IB1090908 Working for scale

IB1090908 Working for scale-homopteran products
February 6, 2009, pp. 118-127
1. True or false-All members of the suborder Homoptera are phytophagous.
2. How would you contrast the locomotory behaviors of species in the two major groups
of Homoptera, the Auchenorrhyncha and the Sternorrhyncha?
Auchenorrhyncha are active (jump or fly) leafhoppers, cicadas, and jumping plantlice.
Sternorrhyncha are sedentary (secrete body material) aphids, scale insects, mealybugs.
3. Ants are frequently found in association with homopterans, serving as pugnacious
bodyguards in exchange for honeydew
4. The vast majority of homopterans are economically harmful rather than beneficial.
How are homopterans harmful?
a. They suck blood and spread diseases among vertebrates
c. They sting
b. They suck plant sap and spread diseases among plants
d. All of the above.
5. Plant diseases transmitted by homopterans are of two types: some are circulative while
others are non-circulative (stylet-borne).
6a. What type of insects act as vectors for alfalfa dwarf, aster yellows, and Pierce's
disease? leafhoppers
b. What type of insects act as vectors for sugarcane mosaic and carrot redleaf virus?
7. What species of homopteran new to California is presenting a threat to California
vineyards? Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
8. Asian psyllid, vector of citrus greening disease, is a threat to citrus in
a. Florida
b. California
c. Florida and California
8. What characteristic of the Sternorrhyncha has made many species economically
beneficial? Body Armor
9. What is the etymological origin of the common name of Laccifer lacca, the lac insect?
From Sanskrit lakh, meaning 100,000
10. What's the approximate male: female sex ratio in lac scale populations?
a. 1:1
b. 1:5
c. 1:500
d. 1:5000
11. What happens to male lac scale insects during "pseudopupation"?
They gain eyes and legs
12. List four properties of lac that make it a useful material:
a. thermoplastic b. forms films readily c. adheres well to many surfaces d. resistant to
solvents e. biodegradable f. resistant to UV light
13. In what order do the following steps take place in the production of lac?
14. List three important contemporary economic uses for shellac: pharmaceutical,
confection, hat stiffener, electrical, cosmetics, grinding wheels, wood sealent/floor polish,
leather finish, playing card finish
Historically, the most important use for shellac was in making records
15. Match the geographical area with the homopteran of economic importance:
a. lac scale -3
b. cochineal scale -2
c. manna scale -1
1. Middle East
2. Mexico
3. India
16. Match the host plant with the homopteran of economic importance:
a. lac scale -3
1. prickly pear cactus
b. cochineal scale -1
2. tamarisk tree
c. manna scale -2
3. fig and banyan trees
17a. The cochineal scale Dactylopius coccus displays neoteny in the course of its
development. Define the term neoteny. Retention of immature characteristics in adult
b. What's the function of carminic acid in the life of the cochineal scale? Defensive
compound (bitter tasting).
c. According to Snopes.com, to what order does cochineal belong? Is this correct?
Coleoptera (beetles). NO this is incorrect.
18a. What is a mordant? A fixative
b. What mordant was commonly used by the Aztecs in combination with cochineal?
19. List two contemporary uses for cochineal
a. Food Dye
b. Cosmetic Dye
20. Why do some Orthodox rabbis feel that lipstick containing cochineal is unkosher?
Insects other than locusts are not Kosher.
Why do some Orthodox rabbis feel that use of lipstick containing cochineal doesn’t
violate kosher laws? The insect isn’t eaten
What other insect product is often found in kosher lipstick? Beeswax
21. Identify two words that describe colors that owe their etymological origin to insects:
a.crimson – Sanskrit – “worm”
b.carmine – Arabic “worm”
c. vermillion – little worm
22.Trabutina mannipara is a source of
a. dye
c. food
b. varnish
d. wax
23. What is one characteristic of Biblical manna that might lead one to believe it is the
honeydew of Trabutina mannipara? Location, timing, accumulate at night, taste sweet,
24. Ornate pit scales have been used as chewing gum, soft scales as a source of fuel for
burning, and ground pearls or giant scales as necklace beads
25. In addition to products, homopterans also provide useful services to humans. What
useful service does the cochineal scale provide with respect to its host the prickly-pear
cactus? Biocontrol