2/4/2014 - Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council
Legislative & Public Policy Committee
Meeting Activities
Date: February 4, 2014
Mission: The Legislative & Public Policy Committee guides the Council by actualizing the Council’s vision to
establish and implement public policy which will further the independence, productivity and integration of
people with developmental disabilities by effecting positive system change.
The Committee is guided by all goals and objectives of the Council’s Five-Year Plan for 2012-2016.
The Committee specifically addresses Goal 5, Objective One of the Plan.
Goal 5: Improve the quality of life, and increase real choices for people with disabilities to live in
their communities by providing them the resources they need to live a quality inclusive life.
Objective 2: Engage in public policy and advocacy activities that encourage and result in the
simplification and coordination of systems and resources for the support of people with
developmental disabilities.
Agenda: Legislative Update
Meeting at 11:04 am
Mike Hoover moved to accept the minutes; Lisa Kramer seconded, minutes for January 21, 2014 passed.
Legislative Discussion:
This bill will expand the availability of affordable housing in the state and create three more distinct trust funds to
secure sustainable funding. Tim Hudner is hoping the bill can be used like the mental health vouchers with blended
funding that created quite a few housing units for people with mental health diagnoses needing housing. Julie Farrar
and Josh Winkler have reached out to the sponsors around including accessibility, adaptability and visitability in the
language. Senator Jesse Uliberri and Representative Crisanta Duran co-sponsored this bill. Josh will inquire to find out if
Senator Ulibarri would be able to talk to the committee on this bill.
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This bill wants a recodification of the laws governing reserved parking for persons with disabilities.
Dianne Primavera is the House sponsor; Nancy Todd is the Senate sponsor.
The bill has good sponsorship and is trying to tighten the rules to prevent families with deceased members from using
their placards. This new law hopes to capture this type of information to stop this type of abuse of parking privileges.
There are 10 amendments to this law. It is being heard before Transportation Committee next week.
The Committee will continue to monitor the progress of this bill through the legislature.
This Bill hopes to develop a strategic plan to enroll eligible persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
(eligible persons) in home- and community -based programs, services, and supports at the time those persons choose to
enroll in the programs or need the services or supports.
John Kefalas is the Senate co-sponsor.
Julie Farrar expressed the hope of a better coordination of all the entities and providers already studying this issue.
Some of the services offered are not wanted. She will contact Representative Young for more insight and information.
This bill would require physicians to report to the Department of Revenue when patients are diagnosed with medical
conditions that make driving dangerous.
Don Coram is the House sponsor.
Discussion revolved around the danger this bill puts doctors in. Lisa felt this type of bill would lead to a lack of reporting
by physicians. Josh Winkler felt the bill would die in committee.
This is a bill concerning the property-related expense assistance grants for low-income seniors and individuals with
John Kefalas is the Senate sponsor and Rhonda Fields is the House sponsor.
Mike and Lisa both support this pending legislation. The Council wrote a letter in support of the legislation and Mike
Hoover gave testimony. It cleared HHS Committee.
This bill provides emergency pre-veterinarian care (one does not have to be animal licensed, thus first responders could
treat animals), we would like to specifically include assistance animals for people with disabilities.
Mark Simon supports the bill if the language is included.
Josh Winkler motioned to support this bill; Ed George seconded, motioned passed.
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Lisa worried the wording of the bill was fuzzy and she requested that an amendment “including Service Animals for
people with disabilities”’ specifically be part of the language. Julie agreed to submit the wording change and re-iterated
that this was a good bill to follow through the legislature. The bill made it to a second reading on January 30. The
Council sent a letter of support.
A bill concerning an alternative to required payments to register a motor vehicle for older Coloradans. It was suggested
that person with a disability, on a fixed income be included. The bill has been sent to Military Affairs and will probably
This is a bill to improve protections for individuals with disabilities. Senator Steadman is the Senate sponsor.
It was noted that there is a high fiscal impact attached to this bill that could jeopardize its success. The Committee felt it
was important enough to monitor its progress.
Policy Discussion: Josh informed the Committee that the Community First Choice (CFC) was getting momentum and
broad support. He will send out information on CFC to the committee.
He thought Joelle Brouner, the new Director of Vocational Rehabilitation should meet with the
Julie will send out a link to the feasibility and audit report on the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
A conversation about mental illness in the justice system was led by Julie. She pointed out that the
majority of these inmates have no supports at all; both in and out of the justice system. The question
posed: should the Committee take a position on this?
Ed George advocated supporting the creation of a Suicide Prevention Commission. He will try to get
Moe Keller, Policy Director for Mental Health America to speak with the Committee at the February
18 meeting. We will open the meeting up to the broader community. Tim Hudner said the Mental
Health Center of Denver’s program is effective and that the proposed bill would extend this program.
Tim will investigate further and report back to the Committee.
NEXT L&PP MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2014 at 11:00 AM Senate Room 356
Meeting Adjourned: 12:17 pm
Council Members Present: Ed George, Mike Hoover (GTM), Tim Hudner (GTM), Lisa Kramer (GTM),
Bob Lawhead (GTM), Josh Winkler (GTM)
Staff: Julie Farrar, Lionel Llewellyn
Guests: Donna Downing (GTM), Chris Hinds, Mellissa Umphenour
Absent: Carol Meredith
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