Faculty of Engineering Al-Isra University Master Program in Engineering Project Management (EPM) 2013/2014 Course Description 403721- Engineering Project Management: The Project Manager Nomination and Responsibilities; Development of Project work plan; task preparing, Advanced Techniques for Project Planning and Scheduling; Project Contracting and Delivering Strategies; The Project Progress Measurement and Project Tracking by using Earned Value Techniques; The Project Cost and Time Evaluation; Project Close out Procedures; the Management Skills for Engineering Projects. 403722- Management Information System (MIS): This unit will assist the student in understanding the challenges, opportunities and risks involved in information technology management. The unit introduces to management information systems foundations; current trends; MIS technology fundamentals; its applications to business functions and management practice and in an ethical manner. The impact of information technology on project management will be stressed since it affects the planning process. The unit will also cover various system applications for specific project and business functions and their importance to today's manager. The unit may conclude with student's MIS project relevant to the Jordanian market. It is expected that by the end of the unit student will have a solid foundation for making judgment on why and how to participate in MIS activities. 403723- Project Resource Management: Review of Project Management, Introduction: Preliminaries and definitions of resources in engineering projects, Resources for planning and scheduling projects. Illustrative examples and case-studies, Mathematical Analysis: CPM and PERT methods, Schedule compression- crashing, fast tracking and simulation, Resource leveling heuristic, Critical chain method, Schedule- updates, Baseline, resource baseline, new target schedules, Recourses allocation- Limiting assumptions, Risk assumptions, Recourses allocation methods, Resources-constrained projects, Multiple Project Resource Scheduling Problem: Using resource schedule to develop a project cost baseline, Multiple project resources optimization, Allocating Time and Resources in Project Management Under Uncertainty, Resource Planning and Resource Allocation in the construction Industry. 403724- Operations Research: This includes: Introduction and preliminaries, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Integer and Goal programming, Dynamic programming, Transportation problems, Assignment Problems, Queuing theory, Decision theory, Implementation of OR in Project management and Production scheduling. 403725- Applied Statistical Research: This course includes: Advanced analytical course in applied statistical methods: hypothesis test, multiple correlation and regression, T and F distributions, analysis of variance, planned comparisons and post HOC comparisons, analysis of covariance, and nonparametric techniques. Utilizing of SPSS statistical programming package. 403726- Advanced Transportation Management: This subject includes: The Metropolitan Problem and Planning Process, Data requirement, Sample Survey Theory for Planning, Travel and Transportation System, Demand and Supply Analysis, Trip Generation, Trip Distribution and Trip Assignment, Model Split and Demand Modeling, and Transportation System Management Strategies (TSM). 403728- Quality Management: The development of Total Quality Management concept; Total Quality Management Model and its application; The Historical Review of the Quality Management and Total Quality Management; The Principles of Quality Management and Total Quality Management; Implementation of the Total Quality Management Principles in Engineering Fields; The Planning Techniques of Total Quality Management; The Control Techniques of Total Quality Management; The Five Steps to Increase Profitability and Competitiveness; The Total Quality Management for Organization Changes 403729- Construction Methods and Technology: Construction management and construction methods and techniques; Engineering Fundamentals of Earth Moving Works; Soil Stabilization and Compaction; Earthmoving Equipments (Tractors and related equipments, scrapers, trucks and wagons); Operation Analysis; Belt Conveyor Systems; Drilling Rock and Earth; Tunnels and Tunneling; Earth Grouting; Concreting and Concrete Production; Piles and Pile Driving Equipments 403730- Work Study and Site Management: Construction Site Management; Parties And Responsibilities; Site Management Of Construction Project Through The Planning Phase; Site Management Through Layout Phase; Construction Phase And Site Management Responsibilities; Management Of Construction Site Through The Commissioning Phase; Construction Site Management And Work Study 403731 - Cost and Finance Management: Construction Company organizational alternatives; Cost estimation and Standard setting; Cost Planning and Cash Flow Forecasting; Costing and site cost recording; Cost reporting and Cost Comparison and Site Monitoring; Cost Controlling and Evaluation; Economic Assessments of Engineering Projects; Finance Management; Budgeting and Budgetary Control; Market Planning. 403732 – Energy Management: Introduction and primaries, effective EM, energy auditing, EM systems and EM control systems, Building envelope, Electrical EM Thermal energy storage, Waste-heat recovery, Energy security, reliability and maintenance , Economic analysis and financing EM project 403733- Pavement Management: Pavement maintenance, Pavement rehabilitation, Methods of measuring roadway conditions, Concepts of Condition and evaluation survey, Present Serviceability Rating(PSR), Present Serviceability Index(PSI), Compression of methods, Maintenance management, Maintenance operations. 403734- Highway Capacity System: Importance of capacity, Level of Service(LOS),Factors affecting capacity, Models of traffic flow, Basic freeway sections, weaving areas , Ramp and ramp junctions, Two lane highways, Multilane highways, Signalized intersections, Unsignalized intersections, Transit Capacity. Textbook: Highway Capacity Manual-2000 Software: Highway Capacity System (HCS2000) computer Program. 403735- Traffic and Highway Safety Management: Introduction to Traffic and Highway Safety Management ; Highway Safety Improvement ;Program; Highway Safety Design and Operation Management; Traffic Demand management; Traffic Safety Strategies; Traffic Speed Reduction ; Traffic Calming; Traffic Congestion Management; Access Control Management; Public Transit System Management; Pedestrian Safety and Pedestrian Facilities Management; Intelligent Transportation System; 40363 Noise Impact management. 403736- Environmental Noise Management: This course provides an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of all aspects of the management and control of environmental noise, from mapping to monitoring, from action planning to noise reduction. Objectives include getting an overview of the tasks involved, effective techniques and tools available, hands-on experience, case stories, good practices, hints and tips, and information about relevant legislation, standards, practice and theory specifically, the new ISO 1996 Environmental Noise Assessment Standard and the EU END 2002/49/EC Directive. 403737- Environnemental Risk Management: A study of environmental risk perception, risk assessment, risk communication, evaluating options of reducing risk, decision making skills, preparation and implementation of risk management plans. An introduction to environmental risk management topics such as: environmental site assessment, environmental impact statement, environmental management system, surface water pollution discharge elimination standards, Ground water well head protection system, chemical spill prevention plans, hazardous and non hazardous waste management. Prerequisite: graduate understanding. 403738- Operation Management: Course Description: Introduction and preliminaries, Nonlinear programming, Multi-stage decision Problem; applications of traveling journey, Dynamic programming; principle of optimality and its application resources investment, Transportation problem; mathematical model and solving methods for transportation problem Assignment Problem; zero-one programming model and Hungerian method, Queuing theory; empirical Queuing models and their simulation, Decision theory; deterministic, under risk and uncertainty , Project management; phases and project management, Production scheduling; singlemachine, flow shop and job scheduling . 403739- System Safety Management: Introduction: definitions, system safety concepts, system safety concepts parameters. System Life cycle: system safety control milestone, development phase, production phase. System safety implementation: policy and procedure, system safety plan, System interfacing, Human Engineering. System safety management organization, System safety control, System safety operation, Implementation of statistical methods in system safety analysis, Hazard, Analysis, and Risk analysis 403740- Research Methodology: Principles of the Scientific Method: Theory and Measurement ,Principles of the Scientific Method: Validity and Control ,Ethical Issues in a Scientific Research ,Non-Experimental Research: Observational, Archival, and CaseStudy Research ,Non-Experimental Research: Survey Research ,SingleSubject Experimental Research ,Group Experimental Research: Single-Factor Designs ,Group Experimental Research: Factorial Designs ,Quasi Experimentation ,Reporting Research Results, Conclusions: Bias and Limitations of Experimental Scientifically (Epilogue). 403741- Selected Topics: The syllabus of the model will be identified according to the semester program. 403742 - Electrical Energy Management: Review of electrical energy generations, power analysis, optimization methods, utility system optimization, electrical systems optimizations, control systems and computer applications. 403743 - Computers' Network Management: Study systems administration, and LAN/WAN terminology and administration. Manage and maintain the typically complex computing environment of medium to large sized organizations. Early in the program, building up a complete personal computer, which will provide you with the perfect learning tool for the remainder of the program to use in home, learn how to use one of the most popular application software suites. 403744 - Production Management: This course is designed to give comprehensive and systematic knowledge about the essential features of world-class manufacturers concerning their production systems and manufacturing strategies. The features are compared with those of typical American and European counterparts. We would like to examine not only the concrete practices known as; TQM, kaizen, concurrent engineering, etc. but also fundamental thinking or philosophy toward production management underlying those practices. Faced with severe competition in global markets and excess appreciation of currency, however, most manufacturing companies have been rethinking about their philosophy and strategies established during the long time of high growth, which has forced some of the practices to be changed or damaged. Those recent problems and challenges for manufacturers are often addressed in the course. 403745 - Human Resources Management: This course overviews the human resource management field. Emphasis is placed in the areas of staffing, training and developing human potential, compensation, benefits, and performance management. The legal framework for equal employment opportunity is covered along with affirmative action. Human Resource Information Services (HRIS) will be introduced. 403747- Simulations and Modeling in Engineering: This course is to present the procedural steps required for modeling and simulating the basic dynamic system problems in SIMULINK which follow some definitive model. Also, it covers some modeling techniques to check the models stability and error analysis to report leading-edge scientific contributions from mathematics, computer science, various sub-disciplines of engineering, management, psychology and cross-cultural communication, all of which focus on the modeling and simulation of human-centered engineering systems. 403748- Advance Engineering Economy: The course topics are directed analysis of capital investments in engineering and technical projects. Topics include decision analysis methods, cash flows, revenue requirements, activity-based analysis, multi-attribute decisions, probabilistic analysis and sensitivity/risk analysis. 403749- Maintenance Management This course provides management education in maintaining the technical assets of an enterprise. The management of maintenance resources and processes are included in the course content. The course covers the following topics: Principles of maintenance management, Condition-based maintenance, managing maintenance workers, Managing finances in maintenance, Managing maintenance information, Maintenance improvement and strategy, Risk management Maintenance approaches and strategies. 403750- Renewable Energy Technology The course content includes: energy technology, renewable energy in a sustainable future, the physics and science behind climate change, and why renewable energy is necessary for the future. Students will understand different types of renewable energy technology, how they work, their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. The types of renewable energy and technology studied include: wind energy, solar (thermal and photovoltaic), hydro-electric, bio-energy, tidal power, wave energy, geothermal energy, ocean thermal, fuel cells, heat pump systems, and high voltage DC energy transport. The availability and integration of these energy types and technologies are also studied to understand how renewable energy can work as a compliment to and replacement for conventional technologies.