ҚАЗ РУС ENG Поиск... Главная ИНСТИТУТЫ стратегия государства» Национальная школа государственной политики Английский Институты Кафедра «Политическая National School of Public Policy National School of Public Policy National School of Public Policy (NSPP) was created in 2008 by the Presidential Decree as a division of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to train elite civil servants, who are capable of effectively implement public policy. Mission of NSPP is to train the new generation of highly qualified civil servants with strategic thinking based on the best world practices. Development Concept was worked out on the basis of the study of international experience (Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science, the French National School of Public Administration (ENA). To teaching at NSPP attracted first heads of state administration, famous Kazakhstan and foreign scientists, heads of national companies and international organizations, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions. There are 3-month internship and training at Duke University. Training is carried out under the Master program "6M050200 - Political Science” (Master of Public Policy) in "Public policy" department. Partner of NSPP is Duke Sanford School of Public Policy, USA. From 2012, unique program was implemented. It was designed to analytical tools and practical methods for the evaluation and policy analysis, evaluation of economic aspects of alternative fiscal policy, public expenditure management, systemic reforms. NSPP trains the next generation of senior management body "A". Modul programs • of Public • Policy Public • Performance • Empirical • and Good Management • Public Management of Assessment; in Analysis Practices Budgeting; Impact Public and Planning • Analysis; Finance Policy • NSPP: Administration; Research Methods; and Monitoring Reform: Budgeting; and Evaluation comparative – in issues Public and Sector; debates; • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology. Upon completion of the program NSPP fellows are awarded a Master degree in Public Policy from the Academy and Duke Sanford School of Public Policy (USA) (Executive Diploma in Public Policy and Management – training program for senior managers in public policy). Why to study at NSPP? • Academic programs rest on the profile of professional activities and includes shaping of personal competences • of Graduates will a decision-maker possess advanced (mayor, command of minister, Kazakh, executive Russian and secretary); English languages; • Graduates will acquire applied knowledge (law, economics, politics, public administration), since no less than 50% of the program will be taught by practitioners of public administration in Kazakhstan; • The use of cutting-edge international academic programs to get double degrees: Academy and the foreign partner; • Acquisition of social capital by the graduates necessary for future career of a politician; • Graduates are recommended for admission to the HR-reserve of superior administrative body. Priority • The • • directions development The Staffing concept the public of strategy of of service the research state policy post-crisis of the in in Kazakhstan development Republic of NSPP Kazakhstan: until of state 2020. Kazakhstan. and prospects. • The model of human resource management in the public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. • • Ensure State policy the of quality development and of accessibility small, medium of business public services. in Kazakhstan. • Positioning of Kazakhstan in the global geopolitical system. Contact Tastambekovna Тel. +7 (7172) 75 33 96 details Albina Ernstovna ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Н.А.НАЗАРБАЕВА КОЛЛЕКТИВУ И СЛУШАТЕЛЯМ АКАДЕМИИ ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЕ И ПОСЛАНИЕ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Н.А.НАЗАРБАЕВА ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЕ СИМВОЛЫ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН СТРАТЕГИЯ «КАЗАХСТАН-2050» БЛОГ РЕКТОРА АКАДЕМИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПРИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТЕ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЯ РЕКТОРА НОРМАТИВНО-ПРАВОВАЯ БАЗА СТРАТЕГИЯ АКАДЕМИИ ДО 2020 ГОДА ЖУРНАЛ «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ СЛУЖБА» ИЗДАНИЯ АКАДЕМИИ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ ОБУЧЕНИЕ КОРПУСА "А" ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ ВИДЕОГАЛЕРЕЯ ВИДЕОКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ОНЛАЙН-ТРАНСЛЯЦИЯ ОНЛАЙН РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ КАРТА САЙТА МОДУЛЬ ВХОДА НА САЙТ Вход/Регистрация 010000 Астана, пр. Абая, 33 а, Приемная комиссия: 8 (7172) 75 34 77, 75 33 44 тел/факс: 75 32 68 еmail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПРИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТЕ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН © 2015 | Все права защищены