Proforma for Audited Utilisation Certificate under NASF

Audit Utilization Certificate for ICAR grants under NASF
For the year 2014-15
1. Certified that the expenditure has been authenticated on the basis of Annual Accounts and
other relevant documents presented by Dr.………………………………………………..for the
project entitled, “……………………….”.
2. Certified that an amount of
Rs……………(Rupees……………………………………………………..) has been received
under NASF during the year 2014-15
3. Certified
Rs……………(Rupees……………………………………………………………………) remaining
unspent at the end of previous year was allowed to be brought forward for utilization during
the year 2015-16
4. Certified that Rs. ……………(Rupees……………………………………………….) was earned
on account of revenue of the NASF Project including interest on bank balance/FDRs.
5. Certified that out of the total available funds of Rs…………………………….
..………….(Rupees………………………………………………………….….) have been spent up
to March, 2015 under NASF for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. It is also certified that
the expenditure admitted has been incurred on approved items only after fulfilling the terms
and conditions of sanction & other codal formalities and observance of procedure/ guidelines
prescribe in the sanction latter.
6. Certified
…………………………………………….) incurred over and above the sanctioned budget has
been met by re-appropriation of savings under the remaining heads with the approval of the
Rs…………………………(Rupees…………………………………………) not covered by the reappropriation may be put up for consideration of the competent authority for regularization or
otherwise as the authority deems fit.
7. Certified that we have conducted the audit in accordance with the standard set by the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India.
8. In our opinion, the financial statement gives a true and fair view of the sources and application
of funds and financial position of the project for the period up to March 2015 of the financial
year 2014-15 in accordance with relevant national standards.
9. Certified that adequate supporting documents have been maintained by the grantee authority.
10. Any other Unqualified/ Qualified opinion which the auditor may like to disclose.
11. Certified that the opening balance of each project as on March 2014 agree with the closing
balance on 1st April, 2015 as per the AUC for the year 2014-15
12. A copy of Audit Report on the accounts of NASF project for the year ………………(up to
March 2015) is also enclosed.
Comptroller/Finance Officer
Director/Head of Institution
Signature with seal of the
Chartered Accountant/Statutory Auditors