Credibility of the Mass Media

Two surveys highlighting public opinion of Hong Kong’s mass media cause debate
about its credibility, writes Janet Wong
HAS the credibility of the local mass media been
declining? In late October, the University of Hong
Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong
released their studies on the credibility of mass
media. The HKU survey shows that public rating of
the local mass media has sunk to its lowest in three
years. The CUHK study, however, says it has not
changed – it is about the same as five year ago.
Why is there a difference between the two studies?
Which study better represents public opinion? How
can we tell? What is the value of credibility to the mass media, society and citizens?
News extract
ON 17 October, the HKU public Opinion Programme published the results of a survey
titled “Credibility Rating of Hong Kong News Media in General”. The study finds
the rating declining. On a zero to 10-point scale, it is only 5.6, the lowest in three
HKU Study: Credibility rating reaches new low
THE study was carried out on 2-6 October. A total of 1,022 citizens were asked to
rate the credibility of the mass media. The result was a mere 5.6. It was 0.12
points lower than the same study done in April.
Dr Robert Chung Ting-yiu, the programme director, pointed out that the results
were related to the recent sneak photographic of a pop singer changing clothes.
The study also finds that the public rating of the mass media exercising freedom
of speech remains the same. However, the rating regarding the media abusing
freedom of press and irresponsible reporting has significantly increased by five
percent. The former category is close to the high of 75 percent recorded in
November 1998. Chung said Hong Kong’s problem is how to enjoy freedom of
speech while not abusing it.
CUHK Study: credibility slightly up
FOLLOWING the HKU study, the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication
released its study of public rating on the credibility of news organizations. The
finding was 6.74 percent, compared to 6.46 percent in 2001 and not much different
from a similar study carried out nine years ago.
The CUHK study was carried out on 24-28 February. A total of 500 citizens
were asked over the phone to rank the different categories of mass media. In
electronic media, RTHK ranked top, followed by TVB and Cable TV. As for
newspapers, South China Morning Post ranked top, while Wen Wei Po and Ta Kung
Pao made up the tail end of the list at 16th and 17th. The three best-selling
newspapers in Hong Kong, Oriental Daily, The Sun and Apple Daily ranked 9th, 15th
and 14th respectively.
Why is there such a big difference between the two studies? The Director of
CUHK School of Journalism and Communication, Clement So, and Professor Joseph
Man Chan explained it was due to the time difference in conducting the surveys.
The CUHK study covered various news organizations but not magazines.
Recently, some magazine reports have angered the public and that might have pushed
down ratings. Also, the surveys used different methods of questioning and
measuring standards. So, the results were different.
News chat
CLEMENT So and Joseph Man Chan: Credulity is an “index of
honour”. Various organizations are very much concerned about
their credibility. To the news media, being an important common
carrier in society, credibility can be said to be their greatest asset.
Hence, it must be regularly monitored to understand their
performance and values. Through this, we can also measure
how healthy the mass media is.
Netizen “Ball”: It is understandable there may be some bad elements in the local
mass media, and recently it has been a bit too much. We often see magazine
front-page stories of the private lives of the rich and the famous. Most come from
paparazzi. After reading such reports, one will wonder what it is all about. Most
will conclude: “They are mostly fabricated.” Will people still believe such magazines?
Readers like to generalize too.
Ming Kwong Society: Mass media showing quality and credibility is the foundation
of a democratic society. It keeps an eye on the government and acts as the fourth
force of society. When we begin to distrust something that has been with us daily,
the result not only affects our reception of information and moral culture, but also
jeopardizes our press freedom and democratic social structure. It insults the people
who faithfully play by the journalistic code of conduct. It blackens the whole
Journalist Claudia Mo: As we all know, credibility, sales and readability are not
linked. A report on ranking and some readers responding to some study may
all have insight. Those who have insight will generally support the
request for universal suffrage. Yet, they turn to best-selling newspapers
that betray universal suffrage. That is disappointing.
Netizen “Fish King”: I wonder how much the credibility of the mass
media is worth. People today have a pet phrase: “How can you believe
what the newspaper says?” Despite such an attitude they continue reading
newspaper – just to keep up with the latest news although they don’t care about
accuracy. Today, speaking out loud is more important than
speaking the truth. In the recent case of a six-year-old
alleged triad member who blamed a certain newspaper for
misreporting the case – will readers stop buying this paper?
No. It is because they don’t care about credibility.
Feature writer Bernadette Tsui: Don’t talk about credibility.
wrongdoing by the mass media, as in the case of a magazine publishing the photo of a
singer changing, will soon be countered with loud denials. Hong Kong people are
too busy and also have a short memory. Who will take an in-depth look?
Feature writer Zhou Shaoxing: Today, we have more than 12 bodies assessing the
credibility of the mass media. They “invite citizens to rate news organizations”.
There are seven million people in Hong Kong. How many have they
invited? Even if only 10 people were invited, how many newspapers
have they read? How many radio stations have they listened to? I
don’t think they can read all papers and listen to all radio stations even
if they are “three headed and six-limbed”.
Factors affecting credibility of the mass media
The CUHK study points out that the credibility of the mass media is affected by 3
i. Type of media: electronic media has sounds and images. It has broader
contacts so there is much stronger government supervision. It content is
short, attractive and clean. This gives it an edge over newspapers.
Sensationalism, sex and violence in content: accuracy, fair content and
original in-depth opinion will be much respected.
iii. Political stance: people give more recognition to news organization
reporting from the viewpoint of Hong Kong people. They receive a
higher credibility ranking.
Think about it
Public rating (integrated humanities)
HKU and CUHK released their studies on the credibility of the mass media.
Why are the results different? Will it affect the credibility of the studies?
Why do research bodies regularly monitor the credibility of the mass media?
What is the purpose? What is the value of such studies to the mass media and
the public?
Credibility of newspapers
Why are best-selling newspapers in Hong Kong ranked so low in credibility
How come such papers attract so many readers?
Regarding the answer to question 3, what are the expectations of readers?
Will their expectations cause a decline in the quality of reporting?
Class discussion
Why do citizens think the mass media is losing credibility?
How do we judge its credibility?
Do you think credibility rating reflects the quality of a newspaper? Why?
Some say it is not fair because the respondents are rating the mass media
offhand without having read every newspaper. Do you agree?
What are your criteria for choosing a “best newspaper”?
Based on similar criteria, tell the class to select the best newspaper.
Class vote
When you buy a newspaper, what is the most important criterion?
A. Credibility
B. Fun and entertainment
Content and originality
Price and gifts
HKU, Public Opinion Programme
Credibility of the Mass Media Reaches Three-year Low
Credibility of the Mass Media Slightly up