Department of Health Bureau Of Health Facilities And Services (BHFS) ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR LICENSURE OF HOSPITALS OUTLINE OF CONTENTS I. 8. 9. GENERAL INFORMATION(page 2) II. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION A. Services 1. Administrative Service (pages 3-8) 1.1. Human Resource 1.2. Accounting 1.3. Budget and Finance 1.4. Billing and Claims 1.5. Procurement 1.6. Property and Supply Management 1.8 Linen and Laundry 1.9 Housekeeping 1.7. Nutrition and Dietary 1.8. Security Services 1.9. Ambulance Services 1.10. Central Information Management 1.11. Medical Records (Including Dental Records) 1.12. Medical Social Services 1.13. Nutrition and Dietetics 1.14. Pharmacy 2. Patients Rights and Organizational Ethics (pages 9-10) 3. Patient Care (pages 11-13) 4. Implementation of Care (pages 13-15) 5. Evaluation of Care (page 15) 6. Leadership and Management (pages 16-17) 7. External Services (page 17) [Type text] 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Human Resource Management (page 17-18) Data Collection, Management and Use (pages18-19) Safe Practice and Environment including Patient and Staff Safety (pages 20-25) Maintenance of Environment of Care (pages 25-27) Infection Control (pages 28-32)) Energy and Waste Management (page 33) Improving Performance (page 34) III. CLINICAL SERVICES (pages 35-36) IV. PERSONNEL POSITION STAFFING REQUIREMENT(pages 37-43) 1. Top Management Personnel Qualification Standard 2. Administrative 3. Clinical 4. Nursing 5. Ancillary IV. EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS (pages44-51) List of Equipment and Instrument Requirement 1. Administrative 2. Clinical 2.1. Emergency Room 2.2. Outpatient Care 2.3. Operating Room 2.4. Recovery Room 2.5. High Risk Pregnancy Unit 2.6. Delivery Room 2.7. Neonatal Intensive care Unit 2.8. Intensive Care Unit 3. Nursing Unit/Ward 4. Isolation Room 5. Central Supply and Sterilization Unit/ Room 6. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit 7. Dialysis Clinic 8. Ambulatory Surgical Clinic 9. Dental Clinic 10. Dietary V. PHYSICAL PLANT REQUIREMENT(52-56) Required rooms/areas/offices VI.HOSPITAL PROGRAMS (pages 57-59) 1. Blood Services 2. Newborn Screening 3. Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative 4. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 5. Generics Act 6. Health Emergency Management Services VII. HOSPITAL COMMITTEES (page 60) VII. HOSPITAL OPERATIONS CRITERIA (page 61) VIII. SIGNATURE PAGE (page 62) Page 1 I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Check to make sure that you have the complete tool with a total of sixty-three (63) pages and copies of the SOE,SOM and NOV Forms. 2. Assign sections of the tool to corresponding team members. 3. To properly fill-out this tool, the Regulatory Officer shall make use of: INTERVIEWS, REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS, OBSERVATION and VALIDATION of findings. If the corresponding items are present or available, place a ✔on each of the appropriate boxes alongside each corresponding item. If not, put an X instead. 5. The REMARKS column shall document relevant observations both positive and negative, including innovations and initiatives undertaken by those responsible in the facility. 6. Make sure to fill-in the blanks with the needed information. Do not leave any items blank; write N.A. if not applicable. 7. (Sh shaded cell means that specific items are not applicable to the hospital level. 8. means the service can be outsourced but must be inside hospital premises. 9. The Team Leader shall at the end of the inspection or monitoring visit, make sure that the team members complete their respective tool section and proceed to accomplish the Summary of Evaluation (SOE) or Summary of Monitoring (SOM) Form and if warranted, the Notice of Violation (NOV) Form. 10. The Team Leader shall ensure that all team members write down their printed names, designation and affix their signatures and indicate the date of inspection or monitoring,all at the last page of the Assessment Tool, on the SOE and SOMForms and if warranted, also on the NOV Form. 11. The Team Leader shall make sure that the Head of the facility or, when not available, the next most senior or responsible officer affix his/her signature on the same aforementioned pages and indicate the position, to signify that inspection or monitoring results were discussed during the exit conference and a copy of the SOE or SOM and, only if warranted, that of the NOV, were received. 12. This shall also serve as self-assessment tool for facility owners and monitoring tool. 4. [Type text] II. GENERAL INFORMATION: Name of Hospital: Address: (Number & Street) (Barangay/District) (Municipality/City) (Province & Region) Telephone No../ Fax No. E-mail Address: License No (for renewal): Date Issued Hospital Category: Expiry Date: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Philhealth Accreditation:Center of: Safety Quality Excellence Classification According to Ownership: Government No. of: Authorized Bed Capacity Private Implementing Beds Name of Owner or Governing Body (if corporation): Name of Hospital Administrator, Medical Director or Chief of Hospital Page 2 INDICATOR DOH MONITORING CRITERIA DOH INSPECTION STANDARDS SELF-ASSESSMENT CODE EVIDENCE AREA REMARKS HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION: Goal- To be responsive to the requirements of quality health service delivery, health regulation, health financing and good governance. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCE SERVICE: The AFS shall ensure adequate ●Documented and implementable policies and 1.1.1 and timely financial and direct support services to all procedures hospital units. Approved documented policies, guidelines and procedures on: Administrative Group: a) Staffing plan Human Resource b) Recruitment and ● Complete, updated and Management Selection easily retrievable There shall be a c) Hiring/Appointment individual personnel file comprehensive human d) Orientation & Staff ● Evidence of continuous resource management plan Development improvement 1.1.1.a which includes recruitment, e) continuing education, and 1.1.1.a.1 selection, promotion, training separation, welfare and Approved documented policies, benefits in accordance with guidelines and procedures on applicable laws. a) Staffing plan b) Recruitment and Selection c) Hiring/Appointment d) Orientation & Staff Development e) continuing education, and training [Type text] Page 3 : f) g) h) i) Performance Evaluation Rotation/Transfer Succession Plan Merit, Promotion, Awards & Incentives j) Resignation, Termination and Retirement k) Physical Examination ● record of schedule of duties ● appointment/employment contract, if valid ● updated health certificate (as required) ● orientation plan/program of new employees implemented ●record of schedule of duties ●appointment/employment contract, if valid ● updated health certificate (as required) ● orientation plan/program of new employees implemented 1.1.1.b 1.1.1.b.1 1.1.1.b.2 Financial Management Group Accounting There shall be a systematic recording of all financial transactions, preparation of financial statements and relevant reports, and maintenance and safekeeping of Books of Accounts. Budget There shall be a consolidation and preparation of the Budget Proposal, Work and Financial/ Operational Plans including its implementation and monitoring by the hospital staff concerned. documented and implementable policies and procedures documented and implementable policies and procedures Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff, Validate ▪ List of personnel – check if Current Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Billing And Claims There shall be a system of billing patients and processing of claims [Type text] documented and implementable policies and Page 4 1.1.1.b.3 1.1.1.c 1.1.1.d 1.1.1.e 1.1.1.f Billing and Claims There shall be a system of billing of patients and processing of claims documented and implementable policies and procedures Procurement: There shall be a comprehensive plan of systematic management of procurement and acquisition of supplies, materials, healthcare equipment, vehicles, services, infrastructure work and other required logistics for the effective and efficient delivery of quality services ●Policies, guidelines and procedures on requisition, purchase, issuance and inventory; disposal of nonfunctional equipment, instruments, supplies, expired drugs and medicines and reagents are in place. Property and Supply Management: There shall be a systematic way of receipt, storage, issuance and conduct of inventory . documented and implementable policies and procedures Proof of transactions Documents are readily Available Linen and Laundry There shall be adequate supply of clean linens for patients and other hospital units. ● Sorting of soiled and contaminated linens in designated areas ● Systematic washing of laundry with safeguard against spread of infection ● Disinfection of laundry Policies, procedures and guidelines in cleaning and washing of soiled linens Housekeeping There shall be provision and maintenance of clean, safe and sanitary facilities and environment for hospital personnel, patients and clients [Type text] Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Documents are readily available Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Look for approved Work and Financial Plan and its implementation ● Adequate housekeeping supplies. ●evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Page 5 1.1.1.g 1.1.1.h 1.1.1.i . Security There shall be order within the hospital premises and protection of lives, properties and critical infrastructure from threats, harm and losses Ambulance Services (Compliance to A.O. 20100003- National Policy on Ambulance Use and Services) Central Information Management There shall be a comprehensive plan of systematic management of data and research for the improvement of acquisition, utilization of finances, assets and development of human resources, operating systems and procedures. [Type text] ●Security check for internal and external customers including use of visitor’s pass ●evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate ●Documented and approved policies and procedures on patient transport to and from the facility ●24 hour availability of ambulance for ready use ●Available contract/ MOA, if contracted out ●Logbook on transport of patients/clients by ambulance to and from the facility With appropriate manpower, equipment and supplies during patient transport Verifier: Documents review, Observe, Interview staff&Validate ●documented and implementable policies and procedures If contracted out; note specifications in contract or MOA Verifier: Documents review, Observe, Interview staff&Validate Page 6 1.1.1.i.a 1.1.1.j Medical Records (Including Dental Records) ● Documented and implementable policies and procedures There shall be an organized system of recording, processing, analyzing, maintaining and safekeeping of all patients' records through the written data in sequence of events covering the diagnosis, treatment and discharge of patients ● ICD-10 reference books with additional ICD-10 modification ● Logbooks on: Admission OR DR ER OPD Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate Medical Social Services There shall be policies and procedures in place pertaining to social case work, multisectoral networking and linkages in understanding the sociobehavioral and economic plight of patients and their families for the holistic approach in their management and treatment ● Approved documented policies and procedures and records on: a)Patient classification according to their capacity to pay b) Continuity of care c) Counselling of patients/clients and their families d) Records of pre-admission and pre- discharge assessment, and discharge plan Verifier: Observe, Interview staff, Validate Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate ●Available contract or MOA with DSWD or the LGU whenever applicable ● (for private hospitals) Allocation of not less than 10% of its Authorized bed capacity as charity beds. ●Compliance to RA 9439, “An Act Prohibiting the Detention of Patients in Hospitals and Medical Clinics on Grounds of Nonpayment of Hospital Bills or Medical Expenses”, (IRR, AO No. 2008-0001) [Type text] Page 7 1.1,1.k Nutrition And Dietetics There shall be maintenance and provision of safe, high quality and nutritious food to patients and personnel. 1.1.1.l Pharmacy There shall be 24 hours, 7 days a week provision of safe, affordable and efficacious drugs and medicines in accordance with the Generics Act, PNDF and DOH policies, rules and regulations. [Type text] Actual implementation and evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures If contracted out; note specifications in contract or MOA documented and implementable policies and procedures Actual implementation and evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures documented and implementable policies and procedures Verifier: Observe, Interview staff, Validate Verifier: Observe, Interview staff, Validate Page 8 2.1 INDICATOR DOH MONITORING CRITERIA DOH INSPECTION STANDARDS SELFASSESSMENT CODE EVIDENCE AREA REMARKS PATIENTS’ RIGHTS AND ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS Goal: To improve patient outcomes by respecting patients' rights and ethically relating with patients and other organizations 2.1.1 1.Organizational policies and procedures respect and support patients' right to quality care and their responsibilities in that care. Informed consent is obtained from patients prior to initiation of care. All patient charts have signed consent. DOCUMENT Patient charts – sample charts of patients currently admitted. If hospital is department-alized, get samples during tour of the different departments. Note: *Informed consent includes a patient-doctor discussion of the following issues: the nature of the decision or procedure; reasonable alternatives to the proposed intervention; the relative risks, benefits, and uncertainties related to each alternative; assessment to patient understanding; and patient's acceptance or refusal of the intervention. [Type text] Wards (sample size-10 charts, if departmentalized, get two from each department; when a chart is found to have no consent before you reach 10, you do not have to go further.) Page 9 2.1.2 2.The organization informs the community about the services it provides and the hours of their availability. Clinical services are appropriate to patients' needs and the former's availability is consistent with the organization's service capability and role in the community. Presence of facilities consistent with clinical service capability based on DOH license in accordance with the hospital’s level (e.g. level 1 surgical capability, level 2 – ICU, level 3– teaching and training hospital). DOCUMENT REVIEW List of services available OBSERVATION: Look at the facilities, structure, manpower, equipment and supply. Check if the service capability of the hospital is in accordance with the hospital level. ER OPD ICU OR RR PACU [Type text] Page 10 2.2 2.2.1 PATIENT CARE ACCESS - Goal: The organization is accessible to the community that it aims to serve. 2.2.1.a 3.Physical Access to the organization and its services is facilitated and is appropriate to patients' needs. 2.2.1.b 4.Physical access to the organization and its services is facilitated and is appropriate to patients' needs. 2.2.1.c 5.Physical access to the organization and its services is facilitated and is appropriate to patients' needs. [Type text] Entrances and exits are clearly and prominently marked, free of any obstruction and readily accessible. Presence of entrances and exits that are readily accessible and free from obstruction. Directional signs are prominently posted to help locate service areas within the organization. Presence of directional signages to locate service areas. OBSERVATION Entrances and exits are accessible and free from any obstruction. Note: Exit signs should be luminous or illuminated and prominently marked. There should be exit signs in major areas of the hospital and all doors leading to the outside.(Reference: RA 6541 Building Code of the Philippines) ER OPD Wards Other Areas Lobby Directional signs are prominently posted. Check ER, OPD, wards and lobby. Alternative passageways for patients with special needs(e.g.ramps and elevators) are available, clearly and prominently marked and free of any obstruction. .Presence of alternative passageways (ramps and elevators) that are prominently marked and free from obstruction for patients with special needs. ER OPD Wards ICU OR/RR/ DR/PACU Imaging Laboratory OBSERVATION 1.There are alternative passageways for patients with special needs. Check ER, OPD, wards and other areas 2. They are prominently marked and 3. They are free from obstruction ER OPD Wards Other areas Page 11 2.2.2. 2.2.2.a 2.2.3 2.2.3.a ENTRY Goal: The entry process meet patient needs and are supported by effective systems and a suitable environment 6.The organization uniquely identifies all patients including newborn infants, and creates a specific patient chart for each patient that is readily accessible to authorized personnel. All patients are correctly identified by their patient charts. All patients are correctly identified by their charts. DOCUMENT and INTERVIEW Patient chart from ER, ward, OPD and ICU and verify with patient if he/she really is the person indicated in the chart. ER CHART REVIEW Wards OPD Wards ICU ASSESSMENT Goal: Comprehensive assessment of every patient enables the planning and delivery of patient care. 7.Each patient's physical, psychological and social status is assessed. An appropriately comprehensive history and physical examination is performed on very patient within 24 hours from admission. The history includes present illness, past medical, family, social and personal history. All patients have comprehensive history and PE within 24 hours from admission. ER DOCUMENT Patient chart from wards or ER. NOTE: comprehensive history includes present illness, review of systems, past medical, family and personal history. [Type text] Page 12 2..2.3.b 2.2.3.c 2.3 2.3.1 8.Appropriate professionals perform coordinated and sequenced patient assessment to reduce waste and unnecessary repetition. Previously obtained information is reviewed at every stage of the assessment to guide future assessments. All patient charts have progress notes by doctors. 9.Assessments are performed regularly and are determined by patient's evolving response to care. Qualified personnel give patients for surgery preoperative physical and preanesthetic assessment. All patients for surgery have undergone pre-operative anesthetic assessment. CHART REVIEW Medical Records Office Patient chart from medical records Note: The progress notes should be done regularly and documented in the patient chart either as separate “progress notes” sheet or side notes in the doctor’s order sheet. CHART REVIEW Note: Look for preoperative anesthetic evaluation in the patient chart. Pre-operative assessment should be done for patients requiring more than local anesthesia. IMPLEMENTATION OF CARE Goal: Care is delivered to ensure the best possible outcomes for the patients 10.Diagnostic examinations appropriate to the provider organization's service capability and usual case mix are available and are performed by qualified personnel. [Type text] Policies and procedures for the standard performance, monitoring and quality control of diagnostic examinations are documented and monitored. Proof of monitoring of the implementation of the policies and procedures on quality control of diagnostic examinations DOCUMENT REVIEW Monitoring reports, e.g..utilization review of diagnostics exams done, audit reports, manual of procedures, or DOH monitoring reports e.g.. Quality control diagnostic reports (QC reports on softwares, calibration of diagnostic equipment, film reject analysis, etc.) X-ray Laboratory Page 13 2.3.2.a 11.Drugs are administered in a standardized and systematic manner in the provider organization. Drugs are administered in a timely, safe, appropriate and controlled manner. All drugs are administered in a timely, safe, appropriate and controlled manner to the right patient 2.3.2.b 12.Drugs are administered in a standardized and systematic manner in the provider organization. Only qualified personnel order, prescribe, prepare, dispense and administer drugs. All doctors, dentists, nurses and pharmacists have updated licenses 2.3.2.c 13.Drugs are administered in a standardized and systematic manner in the provider organization Prescriptions or orders are verified and patients are identified before medications are administered. Proof that the prescriptions or orders are verified before medications are administered. . For the timeliness of drug administration, check the hospital policy. If hospital does not have policy, frequency of drug administration in the chart should be checked and validate it thru patient interview Note: Surveyor may also check for administration of any of the following: antibiotics, anticonvulsants, MgSO4, KCl drip and other drips, calcium gluconate, sodium bicarbonate, etc. For oral medications, do direct observation Randomly check the licenses of doctors,dentists, nurses and pharmacists. Chart Review Wards Pharmacy OPD ER DOCUMENT Procedures on verification of orders. INTERVIEW Observe if staff verifies the prescriptions or orders for drugs with the doctor and the drug against the doctor's order Note: This is on a case to case basis; includes the route of administration (slow IV) and other precautionary measures/instruction e.g.. ANST [Type text] Page 14 2.3.2.d 14.Drugs are administered in a standardized and systematic manner in the provider organization INTERVIEW Verify from patients if they were correctly identified prior to drug administration. Prescriptions or orders are verified and patients are identified before medications are administered. Medical Records Room OBSERVATION Observe if the staff verifies the identity of patient prior to administration of medications. 2.3.2.e 2. 2.4.1 15.Drugs are administered in a standardized and systematic manner in the provider organization Drug administration is properly documented in the patient chart. All charts have proper documentation of drug administration CHART REVIEW Medication sheet in patient chart from the medical records. . EVALUATION OF CARE Goal: Care is coordinated between the organization and other health care providers in the community to ensure that the needs of the patient are continuously met. CHART REVIEW 16. The discharge plan is All charts have discharge part of the patient's care plans Patient chart from medical plan and is documented in records room, the the patient chart. discharge orders should contain the ff.: 1. May go home order 2.Home medications (if applicable) 3.Follow up visits/schedule 4. Home care/advise Note: Discharge plan is not synonymous with discharge summary. [Type text] Page 15 2.5 2.5.1.a 2.5.1.b LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Management team Goal: The organization effectively and efficiently governed and managed according to its values and goals to ensure that care produces the desired health outcomes, and is responsive to patient's and community needs. 17.The organization regularly reviews and updates its policies, guidelines and procedures 18.Terms of reference, membership and procedures are defined for the meetings of all committees within the organization. Minutes of meetings are recorded and approved. 2.5.1.c 19.The organization's management team regularly assesses its own performance and the performance of the organization. [Type text] ● Strategically Posted Vision and Mission of all the Services ●Approved Manual of Operations and/ or Written Policies, Guidelines and Procedures on Clinical Services Offered ●Strategically Posted Functional and Organizational Chart with Photos Showing Names and Relationship by Positions Proof of the creation of all committees within the organization which includes the terms of reference for membership Presence of evaluation and monitoring activities to assess management and organizational performance OBSERVATION DOCUMENT REVIEW INTERVIEW 1. Ask the management team about priorities for performance improvement that relate to hospital wide activities and patient outcomes 2. Ask management team how targets are set. Page 16 EXTERNAL SERVICES 2.6.1 20. Documented agreements and contracts cover external service providers and specify that the quality of services provided must be consistent with appropriate set standards. Presence of MOA/ contract for all out-sourced services (e.g. dialysis unit, dietary, laboratory, radiology). (Outsourced are services/ facilities provided by third party but are inside the hospital) DOCUMENT REVIEW 1.Contracts/MOA for outsourced services. 2. Valid licenses of all providers of the outsourced services. OBSERVATION Actual presence of the outsourced services within the hospital if applicable Document review Imaging Laboratory Other areas Note: The contracts/MOA should be updated. MOA is sufficient for some hospitals where the outsourced services are not within the facility. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.1.a Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning Goal: The organization provides the right number and mix of competent staff to meet the needs of its internal and external customers and to achieve its goals. 21. Planning ensures that Policies and procedures The organization Presence of policies and appropriately trained and for credentialing and documents and follows procedures for qualified (and where relevant, policies and procedures privileging of staff credentialing and credentialed) staff are for hiring, credentialing, privileging of staff available to undertake the and privileging of its staff. type and level of activity performed by the organization. This includes those who are consulted when suitable expertise is not available within the organization [Type text] Page 17 3.1.1.b 22.Workload is monitored and appropriate guidelines consulted to ensure that appropriate staff numbers and skill mix are available to achieve desired patient and organizational outcomes. Staff numbers and skill mix are based on actual clinical needs. Staff to bed ratio for licensed doctors, registered nurses and midwives/nursing aides follow the DOH prescribed ratio. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. List of total number of licensed doctors and dentists, registered nurses and midwives/ nursing aides based on HR records and 2. The schedule of duties for the previous and current month 3. Number of beds applied for and the actual being used. OBSERVATION Number of beds 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.1.a DATA COLLECTION, AGGREGATION AND USE Goal: Collection and aggregation of data are done for patient care, management of services, education and research. RECORDS MANAGEMENT Goal: Integrity, safety, access and security of records are maintained and statutory requirements are met. Medical Record DOCUMENT REVIEW When patients are admitted ●Presence of policies and 23.Clinical records are or are seen for ambulatory or procedures on systematic Policies and readily accessible to emergency care, patient filing, retrieval, retention, procedures on facilitate patient care, are charts documenting any storage, disposal and systematic record filing, kept confidential and safe, previous care can be quickly management of medical retrieval. retention, and comply with all retrieved for review, updating records. Patient’s chart storage, safekeeping relevant statutory and concurrent use. contents include the and maintenance and requirements and codes following: disposal. of practice -Doctor’s Progress Notes -Informed Consent -Problem List -Medication and Treatment Record -Laboratory and X-ray Reports -Dietary Assessment Clinical and Graphic Record of Vital Signs (TPR sheet) -Personal History and Physical Examination records -Newborn Record and Physical Maturity Rating, if warranted [Type text] Page 18 -Doctor’s Progress Notes -Medication and Treatment Record -Laboratory and X-ray Reports -Dietary Assessment Nurses Progress Notes -Records of Transfer/Referral to another Physician or Health Facility -Inpatient Referral/Consultation Notes of Other Physicians -Final Diagnosis -Advance Directive, if any 24.There shall be an organized system of processing, analyzing, maintaining and safekeeping of all patients' records through the written data in sequence of events covering the diagnosis, treatment and discharge of patients. 25.Clinical records are readily accessible to facilitate patient care, are kept confidential and safe, and comply with all relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice [Type text] The organization has policies and procedures and devotes resources including infrastructure to protect records and patients charts against loss, destruction, tampering and unauthorized access or use. Only authorized individuals make entries in the patient chart. Presence of procedures to protect records and patients charts against loss, destruction, tampering and unauthorized access or use DOCUMENT REVIEW Note also the following: 1. ICD-10Coding is being used. 2. Medical Records Officer is trained on ICD10 Coding and Medical Records Management DOCUMENT REVIEW Polices and procedures on records management for the entire hospital to maintain privacy, accuracy and prevent loss and destruction. OBSERVATION Observe 20 nurses in the wards and records personnel on how they protect patient chart against loss, tampering and unauthorized use. Page 19 6.1 6x1.1 6.1.1.a 6.1.1.b SAFE PRACTICE AND ENVIRONMENT PATIENT AND STAFF SAFETY Goal: Patients, staff and other individuals within the organization are provided a safe, functional and effective environment of care. If facility has nuclear 26.The organization plans a The organizational medicine, ask for the safe and effective environment environment complies with certificate issued by the of care consistent with its structural standards and Philippine Nuclear mission, services, and safety codes as prescribed by Research Institute with laws and regulations. law. (PNRI). 27.The organization plans a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its mission, services, and with laws and regulations. There are management plans which address safety, security, disposal and control of hazardous materials and biological wastes Emergency and disaster preparedness, fire safety, radiation safety and utility systems. 6.1.1.c 28.The organization plans a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its [Type text] There are management plans for the safe and efficient use of medical equipment Presence of a management plan addressing safety, security, disposal and control of hazardous materials and biologic wastes, emergency and disaster preparedness, fire safety, radiation safety and utility systems. DOCUMENT REVIEW Management plan which includes polices, procedures and programs, risk assessment, hazards surveillance among others that address the following: 1. Safety 2. Security 3. Disposal and control of hazardous materials/biologic wastes 4. Emergency and disaster preparedness 5. Fire safety 6. Radiation safety 7. Utility systems Note: The hospital must have plans for all the elements enumerated in the criteria. Plans should have guiding policies and specific procedures. Presence of operating manuals of the medical equipment. DOCUMENT REVIEW ER OPD Wards ICU OR/ DR/RR Facilities and maintenance Imaging Laboratory Others Page 20 6.1.1.d mission, services, and with laws and regulations. according to specifications. 29.The organization provides a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its mission and services, and with laws and regulations. Policies and procedures that address safety, security, control of hazardous materials and biological wastes, emergency and disaster preparedness, fire safety, radiation safety and utility systems are documented and implemented. DOCUMENT Operating manuals for the medical equipment Proof of implementation of the policies, procedures and safety programs on Document review 1. Water safety - water analysis results for the past 6 months. 1. electrical safety 2. Fire and emergency preparedness - check for exit plans, plans for earthquake and other disasters. 2. medical device safety 3. chemical safety 4. radiation safety 5. mechanical safety 6. water safety 7. combustible material safety 8. waste management 9. hospital safety program (fire, emergency and disaster preparedness) 3. Control of hazardous materials - MOA/Contract of outsourced services for waste management INTERVIEW 1. Ask staff from ER, Wards, OPD, Laboratory, Pharmacy, and facilities and maintenance on the manner of waste segregation and disposal (general waste, liquid & solid waste, infectious waste; non-infectious, hazardous and nonhazardous 2. Hospital safety program 3. Mechanical safety program of the hospital ER OPD Wards Imaging Laboratory Pharmacy Facilities and maintenance Other areas OBSERVATION [Type text] Page 21 1. Electrical safety - check for exposed wires and sockets, “octopus connections" 2. Emergency preparedness - check for evacuation plans, presence of fire extinguishers 3. Control of hazardous waste - waste disposal system, segregation of waste, proper labeling of waste receptacles 4. Chemical safety - check safe storage and disposal of reagents DOCUMENT 1. Quality control programs and corrective and preventive maintenance programs 2. Record of disposal of radiologic wastes 3. Preventive and corrective maintenance logbook 4. Film reject analysis test results INTERVIEW Ask staff about their role in the hospital waste management program particularly manner of radiologic waste disposal. OBSERVATION DOCUMENT REVIEW Presence of policies and procedures for the safe and efficient use of medical equipment (including the implementation of DOH AO#2008-0021on the gradual phase-out of mercury) [Type text] ER Page 22 6.1.1.e 6.1.1.f 30.The organization provides a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its mission and services, and with laws and regulations. 31.The organization provides a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its mission and services, and with laws and regulations. [Type text] Policies and procedures for the safe and efficient use of medical equipment according to specifications are documented and implemented The design of patient areas provides sufficient space for safety, comfort and privacy of the patient and for emergency care. Proof of the implementation of the policies and procedures for the safe and efficient use of medical equipment. Presence of adequate space, lighting and ventilation in compliance with structural requirements (for patient safety and privacy). DOCUMENT 1. Operating manual 2. Preventive and corrective maintenance logbook 3. Qualifications of staff handling medical equipment INTERVIEW 1. Ask staff in the ER, ICU, wards, OR/RR/DR, facilities and maintenance, imaging and laboratory about the policies and procedures for use of medical equipment and their role in the implementation of such policies and procedures. 2. Ask staff in the ER, wards, ICU and OR/RR/DR for the hospital's program on the gradual phase-out of mercury. OBSERVATION 1. Adequate space 2. Adequate lighting (lights are working, lighting is adequate enough for conduct of general activities) 3. Adequate ventilation Wards OR/RR/DR Facilities and maintenance Imaging Laboratory Other areas ER OPD Wards ICU OR/RR/DR Imaging Laboratory Pharmacy Other areas Page 23 6x1.1.g 32.The organization provides a safe and effective environment of care consistent with its mission and services, and with laws and regulations. Risks are identified, assessed and appropriately controlled. Where elimination or substitution is not possible, adequate warning and protection devices are used. Presence of policies and procedures on risk identification, assessment and control. DOCUMENT REVIEW policies and procedures on risk identification, assessment and control, security risks and use of personal protective equipment, etc. 33. The organization provides a safe and effective environment of Care consistent with its mission and services, and with laws and regulations. A coordinated security arrangements in the organization assures protection of patients, staff and visitors. Presence of an appointed personnel in charge of security. Hospital order or Memo. 6x1.1.h [Type text] Document review DOCUMENT REVIEW Policies and procedures on risk identification, assessment and control, security risks, use of personal protective equipment, etc. or Appointment of person in charge of security INTERVIEW Ask the personnel in charge of security what the policies on security of the hospital are . OBSERVATION Presence of security guard/s or personnel in charge of security. Page 24 7.1 7.1.1 MAINTENANCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT OF CARE Goal: A comprehensive maintenance program ensures a clean and safe environment. 34.The organization routinely An incident reporting system Presence of incident collects and evaluates identifies potential harms, reporting system/sentinel information to improve the evaluates causal and event monitoring system safety and adequacy of the contributing factors for the (which may include environment of care necessary corrective and nosocomial infections, preventive action. unexpected deaths, adverse drug reactions, flood transfusion reactions, falls, etc). "Sentinel event" refers to injuries caused by medical management (not necessarily the disease process) that either caused death, prolonged hospitalization or produced a disability during the time of confinement or by the time of discharge. [Type text] DOCUMENT REVIEW ●Minutes of Leadership meeting ●Incident/sentinel event reports or communications/memoranda/o rders or proceedings on sentinel events INTERVIEW Ask readers and staff from wards and ER how the incident reporting system works. Wards ER ICU OR Page 25 7.1.2 35. Emergency light and / or power supply, water and ventilation systems are provided for, in keeping with relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice. Presence of generator/emergency light, water system, adequate ventilation or air conditioning. DOCUMENT Preventive and corrective maintenance logbooks for generator/ emergency light/ water tanks/ airconditioners . Facilities and maintenance Other areas OBSERVATION 1. Presence of generator/emergency light, water tanks, adequate ventilation or air conditioning 2. Test if faucets and water closets are working 7.1.3 36.Equipment is serviced only by people trained in the maintenance of that equipment. Registers and records of equipment and related maintenance are kept. [Type text] Proof of training of the staff who is in charge of the maintenance of the equipment. Facilities and maintenance Facilities and DOCUMENT REVIEW Proof of training of service personnel if in-house or Certificate of Training, attendance sheet, Certificate of Attendance, diploma, citation or MOA/Contract for outsourced services (verify qualification of technicians). maintenance Imaging Laboratory Other areas Page 26 7.1.4 37.Current information and scientific data from manufacturers concerning their products are available for reference and guidance in the operation and maintenance of plant and equipment. INTERVIEW Ask about how equipment (generator, airconditioner, medical devices and other equipment etc.) are maintained. Presence of operating manuals equipment DOCUMENT Operating manual of generators, air conditioners and other non-medical equipment. [Type text] Page 27 8.1 INFECTION CONTROL Goal: Risk of acquisition and transmission of infections among patients, employees, physicians and other personnel, visitors and trainees are identified and 8.1.1.a 38.An interdisciplinary infection control program ensures the prevention and control of infection in all services. 8.1.1.b 39.An interdisciplinary infection control program ensures the prevention and control of infection in all services. Presence of an Infection Control Committee (ICC) with defined goals, objectives, strategies and priorities or for a primary hospital - a designated doctor and nurse in-charge of infection control. Presence of an infection control program ensuring prevention and control of infections on all services. DOCUMENT REVIEW DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. ICC composition (for a primary hospital - proof of designation of a doctor and nurse in-charge of = in2. ICC functions and activities fection control) 3. Minutes of meeting, at least quarterly activities 4. Statistics on nosocomial infections INTERVIEW Ask a member of the ICC regarding infection control program of the hospital. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Policies and procedures on prevention and control of nosocomial infection or Infection control manual 2. Policies on rational antimicrobial use based on the hospital antibiogram in coordination with Microbiology laboratory and Pharmacy Therapeutics Committee 3. Reports of infection control activities e.g. training,outbreak investigation, preventive programs [Type text] Page 28 8.1.2.a 40.The organization uses a coordinated system-wide approach to reduce the risks of nosocomial infections. The organization takes steps to prevent and control outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Presence of coordinated system-wide procedure for isolation of nosocomial infections. Document review DOCUMENT REVIEW Procedures on isolation of nosocomial infections INTERVIEW 8.1.2.b 41.The organization uses a coordinated system-wide approach to reduce the risks of nosocomial infections. The organization takes steps to prevent and control outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Presence of coordinated system-wide procedure for case containment of nosocomial infections. . 8.1.2.c 42.The organization uses a coordinated system-wide approach to reduce the risks of nosocomial infections. [Type text] The organization takes steps to prevent and control outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Presence of coordinated system-wide procedure for asepsis. ER Wards Ask= staff in ER, wards and ICU the procedures on isolation isolation - physical isolation of a patient with infection ICU DOCUMENT REVIEW Procedures on case containment of nosocomial infections Note: case containment - means prevention of spread of infection examples: reverse isolation, prophylaxis for exposed personnel, vaccination, immunization Document review ER Wards ICU INTERVIEW Validate from staff in ER, wards and ICU the procedures on case containment DOCUMENT REVIEW Procedures on asepsis INTERVIEW Ask staff from ER, wards, laboratory and ICU about the approaches for asepsis during diagnostic and treatment procedures. ER Wards ICU Laboratory Page 29 8.1.3.a 43.The organization uses a coordinated system-wide approach to reduce the risks of infection the staff are exposed to in the performance of their duties. There are programs for prevention and treatment of needle stick injuries, and policies and procedures for the safe disposal of used needles are documented and monitored. Presence of policies and procedures on the prevention and treatment of needle stick injuries and safe disposal of needles. . 8.1.3.b 44.The organization uses a coordinated system-wide approach to reduce the risks of infection the staff are exposed to in the performance of their duties. [Type text] There are programs for the prevention of transmission of airborne infections, and risks from patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or other communicable diseases are managed according to established protocols. Presence of program on prevention of transmission of airborne infections and risks from patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or other communicable diseases . DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Policies and procedures for prevention and treatment of needle stick injuries 2. Policies and procedures on proper handling and safe disposal of sharps/needle sticks INTERVIEW Interview hospital staff on how they handle and dispose needles OBSERVATION Presence of receptacles for proper disposal of sharps. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Infection control procedures on isolation and universal precaution 2. Program for the protection of healthcare workers e.g. personal protective equipment (PPEs) 3. Policies on all patient admission/referral, isolation and timely case reporting of highly transmissible and notifiable infectious disease e.g. meningococcemia, SARS, avian flu, etc. 4. Hand hygiene procedures 5. Environmental care and healthcare waste management 6. Procedures on recycling & reuse of equipment i.e. personal protective equipment ER Wards ICU Laboratory ER Wards ICU Laboratory Page 30 INTERVIEW Validate hospital policies on infection control such as use of PPEs, isolation precautions and hand washing. OBSERVATION 1. Observe for use of gloves, surgical masks. OR/DR 3. Look for separate holding area/room for highly infectious cases. 4. Ask a hospital staff to demonstrate hand washing technique. 8.1.4 45.Cleaning, disinfecting, drying, packaging and sterilizing of equipment, and maintenance of associated environment, conform to relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice. [Type text] Presence of policies and procedures on cleaning, disinfecting, drying, packaging and sterilizing of equipment, instruments and supplies. (Refer to Annex__ Sterilization Guidelines in Hospital Setting) Ward ER OR/DR DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Policies and procedures on cleaning, disinfecting, drying, packaging and sterilizing of equipment, instruments and supplies. 2. Policies on decontamination, disinfection, sterilization, disinfectants for specific medical equipment/items and area. 3. Housekeeping procedures in specific patient areas. Page 31 8.1.5 46.When needed, the organization reports information about infections to personnel and public health agencies. [Type text] Presence of policies and procedures on reporting of infections to personnel and public health agencies. DOCUMENT REVIEW Presence of policies, procedures and guidelines for safe reuse of items which comply with relevant statutory requirements. DOCUMENT REVIEW INTERVIEW Ask heads and staff about the following: 1. Policy on reuse of items 2. SOPs on reuse 3. Reporting 4. Personnel in charge Page 32 9.1 ENERGY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Goal: The organization demonstrates its commitment to environmental issues by considering and implementing strategies to achieve environmental sustainability 9.1.1 47.The handling, collection, and disposal of waste conform to relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice. 9.1.2 48.The organization implements a waste disposal program which involves reuse, reduction and recycling. [Type text] Presence of licenses/permits/ clearances from pertinent regulatory agencies implementing among others the following: RA 9003, RA 6969, RA 275, PD 1586 DOH Hospital Waste Management Manual, RA 8749 (Clean Air Act DOCUMENT REVIEW Pertinent licenses/permits from regulatory agencies (LGU, DENR, etc.) Proof of implementation of policies and procedures on waste disposal. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Issuances - memos, guidelines on waste disposal 2. Contracts with waste handlers or disposal contractors, (if applicable) 3. Hospital policy that conforms to the joint DOH-DENR circular on waste management for LGUs 1. Waste Segregation 2. Proper labeling of waste receptacles 3. Recyclable waste staging areas 4. Proper management of temporary storage areas prior to hauling for disposal. ER Wards ICU Imaging Laboratory Facilities and maintenance Page 33 10.1 IMPROVING PERFORMANCE Goal: The organization continuously and systematically improves its performance by invariably doing the right thing the right way the first time and meeting the needs of internal and external clients. 10.1.1 49.The organization has a planned systematic organization- wide approach to process design and performance measurement, assessment and improvement 10.1.2 50.The organization provides better care service as a result of continuous quality improvement activities. [Type text] Presence of Quality Improvement Program Presence of patient satisfaction survey DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Policy creating the QI program 2. Proof of meetings or similar documents of QA Committee activities 3. Policies and procedures on a performance measurement and improvement INTERVIEW Validation of alI activities thru interview of pertinent staff including frontliners and Committee members. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1. Patient satisfaction survey results 2.Patient satisfaction survey questionnaire(may check on the domains and items) Note: Look for analysis of the results of survey; correction, corrective and preventive actions done ii warranted. Page 34 DOH MONITORING DOH INSPECTION REQUIRED CLINICAL SERVICES: SELFASSESSMENT CODE REMARKS 2.1 Level 1 (With Consulting Specialists in the four major specialties plus Anesthesia) General Medicine General Pediatrics Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery Anesthesia Emergency Outpatient Service 2.2 Level 2 (With Medical Specialists who are Fellows/Diplomates in the four major specialties plus Anesthesia) Departmentalized Clinical Care Medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery Anesthesia Emergency Service Outpatient Service 2.3. Level 3 (With Medical Specialists who are Fellows/Diplomates in the four major specialties plus and Anesthesia and other specialties and subspecialties present). Specialty Clinical Care - Dept. of Medicine - Dept. of Pediatrics - Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Dept. of Surgery - Dept. of Anesthesia - General Dentistry Sub-specialty Critical Care - Intensive Care - High Risk Pregnancy care [Type text] Page 35 - Neonatal Intensive care Emergency Service Outpatient Service Accredited Residency Training Program for Physicians in the four major departments namely: 1. Medicine 2. 3. Surgery 4. Obstetrics and gynecology 5. 6. Pediatrics Nursing Services: 3.1. General Nursing ( for all levels) 3.2. Highly Specialized Critical Care and Management in the 3.3. following areas: (for levels 2 and 3) Medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery and Anesthesia ● In areas with other Specialties (aside from the five) and Subspecialties, there should be corresponding Nursing care. Ancillary Services 4.1. Clinical Laboratory Category of laboratory must be Secondary for level 1, Tertiary for Level 2 And for level 3, Tertiary with histopathology. 4.2. Radiology Category of Radiology must be 1st level for Level 1, 2nd level with mobile Unit for Level 2, and 3rd level for level 3. 4.3 Pharmacy Other Services Dental Services ( for all levels) Ambulatory Surgical Clinic (for level 3) Dialysis ( for level 3) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services (for level 3) Respiratory Unit for level 2 and 3. Verifier: Documents review, Observe, Interview staff & Validate [Type text] Page 36 10.1.1 Medical Director/ Chief of Hospital or Medical Center Chief 10.1.2 [Type text] For level 1, must have completed at least 20 units towards a Masters Degree in Hospital Administration or Related Course AND at least 3 years experience in a supervisory/ managerial position For levels 2 and 3,must have completed a Master’s Degree in Hospital Administration or Related Course AND at least 5 years experience in a supervisory managerial position INDICATOR DOH MONITORING CRITERIA DOH INSPECTION POSITION STAFFING REQUIREMENT I: (Top Management Positions) SELFASSESSMENT CODE 10.1 EVIDENCE AREA REMARKS Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: Diploma/ Certificate of units earned ● Proof of employment/appointment Page 37 10.1.3 Chief of Clinics/Chief Medical Professional Services 10.1.4 Department Head Training Officer Chief Nurse/Director of Nursing/Deputy Director for Nursing [Type text] ●For levels 2 and 3,must be a Diplomate/ Fellow in a Specialty area AND at least 5 years experience in a supervisory/managerial position ●For levels 2 and 3, must be a Diplomate/ Fellow in a Specialty Society of the Specialty Department he/she heads ●For level 3, must be a Diplomate/ Fellow in a Specialty Society. ●For level 1, must have completed at least 9 units towards a Masters Degree in Nursing AND at least 2 years experience in nursing supervisory/managerial position ●For levels 2 and 3, must have a Masters Degree in Nursing AND at least 5 years experience in a nursing supervisory position Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: Diploma ● Proof of employment/appointment Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: ●Diploma ●Proof of employment/appointment Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: Diploma ● Proof of employment/appointment Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: ●Diploma/ Certificate of units earned ●Proof of employment/appointment Page 38 3.5 Administrative Officer 10.1.5 [Type text] For level I, must have completed at least 20 units towards a Masters Degree in Hospital Administration or Related Course AND at least 3 years experience in a supervisory /managerial position. For levels 2 and 3, must have completed a Master’s Degree in Hospital Administration or Related Course AND at least 5 years experience in a supervisory managerial position. Verifier: Documents review, Interview staff, Validate: ●Diploma/ Certificate of units earned ●Proof of employment/appointment Page 39 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3.a 11.1.3.b ADMINISTRATIVE * Chief of Hospital /Medical Director/Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer Clerk: - Pool - Accounting 1 1 1 1 1:50 beds 1 1:50 beds 1 1:50 beds 1 1 1 1:50 beds 1:50 beds 1:50 beds 11.1.5 11.1.6 11.1.7 11.1.8 11.1.9 11.1.10 11.1.11 11.1.12 11.1.14 11.1.15 11.1.16 11.1.17 Medical Records Officer trained in ICD-10 and Medical Records Management Cash Clerk Accountant Budget /Finance Officer Bookkeeper Billing Officer Cashier Human Resource Mgt. Officer Training Officer Supply Officer Storekeeper/ Linen Custodian Laundry Worker Utility Worker 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:50 beds 1:50 beds/shift 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:50 beds 1:50 beds/shift 11.1.18 Security Guard 1/shift 11.1.19 Engineer 1/entrance/exit per shift 1 1/entrance/exit per shift 1 11.1.20 Medical Equipment/Biomedical Technician Maintenance Personnel 1 1 1 1/shift 1/shift Mechanic Driver 0 3 0 3 1 4 11.1.4 [Type text] 1 0 1 1 1(designate) 1(designate) 1 1 1 1/Shift DOH MONITORING NUMBER REQUIRED DOH INSPECTION STANDARD REQUIREMENT FOR PERSONNEL SELF – ASSESSMENT CODE REMARKS Page 40 Nutritionist-Dietitian (for level 2 and in case of sharing, must be residing within the locality) 11.1 Cook Food Service Worker Food Service Supervisor Medical Social Worker (For level 1, may be part time but the schedule should be specified in the MOA or Contract.) 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 CLINICAL: * Chief of Clinics/Chief Medical Professional Services * Department Head * Consultant Staff and Medical Specialists in Ob-Gyn, Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery and Anesthesia. (should be Diplomate/ Fellow of a Specialty/ Sub-Specialty Society after a formal residency training program) * Training Officer * Physician (must not go on duty more than forty-eight (48) hours continuous duty) * Shall be Philhealth Accredited. [Type text] 1 (sharing is allowed e.g. hospital and municipal/city government) 1 0 0 1 1:100 beds 1:100 beds 1:100 beds 1:50 beds 1 1 1:100 beds 1:50 beds 1 1 0 1 1 0 1/ department 1/ department (number not prescribed) 0 1:20 beds at any time plus 1 reliever 0 50 beds = 6 Every additional 50 beds = additional 2 1:10 beds/department (as suggested by specialty boards) 1 100 beds = 8 Every additional 50 beds = additional 3 ( For Departments with accredited residency training program, number will depend on the requirement of specialty board concerned). 1:10 beds/department (as suggested by specialty boards) Page 41 11.3 11.3.1 NURSING: Chief Nurse/Director of Nursing 1 1 1 100 beds and above=1 11.3.2 Asst. Chief Nurse (maybe designated as Training Officer) 0 100 beds and above=1 11.3.3 Supervising Nurse 1:50 beds 50 beds and below = 1, 51-100 beds = 2, 101-150 beds = 3, 151 beds and above = 4 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.3.9 11.3.10 Supervising Nurse (Critical Care Units) -CCUs include all types of ICUs, including Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and RR Head Nurse Staff Nurse -For every three (3) RNs, there must be one (1) reliever) Staff Nurse (CCUs) -Base the ratio on the actual number of occupied CCU beds at the time of inspection 1:15 RNs 1:12 beds at any time Nursing Attendant/ Midwife -Optional if the Authorized Bed Capacity (ABC) is less than twentyfour (24) beds. If the ABC is 24 beds and above, the ratio will apply. Nursing Attendant/ Midwife (CCUs) -For every three (3) Nursing Attendants/Midwives, there must be one (1) reliever Operating Room Nurse 1:24 beds at any time [Type text] 1/shift 1 per department /special area 1 per critical care unit 1 per critical care unit 1:15 RNs 1:12 beds at any time 1:15 RNs 1:12 beds at any time 1:3 beds at any time 1:3 beds at any time 1:24 beds at any time plus 1 reliever 1:24 beds at any time plus 1 reliever 1:15 beds at any time 1:15 beds at any time 1/shift( may increase 1/OR/shift( may increase Page 42 11.3.11 Delivery Room Nurse 1 per/shift 11.3.12 11.3.13 Emergency Room Nurse Out-Patient Department Nurse 1/ shift 1 depending on the average number of OR cases per day) 1/shift( may increase depending on the average number of deliveries per day) 1 shift 1 depending on the average number of OR cases per day) 1/DR/shift( may increase depending on the average number of deliveries per day) Adequate 1/Dept/shift 1/Dept. 11.4 ALLIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL 11.4.1 Pharmacist (full-time,registered); Adequate Adequate 11.4.2 Pathologist 1 1 11.4.3 Med. Technologist (full-time, registered) Adequate Adequate Adequate 11.4.4 Other Lab. Personnel (specify) Adequate Adequate Adequate 11.4.5 Dentist 1 1 2 11.4.6 Dental Aide 1 1 2 11.4.7 Radiologist 1 1 2 11.4.8 Radiology Technologist Adequate 11.4.9 Radiation Safety officer 1(designate) 11.4.10 11.4.11 Physical Therapist Respiratory Therapist( may be “on call” for level 2) [Type text] 1 Adequate Adequate 1(designate) 1 0 1 1 1 Page 43 12.1 12.1.1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 DOH MONITORING STANDARD REQUIREMENT DOH INSPECTION CODE SELF – ASSESSMENT REQUIRED NUMBER FINDINGS (Indicate actual no. equipment & instruments) REMARKS EQUIPMENT/INSTRUMENT REQUIREMENT 1.ADMINISTRATIVE Computer with Internet Access Ambulance (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week and physically present) (Refer to A.O. 2010-0003National Policy on Ambulance Use and Services) Standby Generator with Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) (KVA may depend on the load) Emergency Light Fire Extinguisher Overhead Projector/ LCD DIETARY Oven Refrigerator/Freezer Osterizer/Blender Food Conveyor Food Scale Exhaust Fan Utility Cart Garbage Receptacle with Cover [Type text] 1 1 1 or more depending on the need 1 1 or more depending on the need 1 1 1 1 1/station/ lobby/ stairways 1/room/unit 1 1/station/lobby/st airways 1/room/unit 1 1/station /lobby/ stairways 1/room/unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 44 13.1 13.1.1 CLINICAL EMERGENCY ROOM Bag-valve-mask unit Adult Pediatric 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clinical Weighing Scale Defibrillator 1 1 1 ECG Machine 1 1 1 EENT Diagnostic Set 1 1 1 Emergency Cart (complete with ER Medicines.) See annex for the list and quantity. 1 1 1 Examining Table 1 1 1 Examining Table with stirrup Gooseneck Lamp/Examining Light Instrument Table Laryngoscope with Different sizes of Blades Medicine Cabinet Minor Surgery Instrument Set Nebulizer Neurological Hammer Oxygen Unit (anchored) Pulse oximeter Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adult Cuff Pediatric Cuff Stethoscope Suction Apparatus Suturing Set Thermometer (non-mercurial) Tracheostomy Set Vaginal Speculum Set wheelchair Wheeled Stretchers with guard and wheel lock or anchored. [Type text] Page 45 13.2.1 13.2.1 5 13.3.1 OUTPATIENT CARE 1. Clinical Weighing Scale 2. ECG Machine 3. EENT Diagnostic Set 4. Gooseneck Lamp/Examining Light 5. Examining Table with wheel lock or anchor 6. Instrument Table 7. Minor Surgery Instrument Set 8. Neurological Hammer 9. Oxygen Unit 10.Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 4. C/S Set 5. Instrument Table 6. Laparotomy Set 7. Laryngoscope with Blades 8. Major Surgical Instrument Set 9. OR Light 10.OR Table 11. Ortho Instrument Set 12. Oxygen Unit (anchored) 13. Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) Adult Cuff Pediatric Cuff 14. Spinal Set 15. Stethoscope 16. Suction Apparatus 17. Thermometer, non-mercurial 1 1 Pulse Oximeter 1 1 1 1 set 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/OR 1/OR 1 set/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1 1 1/OR 1/OR 1 set/OR 1OR 1/OR 1/OR 1 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1/OR 1 17. Wheeled Stretcher 1 1 1 Adult Cuff Pediatric Cuff 11. Stethoscope 12. Suture Removal Set 13. Thermometer, non-mercurial 13. Vaginal Speculum Set 14. Wheelchair OPERATING ROOM 1. Air-conditioning Unit 2. Anesthesia Machine 3. Cardiac Monitor with pulse oximeter [Type text] Page 46 13.4.1 13.5.1 RECOVERY ROOM/ POST ANESTHESIA CARE UNIT (PACU) 1. 2. 3. 4. Air-conditioning Unit Bed with Guard Rail and wheel lock or anchor Oxygen Unit (anchored) Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) Adult Cuff Pediatric Cuff 5. Pulse Oximeter 6. Stethoscope 7. Suction Apparatus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1/DR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LABOR ROOM 1. CTG Machine 2. Amniotome (Optional) 3. Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) 4. Stethoscope 13.6.1 DELIVERY ROOM ( IF APPLICABLE) 1. Air-conditioning Unit 3. D/C Set 4. Delivery Set 5. DR Light 6. DR Table with Stirrup 7. Foetoscope (Doppler) 8. Instrument Table 9. Kelly Pad 10.Oxygen Unit, Anchored 11.Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) 12.Stethoscope 13.Suction Apparatus 13.7.1 14.Wheeled Stretcher 1 15.Bassinet 1 16.Infant Weighing Scale 1 HIGH RISK PREGNANCY UNIT ( Not required in Level 1) 1. Cardiac Monitor No need for separate equipment if patient is 2. Suction Apparatus placed in ICU. 3. Oxygen Unit, Anchored 4. Fetal Monitor (CTG Machine) [Type text] Page 47 NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 1. Bassinet 2. Bili Light 3. Cardiac Monitor 4. Emergency Cart 5. Umbilical Cannulation Set 6. Laryngoscope with Neonatal Blades 7. Examining Light 8. Incubator 9. Infant Bag valve mask unit 10. Infant Weighing Scale Oxygen Unit, anchored Respirator/Mechanical Ventilator Radiant Warmer Infusion Pump/Syringe Pump Glucometer Nebulizer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13..8.1.17 Pulse Oximeter 1 1 13..8.1.18 13..8.1.19 Neonatal Stethoscope Suction Apparatus Air-conditioning unit INTENSIVE CARE UNIT(NOT REQUIRED IN LEVEL 1 Air-conditioning Unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bag-valve-mask unit Adult (in adult units) Pediatric (in pediatric units) Bed with Guard Rail Cardiac Monitor Defibrillator ECG Machine Emergency Cart with emergency Medicines(Refer to annex for medicines and supplies) Laryngoscope with Blades of different sizes Endotracheal Tubes of different sizes Oxygen Unit, anchored 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13..8.1.1 13..8.1.2 13..8.1.3 13..8.1.4 13..8.1.5 13..8.1.6 13..8.1.7 13..8.1.8 1 13..8.1.9 13..8.1.10 13..8.1.11 13..8.1.12 13..8.1.13 13..8.1.14 13..8.1.15 13..8.1.16 [Type text] 1 1 1 Page 48 Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial Adult Cuff (in adult units) Pediatric Cuff Set (in pediatric units) Stethoscope Suction Apparatus Tracheostomy Set Pulse Oximeter Mechanical Ventilator Infusion Pump NURSING UNIT OR WARD Bag-valve-mask unit Adult (if Adult ward) Pediatric ( if Pediatric ward) Clinical Weighing Scale (per nursing unit) ECG Machine Emergency Cart or its equivalent (per nursing unit) Mechanical Bed/Patient Bed with Side Rails (include beds in Critical care Areas). (Patient beds in ER, Labor Room, and Recovery room and bassinets are not included in the count) Bedside Table should correspond to total beds Laryngoscope with different Sizes of Blades Nebulizer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Actual bed count should correspond to ABC applied for. Actual bed count should correspond to ABC applied for. Actual bed count should correspond to ABC applied for. 1` 1 1 1 1/Medical/ Pedia ward 1 1 Neurological Hammer Oxygen Unit, Anchored (may increase depending on the need) Sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) Adult Cuff Pediatric Cuff Stethoscope Suction Apparatus Thermometer (non- mercurial) CENTRAL STERILIZING & SUPPLY ROOM 1 1 1/Medical/ Pedia ward 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Autoclave ( may increase depending on the need) 1 1 1 [Type text] Page 49 Steam Sterilizer ( may increase depending on the need) 0 1 1 Dental Chair Unit Operating Stool per Dental Chair 1 1 1 1 1 1 Autoclave Air Compressor Dental X-ray Mouth Mirror Explorer Explorer, double end Scaler jacquettes set No. 1,2,3 Low speed hand piece (angled head) Cotton pliers High speed hand piece with bur remover No.150 forceps (maxillary universal forceps) No.151 forceps (lower universal) No.150 S forceps (primary teeth) No. 8L and No18R forceps(upper molar) No.151A forceps (mandibular premolar) No.17 forceps No.15 S forceps (lower primary teeth) Rongeur forceps Surgical chisel and mallet Bone file Surgical Scissor Root elevator Periostal elevator No. 9 double end Gum Separator double end Cowhorn forceps Bonefile Stainless end DIALYSIS CLINIC- Not required for Levels 1 and 2. (Refer to AO 2012-0001 “ New Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensure and Regulation of Dialysis Facilities in the Philippines” Use checklist for Dialysis facility ( Can be Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DENTAL CLINIC [Type text] Page 50 AMBULATORY SURGICAL CLINIC Use checklist for Ambulatory Surgical Clinic Level 3 should have access to CT Scan and Endoscopy. (With MOA, and not necessarily within the hospital premises). PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION UNIT Ultrasound TENS Electric Stimulator Exercise plinth/bed Overhead pulley Exercise stair with rails Paraffin wax Parallel bars with postural mirrors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESPIRATORY/PULMONARY UNIT ABG machine Spirometer [Type text] Page 51 PHYSICAL PLANTREQUIRED ROOMS AND AREAS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • Lobby Waiting Area Information and Reception Communication Booth (Area for level 1) Toilet Admitting Office ( Area for level 1) Medical Records Office/Room Business Office with the following sections Billing Cashier Budget and Finance Personnel Office (may be combined with Administrative Office for level 1) • Office of the Admin. Officer • Office of Chief of Hospital • Office of the Chief of Clinics/Chief Medical Professional Services • Conference and Training Room • Library • Staff Toilet • Property/ Supply Office /Room for level 1 Laundry and Linen Room or Area • Receiving and Releasing Area not required • Sorting and Washing Area if contracted• Pressing and Ironing Area out. • Storage Area Engineering /Maintenance Office for Level 2 • Maintenance Area not required • Motor Pool Area if contracted• Housekeeping Area out. WASTE HOLDING /STORAGE AREA (color coded) [Type text] Page 52 NUTRITIONIST-DIETITIAN OFFICE ( AREA FOR LEVEL 1) DIETARY • Supply Receiving Area not required • Cold and Dry Storage Area if contracted• Food Preparation Area out. • Cooking and Baking Area • Washing Area • Serving and Food Assembly • Dining Area • Garbage and Disposal Area • Toilet SOCIAL WELFARE/SERVICE • Social Worker’s Office • Counselling Area MORGUE for Level 3, Cadaver Holding Area for Level 1 and 2 • Pathologist Office • Autopsy Area • Shower Area • Toilet CLINICAL SERVICE EMERGENCY ROOM • Waiting Area • Toilet (adjacent or w/in ER) • Nurse Station • Examination & Treatment Area with Lavatory • Observation Area • Minor Operating Room • Resuscitation Area for Level 2 and 3 • Equipment & Supply Storage Area • Wheeled Stretcher Area • Decontamination Area for level 3 • Holding Area for Infectious Cases awaiting transfer to other hospital for level 1 and 2 • Doctor’s Quarter (with toilet) [Type text] Page 53 OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT • Waiting Area • Toilet (accessible) • Admitting and Records Area • Consultation Area (required) • Examination & Treatment Area With Lavatory OFFICE OF THE DEPT. HEADS • Medicine • Pediatrics • OB-GYNE • Surgery • Anesthesia • Emergency Medicine OPERATING ROOM (MAY BE COMBINED IN ONE COMPLEX WITH DELIVERY ROOM FOR LEVEL 1) • Major OR • Minor OR • Sub-Sterilizing/Work Areas • Storage Area for Sterile Instruments And Sterile packs • Storage Area for supplies • Scrub-up Area • Clean-up Area • Male Dressing Room and Toilet • Female Dressing Room and Toilet • Nurse Station/Work Area • Wheeled Stretcher Area • Janitor’s Closet RECOVERY ROOM/POST ANESTHESIA CARE UNIT May be combined • Nurse’s Station with : - Medication area - Cabinets - Toilet OBSTETRICS OPERATING ROOM (MAY BE COMBINED WITH SURGICAL OPERATING ROOM FOR LEVEL 1) DELIVERY ROOM • Transvaginal Ultrasound Room for Level 3 [Type text] Page 54 • Equipment and Supply Storage Area • Scrub-up Area • Clean-up Area • Male Dressing Room with Toilet • Female Dressing Room with Toilet • Wheeled stretcher area • Janitor’s Closet HIGH RISK PREGNANCY UNIT (May be put up as part of the Labor room or patient may be placed in ICU) LABOR ROOM • Patient bed areas • Toilet NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT • Work Area with Sink • Incubator Area • bassinet Areas • Treatment Area • Viewing Area • Breastfeeding Area with lavatory INTENSIVE CARE UNIT • Nurses’ station with sink • Medication Area with sink • Patient Area • Toilet NURSING UNIT/WARD • Medication Area w/ lavatory • Dressing Area • Equipment & Supply Storage Area • Patients Room/Area (Separate Male from Female) • Toilet ( Separate Male & Female) • Utility Area • Linen Area • Toilet • Treatment Area • Internal examination area for OB-GYNE ward • With Color-Coded Waste Bins • Janitor’s Closet • Nursing Office; Office of Chief Nurse with toilet [Type text] Page 55 ISOLATION ROOM • • • • • Ante room with lavatory and PPE rack Windows and doors including are closed and air tight or leak proof With negative pressure for infectious case and positive pressure for immuno-compromised cases. Handwashing Facility/Hand Disinfection Toilet DIALYSIS CLINIC (not required in levels 1 and 2) • Refer to A.O. 2012-0001, “ Regulation of Dialysis Facilities in the Philippines AMBULATORY SURGICAL CLINIC(not required in level 1 AND 2) –May use the hospital’s OR as long as Policies in Sterilization and Infection Control are in place and implemented. • Required rooms /areas depend on the surgical procedures the clinic is authorized to perform. PHYSICAL MEDICINE /REHABILITATION UNIT (not required in level 1) DENTAL CLINIC • Dental Chair Unit A • Consultation room • Toilet CENTRAL STERILIZING AND SUPPLY UNIT/ROOM • Receiving and Cleaning Area • Inspection Area • Packaging Area • Sterilizing Area • Sterile Supply Storage Area • Releasing Area PRAYER ROOM/AREA [Type text] Page 56 41 41x1 41x1.a CRITERIA B.DOH Programs Implemented in the Hospital> 1.Blood Services Compliance to RA 7719 and its IRR, AO 20080008 Levels 1 and 2, should be at least a Blood Station Facility . • Documented policies: To ensure adequate supply of safe blood and blood products. blood and blood products obtained from blood service facilities licensed by DOH for BC, blood and blood products collected, obtained from healthy voluntary blood donors only• 1.2 Level 3 hospital should be a Blood Bank (BB) facility Documented policies: To ensure adequate supply of safe blood and blood products [Type text] INDICATORS Actual implementation and evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures MONITORING STANDARDS SELF – ASSESSMENT DOH INSPECTION CODE EVIDENCE AREA REMARKS Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Blood and blood products obtained from blood service facilities licensed by DOH For BC, blood and blood products are collected/ obtained from healthy voluntary blood donors only Page 57 41x2 41x2,a 2.Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 2.1 Newborn Screening - Compliance to RA9288 and it’s IRR Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate • Documented policies regarding NewbornScreening • Logbook of Newborns who were tested and copies of waiver for those who were not screened • Documented policies regarding Rooming-In and practice of Breastfeeding • There should be no nursery for normal newborns • Breastfeeding area should be provided at the NICU • Certification as “Mother – Baby Friendly Hospital” • Certification as “Mother – Baby Friendly Workplace” 2.5 Immunization (Republic Act No. 309) • Documented policies and SOPs Records of Immunizations given to newborn: BCG, Hepa-B Vaccine 41x5 2.4 Family Planning • Documented policies and SOPs specific to the program Records of Counselling and motivations done; Records of Acceptors i.e. BTL, Vasectomy, IUDs, Pills, etc. 41x4 2.3 Healthy Lifestyle Advocacy 41x3 41x3.a 2.2 Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative - Compliance to RA 7600 and its IRR and R.A. 10028 and its IRR - Milk Code (EO No. 5 [Type text] • Documented policies and SOPs specific to the program Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Verifier: Documents review, Observe Verifier: Documents review, Observe Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Page 58 41x8 2.6. Anti-Smoking Program (per RA 9211) • Documented policies • No smoking signages posted at conspicuous areas 3.Generics Act of 1988 (R.A.6675) • Documented policies implementing the EDPMS in compliance with DOH A.O. No.2008-0014”Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of the e-EDPMS and A.O. No. 2011-0012 “Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Drug Price Monitoring System Version 2.0” 41x8.a 1. e-EDPMSR.A.7581”Price Act of 1992; R.A. 9502”Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008” 41x9 4. Health Emergency Management Service(HEMS) A.O. No. 2004-0168, “ National Policy on Health Emergencies and Disasters” 41X9.a [Type text] Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Actual implementation and evidence of continuous review of policies and procedures; reports on uploading of essential drug prices, etc. • With designated HEMS Coordinator • Documented Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan ●Hospital/Office order designating one • Conduct of drills/exercises i.e, Fire,Earthquake, etc. (For fire, it should be supervised by the Bureau of Fire Protection). ● Documentation of drills/exercises conducted. ●Proof of implementation of the plan. Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate Verifier: Documents review, Observe Interview staff Validate ● Evacuation Plan/Route posted in every room/area Page 59 CODE 42 C.HOSPITAL COMMITTEES: Written Designation of Members and their roles/functions Written Policies and Procedure Updated and Relevant Minutes of Meeting Reports/ Records of Implementation REMARKS 1.Credentials 42x1 2.Blood transfusion 42x2 3.HIV/AIDS Core Team 42x3 4.Waste Management 42x4 42x5 40x6 40x7 5.Patient Safety 6.Infection Control 7.Pharmacologic/Therapeutics 428 8.Health Emergency/ Crisis Management 42x9 42x10 9.CQI 10.Tissue (for levels 2 and 3 only) 42x11 11.Ethics (for levels 2,and 3 only) 12.Grievance 42x12 42x13 Other committees, please specify Verifier: Documents review and Interview staff [Type text] Page 60 SERVICES (levels 1 & 2) / DEPARTMENT (level 3) Rehab Anesthesia Surgery OR Pediatrics OB/ Gyne (Delivery Room) OPD 43 Medicine D.HOSPITAL OPERATIONS: Emergency CODE REMARKS 1.Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) 43x1 2.Recording, Reporting, Records Keeping 43x2 43x3 43x4 3.Inter/Intra Departmental Referrals 4.Disaster Management/Crisis Management 5.Infection Control 43x5 43x6 6.Drug Management and Control 7.Blood Service 43x7 43x8 43x9 8.Pre-Operative and Post-Op Care 9.Triaging (when applicable) 10.Referrals/ Transfer 43x10 11.Others, please specify 43x11 [Type text] Page 61 ASSESSED BY: _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Position _______________________________ Position _______________________________ Position _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Position _______________________________ Position ________________________________ Position _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Date ________________________________ Date CONCURRED BY: _______________________________ Signature over Printed Name _______________________________ Position/Designation _______________________________ Date [Type text] Page 62 [Type text] Page 63