Early Years Foundation Stage Personal Education Plan 2015–2016 0–4 Years My name is Alex My setting is Tree Tops Nursery I am 2½ years old This is a photo of me Cumbria County Council Personal Education Plans and Guidance can be accessed at: www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/ils/vselt/peps.asp Cumbria County Council To be completed at the PEP meeting Details of the joint PEP meeting The PEP meeting was held 3/11/2015 Time 10am Present Role Mrs Judith Allen Miss Parsons Mrs March Miss Poole Carer Social Worker Manager Tree Tops Nursery Key Worker Apologies were received from: The next meeting will be held 26/4/16 Time 10am Present Role Confidential Miss Parsons Mrs March Miss Poole Lynn Johnston Prospective Adopted Mum Social Worker Manager Tree Tops Nursery Key Worker Adoption social worker Apologies were received from: Date of PEP meeting for next academic year TBC TBC Time Pupil Premium and the PEP: Children Looked After aged 3 and 4 are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium funding. The allocation will be dependent on the number of hours the child attends the provision. Up to £300 is available. This will be allocated in two separate collections, up to £100 for the summer term and up to £200 for the Autumn/Spring terms combined. If the child is eligible, complete page 15 of the document. 2 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage To be completed before the PEP meeting These are photos of things I like to do cumbria.gov.uk 3 Cumbria County Council To be completed before the PEP meeting Rhymes, stories and games that I enjoy Write in the boxes or put in the photographs of what the child enjoys: Alex likes running! He likes running on the beach, in the fields and in the park! He likes to play hide and seek Alex’s favourite story is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ Alex enjoys the swings and roundabouts in the park. Alex is beginning to get use to the sounds and smell of the local swimming pool. He is being very brave when we take him for a look around the pool. Alex now enjoys “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” “Where’s Spot” and “Dear Zoo” Alex likes dancing to: Row, row row, your boat Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream Alex likes being tickled when we say these rhymes: “Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down. Hickory Dickory Dock!” “Round and round the garden, Like a Teddy Bear. One step, two step, Tickle you under there!” He laughs when we sing “If you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream – Ahhh” 4 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage To be completed before the PEP meeting Characteristics of learning Playing and exploring Alex loves to play outside and explore his surroundings with adults and peers. He always chooses to take part in physical play outside and loves to use the bikes, trikes and scooter. He demonstrates a positive ‘can do’ attitude. Active learning Alex loves being involved in physical activities. With adult support he can sustain attention for a short span of time at the activity table. He can become very involved with the mechanics of the outside toys. Creating and thinking critically Alex skills are still developing in this area. He is beginning to make sense of the world around him and he is gradually developing his understanding by processing repeated experiences. cumbria.gov.uk 5 Cumbria County Council To be completed before the PEP meeting I can do these things The prime areas Communication and language Alex listens to stories with increasing attention and recall. He joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. Personal, social and emotional development Physical development Alex demonstrates a sense of self as an individual, e.g. he wants to do things independently and says “No” to adult. Alex climbs confidently and is beginning to pull himself up on nursery play climbing equipment. He can kick a large ball and he loves to run! Specific areas Literacy Alex has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles. He repeats words or phrases from familiar stories. Alex can join in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events. Understanding the world Alex enjoys pictures and stories about himself and other people. In pretend play he imitates everyday actions and events from his own background e.g. making and drinking juice. 6 Serving the people of Cumbria Mathematics Alex organises and categorises objects, e.g. he puts all the teddy bears together or teddies and cars in separate piles. Alex can select a small number of objects from a group when asked, for example, ‘please give me one’, ‘please give me two’. Expressive arts and design Alex joins in singing his favourite songs. He creates sounds by banging, shaking, tapping or blowing musical instruments. He shows an interest in the way musical instruments sound. Early Years Foundation Stage To be completed before the PEP meeting Next steps / Action plan 3/11/2015 The prime areas Communication and language To understand more complex sentences, e.g. ‘Put your toys away and then we’ll read a book.’ Personal, social and emotional development Physical development To separate from his main carer with support and encouragement from a familiar adult. To shows control in holding and using the following: jugs to pour, hammers to bang, turning pages in books and markmaking tools. Specific areas Literacy To fill in the missing word or phrase in a known rhyme, story or game, e.g. ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on a …’. To handles books carefully. Mathematics To recites some number names in sequence. To uses some language of quantities, such as ‘more’ and ‘a lot’ To hold books the correct way up and turn the pages Understanding the world To remember where objects belong. To enjoy playing with small-world models such as a farm, a garage, or a train track. Expressive arts and design To experiments with blocks, colours and marks. To begin to be interested in and describe the texture of things. To operate mechanical toys, e.g. turn the knob on a wind-up toy or pull back on a friction car. cumbria.gov.uk 7 Cumbria County Council To be completed before the PEP meeting Review: Now I can The prime areas Communication and language Alex is beginning to understand complex sentences and he is beginning to understand simple concepts such as big and little. Personal, social and emotional development Physical development Alex continues to need support in separating from main carer with support and encouragement from a familiar adult. Alex shows more control in pouring liquids from jugs and other containers. He enjoys hammering and turning pages in a book. He continues to need support and encouragement in mark making Specific areas Literacy Alex enjoys rhyming and rhythmic activities. He joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. Understanding the world Alex enjoys playing with the small-world models and makes the appropriate sounds for the train, car and animals. He can become very absorbed in turning the wheels on the small world bikes and spinning toys. 8 Serving the people of Cumbria Mathematics Alex likes to run after counting to three. He joins in with “One, two three Go!” When playing with a group of objects he is beginning to make comparisons between quantities. Expressive arts and design Alex likes to build towers with the blocks. With adult support he is encouraged to explore textures and colours. He does not like rough or sticky surfaces. Early Years Foundation Stage To be completed before the PEP meeting Next steps / Action plan 26/4/16 The prime areas Communication and language To listen to others one to one or in small groups, when a conversation interests him. Personal, social and emotional development Physical development Alex will be encouraged to have a go at activities which use three finger (tripod grip) such as playing with pegs and large tweezers to pick up objects. To seek comfort from familiar adults when needed. Specific areas Literacy To recognise familiar words and signs such as his own name and the Tree Tops badge. Understanding the world Alex will be encouraged to talk about things he observes such as plants, animals and nature. He will be going to the animal farm park and will have lots of opportunity to talk about the things he sees. Mathematics To select a small number of objects from a group when asked, for example ‘Please give me one’ or ‘please give me two’. Expressive arts and design Alex will be encouraged to use his experience at the animal farm park to sing songs, engage in imaginative play and capture his experiences in a range of materials. cumbria.gov.uk 9 Cumbria County Council This is how I am getting on at home This is what I think: Alex says he likes being with Judith. Review Alex says he likes being with his forever Mummy and Daddy. My carer says: Alex has settled into a good routine at home. He has a good appetite and enjoys sitting with the rest of the family at meal times. He enjoys having ducks in the bath, but does not like bubbles. Review It is wonderful having Alex in our home. He enjoys the large garden to run around in and he is beginning to sleep through the night now. My social worker says: It is lovely to see Alex so happy. He is now in a good routine at home and his needs are being met. Review Alex has settled in well with his forever Mummy and Daddy. It is wonderful to see his happy smile. He is a very happy and special boy. Anyone else? Review 10 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage Good news about me from my setting This is what I think: Review When Alex is in Nursery he says that he likes it. Alex continues to like Nursery. My key person says: Once Alex is in Nursery he loves to explore and play, especially in the outdoor area. He is very energetic and is less enthusiastic to sit at an activity. He can become absorbed in a story that he likes and that he is familiar with. Review Alex has been able to talk to me about living with his forever Mummy and Daddy. He is beginning to turn to other adults in Nursery for help and support. My carer says: Miss Poole has been very helpful and understanding when I bring Alex to Nursery. With help and support he is getting better at me leaving him with her. I am very pleased with the progress Alex is making. Review Miss Poole has been very supportive in moving house and moving to his forever family. It is wonderful to see all the activities and experiences that are available in the Nursery. My social worker says It is brilliant to see Alex joining in with activities with other children. He is making good progress. Well done Alex! Review Staff at the Nursery have been brilliant over the last few months in helping Alex move to his forever family. It is great to see how the routines in Nursery have helped him with the changes he has made. cumbria.gov.uk 11 Cumbria County Council Learning and development summary Two Year old check Date of check 1/10/2014 Underline the appropriate age band for the two year old check. For children of other ages attach the progress summary used in your setting to the PEP. Communication and language: Listening and attention; understanding; speaking Alex communicates confidently with adults and children and he is acquiring new words all the time. Listening and attention Understanding 0–11 0–11 8–20 8–20 16–26 16–26 22–36 22–36 30–50 30–50 40–60+ 40–60+ Speaking 0–11 8–20 16–26 22–36 30–50 40–60+ Personal, social and emotional development: Self confidence and self-awareness; making relationships; managing feelings and behaviour Sometimes it can take a while for Alex to feel settled in Nursery. He can get upset and ne needs support to calm down if things don’t go his way. Self-confidence and self-awareness Making relationships Managing feelings and behaviour 0–11 0–11 0–11 8–20 8–20 8–20 16–26 16–26 16–26 22–36 22–36 22–36 30–50 30–50 30–50 40–60+ 40–60+ 40–60+ 22–36 22–36 30–50 30–50 40–60+ 40–60+ Physical development: Moving and handling; health and self-care Physical skills are developing well. He enjoys running and being outside. Moving and handling Health and self-care 0–11 0–11 8–20 8–20 16–26 16–26 Characteristics of learning: Playing and exploring; active learning; creating and thinking critically Alex is keen to explore and especially likes being outside. He can become very involved with the mechanics of the outside toys and he is beginning to make sense of the world around him. Next steps to support learning and development Continue to support Alex’s language development through activities and during daily routines in order to build his vocabulary further. Continue to offer a range of physical opportunities to build confidence and introduce mathematical concepts in a practical way. Carers / parents comments The plan for Alex is adoption and he is only in my care for a short time. This may be why he is clingy when I bring him to Nursery. We know he loves coming to Nursery. 12 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage People who help me Judith Miss Poole Mrs March Additional needs If there are additional needs, what are they? Alex has a chromosome abnormality which may or may not affect his development. Doctors say that due to a lack of medical research in this area it is not fully understood how this may affect Alex’s development. Nursery has been made aware of this condition. What will happen now to meet those needs? Alex has undergone tests at the hospital and his progress is being monitored. Name of Key Person: Miss Poole Copy of Learning Journey / IEP report attached: No Supporting services Name Role Service offered or accessed Date Dr Green Specialist consultant Assessment monitoring October 2013 and ongoing cumbria.gov.uk 13 Cumbria County Council Additional needs review What help has been received since my last PEP meeting? Alex’s adopted parents have met with Dr Green who talked to them about the chromosome abnormality. At the moment Alex is developing at the expected level of progress for his age. How has it helped? Dr Green reassured the adopted parents and ongoing assessments at the Nursery have reassured them that Alex is making the expected level of development. What will happen now? Alex will be monitored in line with all children. Any additional comments/information? 14 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage Pupil Premium Action Plan Children Looked After aged 3 and 4 are eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium. Use this page to record Pupil Premium spend and its impact if the child is eligible. Identified need and targeted objective Specific actions / interventions planned Who will do this / start date To improve fine motor skills and concentration. To purchase toys to develop fine motor control, sorting skills and hand eye coordination e.g. Tweezer Tongs Colour Sorting Kit Super Sorting Pie Miss Poole To purchase Empathy Dolls and books to help Alex express his feelings and to support home/school links Miss Poole To separate from his main carer with support and encouragement from a familiar adult. Using the Empathy Dolls Approach (Early Years Library)Paperback– 31 Dec 2009 Early talkers box set 50 Fantastic ideas for Exploring Emotions (50 Fantastic Things)Paperback– 26 Cost of intervention / provision Actual outcomes achieved / impact of intervention Alex’s fine motor skills are improving. He uses a pincer grip in many more activities now. £30 £25 £200 £15 £20 £10 Alex is gradually separating from his carers with more confidence. He is able to use his words more to express how he is feeling rather than crying and clinging to his carers. The adoptive parents have appreciated the help and support from staff. They have benefitted from reading the books. Sep 2013 Kirstine Beeley(Author) cumbria.gov.uk 15 Cumbria County Council Contact information At the review, please ensure any changes that may have occurred since the first PEP meeting have been noted in this section. Complete at first PEP meeting Complete at PEP review if changes have occurred Carer Name: Mrs Judith Allen Tel: 01228 123654 Address: 127 Mountbatten Way Carlisle Carer Name: Confidential (adopted placement) Tel: Nursery have contact details Address: Social worker Name: Miss Parsons Tel: 01228 789456 Address: 3 Alfred Street North Carlisle CA1 1PX Social worker Name: Tel: Address: Setting Name: Tree Tops Nursery Tel: 01228 654789 Address: 11 Branch Street Carlisle Setting Name: Tel: Address: Manager Name: Mrs March Tel: 01228 654789 Address: 11 Branch Street Carlisle Manager Name: Tel: Address: Key person Name: Miss Poole Contact details: as above Key person Name: Tel: Address: Designated Teacher for CLA/Practitioner Name: Mrs March Contact details: as above Designated Teacher for CLA/Practitioner Name: Tel: Address: 16 Serving the people of Cumbria Early Years Foundation Stage Complete at PEP review if changes have occurred Complete at first PEP meeting Emergency contact Name: Mrs Judith Allen Tel: 01228 123654 Address: 127 Mountbatten Way Carlisle Emergency contact Name: Confidential (adopted placement) Tel: Nursery have contact details Address: Any restrictions on contact? Supervised contact with birth Mum twice a week Any restrictions on contact? No contact with birth family. Who has parental responsibility? Local authority and birth Mum Who has parental responsibility? Local authority and birth Mum. When full adoption order is granted parental responsibility is with adopted parents. Birth parent contact (if applicable) Name: Any contact with birth Mum should be via social worker Tel: Address: Birth parent contact (if applicable) Name: Not applicable Tel: Address: Who should reports be sent to? Carers and social worker Who should reports be sent to? Adopted parents and social worker Parent/carer consultations will be attended by: Carers Parent/carer consultations will be attended by: Adopted parents Permission for trips will be given by: Carers Permission for trips will be given by: Adopted parents Social worker to upload PEP, once completed, onto ICS. cumbria.gov.uk 17