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Development Control Committee
Meeting to be held on 17 April 2013
Electoral Division affected:
St Annes South
Fylde Borough: Application 05/13/0122
Construction of new primary school and phased demolition of existing
buildings incorporating, three new pedestrian access routes, vehicular access,
including additional/replacement fencing, gates and gate posts to new
pedestrian and vehicular entrances, staff car parking, hard surface play areas,
two football pitches and two netball courts, soft play areas, general
landscaping, lighting, 6m ball stop fencing at Heyhouses Endowed C of E
Primary School, Clarendon Road North, Lytham St Annes
Contact for further information:
Catherine Lewis, 01772 530490, Environment Directorate
Executive Summary
Application - Construction of new primary school and phased demolition of existing
buildings incorporating, three new pedestrian access routes, vehicular access,
including additional/replacement fencing, gates and gate posts to new pedestrian
and vehicular entrances, staff car parking, hard surface play areas, two football
pitches and two netball courts, soft play areas, general landscaping, lighting, 6m ball
stop fencing at Heyhouses Endowed C of E Primary School, Clarendon Road North,
Lytham St Annes
Recommendation – Summary
That planning permission be granted subject to conditions controlling
commencement, landscaping, tree protection, materials, drainage, flood risk
mitigation measures, hours of construction working, construction of sports pitches,
and highway matters.
Applicant’s Proposal
Planning permission is sought for the construction of a replacement primary (junior
and reception) school which would provide modern purposed designed facilities to
replace the existing school, which is located on the same site and which would be
demolished on completion of the new school.
The new primary school which would incorporate the juniors and reception children
would cater for 450 pupils. The main elements of the proposal are:
A single storey building measuring approximately 65m at its longest point and
60m at its widest with a maximum roof height of 9m along the main hall. The
building would be roughly T shaped and constructed from brick, coloured
render and glazing. There would be a level finished floor level throughout to
allow good internal circulation and access to external doors.
Outdoor playground facilities.
Provision for a mini football pitch measuring 45.75 x 27.45m and a football
pitch measuring 68.25 x 42m and 2 netball courts.
6m high sports netting to the north east of the site.
28 dedicated staff car parking spaces and 2 designated disabled spaces.
Dedicated pedestrian footpath from Back Headroomgate Road and pedestrian
footpath to the southern boundary The existing vehicular access gate would
be blocked up and a new vehicular and pedestrian access provided 5m to the
Retention of existing boundary treatment.
Cycle shelter, sprinkler and bin store.
Description and Location of Site
Heyhouses Church of England Primary School is located in a residential area to the
north east of St. Annes town centre and is some 0.8km from the town's railway
station. The un-adopted 'Back Headroomgate Road' forms the western and southern
school site boundaries beyond which are the rear gardens of residential properties.
Clarendon Road North forms the eastern boundary with the rear gardens of some
residential properties forming the northern boundary. Planning permission has
recently been granted by Fylde Borough Council for the development of a care home
on a vacant site to the northwest
The new school would be constructed in the grounds of the existing school on a
relatively flat area adjacent to the 'St. Annes Road East' Conservation Area beyond
the southern boundary.
The proposal is at an established education facility. There is no recent relevant
planning history. However, there are two recent planning permissions at the nearby
infants school site on St. Annes Road East:
Planning permission for a single storey extension to create a new classroom and
group room with link corridor was granted in 2009 (ref: 09/0557).
Planning permission for a temporary classroom was granted in 2012 (ref:
Planning Policy –
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Paragraphs 6 – 17, 56 – 66 and 69-78 are relevant with regard to the definition of
sustainable development, the purposes of the planning system, the need for good
design and promotion of healthy communities. Paragraph 72 of the NPPF contains
guidance with regard to educational development and states that the Government
attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is
available to meet the needs of existing and new communities. The NPPF states that
local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative
approach to meeting this requirement, and to development that will widen choice in
education. It states that LPA’s should give great weight to the need to create, expand
or alter schools; and work with schools promoters to identify and resolve key
planning issues before applications are submitted.
The NPPF (paragraph 73 and 74) also supports access to high quality open space
and requires that existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land,
including playing fields, should not be built on unless:
An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open
space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or
The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by
equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable
location; or
The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the
needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.
Fylde Borough Local Plan
EP 12
EP 14
EP 19
EP 23
Boundary Settlement
Playing Fields
Community Facilities
Community use of School facilities
Conservation Area
Protected Species
Surface Water
Light Pollution
Pre application community involvement
Prior to the submission of the planning application a public consultation event was
held at the school by the applicant on 30 January 2013 to inform local residents and
neighbours of the proposed development and to give them the opportunity to discuss
any concerns. Feedback cards were made available; the summary response from
those that attended was that they generally welcomed the new school development
with 29 comments in favour and 2 against. The concerns related to off-site parking.
Fylde Borough Council - No objection but draw attention to the recent grant of
planning permission (subject to a s106 agreement ) for the construction of a three
storey 40 bed care home on vacant land to the north of the proposed new school,
and in close proximity to both the new school building and the proposed mini football
pitch. In considering the new school building and associated external sports pitches,
the borough council requests due consideration be given to safeguarding the
amenity of future residents of the care home.
LCC Assistant Director (Highways) - No objections to the principle of the
development but suggests that conditions relating to layout and marking of car park
and roads, wheel cleaning during construction, closure of existing access, off-site
highway works, updated travel plan and traffic management in association with
construction are necessary for the development to be acceptable.
Whilst the development will lead to an increase in vehicle movement in the local area
the level of increase is relatively modest and would not lead to any significant
highway safety issues. It raises no material concerns regarding highway capacity or
The roads in the vicinity of the school can safely accommodate the additional onstreet parking that would occur. However, the existing 'school keep clear' markings
on Clarendon Road North need to be removed as they would no longer be in the
appropriate location and new school keep clear markings would need to be
introduced to cover the new accesses. Waiting restrictions to protect the junction of
Clarendon Road North and Ramsgate Road together with restrictions on the inside
of the bend between 14 & 18 Clarendon Road North should be provided.
The proposed access arrangements are generally acceptable but the two pedestrian
accesses to Clarendon Road North need to be staggered within the development
LCC Street Lighting – No objection, the scheme makes good use of the full cut off
lanterns keeping upward and spill light to a minimum.
United Utilities - No objection. In the absence of any site investigations such as
percolation test results and borehole logs conditions should be attached to require
the site to be drained on a separate system; no land drainage to be connected to a
public sewer; split the surface water discharge rates; incorporation of permeable
paving materials.
Environment Agency – No objection subject to a condition ensuring that the
mitigation measures set out in the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) are implemented
prior to occupation. Whilst it is accepted that the construction of a sustainable
drainage system on site is constrained by the existing ground conditions, where
practicable alternative methods of sustainable drainage such as porous paving,
green roofs, measures dealing with grey waters, use of sustainable forms of
construction, energy efficient buildings should be considered.
Sport England - No objection subject to conditions controlling, the time frame for the
delivery of the pitches, a specification relating to the drainage and soil structure. A
community use agreement is recommended but is not a pre-requisite.
Natural England-No objection
National Grid Gas and Electricity - No observations received.
National Grid Company P. L. C. - No observations received.
St. Annes on the Sea Parish Council - No observations received.
Representations – The application has been advertised by press and site notice, and
neighbouring residents informed by individual letter. Seven letters of representation
have been received raising the following summarised issues:
The close proximity of the new building's south west aspect would have an
unacceptable visual impact on the adjoining residential property on Back
Headroomgate Road. It is questioned whether the building needs to be so
high and so forbiddingly squared and green.
The effect of possible construction vehicles and subsequent running of the
school on the integrity, maintenance and rights of way of Back Headroomgate
Confirmation is sought that the millennium trees growing within the school
fence would be retained as they appear to have been omitted from both the
present and proposed plans associated with the planning application. They
were depicted on the plans at the consultation meeting.
Back Headroomgate Road is unmade and privately owned by the local
adjacent residents and presumably, on the school side by the County Council
through the school. Reassurance is sought that the construction or future
running of the school would have no further impact upon this road.
It is requested potholes on Back Headroomgate Road be filled.
Reservations are expressed to the potential level of noise generated by up to
500 pupils within the small enclosed space allotted for play.
Concerns are expressed to the loss of open space for organised sport in this
post Olympic Year.
Concerns are expressed to the loss of the Nature Reserve.
The proposal would result in more traffic on local roads especially Clarendon
Road North and more parked cars at school times. This already makes it
difficult for ambulance or fire engines to access the road.
Currently there are access issues caused by people parking in close proximity
to resident's driveways and compromising access for a registered disabled
person who relies heavily on local transport. The siting of the new entrance
and increased volume of traffic that would be associated with the
development could exacerbate the situation and it is questioned.
The proposal would result in a larger footprint of building and represents over
intensive development of the school site.
The present public parking in the neighbourhood of the school site is
Has there been any consideration of 'KEEP CLEAR' markings and yellow
zigzag lines and would any Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) be required that
may affect properties?
Consideration should be given to residents only parking area adjacent to 40,
42, and 44 Clarendon Road North and 115 St. Anne's Road East.
Drop off and pick up times at the school are already chaotic and dangerous in
terms of parking and traffic around the narrow Clarendon Road North. The
proposal would exacerbate the issues. Consideration should be given to the
use of the Ramsgate Road Park or an arrangement with the Victoria Hotel for
overspill parking.
The planning application statement does not make any reference to other
modes of transport and therefore the LSA cycle group suggest that a Travel
Plan is prepared which incorporates measures about how sustainable travel
would be encouraged. There is currently no provision for cycle parking and
none proposed.
Concern is expressed about the statement made that most parents and local
residents are in favour of the new school plans. This statement should be
removed or amended to show actual numbers of parents and local residents
who provided feedback.
Director of Transport and Environment
Planning permission is sought for the construction of a new primary school to provide
additional and improved accommodation for junior and reception classes.
Heyhouses Endowed CE Primary School currently operates from a split site with the
Infants children based at St. Annes Road East and the existing Junior School located
off Clarendon Road North. The proposal to expand Heyhouses Primary School
arises from the projected rise in pupil numbers as a result of a higher level of births
and the level of planned housing development in the Lytham St. Annes area of
Fylde. There is also a demand for places in the school as it is popular within the
The development would enable the school to expand to admit 20 additional pupils to
each reception year. This has taken effect from September 2012 through the
provision of temporary accommodation on the existing infant site. The expansion
would increase the school admission number from 70 to 90 per year with the overall
capacity of the school increasing from 490 to 630. The school would effectively
become a three form entry for all the school years by 2018. In order to
accommodate the increase in pupil numbers it is proposed to expand the Clarendon
Road North (junior site) so that it would provide 12 junior school classrooms and 3
reception classrooms. There are no current proposals to physically extend the infant
The proposed development would provide a building with the necessary
accommodation space, disability compliant access, sufficient external hard surfaced
playing areas and on-site grass pitches. The main issues to consider are the policy
implications for a new primary school, re-alignment of playing fields, design, impact
upon residential amenity, highway matters, landscaping and ecology.
Development Plan and Government Planning Policy
Planning law requires that applications for planning permission must be determined
in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate
Paragraph 72 of the NPPF states: 'The Government attaches great importance to
ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of
existing and new communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive,
positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, and to development
that will widen choice in education. They should:
give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools; and
work with schools promoters to identify and resolve key planning issues
before applications are submitted.'
Paragraph 74 of the NPPF states 'Existing open space, sports and recreational
buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless:
An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the Open
Space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or
the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by
equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a sustainable
location; or
the development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the needs
for which clearly outweigh the loss.'
The school site is identified on the proposals map to the Fylde Borough Local Plan
as part undesignated land within the settlement boundary of St. Annes and part
playing field. The proposal consists of the construction of the new school on the
existing school playing field following which the existing school would be demolished
and the site rearranged to provide replacement playing fields.
There would be no net loss of playing field, which would actually increase from
7,150m3 to 7,675m2. Sport England has assessed the proposal against their Policy
E4 which states:
'The playing fields of playing fields which would be lost as a result of the proposed
development would be replaced by a playing field or playing fields of an equivalent or
better quality and of equivalent or greater quantity, in a suitable location and subject
to equivalent or better management arrangements, prior to the commencement of
Sport England acknowledge that there would be a timing issue, but raise no
objection subject to conditions controlling the timetabling of the construction of the
playing facilities and the provision of details relating to drainage and construction of
the pitches. Such conditions form part of the recommendation.
The application confirms that the facilities would be available for community use.
Sport England notes from the 2008 Fylde Playing Pitch Strategy that there was a
shortage of junior football pitches in the locality which is, to the best of their
knowledge, unresolved. Sport England has advised that 'opening up the football
pitches for community use once completed would therefore make a welcome
contribution to the local playing pitch stock' and which they have suggested could be
secured by a condition requiring a community use agreement to be prepared in
consultation with them. They propose the agreement to include 'details of pricing
policy, hours of use, access by non-school users, management responsibilities and a
mechanism for review, and anything else which the Local Planning Authority in
consultation with Sport England considers necessary in order to secure the effective
community use of the facilities.' However, as there would be no net loss of sports
facilities as a result of the development, and there is no current mandatory
requirement for the school to provide community facilities, such a condition is
considered to be unnecessarily onerous.
The proposed development would involve the phased demolition of all the existing
school buildings on the site including the relocation of the private nursery. The new
school would be located closer to the existing infants building. This would enable
closer physical links to the two sites which are separated by the road known as Back
Headroomgate Road. The phased demolition and development would enable the
school to continue to operate whilst the new building is constructed.
In terms of layout and scale the building would be single storey with a total of 15
classrooms, studio, reception, kitchen facilities and includes a new hall (maximum
height 9m). Two football pitches and two netball courts would be provided with
additional playground space. A dedicated soft and hard play space for the reception
years has been allocated and the applicant has identified an area for a future nursery
development although this aspect does not form part of this application. The
applicant has advised that the school would also be open for community events by
way of use of the main hall, studio and external sports facilities. Given the
uncertainty of future nursery development, details of how this area is to be used in
the interim are requested as part of the proposed landscaping condition.
The applicant has proposed the use of a mix of brickwork, coloured render and
glazing in order to create a contemporary, modern school. The school building would
be set back from Clarendon Road and the applicant has advised that the aim has
been to provide a development that is carefully proportioned by breaking up the
proposed elevations. By retaining the trees to the south and west boundaries that
were planted as part of the millennium celebrations, the development would be
screened from the closest properties and which could be secured by condition. This
would meet the aims of Policy EP 12 of the Fylde Local Plan. It is acknowledged
that the development is adjacent to the Conservation Area and that the development
would be contemporary in design. However, this is considered acceptable rather
than merely reproducing existing architectural styles.
The applicant has advised that the built form would increase by 62%. However, the
overall school site is large in area at approximately 2 hectares including the playing
fields and therefore the proposed development is considered to be of an acceptable
scale. Subject to conditions controlling details of materials, details of the
hardstanding associated with the potential site for the private nursery and the
retention of the trees to the south and west boundaries the proposal is considered
acceptable. The proposal therefore meets the aims of Policy EP3, and EP12 of the
Fylde Local Plan.
Residential amenity
The proposed development would be located at an established school, which is
surrounded by residential properties, mostly the rear gardens to such beyond
surrounding access roads. The relocation of the school building would mean that
some residents would be in closer proximity to the proposed building. However, the
development would be single storey with the hall at a maximum height of 9m. In
response to residents' concerns, the applicant has revised the south west elevation
opposite no 4 Headroomgate Road so that whilst the height of the elevation at the
highest point would remain the same at 5.4m, the rectangular massing of this end
elevation has now been softened with a pitched roof.
With reference to Fylde Borough Council's comments, consideration has been given
to the impact of the new school and associated facilities on the proposed three
storey care home on an adjoining site. The proposed school building would be 20m
away from the southern boundary of the care home site. A small playground and a
pedestrian path are proposed in between the new school building and this boundary.
It is considered that the residential amenity of any future occupiers of the care home
would not be adversely affected. Some tree planting is proposed on this boundary
and which would screen the school site. Whilst the eastern boundary of the
proposed care home, would be adjacent to the proposed mini football pitch, there
has not been any change in the use of the land as it was always part of the playing
field of the school. It is therefore considered that the proposal is acceptable and
would not have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity.
The development includes a total of nine, 6m high lighting columns to the internal
access road and car park. The pedestrian path on the southern boundary would be
lit with 32 bollards at 1.1m in height. LCC lighting engineer has raised no objection
to the lighting scheme and acknowledges that it would keep light spill to a minimum.
The lighting details are considered acceptable and comply with Policy EP28 of the
Fylde Borough Local Plan.
It is important to consider the impact of the sports facilities on the amenities of the
residential properties. Due to the relocation of the school buildings to the southwest
of the school site, the school playing pitches would be relocated to the north and
east of the site. One of the main properties to be affected by the relocation of the
sports pitches would be 18 Clarendon Road North as the applicant has proposed a
6m ball stop fence within 2.5m of their southern boundary. However, whilst the ball
stop fencing is high it is considered that it would afford protection from stray balls.
Furthermore, no objections have been received from residents to this aspect of the
Traffic Issues
Currently, the site is accessed from Clarendon Road North to a staff car park and a
service access from Back Headroomgate Road. As part of the application the
service access road would be closed and the access from Clarendon Road North
would be located some 13m further south so that it would not be directly opposite the
junction with Ramsgate Road.
The application is accompanied by a Transport Assessment (TA) that advises that
the school currently has 512 pupils (390 families) and employs 51 staff (both
teachers and teaching assistants) plus 30 admin/kitchen/welfare staff. The schools
catchment area is generally concentrated within the residential areas of St. Annes
although some pupils do live as far as South Shore (Blackpool) and Lytham. In
addition the school operates extra-curricular activities which run until 4.30pm and on
average are attended by 30 children per day. There is a breakfast club and after
school club which serves pupils from 8am until 6pm and currently 45 children use
this facility.
The gates to the school are open from 08.30am with the school day commencing at
08.50am. The school operate staggered finish times of 3.20pm for Key Stage
1(reception and infants) and Key Stage 2 finishing at 3.30pm. The school has an
existing School Travel Plan which was prepared to encourage a change in journey to
school travel patterns. A walking bus between the two sites is therefore in operation
which enables siblings to be dropped off at one point rather than accessing both
school sites. This is currently used by 45 children each day.
The TA refers to a number of surveys and considered the data in light of projected
increases of children numbers. The assessment forecast that the proposal would
generate a total of 43 vehicular pupil related trips and that the surrounding residential
roads could accommodate such parking. Therefore, the assessment demonstrated
that the traffic volumes likely to be generated by the proposal would not be
significant and that the impact upon the operational capacity of the local highway
network and associated junctions should be minimal. The TA also identified that
since January 2007 there had been 7 recorded accidents in the vicinity of the school.
An analysis of the data reveals that only one accident has occurred during the school
starting and finishing times within the vicinity of the school.
With reference to the concerns raised by residents about highway matters, LCC
Assistant Director (Highways) has advised that the site has been visited both during
and outside school times in order to gain an appreciation of the existing traffic
parking and movement patterns. Outside school times there are few parking and
movement issues. As with all schools, parking and movement issues are at their
worst at the end of the school day when parents try to get as close as possible to the
school. The proposed vehicular access to the development from Clarendon Road
North is off-set from the junction of Ramsgate Road. In terms of highway safety this
is considered to be a better arrangement than the existing as it removes turning
In terms of car parking requirements the applicant has stated that there would be a
total of 28 teaching areas which includes provision for the nursery (although the
construction of the nursery is not part of this application). A total of 28 car parking
spaces would be provided which includes two mobility spaces. With regard to
cycling provision the application includes a cycle shelter to be provided near the
school car park and in close proximity to the main entrance.
It is acknowledged that the construction phase of the development would involve an
increase in heavy goods vehicular movements and it is proposed to provide a
separate construction access to be located to the north east of the site off Clarendon
Road North. The applicant has advised that construction related traffic would be
prohibited during school start and finishing times. LCC Highways has recommended
that these details should form part of a Traffic Management Plan to ensure that the
developer addresses safety concerns relating to the potential conflicts of
construction traffic and school traffic.
With reference to residents' concerns about the state of Back Headroomgate Road
and the need for improvements, LCC Highways has advised that Back
Roomheadgate Road is not an adopted highway and is therefore maintained
privately. Whilst residents may wish to see the condition of the road improved it is
not necessary for the development proposal to be acceptable.
Overall, the Assistant Director has raised no objection in principle but has
recommended a number of conditions to make the development acceptable in
highway terms and which are incorporated in the recommendation.
Landscape and Ecology
The applicant has submitted an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and a bat building
and emergence survey. The survey identifies that the site consists largely of
amenity grassland with school buildings, and associated car parking and playground
facilities. An area of grassland to the north has been left unmanaged and has
become rank, with trees and hedges forming the west and southern boundaries of
the site.
The report concludes that there are no protected sites on or near the proposed
development site. The main habitats are neutral amenity grassland, which has very
low floristic diversity. The grassland is very widespread and common habitat with
limited ecological value. The trees around the boundary of the site provide the
greater ecological value particularly in terms of wildlife value for nesting birds and bat
The report concludes that with the exception of the trees the ecological value of the
habitats on the site is low. With regard to bats, an inspection of the school buildings
and a night time emergence survey concludes that bats are not using the school
buildings at Heyhouses for roosting. There is some indicative landscape planting
proposed to the perimeter of the site which is considered acceptable but specific
details of tree/plant species, size and number, and planting measures and
maintenance are required to seek to ensure an appropriate and successful
landscaping scheme and is proposed to be addressed by condition.
The proposal meets the aims of Policy EP 12 and EP 19 of the Fylde Borough Local
Plan and is considered acceptable subject to conditions requiring details of
landscaping, tree protection and replacement planting to be submitted.
Flood Risk
The application is accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment which concludes that
the site lies within Zone 1 of the Environment Agency Flood Map and as such the
risk of fluvial flooding is considered to be low even during extreme flood events.
However, to mitigate against any localised flooding resulting from surface runoff, the
FRA recommends that the internal ground floor of any buildings be elevated by at
least 150mm above the finished external ground level. A condition is proposed to
ensure that the mitigation measures in the Flood Risk Assessment are implemented
in full. United Utilities has raised no objection but has recommended conditions
requiring site drainage on a separate sewer; land drainage not to be connected to
the public sewer; and hardstanding areas be constructed using permeable materials.
Human Rights
In view of the nature and location of the development it is considered that no
Convention Rights set out in the Human Rights Act 1998 would be affected.
Summary of Reasons for Decision
The development would provide a new primary school with improved teaching
accommodation and outdoor space provision. New school facilities would contribute
towards the future needs of the community and are supported by paragraph 72 of
the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposed design and construction
materials are acceptable and the development would have no detrimental impact on
the neighbouring Conservation Area. The conditions would ensure that the
development would have no unacceptable impact on local amenity, the local
highway network or the environment. The development accords with the policies of
the National Planning Policy Framework and the policies of the development plan.
The policies of the development plan relevant to this decision are:
EP 12
EP 14
EP 19
EP 23
Boundary Settlement
Playing Fields
Community Facilities
Community use of School facilities
Conservation Area
Protected Species
Surface Water
Light Pollution
In determining this planning application, the County Planning Authority has worked
with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner based on seeking solutions to
problems arising in relation to dealing with the planning application by liaising with
consultees, respondents and the applicant/agent and discussing changes to the
proposal where considered appropriate or necessary. This approach has been
taken positively and proactively in accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the
National Planning Policy Framework and for the purposes of Article 31 of the Town
and Country Development Management Procedure Order 2012, Statement of
That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:
Time Limits
The development shall commence not later than 3 years from the date of this
Reason: Imposed pursuant to Section 91 (1) (a) of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
Written notification of the date of commencement of the development and the
opening of the school shall be sent to the Director of Environment and
Transport within 7 days of such commencement of development and opening
of the school respectively.
Reason: To enable the County Planning Authority to monitor the
development to ensure compliance with this permission and to conform with
Working Programme
The development shall be carried out, except where modified by the
conditions to this permission, in accordance with the following documents:
The Planning Application and supporting statement received by
the Director of Transport and Environment on 28 February 2013
Submitted Plans and documents:
Drawing Number 7939- E03 entitled 'Existing Site Plan'
Drawing Number 7939-P01A entitled 'Site Plan'
Drawing Number 7939-P03 rev A entitled 'Proposed
Drawing Number 7939-P04 entitled 'Proposed Sections'
Drawing number 7939-P02 entitled 'Proposed Floor Plan'
Drawing Number 013.003.EX1 entitled 'External Lighting'
Drawing Number 212/78/100 entitled 'Existing Drainage
Drawing Number 212/78/101 entitled 'Proposed Foul &
Water Drainage Layout'
Drawing Number 7939-P08 entitled 'Site Fencing &
Access Gates'
All schemes and programmes approved in accordance with this
Reason: To minimise the impact of the development on the amenities of the
area and to conform with the Policies of the Fylde Borough Local plan.
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
construction of the sports pitches and playing field areas to be provided at the
school, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of
Transport and Environment. The scheme and programme shall include the
following details:
The standard of construction of the sports facilities at the school
including all pitches and remaining playing field areas;
Details of the drainage of the sports pitches (in accordance with
Sport England's design guidance 'Natural Turf for Sport');
Details of the colour and construction of any ball-stop fencing to
be erected around the courts or sports pitches.
A timetable for the delivery of the sports pitches to be made
available within 12 months from the completion of the
construction and demolition phase of the development.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved
scheme and programme and timetable.
Reason: In the interests of providing quality sports pitches and playing fields.
Site Operations
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
control and layout of the constructors compound works has been submitted to
and approved in writing by the Director of Environment and Transport. The
scheme and programme shall include details of the following:a)
Details for the location and layout of a contractor's compound
including contractor's car parking and materials storage.
Details for the routeing and management of contractor's vehicles
and construction traffic
Details of the location and heights of any soil/sub soil storage
The contractor's compound shall be constructed, all contractors' vehicles shall
access the compound, and any soil/subsoil stockpiles shall be stored, in
accordance with the details in the approved scheme and programme. The
compound shall be removed on completion of the construction phase of the
development and the land restored in accordance with the approved details
for the purposes of condition 14.
Reason: In order to satisfy the County Planning Authority that the construction
development would have no unacceptable impact on local amenity. The
compound shall be removed on completion of the construction phase of the
development and the land restored in accordance with the requirements of
condition 14.
Building Materials
No school building construction development shall take place until details of
the building materials to be used for the external elevations and the roof of the
school building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the
Director of Transport and Environment. Thereafter, the development shall be
carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To protect the visual amenities of the area.
Hours of Working
No construction development, delivery or removal of materials shall take place
outside the hours of:
0730 to 1800 hours Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays),
0800 to 1400 hours on Saturday (except Public Holidays).
No construction development, delivery or removal of materials shall take place
at any time on Sundays or Public Holidays.
This condition shall not however operate so as to prevent the use of pumping
equipment and the carrying out, outside of these hours, of essential repairs to
plant and machinery used on the site.
Reason: To safeguard the amenity of local residents and adjacent
properties/landowners and land users.
Highway Matters
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
construction of the car park and access road has been submitted to and
approved in writing by the Director of Transport and Environment. The
scheme and programme shall include the following details:
Materials to be used in the construction and surface of the car
park and access road.
Car park spaces including two mobility spaces and manoeuvring
areas to be marked out.
Details of the cycle shelter including number of racks and
provision for scooters.
Thereafter the car park, access roads and cycle shelter shall be constructed
in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the school.
Reason: To allow for the effective use of the parking areas and to ensure the
provision of sustainable transport options.
The existing access to the school shall be physically and permanently closed
and the existing footway and kerbing of the vehicular crossing shall be
reinstated in accordance with the Lancashire County Council Specification for
Construction of Estate Roads prior to occupation of the school.
Reason: To limit the number of access points to, and to maintain the proper
construction of the highway.
Within 12 months of the opening of the primary school subject of this
permission, a School Travel Plan, as defined by this permission, shall be
submitted to the Director of Transport and Environment for approval in writing.
The Travel Plan shall include:
A brief description of the development, its location and a
summary of the particular transport and road safety issues at the
Evidence and results of consultation with staff and other
interested parties.
Targets and measures to minimise the impact of/reduce private
car use for the journey to and from the site by staff and other
A summary of the site’s current road safety policies and
practices, details of any new or proposed initiatives including a
planned timetable of introduction.
Proposals for monitoring progress of the Travel Plan including a
timetable for its implementation and review.
The approved recommendations of the Travel Plan shall be implemented and
reviewed in accordance with the approved timetable.
Reason: In the interests of Highway Safety
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
construction of the site access and the off-site works of highway improvement
has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Director of Transport
and Environment. The approved scheme and programme shall be
implemented in full prior to the occupation of the school.
Reason: In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority that the final details
of the highway scheme/works are acceptable before work commences on
Measures shall be taken at all times during the construction phase of the
development to prevent debris from the site being deposited by vehicles upon
the public highway.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to safeguard the amenity of
local residents and adjacent properties/landowners.
Control of Noise
All mobile plant and vehicles operated at the site shall be fitted with nonaudible or broadband (white sound) reversing alarm systems and shall be
used by all mobile plant and vehicles on the site at all times during the
construction phase of the development.
Reason: To safeguard the amenity of local residents and adjacent
properties/landowners and land users.
No development shall commence until a landscaping plan for the site
(including the area identified as 'future nursery development' on drawing
number 7939 - P01A - Site Plan), including a detailed planting scheme has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Environment and
Transport. The landscaping plan shall include details of:
a) The location, numbers and types of tree and shrub planting within
the site.
b) Details for the grass seeding of any landscaping areas including
mixes to be used and rates of application.
c) Details for the management of any landscaping areas including
maintenance of tree and shrub planting and grazing or mowing
of grassland areas.
The approved landscaping plan shall be carried out in the first available
planting season following completion of the construction phase of the
development and thereafter all planting shall be maintained for a period of 5
Reason: In the interests of visual and local amenity and the local environment
and to conform with Policy EP 14 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan.
All hedges and trees forming part of the site boundaries shall be protected
from any damage and maintained throughout the construction development.
Reason: In the interests of visual and local amenity and the local environment
and to conform with Policy EP 12 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan.
Safeguarding of Watercourses and Drainage
Provision shall be made for the collection, treatment and disposal of all water
entering or arising on the site to ensure that there shall be no discharge of
contaminated or polluted drainage to ground or surface waters.
Reason: To safeguard local watercourses and drainages and avoid the
pollution of any watercourse or groundwater resource or adjacent land and to
conform with policy EP 23 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan.
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
disposal of foul and surface water has been submitted to and approved in
writing by the Director of Environment and Transport. Surface water must
drain separate from the foul water. Any surface water draining to the public
sewer must be restricted to a combined maximum pass forward flow of
28.4l/s. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the
approved details.
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development, to prevent an undue
increase in surface water run-off and to reduce the risk of flooding to comply
with policy EP 23 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan.
No development shall commence until a scheme and programme for the
construction of areas of hardstanding, play areas and car parking has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Environment and
Transport. The details shall include how the areas shall be constructed using
permeable materials on a permeable base. The development shall be carried
out in accordance with the approved materials.
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to prevent an
undue increase in surface water run-off.
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) by EWE Associates Ltd for Conlon
Construction LTD (Final Rev 0 February 2013) and the agreed mitigation
measures including limiting the surface water runoff generated by the 1 in 100
year critical storm. The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to
occupation of the school or within any other period as may be subsequently
agreed in writing by the Director of Environment and Transport.
Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and
future occupants.
Planting Season: The period between 1 October in any one year and 31 March in
the following year.
The applicant's attention is drawn to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and
the British Standards Institution Code of Practice for Design of Buildings and their
approaches to meet the needs of Disabled People (BS8300:2009). The design of the
building will also need to comply with Part M of the Building Regulations 2010. In the
case of educational buildings, the applicant's attention is drawn to the Special
Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 and the guidance prepared by the
Department of Education and Skills Building Bulletin 91 (Access for the Disabled to
School Buildings) and Building Bulletin 94 (Inclusive School Design).
This consent requires the construction, improvement or alteration of an access to the
public highway. Under the Highways Act 1980 Section 184 the County Council as
Highway Authority must specify the works to be carried out. Only the Highway
Authority can carry out these works and therefore before any access works can start
you must contact the Environment Directorate for further information quoting the
planning application number.
The grant of planning permission will require the applicant to enter into an
appropriate Legal Agreement, with the County Council as Highway Authority. The
Highway Authority hereby reserves the right to provide the highway works within the
highway associated with this proposal. Provision of the highway works includes
design, procurement of the work by contract and supervision of the works. The
scope of the works to be covered by this condition are:•
Removal of existing school keep clear road markings / traffic signs &
sign posts
Provision of new school keep clear markings / traffic signs & sign posts
Provision of waiting restrictions / traffic signs & sign posts.
It should be noted that the developer is expected to pursue to their best endeavours
the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders and should the TRO fail the developer
should still meet the Highway Authorities reasonable costs.
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985
List of Background Papers
Catherine Lewis /Env/30490
Reason for Inclusion in Part II, if appropriate