Resume - Robertson Jones Consulting

Dennis Jones
Over fifteen years experience in designing and developing database applications. I specialize in small
systems where I excel in providing the complete solution from requirements gathering, through system
design, development, testing, delivery and maintenance.
Business Analysis, System Design and Application Development
Access 2007/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Performance Indicators Reporting
System which is used to collect service delivery data from hundreds of service providers to
assist with program administration and reporting to senior management and the federal
government. Also wrote a user manual for this application. – Ministry of Advanced Education
and Labour Market Development (2009-2010)
Access 2007/Visual Basic: Enhanced the Passenger Transportation Licensing System to include
Administrative Penalties data and to accommodate temporary operating permits. – Ministry of
Transportation (2009)
ASP.NET 2.0/Oracle 10g/ Oracle Designer: Enhanced the Trust Fund Administration System to
include, among other things, the ability to generate Word documents based on usermaintainable Word templates. Technologies used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML, JavaScript,
PL/SQL, Aspose Words – Ministry of Community Development (2008-2009)
Access 2007: Converted several ministry applications from Access 2003 to Access 2007. –
Ministry of Transportation (2009)
ASP.NET 2.0/Oracle 10g/ Oracle Designer: Designed (within a team of three) and was the sole
developer for the Trust Fund Administration System that is used to track applications for
Transition to Retirement Funding and Tuition Funding for forestry workers. This 50-table
application was designed, developed, tested and migrated to production in just 7 weeks. The
system uses Siteminder for IDIR authentication, has role-based security, uses PL/SQL stored
procedures for all business logic and database writes, and features data-driven application
forms. Technologies used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML, JavaScript, PL/SQL – Ministry of
Community Development (2008)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Developed the Passenger Transportation Licensing System (PTLS).
This system tracks licences (e.g. taxi licences) issued by the Passenger Transportation Branch.
The application includes module for document management (interfacing with Microsoft Word to
create Word documents and PDF files), task management (through the My Work form), request
(task) tracking though the Requests form which includes modules for tracking the life-cycle of
various task types (configurable by the system administrator) and a module to track related
correspondence. – Ministry of Transportation (2008)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Environmental Programs Registry
System. – Ministry of Transportation (2007)
ASP.NET 2.0/Oracle 10g/Oracle Designer: Worked with a small team to gather the business
requirements, design and develop the BC150 external web site which features scheduled
dynamic content, a “guest book”, randomly-displayed BC Facts. To promote community events
throughout BC, the site also includes pages that allow an event organizer to register their
event and a searchable event calendar. To maintain the data used to drive the BC150 web site,
I also designed and developed the BAMEWS internal web application. Technologies used
include: Visual Basic.NET, AJAX, HTML, JavaScript, PL/SQL – Ministry of Tourism (2007-2008)
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ASP.NET 1.1/XML: Developed the Restrictive Clearance Information web-based reporting tool.
This single, easy-to-use web page can be used by ministry personnel to report on clearance
restrictions on any BC Highway. Technologies used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML,
JavaScript, SQL, XML – Ministry of Transportation (2007)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Park Use Permit System. This system
tracks and reports on requests for park use and also generates invoices and statements of
account to the permittees. This project also included conversion of data from the old system. –
Ministry of Environment (2007)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Added small enhancements to the Contract Information System –
Ministry of Transportation (2007)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Environmental Post Construction
System (EPCM). – Ministry of Transportation (2007)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Passenger Transportation Board
Administrative Penalties System (PTB-APS). This system is used to track Notice and Orders
issued to licensees and the administrative penalties and warnings that are issued as a result.
This system features extensive use of business rules logic to make the process flow intuitive
and user-friendly. This system also include a flexible component that interfaces with Word
templates to generate letters to licensees, role-based security and an audit trail of all changes
made to sensitive data. – Ministry of Transportation (2007)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Aggregate Information Management
System (AIMS) that that is used to track aggregate production and usage at the
ministry-managed gravel pits throughout BC – Ministry of Transportation (2006)
FoxPro/Oracle 8i/MARS: Gathered the reporting requirements, designed and developed the
CCOF MARS datamart and developed the MARS management reports for the Child Care
Operating Funding (CCOF) program. Technologies used include: Visual FoxPro, HTML,
JavaScript, SQL – Ministry of Children and Family Development (2006)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Historical Construction Cost Database
(HCCD) system that imports XML data from BC Bid tenders and generates Excel spreadsheets
that are used internally to analyse construction cost data and used by contractors to assist in
developing proposals. Technologies used include: XML, XSLT, Excel automation – Ministry of
Transportation (2005-2006)
ASP.NET/XML/Jet: Designed and assisted in the development of data-driven mock-up of the
Child Care Subsidy Web Application. Technologies used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML,
JavaScript, SQL, XML, Access 2003 – Ministry of Children and Family Development (2005)
Access 2003/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the release 2.0 of the Inland Ferry Tracking
System (IFTS) – Ministry of Transportation (2005)
Analysis & Design: Provided technical consulting services during the business requirements and
system design phases of the Online Payment Reporting Application (OPRA) project. Specifically,
I assisted in co-ordination of the Siteminder setup, in the conceptual design of the database,
user interface design and developer support. – Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s
Services (2005)
ASP.NET/Oracle 8i: Gathered business requirements, designed and developed the framework
used in the STV DES System. The application generates data-driven data collection forms to a
web browser and allows service providers under contract with the Stopping the Violence
Branch to submit service agreement compliance information on a scheduled basis. Technologies
used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML, JavaScript, SQL – Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and
Women’s Services (2005)
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Oracle 8i/ASP.NET: Designed and developed a proof-of-concept application for web submission
of child care subsidy claims. Technologies used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML, JavaScript,
SQL, PL/SQL – Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services (2004)
Oracle 8i/ASP.NET: Gathered business requirements, designed, developed and maintained the
Child Care Web Application which allows ministry staff and service providers to enter and edit
service delivery information via the web. The application, which follows the new BC
Government standard for e-service applications, also includes a component that allows the
general public enter search criteria and receive a zoomable street map showing the location of
child care facilities in their neighbourhood. In developing and maintaining this application, the
tools used were: Visual Studio.NET, SQL Worksheet and TOAD. Technologies used include:
BCeID Authentication, Visual Basic.NET, Microsoft MapPoint, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PL/SQL –
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services (2003 - 2005)
Access 2000/Visual Basic: Designed and developed the Inland Ferry Tracking System used to
track of the usage of BC’s Inland Ferries – Ministry of Transportation (2003)
Oracle 8i/ASP.NET: Designed, developed and maintained the CCOF staging application used to
import and edit data from OCR-scanned service reports. In developing and maintaining this
application, the tools used were: Visual Studio.NET, SQL Worksheet and TOAD. Technologies
used include: Visual Basic.NET, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PL/SQL – Ministry of Community,
Aboriginal and Women’s Services (2003 - 2005)
Oracle 8i/ASP.NET: Worked with a small team to design and develop a system used to track
corporate project information. In developing and maintaining this application, the tools used
were: Visual Studio.NET, SQL Worksheet and TOAD. The technologies used include SQL,
PL/SQL, HTML, ASP.NET, C#, Crystal Reports and JavaScript – Anthony Robert Consulting (2002
- 2003)
Access/ASP: Assisted with the design and developed the ERA BC government-wide project
reporting system. In developing and maintaining this application, the technologies used include
SQL, HTML, ASP, VBScript, PDF and JavaScript – Anthony Robert Consulting (2002 - 2003)
Oracle 8i/ASP: Using the existing CCFAP system as a starting point, developed the STFP and
TFP systems to track child care organizations participating in the Transition Funding Program
and Summer Transition Funding Program. In developing and maintaining these applications, the
tools used were: Visual Interdev 6, Visual Basic 6, Active Reports 1.04, SQL Plus, SQL
Worksheet, Oracle Procedure Builder and TOAD. The technologies used include SQL, PL/SQL,
HTML, ASP, VBScript, PDF, Visual Basic and JavaScript – Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and
Women’s Services (2002 - 2003)
Oracle 8i/ASP: Providing enhancements and maintenance to the CCFAP Information System
which is used to track contracts to child care organizations participating in the Funding
Assistance Program. In maintaining this application, the tools used were: Visual Interdev 6,
Visual Basic 6, Active Reports 1.04, SQL Plus, SQL Worksheet, Oracle Procedure Builder and
TOAD. The technologies used include SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, ASP, VBScript, PDF, Visual Basic and
JavaScript – Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services (2001 - 2002)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model and developed the Satellite System which is used to track utilization
and costs associated with delivering services to children in satellite homes – Ministry for
Children and Families (2001)
Access 97/Oracle: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model and managed the development team during construction of the
Health Bursary System – Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology (2001)
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Access 2000/Visual Basic: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model and developed the Historical Files System which is used track the
charge-outs of archived files – Ministry of Transportation and Highways (2001)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model and developed the Data Cleanup System (DCUS) which was used to
first clean up program data and then administer the Youth Community Action program until the
new Oracle-based system was implemented – Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and
Technology (2000)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model then developed, enhanced and maintained the ITIG Information
System (Microsoft Access 97) which is used to administer a $2.2M program – Ministry of Social
Development and Economic Security (1999 – 2001)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Managed the development and implementation of 4 releases of the
Youth Initiatives Management Information System – Ministry of Advanced Education, Technology
and Training (1999 – 2001)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Developed business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model (over 50 tables) and managed the development team during
construction of the Container Recovery Information System (Microsoft Access 2000) – Alberta
Beverage Container Recycling Corporation (1999)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Converted Access 2 database (CAFM) to Access 97 – Ministry of Forests
Word 97/Visual Basic: Developed/converted over 30 Visual Basic-driven templates for the
Resource, Tenures and Engineering Branch, Communications Branch, Revenue Branch and the
Collections Branch – Ministry of Forests (1999)
Word 97/Visual Basic: Developed a Visual Basic-driven Word document which allows the user
to take an entire directory of documents written in Word 2 and convert them to Word 8, attach
them to a new template and then perform a number of formatting operations on them (e.g.
ensuring the documents only use current styles) – Ministry of Forests (1999)
Word 97/Visual Basic: Designed and developed a template used to automate the creation of
news releases – Ministry of Forests (1998)
Access 97/Visual Basic: Developed the business rules documentation, designed the system,
developed the data model then developed, enhanced and maintained the CCP Information
System which is used to administer a $20M program and over 1,000 contracts – Ministry for
Children and Families/ Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security (1997 – 2001)
Word 95/Word Basic: Converted templates from Word 6 to Word 95 – Human Resources Branch,
Ministry of Forests (1997)
Access 2/Access Basic: Designed and developed a system that was used to audit the integrity
of the data in the ministry’s Omnis system – Ministry of Women’s Equality (1996)
Access 2/Access Basic: Designed and developed the Library Collection Tracking system which is
used, by staff, to track the publications in their library and, by users, to search for publications
by title, author and/or subject – Victoria International Development Education Association
Documentation, Course Development, UAT Support & Training
Mentored users in the development of small Access database applications. – Ministry of
Environment (2009-2010)
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Worked as part of a team to design and deliver training in the use of the Child Care Subsidy
System. – Ministry of Children and Family Development (2007)
Worked as part of the User Acceptance Testing "triage team" for the Child Care Subsidy System.
My responsibilities included assisting UAT testers in indentifying, analysing and reporting
system deficiencies. – Ministry of Children and Family Development (2006)
Co-wrote the CRIS User Documentation and On-line Help – Alberta Beverage Container
Recycling Corporation (1999)
Co-wrote the YIMIS Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Manual (team-taught 3 days of training)
and wrote the YIMIS Ministry Operations Guide – Ministry of Advanced Education, Technology
and Training (1999)
Created help documentation in HTML help – Ministry of Forests, Resource & Tenures Branch
Wrote more than 25 training manuals for a variety of software products including Word, Access,
Excel PowerPoint and Windows (taught well over 100 one- and two-day training sessions in
Victoria and on-site throughout BC). Developed original course content, instructional materials
and student manuals – Stellar Systems (1991 – 1994)
Developed curriculum, all course materials and taught 3 separate year-long courses in
electronics – Reynolds Secondary School (1987 – 1990)
Developed and taught a night school course in digital electronics to electronics technologists –
Camosun College (1983)
Technical & End-User Support
Provided telephone and on-site technical support – Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Women’s
Equality (1994 – 1997)
Professional Development
Ongoing self-study through books, newsgroup, e-zines and various web sites to increase my
skills in the following areas:
o Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Designed and developed a SQL Server script-generation tool
and an Access 2007/SQL Server 2008 proof-of-concept application based on the Ministry of
Transportation PTLS application
o Microsoft Access 2007 development
o Oracle PL/SQL
o HTML/JavaScript
o Adobe Flex
Oracle Developer Training, Camosun College (2000 - 2001). Topic covered included:
o Oracle 8i setup
o PL/SQL Program Units
o Forms I & II
o Reports
o Designer 2000
o Discoverer
o Web DB & Portal
Victoria .NET Developers Association: Member since 2004
Dennis Jones
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
Bachelor of Education, 1980 - 1986
Teaching areas: Secondary Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics
Université du Québec a Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, PQ
French Immersion, Summer 1983
BC Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC
Diploma in Electronics Technology, 1976 – 1978
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