‘Ethics in “Big Data” collection, collation and usage & CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh present IMTECH-SIS 2014 st 31 Convention & Conference of SIS on “BIG DATA Mining: The Concepts, Methods and Applications” (November 27-29, 2014) To be held at CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology Sector-39 A, Chandigarh BACKGROUND Theme of the Conference:“BIG DATA Mining: The Concepts, Methods and Applications” Past few years have seen an exponential growth in data generation, dissemination and use across all domains be it science, engineering, humanities, arts and so on. The main drivers to data growth are increasing research, subject domains diversity, better understanding of complex data mining tools and techniques, global inter institutional linkages and an increasing willingness to share data. The term rightly used for the availability and growth of data is “BIG DATA”. This Conference seeks to provide the researchers, academicians industry and students a platform to share the newer developments in this area. The research and the business both are positively impacted by availability of large volumes of data, whether it is structured or unstructured. The Conference, therefore, would have several sessions to discuss the issues germane to the spread of ‘Big Data’ as a discipline. SUB-THEMES The Conference sub-themes are: 1. Exponential Growth in Scientific Data: Globally the inflow of data has increased at an enormous pace to the advantage of researchers across multiplicity of research domains. Availability of huge volumes of data affords a unique opportunity in using such data volumes to create research focus be it in biological, chemical, physical sciences or in social sciences. Due to exponential growth of scientific data, new interdisciplinary fields have emerged in last decade that includes Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Pharmainformatics. Under this theme various resources or database contain scientific information will be discussed. 2. Mining “Big Data” in Social media: Context, creation and applications thereof: Facebook, twitter, watssap, we chat, and few more such platforms are driving the social media crazy with volumes of information and data availability. Such data has huge implications for researchers and industry across a cross section of domains. Research publications using mined information would be the focus of this sub-theme. 3. “Big Data” as an information power-house for ‘analytics’ and ‘visualization’ in business systems: For business systems or financial markets, the availability of marketing or manufacturing data helps in growth. Data gives them a power of visualization and analysis thereby creating for them areas of big opportunities. Case studies on this theme would create a focus for this session. 4. Structured databases as ‘Innovation’ ecosystem: Innovation is driven by creativity and curiosity; both have their basis in availability of information and data. This sub-theme shall have presentations on how availability of information mined out of structured databases help researchers. 5. Reaching beyond 3 Vs of “Big Data”: ‘Volume’ ‘Velocity’ and ‘Variety’ of ‘data’ helped by ‘Variability’ and ‘Complexity’ lead to appropriate decision making and help bring in accurate analysis. The session shall address issues on a sub-theme which would afford the students/researchers/academicians an opportunity to present their work on a theme of seminal importance. 6. Genomes based Personalized Medicine: Due to advancement in sequencing technology, there is exponential growth in genomic data; trillions of data generated every day. Genomics is leading the life sciences research and is driven by ever evolving data mining techniques. Under this theme application of genomic information in health science will be discussed. 7. ‘Ethics in “Big Data” collection, collation and usage: Maintaining ‘Ethics’ and ‘ethical conduct’ have importance in all spheres of life, and are equally applicable in data mining and its subsequent use where Ethical considerations do play a major role. The session would have case presentations on this theme. OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE The principal objective of this Conference is to provide a platform for exchange of knowledge, ideas & learning experience among the Information specialists, Scientists, Academicians and researchers. TARGET AUDIENCE Practicing Information Specialists, Academicians, IT Professionals, Research Scientists, Bioinformaticians, Cheminformaticians and Students. CALL for PAPERS Papers based on case studies, Researches, Practical experiences, etc. on the main theme and sub-themes of the Conference are invited from the interested participants. The Paper should be within 6000 word including Abstract of about 300 words with 4 keywords and typed in MS-WORD in 12-point Times New Roman. All the references should be properly tagged and referred following MLA Style Manual. The authors should agree with the transfer of the copyright of the papers to SIS, New Delhi and CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh. The same should be sent as e-mail attachment to the Organizing Secretary on or before November 1, 2014. All the received papers will be peer-reviewed. Only the accepted papers will be published in an edited book format to be published under the aegis of SIS, India. General Instructions: 1. Both invited and contributed papers will be considered 2. A generalized presentation should be avoided 3. A declaration by the author (S) should be made separately that the paper(s) has/have not been sent elsewhere for publication/presentation 4. All accepted papers will be invited for presentation 5. The decision of the Editorial Committee will be final. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for Paper Submission Notifications for Acceptance Camera Ready Paper Submission Conference Date : November 1, 2014 : November 10, 2014 : November 15, 2014 : November 27-29, 2014 REGISTRATION Delegates are requested to fill the registration form and return the same with conference fee and other applicable payments to the Conference Secretariat latest by November 1, 2014. Conference Fee (Early Registration by SIS members Working industry professionals and nonmembers Rs 2000 Rs. 3000 Rs 2500 Rs. 3500 Accompanying person Overseas Rs. 1000 Rs. 1500 $ 100 Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 $120 Students, Retired Information specialists October 31, 2014) Regular (After October 31, 2014) The registration fee will cover registration materials, lunch, dinner, tea & snacks. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of ‘SIS 2014’ and payable at Chandigarh TRAVEL GRANT The Organising Committee shall provide travel grant to a maximum of 10 students of bonafide institutions for travel by rail/road (3rd AC or equivalent). Those interested may put up their request for the same. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation charges will be Rs.500/- per person per day on sharing basis. Accommodation will be provided to the delegates in the institute guest house, other guest houses, and hostels on first come first serve basis. VENUE CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh CLIMATE The participants are advised to bring some woolen clothes as during November the weather will be moderately colder one. TENTATIVE PROGRAMME: November 27, 2014 Inaugural Session: 4.30 pm – 7.00 pm - Keynote address on the ‘Theme’ of the Conference - Award of SIS Fellowships & Young Information Scientist - Annual General Meeting of the SIS. Dinner: 7.30-9.00 pm November 28, 2014 9.30-10.15 am 10.15-11.30 am 11.45-1.00 pm 1.00-1.45 pm 2.00 -3.15 pm 3.15-4.30 pm 4.30-5.45 pm 8.00 pm Nagarajan Memorial Oration Sub Theme-I Exponential Growth in Scientific Data Sub-theme-II Mining “Big Data” in Social media: Context, creation and applications thereof Lunch Sub-theme –III“Big Data” as an information power-house for ‘analytics’ and ‘visualization’ in business systems Sub-theme-IV Structured databases as ‘Innovation’ ecosystem Sub-theme-V Reaching beyond 3 Vs of ‘Big Data’ Dinner NOVEMBER 29, 2014 9.30-11.00 am 11.30-1.00 pm 1.00 – 2.00 pm 02-3.00 pm Sub theme VI: Genomes based Personalized Medicine Sub theme VII: Ethics in “Big Data” collection, collation and usage Lunch Closing session- Valediction TUTORIALS Two tutorial sessions will be held on November 27, 2014 one the “Techniques of Data mining” and the other on “Creation of Data structures and use thereof”. Those interested in attending the tutorial programmes are requested to send their names separately with the tutorial fee of Rs. 500/- for each of the Tutorial sessions. THE HOST CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh Set-up in 1984 to be a fore-runner in the sun-rise area of Biotechnology, the Institute provides a truly world-class R&D ambience. Its primary asset is a team of highly motivated scientists and students, who are undertaking world-class research projects in diverse biotechnology research areas, including production of therapeutically and industrially useful recombinant/engineered proteins and their scale-up; Molecular microbiology of pathogens with respect to disease causation, drug resistance etc; vaccine development and immunology of infectious diseases; Yeast Genetics, Screening of microorganisms for beneficial enzymatic and bio- activities, strain improvement, biochemical process development, and Bioinformatics and high-end computational biology, to cite a few. The intensive research efforts are continuing to result in High-impact publications and new scientific concepts on the one hand, and technology licensing, on the other. CSIR-IMTECH has the unique distinction of hosting India’s first International Depositary Authority, the Microbial Type Culture Collection & Gene Bank and a Protein Engineering Centre of international standards (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/) . CSIR-IMTECH scientists are leading Indian efforts on ‘Big Data’ with numerous cutting edge studies on predicting numerous algorithms, protein structures, and creating a large number of databases. One of the mega projects at CSIR-IMTECH is GENESIS (Genomics and Informatics Solutions for Integrating Biology) for mining big data particularly genomic data. GENESIS is an interdisciplinary project that aims to integrate computational scientists and biologists across CSIR to understand complex biological problems and mine experimental data (http://info.csir.res.in/). One ambitious plan is to develop an Indian portal of resources/information to improve efficacy of data intensive research in biological sciences. The project proposes developing, mirroring and maintaining databases of rapidly growing biological data and creating software based support environment to assist researchers in deciphering functionally relevant information from highthroughput sequencing data. Overall, this project will strengthen infrastructure essential for advancing computational biology research in CSIR labs and is in-sync with the prime mandate of CSIR to serve Indian society (http://crdd.osdd.net/). SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE (SIS) The Society for Information Science (SIS) (http://www.sis.org.in/) founded in 1976, works in the broad domain of information sciences. The Society was formed with the following aims; i) To promote interchange of information in the discipline of information science and its subdivision amongst the specialists and between specialists and the public. ii) To encourage and assist the professionals to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession. iii) To foster a sense of partnership amongst the professionals engaged in these fields. The Society is of the opinion that there should be systematic approach in adapting new information technology with cost-benefit analysis. The Society is firmly committed to provide a congenial environment for interaction among Research Institutions, industry and academician. The SIS functions through an Executive committee consisting of experts from different institutions and assisted by various sub-committees for carrying out its programme. Society for information Science (SIS) is an all India professional body devoted to encouraging interaction among information professionals, scientists, managers and users. The Society being professional in nature, enrolls only qualified persons as members after the applications have been screened and approved by the Membership Screening Committee which is duly nominated by the Executive Committee. The Society has come a long way in 38 years of its existence; it has been able to peruse the programme quite successfully maintaining its vibrant character. It is a body of experts and leading professionals from different esteemed Indian institutions such as CSIR, IITs, IIMs, ICMR, and different universities, colleges and others in the field of Information Science. ‘IMTECH-SIS 2014’ 31st National Convention & Conference of SIS On BIG DATA Mining (The Concepts, Methods and Applications) Organized by CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh (November 27-29, 2014) REGISTRATION FORM Name Prof./ Dr/ Mr./Mrs/Ms:………………………………………………………………………. (First Name) (Last Name) Designation: ……………………………… Department: …………………………………………………………… Organization: …………………………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… City………………………… State….…..………………………… Postal Code ………………… Telephone: ……………………… Mobile No: ………………… E-mail: ………………………... Do you require accommodation (Yes/No): ------------------------ (The charges for accommodation (sharing basis) will be Rs. 500/- per day per bed. Please add the accommodation charges in your cheque/ draft) Traveling Details Travel Plan Date Time Mode (Bus/Train/Air details) Arrival Departure Date………………………………………… Signature………………………………………… Mail the Registration Form on or before 30thOctober 2014 to: Dr. G. P. S. Raghava, Scientist & Bioinformatics Centre, CSIR-IMTECH, Sector-39A, Chandigarh 160036 Email: Raghava@imtech.res.in, Web: http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ , Phone: 0172-2690557