Research Ethics Board Application for Institutional Ethics Review and Approval Complete this form electronically and attach all supporting materials (e.g., questionnaires, interview questions, consent forms, recruitment materials, debriefing forms). Submit as a SINGLE document (.doc or .pdf) to the Chair of the Research Ethics Board (Rodney Schmalt;; 780633-3674). If electronic submission is not possible, mail documents to: Dr. Rodney Schmaltz, Department of Psychology, Room 6-329, Grant MacEwan University, 10700-104 Avenue, Edmonton, Albera, T5J (City Centre Campus 6-370). Please check here if any supporting documentation is mailed: A. Applicant Information Name: (Please note that the primary applicant may not be a student. Faculty advisors should be the lead applicant for student projects.) E-Mail: Department or Program: Telephone: Faculty: Institution: Mailing Address: Are you: B. Faculty Staff Other Investigators on this Project (do not include research assistants) Name Institutional Affiliation and Department E-mail address 1. 2. 3. C. Accuracy of Information I certify that I have read and understand the policies, procedures, and guidelines developed by Grant MacEwan College for ensuring ethical conduct in research and that I intend to comply fully with the letter and spirit of those policies, procedures, and guidelines; that all the information I have included in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true; and that I have not knowingly omitted any information from this application that is relevant to the task of the Grant MacEwan College Research Ethics Board. I further acknowledge my responsibility to report any significant changes in the project and to obtain written approval for those changes, as required by the College policies, procedures, and guidelines, prior to implementing those changes. Submission of this application together with supporting documentation indicates compliance with the foregoing statement. D. Project Information Project Title: Start and end dates: Institution/s at which research will be conducted: Describe ethics approval received or sought from other institution/s: Funding source/s obtained or applied for: E. Project Details 1. Please provide a short summary of the project that describes the research objectives, relevant literature, and hypotheses or research question/s. 2. Describe the source, number, age range, and type of research participants. Indicate the manner in which participation will be solicited, and the nature of any inducements or promises offered for participation. For secondary analysis of data, describe the source and characteristics of the dataset. 3. Describe the procedure to be used. 4. Describe how you will deal with the issues of informed consent and continuing voluntariness of participation in the research. For minors, describe how you will obtain consent of guardians. 5. Describe how you will grant anonymity to participants and how participants’ responses will be kept confidential. If names or other identifying information are coded with data, describe how access to data is limited and safeguarded. Indicate who will have access to data. If appropriate, describe how consent is obtained from participants for exceptions to anonymity/confidentiality (e.g., focus groups). If data are to be taken from existing sources, discuss the implications of pre-existing (implicit or explicit) guarantees of confidentiality/anonymity. 6. Describe your plans for the retention and disposal of data (e.g., provide room and building location). Data must be kept for a minimum of 2 years, or in accordance with the policy of the funding agency (e.g., CIHR funded research needs to be kept for a minimum of 5 years). 7. If concealment of the hypothesis or deception of participants is to be employed, provide explicit justification. Indicate how and when participants will be informed of the concealment and/or deception. 8. Describe the nature of any risks to the physical or psychological well-being or integrity of participants that might arise from your procedures, and discuss your justifications, safeguards, and resolutions for these risks where appropriate. 9. Indicate when participants will be debriefed, and describe the nature and extent of debriefing. Indicate how participants may follow-up with researchers to ask questions or obtain information about the study. 10. Describe any apparatus, element of the physical environment, substance or other materials that could cause harm to a participant if a malfunction, misuse, accident, allergic reaction, or side-effect were to occur. If the participant comes into contact with a potentially hazardous apparatus or material, who will be responsible for checking for defects/malfunctions, and on what schedule will inspections be made? If participants come into contact with some substance that could cause harm, please document your safeguards. Describe safety approvals that you have obtained or applied for (e.g., biohazards, electromechanical, radiation, etc.) 11. Name those involved in data collection and describe their qualifications. If special conditions exist within the research that could cause physical or psychological harm or if participants require special attention because of physical or psychological characteristics, or if made advisable by other exigencies, describe the additional qualifications of research personnel. 12. Describe any potentially hazardous duties that will be required of research personnel, including physical, mental, or legal risks. Describe the safeguards you have implemented for your personnel. 13. Indicate all documents attached to this application. Advertisement for Participant Recruitment Ethics Approvals from Other Institutions Information Sheet for Participants Interview Script/Questions Participant Consent Form Questionnaire or Survey Items Other (List here): Does your research proposal include making use of secondary data which would fall under the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act?" If “yes”, please provide evidence of approval by the College's FOIP Coordinator. 14. Yes No