A. Case for Endorsement - CPSISC

Case for
National Quality Council Endorsement
Impact Statement
for the following changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services
Integrated Framework Training Package:
 three revised qualifications:
CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
 two changed units of competency:
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
medium rise building projects
CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise
Prepared by
Construction and Property Services
Industry Skills Council
Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Table of Contents
A. Case for Endorsement .......................................................................................... 1
1 Overview................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Rationale for the continuous improvement project ........................................................ 1
1.2 Meeting industry needs .................................................................................................. 2
2 Quality principles ................................................................................................................... 4
3 Components for endorsement ............................................................................................... 4
3.1 Revised qualifications .................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Changed units of competency ....................................................................................... 5
3.3 CPC08 Version Modification History table ..................................................................... 7
B. Impact statement ................................................................................................... 8
1 Overview................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Industry priorities and expectations ....................................................................................... 8
3 Impact of the newly endorsed components ........................................................................... 8
Appendix A Letters of support ................................................................................ 10
Appendix B Holistic QA report ................................................................................ 19
Appendix C Amended qualifications ...................................................................... 25
Appendix D Changed units of competency ........................................................... 39
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
A. Case for En dorsement
1 Overview
Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC) submits the following for
endorsement as continuous improvement of the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services
Integrated Framework Training Package.
Three amended qualifications:
CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
Two changed units of competency:
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for medium rise
building projects
CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings
1.1 Rationale for the continuous improvement project
The previous CPC40108 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) and
CPC50208 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) qualifications in CPC08 Construction,
Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package were initially designed to cover
higher level building management skills and also to meet registration and licensing requirements
for builders in Australian States and Territories.
At the end of the 2007 review of the three Training Packages for the construction, plumbing and
services industries, concerns were raised that the requirements for individual registration as a
builder were not well aligned to the competency outcomes of these higher level construction
qualifications. In some jurisdictions this resulted in the requirement to complete significant
additional units of competency in the Diploma in order to meet Builder Registration
requirements. In part this is because both the Certificate IV and Diploma had direct entry with
no prerequisite units of competency, and the Diploma packaging rules do not include units of
competency from the Certificate IV, although there is topic overlap.
The matter could not be effectively dealt with in the re-development work undertaken during
the review as it was only raised, with little detail of the issues, when the review consultation
process was near completion; with final version of the Training Package being edited and
evaluated by the QA consultant before submission to DEEWR in January 2008. The concerns were
not raised earlier because implementation of the qualification had only begun in 2007, so there
was very limited industry or RTO experience in using them at the time of the review
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
In 2008, in response to further feedback from stakeholders, CPSISC initiated a project to seek a
better alignment of qualifications to licensing outcomes. Initial consultation with a variety of
industry, regulator and RTO stakeholders indicated that the structure of the Certificate IV met
the majority of, but not all, jurisdictional categories of limited building registration/licensing.
However, it was found that the Diploma structure could be greatly improved by having the
underpinning content of some Certificate IV units embedded in it to ensure that training covered
the relevant progressive skills required for higher classes of builder registration.
Classes of builder licensing vary considerably across the country, with some jurisdictions having
up to 30 classes or categories of licensing while one jurisdiction has a single class. Mutual
recognition of licensing is in place and recognition requirements can be ascertained through the
Licence Recognition website (http://www.licencerecognition.gov.au/Default.aspx). The site sets
out the scope of building work covered by licence categories in each jurisdiction but does not
provide details of competency and qualification requirements for licensing in each case.
In response, CPSISC initiated a continuous improvement project to progress the issue and seek a
1.2 Meeting industry needs
The continuous improvement project conducted research on the various licensing requirements
and mapped these against the CPC08 qualifications, produced a discussion paper with issues for
consideration by a range of stakeholders. This paper, circulated for initial comment, was
followed by meetings of relevant stakeholders to discuss and agree on the necessary changes.
The consultation process included meetings with builder licensing regulators, industry
associations and RTOs, as well as a widely circulated written survey which seeking feedback on
required amendments.
Regulators were provided with suggested changes to the qualifications and provided detailed
responses at the Builders Licensing Australasia (BLA) conference held in Darwin on 15 May 2008.
Each regulator was also contacted individually to follow up their particular issues. In addition, a
survey instrument discussing the proposed changes and requesting detailed responses for
possible amendments to both the Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications was developed and
circulated to:
industry associations, such as the Housing Industry Association (HIA) and Master Builders
Australia (MBA), for distribution to their members and state and territory networks as well as
to their training arms that deliver the relevant qualifications
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Electrical Union (CFMEU)
builders’ licensing regulators
building and construction enterprises
Construction Industry Training Advisory Bodies for distribution to interested members
RTOs with scope of registration for the BCG03 General Construction Training Package
Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications
TAFE curriculum agencies, such as the then NSW Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction
and Transport Curriculum Centre (MECAT).
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
Survey responses came back with:
jurisdictional regulator positions
amalgamated responses on behalf of members of a larger organisation (e.g. HIA)
responses where a regulator, relevant RTOs, industry associations and the local State
Training Authority (STA) had met to consider a combined jurisdictional response
(e.g. Western Australia)
separate responses from STAs and some individual RTOs, although this only comprised 10% of
the total responses.
Synopsis of responses
1. A significant majority of those surveyed supported the proposed changes set out in the
survey instrument citing the need to increase the underpinning knowledge in the Diploma
and better and more clearly articulate progression between the Certificate IV and Diploma.
Many stakeholders indicated that individuals who undertook the Certificate IV to gain a lower
registration/licensing category, frequently wish to progress to a higher licence at a later
date and expect to gain transparent credit for previous units achieved when undertaking the
2. A number of respondents proposed changes to the packaging of the Certificate IV which had
not been included in the survey instrument examples. These were to meet licensing
requirements in some jurisdictions and to ensure the skill of interpreting plans and
specifications was compulsory in achieving the qualification.
3. A minority of survey respondents suggested moving additional units of competency in the
Diploma from elective to compulsory, but this was not supported by most jurisdictions.
4. One RTO respondent proposed that completion of a Certificate IV be an entry requirement
for undertaking the Diploma, however most stakeholders supported embedding particular
Certificate IV units in the Diploma rather than ‘nesting’ the qualifications.
In summary, a significant majority of industry stakeholders with an interest in builder licensing
and the regulatory agencies responsible for licensing builders support the submitted changes to
the packaging rules of the CPC08 Certificate IV and Diploma building qualifications. This
included all state and territory HIA bodies and the CFMEU. Building licensing authorities also
support the changes. RTOs welcome the change as they currently deliver additional content to
that in the existing Diploma to reflect the full range of competency requirements expected by
employers and licensing authorities.
After the survey was closed a meeting was held with the National Advanced Building Network
(TAFE) members to canvass any potential implementation issues if the changes progressed and a
report and request for response was sent to STAs. Responses received from all parties were
supportive of the changes to both qualifications.
While feedback from consultation and survey responses varied between stakeholders and
jurisdictions, there appeared to be support for key proposed changes. As a result, a draft Case
for Endorsement was prepared and distributed to all STAs in March 2009. Three jurisdictions did
not support the draft Case for Endorsement. The industry regulator in each of those three
jurisdictions had raised concerns with their respective STA. In two cases, the issues raised by the
regulators were primarily focused on the consultation process and the third regulator expressed
concerns about the proposed packaging rules. The Case for Endorsement was subsequently
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
CPSISC then engaged directly with Building Licensing Australasia (the forum of Australian and
New Zealand building regulators) and a revised packaging model was developed for the
Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications. Each building regulator has now provided written
support for the revised packaging rules of the qualifications and changes to the two units of
competency included in this submission. Further discussions were conducted with MBA and HIA.
Letters of support for the proposed changes have been supplied by both organisations and are
included as Appendix A.
2 Quality prin ciples
Copies of the independent quality reports completed by members of the Quality Assurance
Panels (holistic quality assurance, editorial and equity) are included as Appendix B.
3 Compon en ts for en dorsemen t
3.1 Revised qualifications
The following qualifications with their associated Employability Skills Summary tables are
submitted for endorsement.
CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
Unit ‘CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications’ has been changed from an
elective unit to a compulsory one. The net effect is an increase in the compulsory units in the
Certificate IV qualification packaging from 12 to 13 with a consequent increase in the overall
requirement to complete 16 units in the qualification, rather than the previous 15.
The imported unit CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
available in the electives list has not been redeveloped in CHC08 Community Services Training
Package. The CHC08 mapping guide advises that the unit has been replaced by HLTHIR403B Work
effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers from HLT07 Health Training Package.
This unit is now included in the electives list in place of and as equivalent to the former
CHC unit.
CPC40109 is not equivalent to CPC40108.
CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
The following five units aligned to the Certificate IV are now additional compulsory requirements
for the Diploma:
CPCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise
building projects
CPCCBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract
CPCCBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects
CPCCBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions
CPCCBC4013A Prepare and evaluate tender documentation
The following two units have been moved from elective to compulsory requirements:
CPCCBC5002A Monitor costing systems on medium rise building and construction projects
CPCCBC5010A Manage construction work
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
The elective packaging requirement changes from the previous six elective units to five and the
following eight units aligned to the Certificate IV are now additional Diploma elective options:
CPCCBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering
 CPCCBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low rise projects
 CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects
 CPCCBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low rise constructions
 CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications
 CPCCBC4014A Prepare simple building sketches and drawings
 CPCCBC4018A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction projects
 CPCCBC4024A Resolve business disputes
 ICAU1130B Operate a spreadsheet application (imported from the Information and
Communications Training Package).
The net effect is an increase of compulsory units in the Diploma qualification packaging from six
to 13 and a decrease in the elective unit requirements from six to five. This means an increase
in the overall requirement to complete 18 units in the qualification, rather than the previous 12.
CPC50209 is not equivalent to CPC50208.
CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
Two units used in the elective pool of this qualification were changed as part of the process of
aligning CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) to regulatory requirements.
Unit CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for medium
rise building projects replaces CPCCBC5001A Apply building codes and standards to the
construction process for medium rise building projects in the elective pool.
Unit CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings, with
a prerequisite requirement, replaces CPCCBC5008A Apply structural principles to the
construction of medium rise buildings.
As the changes relate to elective units only, the qualification code has not changed and this
qualification is considered equivalent.
The amended qualifications are included as Appendix C.
3.2 Changed units of competency
Two units of competency have been changed to support the revised qualifications.
One unit has been amended to remove overlap and duplication due to the inclusion of
Certificate IV aligned units in the amended CPP50209 Diploma of Building and Construction
(Building). The amended unit, considered equivalent to the former ‘A’ version, is:
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for medium rise
building projects.
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
The second unit changed involved the replacement of an endorsed unit with a new unit. Industry
and regulators decided to support the introduction of a prerequisite requirement to the existing
endorsed unit (CPCCBC5008A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise
buildings). As the addition of a prerequisite requirement alters the original unit outcome a new
unit code is required. The new unit is:
CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings.
Because of the prerequisite requirement, the new unit is not considered equivalent to
CPCCBC5008A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings.
With the exception of the added prerequisite requirement and other minor editorial changes, no
further content changes to the unit were made.
The amended unit and the new unit that are part of this Case for Endorsement are included as
Appendix D.
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
3.3 CPC08 Version Modification History table
The following table shows the CPC08 version modification history and the proposed wording for
Version 4.
Release date
Changes to packaging rules of three existing qualifications:
CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building):
packaging rules changed to total of 16 units, consisting of
13 compulsory and 3 elective units
CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building):
packaging rules changed to total of 18 units, consisting of 13
compulsory and 5 elective units
options for choice of elective units amended and extended
CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management): two
units in the elective pool replaced (CPCCBC5001A replaced by
CPCCBC5001B, and CPCCBC5008A replaced by CPCCBC5018A).
Changes to two units of competency:
20 October 2009
amended content of CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards
to the construction process for medium rise building projects to
remove duplication with other units in the Diploma qualification
deleted unit of competency (CPCCBC5008A Apply structural principles
to the construction of medium rise buildings) replaced by added new
unit CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of
medium rise buildings, now with a prerequisite requirement.
Addition of new specialist stream for hydraulic services design to
CPC40909 Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services.
Addition of new hydraulic services design qualification CPC50609 Diploma
of Hydraulic Services Design.
22 July 2009
Addition of two new fire systems design qualifications:
CPC50509 Diploma of Fire Systems Design
CPC70109 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Fire Systems Design
Addition of 18 new fire systems design units of competency.
Addition of one imported unit (BSBAUD504B to CPC50509).
February 2009
Primary release.
CPC08 brings together the qualifications and units of competency from
three previous Training Packages:
BCG03 General Construction
BCF00 Off-Site Construction
BCP03 Plumbing and Services.
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
B. Impact statement
1 Overview
The submitted changes have minimal impact on delivery of CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building
and Construction (Building) apart from the small increase in required units for completion. The
change will, however, ensure that essential skills required for licensing the lower builder
categories are now core to the qualification.
The changes to CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) are more significant
and will increase delivery requirements compared to the previous qualification. However, the
consultation phase of the project found that RTOs were already delivering considerable content
from the Certificate IV qualification when delivering the Diploma to direct entrants. As such the
change reflects reality in delivery terms and now meets competency expectations of the
jurisdictional builder licensing authorities.
The changes to CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management) will have minor
impact. Unit CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
medium rise building projects replaces CPCCBC5001A Apply building codes and standards to the
construction process for medium rise building projects in the elective pool and was subject to
minor changes. Unit CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise
buildings replaces CPCCBC5008A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise
buildings in the elective pool. The new unit is based on unit CPCCBC5008A. The primary reason
for changing the unit code was the inclusion of a prerequisite requirement, thereby changing the
unit outcome. The prerequisite unit (CPCCBC5001B) is already packaged in the qualification.
2 In du stry priorities an d expectation s
There is an expectation that the changes will be reflected in training delivery in 2010 as an
existing course in NSW is not expected to continue in accreditation and other state-based
courses in this area will also move over to the Training Package outcomes when endorsed.
3 Impact of the n ewly en dorsed compon ents
The following will be affected as a result of the newly endorsed products:
Public/private training and assessment services will need to amend their delivery plans to
accommodate the increase in compulsory unit requirements in both submitted qualifications.
This is not expected to greatly disrupt delivery for the small number of RTOs currently able
to deliver them (14 scoped to deliver the Certificate IV and 6 for the Diploma).
Enterprises will benefit from more consistent training to meet jurisdictional licensing for
Licensing and regulatory environments will benefit from national qualifications that better
align with the competency requirements expected for builder licensing. This is particularly
important given the proposed national construction trade licensing system as licensing
categories in some States act as de facto trade licensing and these amended qualifications
will make a clearer distinction between these licence categories and building contractor
The policy environment will benefit as the COAG initiative for more consistent national
licensing is progressed in the construction industry throughout 2010-2012.
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
To ensure successful implementation, promotion and education campaigns by CPSISC will be
conducted to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are informed of the changes and their
rationale. Assistance will be provided wherever possible to streamline training delivery
approaches for the two qualifications and to encourage sharing of training and assessment
resources to improve the consistency and validity of competency outcomes.
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Trai ning Package
Appen dix A Letters of su pport
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Support from associations
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
1 July 2009
Mr Alan Ross,
PO Box 151
ACT 2056
22 Parkland Roa
Osborne Park WA 6
Ph: (08) 9492 920
Fax: (08) 9443 34
Dear Alan
Higher level building qualifications
Following the recent review conducted by CPSISC, HIA supports the proposed changes to the
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building).
The changes are a response to a request from HIA, Central TAFE and the Builder Registration
Board in WA, who worked together to address a problem identified by the HIA at its initial
development and confirmed upon its introduction in WA.
The outcome confirmed the view expressed by HIA at the time that there was insufficient
lower level units in the Diploma to provide an entry pathway for a stand alone qualification
that was intended to underpin a license class at this level.
The review conducted by CPSISC address HIA’s concerns and have resulted in the required
additional Level IV units being added.
Kind Regards
Yours sincerely
Training & Professional Development
Page 12
Housing Industry Association Limited ACN No 004 631 752
Northern Queensland  Queensland  New South Wales  ACT/Southern New South Wales  Hunter  Victoria  Tasmania  South Australia  Western Australia/Asia
Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Support from building regulators
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#1 ACT
Emailed support received
From: Simmons, Craig [mailto:Craig.Simmons@act.gov.au]
Sent: Friday, 26 June 2009 12:35 AM
To: David Magee
Subject: RE: BLA meeting outcomes for improvement to the CPC08 Training Package
Apologies for the delay in responding please accept this as confirmation of the ACT
regulators support for the revised package.
Craig Simmons
Construction Occupations Registrar
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
#2 NSW
From: Regina Haertsch [mailto:Regina.Haertsch@oft.commerce.nsw.gov.au]
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2009 4:16 PM
To: David Magee
Cc: Daniel Richardson; Steve Griffin
Subject: BLA meeting outcomes for improvement to the CPC08 TrainingPackage
NSW supports the changes to the packaging rules for the CPC40109 Certificate IV in
Building and Construction (Building) and the CPC50209 Certificate V in Building and
Construction (Building) and the proposed changes to the Certificate V units. I apologise
for misunderstanding that CPSISC required a response such as this email.
Regina Haertsch
Executive Project Manager
Policy & Strategy, Office of Fair Trading
Department of Commerce
ph. 9619 8738
fax 9338 8929
mob 0413 020 991
#3 NT
From: Josie Parry [mailto:Josie.Parry@nt.gov.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2009 10:06 AM
To: Kim Fare
Cc: Andre Lewis; David Magee
Subject: RE: BLA meeting outcomes for improvement to the CPC08 Training Package
Good Morning David
On behalf of Fabio Finocchiaro, Director of Building Control, I wish to advise that the
Northern Territory agrees with the proposed changes to the CPC08 Certificate IV and
Diploma Building and Construction (Building) qualifications in the CPC08 Training
Josie Parry
(NT BLA Representative)
Manager Audits and Investigations Unit
Building Advisory Services
Department of Planning and Infrastructure
GPO Box 1680
P: 08 899 96462
F: 08 899 98967
M: 0438 850986
E: josie.parry@nt.gov.au
W: www.dpi.nt.gov.au
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
#4 QLD
From: Chris Boyle [mailto:Chris.Boyle@bsa.qld.gov.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 2:43 PM
To: David Magee; Jason Smith
Cc: Sharon Burton; KFare@builders.wa.gov.au
Subject: RE: BLA meeting outcomes for improvement to the CPC08 Training Package
Thanks David,
BSA is happy with the outcome.
Kind regards
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#5 SA
bbbwirawlpewri wanv:bdi
From: Beer, Simon (AGD) [mailto:Beer.Simon@agd.sa.gov.au]
Sent: Monday, 1 June 2009 12:47 PM
To: David Magee
Subject: Proposed changes to building qualification
The Synopsis of BLA member recommended changes to the CPC40109 Certificate IV in
Building and Construction (Building) and CPC50209 Diploma of Building and
Construction (Building) qualifications in the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services
Integrated Framework Training Package would provide the 'nesting' that supports BLA' s
draft Low, Medium and Open building categories.
Simon Beer
Policy Officer
Communication, Policy and Research
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
#6 TAS
From: Hunt, Graeme [mailto:Graeme.Hunt@justice.tas.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 26 May 2009 10:33 AM
To: David Magee
Cc: Doherty, Debra M; Rayner, Peter; WST Records
Subject: CPC08
Dear David
Thankyou for your input to the training package qualifications at Cert IV and Diploma for
As a result of our discussions at BLA and Andre's subsequent e-mail I confirm that the
new proposal is suitable for Tasmania.
Graeme R Hunt
Manager, Building Standards and Regulation
Building Control
Workplace Standards Tasmania
Department of Justice
E-mail graeme.hunt@justice.tas.gov.au
Phone 03 6233 6575
03 6233 8338
PO Box 56
30 Gordons Hill Rd
Rosny Park Tas 7018
Rosny Park Tas 7018
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
#7 VIC
From: Anne McFall [mailto:amcfall@buildingcommission.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 June 2009 12:58 PM
To: Kim Fare
Cc: Peter Brilliant
Subject: BLA Outcomes for improvement to the CPC 08 Training Package
The Registration sub-committee of the Building Practitioners Board, Victoria has
reviewed the synopsis of 'agreed for' changes to the CPC08 from the BLA meeting of 21
May. I briefly discussed the recommended changes to the CPC 08 Certificate IV and
Diploma Building and Construction (Building) qualifications to better align with
jurisdictional requirements.
The Registrations sub-committee are in agreement on the recommended changes as
outlined in the 'Draft for Confirmation' document.
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#8 WA
vea.dringRiedrgdduw Mawri wan
From: Kim Fare [mailto:KFare@builders.wa.gov.au]
Sent: Friday, 5 June 2009 12:17 PM
To: Andre Lewis
Cc: David Magee; JACK Margaret [VET Teaching & Learning]
Subject: RE: BLA meeting outcomes for improvement to the CPC08 Training Package
Hi Andre,
I have discussed the proposed changes with Margaret Jack, VET Teaching & Learning,
WA Department of Education and Training. We agree that the proposed changes
including the revised packaging rules will meet the Board’s needs from a registration
perspective. Please advise when NQC endorsement is received.
Kim Fare
Phone: (08) 9476 1218
(08) 9321 6871
Email: KFare@builders.wa.gov.au
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Appen dix B Holistic QA report
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Training Package title and code
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package Version 4
Number of new or revised qualifications or total
number if a whole Training Package review
Two (2) revised qualifications:
1 Diploma qualification: CPC50209 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
1 Certification IV qualification: CPC40109 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
Number of new or revised units or total number if
a whole Training Package review
Sampling size of units1
Summary of comments including a definitive
statement on whether the draft endorsed
components meet the Training Package Quality
Principles in Section 2
Two revised units of competency were presented for review.
Panel member completing Quality Report
Statement confirming Panel member has not been
involved in the development or validation
activities associated with this Training Package
Date completed
Randy Flierman – Avenir Consulting
Randy Flierman, nor Avenir Consulting have been involved with the development or validation of this Training
Both revised units and both qualifications were reviewed.
The review has involved examination of the applicable draft units of competency, assessment guidelines and
qualifications, Equity Report, Editor’s Report and the Case for Endorsement (which includes an Impact Statement).
Two (2) revised qualification were reviewed. The qualifications have been developed using the latest CAT template
and meet the requirements of the Training Package Development Handbook policy and the Training Package Quality
The following item appears irregular from standard unit writing protocols:
 The Unit Descriptors do not include a statement pertaining to licensing – advice from the editor and
agreement from CPSISC indicated this is a matter CPSISC is looking into for future developments.
The size of sample should be commensurate with the number of units of competency being put forward for endorsement and be drawn from the breadth of qualifications involved in the submission. Typically,
this should mean that where there are: less than 10 units of competency – sample all units; between 10 – 100 units of competency – sample a minimum of 10 units; between 100 – 250 units of competency –
sample 10% of units; greater than 250 units of competency – sample 5% - 10% of units. The exact number of units to be sampled must be confirmed with the ISC before commencing the work .
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
The endorsed components of a
Training Package must …
How do the endorsed components of
a Training Package achieve this?
Ensures …
… to the needs of
contemporary industry
and its workforce
Enables …
1.1 Open and inclusive consultation and
validation commensurate with scope
and impact is conducted
The qualifications submitted for endorsement reflect the contemporary needs of
this sector and have been developed through an inclusive consultation and
validation process appropriate to their breadth and content.
There are no unresolved or outstanding stakeholder issues reported.
1.2 Other national and international
standards for skills are considered
As the qualifications have been designed primarily to cater for Australian
building regulatory conditions, the consideration of international standards has
not been relevant in this instance.
Be driven by industry’s needs
2.1 Clever, sustainable approaches to
incorporate feedback from
Approaches used for this development have forged strong ties with all State
regulators and industry partners within this sector and incorporated the views
and requirements of both industry and those responsible for delivery.
Respond to government broad
policy initiatives
3.1 Innovative responses to government
policy initiatives
The revised qualifications and pathways specific to building are in response to
recognised skill shortages in the area, and support government initiatives to
streamline skill development pathways for industry.
Recognise convergence and
connectivity of skills
4.1 Incorporation of cross industry units
and qualifications
Cross industry units from the existing CPSISC Construction, Plumbing and Services
Integrated Training Package are packaged within the qualifications to reflect
portability of skills.
Support movement of skills
within and across organisations
and sectors
5.1 Clear and consistent packaging rules
for qualifications
The revised packaging rules are clear and consistent providing some flexibility
for users.
5.2 Qualification framework and
pathways are effectively designed
Pathways have been purposely developed through revising existing
qualifications within the Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Training
Package. This enables linkages to regulator requirements in the various
5.3 Incorporation of skill sets
Not applicable to this endorsement submission.
… of an individual’s
competence across
industries and
Reflect contemporary work
organisation and job profiles
incorporating a futures
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components
meet the Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Provides …
Promote national and
international portability
Qualifications are aligned to and consistent with the Australian Qualifications
Where applicable, contemporary national standards have been considered in the
development and drafting process. As previously noted the consideration of
international standards was not warranted in this case.
Reflect licensing and
regulatory requirements
7.1 Solutions to incorporate licensing
and regulatory requirements are
The Assessment Guidelines provide extensive licensing advice and demonstrate
considerable brokering of conditions with regulators in all jurisdictions. The case
for endorsement describes factors relating to licensing and regulatory conditions,
demonstrating clear consultation and validation procedures.
Meet the diversity of individual
and enterprise needs
8.1 Clear and consistent packaging rules
for qualifications
The revised packaging rules and pathways are clear, and remain consistent with
existing qualifications within the Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated
Training Package. They provide some flexibility for the diversity of individual
and enterprise users.
The revised packaging rules and pathways provide some flexibility for application
in various contexts.
Support equitable access and
progression of learners
8.2 Provide flexible qualifications that
enable application in different
9.1 Provide multiple entry and exit
The Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Training Package pathways
provide for:
 entry and exit to and from the qualifications.
 a range of elective choices that give flexibility to users of the Training
9.2 Pre and co-requisite units of
competency are minimised
Only one pre-requisite has been stipulated for one of the units, this would not
appear to inhibit access or progress of learners.
9.3 Units of competency are clearly
written and have consistent breadth
and depth
Both units have been clearly and consistently written with suitable breadth and
depth, subject to the comments made earlier in the Summary regarding licensing
10.1 Advice is provided on
Detailed implementation advice is outlined in the Impact Statement of this
submission providing guidance to Training Providers.
… to meet individual
enterprise and learner
10. Support learner transition
between education sectors
6.1 Qualification outcomes are aligned
with the Australian Qualifications
6.2 Other national and international
standards for skills are considered
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Ensures …
… through ease of
understanding, clever
design and consistency
with policy and
publication requirements
11. Support implementation across
a range of settings
11.1 Advice is provided on
Detailed implementation advice is outlined in the Impact Statement of this
submission providing guidance to users of these products.
12. Support sound assessment
12.1 Units of competency are clearly
written and have consistent breadth
and depth
13.1 Clear and consistent packaging
rules for qualifications
All units predominantly comply with the TPDH (noting the licensing statement
issue) and contain sufficient advice to enable valid and reliable assessment.
No structural barriers to implementation are apparent.
13.2 Compliance with the National
Training Information System
(NTIS)/National Register standard
for loading and publication
13.3 Compliance with Training Package
All documentation has been completed using the current CAT template and
appears ready for loading and publication.
Training Package policy has been complied with noting any items for
consideration in the ‘Summary’ for this Quality Report.
13 Not impose structural barriers
to implementation
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Appen dix C Amen ded qualification s
Page 25
Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
Qualification Notes
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of builders and managers of small to mediumsized building businesses.
The builder may also be the appropriately licensed person with responsibility under the relevant
building licensing authority in the State or Territory. Builder licensing varies across States and
Territories and additional requirements to attainment of this qualification may be required.
Occupational titles may include:
 builder
 construction manager.
The qualification has compulsory unit of competency requirements that cover common skills for
the construction industry.
The construction industry strongly affirms that training and assessment leading to recognition of
skills must be undertaken in a real or very closely simulated workplace environment and this
qualification requires all units of competency to be delivered in this context.
Completion of the general induction training program specified by the National Code of Practice
for Induction Training for Construction Work (SAC 2006) is required before entering a
construction work site. Achievement of unit CPCCOHS1001A covers this requirement.
Packaging Rules
16 units of competency are required for award of this qualification:
 13 compulsory units
 3 elective units.
The elective units may be selected as follows:
 all three elective units may be selected from the elective list below
 two of the three elective units may be selected from Certificate III, Certificate IV or Diploma
level from another endorsed Training Package or from CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and
Services Integrated Framework Training Package, provided that at least one is from
Certificate IV and the industry context is maintained.
Additional units of competency may be required to meet builder registration requirements in
various States and Territories.
Compulsory units
Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low
rise building projects
Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction
CPCCBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract
CPCCBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects
CPCCBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering
CPCCBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low rise projects
CPCCBC4007A Plan building or construction work
CPCCBC4008A Conduct on-site supervision of building and construction projects
CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects
CPCCBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions
CPCCBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low rise constructions
CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications
BSBSMB406A Manage small business finances
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
Elective units
CPCCBC4013A Prepare and evaluate tender documentation
CPCCBC4014A Prepare simple building sketches and drawings
CPCCBC4015A Prepare specifications for all construction works
CPCCBC4016A Administer a construction contract
CPCCBC4017A Arrange resources and prepare for the building or construction project
Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction
CPCCBC4019A Apply sustainable building design principles to water management systems
CPCCBC4020A Build thermally efficient and sustainable structures
CPCCBC4021A Minimise waste on the building and construction site
CPCCBC4022A Supervise tilt-up work
Plan and undertake site inspection and assessment of asbestos products
and materials
CPCCBC4024A Resolve business disputes
CPCCBC4025A Manage personal work priorities and professional development
CPCCBC4026A Arrange building applications and approvals
CPCSUS4001A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness
BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents
BSBITU202A Create and use simple spreadsheets
BSBITU301A Create and use databases
BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement
BSBPMG404A Apply quality management techniques
BSBPMG407A Apply risk management techniques
BSBPMG510A Manage projects
BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business
BSBSMB402A Plan small business finances
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
BSBSMB405A Monitor and manage small business operations
BSBWOR401A Establish effective workplace relationships
BSBWRT401A Write complex documents
HLTHIR403B Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
TAADEL404B Facilitate work-based learning
Employability Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include:
Communication  Communicates OHS policies and procedures
 Participates in ensuring compliance with standards, regulations and
 Communicates effectively with a range of relevant parties through a
range of media
 Establishes on-site communication systems
 Facilitates site meetings
 Articulates complex ideas clearly
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Interprets a range of complex and technical documents, including
relevant regulatory, legislative and licensing requirements, codes and
standards, plans, drawings and specifications, schedules, site files,
contracts, orders, development approvals and organisational policies
and procedures
Analyses and evaluates reports and reference materials
Understands relevant definitions, terminology, symbols and language
Maintains and checks logs, records and documents
Prepares a range of documents, including construction contracts,
plans, sketches and drawings and specifications, reports, tenders,
schedules, building applications and submissions and file notes
Reports and records hazards, risks and project costs
Negotiates conflict and dispute resolution
Analyses a range of data, including company and stakeholder
resource consumption and waste product volumes
Conducts briefings with team members
Coordinates a range of team members and activities
Keeps team informed of work practices, quality requirements and
required actions
Relates positively to fellow workers and the management team
Relates to people from diverse social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds
and with varying physical and mental abilities
Seeks expert advice where appropriate
Works collaboratively with relevant stakeholders
Understands various stakeholders' roles
Supervises and checks others' work, monitors work processes and
ensures safe work practices
Assesses structural integrity of residential and commercial low rise
Performs various calculations relating to rise and fall amounts,
estimating resource acquisition and costs; measuring levels, heights
and gradients; structural analysis; drawing dimensions; setting out of
construction projects; comparisons of alternative water management
systems; waste management minimisation strategies; and thermal
efficiency, rated capacity and working load limits
Examines tools and equipment prior to use for damage, missing
components or other defects
Identifies and rectifies faults
Responds effectively to hazards, risks and emergencies
Analyses problems and applies appropriate remedial solutions
Resolves business disputes
Deals with customer complaints and disputes
Deals with contract variations
Takes action to minimise contract penalties
Analyses rejected building applications and determines the likely
success of an appeal or a resubmission
Devises approaches, implements and reflects on environmental and
water, energy and resource efficiency management policies and
procedures relevant to work site to improve environmental
sustainability, and shares alternative approaches as required
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Initiative and
Planning and
Evaluates properties of construction materials and selects appropriate
materials based on evaluation
Develops compliant, alternative solutions to construction problems
Assesses thermal efficiency of buildings and reviews design solutions
for effectiveness and compliance
Identifies opportunities for improved water management
Evaluates effective strategies for insulating structures
Develops waste management strategies and dispute resolution
Identifies environmental and resource efficiency improvements, applies
knowledge about resource use to organisational activities and
customer service, and develops resource efficiency tools
Plans and coordinates various work operations
Prepares project schedules
Participates in effective implementation of organisation's operational
Plans and organises on-site activities and implements procedures
associated with building and construction work
Identifies and organises resource requirements and obtains supply
Supervises various administrative and work processes, including
claims and payments, insurance coverage, payroll systems and tax
Collects, analyses and organises workplace information and data
Plans and organises inspections
Organises testing of construction materials to ensure suitability
Manages own performance to ensure required levels of service
standards, work quality and professional competence
Manages work priorities and professional development
Uses feedback to improve own performance
Organises and completes daily work activities
Is open to new ideas and techniques
Seeks feedback on personal performance
Uses information effectively to improve work performance
Learns from colleagues as part of effective teamwork
Operates office equipment
Uses computer equipment and relevant software
Uses cameras
Assesses new and emerging technologies for application to
construction processes
Uses a range of tools and equipment, including technical instruments
and surveying equipment
Maintains tools and equipment as required
Uses technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of managing
Page 29
Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
Qualification Notes
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of builders, including selecting contractors,
overseeing the work and its quality, and liaising with clients.
The builder may also be the appropriately licensed person with responsibility under the
relevant building licensing authority in the State or Territory. Builder licensing varies across
States and Territories and additional requirements to attainment of this qualification may be
Occupational titles may include:
 builder.
The qualification has compulsory unit of competency requirements that cover common skills
for the construction industry.
The construction industry strongly affirms that training and assessment leading to
recognition of skills must be undertaken in a real or very closely simulated workplace
environment and this qualification requires all included units of competency to be delivered
in this context.
Completion of the general induction training program specified by the National Code of
Practice for Induction Training for Construction Work (SAC 2006) is required before entering
a construction work site. Achievement of unit CPCCOHS1001A covers this requirement.
Packaging Rules
18 units of competency are required for award of this qualification:
 13 compulsory units
 5 elective units.
The elective units may be selected from Groups A and B below as follows:
 a minimum of three elective units must be selected from Group A units below
 one of the five elective units may be selected from another endorsed Training Package
or CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training
Package, provided that the industry context of the qualification is maintained and that the
unit is at Diploma level
 two of the five elective units may be selected from any Certificate IV in CPC08
 one of the five elective units may be selected from any Advanced Diploma in CPC08.
Additional units of competency may be required to meet builder registration requirements in
various States and Territories.
Compulsory units
CPCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low
rise building projects
CPCCBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract
CPCCBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction
CPCCBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions
CPCCBC4013A Prepare and evaluate tender documentation
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
medium rise building projects
CPCCBC5002A Monitor costing systems on medium rise building and construction
CPCCBC5003A Supervise the planning of on-site medium rise building or construction
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
CPCCBC5010A Manage construction work
CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings
Apply principles of OHS risk management
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
Elective units – Group A
CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and
construction materials
CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction contractors
CPCCBC5006A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to medium rise building
CPCCBC5007A Administer the legal obligations of a building or construction contract
CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and connection methods to medium rise
construction projects
CPCCBC5011A Manage environmental management practices and processes in building
or construction
CPCCBC5012A Manage the application and monitoring of energy conservation and
management practices and processes
CPCCBC5013A Develop professional technical and legal reports on building and
construction projects
CPCSUS5001A Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
Elective units – Group B
CPCCBC4005A Produce labour and materials for ordering
CPCCBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low rise projects
CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects
CPCCBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low rise constructions
CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCCBC4014A Prepare simple building sketches and drawings
CPCCBC4018A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction
CPCCBC4024A Resolve business disputes
CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and
construction materials
CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction contractors
CPCCBC5006A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to medium rise building
CPCCBC5007A Administer the legal obligations of a building or construction contract
CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and connection methods to medium rise
construction projects
CPCCBC5011A Manage environmental management practices and processes in building
or construction
CPCCBC5012A Manage the application and monitoring of energy conservation and
management practices and processes
CPCCBC5013A Develop professional technical and legal reports on building and
construction projects
CPCSUS5001A Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
Manage quality customer service
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Manage budgets and financial plans
Manage rehabilitation or return-to-work programs
Build and sustain an innovative work environment
Design databases
Develop and use complex spreadsheets
Produce complex desktop published documents
Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness
Manage people performance
Manage operational plan
Manage risk
Lead and manage a sales team
Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Ensure team effectiveness
Implement asset management plan
Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include:
Problem solving
Analyses, evaluates and interprets a range of complex and technical
documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing
requirements, codes and standards, plans, drawings and
specifications, contracts, reports, reference materials, building
approvals, awards and workplace agreements
Maintains and reports records and information
Understands relevant definitions, terminology, symbols and language
Communicates effectively with a range of relevant parties and
provides expert testimony
Establishes site communication procedures
Prepares complex business documents, including project
expenditure schedules and reports, such as technical and legal
reports, drawings and project briefs
Advises others regarding their obligations as well as company
Negotiates dispute resolution
Sketches service layouts
Implements feedback systems
Demonstrates leadership within work teams and business units
Collaboratively and effectively develops and implements operational
Supervises work processes and systems, and delegates to others as
Works with others to overcome problems and achieve outcomes
Establishes and maintains effective working relationships
Seeks advice from senior management as required
Works collaboratively with relevant stakeholders
Relates to people from diverse social, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds and with varying physical and mental abilities
Analyses construction, environmental management, and energy
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Initiative and
Planning and
Develops and initiates strategies to use resources effectively
Ensures effective systems' development
Implements effective project quality management and continuous
improvement processes
Recommends improvements to environmental management and
energy conservation plans
Develops strategies that maximise resource effectiveness
Develops and reviews workplace sustainability policy
Supervises planning processes and organisation of on-site building
or construction work projects, including instituting procedures and
Develops sound and safe practices in relation to structural
procedures on site
Coordinates and manages construction and demolition processes
Monitors building or construction costing systems
Manages preparation of project expenditure schedules
Supervises materials' procurement systems
Manages selection, engagement and performance of building and
construction contractors
Administers legal obligations of building or construction contracts
Establishes construction work policies, practices and procedures
Prepares and implements environmental management and energy
conservation plans, including workplace sustainability policy
Advises and coordinates design process and obtains planning
Manages own performance to ensure required levels of service
standards, work quality and professional competence
Manages work priorities and professional development
Uses feedback to improve own performance
Takes responsibility as required by the work role
Uses discretion and judgement when required in complex
Deals with contingencies
Is open to new ideas and techniques
conservation problems and applies appropriate and compliant
remedial solutions
Assesses structural integrity of medium rise buildings
Ensures processes that identify faults and required remedial action
Develops strategies to address project delays
Performs various complex calculations relating to cost-benefit
analysis, rise and fall amounts, pessimistic overdraft requirements,
statistical analysis, costs, set out of construction work, structural
analysis and service installations
Analyses reasons for cost variations and takes remedial action
Establishes and implements dispute resolution procedures
Maintains site safety and manages risks
Provides advice on dispute resolution
Uses and analyses data in decision making
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Seeks feedback on personal performance
Uses information effectively to improve work performance
Learns from colleagues as part of effective teamwork
Manages induction and pre-engagement training processes
Operates office equipment
Uses computer equipment and relevant software
Understands building construction materials and technologies
Understands construction equipment and its use
Operates and tests levelling equipment
Uses technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of managing
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Qualification Notes
Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of senior managers within building and
construction firms.
Occupational titles may include:
 project manager
 construction manager
 estimating manager
 sales manager.
The qualification has compulsory unit of competency requirements that cover common skills
for the construction industry.
The construction industry strongly affirms that training and assessment leading to
recognition of skills must be undertaken in a real or very closely simulated workplace
environment and this qualification requires all units of competency to be delivered in this
Completion of the general induction training program specified by the National Code of
Practice for Induction Training for Construction Work (SAC 2006) is required before entering
a construction work site. Achievement of unit CPCCOHS1001A covers this requirement.
Packaging Rules
12 units of competency are required for award of this qualification:
 5 compulsory units
 7 elective units.
The elective units may be selected as follows:
 all seven electives may be selected from the list below
 two of the seven elective units may be selected from a Diploma qualification in another
endorsed Training Package or within CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services
Integrated Framework Training Package, ensuring the industry context of the
qualification is maintained
 three of the seven elective units may be selected from either Certificate IV or Advanced
Diploma in CPC08.
Additional units of competency may be required to meet builder registration requirements in
various States and Territories.
Compulsory units
BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBHRM402A Recruit, select and induct staff
BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan
BSBOHS504B Apply principles of OHS risk management
BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness
Elective units
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
medium rise building projects
CPCCBC5002A Monitor costing systems on medium rise building and construction projects
CPCCBC5003A Supervise the planning of on-site medium rise building or construction
CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and
construction materials
CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction contractors
CPCCBC5006A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to medium rise building projects
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
CPCCBC5007A Administer the legal obligations of a building or construction contract
CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and connection methods to medium rise
construction projects
CPCCBC5010A Manage construction work
CPCCBC5011A Manage environmental management practices and processes in building
or construction
CPCCBC5012A Manage the application and monitoring of energy conservation and
management practices and processes
CPCCBC5013A Develop professional technical and legal reports on building and
construction projects
CPCCBC5018A Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings
CPCSUS5001A Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBCUS501A Manage quality customer service
BSBHRM509A Manage rehabilitation or return-to-work programs
BSBINN502A Build and sustain an innovative work environment
Design databases
BSBITU402A Develop and use complex spreadsheets
BSBITU404A Produce complex desktop published documents
BSBLED502A Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBSLS502A Lead and manage a sales team
BSBWOR501A Manage personal work priorities and professional development
CPPDSM5022A Implement asset management plan
Employability Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include:
Analyses, evaluates and interprets a range of complex and technical
documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing
requirements, codes and standards, plans, drawings and
specifications, contracts, reports, reference materials, building
approvals, awards and workplace agreements
Maintains and reports records and information
Understands relevant definitions, terminology, symbols and language
Communicates effectively with a range of relevant parties and
provides expert testimony
Establishes site communication procedures
Prepares complex business documents, including project expenditure
schedules, reports including technical and legal reports, drawings and
project briefs
Advises others regarding their obligations as well as company
Negotiates dispute resolution
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Sketches service layouts
Implements feedback systems
Demonstrates leadership within work teams and business units
Collaboratively and effectively develops and implements operational
Supervises work processes and systems, and delegates to others as
Works with others to overcome problems and achieve outcomes
Establishes and maintains effective working relationships
Seeks advice from senior management as required
Works collaboratively with relevant stakeholders
Relates to people from diverse social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds
and with varying physical and mental abilities
Initiative and
Planning and
Analyses construction, environmental management, energy
conservation problems and applies appropriate and compliant
remedial solutions
Assesses structural integrity of medium rise buildings
Ensures processes that identify faults and the required remedial action
Develops strategies to address project delays
Performs various complex calculations relating to cost-benefit
analysis, rise and fall amounts, pessimistic overdraft requirements,
statistical analysis, costs, set out of construction work, structural
analysis and service installations
Analyses reasons for cost variations and takes remedial action
Establishes and implements dispute resolution procedures
Maintains site safety and manages risks
Provides advice on dispute resolution
Uses and analyses data in decision making
Develops and initiates strategies to use resources effectively
Ensures effective systems' development
Implements effective project quality management and continuous
improvement processes
Recommends improvements to environmental management and
energy conservation plans
Develops strategies that maximise resource effectiveness
Develops and reviews workplace sustainability policy
Supervises planning processes and organisation of on-site building or
construction work projects, including instituting procedures and
Develops sound and safe practices in relation to structural procedures
on site
Coordinates and manages construction and demolition processes
Monitors building or construction costing systems
Manages preparation of project expenditure schedules
Supervises materials' procurement systems
Manages selection, engagement and performance of building and
construction contractors
Administers legal obligations of building or construction contracts
Establishes construction work policies, practices and procedures
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Case for Endorsement  NQC Endorsement Required for Continuous Improvement Changes to
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Prepares and implements environmental management and energy
conservation plans, including workplace sustainability policy
Advises and coordinates the design process and obtains planning
Manages own performance to ensure required levels of service
standards, work quality and professional competence
Manages work priorities and professional development
Uses feedback to improve own performance
Takes responsibility as required by the work role
Uses discretion and judgement when required in complex
Deals with contingencies
Is open to new ideas and techniques
Seeks feedback on personal performance
Uses information effectively to improve work performance
Learns from colleagues as part of effective teamwork
Manages induction and pre-engagement training processes
Operates office equipment
Uses computer equipment and relevant software
Understands building construction materials and technologies
Understands construction equipment and its use
Operates and tests levelling equipment
Uses technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of managing
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Appen dix D Chan ged units of comp eten cy
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Apply building codes and standards to the construction
process for medium rise building projects
Unit descriptor
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to access,
interpret and apply relevant building codes and standards
applicable to the construction processes of medium rise
commercial and wide span buildings (medium rise licensing
classification with reference to Classes 1 and 10 construction,
Classes 2 and 3 to a maximum of 3 storeys, and Classes 4 to 9 to
a maximum of 3 storeys, not including Type A construction).
To successfully construct medium rise buildings requires thorough
knowledge of the purpose and content of the Building Code of
Australia (BCA), coupled with the ability to interpret other codes
and standards related to a specific building.
This unit contains employability skills.
Employability skills
Prerequisite units
Co-requisite units
Competency field
Unit sector
This unit of competency supports builders, project managers and
related construction industry professionals responsible for ensuring
compliance with building codes and standards in the building and
construction industry.
Building services
Elements describe the essential
outcomes of a unit of
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information
is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement.
Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
Access and interpret
relevant code and
standard requirements.
1. Relevant performance requirements from the BCA that apply to
individual projects (classified as medium rise) are identified.
2. Requirements of relevant BCA deemed-to-satisfy (DTS)
provisions are determined.
3. Requirements of relevant Australian standards referenced in
the BCA are accessed and interpreted appropriately.
4. Nature of building is determined according to use and
5. BCA criteria to determine the defined classification are applied.
6. Range of criteria that will ensure that construction methods
comply with BCA performance requirements is determined.
7. Alternative solutions to a design or construction BCAcompliance problem are discussed and proposed in
accordance with company policies and procedures.
8. Performance-based solutions are identified and documented in
accordance with BCA requirements and organisational quality
procedures and processes.
9. Assessment methods referenced in the BCA to determine
whether a building solution complies with performance
requirements or DTS provision of the BCA are analysed and
Application of the unit
Classify buildings.
Analyse and apply a
range of solutions to a
construction problem to
ensure compliance with
the BCA.
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Apply fire protection
10. Relevant documentation is identified and completed in
accordance with BCA requirements.
11. Passive and active fire control elements required by the BCA
and other legislation are identified.
12. Level of fire resistance required for the construction of various
medium rise buildings is determined.
13. BCA requirements with respect to passive and active fire
protection to medium rise buildings are identified and applied.
14. Check of existing buildings for compliance with passive and
active fire protection requirements is carried out in accordance
with BCA requirements.
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
Required skills for this unit are:
 analysis and interpretation skills relating to documentation from a wide range of sources,
including BCA and referenced documents
 application of design concepts and principles in accordance with BCA, namely medium rise:
• Classes 1 and 10
• Classes 2 and 3 to a maximum of 3 storeys
• Classes 4 to 9 to a maximum of 3 storeys, not including Type A construction
 accurate application of building codes and standards
 communication skills to:
• enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm
requirements, share information, listen and understand
• discuss and propose alternative solutions
• read and interpret:
- documentation from a variety of sources, including BCA and referenced documents
- specifications and drawings
• use and interpret non-verbal communication
• use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
 written skills to complete documentation in accordance with BCA requirements
 numeracy skills to apply mathematical information included in building codes and standards
 technological skills to facilitate use of the organisation’s software and office equipment.
Required knowledge
Required knowledge for this unit is:
 BCA performance hierarchy
 interpretation and analysis of working drawings and specifications
 relevance of Australian standards
 relevant legislative and OHS requirements, codes and practices
 relevant licensing arrangements
 thorough understanding of the BCA, namely medium rise:
• Classes 1 and 10
• Classes 2 and 3 to a maximum of 3 storeys
• Classes 4 to 9 to a maximum of 3 storeys, not including Type A construction.
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The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and
situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below.
Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation,
needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Medium rise falls within the BCA
Assessment methods include:
Performance requirements include:
1 and 10
2 and 3 to a maximum of three storeys
4 to 9 to a maximum of three storeys, not including
Type A construction.
comparison with BCA DTS provisions
evidence of suitability as described in the BCA
expert judgement as defined in the BCA
verification method as defined in the BCA.
those contained within other legislation applicable to
a specific project
performance requirements of the BCA determined
to be relevant to a specific project
performance-based contractual requirements that
must be fulfilled by any party.
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria,
required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
Critical aspects for assessment
and evidence required to
demonstrate competency in this
This unit of competency could be assessed by the
application of design principles and solutions specified
in BCA performance requirements or DTS provisions
applicable to a particular building project.
This unit of competency can be assessed in the
workplace or a close simulation of the workplace
environment, provided that simulated or project-based
assessment techniques fully replicate construction
workplace conditions, materials, activities,
responsibilities and procedures.
A person who demonstrates competency in this unit
must be able to provide evidence of the ability to:
 comply with organisational quality procedures and
 apply and interpret relevant documentation and
 apply BCA performance requirements relating to
design and construction of a medium rise building
 demonstrate understanding of assessment methods
available to determine compliance with the BCA.
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Context of and specific
resources for assessment
Method of assessment
This unit of competency is to be assessed using
standard and authorised work practices, safety
requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge will
usually be conducted in an off-site context.
Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or
Australian standards’ requirements.
Resource implications for assessment include:
 access to BCA and relevant documents referenced
in the BCA
 access to relevant legislation
 project documentation, including design brief,
design drawings, specifications and construction
 research resources, including product information
and data
 relevant computer software package and suitable
Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities
must be made to assessment processes where
required. This could include access to modified
equipment and other physical resources, and the
provision of appropriate assessment support.
Assessment methods must:
 satisfy the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the
Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated
Framework Training Package
 include direct observation of tasks in real or
simulated work conditions, with questioning to
confirm the ability to consistently identify and
correctly interpret the essential underpinning
knowledge required for practical application
 reinforce the integration of employability skills with
workplace tasks and job roles
 confirm that competency is verified and able to be
transferred to other circumstances and
Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires that:
 competency will need to be demonstrated over a
period of time reflecting the scope of the role and
the practical requirements of the workplace
 where the assessment is part of a structured
learning experience the evidence collected must
relate to a number of performances assessed at
different points in time and separated by further
learning and practice, with a decision on
competency only taken at the point when the
assessor has complete confidence in the person’s
demonstrated ability and applied knowledge
 all assessment that is part of a structured learning
experience must include a combination of direct,
indirect and supplementary evidence.
Assessment processes and techniques should as far as
is practical take into account the language, literacy and
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numeracy capacity of the candidate in relation to the
competency being assessed.
Supplementary evidence of competency may be
obtained from relevant authenticated documentation
from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team
leaders or specialist training staff.
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Apply structural principles to the construction of
medium rise buildings
Unit descriptor
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to apply
structural principles to the building of medium rise buildings. The
design and construction of medium rise buildings require the input
of a range of skilled professionals, including architects and
engineers. The building and construction professional plays a
significant role within this project team and requires the ability to
communicate effectively with building design professionals, and
develop sound and safe practices in relation to structural
procedures on site.
This unit contains employability skills.
CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the
construction process for medium rise building projects
Employability skills
Prerequisite units
Co-requisite units
Competency field
Unit sector
This unit of competency supports builders, project managers and
related construction industry professionals responsible for ensuring
the structural integrity of materials as well as building and
construction work so that site safety and quality control measures
are maintained during residential and commercial projects.
Building services
Elements describe the essential
outcomes of a unit of
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information
is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement.
Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
Apply structural principles
to planning the erection or
demolition of a structure.
1. Main structural principles that apply to the erection of
medium rise buildings are identified.
2. Performance characteristics of the structural elements,
including materials identified in the building’s plan, are
identified, analysed and applied to the planning of the
construction work.
3. Demolition of existing structures is undertaken in accordance
with legislative and planning requirements and safe work
4. Processes are put in place to analyse the stability of soils and
capacity of the site to support the construction loads.
5. Structural requirements for retaining walls are identified in
conjunction with related industry professionals and applied to
the planning process.
6. Structural function and requirements for temporary structural
elements are analysed and applied to the planning process.
7. Set-out of building is checked for compliance with documented
building plans.
8. Structural performance of footings specified in the building plan
is assessed for compliance with relevant codes and accepted
Application of the unit
Coordinate and manage
site and job set-up
Coordinate and manage
construction of footing
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Coordinate and manage
structural elements of the
construction process.
industry construction principles.
9. Footings specified in the building plan are laid and checked for
compliance with relevant codes and accepted industry
construction principles.
10. Damp coursing and provision of termite barriers and other
relevant techniques are planned, implemented and checked in
accordance with codes, standards and industry practice.
11. Technical construction principles and performance
characteristics of the construction materials are identified and
analysed in the planning of project.
12. Building plans and relevant standards and codes are identified
and implemented to ensure appropriate allowances have been
made for plumbing, electrical conduits and other services to be
13. Processes for the construction of structural elements are
identified and confirmed as compliant with relevant Australian
standards and codes and manufacturer specifications, with
reference to specialists as required, and then implemented.
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
Required skills for this unit are:
 application of design concepts and principles
 communication skills to:
• consult with industry professionals
• enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm
requirements, share information, listen and understand
• read and interpret:
- codes and standards
- legislative and planning requirements
- plans, specifications and drawings
- other relevant documentation from a wide range of sources
• use and interpret non-verbal communication
• use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
 numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations.
Required knowledge
Required knowledge for this unit is:
 applications of structural principles in buildings
 Building Code of Australia (BCA) and Australian standards
 design principles and behaviour of structural members undergoing stress, strain,
compression, bending or combined actions
 interpretation and analysis of work drawings and specifications
 nature of materials and the effect on performance
 OHS and organisational quality procedures and processes.
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CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and
situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below.
Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation,
needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Structural principles relate to
factors that include:
Medium rise buildings as described
within the BCA are:
Materials include:
Temporary structural elements
dead and live load calculations and characteristics
fire resistance of materials
impact of thermal effects
impact of time-dependent effects, including creep
and shrinkage
impact of wind, snow, ground water, earthquake,
liquid pressure, rainwater and earth pressure
structural resistance of forms of construction
structural resistance of materials.
Classes 1 and 10
Classes 2 and 3 to a maximum of 3 storeys
Classes 4 to 9 to a maximum of 3 storeys, not
including Type A construction.
composite steel and concrete
concrete, including reinforced, pre-stressed
concrete and tilt-up panels
steel, including cold-formed steel.
close sheeting
formwork props
pressure-resistant formwork
scaffolding sole plates
shoring collar sets
soldier sets
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria,
required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
This unit of competency could be assessed by the
application of structural design principles to a medium
rise building and construction project, including
demolition of existing buildings and communication of
the selection, positioning and sizing of all structural
members that form fixed or temporary building
structures for the project.
This unit of competency can be assessed in the
workplace or a close simulation of the workplace
environment, provided that simulated or project-based
assessment techniques fully replicate construction
workplace conditions, materials, activities,
responsibilities and procedures.
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Critical aspects for assessment A person who demonstrates competency in this unit
must be able to provide evidence of the ability to:
and evidence required to
demonstrate competency in this  plan and implement the erection or demolition of
buildings in compliance with relevant legislation
Context of and specific
resources for assessment
Method of assessment
interpret and apply relevant documentation and
 accurately apply design principles relating to
 identify typical faults and problems and the action
required to rectify them.
This unit of competency is to be assessed using
standard and authorised work practices, safety
requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge will
usually be conducted in an off-site context.
Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or
Australian standards’ requirements.
Resource implications for assessment include:
 documentation, including design brief drawings,
specifications, codes, design concepts, construction
schedules and other necessary supporting
 research resources, including timber product
information and samples
 access to relevant legislation, regulations and
codes of practice, including the BCA
 relevant computer software package and suitable
Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities
must be made to assessment processes where
required. This could include access to modified
equipment and other physical resources, and the
provision of appropriate assessment support.
Assessment methods must:
 satisfy the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the
Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated
Framework Training Package
 include direct observation of tasks in real or
simulated work conditions, with questioning to
confirm the ability to consistently identify and
correctly interpret the essential underpinning
knowledge required for practical application
 reinforce the integration of employability skills with
workplace tasks and job roles
 confirm that competency is verified and able to be
transferred to other circumstances and
Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires that:
 competency will need to be demonstrated over a
period of time reflecting the scope of the role and
the practical requirements of the workplace
 where the assessment is part of a structured
learning experience the evidence collected must
relate to a number of performances assessed at
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different points in time and separated by further
learning and practice, with a decision on
competency only taken at the point when the
assessor has complete confidence in the person’s
demonstrated ability and applied knowledge
 all assessment that is part of a structured learning
experience must include a combination of direct,
indirect and supplementary evidence.
Assessment processes and techniques should as far as
is practical take into account the language, literacy and
numeracy capacity of the candidate in relation to the
competency being assessed.
Supplementary evidence of competency may be
obtained from relevant authenticated documentation
from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team
leaders or specialist training staff.
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