Experimental Investigation on The Characterization of Solid Clay Brick Masonry for Lateral Shear Strength Evaluation Qaisar Ali1, Yasir Irfan Badrashi1, Naveed Ahmad1,2,*, Bashir Alam3, Shahzad Rehman3, Farhat Ali Shah Banori3 1 Earthquake Engineering Center, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan. ROSE School−IUSS Pavia, Pavia, Italy. 3 Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan. Corresponding Author: anaveed@roseschool.it, +393463029255 2 Abstract The aim of the paper was to carry out the mechanical characterization of solid fired clay brick masonry through experimental investigation, essential for structural evaluation under lateral loads due to winds and earthquakes within the context of design and assessment studies. The basic material properties of masonry including compressive strength, diagonal tensile strength, shear strength, masonry bond strength, Young’s and shear moduli are obtained through laboratory testing on masonry prisms (48 samples), triplets (96 samples) and wallets (48 samples). Standard brick unit prevalent in Pakistan is considered, similar to units that can be found also in neighboring countries like India, Iran and Bangladesh amongst others. Three types of mortar ─ cementsand, cement-sand-khaka and cement-khaka are used as bonding material for masonry assemblages. Khaka is obtained as a byproduct of stone crushing process, employed in mortar preparation to produce relatively workable and economical mortar. The effect of mix proportions of mortar is also investigated. Empirical relationships are developed herein whereby basic mechanical properties of masonry are correlated with the mortar strength, mortar type and mix proportions. An attempt is made to correlate mechanical properties between each other and establish simplified relationships to help facilitate their use in future applications for design and assessment of unreinforced masonry wall structures under wind and earthquake induced lateral loading. Keywords: shear, diagonal tensile strength, compression, elastic moduli, mortar, khaka, unreinforced brick masonry. 1 Introduction Masonry material is largely practiced for construction of structures and infrastructures e.g. buildings, bridges, retaining structures, etc., in most of the underdeveloped and developing parts of the world. It is due to the traditional construction practices employed in these countries, motivated also by the regional climatic conditions . Brick masonry construction employing solid clay units and cement-mortar can be found in many urban exposure of Pakistan and so also in neighbouring countries like India, Iran, Bangladesh among others. Most of the structures in these urban exposures are subjected to frequent lateral loads due to heavy winds and earthquakes that consequently induce shear stresses in the structural walls. The behavior of masonry material under lateral loading is dramatically different than its counterpart materials - concrete and steel, due to high non-homogeneity and composite nature of masonry components. The different mechanical properties of masonry units and mortar and their interface makes the masonry system behavior difficult to predict using simple hypotheses as adopted for concrete and steel. The masonry mechanical characterization can be best performed through experimental investigations, which can help facilitate development of analytical tools for future applications. Masonry structures are often composed of several load bearing walls for carrying both gravity and lateral loads. In building construction, when the connection at wall intersections and at floor-to-wall is achieved through proper means, with controlled out-of-plane deflection of the floors, the building primarily resist lateral loads by in-plane response of walls (Magenes, 2006; Tomazevic, 1999). The provision of reinforced concrete slab with deep spandrels, presence of tie rods, ring beams at floor levels and efficient floor-to-wall connections favours the integrity of masonry walls. It enables the structure respond in a box like action to lateral loading with shear dominated damage in masonry walls. Flexure rocking, that may result in toe crushing of walls, is also a possible mechanism to resist lateral loads (Magenes and Calvi, 1997; Abrams, 2001, among others). Figure 1 shows typical damages observed in masonry wall buildings of the above characteristics during the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Typical damages that (A) (C) may occur in masonry infill of concrete structures due to lateral in-plane forces observed during earthquake are also shown. Local out-of-plane collapse of wall is also evidenced in earthquakes for deficient structures (D’Ayala and Paganini, 2011; Javed et al., 2008). (B) (A): Diagonal shear cracks in masonry building walls observed during 2005 Kashmir earthquake. A building with concrete floor slab, deep spandrels and walls with lower vertical aspect ratio (height to thickness). Adopted from Naseer et al. (2010). (B): Toe crushing in masonry building walls observed during 2005 Kashmir earthquake. A building with concrete floor slab, deep spandrels and walls with high vertical aspect ratio. Adopted from Javed et al. (2008). (C): In-Plane shear cracks observed in masonry infill of concrete structure damaged in 2005 Kashmir earthquake. A building with reinforced concrete beams and columns provided with concrete floor slab and rigidly connected masonry infill. Adopted from Javed et al. (2008). Figure 1 Shear damages observed in load bearing walls of unreinforced masonry buildings and masonry infill of concrete buildings due to earthquake induced lateral loads. Many available analytical models can be used to estimate the in-plane strength of masonry walls (Abrams, 2001; CEN, 1994; FEMA, 2000; Magenes and Calvi, 1997; Mann and Muller, 1982; Tomazevic, 1999; Turnsek and Sheppard, 1980, among others). Analytical models are also available to estimate the strength of masonry infill panel under lateral loads in concrete structures (Fardis and Calvi, 1994; Kappos et al., 1998; Smyrou et al., 2011, among others). All these models require basic mechanical properties of masonry material to obtain lateral in-plane strength. This fact makes the experimental investigation on masonry materials essential before the assessment of structures can be performed within the context of existing stock evaluation and design verification of new construction schemes (Ahmad et al., 2010, 2011, 2012 among others). This paper hence presents an experimental investigation on solid clay fired-brick masonry material for mechanical characterization. The experimental work included laboratory tests under monotonic loading on masonry prisms: for the estimation of masonry compressive strength (fmc) and elastic Young modulus (E), on triplets: for the estimation of bond strength in shear: cohesion parameter (c) and friction coefficient (µ) of MohrCoulomb model, and on wallets: for the estimation of diagonal tension strength (ft) and shear modulus (G), besides tests on constituent materials i.e. brick units: for unit compression strength, water absorption and initial rate of absorption and mortar: for compression strength (fm). The testing is performed using the standard testing procedures: ASTM E-519-02 (2002) for wallet tests, EN 1052-3 (2002) for triplet tests, ASTM C67-06 (2006) for masonry unit tests, ASTM C109/C109M-08 (2008) for mortar compression tests and ASTM C-1314-07 (2007) for masonry compression tests. Three types of mortar are considered; cement-sand mortar (CS), cementsand-khaka mortar (CSK), cement-khaka mortar (CK). The mortars are considered with 12 various mix proportions (four cases for each mortar type). The motivation towards investigating masonry in CSK and CK mortar is that they produce relatively 2 Experimental Investigation of Clay Fired Brick Masonry in most of the construction works are investigated. Four cases for each mortar type are considered with mix proportions of 1:4, 1:6, 1:8 and 1:10 for CS and CK mortars; and 1:2:2, 1:3:3, 1:4:4 and 1:5:5 for CSK mortar. Gradation tests are performed on both sand and khaka constituents, see Figure 2 which revealed a relatively fine graded aggregate contents of khaka. Gradation Profile of Sand & Khaka 100 Percent Cummulative passing more workable and economical mortars for masonry construction (Naeem et al., 1996); It is essential to understand their impact on the mechanical properties of masonry. Empirical relationships are developed to relate the basic mechanical properties of masonry with mortar strength, mortar constituents and mix ratio. Also, an attempt is made to correlate the mechanical parameters with each other. These relationships can provide a useful means for future applications in the design and verification studies of masonry construction. 2.1 Experimental Tests Program 80 Sand Khaka 60 40 20 0 2.2 Tests on Masonry Constituents Material 2.2.1 Masonry Unit Tests Per ASTM C-67-06 The present study has focused on investigating masonry of solid clay fired brick masonry units, common in various parts of Pakistan, which can also be found in other South Asian countries like India, Iran, Bangladesh, among others. The tests on brick units included water absorption test (on nine samples), initial rate of absorption (IRA) test (on five samples), compressive strength test (on nine samples). The results of the experiments showed unit water absorption of 19.3% (COV 4.23%); IRA of 82.20 gm/min/30inch2 (COV 18.21%); compressive strength of 16.91 Mpa (COV 22.89%). The water absorption capacity which is less than 20% indicates a good quality of the unit. The IRA of unit which is greater than 30gm/min/30inch2 indicates that it must be wetted well before employing in the construction of masonry works. 2.2.2 Mortar Tests Per ASTM C109/C109M-08 Various types of mortars investigated in the present study included CS, CSK and CK mortars. The addition of khaka to the ordinary CS mortar produces more workable and economical mortar for brick masonry construction (Naeem et al., 1996). Chemical analysis on khaka shows 95% of CaCo3 content (Naeem et al., 1996). In the present study, the mix proportions of mortar constituents as found 4 16 28 40 52 Sieve No. 64 76 88 100 Figure 2 Gradation profile of sand and khaka constituent employed for mortar preparation. Mortar cubes of size 50mmx50mm were prepared for the aforementioned mortar types and tested after 28 days for compression strength. A total of 108 mortar cubes (nine samples for each mix proportion) were tested. Figure 3 shows the mean estimated compressive strength of each mortar cubes (four cases for each mortar types). Compressive Strength (MPa) The experimental program for mechanical characterization of masonry included tests on masonry units, mortar, masonry prisms, masonry triplets and masonry wallets. The tests are performed at the Material Testing Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department of UET Peshawar, Pakistan. The following sections briefly elaborate each of the tests. 30 CS CK CSK 25 20 15 10 5 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 Mortar Mix-Ratio Figure 3 Mean compressive strength of mortar cubes, 28-days. CS represents cement-sand mortar, CSK represents cementsand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. Generally, the strength of mortar decreased with increasing the mix-ratio. The experiments indicated that the addition of khaka to ordinary mortar increases the strength of mortar. On an average the strength is increased by 72 percent for CK mortar and 50 percent for CSK mortar. 2.3 Tests on Masonry Assemblages 2.3.1 Masonry Triplets Tests Per EN-1052-3 The triplet tests were performed on masonry assemblages composed of three bricks using the EN-1052-3 testing setup (Figure 4). The top and bottom brick units were clamped whereas the central unit was subjected to horizontal loading. Two cases for pre-compression (250kg and 500kg) were considered whereby the prism is loaded at the top. masonry: parameters employed in the MohrCoulomb shear strength model. c (1) where τ represents the in-plane shear stress, c represents the shear strength at zero precompression; µ represents the coefficient of friction; σ represents the pre-compression stress on the prism. A total of 96 prism samples (eight samples prepared for each mix proportion of each mortar type) were tested. P Elevation Side View Perspective view Figure 4 Triplet test specimen and loading setup per EN-1052-3. The testing provides estimates of the shear strength (bond strength) and friction coefficient of the CS CK CSK 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 (Masonry Bond Strength) 1.2 CS shows the mean shear strength and CK the 1 corresponding friction coefficient observed CSK for each mortar type. On average, the addition of khaka 0.8 to0.6 the ordinary mortar increased the strength by 40 percent for CK mortar type and 22 percent for CSK 0.4 mortar type whereas the friction coefficient is increased by 20 percent for CK mortar type and 2 0.2 percent for CSK mortar type. Figure 5 Friction Coefficient Shear Strength (MPa) 0.4 0.35 0 1:5:5 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 Mortar Mix-Ratio 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 Mortar Mix-Ratio CS CK CSK 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 CS CK CSK 1.2 Friction Coefficient Shear Strength (MPa) 0.4 0.35 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 Mortar Mix-Ratio Mortar Mix-Ratio (Masonry Bond Strength) (Friction Coefficient) Figure 5 Observations made from the Triplet tests. From left to right: masonry bond strength (shear strength at zero pre-compression) and friction coefficient. CS represents cement-sand mortar, CSK represents cement-sand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. It is worth to mention that for the estimation of lateral in-plane shear strength of wall a correction factor is employed to the Mohr-Coulomb parameters i.e. c & µ. It is due to the fact that these parameters are obtained from tests at local level. Their correction for strength evaluation of walls is essential (Magenes and Calvi, 1997). k (2) 1 1 2 y x where k represents the correction factor; ∆x represents the length of the brick unit, 230mm in the present study; ∆y represents the height of the brick unit, 70mm in the present study; µ represents the friction coefficient. The new parameters can be calculated then as follow: cnew = c×k & µnew = µ×k. 2.3.2 Masonry Wallets Tests Per ASTM E-519-2 Tests on masonry panels (wallets) of size 690mmx690mm with 230mm thickness were prepared in English masonry bond pattern. Tests were performed on panels for the estimation of diagonal tension strength of masonry. The testing setup was designed as per the ASTM E-519-2 recommendations (see Figure 6). Linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) were installed, both on each horizontal and vertical directions to measure the mean horizontal and mean vertical deformation of the specimen during loading. present study to estimate the diagonal tensile strength of tested wallets. ft (3) 0.5P t l1 l 2 where ft represents the diagonal tensile strength; P represents the peak vertical loading; t represents the thickness of the specimen; l1 and l2 represent the length of sides of the specimen. A total of 48 wallet samples (four samples prepared for each mix proportion of each mortar type) were tested. Figure 6 Diagonal tension test setup per ASTM E-519-2. Figure 7 reports the mean diagonal tensile strength of tested masonry wallets for each mortar type. It can be observed from the typical damage pattern that the crack developed upon failure follows bed and head joints of masonry. It is an indication that the strength is largely contributed by the masonry mortar and mortar-brick interface bond strength. Thus, the use of various mortar types will affect the tensile strength of masonry wallets. This test setup is generally interpreted for diagonal tensile strength evaluation based on the consideration that the specimen is subjected to pure shear, the specimen is cracked when the principal stress at the center of the panel becomes equal to the tensile strength of masonry (ASTM E519-02; RILEM, 1994). However, it is urged based on numerical and analytical studies that the specimen in reality is not subjected to uniform and homogenous state of stresses. Because of this the specimen is not under pure shear (Brignola et al., 2009; Frocht, 1931; Magenes et al., 2010). On average the addition of khaka to the ordinary mortar increases the diagonal tension strength by 110 percent for CK mortar type and 93 percent for CSK mortar type. Diagonal Tensile Strength (MPa) The analytical formula recently proposed and employed by Magenes et al. (2010) is used in the 2 CS CK CSK 1.5 1 0.5 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 Mortar Mix-Ratio Figure 7 Diagonal Tension strength of masonry wallets. From left to right: typical damage mechanism of one of the representative samples and mean estimates of masonry diagonal tensile strength for each mortar type. CS represents cement-sand mortar, CSK represents cementsand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. The diagonal tension strength is also interpreted to estimate the shear rigidity i.e. shear modulus, of masonry material using the ASTM procedure, which is employed and recommended for shear modulus estimation (Magenes et al., 2010). G (4) where 0.707 P0.33Pmax t l1 l 2 0.707 P0.05Pmax t l1 l 2 V H V H g g 0.33Pmax 0.05Pmax where G represents the shear modulus; τ represents the shear stress; γ represents the corresponding shear strain; Pmax represents the peak vertical load at failure; ∆V & ∆H represent the vertical and horizontal deformation in the vertical and horizontal LVDT’s, respectively; g represents the gauge length of either of the LVDTs. The above equation (4) is meant to obtain the shear modulus as the slope of the shear stress-strain curve between the two specified points when the loading reaches 5 percent of the peak load and 33 percent of peak load i.e. the slope of stress-strain curve between 5 percent and 33 percent of peak load. Other parameters are defined earlier. Figure 8 reports the mean shear modulus of the masonry wallets obtained for each mortar types. Masonry Shear Modulus (MPa) 300 CS CK CSK 250 200 where fm (MPa) represents the compressive strength of mortar, Additionally, constrained regression analysis is performed whereby the power of fm is kept 0.60 and 1.0, in order to possibly further simplify the above equation. 150 100 c 0.0337 f m 0.60 (6) c 0.014 f m (7) 50 0 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:2:2 1:3:3 1:4:4 1:5:5 Mortar Mix-Ratio On average, the addition of khaka to the ordinary mortar increases the shear stiffness (shear modulus) by 91 percent for CK mortar type and 90 percent for CSK mortar type. 3 Simplified Empirical Relationships for Masonry Mechanical Properties The basic mechanical properties (masonry bond strength and diagonal tensile strength) obtained experimentally for each mortar types are correlated with the mortar compressive strength to establish simplified relationships for future applications. Furthermore, correlation is performed between the mechanical properties (bond strength and coefficient of friction) and mortar types and mix proportion. Additionally, correlation is performed between various mechanical properties (bond strength to tension strength, compressive strength to tensile strength, Young modulus to shear modulus) to provide easy means for estimation and conversion of masonry mechanical properties. These relationships can be used for future applications given either of the information on the mortar strength or type and constituents. 3.1 Mortar Strength to Masonry Mechanical Properties 3.1.1 Mortar Strength to Masonry Bond Strength For each mortar type, the mean bond strength obtained is correlated with the mean compressive strength of mortar. Nonlinear regression analysis is performed and empirical relationship is established between mortar strength and masonry bond strength through best fitting. The following relationship is developed. c 0.0326 f m 0.6633 (5) Either of the above equation may be employed, for most of the practical cases, to obtain the masonry bond strength given the mortar compressive strength. Figure 9 shows the experimentally obtained data employed for correlating the bond strength to mortar strength and possible best fitting through regression (unconstrained and constrained) analysis. 0.4 Masonry Shear Strength (MPa) Figure 8 Shear modulus of the wallets obtained through diagonal tension test on masonry wallets. CS represents cementsand mortar, CSK represents cement-sand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. Constraint Regression c = 0.014fm 0.35 0.3 Unconstraint Regression c = 0.0326f0.6633 m 0.25 0.2 0.15 Constraint Regression c = 0.0337f0.60 m 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mortar Compressive Strenght (MPa) Figure 9 Masonry bond strength (shear strength) to mortar compression strength. 3.1.2 Mortar Strength to Masonry Diagonal Tension Strength For each mortar type, the mean masonry diagonal tension strength is correlated with the mean compressive strength of mortar. Nonlinear regression analysis is performed and empirical relationship is established between the mortar compressive strength and diagonal tensile strength through best fitting. The following relationship is developed. f t 0.11f m 0.8281 (8) The above Equation 8 is found to provide higher estimate of diagonal tension strength for CS mortar type (see Figure 10). Thus additionally constraint regression analysis is performed for CS mortar type only whereby the power of mortar compression strength fm is kept 0.80, in order to establish relationship between CS mortar strength and masonry diagonal tension strength. f t 0.07 f m For each mortar type, the mean masonry bond strength and friction coefficient, parameters c & µ employed in Equation (1), are correlated with the mortar constituents proportion (mainly sand, khaka, and sand-khaka). Linear regression analysis is performed and empirical relationships are established between the mortar constituents proportion and shear strength parameters of masonry. Each mortar type is considered separately. The following relationships are developed for c & µ of the Mohr-Coulomb strength law for considered mortar types. (9) 0.80 The above equation (8) may be employed for CK and CSK mortar type to obtain the masonry diagonal tensile strength given the mortar compressive strength. Equation (9) can be employed for masonry in case when CS mortar is used in the construction work. reports the experimentally obtained data employed for correlating the masonry diagonal tension strength to mortar compressive strength and possible best fitting through regression (unconstrained and constraint) analysis. Figure 10 Diagonal Tensile Strength (MPa) 2 Bond Strength: c 0.3344 0.0269 S , c 0.2806 0.0147 K , c 0.4268 0.0356 SK , CK and CSK Mortar 1.5 Friction Coefficient: 0.31 0.03S , 0.80 0.04K , 0.17 0.05SK , Unconstraint Regression ft = 0.11f0.8281 m 1 Constraint Regression ft = 0.07f0.80 m 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mortar Compressive Strenght (MPa) Figure 10 Masonry diagonal tension strength to mortar compression strength. CS represents cement-sand mortar, CSK represents cement-sand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. 3.2 Mortar Type and Mix Proportion to Masonry Mechanical Properties 3.2.1 Mortar Type and Mix Proportion to Masonry Bond Strength and Friction Coefficient 0.35 CSK Mortar c = 0.4268-0.0356SK 0.3 (13) (14) (15) CK – Mortar CSK – Mortar CK Mortar c = 0.2806-0.0147K 0.25 0.2 0.15 CS Mortar c = 0.3344-0.0269S 0.1 CS Mortar = 0.31+0.03S 0.8 Friction Coefficient Masonry Shear Strength (MPa) CS – Mortar 1 0.4 0.6 0.4 CSK Mortar = 0.17+0.05SK 0.2 0.05 0 CSK – Mortar (10) (11) (12) In the above equations, S represents the proportion of sand for unit cement proportion in CS mortar; K represents the proportion of khaka for unit cement proportion in CK mortar; SK represents the combined proportion of sand-khaka for unit cement proportion in CSK mortar considering that sand and khaka are employed in equal proportion. Figure 11 reports the experimentally obtained data employed for correlating the masonry shear strength parameters to mortar constituent for considered mortar types and possible best fitting through linear regression analysis. The horizontal axis of the Figure 11 represents the proportion of sand to cement for CS mortar; khaka to cement for CK mortar and combined khaka-sand (added being equally) proportion to cement for CSK mortar. CS Mortar 0.5 CS – Mortar CK – Mortar 2 4 6 8 10 Sand/Khaka/Sand-Khaka to Mortar Proportion 12 0 2 4 6 8 CK Mortar = 0.80-0.04K 10 12 Sand/Khaka/Sand-Khaka to Mortar Proportion Figure 11 Masonry shear strength parameters to mortar types and mix proportion. From left to right: masonry bond strength and friction coefficient employed in Mohr-Coulomb strength model. CS represents cement-sand mortar, CSK represents cement-sand-khaka mortar and CK represents cement-khaka mortar. The above equations may be employed to estimate the masonry shear strength given the type of mortar (i.e. mortar constituents), and mix proportion. It is worth to mention that these parameters are obtained at local level and will require to be modified by the Mann and Muller (1982) correction factor k i.e. Equation (2) before employing them in shear strength evaluation of masonry wall (Magenes and Calvi, 1997). 3.3 Correlating Masonry Mechanical Properties 3.3.1 Masonry Compressive Strength to Masonry Diagonal Tension Strength The above equation may be employed for most practical cases to obtain the masonry shear modulus given the masonry Young modulus. The condition, E>1000 (MPa) given alongside the equation is again essential to avoid any unrealistic estimate of shear modulus. report the experimentally obtained data employed for correlating the masonry shear modulus to masonry Young modulus and possible best fitting through linear unconstraint regression analysis. The figure also shows the code specified relationships e.g. the EC6 specified like most of the building codes, for masonry which in the present case seems to provide a very higher estimate of the shear modulus for a specified value of masonry Young modulus. Figure 13 The mean masonry compressive strength is correlated with the mean masonry diagonal tensile strength as elsewhere (Ali, 2006). Nonlinear regression analysis is performed and an empirical relationship is established between the masonry compressive strength and diagonal tensile strength through best fitting. The following relationship is developed. f mc 4.57 f t 0.30 where fmc represents the masonry compressive strength. The model can be employed to estimate the masonry compressive strength given the masonry diagonal tensile strength and vise versa. reports the experimentally obtained data employed for correlating the masonry diagonal tensile strength to masonry compressive strength and possible best fitting through nonlinear unconstrained regression analysis. Masonry Compressive Strength (MPa) Figure 12 8 1500 EC6 Specified G = 0.40E 1000 500 0 Unconstraint Regression G = 0.174E-137.21 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Masonry Diagonal Strength (MPa) Figure 13 Masonry Young modulus to shear modulus. 7 Unconstraint Regression fmc = 4.57 f0.30 t 6 5 4 Conclusions 4 3 2 1 0 Masonry Compressive Strength (MPa) (16) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Masonry Diagonal Strength (MPa) Figure 12 Masonry diagonal tension strength to masonry compression strength. 3.3.2 Masonry Young Modulus to Shear Modulus For each mortar type used herein, the mean masonry Young modulus is correlated with the mean shear modulus of masonry, in order to provide an easy means of converting elastic moduli of masonry. Linear regression analysis is performed and an empirical relationship is established between the masonry Young modulus and masonry shear modulus through best fitting. The following relationship is developed. G 0.174 E 137 .21 , E>1000 (MPa) (17) The paper presented the mechanical characterization of solid fired clay brick masonry through experimental investigation. Laboratory tests were performed on 108 mortar cubes, 96 masonry prisms for triplet tests, 48 masonry prisms for compression tests and 48 masonry wallets for diagonal tension tests. The effect of various mortar types (cement-sand CS, cement-khaka CK and cement-sand-khaka CSK) and mix proportion on the mechanical properties are investigated. Simplified relationships are developed to relate the mortar strength, mortar types and mix proportion with the masonry basic mechanical properties. The study provided tools essential within the context of assessment and design verification of masonry walls subjected to lateral loads. The relationships: mortar type and mix proportion to masonry bond strength and friction coefficient are first of its kind and of a great importance for practical applications. Masonry constructions common in Pakistan and which can also be found in neighboring countries (like India, Iran, Bangladesh among others) are considered in the present study. The following conclusions are drawn based on the experimental study. Given the mortar compression strength, the basic mechanical properties of masonry can be found as follow: Bond Strength = 0.0326×Mortar Strength0.6633 Diagonal Tension Strength = 0.11×Mortar Strength0.8281, for CK and CSK mortar Diagonal Tension Strength = 0.07×Mortar Strength0.80, for CS mortar Masonry Compression Strength = 4.57×Diagonal Tension Strength0.30 Masonry Young Modulus = 1790×Diagonal Tension Strength0.30 Masonry Shear Modulus = 175.06× Diagonal Tension Strength0.70 estimate for shear modulus for the considered masonry type. Given the mortar composition and mix ratio, the basic mechanical properties of masonry for Mohr-Coulomb relationship can be found as follow: Bond Strength: c 0.3344 0.0269 S for CS mortar c 0.2806 0.0147 K for CK mortar c 0.4268 0.0356 SK for CSK mortar 0.80 0.04K 0.17 0.05SK Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the reviewers for kindly providing constructive remarks which improved the presentation of the research work significantly. The first author gratefully acknowledges the support and financial assistance provided by the University of Engineering & Technology in the form of three years of study leave. He also wishes to place on record his gratitude to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan for providing the funds for this research under its Merit Scholarship scheme for PhD studies in Science and Technology. 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