Meta Science Technology In the Apollo program we had a strong need to apply nonlinear optimization theory in a direct application of the scientific method—an inverse problem of computing rocket performance by matching acceleration and tracking data (the output of the rocket) to models which simulated that data. This was called “mathematical reconstruction” and had been used to compute rocket performance to about 0.1 percent precision on ballistic missile flights prior to Apollo. But applications of the scientific method (epistemic correlation or state-estimation), like nonlinear optimization in general, heavily depended upon a calculus-based infrastructure technique—the computation of the partial derivatives of the output of the model with respect to its input unknowns. This was a major impediment to the posing and programming of such applications. This led to a mathematical breakthrough that was developed in the project I was managing, by a TRW mathematician, Mack Alford. At roughly the same time a similar breakthrough had emerged at GE by a mathematician, Bob Wengert, whose paper, published in the ACM communications in 1964, was later recognized as the seminal paper in what had become known as automatic differentiation (AD). But it was not until 1991 that general awareness of this infrastructure became widely known in mathematics, and even then it seems that it was because of our efforts in developing and marketing a commercial language, PROSE, and a side-product GRESS (for Oak Ridge National Lab) that this infrastructure topic came into general awareness at all. The reason was that PROSE and GRESS could do things that MACSYMA could not—they could differentiate algorithms in execution. Some mathematicians recognized that this was a subtle, but key, difference. But this was only the beginning. A further innovation by Mack Alford has become the hallmark of the new paradigm, and today remains the edge that we still have, because its importance has not yet been fully appreciated. This is a differential geometry coordinate transformation (DGCT) algorithm that enables the nesting of differentiation contexts, hence the subroutine-type nesting of structured inverse problems—the hallmark of PROSE modeling. DGCT was not included in GRESS, which was very influential in the emergence of AD, because it was distributed by the government. In a sense, the whole mathematics establishment thought it completely understood calculus, when it really didn’t. Most of the research (that had led to MACSYMA, and now a spate of other tools, such as Mathematica), had focused on symbolic manipulation (computer algebra) rather than calculus arithmetic, which is what AD is. They had extrapolated the direction that pre-computer math was going when computers were invented, and they continued in that direction without realizing that it was essentially a dead end—fulfilling needs that had been largely obviated by computer-based simulation. Unfortunately, the path that we took in the development and marketing of PROSE— the mainframe/supercomputer time-sharing market, turned out to be a dead-end also. It had all but disappeared by 1983, and we no longer had the infrastructure needed to reach the end-user scientists and engineers who had the need for this very-high-level do-ityourself programming technology. I recognized in the late 1970s that this dead-end was ahead, and I began a quest to create new infrastructure. This took me to the Aerospace Corporation with the intent to build a new kind of computer to become the platform for the PROSE paradigm, which we then called “synthetic calculus”, to distinguish it from the “analytic calculus” paradigm of MACSYMA. As AD is an extended arithmetic, like interval arithmetic, our natural inclination was to design a computer in which we could program its arithmetic, i.e. via microprogramming, along with the design of ASIC chips to interface to arithmetic co-processors. Thus the design was a “blank slate” approach or C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 1 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d a “writable instruction-set” computer (WISC). It was a method of directly interpreting (emulating) high-level languages rather than assembly-level languages—the intended purpose of microprogramming in mainstream computers. Thus continued a technological odyssey which is best summarized in a kind of storyboard. A History Storyboard The following provides a summary of the whole technology history, in the form of the bulleted list below—a kind of storyboard for the technologies that are being discussed. NASA/Apollo CSM & LEM Propulsion Flight Analysis (1965-1972) Publications: Flight Analysis of the Apollo Propulsion Systems, Joe M. Thames Jr, NASA Program Apollo Working Paper 1196, March 1966, Performance Analysis of the Ascent Propulsion Subsystem of the Apollo Spacecraft, John C. Hooper, III, NASA Program Apollo Working Paper MSC-03408, 1972. Meta Calculus (MC) Software Language: MC1 – Model Compiler, J. Thames, architect and implementer – First AD Language Software API’s: Apollo Propulsion Analysis Program (APAP) Oracle-Mafia State Estimation System Summary of State-of-the-Art Advancement Development of 1st Generation Meta Calculus Language - Non-Interpretive Virtual Machine (Alford AD technique) Used for Flight Reconstruction (State Estimation) of all Apollo Engine Duty Cycles TRW CUE (Computer Utility for Engineers) Project (1967-1970) Publications: SLANG: A Problem-Solving Language for Continuous Model Simulation and Optimization, Joe M. Thames Jr., Proc: ACM 24th National Conf. Pp 23-41. The Q Approach to Problem Solving, J.D. McCully, Proc, Fall Joint Computer Conference, 196, Pp 691-699. A SLANG Simulation of an Initially Strong Shock Wave Downstream of an Infinite Area Change, D. Adamson and C. Winant, Proc, Conf. On Applications of Continuous-System Simulation Languages (June 1969), pp. 231-240. MC Software Languages: MC2 – MODTRAN – Fortran Syntax Interpretive AD Virtual Machine (Wengert AD technique) MC3 – SLANG – ML/I Macro Preprocessor to MODTRAN – User Oriented Language MC4 – SLANG/CUE – Addition of Relocatable Subroutines (link editor) Software API’s: ROP – Restricted Optimization Program (Nested Newton DGCT optimization) Oracle-Mafia State Estimation System (Kalman & Alford State Estimation) Summary of State-of-the-Art Advancement Evolution of 4th Generation Meta Calculus Language (Interpretive Virtual Machine) AD Propagation through numerical integration via ML/I integration macros Differential-Geometry Coordinate Transformations(DGCT) for Problem Nesting Test Marketing to TRW Engineering Groups PROSE Inc. Startup (J. Thames, M. Robinson, P. Easley, founders) (1972-1982) C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 2 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d Publications: PROSE – A Very High Level General Purpose Language, J. Thames and M. Robinson Mathematical Software II Conference, Purdue Univ., 1974 Prose is Poetry, Bill Musgrave, Computer Decisions, December 1974, pp 44,45 Computing in Calculus, J. Thames, Research/Development, May 1975, Vol 26, No. 5, Pp 24-30. PROSE – A General Purpose Higher Level Language, Calculus Applications Guide, Contol Data Corp. Cybernet Services, Pub No. 84000170 Rev. B (Jan 1977) PROSE – A General Purpose Higher Level Language – Calculus Reference Manual, Contol Data Corp. Cybernet Servisce, Pug No. 84003200 Rev. B (Jan. 1977). PROSE User Group, F. Pfeiffer, various articles in IEEE Spectum, Datamation, Electronics, 1978, 79 Automatic Differentiation in PROSE, F. Pfeiffer, SIGNUM Newsletter, Nov. 22, 1987 MC Software Languages (Commercial Products): MC5 – PROSE (Batch version – Interpretive VM – Wengert) (CDC Cyber 70 Scope 3.4 OS, IBM 370 VMS, Unival 1108) MC6 – TSPROSE (Interactive version - CDC Cyber 70 NOS) Superstructure API’s and Derived (Meta Science) Products MS1 – EPOC (Economic Planning via Optimal Control) – J. McDonough and D. Park MS2 – ALPS (Advanced Linear Programming System) – M. Robinson MS3 – POGOS (Power Generation Optimization System) – J. Thames MS4 – TRAD (Transportation Allocation Distribution System) – R. Stark MS5 – GRESS (Gradient Enhanced Software System) – M. Robinson National Network Marketing Vendors and Site Installations Control Data Cybernet – Cyber 70 Time Sharing & Remote Batch Control Data Lease Installations: Rockwell International Mobil Research Tektronix Schlumberger Aerospace Corp. United Computing Systems – Cyber 70/170 Time Sharing & Remote Batch Information System Design – Univac 1108 Remote Batch Boeing Computer Services – Univac 1108 Remote Batch Univac Lease – Hanford Nuclear Facility, Richland WA Sun Oil Information Services – IBM 370/Amdahl IBM/Amdahl Leases: Rand Corporation Memorex Aerospace Corporation GRESS Development: Oak Ridge National Labs Summary of State-of-the-Art Advancement Evolution of 6th Generation Meta Calculus Languages (Interpretive VM) Stabilization of Meta Calculus Paradigm End-User Very Rapid Prototyping (VRP) of Scientific Method Level (SML) problems Proof of Mentor Sales Method for VRP Application Spawning (Economic Leverage Breakthrough) Aerospace Research Computer (ARC)/Shuttle Flight Planning Project (1981-1986) Publications: C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 3 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d The Aerospace Research Computer, A Reconfigurable High-Level Language Machine, A. Speckhard and R. Fleming, Proc: High-Level Language Computer Architecture Workshop, Univ.of Maryland, Fort Lauderdale, Fla 1982 The Aerospace Research Computer: A Status Report, A. Speckhard, T. Wood, J. Thames, Proc: High-Level Computer Architecture Workshop, Univ.of Maryland, Los Angeles, CA 1984 The Evolution of Synthetic Calculus—A Mathematical Technology for Advanced Architecture, J. Thames, Proc: High-Level Language Computer Architecture Workshop, Univ.of Maryland, Fort Lauderdale, Fla 1982 The Structure of Synthetic Calculus—A Programming Paradigm of Mathematical Design, B. Krinsky and J. Thames, Proc: High-Level Computer Architecture Workshop, Univ.of Maryland, Los Angeles, CA 1984 An Evolving Expert System of Shuttle Experiments Flight Planning, J. Thames, W. Chunn, Presented at Vandenberg AFB Symposium Metacybernetics: Design Evolution of Metacomputer Host Architecture, J. Thames, Aerospace Corporation, 1983. Motivation for ARC “Blank-Slate” Design (Writable Instruction Set Computer) Vehicle for Microcoded AD arithmetic Vehicle for Software-to-Hardware physiology evolution (Metacybernetics Concept) Prototype architecture for new 32-bit WISC (IMS) chip International Meta Systems, Inc. Startup (G. Smith, A. Speckhard, J. Thames, founders) (1986-88) Company Formed to develop Calculus Machine Board included R.D. DeLauer, Former DOD Undersecretary for DDR&E & TRW Systems President Development of IMS 3230 Chip Set as PC-AT Scientific Co-Processor Board Initial implemented language was Fortran—Not Fortran Calculus (FC) Fabrication problems at LSI Logic – Chip ran at half design speed Microcoded Fortran Interpreter VM only 10 times faster than 386 Compiled Fortran Not deemed fast enough to justify expense of Fortran engine – FC Abandoned Company strategy changed to Office Automation (Smalltalk-80 language). Thames left IMS to develop Fortran Calculus on 386, Cray, Vax Obtained Dupont contract to develop FC Digital Calculus Corporation (DCC) Startup (J.Thames, A.Stoddart, founders, M. Robinson, B. Krinsky, principals) (1989-1999) Publications FORTRAN CALCULUS: A New Implementation of Synthetic Calculus, J.Thames, Digital Calculus Corporation, December 1989. Synthetic Calculus—A Paradigm of Mathematical Program Synthesis, J. Thames, in Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, A. Griewank, and G. Corliss, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1991. MC Software Languages (Commercial Products): MC7 – FORTRAN CALCULUS (FC) – Developed for Dupont as means of converting PROSE programs to Intel 386, Cray, and Vax computers (1989-90). This was a prototype which was not suitable for broad marketing because it was a limited hybrid between PROSE’s dynamic array approach (needed for Dupont applications) and FORTRAN’s static array approach, and did not support complex variables as PROSE had. C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 4 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d MC8 Language Semantics and API/VM – A bifurcated (forked) semantics containing straight FORTRAN 77 for non-calculus mode and overloaded AD arithmetic for calculus mode. This was a non-interpretive VM that also supported complex variables. MC8A – SyCal (now MetaCalc) – Dynamic Array MC language for end-user veryrapid prototyping (VRP). Complete design specifications were produced and a prototype compiler was coded and tested. MC8B – SC Fortran (now MetaFor) – FORTRAN 77 dialect MC language intended for optimization re-engineering of existing FORTRAN programs (ORE mining). Complete design specifications were produced. Advances and Status MC8 VM and library completely re-designed and coded, but not tested. It is to become a common API for all MC8 languages, including MC8C—MetaC, MC8D— MetaBas, MC8E—MetaPy, and MC8F—MetaPerl (M. Robinson upgraded from MC7 VM and Library) Prototype MC8A Compiler in FORTRAN 77 completed and partially tested (derived from MC7 compiler–not Yacc/C based) The MC8 compilers and VM were designed to permit users to add new solvers to the system library. Neither PROSE nor FC had permitted this, all solvers had to be built-in. All of the work on MC8 took place in 1993/94 while we were anticipating venture funding from offshore sources that was not consummated. The targeted platform was Windows NT. This work was essentially shelved in 1995, as I subsequently dedicated myself to contract programming, while attempting to raise venture capital. Additional Advance in Business Model and Marketing Planning Reflection on PROSE marketing led to notion of services-oriented franchising as new departure in Internet-based global marketing, essentially anticipating the collaborative community business model that has now become the norm for new ventures due to the open-source attrition of software product marketing. Produced two very elaborate spreadsheet forecasting tools for business planning and several evolving business models and business plans. Contract Programming (DCC) (1995-2001) Los Angeles Area Contracting (1995-1997) Programming in VB/Perl/JavaScript Web development at an ISP (Epoch Internet) – Perl/CGI/JavaScipt/Access/Oracle Several business projects using VB and Access Bay Area (1997-2001) Barclays Global Investors (BGI) – Backroom Index Trader Support using Prime computers in FORTRAN and Perl/C on HP Unix platforms. (1.5 year contract). Three contracts with HP involving global data conversion (Perl), website development (Perl/JavaScript), and data warehousing (Perl/Oracle). Honing of web-oriented programming skills and Recognition of key needs Need for webcode generator for next-generation IDE was big idea New infrastructure technology for programming and software management Major synergy with the planned ORE mining approach to MC8B marketing MetacyberNet Startup (J. Thames, S.W. Duckett, S.Duckett, founders - March 2001- December 2002) Reprise of metacybernetics idea of meta-compiler-oriented evolution of metacomputers, like the ARC-oriented Metacybernetcs paper. Web had become a meta-computer host platform (Apache) in much the same way that meta-computers had been envisioned with the ARC as the meta-computer host. C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 5 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d In this case the meta-computer would be a web-code document that used hypertext to emulate the functional flow of the code and tool-tip pop-ups to annotate it. Annotation could be added to the web-code in the form of permanent footnotes that would invoke tool-tips and pop-up windows, and temporary collaborative notes that send self-referencing email to team-mates. (see MetacyberNet went into fetal mode in 2003. Funding support interrupted for a time. I left the company but remain on board of directors, and support continued development by part-time staff. Advances and Status Renewal of compiler-compiler experience that I had employed extensively at TRW and the Aerospace Corporation with recursive-descent (top-down) parser generators. This time I used Yacc/Bison/C and augmented it with embedded perl, giving me extensive experience with bottom-up parsers which most current grammars employ. Development of the web-code technology which can be employed to document the new suite of languages, MetaFor, MetaCalc, MetaBas, MetaC, MetaPy, and MetaPerl. This will be a most important technology to support rapid growth of these languages, because the compiler will be able to generate a web-document of each compiled program as a by-product of compilation, with tool-tips and pop-ups explaining each language construction, solver usage, etc., and links to web-pages for online help and reference manual, in addition to the collab-notes feature that will enable global mentoring and consulting. Newer developments ongoing at MetacyberNet includes integration of CVS configuration management methods which involve “lockstepping”—a means of passively enforcing the annotation of code updates each time a source module is checked-in—a software management tool for managers. This is the missing ingredient to future web-based IDEs. An Infrastructure Boost The Internet and the OSS movement have turned the tide in our favor at long last. The lack of supporting infrastructure was the reason our technology was not able to survive and grow in the ups and downs of the computer industry of the past. Now, everything we need is available for free. Early last year, Dillon Scofield, Jim McDonough and I collaborated on a proposal to the NSF (see proposal and bibliography) to tackle a quantum-dynamics model involving differential-geometry manifolds, which Dillon and others had formulated. We had planned to develop parallel versions of meta-calculus for this task. We had identified two different parallel versions, MC9 that would not require distribution of partial-derivative arrays between processors, and MC10 that would. The development of MC9 was straightforward, but MC10 was formidable. I had studied the various processor distribution strategies, MPI (message passing interface) and PVM (parallel virtual machine), and I figured we might be able to build MC10 in the four years of research allocated to the project. Just recently, when by happenstance I was looking up Fortran Yacc/Bison grammars on the web, I happened to find another open-source project from Russia, which can become the new meta-science compiler infrastructure, and can serve to integrate sequential and parallel processing into the same infrastructure. Not only did I find a full Fortran Grammar, but full-blown Fortran-DVM and C-DVM compilers, using standard GNU Bison, that parse Fortran or C with distribution commands (in comment C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 6 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d fields), but in addition they generate Fortran 77 and ANSI C respectively with highly standardized code generators together with MPI or PVM API calls for parallel processing. This is just what the doctor ordered. As a result, I no longer have to create new code-generators (compiler-back-ends) but can easily modify these to complete the MetaFor and MetaC compilers. Not only did this solve my immediate problem of completing the MC8 compilers, but it provided the infrastructure for MC9 and perhaps MC10, essentially for free. Rekindling the Aborted 1979 PROSE Upswing In 1979 when our time-sharing infrastructure began disappearing—our technology was on an upswing. A PROSE user group had been formed with about 50 founding members from all over the country, and this was being reported as a milestone by several of the trade magazines, IEEE spectrum, DATAMATION, and Electronics. I had just sold a paid-up Univac 1108 PROSE binary license to the Hanford Nuclear Facility for $53,000, and we were negotiating a deal to build GRESS for Oak Ridge. The problem was that our time-sharing vendors were going out of business, so our marketing infrastructure was vanishing. Now, after all these years, we have the infrastructure needed to rekindle that growth that we were seeing then. Conditions are now perfect for the right business model to start a renaissance of the demand-pull that originally made IBM a monopoly. To understand this opportunity, you have to understand the economic history of what really happened in this industry in the last 40 years—why, for example, was the OSS movement able to steal the growth momentum from the industry powerhouses like IBM and Microsoft. I have written a book that explains what really happened. I wrote it as a manifesto, explaining why the economics of the industry has always been out of equilibrium, and why the sources of need that can generate demand-pull economic growth have been bypassed. This book is entitled Meta Science—Reviving Growth via End-User Programming of Science. It has always been my intent to publish this book along with re-introduction of the software on the Internet, as its aim is to assist in recruiting partners to build a global alliance community. I have planned to sell the book in recruiting symposia which would also market partner franchise packages including leases of software bundled with network subnet node computers (workstations and servers). Business Model Considerations For many years I have been evolving a business model for a PROSE comeback, all the while intending to co-opt the other creators that PROSE and GRESS triggered and nourished while we were kept out of the market by the lack of infrastructure—those, for example, that participated in the 1991 SIAM conference. There is a lot of technology out there that can be re-integrated into our API—not the least of which is GRESS itself, which has been extensively evolved by Oak Ridge and its contractors. GRESS was a crippled fork from PROSE, which we were forced into delivering in source form by circumstances in 1979. Much of what I have been trying to achieve with various closedsource business models was a reverse-fork. I realized that if we followed a productcentered business model, and were anywhere near as successful as we potentially could be, we might be subject to a fierce competitive war with Microsoft, which could simply buy up all of the AD forks, and wedge its way into the new scientific growth market that we would pioneer. C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 7 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d In order to counter this strategy in advance, I studied the marketing problem very carefully, because I knew that marketing, not technology would be the battleground. What I worked on was a way to create and capture a mass movement. This was before the OSS movement proved it could be done, thus confirming the strategy. I was looking for a way to outflank Microsoft—a product-intensive enterprise in which service was an afterthought—with a service-intensive business model against which MS would have no credibility. But I was not intending to take the Kamikaze route of OSS. I thought, and I am still considering it, that a non-free but negligible-price “membership-source” approach might be the way to go. The application-spawning leverage of PROSE mentoring was the key to building revenue-generating demand that could give indirect support to developers, inducing them to favor a revenue-generating restricted-source approach over totally open-source. This could be further incentivized by run-tool differential pricing, discussed below, that would reward excellence in tool (solver) development. We had been very effective at making sales for PROSE—even with its onerous surcharge pricing imposed by the time-sharing vendors—because of PROSE mentoring—a synergistic process of shared-skill partnering with clients. There is enormous time-leverage and scale economy in this sales approach, and it is a natural part-time occupation for software engineers, giving them exposure to application science. What I envisioned was a global alliance (matrix) of small, diversified consulting firms like VARs that each contained a balanced blend of primary and secondary creativity—e.g. physicists and programmers. Some of them would be consulting agency franchises (technically staffed program-office-like headhunters) who would market and manage online work for the others. The consultants’ skills could be multiplexed over several client projects simultaneously, since R&D clients engaged in rapid prototyping usually need only intermittent support at the working level. The multiplexing tactic of matrix consulting differentially applies special talent to special problems, in the military attack style. This requires systems engineering project managers, like platoon leaders, who know how to apply talent—they are not simply administrators. Some of the work would be long-duration software maintenance and development, and some would be rapid-prototyping mentoring. Since most of the work would be online, consultants could live anywhere, with flexible hours and part-time work. Each consulting firm would adjust its skill blend of employees or subcontractors to match the type of demand being experienced. Because of the leverage of our software technology, the sales/consulting leverage of mentoring, plus the agencies to find and manage outsourcing work in the systemsengineering matrix style, we in essence have a business-method-opportunity and training package that we could sell to franchisees. We could focus on families of professionals (Physicist-husband, wife-programmer, kids-hackers, etc.) who wanted to start their own home-based businesses. In effect, we would be selling leveragedsoftware-based method consulting and software (modeling, application development, design, maintenance, optimization re-engineering, etc) outsourcing to the corporate and government world. With the rise of VPN’s on the net, I considered extending the franchise package to include turnkey subnet computers and software (all platforms—Linux, Windows, Macintosh) where—just like McDonald’s or Burger-King—the alliance does all maintenance, sys-admin, etc for its members, just like large corporate LANs—all for a monthly franchise package lease fee—everything bundled. That way we could generalize the Redhat-Linux choreography model to bundle everything, distributing source-code as C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 8 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d required by GPL, or binary-only proprietary code. But the users would mostly just ignore the GPL source because few of them would be interested in playing around with low-level code. A major reason is that the general level of software skills they would be involved with would be meta calculus and higher meta science. The maintenance and sys-admin work would just be other types of franchises within and contracted by the alliance. Thus only the maintenance oriented folks would see the source—those least likely to want to modify it. All software upgrades would be automatically performed by these maintenance/sys-admin franchises for the consultant franchises, and the consultants would select their own maintainers among those in the alliance. If we are able to build this alliance at the same time we re-introduce and promote the meta science agenda (ORE mining, meta engineering, etc. - Chapter 6), I don’t believe we need to go totally open source, but rather could implement the restricted “membership-source” plan mentioned above, where source access was only allowed to alliance members, albeit there could be thousands of them so you could get the bazaar benefit of many eyeballs. Even if source leaked out, it would not likely be a permanent nor a broad leak, and whoever the external beneficiary was would be handicapped by not having subsequent access to upgrades. One of the incentives for becoming alliance developers would be run-tool differential pricing, in which charges would be levied for the link-editing of a particular tool, and the tool revenue would be shared with its developer. Since solvers are interchangeable in the three meta-calculus solver classes, and the user selects them by experimentation, users are well aware of their value. Since rapid prototyping is the dominant process in R&D, this pricing method would be regarded as fair by users and a way to encourage competition in tool improvement. The same pricing method would be extended to include meta-engineering components, which being models rather than numerical solvers, could command higher premiums. This would provide a market for modeling skills. At this point in the discussion, it is well to point out that what we are really talking about here is not just an alliance of small businesses, but a whole new world economic system. There is no reason why it could not encompass the world just the way MS did with Windows, within 5 years. In effect the current OSS movement would become its underlying infrastructure, and current OSS members would migrate into “membershipsource” work in the upper software strata. Even further, the new alliance would become the funding agency for the OSS movement, which as Tim O’Brien has pointed out, would become the “Intel inside” of the alliance movement. Much of this income would come from publishing. A major topic of the book is the concept of staple software recycling that was the economic engine started up by IBM in the third generation that has sustained the growth of software engineering for the last 40 years. Imagine the book recycling that meta science will engender. All of the engineering texts of the last 50 years will be candidates for recycling in the new genre of meta science. To start off, all of the OSS language development projects could fork a meta-science language product development, all feeding a common API implemented in Fortran and C. This is just compiler work after all. In this way we could introduce MetaFor (Fortran), MetaBas (Basic), MetaC, MetaC++, MetaPerl, MetaPy (Python), MetaJava, MetaPas (Pascal), MetaMod (Modula), etcetera within a year of each other. Notice that I haven’t mentioned MetaCalc in the above. I envision it as the new omni-language unification of all of them—the ultimate end-user scientific language that would unify meta-calculus and SQL into a single language. It would probably generate code in MetaC++ and MetaPerl. C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 9 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d The Importance of Metacybernetics Metacybernetics is a concept that I formulated at the Aerospace Corp. in 1983, which later became the theoretical basis for the MetacyberNet technology implemented in 2001 and 2002. This technology is important to meta science because it is the way that meta science can displace the bifurcation between science documentation and software documentation with unified hypertext of both media. As meta science is an enduser programming medium, this unification is much more likely to take hold if all of the meta science compilers implement the MetacyberNet technology. I will propose that MetacyberNet become one of the first alliance partners. Since MetacyberNet is presently a closed-source company, which has submitted ten patent disclosures for its technology, it behooves us to work out a “membership-source” license structure that will pave the way for closed-source companies to become part of the alliance. Further Considerations Notice that I have not mentioned politics here. Clearly this alliance would be a political system, and factions would evolve as surely as political parties evolved out of the original vision of the Founding Fathers. In my vision, this is an egalitarian world system. We have all been steeped in the lessons of monopoly power, and surely this would come to be a monopoly. It might even be the basis for a new world government model, as more and more of the computer-based world economy is recruited into the alliance. An offshoot of the publishing business could be a forum for debate about how this system could evolve politically. It would naturally join the ongoing TD (transorganizational development) debates on the web (TD Gameboard), for example. An initial precedent to examine is the Apache Software Foundation. Clearly this is a mega enterprise, and I certainly don’t have all the answers. My initial concern is to collect a core team and begin the work. The OSS movement has paved much of the way, and has been dealing with many of the political issues, such as forking. But as I point out in the book, the OSS is steeped in secondary creativity. We need to infuse the movement with primary creativity scientists and systems engineers, as well as important thinkers such as Manual Castells, Frijoff Capra, Thomas Friedman, and Douglas Kellner, to name a few. Related Technology For a independent summary of this technology and technologies related to it that the business model would be designed to co-opt, see Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms—Theory, Implementation, and Application, Edited by Andreas Griewank and George F. Corliss. It has one of my papers in it and two papers on GRESS (note that no credit is given to PROSE, Inc. or Mike Robinson—the original developer). This book has the most comprehensive bibliography on the subject of AD, circa 1991, although much further work followed. This conference and publication was the watershed that popularized AD in the world. Yet after more than a decade since, no commercial competitor offering the meta science features of PROSE has emerged. I believe this is partly because the practitioners of this technology are specialists involved in numerical analysis who apply this technology in existing languages. It seems nobody realizes the opportunity for demandpull at higher programming levels, and the importance of DGCT in enabling these higher levels. There seem not to be many entrepreneurs around who think in these high-level C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 10 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d terms anymore. This is why I think the book is needed—to wake up the industry as to what is possible. C o p y r i g h t © J o s e p h Th a m e s 11 of 11 2 0 0 4 – A l l R i g h t s R E s e r ve d