Grade 11 World Religions ISP: RESEARCH ESSAY Rationale The purpose of the essay is to write an analytical and argumentative essay based on a theological topic of your choice. You will defend your argument/stance in light of at least one of the world’s faith traditions. This assignment will give you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of a selected area relating to world theology. Notes on Format Your research paper is to be written in a formal, academic style. The third person narrative is the only acceptable style. Therefore, no “I” or “me” or “you” should be anywhere in your essay! Your essay must be written in proper English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, language and paragraphing errors will be assessed. Your essay must be written in your own words, Information must not be simply 'lifted' or copied from your sources. Summarize and paraphrase the ideas and identify the sources even if you have modified the wording. Give the sources of quotations. BE FOREWARNED; PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN A MARK OF “ZERO” CRITERIA FOR ESSAY: Essay Style Guide- MLA format from Student Handbook Essay will be approximately 1000 words in length (3-4 pages) Essay must be typed, using standard-sized paper, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with standard borders all around. Essay must have a cover page with ONLY the following: title of essay; student name; teacher’s name; course code; date (no images or pictures) Essay must have a finalized works cited page at the end of your essay SUBMISSION DATES FOR CHECKPOINT #1 AND FINAL ESSAY: You will submit a completed Checkpoint #1 on __________________________ Your final essay submission is due: ___________________________________ ASSESSMENT: This is your ISP for this course, Worth 10% of Your Final Grade. Checkpoint #1 will be worth – 10 MARKS Final Submission – 40 MARKS (Formal Essay Rubric) Topic Selection: Students will select a theme from the topic list below and construct a thesis that will defend an argument and analyze at least ONE major world religion. Topic / Theme: Marytrs Pilgrimage / Holy Places Religious Holidays Religious wars /conflicts Science and Religion Missionaries Art / architecture *Other – see teacher for approval Gender Roles Influential figures Sacred Texts Religious Conversion Cults Genocide Beliefs: Heaven/Hell, Reincarnation…etc. Checkpoint #1 Name: PART ONE: TOPIC SELECTION TOPIC:___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Via what religion(s) will you base your argument? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. In bibliography format, list at least 3 sources from a variety of resources that you have consulted (book, internet, article, encyclopedia etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ PART TWO: Thesis and Introductory Paragraph Formation 1. Write your proposed introductory paragraph, including thesis statement Thesis & Intro. Paragraph Checklist: Is the thesis in ONE sentence? Is the thesis arguable? (takes one side of an issue) Does your introductory paragraph include 3 areas of focus for substantiating your thesis? Does your introductory paragraph read well, effectively building towards your final sentence (or thesis)? Thesis Examples: 1. Education in world religions is integral to reducing racism in society because it will eliminate stereotypes, promote diversity and create religious tolerance. 2. Aboriginal Spirituality in North America is alive and well, as can be witnessed by the various organized ritual celebrations, the increasing number of localized aboriginal success stories and the past is passionately alive in the present moment. 3. Celebrating the traditional meaning of Christmas is easier than one would think, it only calls for us to, look closer at the life and message of Christ, develop a heightened awareness of the gift we have in family and friends and to atone for sins of humanity. 4. Making religious pilgrimages are growing in popularity; this can especially be seen in both the Christian, Hindu and Islamic faith traditions. Your Proposed Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Assessment Rubric: Formal Essay (Academic-Research) CRITERIA LEVEL 2 (6) LEVEL 3 (7) LEVEL 4 (8-10) -Ideas & themes do not flow in logical succession. -Paragraph’s do not include topic sentence and supported discussion. -Weak sentence structure throughout. -Ideas/themes flow some-what in logical succession. -Paragraph’s usually include topic sentence & supported discussion. -Acceptable sentence structure throughout. -Ideas & themes flow in logical succession. -Paragraph’s include a topic sentence and supported discussion. -adequate sentence structure throughout. -Ideas & themes flow effectively in logical succession. -Paragraph’s always include a topic sentence and supported discussion. -Good sentence structure. -Unclear or no statement of thesis. -Little evidence/research supporting thesis. -Little depth and/or detail in discussion -Vaguely stated thesis. -Some evidence/ research supporting thesis. -Some depth and/or detail shown in discussion. -Clear statement of thesis. -Good evidence/ research supporting thesis. -Good depth and/or detail shown in discussion. -Clear and concise statement of thesis. -Excellent evidence supporting thesis. -Excellent depth and detail shown in discussion. Language Conventions *Spelling *Grammar *Punctuation Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with limited accuracy & effectiveness. Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with some accuracy & effectiveness. Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with considerable accuracy & effectiveness. Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy & effectiveness. Assignment/Activity Expectations *Essay Form *Proper Referencing *Length Requirements *Timely Submission -Weak command of essay form (intro, body, and conclusion). -Works not cited or not cited properly. -Inadequate length. -Late submission. -Acceptable command of essay form (intro, body, and conclusion). -Works vaguely cited or not cited properly. -Acceptable length. -Acceptable submission. -Good command of essay form (intro, body, and conclusion). -Works have been cited properly. -Adequate in length. -Timely submission. -Excellent command of essay form (intro, body, and conclusion). -Works clearly and correctly cited. -Good length. -Timely submission. Organization of Thoughts *Ideas & Themes Flow in Logical Succession *Paragraph Organization *Sentence Structure Content *Clearly Stated Thesis *Relevant Evidence Supporting Thesis *Depth/Detail shown in Discussion LEVEL 1 Mark (0-5) Checkpoint 1: /10 Essay: /40 Total: /50 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT /10 (Communication) /10 (Thinking/Inquiry) /10 (Application) /10 (Knowledge & Understanding)