prescribe a set of tools or specify an open data architecture. The activity generates the associations and relationships between data and documents and a definition of how that information is represented in different views. This may involve the specification of relevant parts of ISO 10303 or other standards, such as EIA-836 or EIA-649-A. A1321 o o Develop Information Model Action to produce or select a conceptual information model to define the entities, attributes and relationships of interest to product life cycle support, and define the format in which required information shall be captured so that relevant information can managed over time. NOTE: This part of ISO 10303 can be used for this purpose. A1322 - Identify Product Structure View A1323 - Define Information Management Procedure ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 41 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 19 – AP239 AAM Diagram A132 – Define Information Architecture or Rule ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 42 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 20: A134 o o Release Assured Product and Support Information Action to authorize and release the assured information needed to achieve product life cycle support. NOTE: This action involves checking the APSI for: Completeness against the information need Compliance with the change order and the information management rules Timely release as required by the change implementation plan. A1341 - Create Information Release plan A1342 - Verify Suitability for Release A1343 - Implement Information Release Plan Figure 20 – AP239 AAM Diagram A134 – Release Assured Product and Support Information ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 43 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 21: A2 o o Generate Support Solutions Identify, develop, validate, and enhance an optimized support solution definition for the product in focus, exercising appropriate influence on the product design. NOTE: This activity is assumed to be performed in an environment of concurrent engineering and integrated teams as defined by the life cycle owner. It may applied when designing the product and its support concurrently, when developing a support solution for a pre-existing product that is not yet in use or when updating an existing support system. The PIF maybe supported by several support solution definitions, each tailored to a specific group of products, users, roles and support capabilities, collectively known as a deployment environment. The activity includes: Identification and analysis of support requirements Definition of the support activities Definition of the resources required for support, including skilled personnel Specification of design requirements for support elements and for embedded support features The identification, definition, generation and management of support engineering analysis data The identification, definition and analysis of support cost and readiness drivers Identification and analysis of product availability and support system performance metrics during life cycle of the product. This activity can be necessary more than once for any given product in focus in order to meet changing and evolving requirements. A21 - Manage Support Engineering Program A22 - Define Support Context A23 - Establish Requirements for Support Solution A24 - Design Support Solution A25 - Assess Support Performance ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 44 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 21 – AP239 AAM Diagram A2 – Generate Support Solutions ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 45 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 22: A21 o Manage Support Engineering Program Action to manage the development of a support solution definition for each deployment environment, over the life cycle of the PIF, by defining objectives and acceptance criteria, establishing a support strategy, developing a support engineering plan and monitoring resultant activities A211 - Define Objectives of Support Engineering Program A212 - Identify Support Risks and Improvement Opportunities A213 - Plan Support Engineering Activity A214 - Review Support Engineering Program Figure 22 – AP239 AAM Diagram A21 – Manage Support Engineering Program ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 46 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 23: A223 o Define Available Support Resources Action to define the support resources required at each location including environment, capabilities, and stowage locations A2231 - Identify Support Locations A2232 - Define Environment at Each Location A2233 - Define Support Capability at Each Location Figure 23 – AP239 AAM Diagram A223 – Define Available Support Resources ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 47 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 24: A243 - Define Support Solution A2431 - Define Support Policy o o Action to define the approach to be taken when designing the support solution for a set of products within a support context, including any requirement to develop and compare alternative support solution options NOTE: The support policy includes: contractual arrangements for support such as organic support, contractor logistic support, contract for availability the maintenance philosophy to be applied such as reliability centred maintenance or calendar based maintenance the stock holding policy to be applied such as just in time supply or managed inventory training philosophy to be used such as on-the-job training A2432 - Develop Support Plan A2433 - Complete Task Procedures A2434 - Assemble Support Solution A2435 - Predict Support Performance & Resource Use ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 48 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 24 – AP239 AAM Diagram A243 – Define Support Solution ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 49 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Activities in Figure 25: A4112 - Develop Support Schedule A41121 - Identify Intended Tasks A41122 - Establish Task Logic o Action to establish logic and plan for tasks o NOTE: This includes logic and plans for Kitting A41123 - Identify Required Resources o Action to identify required resources o NOTE: These resources include Kitting material A41124 - ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Schedule Activities Page 50 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 25 – AP239 AAM Diagram A4112 – Develop Support Schedule Activities in Figure 26: A41121 - Identify Intended Tasks o Action to identify intended tasks o NOTE: These tasks include those required for Kitting A411211 - Establish State of Products Needing Support A411212 - Identify Triggered Tasks A411213 - Select Commissioning Tasks A411214 - Identify other Required Tasks A441215 - Identify Consequential Tasks ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 51 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases Figure 26 – AP239 AAM Diagram A41121 – Identify Intended Tasks ISE-6-TEAM-0001 Page 52 of 53 Enabling Shipyard Interoperability 6 ISE-6 Product Life Cycle Support Use Cases SUMMARY The majority of the Total Ownership Cost (TOC) of a Navy ship accrues after the ship has been delivered by the shipbuilder to the Navy. The processes of life cycle support; repair, maintenance and overhaul, ships’ operations, testing, and training are all information intensive processes. The Navy has steadily moved toward more modern systems and technologies to cope with the burgeoning information needs, but technology has evolved faster than the deployed solutions. As a result there are a number of incompatibilities or opportunities for significant process improvement as a result of systems technologies advances. The configuration of a ship changes during it's lifecycle as a result of maintenance, repair, and modernization activities. The SHIPMAIN process defines this overall process. Modernization activities are planned and scheduled as ship Alterations. This is defined by the Fleet Modernization Process (FMP). The SHIPMAIN and FMP processes are available at: At the same time the business environment for post-delivery support is changing. Shipyards have become responsible for the life cycle support of ships, including managing maintenance and logistics data over the life of the ship. This is the so-called full service contract. The shipyards have, in the meantime, deployed sophisticated digital Integrated Product Data Environments (IPDEs). This presents a new opportunity for a shipyard to efficiently integrate its acquisition product model data with life cycle support product model data. This information is also required to develop the logistics data for the ship. After ship delivery, the acquisition data is required to initialize life cycle support systems for the ship. Technical publications, required to operate and maintain the ship, also require similar ship product model information. All of the systems and processes are highly inter-related through the information that they share. Today, system, technological, and process boundaries inhibit information interoperability. The shipyard’s cost and performance on these new Navy contracts can be improved significantly through the efficient transfer and incorporation of ship product model data. The ISE-6 Team is developing a system architecture to enable the information required for Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) to be captured in a manner that is interoperable and portable across the various ship platforms. The Use Cases described in this document capture the functional requirements of the system and will be mapped to various DEX’s (Data Exchange Sets) in AP239. This will enable the derivation of a consistent and extensible information model to capture a set of information requirements that span application domains. REVISION HISTORY Rev 1.0 2.0 Rev Date 06/22/07 08/13/07 Revised By ISE-6-TEAM-0001 BFG BFG Description Reason Initial Release Use Cases to Support Ship Alterations Enhance Report to Support Use Cases for both Design New Construction and Ship Alterations and to incorporate comments from review by ISE-6 Team members Page 53 of 53