POStPlan Implementation Issues

POStPlan Implementation
1) Classification of Offices: The POStPlan involves a review of Post Offices
with the option of offering remotely managed Post Offices (RMPOs), which are
part-time Post Offices and evaluated according to earned workload through
Small Office Variance (SOV) or Customer Service Variance (CSV) systems, and
not Workload Service Credits (WSCs). Part-time RMPOs with 6 hours per
weekday of window staffing will be staffed by career employees (EPM
Postmasters), and part time RMPOs with window staffing at less than 6 hours per
day will be staffed with noncareer employees (Postmaster Reliefs (PMRs)). In
both cases, if a unit currently designated as a Post Office is converted to a
RMPO, the employees staffing the office will report to an administrative Post
Office, and not the district office, and any such RMPO will be listed under the
lead finance number of the Administrative Post Office.
2) Evaluation: For the purpose of evaluation of level of Post Offices, level 18
and above offices will remain with a Workload Service Credit (WSC/PS Form
150) evaluation. RMPOs will be subject to evaluation by a modified SOV/CSV
process, and reviewed annually to determine appropriate service levels for these
offices. The SOV/CSV ranking for each office will be determined by the then
current annual completed fiscal year (FY) SOV/CSV results multiplied by a factor
of 1.1, updated with actual scans when available. Earned workload corresponds
with window service hours as follows:
4.00 to 5.74
2.00 to 3.99
0.00 to 1.99
* The denominator to determine earned workhours for window service only is
5.5 days in a week.
Total anticipated operating time is included in hours and hundredths as follows:
2 hour RPMOs = 2.17 (2 hours and 10 min.)
4 hour RPMOs = 4.33 (4 hours and15min)
6 hour EDM = 6.50 (6.50 hours and 30 min.)
Exceptionally, RMPOs that are more than 25 driving miles from the next nearest
postal operated retail facility will be staffed for 6 hours of window service each
weekday regardless of actual earned value (5.74 or below), and will be subject to
pay and benefits of the applicable EPM, but will report to district offices in lieu of
the Administrative Post Office. Post Offices earning 5.75 or above of earned
workload using the 1.1 multiplier will be categorized as Level 18 or above.
3) Staffing, Pay and Benefits:
a) Noncareer: Noncareer Postmaster Relief (PMR) employees will staff
RMPOs providing 4 hours or less of window service each weekday.
Compensation will be at an hourly rate of $11.76 per hour. These employees will
be employed within the Administrative Post Office and will be assigned in the
RMPO. Noncareer PMR employees may apply for vacant career positions.
Employees will earn annual leave at a rate of 1 earned hour per 20 hours worked
per pay period. Beginning in 2014, the Postal Service will provide eligible PMR
employees who meet the requirement for health coverage under the Affordable
Care Act of 2009.
b) Career: Career Evaluated Postmasters (EPMs) will staff RMPOs providing 6
hours of window service each weekday. Compensation for individuals who are
not currently career postmasters and who subsequently become career
evaluated postmasters will initially be set at an hourly rate of $12.30. Thereafter,
their compensation will be set pursuant to standard Postal Service policies.
Compensation for individuals who are currently career Postmasters and who
become career evaluated postmasters of RMPOs will be set as described in
paragraph 5.b, below. Current incumbent career evaluated Postmasters will be
provided leave and benefits consistent with current policies. Newly hired EPMs
serving in RMPOs will earn annual and sick leave in effect at the time of hire.
These employees may apply for other positions consistent with standard Postal
Service rules.
4) Upgrades: Post Offices level 16 and below that earn 5.75 or greater hours
will be upgraded to EAS Level 18 and above offices. Incumbent Postmasters will
receive upgrades consistent with standard Postal Service rules.
5) Implementation Plan: The POStPlan process will be rolled out in a six
phase implementation process as follows:
a. Phase 1 – The communication plan will be released publicly, and the Postal
Service may file a nationwide service change request with the Postal Regulatory
Commission to give effect to the POStPlan. The anticipated date of filing and
communication is late-April 2012. Postal Service will provide an advance
communications plan to Postmaster Associations prior to roll out.
b. Phase 2 – Employees identified as impacted will receive reduction in force
(RIF) notifications as applicable. It is anticipated the RIF will be initiated in May
2012 and the Specific RIF Notice will identify the employees’ RIF assignments.
However, the effective date of the RIF will be June 20, 2014. The employees will
remain in their current positions [continuing their pay and benefits] until the RIF
effective date. If an employee declines the RIF assignment, that employee will
be separated on the effective date, June 20, 2014. Nothing in this agreement
alters the rights of the Postal Service in conducting RIFs of incumbent employees
where Post Offices are discontinued. As a result of this paragraph, the two-year
retention of grade, pay and/or salary provided by ELM section 415.2 will not
apply to any employees identified as impacted, as described earlier in this
paragraph. A career Postmaster who is placed in a career evaluated Postmaster
position in an RMPO as a result of RIF, or who voluntarily accepts such a
position prior to the effective date of the RIF, will be compensated at $18.18 per
hour upon being placed in that position. Thereafter, compensation will be set
pursuant to standard Postal Service policies.
c. Phase 3 – The Postal Service will announce and offer an incentive based
voluntary early retirement (VER) opportunity to eligible EAS Postmasters.
d. Phase 4 – The Postal Service will post all Postmaster vacancies level 18 and
above, including newly categorized level 18 offices that are evaluated as such
based upon earning 5.75 hours and greater of earned workload, using the 1.1
multiplier. There will be two rounds of limited competition for Postmasters. The
first round will occur prior to the VER window period. The second round will
occur within a reasonable time after VER implementation.
e. Phase 5 – All vacant Post Offices with earned workload of 5.74 or less hours
will be subjected to the POStPlan as described in this instrument during the
period beginning June 2012 and continuing thereafter. Such Post Offices will
either transition to RMPOs or be discontinued, depending on management’s
needs and customer feedback.
f. Phase 6 – Any remaining incumbent Postmasters in offices with earned
workload of 5.74 hours or less will be impacted and the office will be subjected to
the POStPlan as described in this instrument. Such Post Offices will either
transition to RMPOs or be discontinued, depending on management’s needs and
customer feedback.
6) Consultations: It is understood that the consultation process under 39
U.S.C. § 1004 is satisfied, and no further consultations on the POStPlan concept
or its implementation as described by Postal Service management to date are
necessary. If the Postal Service implements the POStPlan in a manner that
differs from that described in this document, the Postal Service will consult with
the Postmaster Associations about those changes. The Postmaster Associations
will receive informational copies of changes to Postal Service regulations that
give effect to the POStPlan once they are ready for review, but their circulation to
the Postmaster Associations will not trigger a new set of consultations.
7) Publicity: It is understood that Postal Service management and the
Postmaster Associations may publicize the understanding reached on the
POStPlan, however, the Postmaster Associations will not issue public
representations against the plan or oppose the POStPlan at the Postal
Regulatory Commission, as long as its implementation conforms to the
description contained in this document, should it be presented to the Postal
Regulatory Commission as a nationwide service change.
8) Consolidation: It is understood by both Postal Service management and the
Postmaster Associations that this change in reporting structure and the
elimination of the competitive area of the former Post Office converted to an
RMPO does not give rise to a discontinuance or "consolidation" requiring the
posting of a final determination under 39 USC 404(d), consistent with current
regulations published in Handbook PO-101, which were made effective on
December 1, 2011.
9)Discontinuance: Nothing in this plan prevents Postal Service management
from undertaking to discontinue a Post Office under Handbook PO-101 in lieu of
converting it from a Post Office to a RMPO. As a matter of routine practice,
communities will be informed of various options (service through nearby office,
rural carrier/HCR expansion, contractor-operated retail facility, as well as the
implementation of POStPlan), when management undertakes to study a Post
Office that is not suspended or likely to be suspended in the foreseeable future.
Management will implement any one of these options, which may or may not
include the POStPlan.
10) Prior Decisions: The prior understanding between the Postal Service and
the Postmaster Associations regarding the impact of Delivery Unit Optimization
(DUO) shall remain in effect. This means that, as reflected in the Postal
Service’s letter of February 14, 2011 to each of the Postmaster Associations
concerning DUO implementation, postmasters and station managers whose EAS
grade levels have been reduced as a result of the implementation of DUO will
retain their eligibility for saved grade and saved salary, as further specified in
those letters, notwithstanding the implementation of the POStPlan.