BLUEBIRDS Eastern Bluebird; from Copyright 2007 By Mason Emerson The bluebird is the state bird in Missouri and many others states. It has blue feathers on top. The feathers under a bluebird are red or red with a little orange or red. Bluebirds usually have about three broods during spring and summer. Females built the nests and incubate the eggs. They prefer trees in grasslands. El azulejo es el pajaro del estado en Missouri y muchos otros estados. Tiene plumas azules en la parte superior. Las plumas abajo de un azulejo son rojas o rojas con un poco de color anaranjado u rojo. Normalmente tiene tres nidadas durante la primavera y el verano. Las femeninas construyen los nidos y incuban a los huevos. Prefieren arboles en las praderas. Western Bluebird; from The number of bluebirds was declining in the 1970s possibly because of pesticides and less land for them to live on. However there are more now. Enemies include snakes, cats, raccoons, the Common Starling and House Sparrow. They eat things such as wild fruits, insects, mealworms and raisins soaked in water. La cantidad de azulejos estuvo bajando en los 1970s posiblemente a causa de insecticidas y menos tierra donde pudieron vivir. Sin embargo, hay mas ahora. Los enemigos incluyen serpientes, gatos, mapaches, los estorninos comunes (Sturnis vulgaris) y los gorriones (Passer domesticus). Comen cosas como frutas silvestras, insectos, larvas de escarabajos y pasas remojadas en agua. Mountain Bluebird; from LEARN MORE ird ain_Bluebird.html#sound BLUEBIRD WORDFIND bluebird, state bird, feathers, usually, three broods, during spring, females built, the nests, incubate the eggs, they prefer, grasslands, pesticides, declining, less land, however, raccoons, mealworms, wild fruits, raisins, soaked in water U R W J H B I S P I L J K O Q S F R Q X R W I R N D F E V E G T R L E Q O A N I C A C O S E S Y S E K F T S Y C Z L Y C U O M M F T H S E T T W T O D D X C B R R E R T I R L A D S S L R F E O A B W E A O P C T A O Z N D I R J O T E Y E V Y W E I A N B I H B U W N E E F S E E B L K D D D S U E I B S T R F H L I W E A L E C I O U T N S H H T S R A D O R E O S A I L S A O E T X D T I R Z H O M D R R B X J K E L E G N I N I L C E D P Z U S F N G G A W T H E N E S T S I O E O V B G D A M Y L L A U S U K H C Y P C L S T R B E W D Z J T J S B E W J B M E G L F C F B C I Y M F B V G N I R P S G N I R U D V M O K G R A S S L A N D S X Z B G X U O C DECODE bluebird, state bird, feathers, usually, three broods, during spring, females built, the nests, incubate the eggs, they prefer, grasslands, pesticides, declining, less land, however, raccoons, meal worms, wild fruits, raisins, soaked in water By Letters By Numbers MORE ACTIVITIES AND ASSIGNMENTS ABOUT BLUEBIRDS Write your own essay of one or two paragraphs about this topic. For example you could have some sentences very similar to the sentences hers, but you could also have some sentences for example about the topic in another nation. The essay can describe what happens or tell why the topic is interesting. Draw pictures similar to one or more of the pictures about the topic. Include some words or sentences about the pictures. Use the cursive alphabet. Color the pictures. Write at least fifteen words or three short sentences using another writing system such as Futhark (of the Vikings): Hierglyphics: ml