WESTERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY MIS 311-01 - BUSINESS MODELS COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2004 DR. MARIE A. WRIGHT MIS Department Office: Telephone: e-mail: Web site: OFFICE HOURS WS 142 (203) 837-9344 wrightm@wcsu.edu http://people.wcsu.edu/wrightm/ Monday: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Tuesday: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Wednesday: 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to business and industrial planning and decision making through the use of computer modeling and simulation. A case study approach will be used. Prerequisites: FIN 230 and MIS 260 COURSE FORMAT / COURSE OBJECTIVES This course consists of a comprehensive survey of quantitative decision-making techniques demonstrated through the use of case studies and problem solving exercises. The management science techniques that are covered include: linear programming, sensitivity analysis, transportation and assignment problems, and queuing models. The algorithms for solving each management science model are supplemented by the use of software (WinQSB). Emphasis is placed on mathematical modeling, solution techniques, analysis of computer output, and communication of results. By the conclusion of the course, you should be able to: Formulate complex decision problems as mathematical models. Select the appropriate management science techniques for the solutions of the problems. Analyze and interpret the results in order to recommend appropriate courses of action. Communicate the recommendations to management. REQUIRED TEXT Lawrence, John A., Jr., and Pasternack, Barry A. Applied Management Science: A Computer-Integrated Approach for Decision Making. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Custom published). GRADING 3 exams, each worth 20% Homework assignments 2 cases, each worth 12% 60% 16% 24% 100% You are expected to attend every class. You are responsible for the material presented or assigned in class, whether in attendance or not. Homework assignments and cases will not be accepted late. Only unusual or extenuating circumstances warrant a makeup exam being given. Makeup exams will be considerably more difficult than the original exam. No makeup exam will be given for the final exam. LETTER GRADE/NUMERIC EQUIVALENTS A 93 and above B 83 - 86 A90 - 92 B80 - 82 B+ 87 - 89 C+ 77 - 79 C CD+ 73 – 76 70 - 72 67 - 69 D DF 63 - 66 60 - 62 below 60 WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE April 12, 2004 PROPOSED COURSE OUTLINE NOTE: This is a tentative course outline and may be subject to change at any time January 26 Course overview; Introduction to MS/OR; LP model formulation Ch. 1 Introduction Ch. 2 The Management Science Process Ch. 3 Linear Programming March 22 Spring Break February 2 LP: Graphical solution using WinQSB; Sensitivity analysis of objective function coefficients; Sensitivity analysis of right-hand side values Ch. 3 Linear Programming April 5 EXAM #2 February 9 Minimization; Infeasibility; Unboundedness; WinQSB Ch. 3 Linear Programming April 19 Transportation problems (balanced and unbalanced); WinQSB Ch. 6 Network Models February 16 Holiday April 26 Assignment problems (minimization and maximization); WinQSB Ch. 6 Network Models February 23 EXAM #1 March 1 Simplex algorithm; Sensitivity analysis of objective function coefficients; Sensitivity analysis of right-hand side values; Other post-optimality changes CD 3 The Simplex Method Ch. 4 Linear Programming Applications March 8 Simplex method; Sensitivity analysis Multiple optimal solutions; Unboundedness CD 3 The Simplex Method Ch. 4 Linear Programming Applications March 15 Simplex method; Sensitivity analysis; WinQSB Ch. 4 Linear Programming Applications March 29 Review: Simplex method; Sensitivity analysis; WinQSB April 12 No Class May 3 Queuing systems; WinQSB Ch. 12 Queuing Theory May 10 Queuing systems; WinQSB Ch. 12 Queuing Theory FINAL EXAM Wednesday, May 19th, 11:00 am