A Simple Discussion of the Very Useful ---- ln(X) ---- Function Economists make extensive use of the ln(X) function, known as the natural log function. We often write it as log(X), although strictly speaking log(X) is the common, rather than the natural, logarithmic function. Economists nearly always use the natural logarithmic function, so we freely interchange ln(X) and log(X), withut worrying about the base. The base is nearly always assumed to be Napier’s constant e, roughly 2.71828. Let’s try and discuss the log function as simply as possible, without getting involved in complicated proofs. Naturally, we will want to drive all of the important rules regarding the use of the ln(X) function. Definition: ln(X) is equal to the area in the graph below. The same is true if X is less than 1, except that the gray area now becomes a negative number. Therefore, we have immediately that ln(1) = 0, ln(X) > 0, if X >1, and ln(X) < 0, if X < 1. The function ln(X) should be thought of as measuring the gray area in the graph above. The gray area in the graph above will be equal to 1 when X = e (or roughly 2.71828). Next, suppose that X increases to X + ΔX. How much does ln(X) change? To see this we note approximately how much the gray area in the graph above changes when X increases by ΔX. Clearly, the black area in the graph below is approximately equal to Δln(X) ≈ ΔX/X which is called the growth rate of X by economists, when the change occurs over a fixed time interval. This relation is so important that we state it again formally. Δln(X) ≈ ΔX/X for small changes ΔX. This is especially useful for calculating approximate growth rates and inflation rates. If Yt = GDP in year t, then the growth of Yt for year t is approximately equal to ln(Yt) – ln(Yt-1). If πt is the inflation rate for year t, then πt ≈ ln(Pt) – ln(Pt-1). Next, suppose that we write Z = XY. Then, by noting Δln(Z) = ΔZ/Z, we can easily realize Δln(XY) = ΔX/X + ΔY/Y since Δ(XY) = YΔX + XΔY for small changes ΔX and ΔY. This last equation shows that the (undifferenced) left and right sides of the equation differ only by a constant. This means ln(XY) = ln(X) + ln(Y) + Co. But, if X = 1 and Y = 1, the constant is seen to be Co = 0. This gives us the important relation ln(XY) = ln(X) + ln(Y) . To summarize this result, we can say that the ln(X) function turns products into sums which is a very important property both in mathematics and statistics. One might well wonder about ln(X/Y). This is easy once we understand multiplication. Let Z = X/Y. Therefore, X = ZY. Now, take the log of both sides to get ln(X) = ln(ZY). But, we know this is just ln(X) = ln(Z) + ln(Y), and therefore, since Z = X/Y, ln(X/Y) = ln(X) – ln(Y) . Similarly, the growth rate of a ratio is equal to the difference in growth rates of the numerator and denominator, or Δln(X/Y) = ΔX/X – ΔY/Y. Yet another interesting and useful property of the ln(X) function concerns the logs of exponentiated variables, like ln(Xα). This is difficult to relate to the area in the graphs above. Instead, we assume the reader knows that Δ(Xα) ≈ αXα-1ΔX. Consider now the following: Δln(Y) = ΔY/Y where Y = Xα. This means that Δln(Xα) = αXα-1ΔX/Xα = αΔX/X = αΔln(X) Again, we note that both (undifferenced) sides must differ by only a constant, which can be shown to be zero by assuming X = 1. Leaving us with ln(Xα) = αln(X) which is a fundamental and highly useful property of the ln(X) function. Finally, we should point out that ln(1+X) ≈ X for |X| small which is easy to see from the graph below. Summary of Results: ln(X) defined only for X > 0 (1) ln(XY) = ln(X) + ln(Y) (2) ln(X/Y) = ln(X) – ln(Y) (3) ln(Xα) = αln(X) (4) ln(1+X) ≈ X for |X| small (5) ln(1) = 0 and ln(e) = 1 (6) Δln(X) = ΔX/X Note: ln(ex) = x by (3) and (5) The graph of the ln(X) function looks like the following: One important type of graph which economists use involves the ln(X) function and growth rates. Suppose that X is a function of time. We can write this as X(t). If we take the log and difference this, we get the growth rate of X. This can be graphed as below. Note that there are 3 types of lines given. (1) shows a straight line, which means that X has a constant positive growth rate over time, (2) shows that X once again has a constant growth rate, but the value of X jumps at one point. This is what is called a change in level without a change in growth. For example, it is often important to make a distinction between a jump in prices and a change in inflation. (3) shows a sudden increase in the growth rate of X without a jump in the level of X. This is often important in discussions of monetary policy and changes in the growth rate of money. Note how that the increased growth rate is depicted as an increase in the slope of ln(X(t)). There are other combinations of jumps and changes in slope that can be made. In the graph below we assume constant growth rates, except in (3) where the growth rate suddenly increases. A downward sloping straight line would indicate a constant negative growth rate. Remember that a variable that declines 10% per year never reaches zero. Such a variable gets closer and closer to zero. A flat horizontal line would correspond to a zero growth rate. It is important to understand what is happening when we discuss growth rates. Another important application of the log function comes in discussing the equations of exchange MV = PY. Taking logs and differencing we get ΔM/M + ΔV/V = ΔP/P + ΔY/Y The first term is the growth of nominal money, followed by the growth of the velocity of money. One the right we have the rate of inflation followed by the rate of real economic growth. Certainly this is one of the more important equations in macroeconomics.