DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MODULE LEARNING GUIDE PROGRAMMING C # Version 1: May 2007 Olympia College 1. Diploma in Information Technology INTRODUCTION Every 10 years or so, a new technology arrives that changes the way we think about application development. In the early 1980’s, the new technologies were Unix, which could be run on a desktop, and a powerful new language called C, developed by AT&T. The early ‘90s brought Windows and C++. Each development represented by sea change in the way we approached programming. In 2000, .NET and C# were the next wave, and .NET 2.0 completes the transition. Microsoft has “bet the company “on .NET. When a company of its size and influence spends billions of dollars and reorganizes its entire corporate structure to support a new platform, programmers take notice. It turns out that .NET represents a major change in the way you’ll think about programming. It is, in short, a new development platform designed to facilitate object-oriented Internet development. The programming language of choice for this platform is C#, which builds on the lessons learned from C( high performance),C++ (object-oriented structure), Java(garbage collection, high security), and Visual Basic(rapid development) to create a new language ideally suited for developing component-based, n-tier distributed web applications. C# 2.0, the language of choice for .Net 2005, comes with updated tools and a powerful new development environment. It is the crowning achievement for Microsoft’s R&D investment. 2. AIMS The focus of this subject is to implement the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with C#. Since a whole lot of the concepts are the same between C# and VB.net, this has been designed such that only parts of the syntax that differ are covered. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop C# application using Visual Studio .NET Framework. You will learn how to use the basic components C# along with the language structure, understanding the new namespace and assemblies, and the true object oriented programming of C#. The course will introduce you to problem solving from multiple points of view (the programmer's, the users and the client's), programming fundamentals (constructs, concepts and paradigms), application programming using C#, issues associated with information retrieval, and operationalizing the concepts to give you the opportunity to better understand, through implementation, the fundamentals of visual programming & example application for business purposes. Expect to also improve your ability for structured approaches to modeling and solving problems through programming, to better understand and appreciate the roles of information professionals involved in programming, and to learn basic skills in managing the process of building of a small software application. 3. OVERVIEW OF THE SYLLABUS: The module is organised into four major learning sections as outlined below: 3.1 SECTION 1: Getting Started with C# This section starts with a basic overview of the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET environment (IDE) with a perspective on its tools, features, properties and user interfaces (controls, menus and forms) to develop C# Windows applications. 3.2 SECTION 2: C# Programming Fundamentals This is the core section of this module which comprises the C# programming fundamentals (as covered in weekly lecture topics) and coding standards to write applications. You will have practical lab sessions to apply the codes after each topic to develop and build simple applications. You will also have sample code walkthroughs to examine the use of these codes in real-time scenario and applications. 3.3 SECTION 3: Creating Windows Applications This section teaches on how to create Windows applications in C#. 3.4 SECTION 4: Developing Comprehensive Projects This section teaches students how to define exceptions, throw exceptions, and handle exceptions so that the programs can continue to run or terminate gracefully in the event of runtime errors. This section also introduces dynamic programming to incorporate both interfaces and assemblies. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 2 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology 4. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this module, students will be able to: Create console applications in C# Declare variables, arrays and operators in C# Error handling Implement the concepts of assemblies and versioning in C# Implement OOP’s features such as inheritance, polymorphism and interfaces in C# programming language 5. AUDIENCE AND PRE-REQUISITES This module is for students who are in the advance stages of the Diploma program. The prerequisite required to undertake this module is C Programming module. 6. LEARNING MATERIALS: Indicative Readings: a) Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. (ISBN: 0596-00699-3) b) J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. (ISBN : 0130461326) c) TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24,2002), Microsoft Press. (ISBN: 0735616485) d) Brad Merrill,Peter Drayton,and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. e) Ebooks: Faraz Rasheed, “Programmer’s Heaven C# School”, First Edition. http://www.programmersheaven.com/ebooks/csharp_ebook.pdf f) Internet Resource: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a72418yk(VS.80).aspx 7. ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS: The following is an outline of the various assessment instruments for this module: 7.1 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT (20%) There is an individual assignment element in this module. Students will be given an assignment(s) question related to topics covered between week 1 and week 5 inclusive. The individual assignments are usually practical in nature whereby students will be required to apply the question to a real time scenario. 7.2 PRESENTATION (10%) The students need to present their assignment on week 10 in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or any other presentation tools. Marks will be awarded based on the quality of the presentation, language etc 7.3 PRACTICAL EXAMINATION (30%) Student has to choose 1 out of 3 questions. The question will be a programming question. The student is required to write the program coding in computer using the application editor to produce the output. 7.4 FINAL EXAMINATION (40%) Final Examination is included in this module. It seeks to determine participants’ individual effectiveness in responding to specific questions under time-constrained invigilated conditions. The examination is a closed book examination, requesting participants to demonstrate their knowledge and critical analysis skills in responding to questions covering the module syllabus. 7.5 ASSESSMENT TIMELINES The coursework assignment is to be distributed to students by the end of Week 1 and its submission deadline is no later than week 10. Presentation will be held no later than week 10. The practical examination will be conducted on week 14 / 15 and its duration will be 1 ½ hours. Final examinations will be held at the end of the semester, which is on week 15 Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 3 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology 7.6 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Refer to assignment and final examination marking guide. 7.7 ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTOR The following general principles should be used when marking and awarding grade: Grade Characteristics Above 70% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% Excellent work which demonstrates that the student: Possesses an authoritative grasp of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and to the assessment Selects and organises material with consistent success at an exceptionally high stage Is able to display originality and personal insight and is capable of expressing their argument clearly, concisely and accurately. The student demonstrates: An above average stage of understanding, organising, interpretation and a clear grasp of methodology suitable focused on the topic An ability to synthesise material and to construct responses which reveal insight and may offer originality A grasp of material that enables a coherent response to the assessment task to emerge An ability to generate work that is accurate and appropriately organised. The student is able to cover basic subject matter but in a relatively unimaginative and pedestrian manner. Organisation and presentation of material is acceptable but may display some weakness. Limitations in understanding and interpretation and difficulty in linking to relevant material may be evident. The student’s performance is only just acceptable in most respects revealing some inadequacies in the grasp of material, weak organising ability and limited communication skills. < 40% The student’s performance is deficient revealing inadequate grasp of material, poor organising ability and poorly developed communication skills. 8. TOTAL HOURS: 28 hours of direct lecture & tutorial sessions 28 hours of lab sessions 150 hours of self and independent study 9. INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN AND RESOURCES The base source of material to be used in the design of the teaching-learning schedule will be the print based module material provided to both staff and students. Other resources will be included to supplement and fill in gaps especially latest development or recent changes which are obviously not found in the module material. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 4 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology CLASS LEARNING SCHEDULE WEEK LECTURE TUTORIALS / ACTIVITIES 1 Introduction 2 C# Language Fundamentals 3 Operator Overloading 4 Structs 5 Arrays and Indexes 6 Strings and Expressions Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# Explore tools, features, properties and interface of the Visual Studio development environment (IDE). Creating a new project. Open and run a C# program What are the characteristics of variables in C#? Write a code to declare a variable for 2 types of data (string & integer) Assign values to the variable. State the variable naming conventions Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 9 – 21) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 2 (Programming with C# book). Understand the structure of C# programming. Compare the different types of arithmetic, logical & relational operators. Get to know the pre-processor directives. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 24 – 63) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 3 (Programming with C# book). When is an operator overloading required? How does the operator overload syntax look like? Contrast between implicit and explicit operators. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 127 – 130) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 6 (Programming with C# book). Understand how to define and create Structs. What are the significant difference between struct and class? Get to know the array of structures. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 136 – 144) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 7 (Programming with C# book). Understand how to define and initialize arrays. Are arrays limited to 2 dimensions? What is foreach statement used for? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 176 – 206) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 9 (Programming with C# book). Understand how to create strings. What are escape characters? Describe regular expressions. List the methods used for manipulating strings. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 236 – 251) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 10 (Programming with C# book). 5 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology 7 Delegates and Events 8 Building Windows Applications 9 Building Windows Applications II 10 Inheritance and Polymorphism 11 Classes and Objects 12 Interfaces 13 Assemblies and Versioning Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# What is a delegate and its purpose? How is a delegate declared? Compare between delegates and instance methods. Do a code walkthrough on how delegates are implemented. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 286 – 316) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 12 (Programming with C# book). What are the steps to building a Windows Application? What are the components required to enable Windows applications in C#? How to add controls in the editor page in the Windows application in C#? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 327 – 334) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 13 (Programming with C# book). Learn to create Windows application based on the programs. Learn how to manipulating screens. Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 335 – 359) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 13 (Programming with C# book) Examine the implementation of the concept of inheritance and polymorphism. Define boxing and unboxing. What are the limitations of abstract? How to accomplish the designating a method as abstract? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 104 – 124) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 5 (Programming with C# book). Understand the usage of object and classes. When to use constructor and modifier? What are the access modifiers? What is the difference between passing by value and passing by reference? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 67 – 101) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 4 (Programming with C# book). How to define and implement an interface? What is the difference between the is and the as operator? Learn how to implement more than one interface using classes. What are the difference between the extending the interface and combining them? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 144 – 166) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 8 (Programming with C# book). What are the characteristics of an assembly? What are the other required assemblies? Derive the difference between shared assembly 6 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology and private assembly. What are the significant of having versions in shared assemblies in .NET? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 441 – 452) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 17 (Programming with C# book). Identify the different types of error in your program What are the different types of error handler clauses? Describe the usefulness of try, catch and finally in handling exception? Workshop practice: - all the example programs (pg 263 – 280) - selective review and programming exercises in Chapter 11 (Programming with C# book). 14 Handling Exceptions Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 7 LEARNING SUGGESTIONS AND GUIDELINES WEEK 1 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To get started with C# Get to know the features, properties and interface of the IDE Learning outcomes to attain: Introduction and History of C# and the fundamentals Classes, Objects , Types, Variables, Assignments Statements, Operators, Preprocessor Directives Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 9 - 21 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharp-station.com/ http://devcentral.iftech.com/articles/CSharp/intro_Csharp/default.php http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mahesh/cs_lang_111142005045453AM/cs_lang_1.aspx WEEK 2 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Programming fundamentals: Structure of C#, Operators, Preprocessor Directives To understand the concept of arithmetic, relational & logical operators Learning outcomes to attain: Programming structure of C# Statements – Conditional and Unconditional Branching Operators Preprocessor Directives Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 24 - 63 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorials/Lesson02.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.aspfree.com/c/a/C-Sharp/Behind-the-Scenes-Look-at-C-Sharp-Operators/1/ WEEK 3 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the concept of operator overloading Learning outcomes to attain: Using the operator keywords Creating useful operators Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 127 - 130 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharphelp.com/archives/archive135.html http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/abhinaba/archive/2005/10/11/479537.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 4 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To learn how to define and create structs Learning outcomes to attain: Defining structs Creating structs Structs as Value Types Structs without new Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 136 - 144 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 9 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ah19swz4(VS.80).aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.csharpcorner.com/UploadFile/rajeshvs/StructuresInCS11112005234341PM/StructuresInCS.asp x WEEK 5 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the structure and use of arrays and indexes Learning outcomes to attain: Defining Arrays Initializing Arrays The foreach Statement Collection Interfaces Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 176 - 206 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://blogs.wdevs.com/irtaza/archive/2005/02/04/2204.aspx http://www.developer.com/net/csharp/article.php/1547581 http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 6 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the structure and use of strings Learning outcomes to attain: Creating strings Manipulating strings Finding substrings Splitting Substrings Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 236 - 251 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 10 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology c. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.codeproject.com/books/0735616485.asp http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/oreilly/windows/news/csharp_0101.html WEEK 7 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the concept of both delegates and events Learning outcomes to attain: Using Delegates to specify methods at runtime Delegates and instance methods Static delegates Delegates as properties Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 286 - 316 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.akadia.com/services/dotnet_delegates_and_events.html http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/DelegatesAndEvents.asp http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 8 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the components required to enable Windows applications. Learning outcomes to attain: Creating Simple WINDOWS form Creating WINDOWS form application Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 327 - 334 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 11 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology c. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/c__windows_application.asp http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.csharp-home.com/index/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=81 WEEK 9 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the usage of the Windows application in various programs Learning outcomes to attain: Creating Windows application based on the programs Manipulating screens Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 335 - 359 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.phptr.com/articles/article.asp?p=29747&seqNum=5&rl=1 http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2002/05/13/template.html WEEK 10 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the OOP concept of inheritance and polymorphism Learning outcomes to attain: Specialization and Generalization Creating Polymorphism Methods Boxing and Unboxing Types Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 104 - 124 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 12 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology c. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/csharpintro01.asp http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20021118/techspace2.shtml http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 11 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To find out how to create classes and objects. Learning outcomes to attain: Divide and conquer Dynamic programming Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 67 - 101 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://www.csharphelp.com/archives3/archive497.html http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/C-Sharp/Introduction-to-Objects-and-Classes-in-C-Sharp-Part2/ WEEK 12 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the concept of interfaces To understand how to define and implement interfaces Learning outcomes to attain: Defining and Implementing Interfaces Combining and Extending Interfaces Accessing Interface Methods Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 144 - 166 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 13 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology c. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.codersource.net/csharp_tutorial_interface.html http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorials/Lesson13.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 13 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the concept of assemblies and versioning To understand the characteristics of assemblies Learning outcomes to attain: Multimodule Assemblies Shared Assemblies Global Assembly Cache Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 441 – 452 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. c. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/rCaseIssue.asp http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20030324/techspace2.shtml http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm WEEK 14 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: To understand the usefulness of try, catch and finally in handling exception Learning outcomes to attain: The Catch statement The finally statement Rethrowing exceptions Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. Page 263 – 280 (Programming with C# book) from the Main reference text. b. Main reference text namely: Jesse Liberty, “Programming with C#”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc, 2005. Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 14 Olympia College Diploma in Information Technology c. J.A. Listfield, T.R. Neito, C.H.Yaeger,Zlatkina M., Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, “C# : A Programmer’s Introduction”, 1st edition (July 18,2002), Prentice Hall. TOM Archer, “Inside C#”, 2nd Edition(April 24, 2002), Microsoft Press. Brad Merrill, Peter Drayton, and Ben Albahari, ”C# Essentials”, 2nd Edition (January 1, 2002), O’Reilly & Associates. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids Topical references: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s7fekhdy.aspx http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/csharp.aspx http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://csharpcomputing.com/Tutorials/TOC.htm http://www.csharphelp.com/archives/archive167.html WEEK 15 FINAL EXAMINATION Mod Learning Guide: Programming C# 15