Resume - Vincent E. Coll, Jr., Ph.D.

Vincent E. Coll, Jr., Ph.D.
705 Misty Hollow Drive
Maple Glen, PA 19002
Enthusiastic and focused
Excellent analytic and inter-personal skills
Unique combination of business and technical expertise
iConcepts, Inc. .. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (
Founder and CEO, Expert in web-based system design and social media and mobile integration
iConcepts, Inc. is a technology consulting, contract engineering and software licensing firm that
enables businesses to capitalize on the power of web based technologies to streamline business
processes, realize cost efficiencies and provide competitive market advantages. Company focus
includes: data acquisition, web-based archiving and information distribution.
Single point of contact responsible for sales revenue in excess of $2.5 Million per annum
for 5 consecutive years
Employed over 150 personnel in multiple offices: Lansdale, PA, Sofia, Bulgaria &
Moscow, Russia.
Multiple award winning consumer products:
Data Detective - 5-star rating from PC Magazine
PDA Sommelier Finalist in ’03 and ‘04 for best handheld product of the year
(PC Magazine).
- Offer in Compromise Tax Software - Highest Rating, CPA News
Creators of Wineosaur© – World’s largest wine database system
Lehigh University.. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Faculty-Department of Mathematics
Ursinus College.. Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Loyola University.. New Orleans, Louisiana
Faculty - Department of Mathematical Sciences
Calculus I, II and III
Differential Equations
Real Analysis
Complex Analysis
Number Theory
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Abstract Algebra I-Groups and Rings
Abstract Algebra II-Galois Theory
Linear Algebra
Statistics I and II
Numerical Analysis, Field and Module Theory, Homological Algebra
Ph.D. 1990, Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
M.S. 1983, Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
B.S. 1979, Mathematics, Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Voted Most Accessible Professor in the School of Arts and Sciences (Lehigh University)
Seven teaching commendations in the Department of Mathematics (University of Pennsylvania)
The Deans Award for Excellence in Teaching (University of Pennsylvania)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant in the Department of Mathematics (Texas A&M University)
The Deans Award for Outstanding Graduate Student (Teaching) (Texas A&M University)
American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America
Sigma Xi
Association of Computing Machinery
Society of Actuaries
American Mathematical Monthly
Mathematics Magazine
V. Coll, M. Gerstenhaber, and A. Giaquinto, An explicit deformation formula with non-commuting derivations,
Ring theory-Weizmann Science Press, Jerusalem 1 (1989), 396-403.
V. Coll, M. Gerstenhaber, and S. Schack, Universal deformation formulas and breaking symmetry,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 90 (1993), 201-219.
V. Coll, A. Giaquinto, and C. Magnant, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras,
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory 5 (2011), 1-7.
V. Coll and M. Gerstenhaber, The cohomology of Lie poset algebras, preprint.
V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras II, preprint.
V. Coll, and M. Hyatt, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebra III, preprint.
V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang , The unbroken spectrum of principal elements of sl(n), preprint.
V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang , New infinite families of Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras, preprint.
V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang, On the index of biparabolic (seaweed) subalgebras of sl(n), preprint.
10. V. Coll and J. Dodd, Generalizing the equal area zones property of the sphere,
Journal of Geometry 90 (2008), 47-55.
11. V. Coll, J. Dodd, and M. Harrison, On the smoothness of the equizonal ovaloids,
Journal of Geometry 103 (2013), 409-416.
12. V. Coll and M. Harrison, Hypersurfaces of revolution with proportional principal curvatures,
Advances in Geometry 13 (2013), 485-496.
13. V. Coll and M. Harrison, Hypersurfaces of revolution with proportional principal curvatures II: the space forms,
14. V. Coll, J. Dodd, and M. Harrison, The Archimedean Projection Property, preprint.
15. V. Coll, J. Dodd, and D.Johnson,, Extrinsic representations of Ricci flow on surfaces of revolution, preprint.
16. V. Coll and D.Johnson, Higher-order sectional curvature, preprint.
17. V. Coll, J. Dodd, and D.Johnson, A smooth extrinsic representation of toroidal surfaces of revolution, preprint.
Graph Theory/Combinatorics
18. V. Coll, C. Magnant, and K. Ryan, The structure of colored complete graphs free of proper cycles,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19(4) (2012), #33.
19. V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, Graph linkage with prescribed lengths, preprint.
20. V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, Semi-linkage with prescribed lengths, preprint.
21. V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, The Enomoto-Ota conjecture is true for large graphs, preprint.
American Mathematical Monthly
22. V. Coll and M. Harrison, Two generalizations of a property of the catenary,
American Mathematical Monthly, 121(2014), 109-119.
23. V. Coll and J. Dodd, The catenary, line, and the circle: centroidal characterizations and connections,
American Mathematical Monthly, to appear.
Mathematics Magazine
22. V. Coll and J. Dodd, Which surfaces of revolution core like a sphere?
Mathematics Magazine 83 (2010), 191-199.
24. V. Coll and M. Qirjollari, Characterizing power functions by hypervolumes of revolution,
Mathematics Magazine, 87 (2014), 225-227.
25. V. Coll and M. Harrison, Gabriel’s horn-a revolutionary tale,
Mathematics Magazine, to appear.
College Mathematics Journal
26. V. Coll, J. Davis, M. Hall, C. Magnant, James Stankewicz, and H. Wang, Integer solutions to box optimization problems,
College Mathematics Journal, 45 (2014), 180-190.
27. V. Coll and J. Dodd, Algebra II with trigonometry exam for 2009 Alabama statewide mathematics contest.
Ph.D. Advisor
Alexander Halperin, Linkage in graphs with distance constraints,
Ph.D., Lehigh University, May, 2014.
Ph.D. Committee Member
Kathleen Ryan, Ph.D., Lehigh University, 2013
Alexander Halperin Ph.D., Lehigh University, 2014
Cuneyt Ferahlar, Lehigh University, Ph.D. expected, 2014
Aydin Gerek, Lehigh University, Ph.D. expected 2014
Jamie Long, Lehigh University, Ph.D. Expected, 2015
Mathew Prudente, Lehigh University, Ph.D. expected, 2015
Master’s Thesis Advisor
Advisor to Michael Harrison, Generalizing the equal area zones property of the sphere,
M.S. degree from Kings College, England, 2011.
Honors Thesis
Arithmetic in Algebra by Kara Raguel. Ursinus College (1994)
Applications of Lie algebra theory to quantization by Charles Kullmann. Ursinus College (1995)
Undergraduate Projects
V. Coll and M. Qirjollari, Characterizing functions by hypervolumes of revolution,
Mathematics Magazine, 87 (2014), 225-227.
V. Coll and R. Tagling, A centroidal property of power functions,
in preparation.
V. Coll N. Manzano, and M. Sandler, Periodic geodesics on the torus: The return angle,
in preparation.
Why curves curve: Finding the geodesics on a donut
- (1990) University of Southern Florida
- (1990) DePaul University
- (1992) Villanova University
- (1993) St. Joseph’s University
- (1994) Franklin & Marshall University
Dissecting the sphere: Slicing, coring and capping in n-dimensions
- (2008) Colgate University (with J. Dodd)
- (2009) Loyola University - Chicago
- (2011) Lehigh University
- (2013) Millersville University
Archimedean hypersurfaces
- (2011) AMS National Conference (with J. Dodd and M. Harrison)
Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras
- (20013) Lehigh University
An extrinsic representation of Ricci flow on surfaces of revolution
- (2013) Lehigh University
- (2013) University of Pennsylvania
The cohomology of Lie poset algebras
- (2014) University of Pennsylvania
Interests include: Golf: 5-handicap
Member: Philadelphia Cricket Club, Philadelphia, PA
Sandy Run Country Club, Oreland, PA
Martial Arts Second Degree Black belt in Chung Moo Doe
Boxing and Ice Hockey (but not at the same time )
Bridge Within epsilon of being a Life Master
Russian Language/Literature Study
Moscow Sate University, Moscow, Russia (2005)
Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT (2008). Immersion language program.
Maintain dual citizenship – U.S.A. and Ireland
Updated: August 12, 2014