SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN FOR THE AERIAL COMMON SENSOR (ACS) Date: Approved 1 April 2002 Version: Initial Proponent School: ATTN US Army Intelligence Center & Fort Huachuca (USAIC&FH) ATTN: ATZS-FDR-TS Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000 Table of Contents Paragraph Title Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 System Description Target Audience Assumptions Training Constraints Training Concept (AA/RC) Training Strategy Training Products Training Support Post-Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis (PFTA) 1 2 2 3 3 4 7 8 9 Annex Title Page A B Target Audience Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior) CATS Short-Range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter) Training Development Milestone Schedule Resources References Coordination Acronyms Training Aids, Devices, Simulations, and Simulators (TADSS) Requirements A1 C D E F G H I B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN (STRAP) FOR THE AERIAL COMMON SENSOR, ACS/GRVII 1. System Description. a. Narrative System Description. The Aerial Common Sensor (ACS) is a multiintelligence collection system that consists of an airborne collection platform and a ground processing station. The ACS program is the evolution and integration of the Aerial Reconnaissance Low – Multifunction (ARL-M) and the GUARDRAIL Common Sensor system. ACS is a rapidly self-deployable system that conducts multifunction intelligence missions in support of theater and corps commanders with a secondary mission to support echelons above corps and joint task force commanders. It provides indications and warnings, targeting, and situation developments across the spectrum of conflict, from stability and support operations through full-scale war. It is a new system with projected fielding beginning in fiscal year 2009. The ACS consists of four major component groups: the Aerial Platform Subsystem (APS), a suite of airborne mission payloads, a Ground Processing Facility (GPF) and the DOD-standard Common Data Link (CDL) family. (1) The APS is a non-developmental fixed-wing aircraft capable of self-deployment without removal of the mission payload. The APS is capable of 8 hour (Threshold (T)), with growth to 10 hours (Objective (O)), endurance flights at operational altitudes of 25,000 to 35,000 (T) feet above mean sea level, with growth to 45,000 feet (O). (2) The airborne mission payloads consist of a suite of modular signals intelligence (SIGINT), image intelligence (IMINT), and measurements and signature intelligence (MASINT) sensors. These systems provide on-board processing in situations when the GPF is not available. The ACS SIGINT sensor suite is part of the Joint SIGINT Avionics Family (JSAF). Its primary task is to produce precise geolocation data on signals of unique interest to the commander, with a secondary task of conducting electronic surveillance, situational development, and order of battle, providing the commander with near-real-time intelligence. The ACS IMINT and MASINT sensor suites consists primarily of government off-the shelf (GOTS) or commercial off-the shelf (COTS) modular components that provide the commander real or near-real time imagery and targeting capabilities. (3) The GPF consist of a maximum of six high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles or similar sized vehicles equipped with ground workstations and feeding remote workstations. The GPF provides supported commanders with a tailorable, scaleable, modular, and quickly deployable intelligence processing system. It receives, processes, displays, and disseminates intelligence from the APS and other service platforms, which are Common Imagery Ground/Surface System/Common Data Link compliant. It is capable of interoperations with other joint and national systems that comply with the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) multi-intelligence architecture. It has Level IV (aerial vehicle and payload control) interoperability with the Army Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (TUAV). The ACS is capable of limited on-board data processing and is able to pass data to almost any of the Army’s existing intelligence systems through the All Source Analysis System (ASAS) net. It is capable 1 of transmitting via the Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT), via the Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS), satellite communications and area communication paths. b. First Unit Equipped (FUE). The FUE with ACS has not been determined at this time. ACS will be fielded during FY 2009. 2. Target Audience. ACS training will be required for personnel assigned to units with the system. The Program Manager (PM) will conduct initial training for key personnel in the following military occupational specialties (MOS): Voice Interceptors (98G), Non-voice Interceptor/Analyst (98J), Non-Morse Interceptor/Analyst (98K), Signals Intelligence Analyst (98C), Common Ground Station Operator (96H), Imagery Analysts (96D), UAV operator (96U), Electronic Warfare/Intercept System Repairer (33W), IEW Equipment Technician (353A), Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare (SIGINT/EW) Officer (35G) and Warrant Officer (352), UAV Operations Technician (350U), Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer (15C), and Fixed Wing Aviator (155 series). Changes to the 96-series and 98-series career management fields will result in changes to those MOS before ACS is fielded. Final determination of the target audience is dependent on the outcome of those changes and the Basis of Issue Plan/Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information (BOIP/QQPRI) data for ACS. 3. Assumptions. a. Manpower. No additions to current force structure required at this time. This STRAP will not drive additional manpower requirements. b. Personnel. Operators and maintainers will be assigned from MOSs currently assigned to those positions in the systems ACS replaces. c. Training. The materiel developer will create a software-based virtual system simulator as part of the modeling and simulation designs acquisition process. The materiel developer will provide instructor and key personnel training (IKPT) prior to FUE, and new equipment training (NET) to the units that will receive ACS. These costs will be borne by the materiel developer. All the training materials developed for the IKPT, NET, and sustainment training will be provided to the units. The PM-ACS will provide seventeen workstations to the schoolhouse to be used for the 33W MOS training in ACS. The PM will provide funds for the Intelligence Center to participate in the training development and integrated logistic support integrated product team meetings, in-process/ progress reviews, developmental test/operational test (DT/OT) training, NET, and IKPT. d. Maintenance. The materiel developer will conduct a complete logistic support analysis (LSA) for the system. The materiel developer will procure complete technical documentation including but not limited to: repair parts special tools lists, depot maintenance work requirements, and electronic technical manuals. The user will perform maintenance in accordance with (IAW) AR 750-1 and DA Pams 738-750, and 738-751. There is a possibility for this system to be Contract Logistic Support (CLS). 2 e. Training Prerequisites. (1) Personnel clearance. Personnel to be trained in the system will require clearance and access to classified material. If this is the case, the appropriate level clearance will be established as a prerequisite for training. (2) Personnel physical requirements. Personnel to be trained may require a Class III Flight Physical if the system is designed to carry operators on board. If this is the case, the Flight Physical will be established as pre-requisite for training. (3) Pilots Training. Aviators must go through the following courses at Fort Rucker as a prerequisite to attend the Special Electronic Mission Aircraft (SEMA) course (Course Number 2C-15C/2B-ASIF4 (PQ)) at Fort Huachuca in preparation to assignment to an ACS unit. Aviation Officer Basic Course (Course Number 2-1-C20) Commissioned officers that attend OBC from a different branch are not required to take this course. Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course (Course Number 2C-IERW and 2-1-C32) Initial Entry Rotary Wing Qualification Course (Course Number 2C-IERW, 2C15A/SIA2/152B, and/or 2C-15A/67J/SIB1/153B) Fixed Wing Multi-Engine Qualification Course (Course Number 2C15A/67J/SIE4/2B-155A) 4. Training Constraints. a. Human Factors Engineering. Modular construction will ease the replacement of subsystems that fail. The system may be used by the 5th percentile female to 95th percentile male operators under all expected environmental and battlefield conditions. b. Soldier Survivability. All ACS aircraft, as a minimum, will be equipped with Aircraft Survival Equipment (ASE) that is capable of countering threat anti-aircraft weapons systems. Unimpeded crew egress and integrated weather radar/storm scope are required in the aircraft. The GPF, as a minimum, will be equipped with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) attack protection equipment. 5. Training Concept (AA/RC). Methods of instruction available for trainers will include the use of operational software, operator-level embedded training, virtual simulations, computer based training (CBT), web-based training, materials, positional handbooks, and doctrinal publications. The new equipment training team (NETT) will leave the CBT, lesson plans and Program of Instruction (POI) behind at the gaining unit in an electronic exportable media format. Personnel for the NETT will be provided by the materiel developer in conjunction with the New Systems Training Office (NSTO) and selected USAIC&FH personnel. Updated materials created by the materiel developer will be available through the USAIC&FH Distance Learning (DL) Office. The units will be responsible to conduct sustainment training on the system after receiving the NET. A resident institutional ACS course for system operators is not required due to the low density of the ACS system and the availability of DL/embedded technologies. No reserve unit is scheduled to receive training in this system. 3 a. NET at the units for new system operators, maintainers, and leaders will consist of lecture-type instruction and software-based virtual simulator. IKPT for the system operators and maintainers will be conduced by the materiel developer, at its facilities, prior to the system fielding. b. Pilot initial aircraft-specific qualification for the IKPT crews will be conducted at the selected aircraft manufacturer training facilities. The materiel developer will conduct missionspecific pilot training in conjunction with aircraft manufacturer facilities training to assure Federal Aviation Administration certification and qualification of the IKPT crews. Lesson plans developed for these tasks will be incorporated as part of the SEMA curriculum at the USAIC&FH facilities. After the IKPT, subsequent pilot aircraft-specific qualification for ACS will be conducted at USAIC&FH as part of the SEMA curriculum. c. Sustainment training will be conducted at the units; it will support system-specific tasks and provide any additional training to support the unit’s Mission Essential Task List. Sustainment training will utilize DL materials and embedded training to the greatest extent possible, taking full advantage of the virtual simulators developed as part of the system acquisition and the Intelligence Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT) Target Signature Array (TSA). The appropriate Aircrew Training Manual will dictate the appropriate annual/semi-annual training requirements for the aircrew. d. Leader training will be available through a computer-based training and web-based training that encapsulates doctrine and tactics training (DTT). Training development will be structured and executed within the context of Training and Doctrine Commands (TRADOC) system approach to training. 6. Training Strategy (AA/RC). All ACS system training, with the exception of pilots, and NET, will be based on DL technologies (i.e. interactive computer-based training (ICBT), webbased training, and exportable training packages) with review and approval authority residing at the Training Development Office in USAIC&FH. a. NET Strategy (Warmod). The NET will be conducted at the materiel developer's facilities for the FUE. Subsequent NETs will be conducted at the receiving units when the system is delivered. The units will be responsible to conduct sustainment training on the system after receiving the NET. (1) Aviators. Pilots selected for the ACS must go through The Fixed Wing Multi-Engine Transition Course in Fort Rucker as a pre-requisite. The manufacturer of the selected airframe will conduct aircraft-specific training and qualification for aviators at their facilities. After qualification, the materiel developer will conduct the mission-specific training for the selected pilots at the materiel developer facilities. Instructor-pilots will go through the same training prior to assignment to USAIC&FH as instructors for the SEMA course. Pilot training will transition from the aircraft manufacturer and materiel developer facilities to the SEMA course when USAIC&FH receives the training aircraft and has enough instructor pilots to conduct the training. 4 (2) System operators. There will be no institutional course. The materiel developer will provide an IKPT and NET at its facilities, prior to the fielding of the first system and NET at the units for each subsequent system fielded. The majority of training will be conducted using the virtual simulator, the actual aircraft, and the installed sensor packages. Training will be divided into separate courses based on mission function. (a) The Communications Intelligence Operator receives 200 hours including lecture and hands-on equipment training both in the virtual simulator and the actual equipment, and includes the 98-series MOS’s that will perform this task. The training concentrates on use of the COMINT payload, but includes an overview of the other subsystems capabilities installed on ACS with emphasis on cross-cueing targets. (b) The Imagery Intelligence Operator receives 160 hours including lecture and equipment hands-on training both in the virtual simulator and the actual equipment, and includes the 96-series MOS’s. The first 90 hours concentrate on daylight and infrared imagery; the remaining 70 hours are dedicated to radar-based payloads. (c) The ACS Mission Supervisors will be selected by the unit from the senior operators and will receive either the Communications Intelligence Operator or The Imagery Intelligence Operator training plus an additional 40 hours training in more detail on system configuration, sensor management, communications, tasking and reporting, and system troubleshooting. (3) Maintainers. The materiel developer will provide an IKPT and NET at its facilities, prior to the fielding of the first system and NET at the units for each subsequent system fielded. Lesson plans developed for the IKPT will be incorporated into the institutional training for the 33W at USAIC&FH. The virtual simulator package will be made available to the schoolhouse for future training of the 33W. b. CATS Individual Training Strategy (Warrior). (1) Given the low-density student population for ACS, there are no plans to establish any new functional courses for system operators at the United States Army Intelligence Center. However, training designed to introduce officers, warrant officers, and senior NCOs to the unique characteristics and doctrine of ACS operations will be incorporated into existing resident training. Appropriate Intelligence Center officer, warrant officer, and senior NCO professional development courses will be modified to include ACS training focusing in doctrine and concepts of operation; an electronic media version of the DTT will be used for this training. Adding ACS has minimal impact on the present curriculum in the above courses because ACS training will replace existing GUARDRAIL and ARL training. Applicable commander’s evaluation/leader assessment programs (CE/LAP) will be reviewed and revised as appropriate. (2) The training for the 33W MOS course, conducted at USAIC&FH, will include three weeks of ACS System training for the students identified as being assigned to ACS units. Students will be trained on the theory of operation and troubleshooting techniques at the direct support level. This will include training on the interpretation of built in test results, and removal 5 and replacement of line replaceable units. This training will be conducted on virtual simulators. The PM will provide sixteen workstations to run the virtual simulator software plus one instructor terminal to monitor student progress. (3) The SEMA Course conducted at USAIC&FH will be tailored for ACS missionspecific training for the 15C and 155 series aviators, it will include four weeks of ACS System training. Students will be trained on the specifics of the ACS mission profiles and limited training on how to correct malfunctions in the on-board equipment in the event there are no operators or maintainers on board. PM will provide the required aircrafts for the hands-on training and flights. c. CATS Unit/Sustainment Training Strategy (Warfighter). Unit commanders will apply CATS to identify, manage, and program training requirements for ACS personnel. Unit training matrices will further focus on those disciplines the system operators, pilots and maintainers need to perform the critical tasks required for mission success. Training events, operator tasks, and maintainer tasks needing training will be based on the unit’s METL, the trainer’s guide, and Army training materials. Assisting the unit commander will be the Training Support Package developed for the NET, that will be left behind after fielding, virtual simulators, DL, and the IEWTPT. Mission proficiency will be evaluated through the CATS training matrices. Crew training will be incorporated into unit FTX. Sustainment training will be accomplished through the use of virtual simulators, embedded training, and the IEWTPT. d. Digital training support at USAIC&FH. The training strategy outlined below supports the OPORD 00-01 USAIC Transformation USAIC&FH 01 Aug 2000 requirement to train soldiers at USAIC&FH in a digital environment. It accomplishes this by using an overarching constructive simulation that drives the scenarios that stimulate each maintainer workstation through the TSA and as provided to the TSA by the Technical Control Cell (TCC). e. Embedded Training. The embedded training model under study includes contextsensitive help files, tutorials, situational scenarios and simulations, and interactive electronic technical manuals (IETM) for use in training and maintaining the system. The IETM will include specific instructions on the system operation and maintenance, with hyperlinks to related topics. The requirements for IEWTPT compatibility will be built into the system. A TSA will be developed for the IEWTPT. The TSA will stimulate the ACS payloads, based on the virtual scenario from the IEWTPT and provided through the TCC. The PM-ACS is responsible for funding this development. f. Distance Learning. The materiel developer will create and field the DL packages that involve system-specific upgrades and changes in payloads, pre-planned product improvements, and quick reaction capabilities. The materiel developer will develop a TSA interface that is in compliance with the scenario-driven training of the IEWTPT. The materiel developer will develop ICBT programs for the operator, unit level maintainer, and direct support maintainer of the ACS System. The ICBT programs will be based on task and skill analysis of the ACS System. 6 g. Reserve Component Training. No Reserve Component unit is expected to receive an ACS system. If a Reserve unit wishes its soldiers to receive mission analyst training, they must coordinate directly with the appropriate MACOM for availability of training. Training will still be given to Active Component unit personnel first. Inclusion of Reserve personnel will be strictly at the discretion of the ACS unit commander. Funding for this training must come from the Reserve unit. h. IKPT. The materiel developer will present the IKPT to selected individuals from USAIC&FH that will compose the NET Team (NETT), and NSTO. NSTO certifies and validates the training and all training related materials used for the NETs. Attendees at the contractor’s subsystem and mission analyst training will include NETT instructors, Intelligence Center NSTO evaluators for both imagery and signals intelligence training, and instructors from the USAIC&FH schoolhouse for the 33W MOS. i. Doctrine and Tactics Training (DTT). The USAIC&FH NSTO will develop a complete and comprehensive package to be presented to the gaining unit’s command, staff, and operational personnel. DTT will be presented at the same time NET is conducted. This training will be in the form of a slide briefing in digital form. The DTT will include concepts of operation, mission planning, employment, capabilities, and limitations of ACS on the battlefield. This training will provide the commander and staff with detailed knowledge of the ACS system and enable them to effectively incorporate the new capability into the unit’s operational plan. Copies of the DTT package will be left with the unit for incorporation into their training programs, and to assist in briefing supported commanders. The doctrine and tactics will also be incorporated into the appropriate doctrinal FMs and the battlefield virtual simulation-training base to ensure continuity throughout the Army. j. Test Training. US Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) will conduct system integration and system acceptance testing at the contractor’s system integration facility and at other locations as directed. Operational tests and assessments will be conducted against live or simulated threat targets as determined by ATEC. Participants/test players in these tests will be military personnel from the gaining unit, trained in the IKPT and certified by the Intelligence Center training evaluators. Test training will concentrate on the performance measures required by the test plan. Intelligence Center evaluators, CECOM NET, and contractor representatives will monitor all tests training. The philosophy of test training will be to qualify the test players at a level that allows the test to concentrate on evaluating system performance, functionality, suitability, and reliability without operator error becoming a factor. All formal developmental and operational testing will require a TTSP. The TTSP will include a copy of this STRAP, a training certification plan, training evaluation checklists for each block of instruction, target audience descriptions of each MOS involved in the test, training schedules, program of instruction, training material outline, and copies of each lesson plan used for the training. Results generated from the training certification plan and training evaluation checklists will be used to certify each individual trainee and then serve as justification for a go/no go decision on the operational test readiness statement. 7. Training Products. ACS system will be taught initially utilizing the software-based virtual simulator developed as part of the Modeling and Simulation based acquisition process. 7 Embedded and web-based training products (ET, IEWTPT) will be utilized for sustainment training. An electronic media version of the DTT will be used for leaders training. Training Product Due Date FY 2007 Completion Date FY 2007 Responsible Agency PM ACS DTT FY 2007 FY 2007 FY 2007 FY 2007 Embedded Training FY 2007 FY 2007 PM ACS New Systems Training Office (NSTO) PM ACS Software virtual simulator for ACS IEWTPT TSA a. Software virtual simulator for ACS. The ACS virtual simulator will be used at the institution, during NET, and for unit sustainment training to train soldiers on the operation and troubleshooting of the different subsystems. This virtual simulator will be software based and installed in personal computers provided by the PM ACS to the institution for institutional training of maintainers and to the units for sustainment training. This virtual simulator training will support the critical tasks identified for each of the subsystems. b. IEWTPT. The IEWTPT is part of the embedded training package that will be used at the unit for sustainment training and for newly integrated operators. This package will support the critical tasks identified for each of the subsystems. The IEWTPT consists of a TSA that will be an embedded/integral part of the system and interacts with the Warfighter Simulation Intelligence Module through the TCC. The IEWTPT will stimulate the system sensors through the TSA and have the ability to create and use unit-specific training scenarios. It will support collective training through linkage to other IEW systems. c. DTT. DTT will be in digital form in an electronic portable media. It will provide training during institutional leaders training, during NET, and for unit sustainment training to train leaders on the employment and support of the ACS system as a whole. Being in electronic media format, it will be easily accessible from any personal computer. d. Embedded Training. ET will provide training at the institution, during NET and the unit for sustainment training and for newly integrated operators and maintainers to train in the operation and troubleshooting of the different subsystems. 8. Training Support. a. Distance Learning. Sustainment training will emphasize DL. This requires the units to have access to personal computers, which will be used as training tools for all training packages generated by the materiel developer. These packages will be in the form of electronic portable media, and will include any procedural or doctrinal changes, and any upgrades or other changes to the training. The materiel developer creates and fields the DL packages that involve systemspecific upgrades and changes in payloads, pre-planned product improvements, and quick reaction capabilities. All DL products will comply with the DL standards put forth by the 8 Director of Training Development, USAIC&FH. Point of contact for these standards is Mrs. Ginarae Wise from the Distance Learning Office ( b. Facilities. The system itself will be used for training of the operators through the embedded training package and the IEWTPT required in the ORD. c. Training Issues at Risk. The maintainers’ training is dependent on the virtual simulator to be developed and installed by the contractor. Student’s clearance and/or flight physical requirements could slow their integration to the training. The hardware required to support the training at the schoolhouse and the units is dependent on the availability of funds to acquire it. 9. Post-Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis. The Office of the Registrar must receive feedback from the users to ensure the training products produced and the students trained meet the user’s needs. Feedback will assist USAIC&FH in correcting training deficiencies, and will provide information that may affect the next generation of equipment or product improvements. A PFTEA conducted one year after the fielding of the system will solicit feedback. Field training exercise results and/or operational experiences from the users will be used in addition to institutional training evaluation data. Upon completion of a PFTEA, appropriate action will be taken to update/revise training courses and training materials. The PFTEA team will provide feedback to the users on findings and actions taken by USAIC&FH to correct identified deficiencies. 9 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX A TARGET AUDIENCE USAIC&FH Functional and Professional Courses Affected by the ACS System Military Occupational Specialty 98C Signals intelligence analyst NET BNCOC ANCOC X X X X X X X X X X X X 96D Imagery analyst X X X 96H Common Ground Station Operator X X X 96U UAV Operator X X X X X X 98G Voice interceptor 98J Non-voice interceptor 98K Non-Morse interceptor/analyst 33W EW/I system repairer 35G Signals intelligence/ electronic warfare officer 15C Aviation all-source intelligence officer 155 Series Fixed Wing Aviator 352 Series, Signals Intelligence / Electronic Warfare Warrant Officer 353A IEW Equipment Technician 350U UAV Operations Technician 33W AIT MIOBC MICCC X X X X X X WOBC WOAC SEMA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Legend: NET ANCOC BNCOC 33W AIT MIOBC MICCC WOBC WOAC SEMA New Equipment Training Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Course Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course EW/I system repairer Advanced Initial Training Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course Military Intelligence Captains Career Course Warrant Officer Basic Course Warrant Officer Advanced Course Special Electronics Mission Aircraft Note: Changes to the 96-series and 98-series career management fields will result in changes to those MOS before ACS is fielded. Final determination of the target audience is dependent on the outcome of those changes and the BOIP/QQPRI data for ACS. A1 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX B CATS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING STRATEGIES (WARRIOR) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)/ Area of Concentration (Present Data by MOS by School) Training Strategy for Maintenance Training Division 33W10 / EW/Intercept Systems Repairer Course Number: 102-33W10 Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 42 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 336 Course Description: Students in this 41-week course receive a 3 week long block of instruction and practical exercise on the ACS System. This course covers limited operation, fault isolation and troubleshooting at the Organizational and Direct Support maintenance level through classroom instruction and practical exercise. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents Individual Training Plan (ITP) (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy): Course Administrative Data (CAD): Program of Instruction (POI) (output of the course design): Training Strategy for BNCOC 33W30 / EW/Intercept Systems Repairer Course Number: 102-33W30 Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 4-5 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 40-45 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, capabilities, and advanced troubleshooting techniques on the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B1 Training Strategy for BNCOC 96H / Common Ground Station Operator Course Number: 233-96H30 Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 3 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 24-48 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for BNCOC 96D / Imagery Analysts Course Number: 242-96D30 (F) Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 3 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 40-48 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B2 Training Strategy for BNCOC 96U / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Course Number: 242-96D30 (F) Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 3 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 40-48 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for BNCOC 98C / Signals Intelligence Analyst Course Number: 232-98C30 Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 5 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 80 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B3 Training Strategy for BNCOC 98G / Voice Interceptor Course Number: 231-98G3LXX Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 6-7 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 100-120 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for BNCOC 98J / Non-Voice Interceptor/Analyst Course Number: 233-98J30 Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 3 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 20-30 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B4 Training Strategy for BNCOC 98K / Non-Morse Interceptor/Analyst Course Number: US Navy 451* Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 3 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 24-48 Course Description: Soldiers attending BNCOC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: * Note: this course is taught by the US Navy at Pensacola, FL. Training Strategy for ANCOC* Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 1-2 (dependent on the number of promotions) Student Load per Fiscal Year: 12 Course Description: Soldiers attending ANCOC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: * Note: All ANCOC training is consolidated into one course for all the enlisted MOS identified in the target population. B5 Training Strategy for SEMA* 15C / Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer Course Number: ASIF4 (PQ) Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: 5 – 6 Student Load per Fiscal Year: 70 Course Description: Officers attending SEMA receive a 4-week course on the mission-specific pre, during, and post-flight requirements of the ACS System. Student pilots are trained on the specifics of the ACS mission profiles and a limited training on how to correct malfunctions in the on-board equipment in the event there are no operators on board. This course also covers system description, characteristics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Student pilots get the aircraft-specific certification as part of the course. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: *Note: This course will also cover the ACS training requirements for the 155 Series Fixed Wing Aviator Warrant Officers. Training Strategy for MIOBC 15C / Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer, 35G Signal Intelligence/electronic warfare officer Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending MIOBC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B6 Training Strategy for MICCC 15C / Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer, 35G Signal Intelligence/electronic warfare officer Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending MICCC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for WOBC 155 Series Fixed Wing Aviator Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOBC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B7 Training Strategy for WOBC 350U UAV Operations Technician Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOBC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for WOBC 352 Series Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Warrant Officer Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOBC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B8 Training Strategy for WOBC 353A IEW Equipment Technician Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOBC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers the Organizational and Direct Support maintenance level responsibilities through classroom instruction and practical exercise. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents Individual Training Plan (ITP) (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy): Course Administrative Data (CAD): Program of Instruction (POI) (output of the course design): Training Strategy for WOAC 155 Series Fixed Wing Aviator Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOAC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B9 Training Strategy for WOAC 350U UAV Operations Technician Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOAC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: Training Strategy for WOAC 352 Series Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Warrant Officer Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOAC receive a four-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers system characteristics, doctrine and tactics, and capabilities of the ACS System. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents ITP: CAD: POI: B10 Training Strategy for WOAC 353A IEW Equipment Technician Course Number: Location: USAIC&FH Lesson Plans: Course Start: Classes per Year: Student Load per Fiscal Year: Course Description: Officers attending WOAC receive a two-hour course of instruction on the ACS System. This course covers the Organizational and Direct Support maintenance level responsibilities through classroom instruction and practical exercise. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents Individual Training Plan (ITP) (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy): Course Administrative Data (CAD): Program of Instruction (POI) (output of the course design): B11 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX C CATS SHORT RANGE UNIT TRAINING STRATEGIES (WARFIGHTER) REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL: UNIT/SUSTAINMENT TRAINING Requirements Determination and Acquisition SYSTEM: Process LCM PHASE: ACS 1. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING a. Strategy (How individual skills will be sustained). A contractor team will provide IKP training prior to the fielding of ACS and unit NET training during the fielding of ACS. The NET team will also provide distributed (leave-behind) training packages containing programs of instruction, lesson plans, trainee guides, technical manuals, software user manuals, and other training materials to the unit for further unit-level training. PM ACS will develop and provide the units with embedded training equipment and virtual simulators that will cover specific training for all the MOS that operate the system. The lessons will be based on the Critical Task List for the system. Any upgrades and/or changes to the system will be covered through exportable training packages to the embedded training. The sustainment training will also rely heavily on the IEWTPT that will be designed into the system. PRODUCT Computer Based System Virtual Simulator Embedded Training b. Products required to sustain individual skills DATE RESOURCE RESPONSIBLE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AGENCY FY 08 ORD PM ACS FY 07 ORD Materiel Developer TRADOC FORM 568-R-E, Aug 89 C1 Notes 2. COLLECTIVE TRAINING a. Strategy (Collective training, exercises, simulations, embedded training, crew drills, by which crews/unit will be trained to employ the system (Doctrine and tactics included) (See CATS training strategy)). Units will use materials left by the NETT, soldier’s manual, embedded training, IEWTPT and ARTEP to conduct collective training in accordance with the units METL. FTXs will be required to validate the ability of units to employ the ACS System. PRODUCT b. Products required to sustain collective skills RESOURCE RESPONSIBLE DATE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AGENCY IEWTPT FY 09 ORD PM/STRICOM Embedded Training FY 07 ORD Materiel Developer Notes 3. UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS UNITS MUST BE APPRAISED OF TO PREPARE FOR SYSTEMS FIELDING AND EMPLOYMENT COMMENTS: TRADOC FORM 568-R-E, Aug 89 C2 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX D TRAINING DEVELOPMENT MILESTONE SCHEDULE SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE -SHEET A SYSTEM PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DA CATEGORY REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL OFFICE SYMBOL AS OF DATE 11 May 2001 OFFICE SYMBOL TELEPHONE LTC George Kunkel LTC Stephen Walters SFAE-IEW&S-SG-ACS AMSAM-DSA-AMSS-FW DSN 987-1300 DSN 645-0080 COL Steven Nichols. Mr. Charles Hayward CW3 Lawrence Rewis ATZS-CDU ATZS-FDR ATZS-FDR-TS DSN 821-2165 DSN 821-2413 DSN 821-2830 Aerial Common Sensor POINTS OF CONTACT MATERIEL COMMAND NAME TRADOC PROPONENT TSM: CD: TD: ASSOC SCHOOLS: US Army Aviation School ITEM DATE RESPONSIBLE AGENCY/POC TELEPHONE MNS; (O&O Plan) SMMP: ORD: (ROC) ILSMP: TTSP: BOIP: NETP: Manuals: 23 Apr 91 31 Jan 01 (Draft) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD USAIC&FH, DCD / USAIC&FH, TSM / Lee Isle DSN DSN 680-3442 AMSEL-RD-EW-ES/Dennis Owens USAIC&FH, DCD, NSTO/CW2 Oneal DSN 987-5359 DSN 821-3919 AMSEL-LC-RE-TE/ CECOM Technical Publications/Mr. Lawson DSN 380-4220 DSN 987-5442 MACOM: COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) DRAFT TRADOC FORM 569-R-E, Aug 89 D1 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 1 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 33W AIT LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q Course Starts X Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed X ITP Submitted NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D2 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 2 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 33W BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D3 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 3 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 96H BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D4 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 4 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 96D BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D5 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 4 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 96U BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D6 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 5 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 98C BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts Lesson Plans Completed X X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D7 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 6 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 98G BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D8 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 7 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 98J BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D9 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 8 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training 98K BNCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D10 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 9 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training ANCOC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) All ANCOC training is consolidated in one course for all the enlisted MOS identified in the target population. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D11 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 10 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training SEMA LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D12 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 11 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training MIOBC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted 4Q X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D13 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 12 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training MICCC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted 4Q X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D14 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 13 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training WOBC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted 4Q X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D15 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 14 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Institutional Training WOAC LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X Course Starts X LP Completed X POI Submitted X ITP Submitted CAD Submitted 4Q X X DTT Completed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug D16 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 16 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q IETM Final version NSTO VAL/VER IETM Revision IETM Initial version MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) This IETMS will be part of the embedded training package TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D17 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 17 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Embedded Training LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q ET Final version NSTO VAL/VER ET Revisión ET Initial version MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D18 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 18 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Test Training Support Package LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Distribute Final TTSP Revise Final TTSP Staff Final TTSP Draft Incorporate NET POI Incorporate Revised CTL Develop Initial TTSP MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X X X X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D19 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 19 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Target Signature Array for the IEWTPT LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q IEWTPT TSA 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) Specific milestones for the IEWTPT are addressed in the IEWTPT System Training Plan. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D20 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 20 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Software-Based Virtual Simulator LEGEND 1Q FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Virtual Simulator Final Version NSTO VAL/VER MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D21 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 21 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Doctrine and Tactics Training LEGEND 1Q DTT NSTO Revision CTL finalized CTL Revision CTL Initial version FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X X X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D22 4Q SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE SHEET B SYSTEM PAGE 22 OF 22 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL PAGES TRADOC SYMBOL AS OF DATE Aerial Common Sensor USAIC &FH 8 February 2001 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Training Facilities Modifications LEGEND 1Q Construction Initiated Construction requirements forwarded to MACOM Installation and other construction requirements submitted to MACOM Requirements validated and updated Identification of construction requirements completed Facility modifications requirements identified FY 2006 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q MILESTONES BY QUARTER FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY 2009 2Q 3Q X X X X X X NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D23 4Q ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX E RESOURCE SUMMARY 1. Facilities Requirements. Current GRCS maintainer training facilities and the operators GRCS introductory training are expected to be insufficient to meet system requirements. The facilities must be modified to accommodate the installation of the softwarebased trainer in at least 17 positions or training devices for the maintainer’s course. The U.S. Army will perform actual modification of facilities as required. The Directorate of Engineering and Housing will perform or contract for facility modifications. Description Amount FY Req'd $ Source USAIC&FH: Facilities Modifications O’Neil Hall Room 109 10K 4QFY 08 USAIC&FH Note: This building presently has classrooms assigned for GRCS training that are already modified for CBT, therefore any further modification should be minimal if necessary. Base Operations (annual costs) O’Neil Hall Room 109 1K SEMA classrooms 0.6K Ice Hall classrooms 0.3K MIOBC classrooms 0.3K MICCC classrooms 0.3K WOBC classrooms 0.3K WOAC classrooms 0.3K FY 09 FY 09 FY 09 FY 09 FY 09 FY 09 FY 09 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 2. Additional Equipment Requirements. The Materiel developer is responsible for providing the virtual simulator and corresponding workstations required. The present pilots’ SEMA course trains only the C-12 aircraft used in GRCS. The selected aircraft for ACS will have to be trained in the SEMA course, as this system will substitute GRCS. No additional facilities are needed for this course. Equipment BOIP Number Workstations (schoolhouse) TBD* Workstations (Units) TBD Software Licenses TBD ET TBD TSA for IEWTPT TBD Software-based virtual simulator TBD Aircraft TBD * Note: BOIP for this system has not been written yet. E1 Number Required 17 40 57 57 6 2 3 3. Additional OMA Funding Requirements. Description Appn/Amount Maintenance contract for aircraft. * Freq Req'd $ Source Annual FY 09 MACOM * Note: Aircraft maintenance contract is usually done through the Fixed Wing Product Manager’s Office for all components. USAIC&FH is not expected to incur in any costs related to this contract. TDY for NSTO (IPT, trng validation, etc.) 65K TDY for IKPT and NET personnel (10 ops, 10 maintainers, NCOIC, OIC, and 3 schoolhouse instructors) * TDY for pilot training * Annual FY 02 PM One time as required FY 09 FY 09 PM Unit * Note: per diem rates cannot be calculated at this time due to the fact that the contractor and location for this training is yet to be determined. DTT (electronic media) TTSP 2K 1K One time One time FY 07 FY 09 PM PM * Note: the amount for this product will be negotiated as part of the contract with the materiel developer. 4. Manpower Requirements Description OFF WO ENL CIV TOTAL Training Instructor Overhead 2 1 2 7 1 12 1 Training Support Trng Dev Trng Eval 3 5 E2 3 5 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX F REFERENCES 1. Concept of Operations for the Aerial Common Sensor (draft), 19 Dec 97. 2. Operational Requirements Document For Aerial Common Sensor/GUARDRAIL VII (ACS/GRVII) (draft), 31 Jan 01. 3. Single Acquisition Management Plan For Aerial Common Sensor (draft) 3 May 1999. 4. System MANPRINT Management Plan for the ACS-Corps, 23 Apr 91. 5. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT), 23 Jul 1998. F1 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX G COORDINATION ANNEX Agencies Comments Submitted Comments Accepted USAA&MC DCD, USAIC&FH 112th MI Bde AATD TSM ACS 15 2 12 4 11 15 2 12 4 9 G1 Comments Not Accepted 0 0 0 0 2 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX H ACRONYMS ACS ANCOC APS ARL-M ASAS ASE ATEC BOIP BNCOC CAD CATS CBT CDL CE/LAP CDROM CLS COMINT COTS DCGS DL DTT ET FM FTX FUE GOTS GPF IAW IBS ICBT IEW IEWTPT IKPT IMINT ITP JSAF JTT LSA MACOM MASINT MDR MICCC Aerial Common Sensor Advanced noncommissioned officer course Airborne Platform Subsystem Aerial Reconnaissance Low-Multifunction All Source Analysis System Aircraft Survival Equipment Army Test and Evaluation Command Basis of issue plan Basic noncommissioned officer course Course administrative data Combined Arms Training Strategy Computer based training Common Data Link Commander’s Evaluation/Leader Assessment Program Compact disk read only memory Contract Logistic Support Communications intelligence Commercial off-the shelf Distributed Common Ground System Distance learning Doctrine and tactics training Embedded training Field Manual Field training exercise First unit equipped Government off-the shelf Ground Processing Facility In accordance with Integrated Broadcast Service Interactive computer based training Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer Instructors and key personnel training Imagery intelligence Individual Training Plan Joint SIGINT Avionics Family Joint Tactical Terminal Logistic support analysis Major Command Measurements and signature intelligence Milestone decision review Military intelligence captain career course H1 MIOBC MOS NBC NCO NET NETP NETT NSTO OBC OPORD ORD PFTEA PM PM-ACS POI QQPRI SCI SEMA SIGINT SOJT STRAP TCC TG TRADOC TSA TTSP TUAV USAIC&FH WOBC WOAC Military intelligence officer basic course Military occupational specialty Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Noncommissioned officer New equipment training New equipment training plan New equipment training team New Systems Training Office Officer Basic Course Operation order Operational Requirements Document Post fielding training effectiveness analysis Project Manager Project Manager- Aerial Common Sensor Program of instruction Qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements information Sensitive compartmented information Special Electronics Mission Aircraft Signals intelligence Supervised on-the-job training System training plan Technical Control Cell Trainer’s guide Training and Doctrine Command Target Signature Array Training test support package Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle United States Army Intelligence School & Fort Huachuca Warrant officer basic course Warrant officer advanced course H2 ACS/GRVII STRAP, ANNEX I TADSS REQUIREMENTS 1. ET. The embedded training package is the responsibility of the materiel developer. The package design will be part of the basic system and proceed concurrently with the system development. This training package will be based in tasks and skill analysis of the ACS system. It will address Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) and changes in the unit’s doctrine and tactics resulting from the ACS fielding. It will address individual, crew, and small unit (squad/platoon) collective tasks that can be performed in both garrison and field environment. It will include an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual for the ACS system, with instructions on operation and maintenance of the system, hyperlinked to related topics. It will be used for institutional training for the maintainers as well as NET and at the unit for training of new personnel and refresher/sustainment training for trained personnel. It will be a multi-media training and help program that can be resident on the system or loaded into desktop computers for garrison training. This package will facilitate and quicken maintenance at the unit and Direct Support level as well as make a rapid access reference for operator functions. The materiel developer will use authoring system software to develop upgrade, exportable packages to allow the institutional and unit trainers to keep the training programs up to date as required. 2. TSA for the IEWTPT. The materiel developer will develop a Target Signature Array (TSA) for the ACS system that will interface with the IEWTPT. This TSA will provide the capability to conduct operator training in both institutional and unit sustainment training environments. The TSA will be an embedded/integral part of the system and interacts with the Warfighter Simulation Intelligence Module. The TSA will stimulate the system and have the ability to create and use unit-specific training scenarios. It will support collective training through linkage to other Intelligence and Electronic Warfare systems. 3. Virtual Simulator. The ACS acquisition will be a Simulation Based Acquisition. Extensive use of models and simulations is planned through the lifecycle of ACS. The materiel developer will perform the detailed design and construction of a virtual ACS prototype during Phase II of the planned acquisition. This prototype will be developed into a very detailed system that will perform all the capabilities of the final product. This system will be utilized as a virtual simulator for NET and a copy will be provided to the schoolhouse for institutional training. 4. DTT. New Systems Training Office will create a Doctrine Tactics and Training package in electronic media format. It will be used as a training tool for NET and sustainment training for both operators and leaders at the units. It will include how ACS is incorporated to actual MI doctrine and how the system supports known or anticipated Army missions. 5. TTSP. The training proponent develops, approves, and provides the TTSP to the Army operational tester for use in evaluation of new system training. The TTSP outlines the method and procedures to evaluate and certify individual and collective pretest training (who, where, and how training is to be certified). The TTSP includes the training for system operation, doctrine, tactics, and maintenance. I1