American Iris Society (AIS) BULLETINS TABLES OF CONTENTS #1 June, 1920 The Culture of Irises in the United States Iris Culture for the Mountain and Plains Region, D. M. Andrews Irises in Minnesota, W.F. Christman ............................... Irises on the Pacific Coast, Mrs. Jennett Dean ................ Culture in Illinois, William, A. Peterson ......................... Irises in California, Carl Purdy ......................... .............. Irises in Massachusetts, Grace Sturtevant Adventures with American Irises, Louise Beebee Wilder Various Notes on Culture................................................. List of Charter Members ................................ ................ Index .. ........ .................................................................... 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 23 30 #2 January, 1921 Garden Irises Past and Present The Development of the Tall Bearded Irises in the 19th Century, Ernest H. Krelage, Haarlem, Holland ....................................... 3 Sir Michael Foster and his Irises, Sir Arthur Hort, Newlands, England 15 Iris Ricardi as a Parent, F. Denis, Balaruc, France ......... 25 Present Favorites and Future Prospects, Sidney B. Mitchell, Berkeley, Calif 27 Notes from my Hybridization Records, Grace Sturtevant, Massachusetts 28 Garden Effects, R. S. Sturtevant ..................................... 30 Australian Notes, G. H. Francis, Melbourne, Victoria ... 33 The Effect of Quarantine 37, Mrs. Jennett Dean, Moneta, Calif. 34 What we Value in a Variety, R. S. Sturtevant, Massachusetts 35 An Informal Symposium ................................................. 37 Varieties registered in The Flower Grower, August to December 1920, inc1usive 38 Life Members .................................................................. 41 List of Members, Additions June 1, 1920 to Jan. 1, 1921 42, 43, 44 Index to Breeders and Varieties Used for Breeding ....... 45 #3 June, 1921 Sir Michael Foster Sir Michael Foster, John C. Wister .................................. Seedlings Raised by Sir Michael Foster .......................... A Letter from Sir Michael Foster to Sereno Watson, 1890 The Development of the Iris, An Interview ..................... What Our Gardens Owe to his Work, R.S. Sturtevant .... Letter from W. Caparne ................................................... Vilmorin's Orchid-flowered Irises, S. Mottet .................. Visits to Iris Nurseries and Gardens, John C. Wister ...... Iris as Crude Drug, Helen E. Ricketts .............................. List of the Fertility of Iris Varieties, A. J. Bliss............... List of Members (additional for 1921)............................. 3 4 5 7 12 14 17 20 27 28 30 #4 January, 1922 Iris Checklist (Abbreviated List) This Iris Checklist was originally prepared for inclusion in the Catalogue of Standardized Plant Names, now in preparation by the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature, and is published in advance with the consent of that Committee in order to facilitate its checking and correction. The great volume of the Official Catalogue of Standardized Plant Names in which it will be included is to appear in April, 1922, and will include accurate determinations, both scientific and "common," of all plant material in horticultural commerce in the United States. Members of the American Iris Society may obtain this volume immediately upon publication at a favorable reduction in price, through prompt correspondence with the Secretary. #5 May, 1922 Symposium Members of the Jury ....................................................... Notice to Members ..................................... .................... Foreward, John C. Wister .......................... .................... Report of the Chairman. C.P. Connell ............................ Instructions to Jurors ...................................... ................ Introduction ................... ................................................. Alphabetical List of all Varieties Rated .......................... Tall Bearded Irises arranged in order of merit ................ The Relative Value of Varieties of Similar Coloring, R.S. Sturtevant Intermediate Irises arranged in order of merit ................ Dwarf Bearded Irises ...................................................... Miscellaneous Irises ........................................................ Why a Symposium? R.S. Sturtevant .............................. 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 23 28 30 31 32 33 #6 October, 1922 Description of Varieties, Part I Iris. A Poem, W. H. Bliss ................................................ International Conference at Paris, John C. Wister .......... At the London and Paris Exhibitions, John C. Wister .... Color in theIrisFamily, J, Marion Shull .......................... Color Standards and Nomenclature, An Explanation, R.S. Sturtevant The Data Card for descriptions ....................................... Descriptions of Varieties, Part I ...................................... List of Varieties described .............................................. 3 4 5 11 12 17 22 38 #7 January, 1923 Description of Varieties, Part II European Visits in 1922, John C. Wister ........................ An Appreciation of Some American Seedlings, A. J. Bliss On Discarding Irises, W. J. Caparne ....................... : ...... Bud Development in Iris, J. Marion Shull ..................... Description of Varieties, Part II ...................................... List of Varieties described.. ....... .. .................................. List of 1923 Members to February 1st, whose names are not included in the Membership List ........................................................ A fnrther Acknowledgement to our generous 1922 members Varieties Registered in the Flower Grower ................... Our Bulletins, their prices and contents .......................... 3 13 15 17 20 34 35 36 37 39 #8 October, 1923 Alphabetical Iris Checklist Reprinted without change of page numbers from "Standardized Plant Names" by permission of the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature, Harlan P. Kersey, Secretary, Salem, Mass. #9 October, 1923 William Mohr William Mohr and his work, Sydney B. Mitchell Notes on Hybridization from letters of William Mohr ... Bulbous Irises, with lists of recommended varieties from M. Hoog, R. W. Wallace, and others Spanish Irises and English Irises Dutch Irises ............................................................ .. The Dutch Iris in California, Orpet............ ............. Odd Bulbous Irises, R. S. Sturtevant ....................... By-Paths Among the Irises, Mrs. E. P. McKinney ......... Descriptions of varieties, Part III .................................... List of varieties described ................ .......... ................... 3 8 10 15 17 18 22 25 43 #10 January, 1924 Irises for the Amateur The Iris Family and its Native Representatives ... .......... Practical Points, R.S. Sturtevant .................... ................ Sources of Information 5; Hints to Purchasers Selected Varieties 6; Diseases and Enemies Abnormal Development .......................................... ,Use in Ornamental Plantings, L. Philbert Lavenir (a free translation) Varying characteristics of Garden Irises .......... .............. Hybridization, R. S. Sturtevant ......................... ............. Growing the Bearded Iris, Marion Shull......................... Field Culture, Mm. Bretin et Abrial...................... ......... On Sowing Iris Seed, J. Marion Shull............................. Irises in the Garden ......................................................... Symposium of 1917-1918 Introductions, Clarence P. Connell The Work of the Society ............................................... Cornell Iris Test Gardens, Austin W. W. Sand .............. N. Y. Botanical Test Garden ............. ............................. Tid-Bits, from various members ....... .......... .................. Announcements ............................................ .................. General Index to all Bulletins ...................... .................. 3 5 5 12 14 15 20 24 30 32 34 36 40 42 43 45 46 48 50 #11 May, 1924 Beardless Irises Beardless Irises, A Review ............ ............. .................. Japanese Irises in the Garden................................... Iris Hybrids, W. R Dykes ................................................ Iris Sibirica and its Relatives, W. R. Dykes (From The Garden) Siberian Irises. ................................ (From The Garden, 1881) The Introduction and Hybridization of Beardless Irises. Extracts from the artic1e by M. F. Laplace .......................................... New Irises from the Commercial Growers Point of View. W. F. Engle The Iris Borer, Mrs. E. P. McKinney (From Horticulture) Tid-Bits 4th ..................................................................... 3 9 17 22 25 28 29 31 33 #12 October, 1924 Notes and Descriptions, Part IV The1924 lris Season, John C. Wister .............................. Hunting for Rare-bits. Ethel Anson S. Pickham ............. 1924 Observations, Frank W. Campbell ......................... Forcing the Bearded Irises, F1'tlllk W. Campbell .......... A Handbook of Garden Irises, Review by John C. Wister Descriptions. Part IV ....................................................... Iris Visits, 1924, R.S. Sturtevant..................................... 4 11 13 14 15 18 34 #13 December, 1924 In Memoriam, Frank H. Presby A Classification of Garden I rises Memories of Frank H. Presby, R. S. Sturtevant ........... Some Historical Notes on Classification ........................ A Classification of Bearded Irises .................. ............... Lavender, self ............................................................. Lavender bicolor (neglecta) ........................................ Yellow, self ................ ............................................... Yellow plicata ............................................................. Yellow bicolor (variegata) .......................................... Blended, self ............ ...................................... ........... Blended plicata ........................................................... Blended bicolor .......................................................... White, self ..... ............................................................ White plicata., ............................................................ White bicolor(amoena) ....................... ....................... Tid-Bits ........................................................................... 5 7 8 9 15 18 19 19 21 23 23 26 27 28 29 #14 January, 1925 Bertrand H. Farr ....... ...................................................... In Appreciation ........................................ ...................... Bertrand Farr and Peonies, A. P. Saunders ..................... Visits to Wyomissing, John C. Wister ............................ "Farr’s Seedling Irises", R. S. Sturtevant ........................ The American Iris Society, History and Reports, 1920-1925 Report of the Treasurer and Comparative Statement 1920-1924 Constitution of the American Iris Society ...................... Code of Nomenclature ............... .................................... Official Standards of Registrations ............ .................... Official White List .......................................................... Official Black List ........... ............................................... 1924 Introductions and Registrations. ............................ Reports of Iris Bibliography, E.A.S. Peckham ............... 1924 Bibliography of Iris Literature, Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham.. Impressions of Irises Seen Abroad in June, 1924, Mrs. Silas B. Waters An Iris Calendar for California (1924) E. O. James. ...... ANNOUNCEMENTS..................................................... Officers, 1925............................................. .................... 3 7 9 12 16 19 32-33 34 35 36 40 42 43 51 52 59 65 66 68 #15 April, 1925 Some Irises of the Future. Sydney B. B. Mitchell, Calif. True Judgment and False. B. Y. Morrison, D. C. .......... Why Concentrate on Bearded Irises? Sherman R. Duffy, Ill. An Iris Calendar for Texas. Mrs.J. W. Larned .............. The Resistance o£ Protoplasm. Dr. W. McL. Ayres, Ohio The New York Test Garden. E.A.S. Peckham................ List of Contributors .................................................... Record of Plantings in Alphabetical Garden ........ Iris Project at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Dr. George M. Reed. The Show Garden at New Rochelle, N. Y ...................... Iris Visits, 1924 (Part II). R. S. Sturtevant, Mass ........... Tid-Bits 7th ...................................................................... Exhibition Announcements, etc. .................................... Officers, 1925.................................................................. What we offer our members.................. ,. ....................... $100.00 offered for the Best Iris by Robert Wayman..... 3 6 8 11 12 13 14 15 22 25 26 31 37 37 38 40 #16 July, 1925 A Report on Sterility in Irises Louise A. Cover, Marjorie R. Swabey, & A.B. Stout #17 October, 1925 ]apanese Irises, B. Miyazawa, Japan ............................... White Irises, F. Denis, France ........................ ................. Some Irises of Herault, W.R. Dykes, England ................ Tid-Bits 9th ....................................................................... 1925 Notes .................................................................. From Frank W. Campbell, Michigan ....................... From J.C. Wister....................................................... From E.O. James, California .................................... From Sherman R. Duffy, Illinois .............................. Odd Notes from various sources .............................. Notes on Beardless Irises.................... ..................... Convenient Planting for the Nursery and Show Garden Black List Discussion............................... ....................... On Policies .......................................... ....................... On Iris Troubles and Practices .................................... Brevities . ................................................. ....................... Iris Mrs. Marion Cran, H.S. Jackson, Indiana ................. Suggestions From and To Members ................. .............. 3 6 10 12 13 16 18 22 22 24 26 27 29 30 36 37 39 40 #18 January, 1926 Les Iris dans les Jardins, Henri Correvon. A Review and Extracts 1925Activities. Meetings of the Directors, Annual Meeting Officers 1920-1926 Report of the Treasurer, Oct. 30, 1925 ............................. Report of the President .... ......... ......................... ............ (On page 12. lines 3 and 4, read Jan. 1. 1926, instead of Nov. 1. 1925.) 1925 Exhibitions .............................................................. Reports of Trial Gardens. New York Botanical Garden, Mrs. W.H. Peckham .. Springfield, Mass., Charles M. Ladd ............................... NewRochelle, Mrs. W.H. Peckham ........................... Brooklyn Botanic Garden, George M. Reed .............. Display Garden Policy and Authorized Forms of Agreement Cincinnati Section, By-Laws and Meeting ...................... 1925 Bibliography, Mrs. W.H. Peckham ......................... Behavior of lris Foliage in Winter, David Petrie, Idaho .. 1925 Introductions and Registrations (with corrections from 1924) Tid-Bits, 10th, Edited by Sherman R. Duffy ................... The Right Spirit. A Letter from a Member ...................... Symposium.............. ........................................................ Brevities .......................................................... ................ Iris Trials at Wisley .......................................................... Annual Meeting................................................................ NOTICE ........................................................................... 3 5 7 9 9 12 15 17 17 18 20 24 26 31 32 37 41 41 44 46 47 48 #19 April, 1926 W. R. DYKES W. R. Dykes, M. A., L-es-L. Secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society ............ R.W. Wallace............. ................................................ A.J. Bliss..................................................................... P. Murrell.................................................................... An Iris Excursion. W.R. Dykes ...................................... A Dalmatian Iris Hunt, W.R. Dykes ............................... The Juno Irises. W.R. Dykes .......................................... Irises for the Rock Garden, W.R. Dykes ........................ Introductions From the Garden of Mr. Dykes ................ Writings of the Late W. R. Dykes on Irises .................... Various Notes ...................................... ........................... Report of the Treasurer, 1925 ......................................... Statement of Financial Conditions, Dec. 31,1925 .......... Fertility Records .............................................................. Field Day Suggestions .............................. ..................... Exhibition Announcements ............................................. 3 4 5 6 7 10 16 20 23 27 32 34 35 36 38 38 #20 July, 1926 The Iris of Gerard's Herball, B. Y. Morrison .................. Iris Combinations, Mrs. E.A.S. Peckham ....................... Problems in Iris Development, J. Marion Shull.............. Iris Exhibitions, 1926, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires................... .. Tid-Bits, 11th, Sherman Duffy, Ill .................................. 3 9 10 16 23 #21 October, 1926 Sterility in Apogon and Pogon iris, F. B. Moore, A. B. Stout Bearded Irises Studied. Bearded Irises Record for Hand Pollinations. Miscellaneous Bearded Irises. Results with Japanese. Some of the Best Hearded Irises, G. L. Pilkington . Iris Flavissima, Pallas, A Resume by B. Y. Morrison, K.A. Ugrinski Planting an Iris Garden, George Dillistone .................... Tid-Bits 12th, Sherman R. Duffy .................................... 3 20 25 33 35 #22 January, 1927 Exhibition Policy and :Management Report of the President, 1926.................................... Activities during 1926 Annual Meetings ....................................................... Report from the Trial Garden, R. S. Sturtevant ........ 1926 Bibliography of Iris Literature, E. A. S. Peckham A Report on Sterility in 65 Dwarf Bearded Irises, Robert A. Greene and A. B. Stout ............................................ ........ 1926 Introductions and Registrations (with corrections) Iris versicolor in Northern Ontario, Edgar Anderson Brevities, Dykes Memorial Fund ................................ Membership List. 1926 additions ......................... ..... Carrying Quality in Irises, R. S. Sturtevant ........... ..... Notice .................................................................. ........ Officers 1927. Annual Meeting 3 18 23 26 28 32 40 44 47 48 52 57 59 60 #23 April, 1927 Dedicated to the Memory of Arthur Hoyt Scott Arthur Hoyt Scott ................................................ ........... In Memoriam, J. C. Wister......................... .................... Rose Valley, R. S. Sturtevant.............................. ........... The Future of Iris Breeding, Sydney B. Mitchell Is Scientific Research Necessary? A. E. Walter From a letter to J. C. Wister. A. E. Waller Test Garden Reports and Needs. New York Botanical Garden. E. A. S. Peckham ....... Dwarf Bearded Irises .......................................... ........... Brooklyn Botanic Garden Dr. George M. Reed ....... Display Garden at New Rochelle ............................. Missouri Botanical Garden ........................... ........... Iris Susiana. Frederick Bauer (Translated by B. Y. Morrison) Irises of the Regelia and Oncocyclus Groups. E. Nussbaumer (Translated by B. Y. Morrison) ........... ........... ........ Everblooming Irises. M. Denis (Translated by S. B. Mitchell) Our Bulletins .................................... .................. ........... To Read or Not-to-read. R. S. Sturtevant ........... ........... Iris Shows, 1927 .................................................. ........... Notice .................................................................. ........... Annual Meeting................................ ......... Special Notice ................................................................. 3 4 5 8 13 17 22 23 24 25 26 32 34 37 38 41 43 45 45 47 #24 July, 1927 The Iris Society --- Honors to Mr. Wister ..................................................... 3 European Iris Notes - 1927, F. Cleveland Morgan 5 Iris Exhibitions - 1927. Mrs. J. Edgar Hires, Chairman 11 Ashland, Va., Belvidere, Ill., Berkeley, Calif., Chestnut Hill, Mass., Columbus, Ohio, Freeport, Ill., Goodland, Ind., Harrisburg, Pa., Indianola, Ia., Lynchburg, Va., Montchanin, Del., New Rochelle, N. Y., Omaha, Neb., Oskaloosa, Ia., Redfields, Calif., Richmond, Va., Sioux City, Ia., Washington, D. C., Yardville, N. J., York, Pa. Reglio-cyclus Irises in Canada. W. E. Saunders........... 27 To Read or Not-to-Read.......................................... 28 th Tid-Bits 13 .................................................................... 30 Notice ................ ................................................. ........... 41 Officers 1927....................................................... ........... 42 #25 October, 1927 On Early Dwarf Bearded Irises On Early Dwarf Bearded Irises. R. S. Sturtevant .............................. Species of the Early Flowering Section. W. J. Caparne List of Hybrid Alpine Iris sold by the Iris Plant and Bulb Co. W. J. Caparne Old Iris Names; Duplications and Needed Search. A. H. Wright The Stately Iris-An Ornament to any Garden. Frances Duncan Tid-Bits 14th ............................ ...................... ................. Notes from E. O. James, Calif. ................ ................. The Chemical Acceleration of Flowering ......... ........ From Mrs. Joyce, Kenya Colony ............................... From Mrs. Minnie E. Black, Illinois ............................... From Joseph Oertz, Belgium ........................................... From Miss L. Hetzer, Massachusetts 3 6 7 9 24 27 27 32 33 33 33 34 #26 January, 1928 1927 REPORTS Report of the President. J. C. Wister ......... ...................... Charter and By-laws ................................. ...................... Officers-Regional Policy........................... ...... ............... Activities during 1927 ............. ................. ...... ............... Annual Meeting....................... ................. ...................... Science Series No.1 The Iris Borer. Harry F. Dietz .......................... The Iris Borer. J. Marion Shull .......... ...................... 1927 Studies Donald T. Ries .................. ...................... Report of Questionnaire ................................... .... .......... 1927 Bibliography Mrs. W. H. Peckham ............. .......... Impressions and Comparisons of Irises in California Gardens. Dr. Wylie McL. Ayres ............................................... 1927 Introduction and Registrations ..................... .......... Awards . .................................. ........................................ Tid-Bits 15th. From Mr. George Yeld, England ....................... From Mr. Blauvelt, N. Y. .......................... ............... From Dr. Ringueberg, N. Y. ........................................... From Countess Giulio Senni, Italy................................... Annual Meeting-Preliminary Notice............... ................ Notice to Iris Breeders .......................................... .......... Information and Seed Exchange ...................................... Notice .................. ....................................... .................... Officers ................................................................... ......... 3 7 15 16 18 20 25 28 29 34 45 50 53 54 56 57 60 65 66 67 67 69 #27 April, 1928 Garden Reports An Iris Roll-call, J. Marion Shull.................................... Report of Test Gardens, E. A. S. Peckham, Chairman ... Irises at Cornell ........................................................ Brooklyn Botanic Garden, George M. Reed............. New York Botanical Garden ..................................... Donors to Gardens .............................. ..................... Some Eastern Iris Gardens, Sydney B. Mitchell ............ 3 7 10 16 20 22 23 Science Series No.2. Breeding Experiments, Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout Writings of Sir Michael Foster - Bibliography, Ethel Anson S. Peckham Range in Iris Prices, Compiled by H. C. Skeels ............. To-Read or Not-to-Read .......................................... Brevities .............................. ............................ .............. Farr Memorial ............................. ............. ..................... 31 50 52 56 58 59 Annual Meeting.................................. ..................... 1928 Field Days in Vicinity of New York City .............. Exhibitions for 1928.................................. .............. Bulletins .............................. ............................ .............. 60 61 62 63 #28 July, 1928 Symposium Why a Symposium, John C. Wister ..... .......................... List of Jurors Voting ............................ .......................... Iris Symposium.Compiled by C. P. Connell ..... ............. Comment by Color, R. S. Sturtevant ..................... ........ The Japanese Iris, George M. Reed ............................... Garden Pictures, R. S. Sturtevant ................................... San Francisco .................................................................. A Timely Suggestion ...................... ............................... Introductions and Registrations ...................................... 5 8 9 30 40 51 60 61 62 #29 0ctober, 1928 Irises!-And After? Ella Porter McKinney ....................... Garden Pictures, 2. ................................. R. S. Sturtevant 1928 Exhibitions. ......................................... Thura Hires Jaunting with the Judges.Ethel Anson S. Peckham ........ Descriptions of Varieties, Part V. .......... R. S. Sturtevant Index to Varieties Described. ................. R. S. Sturtevant Science Series No.3. Chromosomes in Iris Species. .............A. E. Longley Root Growth in Iris. ......................... J. Marion Shull Tid-bits 16th. Edited by the Editor. Double Celeste ........................................ ........ Cold Storage. John E. Hill ............................... ........ European Notes: Countess Senni ........................ Mrs. Lucius Hitchcock ......................................... Joseph Aerts ......................................................... Saskatchewan.C. F. Patterson ................................... Idaho. David C. Petrie............................................... Kansas. J. R. McLeland ............................................ Experimental Gardens at Cornell .............................. 3 8 15 21 28 39 43 56 60 60 61 63 65 65 65 66 66 #30January, 1929 Officers, 1929.................................................................. The Making of the Seal. B. Y. Morrison ....................... Some Iris Connotations. Mary Judson Averett .............. Sidelights on Iris Behavior..................... J. Marion Shull Garden Pictures 3. A Wee Garden. ......R. S. Sturtevant Fan Memorial Library. ... Richardson Wright, Chairman CHECK LIST-Subscription List Open ........................... 1928 REPORTS. From the President, J. C. Wister From Regional Vice-presidents, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith, Lowell Mass.; Mr. J. Howard Judson, Omaha, Neb. .................... From Test Garden Committee, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham, Chairman; New York Botanical Garden; Cornell Iris Gardens; Brooklyn Botanic Garden; Missouri Botanical Garden; Morton Arboretum; Iowa State College at Ames; University of Minnesota; University ...............of Saskatchewan From Display Garden Committee, Mrs. Brewster B. Hoornbeek, Chairman; New Rochelle, Larchmont, and Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Stonington, Conn.; Durham, N. H.; Amherst, Cambridge, Haverhill, and Springfield, Mass.; New Brunswick and Orange, N. J.; Belleville, III,; Goodland, Ind.; Topeka, Kansas; Lincoln, Neb.; Duluth, Minn.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Goldsboro, N. C.; Columbia, ................................. S. C. From Committee on Exchange of Rare Species, B. Y. Morrison, Chairman From Committee on Lantern Slides, Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Chairman 1928 ACTIVITIES. ....................................... Annual Meeting Directors Meetings; Publications; Awards; Exhibitions; Research 2 4 6 12 15 18 22 23 Catalogues of the Year. ......................... R. S. Sturtevant Symposium Comments John E. Hill, J. Marion Shull ... Tid-Bits 17th. English Awards and Notes; Moraea iridioides; Iris Watti; South Australia; Iris Borer; Belgium In Memoriam, "Sam" Burchfield, November 14, 1928 To-Read or Not-to-Read. Irises by F. F. Rockwell; The Problem of Species in Northern Blue Flags by Edgar Anderson; Current Articles Notice .................................. ...................................... 57 60 25 28 40 44 45 47 49 62 68 68 71 #31 April, 1929 Officers, 1929........................................................ ......... Judging the Judges. Franklin B. Mead ........................ Science Series, No.4. Breeding Work at the New York Botanical Garden. Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout ...................... 1928 Iris Breeding Scholarship. Katie C. Kilpatrick and A. B. Stout Outline of 1929 Breeding Work.A. B. Stout ........ Table Iris. Ethel Anson S. Peckham ............................. Symposium Votes as an Index of Popularity. E. N. S. Ringueberg M.D. "No-Man's-Klatter." A Valentine to the Editor.............. Garden Pictures, 4. A Bordered Path. . R. S. Sturtevant 1928 Bibliography................... Ethel Anson S. Peckham Tid-bits 18th. Iris tectorum - The Iris Society - Writings of W. R. DykesI. prismatica; Belgium - Notes from Massachusetts and Illinois - July Prospects 50 To-Read or Not-to-Read. Addisonia, March, 1929; Current Articles Check List, Subscriptions Open ...................................... Notice. Annual Meeting-Test Gardens-Publications ....... 2 3 11 20 29 29 32 36 38 41 55 56 59 #32 July. 1929 Japanese Irises Officers, 1929. ............................................. .. . 100 Japanese Irises, More or Less. George M. Reed The Significance of Japanese Names for Iris. Agnes L. Reed. Garden Irises-Ratings................... Chas. E. F. Gersdorff Planting Irises in the South. Willa Griffin Largent, Texas 2 4 13 21 23 Science Series, No.5. Donald T. Ries, Ithaca, N. Y. The Iris Borer ......................................................... Verbena Bud Moth............................... .......... 27 39 1928 Notes Irises, Beardless and Otherwise. J. R. McLeland, Kansas New Irises at Freeport. Sherman R. Duffy ..................... Tid-Bits 19th. Notes on Ratings; Iris reticulata; I. sindjarensis Check List ................................ ......... ......... .. ... ........... Notice. Test Gardens – Registrations – Publications .... 47 53 59 65 65 #33 October, 1929 Officers, 1929. ................................................ ..... ......... Science Series No.5. Dr. A. B. Stout ....................... High Spots of an Eastern Trip. Howard Weed, Oregon Notes on the Symposium. "Digby Legard"..................... 1929 Exhibitions. Mrs. J. Edgar Hires ............................ Des Moines, Iowa; Duluth, Minn.; Great Barrington, Mass.; Lynchburg, Va.; Omaha, Neb.; Providence, R. I.; St. Paul, Minn.; Boston, Mass.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn. C. P. Connell. A Few Lovely Irises ... .................................................... Irises Abroad. In Rome Countess Senni ....................... In England. Mrs. John T. Love ...................... ...... Display Garden at Birmingham, Ala. C. P. Connell An Iris Border in Kansas City. Mrs. Massey Holmes ... To-Read or Not-to-Read ...................... .......................... Tid-Bits 20th. Errata; Exhibiting; Score Card; King Alfred's Jewel; Notes f rom Messrs, Mead, Meyer, and Schreiner; Iris at Hillcrest Notice. Test Gardens – Publications 2 3 17 22 23 28 34 35 38 40 42 43 53 #34 January, 1930 THE WILD GARDEN IN MEMORIAM - JAMES BOYD James Boyd 1858-1929 ........... ............................... ........ In Appreciation. Prof. A. P. Saunders ............................ Robert Sturtevant........................... ............... 1929 Report of the President. John C. Wister....... ......... 1929 Report of the Treasurer Richardson Wright ......... An Additional Thought from the Treasurer. .......... Ithaca Meeting............. ..... ......................................... 1929 Activities Awards........................ ................ ......... The Wild Garden with emphasis on new American species. R. S. Sturtevant Lean Back and have a Flower Show. ..................... Ethel Anson S. Peckham 1929 Introductions .................. ........................................ Code of Nomenclature. Repr. from Bulletin 18, Jan. 1925 1929 Registrations....................................................... Irises Akin. R. S. Sturtevant............................ ............... NOTES: Iris Expedition; English Iris Society, Annual Meeting 1930 Annual Meeting ...................................................... Notice: Test Gardens - Publications ................ ............... 2 5 7 9 13 15 17 17 19 31 36 42 43 52 57 57 59 #35 Apri1, 1930 PUBLIC GARDENS. Officers 1930.......... ........................................... .. .......... Test Gardens, 1929. Mrs. W. H. Peckham. ..................... Display Gardens, 1929. Mrs. Brewster Hoornbeek ......... Confessions of an Iris Lover. Mrs. Douglas Pattison ..... Bibliography, 1929. Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham Science Series, No. 7................................................... Notes on Iris Troubles. B. O. Dodge & Marjorie E. Smith Iris Behaviour. J. Marion Shull Tid-Bits 21st. Notes from Mrs. Hires; from Mrs. Clutton; Irises in Cold Storage by J. Sass; Forcing Bulbous Irises; Edited by the Holland Growers Association Notice--Test Gardens -- Publications................. ............. 2 3 8 14 21 31 31 40 43 52 #36 July, 1930 Officers ..................................... ................................. Samuel W. Burchfield, 1870-1928 ............................ In Appreciation ..................................................... E. B. Williamson, Mrs. Azro Fellows, R. V. Ashley, Thura Traux Hires, Harvey Whipple, Albert E. Green ............. Burchfield Introductions 1923-1927 .......................... Seraphin Mottet, his Work and Writings ................... Iris Visits in Southern California. Grace Sturtevant With Mr. Bliss and Dominion. Wylie McL. Ayres .. "Iris Fine."Sherman, L. Duffy .................................... Seen in Passing.................................. Thura Truax Hires Symposium Notes. E. N. S. Ringueberg, M.D. Columbus Iris Show. E. H. Bretschneider The Iris-Clump Pan. E. H. Bretschneider ....................... Flags is Flags Tid-Bits 24th. In Houston, Texas; In Washington, D. C.; Chicago Show; From Tokyo, Japan ................................... ................ 2 4 5 7 11 12 15 20 26 36 47 51 54 55 56 #37 October, 1930 MORE TRAVELS. Officers ............... ....... ............................................... 2 Jacob Sass and Wambliska ................ ....................... 3 Adventures of an Iris Hunter R. M. Cooley ................... 4 Visit to France Geoffrey L. Pilkington ........................... 14 Iris Visits (Northen California). Grace Sturtevant .......... 21 Exhibitions-1930. Boston, Bridgeport, Duluth, Freeport; Highland Park, Ill.; Redlands, San Bernandino, Springfield, Mo.; Washington, D. C. Thura Truax Hires....................................................................... 27 Regional Reports: California, Texas, Colorado, Minnesota 34 Roman Notes. Countess Giulio Senni ............................. 41 A. Renwick Blauvelt ........................................................ 45 Farr Memorial Library Reservations ............................... 46 From New York ..................... ......................................... 46 Tid-bits 25th. Fall Bloom; Handy-kinks; the Sass Seedlings; Planting; Combinations; A Leavenworth Garden; Descriptions; Iris Borer; Iris Roll-Call etc. S. H. Duffy, Editor . ................................................ 47 Score Card ........................................................................ 58 #38 July, 1930 Intermediates. Comments by the Brothers Sass and Sherman Duffy E. H. Wilson ......... ..... ......... .............................. ........... Mrs. J. Otis Wardwell. Eleanor P. Jones California Iris. Lena M. Lothrop..................... .......... New Irises seen in France and England during the 1930 season. Franklin B. Mead ................. .................................... .......... Iris Visits, 1930 -- In Nashville and Cincinnati. Grace Sturtevant Adventures of an Iris Hunter, 2. R. M. Cooley ............... 1930 Introductions .......... .... ..................................... 1930 Registrations........................................................... 1930 Reports; President, Secretary, Treasurer ............... 1930 Activities .... ..................................... Garden Pictures, 5. In Oklahoma. R. S. Sturtevant ........ Science Series No.8. The Relation between water loss, size and form in Iris flowers A. E. Waller ............................... ........... Tid-bits 26th. Garden at La Grange, Ga. From Victoria; New Orleans; Florida. Is there an Iris Pres. Pilkington ? and other notes .. Notice. .................................. Bulletins ............ .......... Test Gardens .................. ............... ............... ............... 3 10 11 12 19 30 41 50 58 67 72 76 79 83 93 95 #39 April, 1931 IRISES IN CANADA Arthur John Bliss, 1860-1931 .................. ...................... Notes on Irises in Canada. F. Cleveland Morgan ........... In Toronto. Mrs. P. M. Wallace .................... ................ In Peterboro J. H. Callander .................... ...................... In Western Ontario. W. E. Saunders ............................... In Manitoba L. T. Chadwick .................. ................. Seedlings of the High Plains. L. T. Chadwick ................ In Alberta. A. M. Patterson In Saskatchewan. C. F. Patterson ............... On Vancouver Island. G. Buchanan Simpson........ In British Columbia. Hubert Jones.................... .... Iris Breeders' Gardens. A. E. Waller, Ohio .................... Travel Notes, 1931. Ethel Anson S. Peckham ............... Report of Test Gardens, 1930. Ethel Anson S. Peckham 1930--Annual Report, Display Garden Committee. Olive B. Hoornbeek, Chairman List of 1930 Donors to Display Gardens ........................ Regional Reports: Idaho, California, Texas ................... Bibliography, 1930................................ ......................... Tid-bits 27th. From Mr. McEachran, R. Jackson Hopper, Montreal; C. Bauckham, J. W. Grow, L. W. Cousins, Kenneth MacDonald, W. Miles, W. T. Macoun, Ontario; C. Berkley and J. C. Bennett, British Columbia; P. H. Gordon, Regina; Prof. Bunting, Quebec; G. Dillistone, Tunbridge Wells. Collected by F. Cleveland Morgan ................................. Science Series No.9. Iris Behavior - Drouth (Drought) 1930. J. Marion Shull Exhibitions 1931 ........................... ................................. Iris Fragments--A Review............. ................................. POLICY OF AWARDS, A. I. S. ............. ...................... Certificates ? 3 4 12 17 19 23 28 31 35 39 44 47 52 61 68 71 72 74 86 105 108 109 109 112 #40 July, 1931 IRISES IN CANADA The Iris in Japan.George M. Reed, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Varietal Notes. Chas. E. F. Gersdorff ............................. Tribulations and Thoughts of a Novice. E. N. S. Ringueberg Iris Tingitana. Denis (Translated by S. M. Mitchell)...... Tid.bits 28th. Discussion of Awards; The Iris Guild of Cincinnati; The Crop of American Novelties Test Gardens ................................................................... Notice .............................................................................. Publications ........................... ......................................... Policy of Awards ............................................................. 3 49 50 60 61 67 68 69 70 #41 October, 1931 EXHIBITIONS. The 1931 Iridiad. Sherman B. Duffy .......................... Exhibitions Thura. Traux Hires, Chairman................. Varietal Notes from Washington, D. C. Chas. E. F. Gersdorff What Price a Seedling J. Marion Shull ....................... Tid-bits 29th. From New Mexico; Trials at Wisley; Treatment for Root Rot; Gardening Knows No Age Limit; From Belgium; "Nashville, The Iris City" 3 14 19 23 25 #42 January, 1932 "Poor Judges." Ethel Anson S. Peckham ....... ............... Francis Xavier Schreiner - 1877-1931 ............ ............... Symposium, Perhaps' Report of the Committee ..... On Awards J. Marion Shull ................................... ....... 1931 Introductions ....... .......................................... ....... Varieties Registered ........................... ....... Varieties Approved ... ..................... ...... ....... Names unapproved or synonymous .......... 1931 Reports. President, Secretary, Treasurer ........ ....... 1931 Activities, Annual Meeting ............................ ....... Varietal Notes. From Italy. Countess Giulio Senni .......................... From California. Lena M. Lothrop.......... ...... ....... On Red Irises.Wm..1. McKee, Mass. ...................... From Nebraska. Dr. H. H. Everett.................. ....... From Ohio, "Iris Gossip." E. H. Bretschneider ...... From Illinois. Sherman L. Duffy .............. ...... ....... 1931 Report of Test Gardens .................................. ....... 1931 Bibliography............... ........................................... Notice -- Bulletins ........ .................................................. 3 12 16 21 24 35 43 46 49 52 Test Gardens .............................. ............................ ....... 89 51 56 60 61 63 66 70 76 86 #43 April, 1932 ARTHUR JOHN BLISS Iris. W. H. W. Bliss .... ........... ............. ....... .......... Mr. A. J. Bliss. Eden Phillpotts . .... ... ..... ...... ... .......... His Contributions ....................... ......................... .......... The Formation of the A. I. S., 1919-1920............ ..... Of Many Things ......... .......... .... ... .... .... .. .. ......... Characteristics of Irises .......... ....................... ........ ...... Theories of Crossing, Plicata, Whites, Amoenas............ On Varieties ................. ........................... ...................... Irises Raised or Introduced by A. J. Bliss, E. A. S. Peckham Irises that Await Introduction, R. S. Sturtevant .............. Bliss Irises, List.Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham............ Bibliography-Bliss. Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham ...... Tenth International Horticultural Meeting ............ ......... 3 4 5 7 8 15 19 24 32 46 47 51 52 #44 July, 1932 APOGONS Album of Hana-shobu by Doctor Miyoshi, Translation by George M. Reed and Bunkio Matsuki .................. ......................... Preface ................................. 1. Hana-shobu and Related Plants... ......................... 2. History of Hana-shobu .......................................... 3. Garden Varieties ........................ ........................... 4. Descriptions .. ........................................................ Hunting for Rarebits. II. 'Ethel' Anson S. Peckham ...... The Louisiana species . ............................................. Test Gardens ......... ........................................................ 3 6 8 10 19 23 29 29 38 #45 October, 1932 RATINGS Ratings as Reported by Accredited Judges, 1932 .... Comments Based on Their Reports, Sherman R. Duffy . On Yellows .............. ............................ .................... On Whites ............................................. ............. On Others ... .. ..... .......... .... ..... .................. ............. Judging Irises, Thura Truax Hires ..... ....... ....... ............ The Oakland Spring Garden Show, E. O. Essig ...... Iris Shows Held in Co-operation With the A. I. S., 1932 Comments on the System of Ratings. Ralph G. Van Name ................................................... R. S. Sturtevant ......................... ... ....................... Publications . ..... ....... ..... ........................... .. ..... 1 16 17 21 24 33 40 43 46 48 50 #46 January, 1933 RATING QUESTIONS Report of the President. John O. Wister ........... ............... 1932 Activities .................................................................. Awards, Report of the Committee on ............................... Why Rate? Harry Esty Dounce, N. Y. ............................. Scoring and Rating New Irises. E. O. Essig, Calif. .......... Comments. Charles E. F. Gersdorff, Washingtcm, D. C. Regional Ratings. Sam H. Graham, Ga. ........................... Reckless Ratings. J. H. Kirkland, Tenn. Protest and Suggestions. Lena M. Lothrop, Calif. Appraising the Current Ratings. J. Maricm Shull, Washingtcm, D. O. How Were They Judged? Robert Wayman, N. Y. (to be cont.) New England Recommends Varieties ............................. Intermediate and Fall Blooming Irises. Dr. H. H. Everett, Neb. rebloomers At the Boston Show. Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd. A reprint Rose Dominion. E. A. S. Peckham ................................... 1932 Introductions ............................................... ........... Additions to List of Breeders and Introducers ... ........... The New Classification for Bearded Iris ........................ 1932 Registrations .................. ....................................... Books. From a Sunset Garden, by S. B. Mitchell; Perennial Gardens, by H. S. Ortloff ............................................................... Varietal Notes. Largely from England, Australia, and Italy Test Gardens – Publications.............................................. 1 4 5 8 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 33 35 39 41 45 57 59 60 77 78 87 Commercial growers are advised that 1932 Ratings are not official and should not be used for publicity. #47 April, 1933 SOUTHERN EXPERIENCE iris culture The Ghost Iris............................................................. ....... Edward Bruce Williamson 1877-1933................. ..... ....... 'Tis Better Left Unsaid, R. S. Sturtevant.............. ..... ....... The South-Where is it? ...................... ..................... ....... Iris in the Lower South. Columbia, Charleston, and Bennettsville, S. C.; Augusta, Ga.; Oneco, Fla. ....... ..... ....... The Distribution of Iris in Florida, H. Harold Hume Iris in the Piedmont. Greensboro and Winston.-Salem, N. C.; Atlanta, Cedartown, Rome, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala. .. Growing Conditions, Mrs. John Lewis Kilgore ...... On Tenderness in Iris, Dr. F. M. Hanes .................. Texas, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas ................................ In North Texas, Mrs. Gross E. Scruggs .................. Oklahoma, Helen C. Roe, Tulsa; Oklahoma City ............. The Family Tree .... ...................................... ............. ....... Tennessee, Iris Desert Gold (Kirk.), C. P. Connell, Mrs. J. S. Routon Garden Effects. Mrs. Katherine P. Wright ............. Test and Display Gardens, 1932 ................................ ....... 50-100 Most Popular Varieties. Compiled by Sherman R. Duffy Ratings - 1933 Regulations ................................................ Garden Pictures 6, Displaying 50-100 Varieties. R.S. Sturtevant, M.L.A. Ratings, Scores, etc. ............... ...................... .................... How Were They Judged, cont. ............. ............... ............. Bibliography, 1932. Compiled by Ethel Anson S. Peckham Varietal Notes Tid-bits 80th. Iris W. R. Dyke; The Lake Iris and its Differentiation from the Crested ................... ................................... ....... Iris Chromosomes. J. C. Nicholls ....................... ............. On Flower Shows; Iris Cold Storage ........................ ....... The Vocational Guide. Our Officers .......................... ....... News and Notices. Exhibitions, Bulletins, and Items ....... 3 4 4 5 6 12 19 28 25 26 28 80 83 84 42 45 48 54 55 57 59 54 73 75 79 83 85 86 Commercial growers are advised that 1932 Ratings are not official should not be used for publicity. #48 July 1933 LOWLY IRISES In Memoriam, EDWARD BRUCE WILLIAMSON. E. B. Williamson and his Irises A Bit of Personal Iris History, B. B. Williamson Williamson Irises, Ethel Anson S. Peckham Colour Grouping for Garden Irises, Louisa F. Pesel Landscape Picture with Iris, Alfred C. Kinsey Here and There Among the Lowly of the Tribe, Ella Porter McKinney Iris Overture, Thura Traux Hires Irises that Bloom in the Fall, Clint McDade rebloomers Intermediates, Sharon R. Duffy Garden Picture. 7, Irises in Combination, R.S. Sturtevant, M.L..A. Vocational Guide-With the Iristaties, Richardson Wright The Family Tree -- Crossing Pumila Hybrids with Regelia-Cyelus Hybrids, Jacob Sass; Breeding Notes, H. P. Sass Iris Chromosomes, cont., J. C. Nicholls In Praise of the Judges, J. C. Nicholls, Jr. On Becoming a Judge of Iris, Dr. F. M. Hanes Our Scoring System, S. R. Duffy Comments on Ratings, Ralph G. Van Name An Iris Seedling come to Judgment 1933 Annual Meeting, S. R. Duffy At Freeport, R. S. Sturtevant Varietal Notes Ask Me Another Tid-bits 31 Notices------------------- 1 2 8 14 20 25 33 11 42 45 48 50 56 60 62 64 67 68 72 74 78 79 79 84 #49 October, 1933 RATINGS " 'Tis Better Left Unsaid," R. S. Sturtevant ............. 3 Comments on Rating, Sherman B. Duffy................................................................. 5 1933 Ratings TB, IB, MB, DB.- Classes -Judges ..... 24 Review, Sherman B. Duffy 32 The Washington Hybrids, Grace Sturtevant 38 In Southern California, E. O. Essig 40 CalifornianNotes, Mrs. L. M. Lothrop ..................... 43 Color, E. N. S. Ringueberg ....................................... 47 New England Notes. Activities – Show – Varieties - Questionnaire, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith and Others ................................. ........... 51 Varietal Notes, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and Others . 55 The Family Tree - The Virtues of Mixed Pollen, J. Marion Shull 61 Landscape Pictures, A. C. Kinsey, Ind. .................... 63 Garden Pictures 8. The "Show" Garden - Edgings, R. S. Sturtevant 69 Garden at South Whitney, Ind. ................................. 75 Hemerocallis in the Iris Garden (with notes from Mrs. Nesmith's garden), R.S.S. 76 Calendar for Nebraska, J. Howard Judson, Omaha ........ 78 Science Series 11. Stem Elongaton Studies, A. E. Waller & R. H. McCormick 81 Tid-bits 32nd. Winter Foliage - -Symposia and Ratings – Scoring –Iris Minuta – Fall Blooming – Judging – Form – Culture – Megalophilia Iridis - Georgia 90 To-Read or Not-to-Read. On Native Species and in general 99 Notices -Errata. "Cold Storage" ...................................... 102 "Ask:Me Another." Genetics - Winter Protection ......... 103 #50 January, 1934 MID-ATLANTIC GARDENS "Comment and Remark," R. S. Sturtevant ..................... A Nonagon of Delaware Gardens, John Kane Foulke du Pont Five New Jersey Gardens, Alice B. Wells ..................... The "Iris Bowl," John C. Wister .................................... Breeders' Gardens, M. E. Douglas ................................. The Wister Collection, R. S. Sturtevant......................... In a Small Garden, Mary Judson Averett....................... Succession, Kay Kershaw Mechling.............................. Success with Iris, Rachael Fox ......................... ............ Plainfield Public Park, Harriette B. Hallway ................. Siberians from Sunnybrook, Ella Porter McKinney ...... Japanese from Little Silver, Ella Porter McKinney ....... Notes on Bulbous irises, B. Y. Morrisom ...................... Garden Pictures 9, "Modern" R. S. Sturtevant............... Iris Persica Again, Lucy C. Bailey, Tenn. - B. Y. Morrison Science Series 12, The Reaction of Native Iris Soils in Florida, H. Harold Hume Varietal Notes, M. E. Douglas (Hall, Dannenhauer, Rosenbluth, Koehler originations The Family Tree, Charles E. F. Gersdorff ..................... To Read or Not to Read ................................................. Species Notes and Pictures, B. Y. Morrison .................. "Ask Me Another." Cultivation ..................................... Tid-bits 33rd ................................. ................................. 1 3 14 19 23 26 28 35 41 44 47 48 51 58 61 66 71 72 75 76 84 85 #51 April, 1934 Comment and Remark ..................................................... Bearded Irises. Notes on Proportion, Form, etc., F. Wynn Hellings Irises in Iowa, Mrs. C. G. Whiting ................................. H.M., A.M., D.M., Digby Legard ................................... Science Series No. 13, Pollen Tube Behavior in Iris, Willis Chase Seed Sowing, Roy W. Gottschall .................................... Edible Irises, R. S. Sturtevant ................................ ....... Virginia Notes, 1933, Mrs. W. W. Gibbs .............. ....... Iris Memories, Edward Salbach ............................. ....... Varietal Notes, Mrs. Edgar Hires ............................ ....... Dutch Irises of Merit ............................................... ....... Backgrounds, R. S. Sturtevant Species Notes, Photographs by Lady Collet 1 2 14 16 17 20 23 25 27 29 32 35 Iris Korolkowi Iris chrysographes.................................................. Iris missouriensis .................................................. Iris foliosa .................. ................................................... The Family Tree, Whites, Sydney B. Mitchell ............... To Read or Not to Read, New Gardens for Old Ask Me Another, Iris Rot, Dr. H. H. Everett Tid-Bits 34th Winter Injury, A. W. Mackenzie, Indiana ............... Commercial Practice ................................................ Iris Albispiritus............................................................. Notes from a New England Garden ............................. Iris dichotoma........................................... ................... From a Maryland Garden ............................................. From Southern California ............. .............................. The Little Widow ..................................... Iris in Design ................................................................ 40 45 48 48 49 51 55 55 56 57 58 60 60 61 65 #52 July, 1934 CALIFORNIA GARDENS Comment and Remark, R. S. Sturtevant ......................... Twelve Years of Iris Breeding in California, Methods and Records, Ed ward O. Essig ............................................................. Southern Natives in California, F. F. Williams, M. D .... Two California Species, J. N. Giridian ........................... Adventures with the Dwarfs, Lena M. Lothrop .............. At Whitehill. C. G. White ................... ........................... Chula Vista Goes Iris-minded, Com.. John. M. Monroe Irises in the Garden, Sidney B. Mitchell ......................... Science Series No. 14: Chromosome Numbers in Native American and Introduced Species and Cultivated Varieties of Iris, L. F. Randolph .............. The Breeding of Yellow Irises, Sydney B. Mitchell....... Varietal Notes: New Varieties in Northern California, S. L. Jory ........ California Irises in Massachusetts, R. S. Sturtevant .... An Iris Jaunt, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ........................... Iris Rumors in Southern California .............................. The Family Tree ......................................................... The Vocational Guide ................................................ To Read or Not to Read .................................................. Our Bulletins ................................. .......... ...................... Tid-Bits ....... .................................................................. 1 3 30 34 38 44 53 57 61 67 72 74 78 85 89 93 108 109 109 # 53 October, 1934 DESCRIPTIONS-PART VI Comment and Remark, R.S. Sturtevant ............. ............ The Quest of The Golden Fleece, Hary H. Everett......... Oregon Irises, Carl and Louise Starker .............. ............ Distinctive Points in Descriptions, R. S. Sturtevant ....... Descriptions of Varieties, Part VI, R. S. Sturtevant. ...... Index to Varieties Described.. ........... ................ ....... Servant of The Rainbow, Ethel Anson S. Peckham .. A Regional Report-1934, J. Marion Shull ...................... Middle Atlantic Recommends Varieties, M. E. Douglas Species Notes: Iris kumaonensis ................ ....................... ............... Iris dichotoma Iris bucharica .................... .... ............. ........ ............ Iris ruthenica .............................................................. The Family Tree, C. E. F. Gersdorff .................................. Bearded Irises at Wisley, 1933 .................. ....... ............... 1 3 11 21 24 37 44 53 57 70 75 78 79 81 83 # 54 December, 1934 DECEMBER, 1934 REPORTS AND BUSINESS, 1933 Report of the President, John C. Wiste r Report of the Vice President, H. H. Everett Report of the Secretary, John B. Wallace, Jr. Report of the Treasurer, Richardson Wright Regional Vice Presidents: M. E. Douglas....................................................... J. C. Nicholl8...................................................... Mrs. Gross R.Scruggs .......................................... Committee Reports: Scientific Committee, Dr. A. E. Waller ............... Iris Species in California, Prof. E. O. Essig ......... Display Gardens: Plainfield Garden Club Iris Garden, Miss Harriette Holloway Reports of Iris Shows, 1933, Mr.. W. L. Karcher ........ Registrations for 1933, C. E. Gersdorff ....................... Introductions for 1933, C. E. Gersdorff ....................... Exhibition Policy and Management ............................. 1934 Policy of Awards ............................................... Membership List, October 1, 1934 .............................. 1 2 3 6 10 14 16 18 20 24 28 34 47 53 68 75 #55 February, 1935 MIDWEST Foreword, Euclid Snow............................... Irises in The Middle West ............................................... A Californian Sees Eastern Irises, Donald B.Milliken ... Science Series No. 15 The In. Borer, Harry F. Dietz ............... .................. 1934 Comments by Accredited Judges ........................ Species Notes: Iris Chrysophylla Drew Sherrard Iris Histrioides ........................................ ..... Iris Tenuis Carl Starker ......................... ...... Iris Sintenisii Tid-Bits: 37th ................................. ........................ To Read or Not to Read .................................................. 1 2 66 74 79 88 89 90 92 94 101 #56 March, 1935 REPORTS AND BUSINESS, 1934 Report of the President, John C. Wister Report of the Vice President, H. H. Everett .............. Report of the Secretary, B. Y. Morrison acting ......... Report of the Treasurer, Richardson Wright Regional Vice Presidents: Mrs. Thomas Nesmith .......................................... M. E. Douglas ...................................................... J. Marion Shull ..................................................... Euclid Snow ......................................................... David Petrie.......................................................... Carl Starker ................................................................ William Miles ...................................................... Mrs. James Backman ................................................. Report of the Annual Meeting, Euclid Snow ................... Jottings on the Lincoln Meeting, K. N. Marriage ............ Report of Iris Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher ....................... American Iris Society Honors Miss Grace Sturtevant ..... Report of the Committee on Awards, Donald Milliken... Registrations for 1934, C. E. F. Gersdorff ....................... Introductions of 1934, C. E. F. Gersdorff ........................ Dykes Medals, 1934 ......................................................... 1935 Policy of Awards ..................................................... Notice of Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tenn. .................. Correction-Judges' ballot ...................................... .......... 1 4 5 7 9 9 11 13 14 14 15 17 18 21 23 27 28 32 49 54 54 58 59 #57 APRIL, 1935 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison................................ .............. The Irises of Southeastern Louisiana, Percy Viosca, Jr. Iris Observations and Comments from the South, Sam. Graham Varietal Notes, 1935, Sherman R. Duffy ................. Southern Iris Pictures .......................... ..................... Varietal Notes, 1934, M. e. Douglas The Birthplace of Bertrand H. Farr, Marshall A. Howe Experience with the Reticulata Group at London, Ontario, E. M. S. Dale Garden Note, Eleanor P. Jones Species Notes: Iris hauranensis.................................... ...................... Iris imbricata ......................................................... Iris setosa ............................................................... Iris ensata.................................................................... 1 3 57 61 75 79 89 90 93 94 94 98 100 #58 JULY, 1935 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison.......................................... Over-the-Garden-Wall, Wm. J. McKee .......................... Failure and Its Lessons, B. E. S. Spender ....................... Bulbous Irises, Eucild Snow ...................................... Notes on the Origin of the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University, F. M. Hanes ....................................... ......... ................ The Duke University Iris Gardens, John C. Wister ........ Iris Notes of 1935, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ...................... Varietal Notes, 1935, J. P.Fishburn ................................ Species Notes: Iris laevigata ......................................................... Iris delavayi .......................................................... Iris pabularia (The Fodder Iris) ............................... Iris xiphioides ....................................................... Iris ensada ............................................................. Iris pseudocorus.................................................... Clusius' Original Note (Translated by Miss Mildren Dean) Tid-Bits 38th .................................... ...................... ..... 1 2 6 11 14 17 21 31 36 36 39 42 48 48 51 52 #59 OCTOBER, 1935 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison............................................... The Irises of the Gaspe Peninsula, Edgar Anderson ....... Effects of Light and Temperature on Irises of Known Heredity, Adolph E. Waller ........................................... ........... Some Notes on Germination, John Dolman Jr. Variations of the Native Oregon Irises, Carl Starker ...... Iris Personalities, Thura Traux Hiers .............................. A. Plea for New Englanders to Try California Irises, Carrie Stover Lewis Iris Pilgrimage, 1935, Bruce C. Maples .......................... Iris Notes, 1935, Mabel Cary Tobie................................ A. Word from Rome, 1935, Countess Senni .................. Iris Observations in Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop Triste Thoughts on the Dispersal of a Collection, Richardson Wright Our Members Write: Native Iris and Others ............................................. From Connecticut ........................................ ........... For 1936 ..................................................... ...... ..... Iris Pallida Dalmatica at Home ............................... Re: Iris Fan Letters .................................................. Iris Performance in the Spring, 1934, Following the Very Severe Winter............................................... ..... Famous Iris Gardens, 1935 ..................................... 1 2 6 16 19 22 49 51 58 63 67 76 78 80 80 81 82 86 87 #60 FEBRUARY, 1936 Report of President, H. H. Everett....................................................................1 Report of Vice-President, W. J. McKee............................................................3 Report of Secretary, B. Y. Morrisoon...............................................................5 Report of Treasurer, Richardson Wright.......................................................... 6 Regional Vice- Presiden te : Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts...................... J. C. Nicholls, New York ........................................... M. E. Douglas, New Jersey ....................................... J. Marion Shull, Maryland ................................... Mrs. James R. Bachman, Georgia ............................. Robert Schreiner, Minnesota ............... ..................... Mrs. Gross R. Scruggs, Texas ................................... Stanley C. Clarke, Idaho ............................................ Dr. P. A. Loomis, Colorado ....................................... Carl Starker, Oregon .................................................. The Annual Meeting ............................................. ......... Report of Iris Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher ...................... Other Show Reports ........................................... 1936Policy of Awards ......................................... ........... Record of Iris Awards ......................... Report of Judges.............................................................. Registrations for 1935 ..................................................... An Appeal, Mrs. W. H. Peekham ................................... 8 13 14 16 21 24 26 27 28 29 31 43 50 58 62 67 81 103 #61 MARCH, 1936 ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES Associate Editor: MRS. G. R. MARRIAGE CONTENTS Foreword, Kathleen N. Marriage ................................ The High Rockies, H. H. Everett ..................................... Iris Observations in Region 11, Stanley C. Clarke .......... Iris in Idaho, J. H. Christ .................................................. Behavior of Iris Species at 6,000 Ft. Above Sea-Level, Abby L. Kernochan Iris Missouriensis at Home, Kathleen N. Marriage ......... Taming the Chromosome, P. A. Loomis ......................... Fewer Iris Varieties and Better Ones, D. M. Andrews .... Growing Iris in Salt Lake City, Herman F. Thorup ......... Rocky Mountain Iris Breeders, Sherman R. Duffy ......... Tolerance of Bearded Irises ....................................... In Ould God's Time, Nora O'Neill ................................... An Iris Exhibit ............................................................. International Iris Show, Boston, 1935, J. Ester ............... The Coming Annual Meeting, J. C. Wister ..................... 1 2 5 8 11 15 18 24 27 38 40 41 42 43 45 Our Members Write: From Illinois ............ ........................................... From North Dakota .. ........................................... From Illinois ............. ........................................... From Alabama ...................... ..................................... From Massachusetts ....................................... From Indiana....... ........................................... ........... From Alabama .... ........................................... ........... From Oregon................................................... ........... From Maryland ........................................................... 50 51 52 55 56 56 57 58 60 #62 JUNE, 1936 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison................. ..... Color, Walter Timmerman .............................................. Hybrids of Iris Laevigata with I. Versicolor and I. Virginica, George M. Reed A Gladiolus Fancier Discovers the World of Iris, Ralph Baerman Some Experiences with Iris Species at London, Canada, Alexander M. Ross Concerning Older Iris Varieties, John C. Wister ............ Viability of Pollen, Dr. Ford B. Rogers .......................... Kotaka-Yen, Horikiri, Japan, Preserved as a Famous Scene, George M. Reed Irises, North and South, R. S. Sturtevant ........................ Species Notes: Iris pseudacorus ... ..................................................... Urmiensis x arenaria .................. ............................... Iris korolkowi ............................................................ Iris Korolkowi concolor ............................................ Iris hyacinthiana ........................................................ Iris Lorleti ................................................................. Iris Hoogiana ............................. ............................... Our Members Write: From Texas ............................................................. From California ........................ .............................. From Canada ........................................................... From Tennessee ...................................................... 1 3 10 18 26 29 35 37 40 42 42 45 47 47 49 53 54 59 59 61 #63 OCTOBER, 1936 A.ociate Editor: ELEANOR P. JONES The Annual Meeting, Eleanor P. Jones Iris Personalities, Thura Traux Hires Stars of the First Magnitude, E. G. Lapham ................ Iris Notes of 1936, Edward Salbach ............................ Iris Pilgrimage, 1936, Bruce C. Maples ....................... Iris Notes of 1936, J. Marion Shull .............................. The Most Popular Irises in Region Nine, David F. Hall Awards of The American Iris Society for 1936 ........... Roman Gold Medal for New Iris, Competition Rules . 1 18 28 31 33 46 56 62 65 Our Members Write: From Rome . ........................................................ 66 Index to Varieties Described in BULLETINS 49 to 60, L. Merton Gage Registrations for 1936 1937 Annual Meeting Note ......................................... Ratings –1936 ............................ .... ........................... 69 78 105 106 #64 FEBRUARY, 1937 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison Report of President, H. H. Everett Report of Vice-President, W. J. McKee Report of Secretary, B. Y. Morrison Report of Treasurer, Richardson Wright Regional Reports, 1936: David F. Hall, Illinois ----------------------------------Mrs. Gross R. Scruggs, Texas Carl Starker, Oregon Donald B. Milliken, California Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts --------------Report of Iris Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher-Report of Judges for 1936, Compiled by Willard M. Kellogg lridomania, Phases of Iris Fancy, Dr. Franklin Cook Chromosomania Iridis, J. Marion Shull Iris or Irises-Shall We Change the Dictionary, J. Marion Shull The Adventures of a Novice in Iris Land, Minerva Monroe Names, Charles E. F. Gersdorff My Yellow Seedling, F. M. Hanes -----------------------A Kentucky Iris Season, Henry L. Grant Along The Iris Coast, Julius Dornblut, Jr. Some 1936 North Central Ohio Iris Notes, Roy W. Gottschall Our Members Write: From New Jersey --From New Hampshire ---------------------------------Iris Beginnings in America From Massachusetts------------------------------------Looking Back ---------------From Michigan, Fall Blooming Irises ___________ From Oregon, Iris Arenaria and Iris Bloudowii From Canada, Iris ensata, I. hyacinthiana or I. biglumis From New York, Biglumis, Indeed! 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 13 22 37 46 57 59 62 69 72 75 78 82 85, 90 87 87 89 89 90 92 93 94 Index to Varieties Described in BULLETINS 61 to 63, L. Merton Gage 96 #65 MAY, 1937 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison---------------------------------Iris Notes, Sam L. Graham What Do I Grow in My Garden and Why, M. E. Douglas Cuttage Propagation of an Iris Rhizome, Wyndham Hayward Japanese Iris at Swan Lake Gardens, George M. Reed Hana-Shobu Society of Japan, George M. Reed Watching Eleanor, Lucy W. Tinley 1 3 7 11 14 16 18 San Franeiseo, Dykes Medalist, Thura Truax Notes on Dutch Iris Varieties Iris Troubles, Mrs. Harold L. Medbery The Iris Season, 1936, Carl O. Schirmer 1936 Reponal Report, William Miles 23 24 41 45 52 Our Members Write: Albicans in San Antonio, Mrs. W. G. Dumont From Massaehusetts, G. Percy Brown____ From Oklahoma, Eleanor Hill ________________ From California, Lena M. Lothrop ____________ We Are Irisarians, Howard Weed _____________ Iris Note, Charles E. F. Gersdorff -------------------Again, the Dykes Award, J. Marion Shull ---------From California, Edward Salbach-From California, John A. Monroe -------------------Iris, Tejas, Eddie Fannick ---------------- -----------(Note that “Tejas” is NOT a typographical error.) 55 56 57 57 58 58 58 59 61 63 #66 SEPTEMBER, 1937 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1737 Iris Notes, Charles, and Agnes Whiting Hybridization Involving Iris versicolor, Iris laevigata and Native Irises of Louisiana, Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout Iris Visits of 1937, Dr. Henry Lee Grant Iris Impressions, Carl Carpenter 1937 Comments, Virginia F. Clutton Garden Notes for 1937, Alexander Maxwell Impressions of a California Iris Season, Harold I. Johnson Along the Iris Coast, Julius Dornblut, Jr. Varietal Notes, Norfleet Webb Notes on Irises Entered for the Roman Gold Medal, The Countess Senni The Annual Meeting: Wilmington's 1937 Meeting, Carrie Stover Lewis The Exhibition, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires The Nashville Camera Club Competition, 1937 Our Members Write: Concerning Foliage, Robert T. Paine Fall-Blooming Iris, Clint McDade Report of the Awards Committee 1 3 11 29 35 41 48 51 56 60 62 64 73 80 85 86 87 #67 OCTOBER, 1937 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison, Secretary Leave It to the Iris, Louise Blake A Break in Color, David F. Hall Winter Hardiness, J. Marion Shull Pacific Coasting Among the Iris, Edward Salbach Variety Notes Submitted by Accredited Judges, 1937 International Horticultural Congress 1937 Ratings Report of the Registrar Additions to List of Breeders and Introducers Registrations Varieties Approved But Not Registered Approvals Pending Varieties Under Investigation Synonymous Names, 1937 Errata Releases Names Available Membership Lists Alphabetical List Geographical List 1 3 9 11 13 17 34 35 40 40 41 59 59 60 61 64 65 67 71 92 #68 FEBRUARY, 1938 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison Some Observations in English Iris Gardens, E. O. Essig Thoughts on Autumn Blooming, J. Mario" Shult -------The Methods Adopted for Growing Iris in the Southwest, Eddie Fanick --------------------------------------------A. I. S. Project-Color Photography, Carrie Stover Lewis, Chair Officers' Reports: Report of the President ---------------------------------Report of Balloting --------------------------------------Report of Secretary --------------------------------------Report of Treasurer -------------------------------------Regional Reports: Mrs. Lewis, Massachusetts -----------------------------Dr. Reed, New York ------------------------------------Mr. Wister, Pennsylvania-------------------------------Mr. Shull, Maryland ------------------------------------Mrs. Bachman, Georgia --------------------------------Mrs. Waters, Ohio ---------------------------------------Mr. Schreiner, Minnesota ------------------------------Mrs. Washington, Kentucky ---------------------------Mr. Hall, Illinois -----------------------------------------Mrs. Scruggs, Texas ------------------------------------Mr. Starker, Oregon -------------------------------------Report of The Exhibition Committee, Mrs. Karcher ----Our Members Write: From Oregon, Mrs. Krause -----------------------------Soil Notes, Indiana, A. W. Mackenzie ----------------From Indiana, Mrs. Horton -----------------------------Detroit Iris Society Officers ----------------------------Spring Fiesta, Louisiana --------------------------------From New York, Virgil V. Johnson -------------------From Michigan, Mrs. Englerth ------------------------From Indiana, Iconoclast -------------------------------From Rome, Italy, Countess Senni --------------------From New Jersey, G. L. Schofteld --------------------From California, Mrs. Lothrop ------------------------- 1 3 22 24 26 30 31 31 32 33 41 42 44 47 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 78 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 84 85 86 #69 APRIL, 1938 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison Iris Comment from Canada, Fred H. Fairs Iris in Design, Tom Metcalfe 1 3 12 Regional Vice President William F. Miles Honored, David F. Hall Portrait of an Iris, Photographs by H. L. Standley An Iris Breeder's Records, Charles E. F. Gersdorff The Root of the Matter, Photographs by Lilliam A. Guensey Garden Notes from the Corn Belt, Leila Bach Naming an Iris, Lucy W. Tinley The Lament. A Hypothetical Tale, K. N. Marriage Pictures from California, Edward Balbach Iris Notes from Southern California, Lena M. LothropVarietal Notes, Charles E. F. Gersdorff Concerning Iris Naming, Clarence G.White 13 14 18 43 48 54 59 61 65 68 72 Iris Culture for Amateurs: A Review by Franklin Cook 73 #70 JULY, 1938 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison Region Nine Speaks its Mind, Fred. H. Fairs Taking Names for Iris Seedlings, M. E. Douglas From California, 1938, Edward Salbach Along the Iris Coast, 1938, Julius Dornblut, Jr. Notes from a Midwest Iris Journey, Mrs. James Sapp Iris Comment, 1938, Sherman R. Duffy Comments on New Iris, Charles E. F. Gersdorff Iris Pilgrimage, 1937, Bruce C. Maples ---------------Address by Dr. Roger T. Nooe, Sunrise Devotional Service Peabody Campus, Sunday, May 8, 1938 A Winter Iris Jaunt, Mrs. W. G. Du Mont ------------Iris Planting Hints for Southwest Texas, Eddie Fanick Substance in Iris, Howard Weed 86 1 3 19 36 45 51 54 65 67 78 80 83 #71 OCTOBER, 1938 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison A. I. S. Trek and Meeting Dates and Notes, Edward Balbach Irises at the 1938 Meeting, Frederick Stuntz And Comments, Mrs. Mary F. Tharp The International Iris Contest in Rome Hybridizing Hints, Countess Mary Senni ___________ A Layman's Remarks on Chromosomes, Earl E. Evans Notes on Iris Unguicularis, Miss Mary B. Campbell __ O1Bcial Variety Notes, 1938 1938 Ratings Awards of the American Iris Society, for 1938, Dykes Medal Introductions, 1935-1938 Introductions of 1938 Report of the Registrar Honor Roll Obsolete Iris ---------------------------------------------Gift Names from Your Registrar New Gift Names Additions to List of Breeders and Introducers_ Registrations for 1938 ----------------------------------Varieties Approved in 1938, but not Registered ___ Approvals Pending 1938 Varieties Under Investigation, 1938 Varieties Unapproved in 1938 -------------------------Synonymous Names, 1938 -----------------------------Errata -----------------------------------------------------Awards by R. H. S. June 1938-------------------------- 1 2 4 7 10 11 14 16 17 32 37 38 45 49 49 49 51 51 57 58 76 78 78 78 79 83 86 #72 JANUARY, 1939 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1938 Observations, Mrs. Virginia F. Clutton Varietal Notes, 1938, Mrs. Herman B. Lewis Iris Thrills of 1938, John Dolman Jr. Varietal Notes, 1938, Miss Eleanor Hill A Garden of Two Iris Lovers in Mass. Eleanor P. Jones “A Little Time with the Repeating [Reblooming} Irises Around Los Angeles," Russell D. Dysart Symposium of Pink Iris, B. G. Lapham Iris Shows, 1938, Mr. Ralph B. Ricker Membership List Our Members Write 1 2 9 22 27 36 39 48 52 67 73 #73 APRIL, 1939 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison Echoes from the California Trek. Lena M. Lothrop Iris Notes on the West Coast Marion Shull Along the Iris Coast-1939 Julius Dornblat, Jr. Tall Bearded Iris in 1939. Junius P. Fishburn Awards of the American Iris Society for 1939 Awards of Royal Horticultural Society. Wisley Trial, 1939 Awards of Iris Jury, Rome, 1939 Roman Gold Medal for New Iris Investigate --------------------------------------------------- 1 3 14 18 28 65 67 68 69 70 Supplement APRIL, 1939 Program for Annual Meeting 1939 Iris Gardens of the Pacific Northwest Report of President, H. H. Everett Report of Vice-President, W. J. McKee Report of Secretary, H. B. Watkins Report of Treasurer, J. P. Fishburn The Annual Meeting, 1938-1939 Policy of A wards-----Points Relating to Judging of Iris, W. J. McKee Report of the Slide Committee, Mr8. H. E. Lewis, Chairman Regional Reports, 1938 Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts Kenneth D. Smith, New York Norfleet Webb, North Carolina Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Ohio Mrs. T. A. Washington, Tennessee Franklin Cook, Illinois Frank E. Chowning, Arkansas Carl Starker, Oregon Wm. Miles, Canada 1 5 13 14 15 16 17 19 26 30 34 37 39 39 40 42 44 48 #74 July, 1939 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1 The Problem of Species of the Louisiana Irises, Herbert Parkes Riley 3 Color in the Iris Garden, Agnes Whiting 8 Border Highlights, Mrs. Charles Ward Burton 10 Garden Pictures from Texas 12 Varietal Comments, Ray J. Belsley ---------------------15 Farmingdale Iris Garden, George M. Reed 20 Growing and Hybridizing Iris in the Southwest by an Amateur, J. Lee Rogers -------------------------------------------22 An Explanation, Charles B. F. Gersdorff --------------24 A Series of Arrangements --------------------------------26 Iris Notes, 1939, G. L. Pinkington ---------------------31 #75 December, 1939 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison "Old Country" Gardens, Charles Bauckham English Irisa, Harry L. Stinson 1939 Iris Discoveries, Frank E. Chowning Some of the Best of Some of the Newest, E. G. Lapham Midwest Iris Notes, Lucy W. Tinley Yakima Valley Iris for 1939 Season, Alexander Maxerll Leaf Blight of Iris Caused by Bacterium Tardicrescens, Lucia McCulluch Varietal Note, Chas. E. F. Gersdorff Our Members Write 1939 Ratings Judges Comments Report of Registrar Introductions 1939 1 3 7 11 14 17 23 26 36 40 51 55 65 76 #76 January, 1940 Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1940 Iris Pilgrimage and Annual Meeting, Franklin Cook Reports of Officers, 1939: President's Report, H. H. Everett Vice President's Report, W. J. McKee Secretary's Report, Howard R. Watkins Treasurer's Report, J. P. Fishburn, J'r. Editor's Report, B. Y. Morrison Regional Vice Presidents' Reports Report of Exhibitions Committee, Mrs. Ricker Japanese Flower Arrangements with Iris So I'm in the Iris Business, Bonnie Bentley Junk, Howard Weed Some of My Experiences in Iris Breeding, L. Merton Gage Iris Rot, John C. Wister The Case of Rotty Irises, M. E. Douglas Color Classification, Charles U. Bear Concerning Tenderness, IId_rd 8GlbGtJ1& Observation and Study of Iris Diseases, William, F. Cahoon Our Members Write: From Illinois, Amanda Hahn .......................................... From Pennsylvania, T. L. Pillow From Missouri, Ella W. Callis From California, W. B. Cluff From New York, M. Frederick Stunts From Michigan, Bernice Marshall A Buyer's Complaint, Robert J. Graves I'm Saving Them, G. L. Scofield Correction, W. J. McKee 1 1 3 4 5 7 10 10 28 43 51 55 58 62 64 79 82 85 86 86 88 90 92 93 94 95 #77 APRIL, 1940 Editor's Bulletin Board An Unofficial Iris Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith Annual Meeting, 1940, Dr. Franklin Cook Oncobreds, C. G. White Iris Root Rot, Harold T. Bent Color Slide Competition Beauty Wins, A Play of One Point, W. M. Kellogg Policy of Awards, 1940 Our Members Write: 1 3 15 20 23 28 30 33 Shall We Change the Rating System? Geddes Douglas About I. douglasiana and Hybrids, Fred De Forest About the Dykes Award, Kenneth D. Smith The New Cheek List, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham Membership Lists Alphabetical List Geographical List Pages for Notes 40 46 47 50 51 77 116, 117 #78 JULY, 1940 Editor's Bulletin Board Awards of the American Iris Society for 1940 Highlights of the Chicago Meeting Our President Travels, William J. McKee Poor Season in Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop Iris in Northern California, E. O. Essig The Pacific Northwest Reports, Walter E. Marx Three Midwestern Gardens, Louise Blake Below the Mason-Dixon Line, Kenneth D. Smith Iris In and About Philadelphia, John Dolman, Jr. Gardens in the Metropolitan Area, Elisabeth N. Nesmith A Jaunt Through New England, Ethel Anson Peckham Survey of the 1940 Iris Season, Ju1tius P. Fishburn Our Members Write: Approves Symposium and Courtesy Gardens, C. D. Ellyson58 Does Beauty Always Win? "Onward" ----------Questions Value of Iris Symposium, Lena M. Lothrop The 1940 Awards at Rome -----------------------Message from the British Iris Society ----------Passing Comment, J. M. Shull -------------------The 1939 Check List Now Available -----------Correction to Membership List... ---------------- 1 3 5 9 13 17 19 27 29 35 37 41 47 58 59 60 62 63 64 64 #79 OCTOBER, 1940 Editors Bulletin Board -------------------------------------------------- 1 The 1939 Check List, William J. McKee ---------------------------- 2 Election of Directors------------ ---------------------------------------- 2 Iris Ratings, 1940-------------------------------------------------------- 4 Judges' Varietal Comments -------------------------------------------- 9 Swan Lake Garden, H. C. Bland -------------------------------------20 Yakima Valley Iris Season, 1940, Alexander Maxwell ---------- 23 Observations on Beardless Iris, Geddes Douglas ----------------- 27 Iris Sports and Biennial Iris, K. H. Sloan -------------------------- 30 Three Weeks of New England Iris, H. L. Butterworth ----------- 36 A California Viewpoint, H. I. Johnson ----------------------------- 39 Random Notes on Iris Varieties, C. E. F. Gersdorff -------------- 45 Ancestry No Sure Guide to Tenderness, J. M. Shull -------------- 52 Report of 1940 Iris Shows, Mrs. R. E. Ricker --------------------- 55 Japanese Iris at N. Y. World's Fair, G. M. Reed------------------- 73 Winners in Color Slide Competition, Mrs. H. E. Lewis ---------- 75 Our Members Write: Spun Gold in the Midwest, Mrs. Douglas Pattison -- ---------- 75 Vitamin B1 Experiment, Eleanor Hill ---------- 77 For a Fair Appraisal of Varieties, Mrs. M. P. Scruggs- -------- 77 #80 JANUARY, 1941 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Directors Award Gold Medal ------------------------------------------ 3 Report of President for 1940, William J. McKee-------------------- 5 Report of Treasurer, Junius P. Fishburn ------------------------------ 7 Reports of Regional Vies-Presidents ------------------------------- 10 Japanese Iris for Our Gardens, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith 32 Additional 1940 Ratings---------------------------------------------- 38 Resolutions on Breeding, Earl E. Evans ---------------------------- 39 Judging and Trial Gardens, Harold T. Bent ------------------------ 46 Native North American Iris, Marie LeB. Arbuckle --------------- 49 Iris Introductions, 1940, Mrs. W. H. Peckham -------------------- 57 Color Slide Competition --------------------------------------------- 64 Our Members Write: Notes from Southern California, C. C. Taylor ----- ----------- 65 Southwest Expands Activities, Marian P. Scruggs, 66 For More Critical Ratings, Grace H. Kellogg------ ----------- 61 Sports or Increases? S. Y. Caldwell ---------------- ----------- 69 Obituary, Mrs. Herman E. Lewis------------------------ ----------- 70 #81 APRIL, 1941 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Unofficial Symposium. 1941, Kenneth D. Smith ---------- 3 Welcome to Annual Meeting, Geddes Douglas ---------- -------- 14 Annual Meeting Program --- ----------------------------------------- 15 Nashville's Iris Gardens, F. W. Cassebeer ------------------------- 17 Japanese Iris Committee---------------------------------------------- 22 Policy of Awards, 1941----------------------------------------------- 23 Candidates for Award of Merit -------------------------------------- 28 Candidates for Dykes Medal ----------------------------------------- 29 Awards and Ratings Explained, Jesse Wills ----------------------- 29 Review of Intermediate Iris, Robert Schreiner -------------------- 38 Iris Rot Notes, Harold T. Bant --------------------------------------- 42 Irish Thrips, L. G. Utter and F. F. Smith --------------------------- 46 Taking Iris Color Pictures, F. W. Cassebeer ----------------------- 59 Our Members Write: Personal Opinions Better Than Rating? C. G. White61 Tenderness vs. Hardiness, J. Marion Shull ----------- --------- 61 #82 JULY, 1941 Editor's Bulletin Board -------------------------------------- ---------- 1 American Iris Society Awards, 1941 ---------- 3 Nashville and Other Gardens, Elizabeth N. Nesmith __ ---------- 6 Impressions at the Annual Meeting, Agnes Whiting___ -------- 21 Good Iris in a Bad Season, Junius P. Fishburn-------- 29 Pacific Coast Iris Survey, Harold 1. Johnson ________ -------- 38 Highlights of the Season, Virginia F. Clutton -------- 41 The 1941 Season in Retrospect, Ethel A. S. Peckham_46 Lady Paramount Gives a Party, Lena M. Lothrop -------- 52 Yakima Valley Iris, 1941, Alexander Maxwell -------- 54 Comments from Iowa, Craig D. Ellyson -------- 56 Observed at Roanoke, Lucille Reamey Steedman -------- 58 Breeding and Propagating Louisiana Iris, George Arceneaux --- 67 Our Members Write : No Awards Made at Rome, Mary Senni------------------------ 71 A Critique of Notes on Native American Iris, A. W. Mackenzie ------------------------------------- -------- 72 A Plea for Iris at Morton Arboretum, R. J. Comstock -------- 75 Appeal from British Iris Society, Svend G. Fiedler -- -------- 76 We Hear from the Northwest, Alexander Maxwell _ -------- 77 #83 OCTOBER, 1941 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Iris Ratings, 1941 ------------------------------------------------------- 3 Comments on Varieties ------------------------------------------------- 8 Iris Seedlings in New Hampshire, Dr. B. J. Grave ---------------- 23 Mice Feed on Rhizomes, Jesse Willis ----------------------------- 26 Winners of Slide Contest --------------------------------------------- 28 New Thrills from Old Iris, Bonnie Bentley ------------------------ 31 New Iris on Pacific Coast, Lena M. Lothrop ---------------------- 34 Rhizome Rot, Elizabeth B. Miles ----------------------------------- 40 Plantings in New York City------------------------------------------ 42 Our Members Write: Mr. Caparne's Hybridizing, C. W. Christie-Miller ------------ 44 Suggests Iris as National Flower, Howard Weed-------------- 44 More Descriptions Wanted, Mary Senni ----------------------- 45 #84 JANUARY, 1942 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Annual Meetings Postponed ------------------------------------------- 2 New Medals Awarded -------------------------------------------------- 3 Service Medal Recipients ---------------------------------------------- 5 Report of the President, William J. McKee -------------------------- 6 Report of the Treasurer, Junius P. Fishburn ------------------------- 8 Reports of Regional Vice-Presidents .............................. -- 10 At Home with Prof. Mitchell, Irma Pollock ----------------------- 30 Report of 1941 Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker --------------------- 33 Notes from Midwest Breeders --------------------------------------- 50 Beardless in Shreveport, Geddes Douglas ------------------------- 55 Iris Ratings Re-examined, Elmer A. Claar ------------------------- 57 Our Members Write: Field Mice and Iris, E. Horne Craigie -------------------------- 66 The Lady Comments, Mary F. Tharp --------------------------- 68 #85 APRIL, 1942 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Unofficial Iris Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith ---------------------- 3 Policy Awards, 1942 -------------------------------------------------- 17 Comments on Awards Policy, Jesse E. Wills ---------------------- 23 Iris from "Down Under," T. Wood ---------------------------------- 26 Too Many Good Iris? John Dolman, Jr. ---------------------------- 29 Plant Breeding and Hans P. Sass, by David F. Hall --------------- 33 Our Members Write: Iris Family Trees, Geddes Douglas ----------------------------- 41 Inheritance Charts: PRAIRIE SUNSET ----------------------------------------------- 42 RUTH POLLOCK ------------------------------------------------ 43 ELSA SASS ------------------------------------------------------- 44 Further Progress in Oncobreds, Clare'nce G. White ------------- 46 Pollen on One Stigma Suffices, Clifford W. Benson ------------- 48 Iris Introductions, 1941, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham ------------------ 50 Membership List ------------------------------------------------------ 57 #86 JULY, 1942 SUPPLEMENT TO IRIS CHECK LIST 1939 Listing registrations, introductions, corrections, and additional varieta1 data from autumn 1939 to January 1942. Compiled by ETHEL A. S. PECKHAM, Editor, Iris Check List 1939 Assisted by CHAS. E. F. GERSDORFF, Registrar #87 OCTOBER, 1942 Editor's Bulletin Board -------------------------------------A. I. S. Awards, 1942 ---------------------------------------New Directors and Officers --------------------------------Iris Ratings, 1942 -------------------------------------------Comments on Varieties -------------------------------------My Perfect Iris, Dr. Franklin Cook -----------------------Origin of Modern White Iris, Geddes Douglas ----------Two New York Gardens, Louise Blake ------------------Iris Personalities, 1942, Thura Truax Hires _________ Origin of Cultivated Bulbous Iris, J an de Grooff -------The Season at Roanoke, Lucile R. Steedman ________ Wanted, Better White Iris, 'Stedman Buttrick Our Members Write: More Iris Family Trees, Geddes Douglas--------------SNOW FLURRY----------------------------------------OLD PARCHMENT------------------------------------YELLOW JEWEL --------------------------------------Diet for Rodents, William F. Cahoon ---------- 1 ---------- 3 ---------- 5 ---------- 6 -------- 11 -------- 32 -------- 40 -------- 45 -------- 46 -------- 58 -------- 63 -------- 73 -------- 74 -------- 75 -------- 77 -------- 78 -------- 80 #88 JANUARY, 1943 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------- ----------- 1 Report of the President, William J. McKee -------------- ----------- 3 Report of the Treasurer., Junius P. Fishburn ------------- ----------- 5 Report of the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins ------------ --------- 10 Report, Slides Committee, Mrs. P. E. Corey------------- --------- 11 Reports of Regional Vice-Presidents --------------------- --------- 12 Report of 1942 Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker ------ --------- 34 Hibernating Iris, Thura Truax Hires ---------------------- --------- 43 Illinois Bloomings, Amanda Hahn ------------------------ --------- 47 Re-blooming Iris, Hinda Teague Hill ______________ --------- 49 Comments from England, N. Leslie Cave----------- --------- 51 Other Interests in Iris Gardens, S. F. Hamblin ----------- --------- 56 Evolution of Yellow Plicatas, Robert Schreiner___ ---- --------- 58 Variety Comments, Geddes Douglas --------------------- --------- 62 Our Members Write: Letter to John Dolman, Jr., F. M. Danks --------------- --------- 64 From Missouri, J. Marion ShulL ------------------------ --------- 65 Charm in an Iris, E. B. CappeZZer --------------------- --------- 67 Stem Propagation Y Hinda Teague HilL--------------- --------- 69 #89 APRIL, 1943 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Unofficial Iris Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith __________ ------ 3 Three New Medals Awarded ----------------------------------- ---- 11 Older Iris I would Buy Again, Jesse Wills ---- 12 Single Stigma Pollination, J. C. Nicholls ---------------------- ---- 19 A Famed Carolina Garden, P. W. Cassebeer ___________ ---- 21 Iris Hall of Fame, 1943 ----------------------------------- ----------- 26 Policy of Awards, 1943 m ---------------------- -------- ----------- 28 Our Members Write: Iris Family Trees, Geddes Douglas --------------------- --------- 30 MING YELLOW- _________ __ -------------------- --------- 31 RED GLEAM ------------------------------------------- --------- 32 CHRISTABEL --- --- ----------------------------------- --------- 33 Support of Present Rating System, C. U. Bear ______ --------- 34 Report of the Registrar, C. E. F. Gersdorff ---------- - 38 Registration and Approvals for 1942 ----- _ ____ 39 #90 JULY, 1943 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 A. I. S. Awards, 1943 --------------------------------------------------- 3 Nashville's Iris Season, Jesse E. Wills -------------------------------- 6 New England Iris, William J. McKee ------------------------------ 12 Impressions, 1943, Junius P. Fishburn ----------------------------- 15 Survey, No. California, Mrs. G. G. Pollock ------------------------ 31 Gossip from North Carolina, Frederic M. Hanes ------------------ 37 Pacific Northwest Varieties, R. M. Coo1ey ------------------------ 40 California Iris at Home, Lena Lothrop ----------------------------- 47 In and about Chicago. Orville W. Fay ------------------------------ 54 Iris in Three Regions, Harold Johnson ----------------------------- 57 Roanoke Gardens, Lucile B. Steedman ----------------------------- 61 Notes on Iris Travel, Jesse E. Wills --------------------------------- 70 Utah Bloomings, Tell Muhlestein ----------------------------------- 76 Midwest View of Coast Iris, L. A. Gaulter ------------------------ 79 Our Members Write: Seasonal Observations, C. G. White ---------------------------- 84 Iris in War Effort, K. D. Smith ---------------------------------- 85 "Grafting" Iris, P. E. Schneider ---------------------------------- 86 Florentina Seedlings, Geddes Douglas ------------------------- 87 New Iris Seen in 1943, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith -------------------- 88 #91 OCTOBBR, 1943 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Louisiana Iris, Caroline Dorman ---------- 3 Rare Native Iris, Minnie Colquitt -------- 11 Why the Spurias? Eric E. Nies -------- 13 Our Choice of Siberians, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kellogg16 Seen in Midwest Gardens, Agnes Whiting -------- 22 Iris in England, N. Leslie Cave -------- 33 How Red Can We Get Iris' E. G. Lapham -------- 37 Adios: A Late Drift, Louise Blake ------------------------- -------- 38 Tools, Soil, Pests, Etc., David p. Hall --------------------- -------- 40 Iris Ratings, 1943 ----- ----------------------------------- ----------- 44 Our Members Write: Southern California Replies, Lena Lothrop ------------- 47 Iris Highlights of 1943, Mrs. F. H. Clutton ___ -- ------------ 48 Comments on Varieties --- ------------------------------------------- 52 #92 FEBRUARY, 1944 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Report of the President, Jesse E. Wills ------------------------------- 3 Report of the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins ------------------------ 5 Report of Exhibition Committee, Mrs. R. E. Ricker ---------------- 6 Report of the Treasurer, E. G. Lapham ------------------------------- 7 Reports of Regional Vice-Presidents --------------------------------- 9 Unusual Iris in Southern California, J. N. Giridlian -------------- 30 Thoughts of Amateur Hybridizer, Frederic M. Hanes ------------ 32 The Naming of Iris, N. Leslie Cave --------------------------------- 34 Prelude to Pink, Geddes Douglas ----------------------------------- 38 Our Members Write: Whither Are We Bound? R. J. Comstock --------------------- 49 Late Transplanting of Seedlings, T. N. Webb ----------- 50 A Criticism, C. Edgar Bedwell ----------- 51 An Invitation from England, H. J. Randall ----------- 51 Report of Registrar, C. E. P. Gersdorff ----------- 51 Election of Officers, 1944 -------------------------------- ----------- 74 #93 MAY, 1944 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Meet the American Iris Society --------------------------------------- 3 The Iris Family, Geddes Douglas ------------------------------------- 7 On Purchasing Iris, Jesse Wills -------------------------------------- 19 Points on Iris Culture, F. W. Cassebeer ---------------------------- 32 Iris Hybridizing, Kenneth. D. Smith -------------------------------- 42 Iris Color Combinations, Mrs. Silas B. Waters -------------------- 49 Beardless Iris for Our Gardens, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ---------- 53 Unofficial Iris Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith -------------------- 59 Changes in Awards for 1945, Junius P. Fishburn ----------------- 68 Dykes Medal Winners, 1927-1945 --------------------------------- 70 A. L S. Awards, 1938-1943 ------------------------------------------ 72 Medal Winners, 1944 ------------------------------------------------- 80 #94 AUGUST, 1944 Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------- ------------------ 1 A. I. S. Awards, 1944 -------------------------------------------------- 3 Iris Travels, 1944, Jesse E. Wills ------------------------------------- 5 New England Iris Season, Stedman Buttrick ---------- ----------- 13 More New England Gardens, Wi1liam J. McKee ----- ----------- 21 Nashville Observations, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ____ ----------- 26 Iris Notes, Sweet and Sour, Frederic M. Hanes ------- ----------- 32 What's New in So. California, Mrs. Lena Lothrop ---- ----------- 36 Roanoke Re-visited, John Dolman, Jr. ----------------------------- 41 Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, J. Marion Shull __ ----------- 53 Midwest Iris Season, Ralph M. Schroeder ------------- ----------- 59 Iris in England, 1944, N. Leslie Cave ___________ ----------- 65 Honor to Prof. Sidney Mitchell -------------------------- ----------- 68 #95 NOVEMBER, 1944 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Let's Grow Up, Robert E. Allen..-------------------------------------- 3 Dwarf Iris, H. M. Hill--------------------------------------------------- 8 Iris Ratings, 1944 ----------------------------------------------------- 13 The Mohr Iris, Robert Schreiner ------------------------------------ 15 Iris Lady Mohr, Sydney B. Mitchell -------------------------------- 21 "Hall of Fame," 1944, Kenneth D. Smith -------------------------- 24 Roanoke Gardens, Lucile R. Stedman ------------------------------ 29 Chromosome Numbers, L. F. Randolph. --------------------------- 37 Variety Comments ---------------------------------------------------- 46 #96 FEBRUARY, 1945 Editor's Bulletin Board ----------------- -------------------------------- 1 Report of the President, Jesse B. Wills ------------------------------- 2 Report of Directors' Meeting ------------------------------------------ 7 Report of the Treasurer, B. G. Lapham ------------------------------ 8 Recipients of Distinguished Service Medals Clarence P. Connell -------- -------------------------------------- 10 J. Marion Shull ----- ----------------------------------------------- 11 Recipients of Hybridizing Medals Rudolph E. Kleinsorge ------------------------------------------- 12 David F. Hall ------------------------------------------------------ 14 Henry L. Grant----------------------------------------------------- 11 Reports of Regional Vice Presidents-------------------------------- 18 Report of Exhibition Committee ------------------------------------ 38 Performances, Deep Southwest-------------------------------------- 42 Iris Review, 1942 and 1944, C. E, F. Gersdorff ----------- 45 Early Spring Care, F. W. Casebeer ----------- 52 Why Not Move Up the Awards? David Platt -------------- 53 Observations, T. R. Manley and H. E. Harned ----------- 57 Our Members Write: Insuring More "Takes," Edward Watkins ---------------------- 62 In Defense of Iris Names, Mary F. Tharp --------------------- 63 Iris at Christmas, Fred B. Taylor ------------------------------- 63 Corrections about Dwarf Iris, C. E. F. Gersdorff -------------- 64 More on Mohr Iris, C. E. F. Gersdorff -------------------------- 65 Membership List ----------------------------------------------------- 66 #97 MAY, 1945 Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1 Judges' Symposium, 1945, Kenneth D. Smith ----------------------- 3 Cycle of Iris Borer, Charles U. Bear ---------------------------------- 9 Botrytis convoluta, Dr. Louise Dosdall----------------------------- 11 Bearded Iris in Argentina, Ruth Hawtrey -------------------------- 16 Reblooming Iris, H. M. Hill ----------------------------- ----------- 21 Diploid to Tetraploid, Robert Schreiner ---------------- ----------- 25 Consider the Blues, Mary F. Tharp -------------------------------- 31 Embryo Seed Culture, Dr. L. F. Randolph _______ ----------- 33 Our Members Write: Experiments with Seed Germination, C. G. White ---------- 46 News from Italy, Mrs. H. E. Montgomery --------------- 46 Proposed New Awards Calendar, C. G. White 47 Registrations ---------------------------------------------------------- 48 #98 AUGUST, 1945 Editor's Bulletin Board ------- ---------------------- ------- ---------- 1 List of 1945 Awards ----- ---------------------------------------------- 3 Iris Recollections, 1945, Jesse E. Wills ......................... 6 Iris Visits, Geddes Douglas ------------------------------------------ 15 Breeding for Spacing and Substance, Elias Nelson --------------- 23 Reports on So. California, Archie MacLean and Lena Lothrop 25 Growing Spurias, Eric E. Nies -------------- ------------------------ 33 The Man Behind Elmohr --------------------------------------------- 35 Peregrinations of a Fancier, J. P. Fishburn ------------------------- 37 Notes on Two Gardens, John Dolman, Jr. _ 48 Iris at Ingersoll, Ont., F. C. Biehl ----------------------------------- 53 A Visit to Three Oaks, J. Marion Shull ----------------------------- 56 New England Gardens, W. J. McKee -- ---------------------------- 59 Kansas and Missouri Gardens, D. R. Kinish ----------------------- 68 Northern California Season, H. I. Johnson -- ---------------------- 72 Iris Memoranda, G1ty Rogers --------------------------------------- 75 Iris of Cedric Morris, N. Leslie Cave -0 ---------------------------- 78 Visit to Rene Cayeux, Clifford W. Benson - ---------------------- 82 Our Members Write: American Iris in England, N. Leslie Cave------------- -------- 85 Growing Conditions in Yakima Valley, Elias Nelson ------- 87 Vetoes Limiting Introductions, Katharine Clifford -- -------- 88 Okehs Limiting Introductions, David R. Kinish ---- -------- 89 Size No Measure of Beauty, Eric E. Nies ------------- -------- 90 Two or Twenty Species? A. W. Mackenzie----------- -------- 91 #99 NOVEMBBR, 1945 Editor 's Bulletin Board------------------------------------------------- 1 After Three Years, Dr. Franklin Cook -------------------------------- 3 Officers Re-elected------------------------------------------------------ 9 Mystery of Soft Rot, Jesse E. Wills --------------------------------- 10 Propagation of Louisiana Iris, Ira S. Nelson ---------------------- 14 Iris in Weather Gone Awry, Ralph M. Schroeder ----------------- 21 Presby Memorial Garden, C. H. Caldwell ------------------------ 25 Review of the Season, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker ---------------------- 28 Lesser Known Iris, Dr. George M. Reed --------------------------- 37 Iris Through the War in Italy, Countess Senni--------------------- 48 Iris Genetics, A. H. Sturtevant and L. F. Randolph -------------- 52 Iris Ratings, 1945 ----------------------------------------------------- 66 Comments on Varieties ----------------------------------------------- 70 Our Members Write: Favors Test Gardens, Dr. Lews Clevenger -------------------- 92 #100 JANUARY, 1946 R. S. STURTEVANT, Editor GEDDES DOUGLAS, Associate Editor Foreword, R. S. Sturtevant --------------------------------------------- 1 Calling All Members --------------------------------------------------- 3 The Traditional Approach ..................................... ....... ------------ 5 English Reminiscences, Robert W. Wallace, V. M. H ------------- 5 An American Slant ........................................................ ---------- 14 The Work of The Society ................................... , ----------------- 16 President's Report 1929, John C. Wister --------------------------- 17 News to An English Friend From Junius Fishburn --------------- 20 Report of the Slides Committee, Miriam E. Corey, Chairman -- 32 1945 Reports, Jesse E. Wills, Pres ---------------------------------- 33 Report of the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins ---------------------- 35 Report of the Treasurer, E. G. Lapham ----------------------------- 37 Reports From the Regional Vice-Presidents ----------------------- 38 1946 Iris Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker, Chairman --------------- 41 Report of the Scientific Committee, L. F. Randolph-------------- 44 Planning and Planting An Iris Border, Olive Murrell ------------- 46 Cultural Notes on Species ............................................. ---------- 52 The Family Tree-Iris For West -------------------------------------- 63 Species.......................................... ................................ ---------- 70 Iris--Fleur De Luce, W. H. W. Bliss -------------------------------- 74 Questionnaire --------------------------------------------------------- 75 #101 April, 1946 In Memoriam. Jacob Sass Foreword 1 Jacob Sass-1872-1945. Thura Traux Hires Sherman L. Duffy His Work with Irises, Thura Traux Hires Agnes Whiting Sherman L. Duffy List of Introductions MEDALS, 1945. Mrs. Louise Blake, Harvey Hobson Paul Cook, Mary Williamson E. Greig Lapham, Franklin Cook Amoena Breeding Experiments, Jesse Wills Amoenas and Near-Amoenas in the Early Years New England-A preview of the Annual Meeting, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith Forward Looking Region 6, Mrs. Silas B. Waters Washington State Iris Society-Proposed Program, Alexander Maxwell--------------------------------------Canada-1945, W. J. Moffat Iris, A Hobby for Men, John B. Wallace, Jr. Lest We Forget ----------------------------------------------They Say! Mary Tharp -------------------------------------APPEAL for Kodachromes --------------------------------IN THE GARDEN -------- -------------------------------- -VARIETAL COMMENTS --------------------------------Membership List. Changes from Feb. 1945-Feb. 1946 Lea Iris des Jardins, M. P. Lavenir POLICY OF AWARDS-1945-1946 Eligible Irises ------ 3 4 5 13 20 14 23 25 28 31 42 46 50 53 55 58 64 65 66 67 72 78 88 90 #102 July, 1946 LOUISIANA IRISES Cajan Country, Geddes Douglas The Mary Swords Debaillon Louisiana Iris Society, Katherine Cornay --------------------------------------Abbeville's Giant Irises, Ira S. Nelson _____________ What is Iris fulva? Clair A. Brown The Irises of the Abbeville, La., Region, Percy Viosca, Jr.Iris in Shreveport, Minnie Colquitt The Influence of Sass Irises, Family Trees, Agnes WhitingTest Gardens, John C. Wister ____________________ New England and The Annual Meeting, Mrs. Irma PoUoc1cFlower Arrangements, Mrs. Lucille Steedman and Mrs. Maslin Davis Seedling Comments as received before May 28th. Varietal Comments as received before May 28th. SCIENCE-General Genetics Program, Dr. L. F. Randolph, Chairman Also Notes on Rot, pollination, germination, response to length of day " As to Selling Pedigreed Seed," E. O. James Ask Me Another. . . The Questionnaire Our Members Write. About Test Gardens, Plant Buyers' Index, "Obsolete", Species Notes In Memoriam In the Garden.. --REGISTRATIONS, 1945, Charles E.F'. Gersdorff and Minnie Colquitt Members Attending the 1946 Meeting Offer from Nashville Growers for 1948 Display 3 6 11 11 18 23 28 37 43 50 56 64 75 79 81 83 86 92 93 97 121 123 #103 October, 1946 FROM EAST TO WEST CONTENTS 1946 Awards ------------------------------------------------Questionnaire Summaries, L. F. Randolph ------------- 5 "After the Ball Was Over," Mrs. Otto Steutzel ---------From Virginia to New Hampshire, John Dolman, Jr. -Family Tree. Helen McGregor-Lady Boscawan, Geddes Douglas ---------------------------------------------------Region 6 Meeting, Mrs. Silas B. Waters ----------------Kansas and Missouri Gardens, David Kinnish, Dr. Lewis Clevenger, Dr. H. W. Schirmer California, Mrs. Lena Lothrop -- -------------------------Mrs. Otto Steutzel --- __ ___ --------------------------Tell M uhlenstein -----------------------------------------Strange Bed-Fellows of the Check List and Classification, Robert E. Allen ------------------------- -----------------Mr. "Harry" J. Randall ----------------------- -------------ARRANGEMENT CONTEST, Mrs. George Steedman 59 Varietal Comments-----------------------------------------In the Garden, Mrs. Corey and Others ------------------Species Notes, Louisiana, William Mohr, etc. ----------Our Members Write. "Intermediate," from Region 6 Questionnaire, Numbered Seedling Publicity. Presby Memorial Garden, Pests, Fading, This and That 78 Seedling Comments ----------------------------------------Ask Me Another. Pollenation ------------------ __ -------CHECK LIST NOTICE ------- __ -----------------------GROWTH QUESTIONNAIRE _____ ------------------ 3 9 12 13 21 24 31 42 45 51 55 60 71 74 93 97 98 100 #104 January, 1947 Foreword ----- ------------1946 Symposium and Comments, Kenneth D. Smith 1946 Ratings _------12 ANNUAL MEETING, 1947___ 1946 Reports. -PRESIDENT, Jesse Wills SECRETARY, Howard Watkins TREASURER, E. Greig Lapham Regional Vice Presidents, Regions 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16 and 17 (See No. 103 for 6 and 15)_ SLIDES COMMITTEE, Mrs. Miriam E. Corey. EXHIDITIONS COMMITTEE, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker36 PUBLIC PLANTINGS, Oklahoma-Montreal AN AMERICAN VISIT, H. J. Randall FALL BLOOMING IRIS: A NEW STRAIN, Geddes Douglas [Reblooming Iris] FAMILY TREE, IRIS MIOBELLE, Geddes Douglas__ OUR MEMBERS WRITE, RE-IB. "Plicks [plicatas]" Vox PoP ON KODACHROMES. GUEST ETHICS. GARDEN IRIS 68 IN THE GARDEN, Mrs. Virginia Clutton VARIETAL AND SEEDLING COMMENTS ----------SPECIES NOTES, The Longipetala Group, I. Versicolor, CALIFORNIA SPECIES SCIENCE SERIES, ASK ME ANOTHER, SCORCH-91 To READ OR NOT TO READ __________________ PUBLICITY FOR THE AIS-YOUR OPPORTUNITY94 IN MEMORIAM, HOWARD EVARTS WEED PRIZES ARRANGEMENT CONTEST ____________ By -LAWS OF THE AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY_ 1946 REGISTRATIONS, Chas. E. F. Gersdoff,. Minnie Colquitt PROJECT FOR FORTY-SEVEN 1 3 15 16 18 20 21 35 42 44 66 67 78 82 88 93 95 96 98 102 123 #105 April, 1947 IN MEMORIAM-HENRY LEE GRANT Henry Lee Grant, 1894-1946 Elizabeth Nesmith ............ Grant Iris as I Grow Them, Elizabeth Nesmith ----------Meet Our New Officers: Dr. . Franklin. Cook, President ------------------------Dr. Robert J. Graves, Vice President ---- ------------Chicago Bound, Ralph Schroeder, Virginia F. Clutton 9 American Irises in England, Harry J. Randall-----------California Species, Lena Lothrop Swing Back to the Blues, Jesse Wills ---------------------Family Tree-Iris CAHOKIA, Geddes Douglas .............. Genetics Program. 1946 Report, 1947 Program, The Scientiftc Committee Wisley Memories, William Miles ................................... Bacterial Leaf Blight, W. H. Burkholder -----------------Disease Resistance, Geddes Douglas ............................. The Use of DDT in the Control of Iris Borer, Lowry-Fraim "Scorch," Robert E. Allen, Eleanor Hull Mutation, H. R. Nasmith -------------------------------Classification. Dwarfs, Walter Welch. IB, Chas. E. F. Gersdorff, etc. -----------------------------Growth Questionnaire Report, R. 8. 8turtevant----------SPECIES. I. imbricata, Paul Cook, and others -------- 79 Color Photography, Percy I. Merry . ---- --------------- 81 OUR MEMBERS WRITE. Guest Ethics, Plicata, This and That Member Group&-Local: Dallas, Texas, Southern California, Canada ___________ ---------------------------------Varietal Comments _____ ---------------------------------PUBLICITY, Ideas, Result&.. ___________ _______ Cayeux Introductions and Parentages, Rene Cayeux_ --Minutes of the Directors' Meeting--................................ Daylily Check List- ---------------------------- ------------Membership List, Additions to January, 1947 ------ 110 SURVEY OF RESISTANT VARIETIES----------------- 2 2 6 7 19 24 31 38 39 49 53 59 64 66 70 75 83 90 94 99 103 106 109 120 #106 July, 1947 PLICATA NUMBER Foreword -1 Medalists— Jesse E. Wills -----3 Kenneth D. Smith -------4 Plicata or Feathered R. S. Sturtevant -----------------------------------------5 Sydney B. Mitchell -13 Robert Schreiner----------------------------------------21 Agnes Whiting ------------------------------------------26 Family Tree Banded Beauty 31 K. D. Smith 32 Angus Wilson and others 35 The Annual Meeting 1947, Sam Y. Caldwell. 38 Texas and Louisiana, Geddes Douglas 45 Southern California Trek, Carl Taylor50 Southern United States Irises, Species and Hybrids, Geo. M. Reed 52 SPECIESI. atrofusca, Tuviah Kushnir 83 I. gracilipes BLUE ROSE, I. Verna 91 Member Groups, Kent, England; Seattle, Wash. Regions 6, 7, 18 92 Our Members Write, Ratings, Registrations, Classification95 On Judges' and Judging, J. Marion Shull I 107 Fertilizing Irises, Guy Rogers, Texas I 109 The Green Light, Mary Tharp ----------------------------112 In the Garden, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds, Tennessee -------116 Varietal Comments, Wm. Mohr Seedlings --------------118 "Pineappling" ................................................................. 122 In Memoriam, Ruth Marsailis Dormon 123 Errata ------------------------------------- ----- .................. 123 ANNUAL-Midwest Hemerocallis Society --------------124 Nashville 1948 Trials _ ------------------------------------124 Awards 1947 ----------------------------------------------- --128 #107 October, 1947 IRIS RAMBLINGS Foreword ................................................................. 1 American Irises in England, Gwendolyn Anley From the Kent Group, England-----------------------------Three Oaks, Three Buds and Three Points North, John Dolman, Jr., Pa California Comments: Harold I. Johnson, Atherton George Wedgewood, Brentwood Willard I. Pankost, Sacramento Mid-western Notes: In Kansas, Missouri and Ilinois, David R. Kinuh, O.S.B Colorado Comments, Mrs. F. E. Winegar, Denver Among the Earlies, Melvin G. Geiser, Kansas Ohio, New England, Don Waters Illinois and Indiana, George Zink and Geo. Buneaux_ . This and That from Idaho, Mary F. Tharp New England, Harold W. Knowlton, Mass. --Varietal Comments, Mrs. P. E. Corey, Mass. Seedling Comments Chromosome Number and Classification of Bearded Iris, L. F. RandolphRegional Performance Ratings, The Scientific Committee Fertility Records, John Dolman, Jr. _ Ancient Symbolism, Ralph C. Erskine, N. C. Species in Oklahoma, Eleanor Hill Embryo Seed Culture, Jeanne M. Perrigo Progress in Pink, Geddes Douglas Fami1y Tree, Iris Cherie Our Members Write: Intermediate Comment, Iris Missouriensis, On Marking Iris, Greetings from Tasmania, Double Iris, Plug for " Plicks, " Guest Ethics -Lines of Advice, Mrs. F. Lee Martin In the Garden ------------------------------------------------Contest in Arrangements, Winners and Prizes. Announced 5 10 15 26 26 28 31 37 46 49 52 54 56 66 66 68 80 91 96 97 102 107 113 114 118 118 121 #108 January, 1948 IN MEMORIAM - - - GRACE STURTEVANT Foreword Grace Sturtevant --------------------------------------------Judges' Symposium, 1947, Kenneth Smith__ -----------Pacific Coasting in Iris Time, Sydney B. Mitchell "By Their Fruits. . .", Caroline Dormon New Worlds to Conquer, T. C. Russell Regional Performance Ratings, Part II, The Scientific Committee Bouquets and Brickbats, N. Leslie Cave President's Report, Dr. Franklin Cook Regional Vice-Presidents' Reports -----------------------Random Thoughts of a Beginner, W. F. Scott, Jr. Varietal Comments Species Notes: Iris Nada, Species Exchange In Memoriam: Florence Fisk White, Edgar P. Arceneaux Walla Walla Becomes Iris City ---------------------------In the Garden: Mrs. Sidney Smith, Mrs. James Boyd Our Members Write: Crossing, Ratings, Japanese Iris, Dykes Medalists, Iris Donations, Reticulations 1948 Arrangement Contest--------------------------------Cash for Kodachromes ------------------------------------Announcement, Annual Meeting, 1948 Registrations, 1947, Charles E. F. Gersdorff, Mrs. Walter Colquit Gardens Open to the Public 1 3 23 30 45 49 54 62 66 69-104 105 108 114-115 116 117 118 119 122 124 127 128 156 #109 April, 1948 Classification--- membership List Revised Classification of the Bearded Iris, L. F. Randolph.. Irising Between the Rain-Drops, Charles E. F. Gersdorff. .. Season in Region 8, Robert Schreiner. . . . .. An Experimental Study of Iris Ratings, E. L. Clark. . Medal for Distinguished Service Given Howard R. Watkins Agnes Whiting Awarded AIS Medal for Hybridizing. . . . . .. The Sky Is the Limit, Harry R. O'Brien. .. ... Iris-Deep in the Heart of Texas, Carl O. Schirmer. Iris Shows in 1947, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . .. Minutes of the Directors' Meeting ............ Indoor Irises, Sam Y. Caldwell ................. Genetics Program for 1948, L. F. Randolph.. "The Iris" Gets Warm Reception .............. Beardless and Species Iris Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iris Needed for White House Garden, F. Gordon Willis.. Arrangement Contest Prizes ..................... Questions and Answers ............................. Our Members Write """"""""""""""""'" .... Gardens Open to the Public ...................... Membership List ....................................... 3 9 14 16 21 22 25 29 32 39. 45 46 51 54 55 58 59 67 74 75 #110 July, 1948 1948Awards .............................................. Annual Meeting, Sam Y.Caldwell ............. Nashville Notes, W.F.Scott,]r ................... Grand Finale, E. GreigLapham ................. Post-Season Meditations, Jesse Wills. . . . . . . .. Iris Ramblings in 1948, Richard Goodman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Spring Iris Festival, David R. Kinish, O. S. Boo. . .. . . . .. Iris Interest Grows in Canada, Mrs. Harry Bickle. . . .. . . . .. A Critical Evaluation of Older Irises, Lila McCombs. .. . . .. Louisiana Hayride, Sam Y. Caldwell. .. . . .. . . . ... Bayou Babble, Mrs. Ray J. Cornay........... The Iris Yearbook, 1947, R. S. Sturtevant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iris Odyssey, Geddes Douglas .................. The Rainbow of San Fernando, G. H. Murray Parade of Veterans, R. J. Comstock .......... Varietal Notes on Red Irises, Elias Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Varietal Comments, Clifford W. Benson. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... Try Japanese Iris, Mrs. J. F. Emigholz .... . In Memoriam-Kate Lancaster Brewster, Ilse Clason Smith Minutes of the Directors' Meeting ............ Our Members Write .................................. Questions and Answers ............................. 3 8 13 16 18 36 43 50 53 62 73 75 77 85 90 91 94 100 104 105 l08 1l9 #111 October, 1948 Presby Memorial Garden The Presby Memorial Garden, Iohn C. Wister 1948 Season in the Southwest, Harry Thomas Spartanburg to South Paris, Harold W. Knowlton. . . . . .. ... The Season in Region 12, Tell Muhlestein. .. . ... . . . . . .. ... Bulletin Arrangement Contest, Mrs. William T. Wood.. .. .. Iris Bursitis, Iris Neuritis, John Dolman, Ir.. . . . . .. . . . .. .. The Season in California, Sydney B. Mitchell. . . . . . . . .. .. .. Renewed Interest in Region 4, Dr. I. W. Palmer. . . . .. . .. The Regional Vice-Presidency, Dr. Franklin Cook... Winter-Blooming Iris, Caroline Dorman. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. Regional Performance and Merit Ratings, Preliminary Report for I948, L. F. Randolph ........... The Roof lris, Sam Y. Caldwell ................. Chromosome Behavior in an Iris Hybrid, Katherine Heinig and L. F. Randolph ................... In Memoriam, Mrs.W. E. Tobie ............... Two Tramps Abroad at Iris Time, Dr. Lewis Clevenger 1948 Iris Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Our Members Write .................................. 3 8 13 23 26 35 47 55 56 59 62 69 77 82 84 87 90 # 112 January, 1949 Symposium---Regional News Judges' Symposium of 1948...................... News from a New Region, Nina N. Winegar Active Season in Region I, Harold W. Knowlton Iris in the Northwest, Dr. Matthew C. Riddle Westward Ho! ........................................... The Amazing Region 18, Carl O. Schirmer Iris Observations in Illinois, Ray J. Belsley Onward with Louisiana Irises, Caroline Dorman. . . . . . . . .. Comments from Region 6, Mrs. Silas B. Waters Southern California Reports, Mrs. Otto Stuetsel. . . . . . . . .. Impressions-1948 Iris Season, Harold 1. Johnson Spring in South Carolina, Ruth Sara Routh. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1948 Iris Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. In Memoriam- Marion Shrill, Ferdinand Cayeux, L. Merton Gage, J. D. Long ................. Regional Performance Ratings, Dr. L. F. Randolph Beardless and Species Iris Committee Report, Sydney B. Mitchell ............. ................. Busy Year in Region 11, Mrs. Sidney W. Smith Robins' Roost ............................................ President's Report, Dr. Franklin Cook...... Secretary's Report, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer's Report, E. Greig Lapham ...... . 3 15 27 29 39 43 47 61 65 70 74 78 80 88 94 96 106 113 119 121 124 #113 April, 1949 Jewels of Spring, Melvin G. Geiser. . . .. . .. Control of Iris Borer and Leaf Spot, Dr. L. F. Randolph.. Canadians Hold Meeting, Mrs. Harry Bickle What Is the Correct Culture for Bearded Irises? ]eanStevens ........................................... Vacation in Iris Land, Prof. and Mrs. Frank H. Banyard.. A Novice Visits the Giants, Dr. Philip G. Corliss. . . . . . . . .. Iris in Region 14, George W. Wedgewood33 Iris Calendar in Central California, Mrs. A. E. Morrison. ... 1948 Regional Performance Ratings, Dr. L. F. Randolph.. Analysis of 1948 Experimental Ratings, Dr. E. L. Clark. . .. Iris Popularity Pattern, Robert E. Allen. . . . . ... . . . . ., . .. Iris Japonica and its Hybrids, ]. N. Giridlian.. . . . . . . . . .. Some Can Take It!, Caroline Dormon. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Debaillon Award Authorized ..................... Make Your Ga,rden Pictures Look Sharp!, Sam Caldwell.. GardenVisits-RegionaIMeetings................ Registration Fee Adopted........................... 1949ArrangementContest .......................... Our Members Write ................................... Directors' Meeting ...................................... Report of the Registrar, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and Mrs. Walter Colquitt ............................. 3 10 17 19 24 29 42 45 48 52 58 67 69 71 78 82 84 88 94 95 #114 July, 1949 We'll Remember Portland, W. F. Scott, Jr3 A Half Century with Irises, Sydney B. Mitchell Iris that Grow from Bulbs, Jan de Graaff22 A Good Season in Texas and Oklahoma, Harry Thomas... . Meeting in Memphis, Geddes Douglas .... Iris Society of New Jersey, Mrs. John W. Hunt. .. . . . . .. .. . Iris from New Zealand, Robert Schreiner43 Iris Symposia, M. D. Naylor .................... . Just Thinking It Over, W. F. Scott, Jr.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Good Companions, Mrs. Fred Clutton .... . Iris Virus, Eva E. Faught ......................... . The "Average Member," Charles I. Coldsmith A New Race of Garden Irises, Ira S. Nelson... . . ,. .. .. .. . Another Successful Show, Gladys Calhoun Chase Hemerocallis and Oriental Poppies in the Iris Garden, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith........................... The Reticulata and Juno Sections, George L. Mac Alevy. . . . Questions and Answers ............................. Our Members Write .................................. Directors Meet at Portland ........................ Coast.ta-Coast Comments ......................... Culture of Iris in Vitro, A.. Orville Dahl, Robert Schreiner, Gertrude S. Joachim ........ ... 12 31 36 42 46 49 51 53 55 58 64 67 75 79 87 90 92 99 #115 October, 1949 1949 Awards and Honors, Robert E. Allen. New England in an Early Season, Harold W. Knowlton... Iris Impressions-1949, Jesse E. Wills ....... In Region Eleven, Mrs. Sidney W. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Show and Trek Feature Utah Season, Tell Muhlestein All Over Region 18, W. F. Scott, Jr .......... Southern California Gardens, Mrs. Otto Stuetzel Forty-Nine East, John Dolman, Jr ............ A Grand Season in Region 6, Mrs. George D. Robinson A "Gold Country" Garden, Lloyd Austin. . . . . . . .. Unusual Iris Color, Roy W. Fielding ......... Arrangement Contest Winners ...... : .......... Significant Variants in Louisiana Irises, Ira S. Nelson New Dutch Irises, Sydney B. Mitchell ...... Our Members Write .................................. The Iris and 1-1949, Mrs. George C. Steedman. . . . . . . ... In Memoriam, Dr. Harry H. Everett, Elias Nelson, Frank Albert Thole, Luke Norton .................. Iris Shows in 1949, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iris Proving Ground in Detroit ...... ........... Questions and Answers ............................. 1949 Iris Introductions ............................. . 3 9 15 23 27 31 37 40 51 60 63 68 71 75 77 78 86 89 99 99 104 #116 January, 1950 The Hundred Favorite Irises of 1949, [Symposium] Robert E. Allen. . .. .............................. Cedarbrook Park Iris Garden, John C. Wister 1950 Annual Meeting................................ Coming Events Cast Their Shadows, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds. New Jersey and Southern New York, Charles H. Caldwell.. New Registration and Introduction Procedure. . . . . . .. . ... 1949 Regional Performance Ratings, L. F. Randolph. . . .. .. Iris in Ontario Gardens, Mrs. Harry Bickle. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Observations of an Idaho Irisarian, Mrs. Ed Conrad. .. . ... Robins' Roost ............................................ Two Big "W's," Philip G. Corliss, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tall Beardeds in Louisiana, Mrs. W. R. Mathews Society's Directors Meet in Chicago. .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... Iris Time in the Rockies, Nina N. Winegar In Memoriam, Hans Peter Sass, Thomas Nesmith, ThomasA. Williams ................................ An AIS Favorite Writes a Book, Jesse E. Wills 3 17 20 22 31 34 38 47 49 53 55 58 61 63 72 76 #ll7 April, 1950 Foreword .................................. ................. Iris Color Classification (1949 Revision), Robert E. Allen.. Notes on Color Classification .................... 1949 Symposium Varieties by Color ......... Sam Caldwell Joins CBS """"""""""""""" 16 Use of Pacific Coast Irises, Matthew C. Riddle. . . . . . . . .. A Study in Appraisal, Elmer A. Claar ....... Charles E. F. Gersdorff Retires. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... The Future of Dwarf Irises, Walter Welch30 Dwarf Beardless Irises, Stephen F. Hamblen. . . . . . . . . . . .. They're Fabulous, Philip G. Corliss. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. ... Species Report from British Columbia, Kenneth M. McKee Progress with the Louisianas, Sidney L Conger. . . . . . . . .. Two Cultures for Louisiana Irises, Mrs. W. R. Mathews.. . On Iris Names, Robert E.Allen .................. By.Laws of the American Iris Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. In Memoriam, J. N. Bommerabach, Howard R. Glutzbeck ., Our Members Write ..., ............................. Treasurer's Report, 1949 ............................ Report of the Registrar, 1949, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and Mrs. Walter Colquitt............... . . . . .. .. ... Dwarf Bearded and Siberian Iris Clubs Formed 2 5 11 13 18 20 27 36 41 46 53 56 60 66 69 71 75 77 Insert #118 July, 1950 Foreword ................................................... 2 Portrait of an Iris, Eva E. Faught .............. 3 Address of the Honorable H. J. Randall, Sioux City, Iowa, June 10, 1950 .......................................... 4 Louise Blake's Garden, Helen D. Moseley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 In Memoriam, Vesta Saban ....................... 11 Migration to Texas, Frances Hyland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Meeting at Lafayette, Alline Rogers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1950 Iris Season in Southern California, Mrs. Douglas Pattison, Mrs. Otto Stuetzel, Roy W. Fielding. . . . . . . . . . .. 21 In Search of a Blossom, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Consider the Virginicas, Caroline Dormon 32 A Startling New "Break" in Louisiana Irises, Herbert L. Dozier .................................... 34 Propagation by Proliferation,- Eric Nies... 37 The Seed Dormancy Problem, George R. Beach, Jr. 39 First Year Bloom, Geddes Douglas .......... 44 Dwarf Bearded Irises, Walter Welch.. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . 47 Metamorphosis of the Butterfly, Philip G. Corliss, M.D.. . . . 59 New Vistas for Breeders of Dwarf Iris, L. F. Randolph. .. . . . 64 The Classification of Irises by Color Groups and Patterns. . . . 70 AIS Statement of Investments .................. 72 Pre-Season Report of the Registrar-Recorder 1950. . . . . . . . . 73 Favorite Iris Names of 1949................... ... 79 Our Members Write .................................. 84 fn Memoriam, Myron E. Douglas ............. 94 New AIS Members, January I-May 15, 1950 95 #119 October, 1950 Foreword ................................................... 1950 Annual Meeting, Guy Rogers Super Juice, Super Folks, .Super Iris, W. F. Scott, Jr.. New Strain of Japanese Iris, Walter E. Buss Iris Prone and Iris Progress, John Dolman, Jr... Color Classification, Charles U. Bear, Robert E. Allen. . . Awards... Growing Iris in South Africa, Frieda J. Boshoff-Mostert . The Lay of An Ancient Mariner, A. W. MacKenzie. .. . Seven Garden Pictures .............................. 1947 Crosses, 1. F. Randolph, Paul Cook. . . . .. . Region 1 Forms Garden Committee, Mrs. Thelma G. Barton. . In Memoriam, Dr. Robert J. Graves . . . . . Minutes, Directors Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Kleinsorge Awarded Foster Memorial Plaque. Regional Reports ..................................... .. Our Members Write ........ Questions and Answers ........... New AIS Members, May-August 1, 1950.114 2 3 9 16 25 36 39 43 45 48 56 60 61 62 65 66 99 106 #120 January, 1951 Foreword ................................................... Don't Miss This "Never Never Land" ....... 1951 Annual Meeting.. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. Stops for Motorists, Dorothy Adams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Places of Interest, Marie Caillet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bearded Iris in Shreveport, Mrs. Walter Colquitt Louisiana Native Types, Joe Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oncocyclus, Regelia, etc., Lawrence Neel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Work With the Mohr Hybrids, John J. OhI Recent Developments in Oncocyclus, Tom Craig Spraying Eliminates Iris Pests, Isabelle Henderson.. J.. . . . Iris Favorites, Symposium Notes, M. W. Boesel Notes on 1950 Awards, Harold W. Knowlton. Contributions of Sir Michael Foster, L. F. Randolph. .. .. . . Robin's Roost ............................................ Varietal Comments, H.J. Randall.. ........ ... Attention Shutterbugs, Orville M. Baker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrid VS. Mutation, M. D. Naylor ......... Report from Region 13, Mrs. Albert Haase... . . . . . . . . . . . . Urbana Idea. Mrs. V. R. Frederick. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . Our Members Write .................................. Iris Show Circuit, Mrs. Fern Irving.. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . Certificates of Commendation, 1950 ........ 2 3 5 6 9 12 16 19 24 34 43 48 50 54 65 69 73 74 78 82 86 94 99 #121 April, 1951 ANNUAL MEETING SHREVEPORT .... Plenty to See, Caroline Dormon ............... Once in a Lifetime, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mohr Progress in 1950, John J. Ohl ........ .. Tricks for Old and New Dogs, Geddes Douglas.. ... . Critique of Progress, David F. Johnson. . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . Way Beyond the Hills of Idaho, Mrs. Ed Conrad. . . .. .. .. . Who's Who ................................................ Membership Campaigns, W. F. Scott, Jr.44 Report Dwarf Iris Committee, Walter Welch Report Scientific Committee, L. F. Randolph. . . . . .. . . . . .. . Uncommon Irises for Pot Culture, Lawrence Nee! A Hobby Has Gone to Pot, Harold R. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, . CarlO. Schirmer ...................................... Hanover Exposition.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . In Memoriam, Irving W. Fraim ................ Our Members Write .................................. Questions and Answers ............................. 2 5 9 20 24 32 34 39 1950 Symposium and Hall of Fame, Robert E. Allen. . . . . . . . List of Accredited Judges 1951................. Species of the Genus Iris, A. C. Herrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 80 91 47 49 52 55 60 62 64 65 73 #122 July, 1951 Foreword ................................................... ...................... One Man Committee, H. O. Kelley, Mo. .. AIS Holds Annual Convention, Douglas, Walter, Rogers, Cook and Wills ....................................... Super Iris for a Dollar or Less, Dr. Franklin Cook, ill.. . .. Gardener Extraordinary, Mrs. Paul Updegraff, Okla Color and Your Garden, Isabelle Bowen Henderson, N.C In Memoriam, Mrs. Silas B. Waters... .. ... In Memoriam, Clara Howard Clevenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Visit to Lafayette, Harold W. Knowlton, Mass How Cheap Can a Good Iris Get? Lila McCombs, Calif Varietal Comments, Mrs. J. J. Licini, Nevada New Associate Registrar and Recorder. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... Iris Evaluation, David F. Johnson, NJ ...... The Nutmeggers Organize, Mrs. Chas. 1. Stephenson, Conn. Proliferations Observed, John L. Briggs, Mich.. . . . . . . . . . .. Let's Find an Easier Way, Geo. R. Beach, Jr., ill How to Plant an Iris .................................. A New Race of Garden Irises, Caroline Dormon In Memoriam, JohnA.Bnneaux ................ Among the Jnnos, Laurence W. Neel, England List of Irises, E. Biesalski, Germany. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. Our Members Write , ............................. 74 Registrations and Report for 1950, Robert E. Allen, W. Va. 2 6 10 23 21 31 38 38 39 42 47 50 51 54 56 57 60 62 66 67 70 85 #123 October, 1951 Foreword .................................................. Awards 1951..., ......................................... New Check List Published ........................ From Aldan to Walden, John Dolman, Jr 8 Our Common Bond, Frieda Boshoff-Mostert Proliferations Followed-up, John L. Briggs. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mulching Iris, Geddes Douglas """""""""""'" Mr. Earl E. Evans, Walter Welch ............. Propagation of Iris Innominata Lee W. Lenz Regional Reports ...................................... Varietal Comment. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Report of Dwarf Iris Committee ............... Cytology of Dwarf and Tall-Bearded Hybrids, L. F. Randolph and Katherine Heinig. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Three Kinds of White Bearded Iris, A. H. Sturtevant. . . . . .. Notes on the Tangerine Beard, A. H. Sturtevant... . . . . . . Our Members Write ............................. 2 3 7 20 23 24 25 27 30 62 88 90 99 101 103 #124 January, 1952 Foreword ................................................... The Twelfth Annual Symposium .............. ThelOOFavoriteIrisesof1951 .................... The 100 Favorite Irises of 1951 By Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. In Memoriam-Sydney B. Mitchell ............ Random Comments, Harry J. Randall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Meet Me in St. Louis, W. F. Scott, Jr ....... Our Judges Suggest, R. S. Sturtevant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. In Memoriam-Herbert L. Dozier, Sr ......... "Clancy" Lowers the Boom, Mrs. V. R. Frederick Region Nine Celebrates! Jerry Donahue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Care and Feeding of Guest Irises, W. F. Scott, Jr... ... The Dykes Memorial Medal ..................... Culture-Louisiana Native Irises, Claude W. Davis. . . . . . .. Exhibition Certificate Awards_1951. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Canadian Display Garden, Mrs. Harry Bickle, Ont.. . . . . . .. Garden Notes, Mrs. Harry Bickle, Ont ..... Region 17 Meeting, Willie 1. Birge, RVP, Texas. . . . . . . . .. Robin's Roost ............................................ Questions and Answers .. .......................... Our Members Write ................................. Exhibition Committee Report ................... Exhibition Judges ...................................... Commercial Directory............................... 2 3 4 6 8 10 17 20 22 23 28 31 33 37 39 41 42 44 45 50 53 61 70 81 #125 April, 1952 Foreword .................................................. In Memoriam-Eric E. Nies ....................... , Prof. Sydney Mitchell, Tom Craig ........... Mohr.Mitchell lntroduc;;tions, Harold I. Johnson. . . . . . . . .. Sydney B. Mitchell-An Appreciation, R. S. Sturtevant. . .. Sydney B. Mitchell, Frances Clarke Sayers Medals Awarded-Nies, Nesmith, Randolph. . . . . .. . . ... .. Yellow Amoena or What, Jean Stevens. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Return of the Slide Rule, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hanover Exposition 1951, by Ernst Biesalski Iris Stylosa, Mrs. T. B. Revell .................. Iris Golden Nymph, Edith Hardin English. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. Popularity Ballot 1952, Harold W. Knowlton.. Additional Fifty, 1951 Symposium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. A Pursuit of Pineappling, Mrs. Victor Perini. . . . . . . .. Growing Iris from Seed, John Pierce ........ Hints on Seed Planting, 1(. D. Smith. . . . .53 Notes from Region 7, Mrs. Leo Reynolds. ..., Notes from Region 13, Mrs. Albert Haase. . . . . . . . . . .. Canadian Comments, Uoyd Zurbrigg. . .. . . . . . Minutes, Director's Meeting 1951. . . . . . . .. .............. 69 Questions and Answers ............................. Our Members Write. ................................. Accredited Judges List, 1952 .................... 1 3 5 13 14 19 22 27 29 35 37 40 43 44 47 52 57 59 61 80 82 88 #126 JULY, 1952 Foreword ...................................................... 2 St. Louis Meeting, Mrs. Ralph S. Nelson .... 5 Dark Horses of Irisdom, Dr. Frank Galyon18 Varietal Comments, Clifford Benson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 Wynnewood Okla. Gardens, Mrs. Paul Updegraff 35 A Univ. of Alberta Report on Iris Varieties42 Minutes Meeting of Directors ...................... 44 Society for Spuria Iris Organized, Mrs. Ellen Wilkerson 46 Nutmeggers New Project, 'Ruth A. Stephenson 48 I Prefer This Method, Lila McCombs .............................. 49 RHS Trial of Spuria Hybrids ....................... 51 Tricks of the Trade, Geddes Douglas ...... .:; 52 New Idea in Trophies, Byron C. Jenkins ..... 55 Questions and Answers ................................ 56 Our Members Write ..................................... 59 Registrations for 1951,.. Mrs. Geo. D. Robinson, Registrar 75 #127 OCTOBER-1952 Foreword ............................................ . Dr. Cook Lost on Lake Charlevoix ........... AIS Awards, 1952 ..................................... Region 17 Meeting, Harold W. Knowlton.. The Indians Grew Irises, Jesse Wills ........ Symposium Sidelights, W. F. Scott, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. In Memoriam-John Dolman ...................... John Dolman-Irisarian, John C. Lyster ..... The Role of Foliosa, Frank Chowning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Doubleness in Bearded Iris, A. A. Samuelson Bench Judging of Iris, Fern Irving ............ The Louisianas Can Take It, Caroline Dormon... . . . . . . . .. Varieties Outstanding in Oregon, Bennett C. Jones Eastern Hoosiers Celebrate, Forrest McCord Iris Society Organized, Mrs. Leo Noirot .. The Chicken and the Egg, Serlena Reynolds "The Iris and its Culture" Reviewed by R. S. Sturtevant and Frieda Boshoff-Mostert ................. Louise Blake Honored by Converse College. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Regional Reports ...................................... Varietal Comments .................................. Our Members Write .................................. 2 3 4 10 13 14 18 19 21 25 28 31 34 38 39 40 46 48 49 83 l03 #128 JANUARY -1953 The President's Foreword, Harold W. Knowlton The 1953 Membership Campaign, W. F. Scott, Jr The Thirteenth Annual Symposium, Harold W. Knowlton.. Plans for 1953 Meeting ............................. The Culture of Iris in Japan, Tohichi Ito... Fertilizers and Insecticides, Frank Cassel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Growing the Onco and Regelia Irises, Mrs. W. R. Frederick Aril Iris Club Formed.. .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. Recollections of a Friend, J. E. Wills........ In Memoriam-Mrs. Harry Bickle, W. J. Moffat Region One 'Report ................................... The British Iris Society ............................. Random. Comment, Don Waters .............. Southern California Court of Honor ......... Region Nine's Annual Blowout ................ Region Sixteen, CIS Annual Meeting ....... Minutes Directors Meeting ....................... Exhibition Report, Fern Irving .................. Classification Committee Report, L. F. Randolph Our Members Write .................................. Robin's Roost ............................................ Questions and Answers ............................ . 2 3 6 11 12 27 30 33 35 38 39 50 51 54 56 57 58 67 79 90 97 102 #129 APRIL-1953 Annual Meeting 1953................................ Slides Appeal ................. : ......................... A Brief Introduction, H. E. Kettle, Ont.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest lris for I955 ..................................... Canadian Kaleidoscope, Lloyd Zurbrigg Portrait of an Irisarian, Leslie Laking ....... The Spring Garden .................................... Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther Spuria Club Progresses ............................. North California Report, Mrs. Ruby Hill22 1952 Comments, Mrs. Walter Colquitt.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Guest Iris for 1954 .................................... Louisville Organizes, Dr. Geo. Watson .... Additional 50, 1952 Symposium. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . "Intermediate" Invitation........................... List of Accredited Judges.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . Report of the Registrar, 1952 ................... Handbook for Judges.. .... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. 2 5 6 6 7 10 13 16 20 24 26 27 30 30 31 47 101 #130 JULY - 1953 A South African Iris Farm, Eva E. Faught2 Breeding Yellow Amoenas, J. E. Wills .... A Review of Garden Markers, Jay C. Ackerman We Need Test.Gardens, John C. Wister ... The Iris Garden, Charles H. Connors........ Iris Propagation in Canada, W. J. Moffat26 Camera and Equipment, Earl F. Beach ..... Items from Region 19 ............................... AIS 1952 Statement ....................... _ ........ AIS Medals, List of, Harold Knowlton .... . Awarded Iris, 1920-1952 Inclusive.......... . Our Members Write.. ........................... 59 Handbook for Judges, Continued .............. 8 15 21 24 30 33 36 37 39 74 #131 OCTOBER-1953 AIS Awards 1953 ...................................... Popularity Poll 1953............... .................. Star Shine Honored ................................... British Awards .......................................... The Annual Meeting, Don Waters ............ Photographic Contest Winners ............... .. In Search of the Natives, Marvin Black ... . Charleston Gardens, Mrs. W. C. Landolina Iris Names, John C. Wister ....................... Shoot Him Again, W. F. Scott .................. In Memoriam, Mrs. Morgan Ketchum ...... Questions and Answers ........................:..:. Membership Campaign Winners .............. Region_l Reports....................................... Our Members Write .................................. 2 7 8 8 9 26 27 30 33 35 36 37 38 40 86 #132 JANUARY, 1954 Foreword 1954 Membership Contest. . . . .. .. Botanical Classification, etc., L. F. Randolph Major Groups Within Genus Iris, G.H.M. Lawrence Confusion Confounded, Geddes Douglas Storage of Iris Pollen, Lee Lenz Dykes Medals Made Easy, W. F. Scott California to New England, Marion R. Walker Spuria Breeding Continues, Marion R. Walker Varietal Comment, Ernest H. Jones Canadian Meeting, Lloyd Zurbrigg. Why Not Spread the Joy a Bit, William Miles New Garden Books Errata ........................... ... .......... How to Organize An Iris Club, Mrs. Bert Brickell. The Mole Nuisance, Geddes Douglas New Tools for Old, Geddes Douglas Exhibition Certificates Awarded 1953 Exhibition Committee Report, Fern Irving Chr. Our Members Write Robins Roost 1 2 3 5 11 18 22 32 35 36 46 48 50 51 54 57 58 61 62 74 82 #133 April, 1954 Seafarer (Buttrick '49) is a medium blue of fine form and finish, photo by Cassebeer Front Cover Editor's Foreword ........................................................... President's Report.. ...,... ............ , .................................. Judges Symposium of New Irises, Marion Walker . .. AIS Medals Awarded ..................................................... Southern California Society Meets ................................ Chromosome Numbers in Iris, L. F. & Fannie R. Randolph 1954 Convention Plans Announced ............................... Minutes Directors' Meeting, Reports, etc.. .................... That Matter of Form, Chas.Wm.Voris .......................... RHS Awards .................................... ............................ West Coast Iris Tour, Mrs. J, L. Melrose. . . . Scorch, Guy Rogers. ...................................................... Suggestions for Control of Iris Leafspot, A. W. Dimock Soil Riot, Garden Practices, G. B. Gable. . . . . . . , . . . . New Slides Available ..................................................... Season Highlights, Joseph Gatty.................................. .. Review: Half Century of Iris.......................................... Factors Affecting Seedlings, M. D. Wallace Our Members Write ....................................................... 1953 Registration Report ............................................... List of Accredited Judges 1954...................................... List of Exhibition Judges 1954 ........................... .......... 1 2 5 7 14 15 19 22 28 30 32 38 42 46 50 51 52 54 62 68 126 138 #134 July 1954 Convention Saga, G. Douglas ........................................ Convention Finale, W. F. Scott, Jr. ................................ In Memoriam, Louise Blake ....................................... Chromosomes Without Aspirin. W. F. Scott, Jr. . . . . . . . Iris Munzii, Cosgrove, Lenz, Hopson ........................ 1 12 15 16 23 Forty Famous Forebears. Allen Harper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 In Memoriam, J. P. Fishburn, Jesse Wills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 In Memoriam, Joseph W. House, W. F. Scott, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . .33 In Memoriam, John Dee Wareham, Chas. E. F. Gersdorff. .. . . ..35 Roundabout, N. leslie Cave......................................... 36 Ye Olde Iris Garden, Alexander and Grace Wellington. . 41 German Iris Society, Prof. E. Biesalski ................... 48 Three Pink Amoenas, Lloyd Zurbrigg ........................ 51 Varietal Comment, Region ........................................ 54 Varietal Comment, Region 14 ..................... .............. 65 VarietaIComment,Region 15 ...................................... 67 Our Members Write ... ................................................ 74 #135 October, 1954 PopularityPoll-1954 ............................... . Report from Region I, John A. Bartholomew. . Report from Region 2. Ruth V. Blenis . . .. Report from Region 3, Mrs. Wallace J. White, . . .. Report from Region 4, Mrs. F. S. Perkins. , . ..... Report from Region 5, Milton Blanton. . . . , .. . , , . . , . ,. Report from Region 6, Jay C. Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 7, Carl Carpenter. . , . .. . . . . .. .. Report from Region 8, Mrs. Elsie Peterson ReportfromRegion9.MildredHarrell ..............,.,. ........... Report from Region 10,ClaudeW.Davis ..................... ,.. Report from Region II, H. N. Metcalf. . . . . . . . . . , . . Report from Region 12, Fisher Harris ........................... Report from Region 13. Bennett C. Jones. . . . .. ......... .. Report from Region 14, Mrs. Sydney B. Mitchell . . . .. Report from Region 15, Archie Maclean. . . . . ............. Report from Region 16. Mrs. Wm. E. McCann. . . . , .. .. Report from Region 17, Mrs. John E. Gill. . . . . . . . .. ... Report from Region 18. P.M. Petersen . ........................ Report from Region 19, Mrs. Eileen Donohoe Report from Region 20, Everett L. Cline. . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 2I, Mrs.B.E.Ellis ........................... Report from Region 22, Eleanor Hill 4 7 15 19 25 26 29 33 37 38 46 49 51 61 65 70 72 76 78 86 90 91 100 #136 January, 1955 Horticultural Classification of Bearded Iris, L. F. Randolph. Report of Awards Committee, 1954 The Kodachrome Blues, W. F. Scott, Jr. Report of Scientific Committee for 1954, L. F. Randolph. 1955 Annual Meeting My Work with Ornamentals, Isabella Preston Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther Minutes of Director's Meeting Performance Poll in Region 21 Rusk Iris Society, Jack Noonan Iris Culture for East Texas, Metz Heald Premio Firenze Announced Unique Iris Garden, Catherine Lombar Iris Shows – 1954 Questions and Answers Our Members Write Robins Roost 1 10 15 26 30 34 36 38 43 46 47 49 51 53 66 69 75 #137 April, 1955 Forward President's Report 1954, Harold Knowlton ............. In What Dreams, Dr. Merrill Moore In Memoriam-R. S. Sturtevant Will You Join the Iris Society? Second Annual Judges Choice, Marion R. Walker Oriental Poppies, Charles R. Bullis ........ ....................... Nematodes on iris, C.I.Hannon .................... .................. Scorch-Nematodes, Geddes Douglas Intermediate Enthusiasts Organize Round-Robins, Edwin Rundlett ............................... A South African Visits England, Frieda Boshoff-Mostert Historical Iris Beds, Mrs. F. P. Walther Letter to Will Moffat, L. A. Gilbert Spuria T _st' Garden, M_s. Edward Wilkerson . . . . . . . . . . .. Minutes of Director's Meeting ..._ .................................. Ohio Gardens, Mrs. V. R. Frederick . ............................. Award to Mrs. Walter Colquitt Guest Iris Invitations .... .................... ............................ Oklahoma Iris Festival .................................................. : Questions and Answers ............................................... Our Members Write ..... .............................................. List of Exhibition Judges ............................................ List of Accredited Judges............................................ 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 12 16 21 24 29 34 41 46 50 53 55 55, 56 58 60 62 70 73 Treasurer's Report 1954 Registration Report ....................................... 86 88-137 #138 July, 1955 FACTS AND FANCIES, PauI W. Horn ...................... CANADIAN CAPERS, G. Douglas ............................. THE FREEZE AND THE IRIS SEASON, J. E. Wills PAINTING PICTURES WITH NATURE, Mrs. Herbert Shinkle. ... . SACRAMENTO SHOW ............................................ IRISES TO FLORENCE, Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Scott, Jr. . . . . . . . . A POSSIBLE ORIGIN OF CHAMAEIRIS, Mrs. Wilma Vallette. .. . DESCORCHING SCORCH, Guy Rogers... . ............ IRIS IN THE VALLEY OF THE SUN, Harold Odle QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS................................. POSTSCRIPT ............................................................. 1 9 23 32 34 36 41 53 62 66 71 FRONTISPIECE - Princess Anne. This new variety is from the Canadian hybridizer Lloyd Zurbrigg. It is a medium cadmium yellow, midseason to late, fluted and ruffled. The flower has exceptional substance. A light area at the tip of the beard adds character to this fine flower. # 139 October, 1955 IN MEMORIAM, ROBERT SWAN STURTEVANT, ElizabMh N. Nesmith, Jack C. Wister, Geddes Douglas EMBRYO CULTURE OF IRIS SEED, L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph Report from Region 1, John A. Bartholomew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 2, Mrs. Ruth Blenis ................. ..... Report from Region 3, Mrs. Wallace J. White ............,.. . Report from Region 4, Marguerite H. Perkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Report from Region, 5, Milton Blanton ......................... Report from Region6,JayAckerman .... , ........................ Report from Region 7, Carl Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . Report from Region 8, Mrs. Harold L. Berger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 9, Hubert A. Fischer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 10, Claude W. Davis ..................... Report from Region II. Homer N. Metcalf ....................... Report from Region 12, Fisher Harris ........................... Report from Re9ion 13, Joseph H. Hoage .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 14, Frank L. Crouch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region. 15, Archie MacLean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 16, Mrs. William McCann. . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 17,Mrs.JohnGill ............................ Report from Region 18. P. M. Petersen ...... :................. Report from Region 19, Mrs. Eileen Donohoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 20, Everett L. Cline. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report from Region 21, Mrs. B. E. Ellis ....................... Report from Region 22, Eleanor Hill ............................. British Honor Randolph ................................................. Official Awards 1955 ..................................................... 1 7 18 21 26 27 29 30 32 34 35 37 39 43 46 48 52 55 57 61 65 66 69 74 76 78 Frontispiece: Lavish Lady (Buttrick 1954). A ruffled flower of Sea lavender-violet. It is from the cross of (Snow Flurry x Ave Maria) x Cloud Castle. The large flowers are borne on 38-inch stalks. #140 January, 1956 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker.. 1956 National Membership Campaign. .. ...................... 1956 Annual Meeting.................................................... . The Fifteenth Official Symposium-I 955, Marion R. Walker. . Horticultural Council Report ......................................... California Preview, ,Richard Goodman . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybridizing for Reblooming Iris, G. Percy Brown. . . . . . . . . . . 1955 Hybridizing Notes, Philip G. Corliss . . . . . . . ... Report of Scientific Committee for 1955, L. F. Randolph Poited Again! Mr. and. Mrs. W. F. Scott, Jr. ........... ..... In Memoriam.................................................................. Minutes of Directors' Meeting Region Sixteen Report, Lloyd Zurbrigg ........................ Oklahoma Iris Society .................................................... Wheel within the Wheels ............................................... Saint Louis Group Exhibits at Harvest Show. . . . . . . . Chromosome Numbers of Iris Species, L. F. Randolph and Jyotirmay Mitra .................................................... Our Readers Write ......................................................... Robin's Roost ................................................................. Report of AIS Accredited Iris Shows, 1955 .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 7 8 10 11 19 22 24 31 33 37 45 47 47 49 50 61 64 69 #141 April, 1956 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker.. The Judges Choice. W.F. Scott, Jr.. The Fable of the Dog Collar, G. Douglas Whence the Blues, Edwin Rundlett Moles and Gophers, W. F. Scott. Jr. Median Iris Club Progress, Edwin Rundlett Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton Rutgers Display Garden. Robert B. Clark Use of Antibiotics in Treatment of Rhizome Rot, Edith K. Coffey Iris Society of N.J. Sponsors Two Test Gardens, Joseph Gatty Spurias in Southern California, Clarke Cosgrove Our Members Write Questions and Answers 1955 Registration Report, Mrs. Geo. D. Robinson Official List of Accredited Judges. 1956 Exhibition Judges – 1956 1 2 5 7 13 18 20 28 32 34 34 41 49 51 115 129 FRONTISPIECE Orange Banner is an Introduction of Mr. Donald G. Waters of Elmore. Ohio. #142 July, 1956 Foreword .... The President's Corner. ..... . . . . . . . . .. The Los Angeles Convention, Harold W. Knowlton. . . . . . . .. Address of Mrs. Jean Stevens ........... The Franklin Cook Memorial Cup, W. F. Scott, Jr A Flying Trip to Nashville, F. W. Cassebeer . . . . . . . . . Iris on the Air, Geddes Douglas ..................................... Our Round Robins. John A. Bartholomew ..:..... Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton ......................... The Ketchum Memorial Iris Garden, Mrs. Wm. Murrah Iris Culture Across Canada, Leslie Laking . . . . . . . . . . . Progress Report, Guy Rogers ......................................... More About Scorch, G. B. Gable ................................... A Baker's Dozen, W. F.Scott, Jr. ................................... The Golden Prize of Florence, Flaminia Specht. . .. ...... Varietal Comments, Larry Gaulter ................................ Our Members Write ....................................................... Radiation and Iris Breeding, C. F. Konzak & L. F. Randolph 1 2 3 16 24 26 32 34 38 42 45 48 49 51 54 58 63 68 #143 Oct, 1956 The President's Corner Awards and Honors 1956........................ PopularityPolI.1956............................ Judge's Choice 1956........................... Our Robin Family, John A. Bartholomew. ......... Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton Minutes Directors' Meeting. . . . . Regional Reports .................................................. 1 2 10 11 14 17 21 24-146 ILLUSTRATION, FRONT COVER: Swan Ballet (Muhlestein) is a beautifully ruffled pure white, with a white beard, flaring falls and excellent substance. #144 Jan, 1957 Foreword, G. Douglas The Forward Look, Marion R. Walker Clifford W. Benson, Secretary, G. Douglas More Medians, L. F. Randolph Memphis Meeting The Time Has Come, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds 1956 Membership Results, L. F. Randolph 1957 Membership Campaign Robins, Peggy Burke Grey Robins, Edwin Rundlett Scientific Committee Report, Lee W. Lenz Two New Hybrids, Lee W. Lenz 1956 Iris Season in England, Philip Corliss Dwarf Iris Review, Walter Welch In Memoriam-Dr. Geo. M. Reed, A. C. Wellington . . . . . Full Many a Flower, W. F. Scott, Jr.. ........... Region Six Speaks ""..."."",."""",...,..,., ................................ . Iris at Cedar Brook, Harriette Halloway . . . . . . Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther Diseases of Rhizomatous Iris, Bald, Markley and Davis. . . . . How to Stage an Iris Show, Diora Salley. , . , . . . . Hybridizing in Texas, R. E. Vache ....................................... Varietal Notes, Veronica Quist Premio Firenze Living Memorial to Liberty, Hyde Bailey Our Members Write 1 2 7 10 24 25 27 30 34 36 39 43 47 51 54 58 61 74 76 79 86 88 89 91 96 98 Frontispiece, Caledonia, Douglas 1956 is a pure white with flowers widely spaced on a tall stalk. (Seedling # II 09a, H. C. 1956) #145 Apr, 1957 Robin's Roost in Taller Trees, G. Douglas President's Corner, Marion R. Walker Cytogenetics of Median' Irises, L. F. Randolph AIS Center Goes Forward, Edwin Rundlett Median Test Gardens, Earl R. Roberts Stalks Too Short?, Bonabeth Brickell About Table Iris, Alice White Borer Portrait, F. G. Foster & E. A. Wood More Dwarf Irises, Bee Warburton Finis On Scorch, Guy Rogers Iris, My Favorite Flower, John Camenzind The Forgotten Louisiana Iris, Chas. W. Arny Around the Corner, Serlena Reynolds Flight Lines, Peggy Grey, Nona B Mott Personnel, AIS Round Robin Program Our Members Write Color Slide Contest 1956 Registration Report ... Accredited Garden Judges Exhibition Judges 1957 1 2 3 12 14 17 18 24 26 30 31 33 37 50 75 79 82 85 140 154 FRONTISPIECE: Siberian Iris Snowcrest (Gage 1932) forms a colorful grouping with cerise and gold Japanese peony Mikado in J. E. Wills Garden, Nashville, Tennessee. #146 Jul, 1957 President's Corner The Memphis Convention 1957 Joint Meeting Directors, Counselors, Clifford Benson The Annual Business Session, Marion R. Walker Classification Meeting, L. F. Randolph Panel, Iris Judging, W. F. Scott, Jr. Panel, Small Bearded Irises, Bee Warburton Panel, Iris Diseases, Guy Rogers Panel, Scientific Hybridizing, L. F. Randolph The Annual Banquet, Jay Ackerman Memphis Impressions, Jesse E. Wills Symposium of Comment, J, K. and C. Smith, Carl Schirmer, Dr. Joe Parker, Roger Goodman, Hubert Fischer, Harold Knowlton, Mrs. W. J. Hinkle, Mrs. Sam Sargo, Mrs. Harry Frey After the Ball Is Over, Bob Carney, Jake Scharff, John and Gladys Pierce Louisiana Show, Marie Caillet Louisiana Iris Review, C. W. Arny Swamp Trip, John F. Neugebauer Garden Pictures, Mrs. Ed Conger SLI Test Gardens, C. W. Arny Special Iris Organizations, Ira Nelson Test Gardens Ethel Anson Peckham, Veronica Quist Clara Rees, Bion Tolman Nebraskan Monograph, Mrs. Zeh Dennis Rhizome Rot, M. D. Wallace Embryo Culture. Lloyd Paul Flight Lines, Grey and Mott Our Members Write 2 3 4 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 21 36 44 46 46 51 52 54 56 58 61 64 67 69 72 81 #147 Oct, 1957 The President's Corner ..................... Awards and Honors, 1957 ................ ,...................... The Judges' Choice, 1957 ....................................... Popularity Poll, 1957........................................................... Iris Missouriensis and Iris Longipetala, B. LeRoy Davidson More About Test Gardens, Norian C. Henderson. . . . . . . . . . Notes from the Spuria Society Test Garden in Houston ... 26 Bulietin Suggestions, Frank Cassel.......................... ... Convention Preview, Veronica M. Quist Elmira Area Gardens, Bee Emery ...................................... "Fifty Eight" Tour Gardens, William G. McGarvey.......... Rochester's Convention Gardens. T. E. Jacoby. ............... The Iris Gardens of Cuba, New York ................................ An Introduction to Median Iris, Ben Hager Use of Pumila in Iris Breeding, Bee Warburton 1 2 9 10 13 23 27 31 33 34 37 39 40 47 VARIETAL COMMENTS FROM ACROSS THE LAND Region One, John Bartholomew Region Four, Ralph E. Lewis Region Five, Dr. Harvey Hobson, Mrs. G. H. Rowe, Geo. B. Earhardt, Mrs. Geo. L. Hodges Region Eight, Nadine Yunkers, Mrs. Robert Reinhardt 61 Region Nine, Richard Goodman ................................... Region Thirteen, Joseph Hoage .................................... Region Seventeen, E. M. Doerfler ................................ Region Eighteen, John Ohl, Mrs. Walter Buxton ......... Region Twenty-Two, Mrs. Cecil McCutcheon, Mrs. Harold G. Plato. .. ............................................. Region Twenty-Three, Ruth Pressey ............................ FLIGHT LINES, Peggy Burke Grey, Nona B Mott .......... Median Tidbits ................................................................... Our Members Write ........................................................... P.S., The Editor .................................................................. 54 56 59 62 63 67 69 71 73 77 82 85 89 #148 Jan, 1958 The President's Corner .......................................................... 1958 AIS Meeting ................................................................. Iris Sputniks Roam, Helen McCaughey, Esmond Jones.. .... 1958 Membership Campaign, Robt. S. Carney. . . . . . . . . 7 Classification of Eupogon Irises, Randolph & Lawrence..... We Need Disease Research, Homer N. Metcalf ................... Behind the Eight Ball ............................................................ Alta to Alta, Edith S. Cleaves. .............................................. Reblooming Iris Becoming Popular, Edwin Rundlett .......... Rules, Geometry, and Arithmetic, Crescent Deru ................ Flight Lines ........................................................................... Aril Society Yearbook .......................................................... Glorietta Iris Project, Ruth Pressey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Median Test Garden Impressions, Earl Roberts ................... Cedar Brook Celebrates, Dorothy Dennis ............................ Presby Season, Barbara Walther ........................................... Gibberellic Acid Used, David Lercari .................................. Minutes, Directors Meeting .................................................. 1957 Membership Campaign ................................................ Financial Report 1957 ........................................................... Test Garden Report ............................................................... Scientific Report ................................................................... Ohio Invitation, AI and Laura Lauck .................................... Long Island Invitation, Peggy Edwards ................................ Eastern Gateway, Dr. Irwin Conroe ...................................... Our Members Write .............................................................. In Memoriam, W.J. McKee .................................................. In Memoriam, Olive Murrell ................................................ InMemoriam,ClarenceG.White................................ ........... . PostScript .............................................................................. 1 2 3 9 17 19 21 25 28 34 47 48 49 54 54 57 59 62 66 69 70 73 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 #149 Apr, 1958 The Annual Meeting ........................... The President's Corner Tribute to Genius, Molly Price Virus Diseases of Iris, R. V. Travis Soil Fumigation, John Harvey, Jr. Garden Manners, Peg DeBagh Notes on Variegata, Jean G. Witt More About Amoenas, Walter Welch Concerning Amoenas, Dr. William McGarvey Area Chairmen, Robert S. Carney Slides Contest Winners Clarence Greenleaf White, Tom Craig Carl Milliken, a History, Ben Hager Bearded Iris in Perennial Border, W. F. Scott Green Tall Bearded, Etc., Clarence D. Jonas Table Iris Breeding Program, Alice White Gardens Open in Empire State The Annual Meeting in Syracuse Iris from New York State, Veronica Quist Our Favorite Flower, Wm. Wicker Tempest in Teapot, Geddes Douglas Flight Lines Our Members Write Post Script Official Garden Judges 1958 Official Exhibition Judges 1958 1 2 6 12 18 22 25 34 37 41 42 46 52 59 62 65 71 73 74 81 93 99 121 125 129 142 #150 July 1958 The President's Corner Looking Backward-A Kaleidoscope Convention Visits . . . .. Fred W. Cassebeer David F. Hall Elizabeth Noble Nesmith Can This Be Aphylla? Landscaping with Iris American Irises Win "Premio Firenze" My Work with Lace Japanese Iris Notes Fabulous Shreveport, Louisiana Texas Iris Season iris Gardens in Michigan .... . . . .. The Western Natives Open Southern California's Season. 62 Whence the Apricots .... The Oh's and Ah's Beginning the 1958 Season Some Southern California Stars ....... Northern California Comments . . . . .. 1959 Convention Chairman ................................................. Tapped for Top Honors. ....................................................... The Season Moves Northward. . . . . . . . .. ...... ,. On California's North Coast. ........... Varietal Comment ................................................................ The Washington Spurias .... . . . .. Spurias in Houston ........................................................... On Growing Spurias in Houston . . . . .. .............. Notes on Spuria Iris Society ................................................ Complete List of Spurias Grown in Houston Test Gardens.90 Judging the Spuria Iris. ........................................................ Progress in Breeding Spuria Iris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dwarf Spurias ...................................................................... Research Memberships ........................................................ The Importance of the Abbevilles .................. Chromosome Number and Meiotic Behavior in Commercial Varieties of Spuria Iris ........................... Flight Lines 1 3 7 16 19 23 26 31 38 39 46 51 53 59 65 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 78 82 84 87 88 93 97 101 104 105 108 116 #151 October, 1958 1 3 6 11 15 21 The President's Corner October Portrait Garden Iris, Past and Present The Relation of Genetics to Iris Hybridization The 1958 English Iris Season Advances in Breeding Oncobreds 24 26 31 39 40 43 50 82 92 93 94 The New Look in Iris Oklahoma Iris Season, 1958 Awards and Honors, 1958 The Sixth Annual Judges' Choice, 1958 Popularity Poll, 1958 Exhibition Committee Report, 1958 Varietal Comments We Need Hardy Iris Flight Lines In Memoriam Dwarf Iris Society Holds Annual Meeting Post Script #152 January, 1959 1 3 5 10 12 15 27 29 31 32 36 41 43 44 48 50 51 54 55 56 59 61 63 65 67 70 73 78 79 80 83 1959 Annual Meeting The President's Corner Iris Chromosome Numbers, Randolph and Mitra Let's Plan a Slide Program, AI Lauck Louisiana Iris Impressions, C. W. Arny Pacific Coast Native Irises, E. K. Balls Iris Missouriensis, D. J. Lercari "12,000", Don DeFussi Interspecies Hybrid, Jean Witt Mr. Sass to Mr. Hill Climb to the Pinnacle, W. F. Scott . Presby Report, Barbara Walther Embryo Culture in the Kitchen, Jack Goett Publication of Garden Irises Random Comments, L. F. Randolph Roger's Garden, Mrs. H. McMurry Dallas Season Red Iris, J and R. Hopson Pink, Pinker, Pinkest, Polly Anderson Varietal Comments, B. C. Jones Dwarf Iris Meeting, Lee Armiger Judging Arilbreds, Russell Hopson How to Register An Iris. I. kamaonensis, Bee Warburton Minutes Directors Meeting Auditor's Report Flight Lines Randolph Fund Book Reviews Our Members Write Post Script #153 April, 1959 (Printed in 3 sections) Part I 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 25 27 29 35 38 42 46 47 49 52 60 64 66 70 81 85 97 They Bloom Again, Grace Wellington President's Corner Controlling Leaf Spot-Rot, A. W. Dimock The Major Pests of Iris, John Naegele Growing Iris, Don Waters Pampering Doesn't Pay, Mary Ellen Knopf. Controlling Iris Pests, G. B. Gable Culture of Regelia Embryos, H. G. Shockey Save That Pollen, D. Steve Varner The Whitings, Geo. W. Warner Minutes, Directors' Meeting Some English Iris Gardens, Dr. Currier McEwen Deep Purple, Bill Schortman The Hardy Linse Oncobreds, Alexia Gerberg Use All of It, Kathleen Beardsley New Jersey Season, Mary Wais Visit to Florence, H. Castle Fletcher. . Region 6 Meetings Dallas Test Garden Membership Campaign, Rob't Carney Flight Lines Our Members Write Exhibition Rules & Supplies Garden Judges Exhibition Judges #154 July, 1959 (Printed in 2 Sections) Part I 2 3 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 21 24 35 38 41 43 47 54 57 60 65 71 82 88 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker AIS Holds Largest Convention Three Oklahoma Iris Gardens, William G. McGarvey Reflections of a Hostess, Helen McCaughey A Visitor's Impression, Mollie Emms Tall Bearded Iris Seen in Oklahoma Gardens, Robert R. Young Oklahoma Meeting, Bennett C. Jones Third Day of the National Convention, Mrs. AI Nahas Iris Seed Culture, Bruce B. Farrington Best Time for Transplanting, Jesse W. Collier Growing the Oncocyclus Species, Michael H. Hoog Selecting Show Specimens, Carl Quadros The Ethics of Guesting Irises, J. H. Hoage Mr. May to November, JoAnne Tufts Sidelights on Sidekicks, N. Onimus Japanese Iris, Robert B. Milner Notes from Japanese Iris Hybridizers Robins Jenny and Iris Play Return Engagement, Geddes Douglas Varietal Comment, Adelaide D. Peterson The Siberian Situation, Peggy Edwards Flight Lines A Revision of Pacific Coast Irises, Katherine Heinig The Clarence G. White Memorial Award #154 July, 1959 Part 2 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY Greetings! Many flower lovers become members of specialized plant societies without being fully cognizant of the many worthwhile benefits available to them. We want members of the American Iris Society to be fully infonned as to our activities at all times. The aim of this comprehensive booklet is to provide all AIS members with some basic information ,about your society, how it began, how it is presently organized, and how it functions. We hope that this will make your membership more valuable to you, and encourage you to remain with us for a long time. There are many basic questions about iris that new members are particularly anxious to obtain. We hope that they will find some of the answers here, and that this booklet will lead them toward the source of more detailed information when they are ready for it. You will find as others have, that one of the greatest rewards of membership in the AIS is a closer acquaintance with a large group of friendly people who share your interest in iris. We urge you to look for other AIS members and get to know them. If there are any questions that are left unanswered by this booklet, and you feel is not a function of an AIS Officer or Committee head from whom you could get the answer directly, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time. Most cordially, CLIFFORD W. BENSON Executive-Secretary The American Iris Society #155 October, 1959 2 5 13 19 23 25 27 35 36 40 51 55 59 60 62 64 66 68 69 74 76 78 79 81 83 92 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker Collecting Irises Abroad, L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph After the Bloom Is over, Jesse Wills Convention Preview, Peg Grey Iris Hybridizing in the Netherlands, Dr. Currier McEwen New Varieties Appear in Louisiana Show, Nolan John Sahuc Hybridizing for Rebloomers, Raymond G. Smith A Visit to Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Peg Grey So We Go on from Here, Bee Warburton Awards and Honors for 1959 Variation via Radiation, Melba B. Hamblen Make Way at the Top, Ruth Pressey Operation Rescue, Peg Grey Siberian Iris in New England, W. N. and S. C. Tiffney Some New Talis, Accent on Arilbreds, Wiloh Wilkes Taholah and Sierra Skies at Home, Peg Grey Book Reviews Invitation to 1961 Convention Exhibition Committee Report, J. Arthur Nelson Minutes of Directors' Meeting Scientific Committee Annual Report, Dr. Lee W. Lenz In Memoriam-George H. Murray, Mrs. George M. Roach, Sr. 1959 Median Iris Awards In Memoriam-Joseph C. Becherer, Ada Buxton Flight Lines Reports and Comments Regionwise #156 January, 1956 2 4 7 9 15 20 25 27 35 36 40 44 48 54 55 59 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 72 79 84 86 87 89 90 97 100 101 102 104 106 109 From the President's Desk Dr. L. F. Randolph, Harold W. Knowlton Red Iris. . . Past-Present-Future, Greig Lapham Passion for Red, Geddes Douglas. Carl Salbach Retires, Roy Oliphant One Man's Fancy, Bert Porreca Dykes Medal Winner for 1959, Genevieve H. Folsom Reflections of an Iris Breeder, Jesse Wills An Invitation to Portland Oregon's Iris and iris Personalities, Robert Schreiner Iris Performance in Region 17, J. W. Collier. . . . . A National Flower? Why Not the Iris? Ruth Pressey Iris People, Iris Places, Peg Grey. .. .. . . Random Observations on Hardiness, Chas. William Voris Black Hills Irisarians, Doris McElfresh The Ramblings of the "Mafia" Boys from Memphis, Robert S. Carney AIS to Revisit Birthplace, Barbara Walther Report to the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens, Barbara Walther Northern Illinois Iris Society The Wickersham Garden, Sandy Greeno What Can We Get from Arils, Barbara Serdynski The Spuria Project, Lee W. Lenz Wild Iris-Species in Czechoslovakia, Milan Blazek Lest We Forget, Geddes Douglas Differences Among Rebloomers, Raymond G. Smith. . A Revolution in Iris Kaempferi, George Hacklander Central Ohio Society Holds First Judging School, Mrs. Frederick Thaler Shipping Iris, Virginia P. Conklin 1960 Membership Campaign, Robert S. Carney FlightLines Test Garden Committee Report Report of Exhibition Committee, October 1959 Report of the Scientific Committee, November, 1959 Semi-Annual Report of the AIS Robin Program, John A. Bartholomew 1959 Membership Campaign Winners Report of the Treasurer Minutes Directors' Meeting, November, 1959 #157 April, 1960, 5 7 13 15 19 21 25 31 35 41 61 63 71 72 Section 1 From the President's Desk L. F. Randolph Growing Regelia Species Iris. Michael H. Hoog and David J. Flesh Portland Preview Bennett C. Jones Exhibiting at Iris Shows ........... Irene S. Nelson Region 13 Highlights Two Growing Climates Joseph H. Hoage The Many-Sided Dr. Kleinsorge Basic Chromosome Research Is Practical Bee Warburton So You're a New Member! W. T. Bledsoe An Inventory of AIS Irwin A. Conroe Chromosomes of Arils and Arilbred Irises L. F. Randolph and Jyotirmay Mitra Iris Garden in Cedar Brook Park Harriette R. Halloway If I Were Just Starting to Hybridize Tell Muhlestein Breeding for Hardiness ....... Elizabeth N. Nesmith Show Classification and Judging Specimen Louisiana Irises Ira Nelson and Charles Amy, Jr. 24 Southern Oregon Gardens to Visit 39 Visit Utah's Gardens in 1960 Mrs.J. R. Hamblen 78 Revision of Pacific Coast Irises, Part II [Review] Edgar Anderson 77 Spuria Iris Society Activities Ben R. Hager 76 New Handbook for Judges and Exhibitions Hubert A. Fischer 40 French Iris Society 12 Portland's Invitation to Meeting 18 Kansas City's Invitation to Hybridizers 81 B.I.S. Subscription Rate 24 The Bulletin Needs Photographs 78 Weed Killer Was Misidentified 81 Affiliation With AIS 80 Our Members Write Obituaries: 17 Mrs. Joan Hart 70 Ruth Osborn 79 Mrs. Lillian Hall Trichel 82 Flight Lines 87 List of Garden Judges 111 List of Exhibition Judges 60 Kodachrome Slides for Rent 120 Contributors to This Issue 128 Books Available from the AIS 128 Membership Dues...... 128 Back Issues of the Bulletin 127 Advertising Rates Show Supplies ... Back Cover Cover Photograph. Iris hoogiana, a regelia species (see page 29 for additional information). Photograph by Michael H. Hoog. #158 July, 1960 5 From the President's Desk.. L. F. Randolph 9 The First AIS Bulletin John C. Wister 13 Irises for Beginners Serlena Reynolds 15 Table Iris Preview Jean Witt 19 Report from Europe Lee W. Lenz 22 Garden State Irisarians in the Twenties Barbara F. Walther 25 Iris Colors and Pigments Peter Werckmeister 34 Irises in Bronx Park Dorothy E. Hansell. 35 The 1960 Premio Firenze Awards W. F. Scott, Jr. 37 Variations in Characteristics of Louisiana Iris Charles Arny Jr. 41 Have Fun With Iris. . .. .. Loleta K. Powell 14 Albert G. Lauck-In Memoriam 18 Kansas City Solicits Guest Irises 103 Region 19 Solicits Guest Irises 43 Irisarians Invade Realm of Rosaria Peg Grey Convention Tour Gardens: Beattie .Earl T. Browder 54 Cooley... ... Robert S. Carney 51 DeForest Helen McCaughey 55 Kleinsorge ...Melba Hamblen 56 Marx ..Irwin A. Conroe 60 Riddle ...Marion R. Walker 52 Schreiner. Harold W. Knowlton 49 Shoop...Hugo Wall 50 Tompkins. Robert R. Young 58 62 Medians in Convention Tour Gardens Bee Warburton and Keith Keppel 64 Tribute to a Convention Committee Joseph Gatty 65 Society Business Transacted in Portland 69 Committee on Sections and Affiliates Hubert A. Fischer 73 A 10-Point Program for the AIS L.F. Randolph 75 National Test Garden Program 81 HC Award Winners and Test Gardens 83, 85 Minutes of Directors' Meetings 87 Registrar's Report, 1959 (Supplement) Mrs. Walter Colquitt 103 How to Register an Iris Harold W. Knowlton 8 Sections and Affiliates of AIS 69 Distinguished Service Awards 71 Bylaws Amendments 70 Nominations to Board Membership... . 31 Exhibition Judges 72 Flight Lines 96 A Member Writes 82 Deaths Membership Dues: AIS, 104; BIS, 64 104 104 Books Offered by AIS Back Issues Cover Photograph. Dutch (in front) and Siberian irises in Cooley's display garden, Silverton, Oregon. Photograph by Everett C. Long. #159 October, 1960 5 9 15 19 17 19 19 23 25 27 32 34 From the President's Desk Awards and Honors, 1960 Judges' Choice. Popularity Poll The 1961 AIS Convention ....... Foster Memorial Plaque Awarded Orville W. Fay.. Breeding for Performance Median Iris Society Meets at Cornell Irises in a Year-Round Garden Love Those Plicatas! Iris Culture in the Northeast Summer Mulching Practiced in Arizona L. F. Randolph Hubert A. Fischer Barbara F. Walther Harry J. Randall Robert B. Milner Bee Warburton Mrs. W. Glen Sheets Larry Gaulter William G. McGarvey Winter Care of Irises Midwest....Robert R. Young 35 SoutheastF. H. Alexander 37 Southwest.. . Guy Rogers 36 Gulf Coast Region Claude W. Davis 38 Mountain States Bion Tolman 36 39 The Kenneth D. Smiths' Garden.. Barbara F. Walther 41 Are Iris Growers Gardeners?.................................. John Hamm 42 Height Variation in Progenies of Dwarf Bearded Irises .. Jack Goett 44 Fred DeForest Robert Schreiner 46 Height, Branching, and Buds .. . ... Claude]. Davis 48 The Bulbous Iris Season in Utah.Mrs. Mildred R. Johnson 49 Exhibition Committee Report ... .]. Arthur Nelson Varietal Comments on Portland Irises Joseph Gatty 56 Helen McCaughey, 57; Bee Warburton, 57 Keith Keppel, 58; Lucille A. McDonald 60 63 Irises Seen from Carolina to Dakota.... Ralph and Helen Lewis 68 Varietal Comments by Region 15 Members. 71 The Season in Cache Valley . Mrs. H. C.Hansen 73 Albert G. Lauck .. . . ... Donald G. Waters 75 Activities in the Regions 72 To Advertisers in Commercial Directory Sections and Affiliates. ......8 Deaths.. ... ... .............88 Your Membership Gives You- 18 Advertising Rates .. 48 Bylaws Amendments Approved 24 How to Join a Robin ... 88 Two New AIS Affiliates ..26 How to Register an Iris. ...89 No Dykes Medal Awarded in 1960 76 Membership Dues 90 Kodachrome Iris Slides. 84 Books Offered by AIS 90 Flight Lines 85 Hints to Members 89 Cover Photograph.-Iris VIOLET HILLS (DeForest), AM, 1958; Franklin Cook Memorial Cup, 1960. From color plates made available by Cooley's Gardens. #160 January, 1961 5 From the President's Desk. . L. F. Randolph 9 Popularity Poll As a Buying Guide Peggy Burke Grey 17 A Look at the Border Irises Keith Keppel 20 Historical Iris Conservation ... . Gerta M. Beach 22 Presby Memorial Iris Gardens Barbara F. Walther 25 We Need Hardy Iris . . . Jesse W. Collier 29 Dwarf Iris Society Symposium, 1960 ..... Walter Welch 32 First President to Address 1961 Convention 33 Specimens of Russian Irises at Cornell . G. H. M. Lawrence 37 Iris Test Gardens and Hardiness L. Laking 41 The Cassebeer Garden .. . Barbara F. Walther 43 Simplified Plate Culture of Iris Seed .. .. Bruce B. Farrington 46 Educational Highlights of Boston Show JoAnne Tufts 51 Diary of an Iris Season. . Robert S. Carney 53 Utahans Comment on Newer Varieties 57 A Tour of Memphis Gardens. . Franklin P. Brewer 61 Varieties Seen in the Northwest. ... Robert L. Jensen 62 Comments on Louisiana Iris Varieties Wilma Hamilton 66 The Genus Iris-Its Pigments and Chromosomes [Review] Bee Warburton 68 Results of Membership Campaign, 1960 Robert S. Carney 70 Report of Region 3 ..... L. P. Mains 73 Report of the Treasurer......... Jay C. Ackerman 80 Minutes of Omaha Board of Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 83 Report of Robin Committee John A. Bartholomew 85 Membership Campaign, 1961 Claude C. O'Brien Invitation to 1961 Meeting 15 Guest Iris for 1963 Meeting 13 Results of 1960 Election 28 New Board Members. 78 Introducing New RVPs 76 Rotterdam Floriade A wards 16 Hybridizers, Attention! 50 Judges Training Program 7 Franklin Cook Cup Awards 24 AIS Rules for Shows Amended 86 HM Awards, 1960 90 Hamburg Exposition, 1963 42 Test Garden Program Modified 84 Calling All Photographers 48 To Slides Photographers 69 Sections of AIS .................. 8 Affiliates. . ..63, 65 Spuria Iris Photo Contest 21 Deaths 88 How to Join a Robin 67 Iris Slides for Rental 68 Flight Lines 93 Hints to Members 89 Advertising Rates .. . 87 Books Offered by AIS 98 Back Issues 98 Membership Dues . . ..... 98 To Register an Iris. Bull. 159 AIS Show Supplies .Back Cover Cover Photograph.-Median iris ROMEO (Millet et Fils 1912), exhibited by Mrs. H. L. Brummett, awarded Purple Rosette for best specimen in show, among 300 exhibited at El Paso, Texas, in 1960. Photograph by El Paso Times. #161 April, 1961 5 9 13 17 20 23 27 33 41 43 55 58 60 62 64 66 71 75 16 40 From the President's Desk ................ ..L. F. Randolph Drama of Progress ........ ... ........ ..Mrs. J. R. Hamblen New and Different Iris for Arrangement..Crescent Deru Companion Plants.................................... Molly Price Welcome to Region 19!...................... .. Joseph Gatty The Iris Trial at Florence ................... . Harry Randall A New Look at Intermediates ... Earl Roberts Acidity (pH) of the Cell Sap of Iris..William G. McGarvey Wider Horizons for Spuria Iris ............. Ben R. Hager Evolution of Horned, Spooned, and Flounced IrisLloyd Austin Iris Tour of Germany ................. ...Georg Hacklander Achievements Must Not Lead to Complacency.Raymond G. Smith Weed Control Experience .Edwin Rundlett A Portland Side Trip . . Dorothy Dennis State Fair Project of ESIS . ..Irwin A. Conroe Our Iris Are Hardy .Ferris D. Gaskill Judging Siberian Irises .............................................. . Sarah Tiffney Our Membership Campaign. ........ Claude C. O'Brien Have Your Seedlings in Tour Gardens Been Named? . . Joseph Gatty An Unusual Hybrid ... ............................Earl Roberts Simplified Plate Culture of Iris Seed [Correction] 39 Invitation to 1961 Meeting.8 AIS Membership Dues. ..112 Guest Irises for 1963 Meeting. 19 BIS Membership Dues. 83 Sections of AIS . 7 To Register an Iris. . p. 89, Oct. Bull. Affiliates of AIS . 79 Registration Fee Increased 89 Advertising Rates .. 61 To Join a Robin 77 Bibliography of Iris Literature. 105 Shipping Instructions-Hamburg. 81 Deaths. 89 Show Dates. 85 Errata 57 Show Supplies ..114 Exhibition Committee 22 Siberian Iris Society Formed 65 Flight Lines 68 Slides for Rental 73 Hints to Members ..113 Spuria Iris Photo Contest 77 Exhibition Judges. . 107 Books Offered by AIS . 112 Garden Judges 91 Back Issues ..112 Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris BANG (Tom Craig), AM 1960. Photograph by Everett C. Long. #162 July, 1961 5 9 11 From the Acting President's Desk Robert S. Carney Founders Honored at Anniversary Ceremony... The Annual Meeting in Newark Peggy Edwards Convention Tour Gardens: Cedar Brook. . Harry B. Kuesel 15 Wais..Jane Hall 16 Knocke Eleanor Westmeyer 16 Kuchar... William G. McGarvey 17 Smith. Howard W. Knowlton 18 Wood. .Jake H. Scharff 20 Cassebeer Jesse Wills 20 Rutgers Shirley Spurr 22 Baxter ... Claude C. O'Brien 22 Johnson ... Jack Goett 23 MacLean. ...Gerta M. Beach 24 Presby. Irwin A. Conroe 26 28 A Side-Trip to the Rundlett Garden. 29 Choice Irises Seen on Garden Tours 32 Postscript on Weed Control......... Edwin Rundlett 33 Median Comments. .. . Molly Price, Earl Roberts 35 Median Irises in Convention GardensJoAnne Tufts 36 A Transplanting Note ..... . ... ...Richard Goodman 37 Collecting Iris Species in Europe ... . .. L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph 41 Philadelphia-Portland-Frankfurt-Florence . ..A. Edward Murray, Jr. 45 Collecting Native Irises in Louisiana..Marvin Granger 47 Red Irises .................................. ..Claude J. Davis 52 Spurias for Friends and Fun. ..Walker Furgeson 55 Conventional Seed Germination A. A. Samuelson 61 A Triploid Louisiana Iris. .... .. ..G. W. Holleyman 62 Lapham's Method in Red Breeding.. ...Harold Ha_ned 64 The National Robin Program. John A. Bartholomew 67 The Spuria Iris Society. . Mrs. C. M. Redford Affiliates of AIS ................ 6 Attention: Show Chairmen.....73 Sections of AIS.. ................ . 7 How to Join an AIS Robin. 73 Membership Rates ... .. ... 8 Request for Leaf Spot Specimens 73 Memorial Cup Balloting 24 How to Register an Iris. 75 Guest Irises for 1963 Meeting. 39 Flight Lines ....77 The RVP for Region 24 63 AIS Stationery 78 Additional Judges Named 63 Back Issues. .78 Irises at Hamburg Exhibition. ... 66 Books Offered by AIS 78 Minutes of Board Meeting 69 Slides for Rental...88 Minutes of RVP-Board Meeting. 71 Advertising Rates 88 Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris FRIENDSHIP (Joseph Gatty 1960), highest in this year's balloting for Franklin Cook Memorial Cup. From Kodachrome by Betty (Mrs. Ira E.) Wood, New Providence, N. J. #163 October, 1961 From the President's Desk .. ....... L. F. Randolph Awards and Honors ...................Robert S. Carney Popularity Poll ...................................................... Judges' Choice ...................................................... Foster Plaque Awarded J. E. Wills'.. Geddes Douglas Occupational Hazard "..." .................. Betty Wood Montclair Officials Honored Dr. Wister. Barbara F. Walther The 1962 Annual Meeting ............ ..Allen Harper Growing the Spuria Iris ............ Clarke Cosgrove The 1961 Iris Season .............. . Robert S. Carney Irises Seen in Region 4 Gardens..F. H. Alexander Comments from Canadian Members .................... Comments from Region 12 .......... Gene McClure 1961 View of the Border Irises.... Bee Warburton Notes on Iris Bloom in Convention GardensHarry B. Kuesel Simple Comments...................... Lorenz Medrano Pink Siberians and Minor Frustrations..William G. McGarvey Amoena Parentages (charts) ........ Roy Brizendine National Reblooming Iris Survey Raymond G. Smith and Edwin Rundlett ......................................... Exhibition Committee Report..... .. Arthur Nelson Region 17 Meeting, Show, and Tour.. L. E. Flanagan Activities in the Regions....................................... To Advertisers in CD McKee Medal Awarded: Mrs. Lowry Iris Show Dates .. ................................. Sections of AIS ... .............................................. Iris Slides for Rental ............................................. Affiliates of AIS .............................................. New CD Advertisers ............................................. 1959 Check List .. .............................................. A Member Writes .............................................. Favorite Irises at Kingwood ................................. Deaths ................. .............................................. Your Slides Committee ........................................ Flight Lines ......... .............................................. Officers of New Affiliates .................................... How to Join a Robin. ............................................ Awards by British Iris Society ......................... Membership Rates .............................................. Iris Show Notes .. .............................................. Advertising Rates .............................................. How to Register an Iris ......................................... 5 9 19 21 23 26 27 30 31 35 38 40 42 43 45 49 51 54 56 61 70 73 7 69 7 7 78 8 78 20 79 22 80 34 82 53 86 60 95 67 95 96 Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris PRETTY CAROL (Mrs. J. R. Hamblen, Roy, Utah), in this year's list of Award of Merit winners. From color plates made available by Schreiner's Gardens. #164 January, 1962 From the President's Desk. ....... L. F. Randolph 5 1962 Convention Announcement 11 The 1959 Iris Check List. ... 12 Honors-Review and Preview..... Melba Hamblen 13 Miniature Tall Bearded Report Alice White 18 Spurias in the South. ... ....... ... .Ila Nunn 21 An RVP's Talk to His Region. . Hugo Wall 25.. The Iris Garden in Cedar Brook Park .. .. ...Dorothy Dennis 28 Beginner's Glossary of Iris Terms and Expressions ..Thomas J. Buckley 31 The 1962 AIS Convention... ..Allen Harper 35 Miss Dormon Honored by Horticulturists 39 Marion Walker's Spurias . . . Peg Dabagh 41 Median Iris Bloom in Utah ..Crescent Deru 42 New Recipients of the Hybridizer's Medal 45 Irises We Liked ... Ralph and Helen Lewis 47 Medians, A Sure Bet. ...... .. . ..Mildred E. Grove 53 Collecting and Hybridizing Louisiana Irises G. W. Holleyman 56 Bacterial Soft Rot in Memphis ..Thomas P. Nash 58 The New RVPs . ......... . ... .. ..... 70 Helen McCaughey Appointed Historian 73 Improvements in Judging Irises. .. . ...Larry Gaulter 74 The 1962 Membership Campaign ..Claude C. O'Brien 77 The Treasurer's Report Jay C. Ackerman 79 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 83 Scientific Committee Report... . Lee W. Lenz 90 Report of 1961 Membership Campaign.. .. ..Claude C. O'Brien 92 Reviews .....William G. McGarvey, Lee W. Lenz 94 Garden and Exhibition Judges 98 Iris Show Dates .... . ........ 8 New Membership List in April 9 Sections of AIS 9 Affiliates of AIS 10 Deaths .... 24, 34 Iris Slides for Rental.. . 37 AIS Scientific Committee 40 Flight Lines. 61 Regional Reports 87 Members Write.. ................. 97 New Advertisers in CD ... 97 How to Join an AIS Robin ..108 Membership Rates 111 Advertising Rates.. .. 111 Books Available from AIS 120 AIS Stationery ............... 120 Show Supplies. .................... How to Register an Iris . Back Cover Oct. Bull. Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris BRASS ACCENTS (Robert Schreiner, Salem, Oregon), among the Award of Merit winners in 1961. From color plates made available by Schreiner's Gardens. #165 April, 1962 SECTION 1: From the President's Desk. .L. F. Randolph 5 1962 Annual Meeting... .................................................. 10 More Information on the 1962 Meeting.... Allen Harper 11 On Your Way to Kansas City .................. C. R. Minnick 12 Iris Diseases and Pests ... ........................A. W. Dimock 15 Grow a Few Siberians! .......................... Peggy Edwards 17 A Spuria Primer ....................................... Mary Redford 19 Breeding for Hardiness in Iris ............ Wilma L. Vallette 23 In Search of the Species ....................... Charlotte Gantz 27 To Every Member of AIS ................ Claude C. O'Brien 29 A Really Red Iris? ................................... Agnes Whiting 30 The Median's Tall Bearded Parents as Test Plant William G. McGarvey ........................................... 33 Guest Irises for 1964 Convention in Chicago. . .Mrs. Wm. Hagberg ................................................ 36 Iris subbiflora... .......................................... Lee W. Lenz 37 Medians Achieve Orbit! .. .................. Mildred E. Grove 43 Goals of a Specialty Hybridizer ..Roswell H. Johnson 44 Spurias In Theory and Practice ............. Tell Muhlestein 45 Morristown's Memorial Iris Garden.Barbara F. Walther 51 Welcome to Region 9! ....... . ..........Clarence ]. Blocher 63 The Registration of Selected Clones of Iris SpeciesLee W. Lenz 65 Region 17 Activities in 1961 . ............... L. E. Flanagan 69 1959 Iris Check List ............. 7 Membership Rates. .............. 75 Wanted: 1939 Iris Check List. .................................. 8 Advertising Rates .................................. 75 Sections of AIS.. .................. 8 A Few Pronunciations ........ . 77 Affiliates of AIS .. ................ ........................... ........ 9 Members Write .................... ........................... ........ 79 1963 Hamburg Exhibition. 14 National Test Garden Judges. 95 Errata .................................... 16 Regional Test Gardens ........ 99 AIS Registration Program. ...................................... 22 Iris Shows. ...................................... 101 Deaths................................... 50 Books, Pamphlets, Back Issues. 104 Flight Lines .......................... 53 AIS Seals, Stationery. .......... 104 1964 Exhibition in Vienna. 62 How to Join a Robin. 112 Additional Judges Named .... Show Supplies ...................... 63 Back Cover SECTION 2: Iris Registrations in 1961 SECTION 3: Membership List Cover Photograph.-Iris MILLIONAIRE (Roy Brizendine, Topeka, Kansas), AM Photographed in Denver Botanic Garden by Everett C. Long. 1960. #166 July, 1962 From the President's Desk .......... L. F. Randolph Dr. Randolph Honored by American Horticultural Society..... The Modern White Iris Carey E. Quinn Wanted: A New Color Class ..William R. Pierce Spurias Are Coming of Age. .Marion R. Walker Species I Enjoyed During the 1961 Season ]ean Witt On Affiliates and Sections... .. .. . Hubert A. Fischer Notes on the 1962 Iris Season... .. ]esse E. Wills 1962 Blooming Season in Oklahoma ..Kenneth J. Shaver Comments on Arils and Arilbreds David J. Flesh The Season in North Texas .......... Paul W. Horn Median Comments From Indiana. Earl Roberts Comments on Some Earl Roberts Seedlings Bonnie Dunbar The Iris Season in Memphis .Henry Mitchell So You've Never Been to a Convention! ..William T. Bledsoe First Median Show..Fran Jennings Convention Tour Gardens ...... Beckers.Ruth Pressey 41 .................................... Minnick Peg Dabagh 56 Beltz Elizabeth H. Rowe .................................. 44 Rogers. Mrs. George P. Morgan ....................... 57 BrizendineThomas M. Wilkes ........................... 45 Price Bee Shinkle 58 Fitch ..... Zerah Brummett ................................. 51 Shippee Betty and Ira Wood............................ 58 Harper ... Mrs. Johnson B. Hale ........................ 52 Sell Jane E. Stanley 59 McHugh..Lerton Hooker ................ .................. 52 Taggart ..M. F. Dow......... .................. 59 Miller. ... .. . Robert H. Savage.......................... 53 Zerr Eugene Buckles .................................... 61 National Robin Program Directory..................................... Flight Lines .......................................................... Median Varietal Comments ....................... Harry Kuesel A Recent Russian Work on the Genus Iris ..William J. Dress Minutes of Joint RVPs-Directors Meeting Clitlord W. Benson Minutes of Meetings of Board of DirectorsClitlord W. Benson Award of Cook Memorial Cup 6 Your Awards Committee ...74 Sections ...................... 7 Iris Slides for Rental ........ 75 Affiliates ...................... 8 Obituaries ............. ....... 76 New Dwarf Iris Check List 19 5 7 9 13 15 17 20 21 25 27 29 32 33 34 37 40 62 63 72 79 89 91 Membership Rates........ .. .84 Award of McKee Medal 40 How to Register an Iris .... 96 Convention Booklet Available 55 Advertising Rates.... 104 How to Join an Iris Robin 71 Price List of Books Back Cover Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris INDIGLOW, originated by William B. Schortman, Porterville, California; voted the AIS Award of Merit in 1961 and the Premio Firenze (highest award) at the International Iris Competition, Florence, Italy, this year. #167 October, 1962 From the President's Desk ....................... L. F. Randolph 5 Iris Trek in 1962 .................................. Robert S. Carney 11 Report of National Test Garden Trials, 1962 .John R. Durrance 13 Exhibitions Committee Report J. Arthur Nelson 15 Awards of the British Iris Society. 26 Varietal Comments from Texas. W. M. Calhoun, Jr. 27 Flight Lines ......................................................................... 33 Medians in Convention Gardens. Keith Keppel 37 Companion Plants in Brizendine Garden.Mildred Brizendine 38 Handbook for Regional Vice Presidents. 39 Florence and Fleur de Lis . George P. Watts 43 Ten Days on the Trail in Search of Irises. Bruce and Alberta Richardson 48 Irises in Suburban Washington Gardens.Donald W. Mitchell 51 Review of Study on Iris Borer and Soft Rot.Claude]. Davis55 A South Carolina Iris Garden. Milton W. Blanton 57 My List of "The Best" . Ozella Mondy 59 The Dwarf Iris Society Symposium, 1962 . Walter Welch 61 Awards of the American Iris Society, 1962Robert S. Carney 63 Popularity Poll, 1962 ............................................................ 71 Judges' Choice, 1962 . 72 The Show Must Go On-Make an Arrangement! .Crescent Deru 74 A Key Character for Separating Sibiricae and Californicae. Lee W. Lenz 79 Iris From North Carolina to Foot of Pikes Peak. Ralph and Helen Lewis 85 Sections of AIS 9 Iris Slides for Rental. 82 Affiliates of AIS . 10 Membership Rates 95 How to Join a Robin 36 Price List of Books. 96 Your Judges Training Program. 40 BULLETIN Advertising Rates ..104 Obituary 78 How to Register an Iris ..Back Cover Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris WHOLE CLOTH, originated by Paul H. Cook, Bluff ton, Indiana; winner of the Dykes Medal in 1962. From color plates made available by Schreiner's Gardens, Salem, Oregon. #168 January, 1963 The President's Corner .......Robert S. Carney 5 The New AIS Presidential Team 9 Modern Yellow Irises Harry B. Kuesel 11 1963 Convention Announcement 15 Northwest Impressions ............................... Joseph Gatty 17 Northeast Median Group Organizes .......Bee Warburton 22 1963 Membership Campaign ..........."Claude C. O'Brien 24 The New Members of the Board. .... 25 Iris-Breeding Hints from Orville Fay 26 An RVP's First Year Earl T. Browder 27 Knowledge and Imagination in Breeding . .Peter Werckmeister29 On Storing Spuria Pollen .......... ...Walter Ferguson 32 1963 Annual Meeting in Colorado ..Mary Ann Heacock 34 Report of the Historian Helen McCaughey 36 Work of the Scientific Committee ... 37 The New Regional Vice Presidents 38 The Garden of Steve Moldovan ..Elizabeth H. Rowe 41 Hybridizing in Texas ...L. E. Flanagan, Jr. 43 Mostly About Georgia Hinkle ..Lorenzo Medrano 48 Bloomington Rebloomers. ..Bonnie Dunbar 51 Simplifying the Judging of Aril Irises . Ruth Pressey 55 In Europe in Iristime, 1963 61 Getting to Know You ..... Neva Sexton 63 Report of the Treasurer ...... ..]ay C. Ackerman 65 Two Distinguished Service Medals Awarded 68 From Whence Green? ........................ .. ... ..]oseph J. Ghio 69 Hybridizer's Medal Awarded to West Coast Breeders 70 Notes on Mitchell Irises... ..Keith Keppel 71 AIS Judges for 1963 ................. .. 75 Summary of 1962 Membership Campaign .Claude C. O'Brien 86 Flight Lines ........................................... ..Peggy Burke Grey 91 The Classification of Irises for Awards.. Donald J. Boen 99 Carl Salbach . ...Roy Oliphant 102 Minutes of Directors' Meeting Clifford W. Benson 105 Your Membership Committee. 6 Sections of AIS .. 7 Affiliates of AIS ................... 8 To Hybridizers and Judges .. 23 An Invitation from the BIS 87 Iris Show Dates .. ... . 88 How to Join an AIS Robin 96 Erratum Obituaries .......... 101 Price List of Books. 112 Iris Slides for Rental Advertising Rates ... Iris Show Supplies .... 120 120 Back Cover Cover Photograph. Arilbred iris STRIPED BUTTERFLY, originated by Mrs. Walter E. Noyd, Wenatchee, Washington; voted an Honorable Mention Award in 1958, and the Clarence G. White Memorial Award in 1962. Printed from color plates made available by Schreiner's Gardens, Salem, Oregon. #169 April, 1963 Printed in 2 Sections SECTION 1: The President's Corner Robert S. Carney Convention Reminder Artistic Evaluation.............. .Irene S. Nelson Getting to Know the Aril Family . David J. Flesh My Hobby . ..H. H. Harned Convention Preview..... Central California Irises W. B. Schortman Cook-Lapham Award ......... The Iris auranitica of Syria. Peter Werckmeister New Irises-From the Ground Up .Clifford W. Benson Flower Types in Japanese Irises .. . . Shuichi Hirao Display Gardens of Japanese Irises Flight Lines . .................. Open Doors at Regional Meetings ............................. Chromosome Numbers in the Spuria Irises and the Origin of the Garden Varieties. .Lee W. Lenz AIS Judges (addenda to list) ................................................. Guest Irises for the 1965 Memphis Convention ................... Obituaries ......................................................................... Iris Registrations in 1962 ...................................................... Iris Hybridizers' Seminar ..................... ..Bonnie Dunbar National Test Garden Evaluation . ... .. . . Austin Morgan Exhibition Judging of Tall Bearded Irises ....William T. Bledsoe Spuria Iris Display Gardens ......................Mary Redford Florence Symposium on Irises (program) ............................ Regional Reports ... ... ........................................................... Some Iris Show Dates ...... . . ..... . .......................................... Rules and Regulations of AIS-Sponsored Shows "Grass Roots" Nominations for Director ........... .. Sections of AIS .. .............. 7 Books and Pamphlets .. . 128 Affiliates of AIS ................ 8 Back Issues and Stationery128 How to Join an AIS Robin 49 Iris Slides for Rental 136 Erratum..... . ... 124 Advertising Rates ... 136 Membership Rates......... 126 Iris Show Supplies... Back Cover How to Register an Iris 127 Index to Advertisements .Back Cover 5 6 9 11 18 21 25 26 29 31 35 38 39 51 53 69 70 71 75 77 78 80 84 86 89 119 120 124 SECTION 2: Iris Registrations in 1962 Cover Photograph. Iris lortetii, an oncocyclus species, photographed after a shower in the garden of Roy Brizendine, Topeka, Kansas, by Everett C. Long, Boulder, Colorado. #170 July, 1963 From the President's Desk. Robert S. Carney 7 A New England Garden Harold S. Knowlton 9 Irises in the Landscape Connie Kendall 12 Irismanship .. . . Thomas J. Buckley 14 Iris Trek, 1963 .. .. Robert S. Carney 16 Louisianas Exhibited at Lafayette .............. Nolan John Sahuc 21 Awards at International Iris Competition 23 Flight Lines ............................................ Peggy Burke Grey 24 Impressions of the Florence Symposium .... Lee W. Lenz 27 "Proceedings of the Florence Symposium" 30 Photoperiodism of Irises. .............William G. McGarvey 31 Guest Irises for 1965 Convention ................. .. .. ........... . 34 "Wish You Were Here!" ............... . Mildred R. Johnson 35 How to Introduce an Iris .................. Mrs. J. R. Hamblen 39 They Liked These in the Tour Gardens. ... ... Mrs. Gertie May Barnes 40 William and Ruth Fitzgerald, William T. Bledsoe 41 Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rowe 43, Johnson B. Hale 44 C. Robert Minnick 44, Roy Oliphant 46, Mrs. Jane Hall 47 Report on Newer Irises ... ...... 49 Cook Memorial Cup Awarded to Dr. Loomis...... 50 Chromosome Pairing in Tetraploid Bearded Irises Katherine Heinig and L. F. Randolph 51 Philadelphia to Boston. A. Edward Murray, Jr. 64 On the Trail of Irises ... ............................... Lys Housley 67 Why We Apply Winter Cover . Ferris D. Gaskill 72 Light on the Irises ............................ .. Gilbert Anderson 75 Spurias Down Under... ... .................. Gordon Loveridge 77 Seedlings in Parentages (Letter). .. ..... .. ......... . 78 Aril Irises in the Great Lakes Region . Henry Danielson 79 Report of the Treasurer . .. Jay C. Ackerman 82 Minutes of Joint RVP-Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 83 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting.. .Clifford W. Benson 84 Report of Public Relations Committee Peggy Burke Grey and Ruth Rees 84 Report of National Robin Director. John A. Bartholomew 85 Regional Membership Totals 88 Reports of Regions 91 Sections of AIS 5 Affiliates of AIS . 5 Iris Slides for Rental. . ...... 20 How to Join an AIS Robin 26 Membership Rates Advertising Rates. .. ....... How to Register An Iris Price List of Books, etc. 89 104 Back Cover Cover Photograph. The Administration Building of the Denver Botanic Gardens is the background for this view across a segment of the display beds of 699 irises. Photograph by Everett C. Long, Denver, Colorado. Uncredited photographs in this issue were taken by the Editor. #171 October, 1963 Awards by the British Iris Society. 6 From the President's Desk .............. Robert S. Carney 7 Aril Irises on the Back Trail From Ruth Pressey 9 The Garden of Donald G. Waters Robert Schreiner, Steve Moldovan 13 Irises in Retrospect and Prospect. Douglas E. Bailey 17 Judging at Hamburg ..Hubert A. Fischer 20 A Visit to Our Canadian Region Bee Warburton 23 Arrangements With Irises .Crescent Deru 27 First Japanese Iris Show .A. H. Hazzard 29 Irises for the Southland .C. W. Arny, Jr. 31 Irises Are for Fun ..... Keith Keppel 36 Irises in Central 4 and Southern 6 .. Lloyd Zurbrigg 38 Exhibitions Committee Report, 1963 J. Arthur Nelson 41 To All Hybridizers .... .... 55 Potting Irises for Winter Bloom. ...Mrs. O. A. Bakke 55 Flight Lines ..Peggy Burke Grey 57 Excerpts From Gerard's Herball 64 A One-Day Trek to North Texas L. E. Flanagan, Jr. 65 Drying Siberian Irises for Winter Use ...... .Mildred R. Johnson 69 Thoughts on Garden Exhibits With Irises . Lewis A. Hodgkinson73 Further Remarks About Showing Irises .... .Bee Warburton 73 Handbook Committee Invites Suggestions ....... 77 Presby Gardens' Educational Exhibit at Show 78 Median Iris Society Symposium.. 79 The Iris Garden in Firenze, Italy ..Hubert A. Fischer 81 Local Irises and the HC Award .. . Larry Gaulter 82 Awards of the American Iris Society, 1963 . Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 86 Popularity Poll, 1963 ... 94 Judges' Choice, 1963 ............ 95 Irises As Seen in Eight States......... Ralph and Helen Lewis 97 Obituaries: F. Cleveland Morgan 68 Obituaries: David F. Johnson 105 Complimenting Irises... Robert A. Smith III 106 A Few Pronunciations 111 "17” Has Convention-Type Meeting Roy E.. Vache 113 Report of Region 15 Thornton M. Abell 116 Index to Bulletins, 1963 126 Sections of AIS 5 Affiliates of AIS ..... 5 How to Join an AIS Robin 62 Iris Slides for Rental 112 Membership Rates 115 How to Register an Iris 118 Advertising Rates 125 Price List of Books, etc. . Back Cover Cover Illustration. Tall bearded iris WILD GINGER, one of the newer plicatas of J. M. Gibson, Porterville, California. Printed by A. B. Morse Company from plates made available by Cooley's Gardens, Silverton, Oregon. #172 January, 1964 From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 7 Regulations Governing AIS Registration (announcement) 8 Modern Irises Look Little. Peggy Burke Grey 9 Northwest Median Meeting. Alta M. Brown 13 AIS Convention in 1964 .. Edward E. Varnum, Thomas J. Buckley 15 The First Remontant Iris Show. ..... 20 Bartholomew Receives Service Medal.. 21 Brother Charles Is Recipient of Medal 22 The 1964 Membership Campaign . Claude C. O'Brien 24 Paul H. Cook-Obituary. . Mary Williamson 25 Eulogy Frank B. Galyon 27 Herbert F. Fulkerson-Obituary 28 Flight Lines Peggy Burke Grey, Keith R. Keppel 29 Tribute to W. A. Payne 41 The New Regional Vice Presidents 42 Dwarf Iris Society Symposium, 1963 47 The 1963 Season in Region 4 Donald W. Mitchell 49 Sidelights on the Disease Problem. Edwin Rundlett 53 Brimstone in the Iris Garden? . Thomas J. Buckley 57 Your Regional Vice President 59 New Observations in 1963 . Irene D. Van de Water 60 Touring California Hybridizers' Gardens. . William B. Schortman 63 A Judge's-Eye View of an Iris Show. . Wilma Vallette 65 Minutes of Directors' Meeting. Clifford W. Benson 71 The 1963 Membership Campaign Claude C. O'Brien 75 Report of the Treasurer. .. .. Jay C. Ackerman 77 AIS Judges for 1964 Mrs. William H. Buxton, J. Arthur Nelson 80 Sections of AIS 5 Affiliates of AIS . 5 To Introduce an Iris. 6 Bulletin 1 Available 13 Additions to Show Report 20 How to Join a Robin 32 Life Memberships. 49 Iris Slides for Rental ........................................................ 76 BIS Memberships 77 Bulletin Advertising Rates 91 Iris Show Supplies 92 AIS Membership Rates 95 Price List of Books, Etc. . . 104 How to Register an Iris Oct., p. 118 Cover Photograph. Iris BRAVADO (AM 1963), originated by David F. Hall, Wilmette, Ill. Printed from plates made available by Cooley's Gardens, Silverton, Oregon. #173 April, 1964 (Printed in 2 Parts) PART 1: From the President's Desk. Robert S. Carney Irises Seen in California Gardens. . Melba Hamblen AIS Convention Notice ........................................................ .. Sam Caldwell to Speak at Convention Banquet. Guest Irises for 1966 AIS Convention The Kodachrome Blues Again ..W. F. Scott, Jr. The Hybridizer as Artist .............................. . Bee Warburton Judges' Handbook Committee Enlarged ................................ Hybridizing and Growing Spurias .. Walker Ferguson AIS Judges for 1964 (supplement) ........................................ Dr. Randolph's Iris Seed Pod Nurseries New Form for Show Reports ........... ..................................... Flight Lines "".. ................. Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel Some Iris Shows............ .. ...................................................... Hybridizing Hints by Opal Brown ......................................... What's in a Name? "'."".." ............................... Joseph]. Ghio Obituary-Douglas E. Bailey ....................... Louisiana Irises-A Challenge .. .......................... Inez Conger Paul H. Cook-My Friend and Yours ...... . Harold H. Harned The Ketchum Memorial Garden ........... ... Carl Carpenter .. A Few Thoughts on Iris Photography.. John A. Bartholomew Seed Germination Findings by Senior Hi Student.Virginia Betz Siberian Breeding-A Wide-Open Field. .......Peggy Edwards Tip on Using the Nickerson Fan ................... Bee Warburton Busy Region 18 . ...................................... C. Robert Minnick Iris Diseases.Maynard Knopf ................................................ The Median Iris Society. ............................................ ........... Sections of AIS . ................ 5 Bulletin Advertising Rates. Affiliates of AIS . 5 How to Register an Iris. To Hybridizers ................... 6 Iris Slides for Rental. ........... How to Join a Robin. 28 Price List of Books, Etc. Membership Rates 38 AIS Show Supplies. 7 9 12 13 14 15 20 22 23 26 27 27 29 39 41 43 47 51 53 57 59 63 71 81 83 85 87 86 88 95 96 Back Cover PART 2: Iris Registrations in 1963. Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris HEAVEN ON EARTH, a light sky blue self (Catherine and Kenneth Smith) HC 1962. From Kodachrome by Mrs. Smith. #174 July, 1964 Ferris D. Gaskill of the Signal Spot in Arilbred Irises Kenneth K. Kidd Roy L. Oliphant From the President's Desk. . . .. Robert S. Carney 7 Ramblings of a "Retired" Gardener.. ... . David R. Kinish 9 Awards at the International Iris Competition 11 The Hamblen Garden. . . . .. ... . .. Peg Dabagh 12 Irises Seen in the Northeast in 1964 . . . .. . Harry B. Kuesel 15 Bowman's Hill to Breed's Hill A. Edward Murray, Jr. 18 The AIS Convention, 1964 . . . . . . . Elizabeth H. Rowe 21 Reports on Convention Tour Gardens Blocher CarlO. Schirmer 25 Fay. Bee Warburton 26 Fischer . Peg Dabagh 30 Gaskill. . .. Frank Brewer 31 Hagberg. . . . . . H. H. Henkelman 35 Hooker William T. Bledsoe 37 Jugle C. Robert Minnick 38 Rudolph . Joseph A. Gatty 39 Varnum Adelaide Peterson 41 Watts Irwin A. Conroe 42 AIS Represented on Ratings Commission 44 Favorite Guest Irises. . . ..... 45 Taped Commentary on Fay Garden Earl Roberts 48 The Bulletin Has a New Editor 51 Flight Lines. . . ... Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 53 Shows Versus Gardens. .. . . . . . . . . Charlotte Gantz 60 The Sucker Licker Iris Society Is Born 62 To That First Irisarian Irwin A. Conroe 64 A Technician's Quest of Octoploids JoAnne Tufts 65 An Iris Legacy . .......... Thomas M. Wilkes 69 Some Notes on Iris danfordiae Bee Warburton 75 Guest Irises for the 1966 AIS Convention 76 Soil Fertility for Irises. . . . . . .Ferris D. Gaskill 77 Possible Mode of Inheritance of the Signal Spot In Arilbred Irises Kenneth K. Kidd 84 William Mohr-A Profile Roy L. Oliphant 88 Unfading Beauty. ........... . . 90 Reports From Region 15-Southern California Barbara Serdynski, et al. 94 The Test Garden Program. . . . .. ... 104 Richard Goodman Receives Cook Memorial Award 106 Minutes of Joint RVP-Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 108 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson Thank You! ....Thomas E. Jacoby Sections of AIS Affiliates of AIS Show Reports. ........ Deadline for Registrations AIS Convention Schedule AIS Membership Rates ................................................ 99 Bulletin Advertising Rates Iris Slides for Rental. How to Register an Iris. Price List of Books, Etc. 110 112 5 5 6 29 34 112 120 Back Cover PHOTO CREDITS 13 Shirley Montgomery 27 Steve C. Moldovan 38 Everett C. Long 45 Elizabeth H. Rowe 47 Betty Wood 52 (upper) Cooley's Gardens (lower) John A. Bartholomew 58 Betty Wood 61 C. A. Bahret 68 (upper) Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens (lower) Clifford W. Benson 79 Foster M. Allen 81 Myron D. Bigger Cover Photograph-Tall bearded iris LE BEAU (Georgia Hinkle 1959) HM 1959. Printed from plates made available by Gilbert H. Wild & Son, Inc. #175 October, 1964 From the President's Desk ................... Robert S. Carney Wister Award .................................... ................................... National Test Garden Report, 1964 ...................................... Foster Memorial Plaque ........................................................ Past Midnight Reflection of an Editor.. J. Arthur Nelson Median Iris Symposium. Barney Hobbs Popularity Poll, 1964............... ................ Judges' Choice, 1964 ............................................................. Awards of the American Iris Society.. Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 1965 Convention C. W. Flowers .................................. Mister, Can You Spare a Dime? . . Nelson and Hoffman Growing Arils in the Colder Areas of Midwest.Roy Brizendine Recipe for an Iris Show .......... Russell & Jennie Hopson Thoughts on Soil ......................................... V. F. Scholz Iris Exhibition at Hamburg ..... . .......... ...................... Life Memberships to Dr. and Mrs. Wall ....................... Flight Lines ... ................................... Peggy Burke Grey Foster Memorial Plaque ................................................. A Tribute to My Friend, Greig Lapham Harold H. Hamed Where the Iris Gets Its Colors. ..................... C. G. Joslin Exhibition Committee Report, 1964 . J. Arthur Nelson ..... Iris Florentina ........................................................................ Region Reports ... ........................................... ........ ............. Varietal Reports .................................................................... Small Siberians ................................................ Peg Edwards Sections of AIS ................... ............................................. Membership Rates............... ............................................. Affiliates of AIS .................. ............................................. How to Register an Iris ....... ............................................. How to Join an AIS Robin. ............................................. Advertising Rates ............................................. Iris Slides for Rental Price List of Books, etc. 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 19 28 29 30 32 34 37 38 39 52 53 54 56 72 74 85 109 5 112 5 113 40 111 114 Back Cover Cover Photograph-Tall bearded iris ALLEGIANCE (Dykes Medal Winner, 1964) printed from photograph made available by Robert Schreiner. Table of Contents #176 Jan 1975 From the President's Desk ............................................................... Robert S. Carney 7 Two New Directors 8 The Clan Will Gather at Memphis ......................................................... Henry Mitchell 10 The New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................................................ 12 British Iris Society Awards 13 Paul Cook, Iris Hybridizer .Robert Schreiner 17 Ackerman Awarded Service Medal 21 Payne Awarded Hybridizer's Medal 22 Change in Arilbred Definition, etc ............................................................. John Holden 26 AIS Judges for 1965 29 An Iris Garden for Fifty Dollars ..................................................................................... 41 The Medians John E. Goett 49 Irises in a Sixteenth Century Garden ..... Lee W. Lenz 52 Iris Trek .... Robert S. Carney 55 Shall We Have Another Poll Jake Scharff 57 Regional Reports 59 First Impressions of a Great Iris Garden ................................................ Edwin Rundlett 67 Louisianas in the Ketchum Memorial Gardens .Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 69 At the Foot of the Rainbow .. Floy Nelson 72 Iris Club Does Civic Project ................................................................... Ermah Ballard 74 San Diego Civic Center Iris Garden ........................................................ James Watkins 76 Greig Lapham ......................................................................................... Tell Muhlestein 77 Flight Lines .................................................................. Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 79 Minutes of Directors' Meeting ......................................................... Clifford W. Benson 86 Report of the Treasurer ........................................................................ Jay C. Ackerman 89 Report of National Round Robin Program John C. Bartholomew 92 1964 Membership Campaign ............................................................ Claude C. O'Brien 93 Report of the Scientific Committee .............................................................Lee W. Lenz 95 More Thoughts on Rebloomers ........................................................Raymond C. Smith 107 Sections of AlA ..... Affiliates of AIS BIS Memberships How to Join an AIS Robin. Membership Rates Membership Campaign 5 How to Register an Iris 5 Bulletin Advertising Rates 104 75 Questions and Answers 106 80 Show Dates 107 ..... 96 Iris Show Supplies ..... 120 97 Iris Slides for Rental ... October 114 103 Cover Sketch: The front cover of the January BULLETIN is reproduced from a sketch from the pen of William Jon Krasting of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and is entitled, "Hello, My Sleeping Beauties!" Table of Contents #177A April 1965 From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 7 Orville W. Fay 9 Breeding Irises How Can We Find the Best? Harry Randall 12 Paul Howard Cook ... and Median Irises Bee Warburton 15 Elusive Hues Dr. Lorenzo A. Medrano 19 If 1 Were Starting Over Several Authors 23 Twin City Iris Society Creta M. Kessenich 44 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 49 More on Soil Fertility. Ferris D. Caskill 50 Flight Lines Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 63 Fantasy Ethel Johnson 77 Reflections . Maynard C. Knopf 85 Are You a Judge? . Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 95 The Iris Clinic ........................................... ..... ............................................................... 99 Section of AIS 5 Memphis Convention ........................... 94 Affiliates of AIS 5 Announcements .....................................94 Membership Rates. 52 Show Dates ........................................... 97 Nat'l Round Robin Dir. 64 How to Register an Iris. How to Join an AIS Robin 76 Iris Slides for Rental Bulletin Advertising Rates 78 103 .... 104 COVER: The cover of the April Bulletin is that of the Schreiner Gardens' Amethyst Flame, winner of the 1963 Dykes Medal and leader in the 1964 Popularity Poll. 3 # 177B April 1965 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #178A July 1965 Guest Irises for 1967 Convention 7 Attention Judges ...............................................................................................................................8 1965 AIS Convention Mildred B. Midjaas 9 Favorite Guest Irises 10 Reports on Convention Tour GardensAllen ................................ Myron Beard 18 Ketchum ......................................... Ray Allen 32 Allen ............................... Marvin Olson 19 Martin Gren Campbell 33 Bauman Clarke Cosgrove 19 Miller Jimmy Williams 34 Brinkerhoff Irwin Conroe 21 Murrah J. Arthur Nelson 35 Carney ...................... Edward Varnum 22 Schaff C. Hobert Minnick 36 Coulson .. Allen Harper 24 Smith Lerton Hooker 38 Crenshaw Virginia Mathews 26 Stovall Roy Brizendine 39 Flowers Franklin Brewer 26 Tipton Elizabeth Bergin 41 Harding .. Larry Harder 29 Tipton Carol Walters 42 Harrel Joseph Riley 30 Sanders ... Arnold Schliefert 43 From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 44 More About the Reticulata Group Bee Warburton 4.5 Spurias Unlimited Clarke Cosgrove 47 Regional Test,Garden Rules ......................................................................................................... 50 National Test Garden Awards ...................................................................................................... 51 Intermediates from Cook 10942 William Peck 52 Simplified Embryo Culture Doris Foster 56 Two Region 19 Service Gardens ... Paul F. Hoffmeister 51 Looking at Robins . Carol Ramsey 63 B. Y. Morrison Research Grant Is on Its Way Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 6.5 The Bulletin Artist .. William Jon Krasting 67 Goals for Remontants Billy G. Skillman 68 Dwarf Iris Society Emma Hobbs 71 In Memoriam-Edna Weed 72 Mary F. Tharp. 73 Flight Lines . Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 75 President's Cup 90 Registrations in 1964 95 Minutes of Joint RVP-Directors Meeting. CliHord W. Benson 96 Min"utes of Board of Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 97 Sections of AIS Affiliates of AIS Deadline for Registrations Robin Directory How to Join an AIS Robin 5 Bulletin Advertising Rates 93 5 The Iris Clinic .................................................. 98 49 AIS Membership Rates ................................... 99 76 How to Register an Iris ................................ 100 88 Iris Slides for Rental .................................... 101 COVER: The cover of the July BULLETIN is that of the spuria iris CHUNIASCH CHIEF, one of the 1964 introductions of past-president Marion Walker. The photograph is by courtesy of Sweeney, Krist & Dimm, Oregon. 3 Table of Contents #178B July 1965 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #179 Oct 1965 From the President's Desk Hobert S. Carney 7 Awards of the American Iris Society, 1965 Mrs. Walter H. Buxtoll 8 Judges' Choice 1965 20 Popularity Poll, 1965. 22 1965 National Test Garden Report Dr. H. C. Allen 23 British Iris Society Awards 24 Iris Premiatc .1965 25 Symposium, Median Iris Society 25 An Iris Hall Peg Grey 26 Inhibitory Effects of his Seed Extracts Carl J. C. Corgensen 27 Two of the Magic Eleven for '66 Joe Gatty :31 Flight Lines Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel :37 Exhibitions Committee Report, 1965 William T. B1edsoe 49 Problems in Exhibition Judging William T. B1edsoe 61 H. Castle Fletcher 64 Answer to Criticism .. Once Upon a Halloween Dr. Anne Lee 67 The MIS Meeting at Memphis 68 Miniatures to the Fore ... Charlotte Gantz 70 New Sweden to New England A. Edward Murray, Jr. 7 I In Memoriam-Stephen F. Hamblin 77 Paul Wickersham 77 Mrs. H. C. Dodson 7~' Mrs. J. A. Sapp 78 The 1965 Iris Season in Review Joseph Ghio 80 Iris from the Carolinas to Iowa and Ohio Ralph and Helen Lewis 87 Sections of AIS 5 Affiliates of AIS 5 AlS Membership Rates The Iris Clinic 86 97 Rohin Directory :38 How to Register an Iris 100 Bulletin Advertizing Rates 85 Iris Slides for Rental 101 How to Join an A1S Robin 86 COYER. The cover of the October BULLETI:\' is that of Neva Sexton's Dykes Medal winner for 1965; photo credit to Melrose Gardens, the introducer. Table of Contents #180A Jan 1966 From the President's Desk ............................................................ Hubert A. Fischer 7 Hubert Fischer-New President .................................................................................. ......8 An Iris Christmas & New Year Wish ................................... Zerah Maye Brummett 9 David F. Hall-An Appreciation Ferris D. Gaskill 10 Popularity Poll, 1965-Corrected List 15 Two New Directors-Ira Wood and E. E. Varnum ............................................. q ••••••• 18 AIS Judges for 1966 20 Hybridizer's Medals to Gibson, Plough 34 Carney, O'Brien, Smith Awarded Service Medals 35 Seven New RVP's 39 A Pair of Gracious Tour Gardens ..................................... Hoffmeister, Seggessemann 42 An Invitation to Presby Gardens for '66 ......................................... Barbara F. Walther 44 Pollination to Fertilization Time Interval ..................................... Sallie Delahoussaye 48 Of Japanese Irises ............................................................................ c. A. Swearengen 51 Modem Cultivars of 1. Kaempferi ................................................ Eleanor Westmeyer ,54 Japanese Irises-July Royalty .................................................................... E. H. Wagner 58 A Case for Robins ..............................................................................Loree Woodward 62 A Fall Garden Visit ........................................................................... Billy G. Skillman 63 Ira S. Nelson .................................................................................................................... 66 In Memoriam 66 Flight Lines .............................................................. Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 68 Sands of Time 78 New Ideas in Flower Shows ...................................................................Jo Anne Tufts 80 1966 Membership Campaign .........................................................Clifford W. Benson 86 Summary 1965 Membership Campaign .q •••• Clifford W. Benson 87 Report of the Treasurer Jay W. Ackerman 90 Minutes of Directors' Meeting Clifford W. Benson 92 Montana State University Progress Report 97 Surprise Surprise New Publication on Iris Diseases Go Golden Gate in '68 Dr. Frederick R. Judy 98 99 Roy Oliphant 102 Sections of AIS ...................................... 5 Announcements Affiliates of AIS ..................................... 5 Membership Rates Newark Convention ............................. 46 Bulletin Advertising Rates. Nat'l. Round Robin Dir. 69 Iris Slides for Rental How to Join an AIS Robin 77 How to Register an Iris. 100 100 101 103 104 COVER: The cover of the January BULLETIN is that of A. II. Hazzard's Japanese iris, NUMAzu, chosen because of the fame it has achieved in the sister city movement. Table of Contents #180B Jan 1966 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #181 April 1966 From the President's Desk ... Hubert A. Fischer 7 Welcome to Newark. .. Paul L. Hoffmeister 8 Review of Factors in Iris Seed Germination Kenneth K. Kidd 14 Iris Shows Are Fun in Region 15 ............................................................. August Phillips 26 The People .. Cora May Pickard 28 A Connecticut AnniversaryRuth Schultz 32 Easy Does It . Dr. Craig D. Ellyson 34 Regional Reports: Region 1 Frederick W. Gadd 38 Region 3 . Elizabeth H. Rowe 38 Region 4 Rena M. Frantz 42 Region 5 Mrs. C. C. Chapman 44 Region 6 Anthony Willott 44 Region 8 .G. F. Hanson 46 Region 9 Lerton Hooker 49 Region 10 . Mrs. L. L. Robinson 49 Region 11 .. Mrs. C. Arvid Nelson 50 Region 14 Bernice R. Roe 52 Region 15 Thornton M. Abell 54 Region 17 .. Joe L. Bergin 56 Region 18 . Allen Harper 59 Region 20 Jack Riley 60 Region 21 ....................................................................................................... Floyd Helt 62 Region 22 John W. Humphrey 64 Region 23 . Mrs. B. O. Barnes 66 Region 24 ...................................................................................... Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 69 In Memoriam ....................................................................................................................... 72 Flight Lines ... Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 78 A Prolific Cross 83 Guests for the 1968 National Convention. 85 Iris Meetings and Shows 89 The Iris Clinic ........................................... ........................................................................... 91 Sections of AIS . Affiliates of AIS. Nat'l. Robin Directory .. How to Join an AIS Robin (Jan.) 77 5 Announcements 5 Iris Slides for Rental 79 How to Register an Iris .. 86 93 94 COVER: The cover of the April BULLETIN is an arrangement by Mrs. Frances Smith of Opal Brown's WINTER OLYMPICS. (Photo by Tom L. Brown). #182 July 1966 From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7 Nematode Control on Irises .. Revis Abbott 8 At Home Away from Home Ben R. Hager 11 A Yard Full of Irises Clara F. Adams 15 Report of First International Symposium on Iris ............................................................................................. Katherine H. Heinig 20 Flight Lines ................................................................... Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 23 Iris Quiz .. Mrs. Gertrude Woollen 35 Favorite Guest Irises 37 Compilation of Popularity Poll Winners .. Walter Lorenz 38 From the Editor's Desk 42 Region IV Introduces New Judges Training Program F. G. Stephenson 47 The Newark Convention: The Juhasz Garden Jack Sharney 53 The Leavitt Garden ... Barbara Serdynski 55 The Wood Garden . Jake Scharff 58 The Bonsai Garden .. Elizabeth Rowe 60 The Hoffmeister Garden Dorothy Dennis 61 The Knocke Garden ............................................................................ Irwin A. Conroe 63 The Smith Garden .............................................................................. W. G. McGarvey 65 The Presby Gardens .................................................................... Rev. Dudley Benbow 69 The Presby Gardens . Flaminia Specht 71 Florence Competition 74 In Memoriam 76 Announcements ......................................... .......................................................................... 81 Board Minutes 82 RVP-Directors Minutes Sections of AIS 83 5 Bul. Advertising Rates 8] Affiliates of AIS 5 Membership Rates 81 Robin Directory 24 Iris Slides for Rental 84 How to Join an AIS Robin 74 How to Register an Iris 85 Iris Clinic 80 Commercial Directory 86 COVER: The cover of the July BULLETIN is that of the Schreiner's Gardens STEPPING OUT, an attractive plicata which ran second in the Judges Choice Poll in 1965. (Photo courtesy of Schreiner's Gardens.) Table of Contents #183 Oct 1966 From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7 Awards of AIS .........................................................................................................................8 Judges' Choice, 1966 ........................................................................................................... 25 Popularity Poll, 1966 ........................................................................................................... 27 National Test Garden Awards ..............................................................................................28 BIS Awards ............................................................................................................................28 Exhibitions Committee Report, 1966 ........................................................ W. T. Bledsoe 29 A Game for Fun ......................................................................................Dr. Anna M. Lee 41 Iris Comments for 1966 ........................................................................... R. and H. Lewis 42 The AIS 1966 Convention Gardens .....................................................................................50 Iris from the Ground Up .......................................................................... Arnold Peterson 53 At the Species Level . Roy Davidson 55 Region IV Annual Meeting ............................................................................ James Aultz 57 Germination Study ............................................................................. Carl J. C. Jorgensen 60 Breeding for Blue Irises ............................................................................ Georgia Hinkle 67 My Garden in an Omaha Suburb .. G. E. Redman 69 Experimental Programs .... Walter Welch 70 Plans of the AIS Scientific Committee ......................................................... H. M. Parker 73 Flight Lines ................................................................... Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 75 Iris "Foliage" ................................................................................................. Keith Keppel 88 In Memoriam ............................................. ........................................................................... 92 From the Editor's Desk ............................. ........................................................................... 95 Sections of AIS 5 How to Join an AIS Robin. Affiliates of AIS 5 Bu!. Advertising Rates. 99 101 Robin Directory 76 Membership Rates 101 Iris Clinic 98 Iris Slides for Rental 102 Announcements 99 Commercial Directory 103 COVER: The cover of the October BULLETIN is that of the 1966 DYKES MEDAL Winner, Orville W. Fay's RIPPLING WATERS. (Photo courtesy of Schreiner's Gardens.) Table of Contents #184A Jan 1967 From the President's Desk ................................................................... Hubert A. Fischer 7 Distinguished Service Medal ............................................................................................ ...... 9 Hybridizers' Medals .......................................................................................................... ...... 9 Eight New RVPs ............................................................................................................... .... 11 New Chairmen and Directors ........................................................................................... .... 15 AIS Judges for 1967 ......................................................................................................... .... 16 Denver in '67 ......................................................................................................... Jack Riley 29 Lay Down the Law ................................................................................ William T. Bledsoe 31 The Medians Pumila-Talls ... John E. Goett 34 Intermediates .. Alta M. Brown 35 Borders ................................................................................................... Bennett C. Jones 37 Miniature Tall Bearded ..................................................................................... Jean Witt 39 Unpredictable Species ................................................................................. Charlotte Gantz 43 Species Exhibits .............................................................................................. Carol Ramsey 46 New Color Class in Medians . Earl R. Roberts 47 Bennett Jones' Garden .. George A. Galer 49 Median Color Classification Harry B. Kuesel .51 Varietal Comments 57 Median Miscellany .... Bee Warburton 73 What Is an Iris Lover? ............................................................................ Thomas J. Buckley 84 In Memoriam .......................................................................................................................... 90 Writing Complex Pedigrees .Leonard Michel 90 B. Y. Morrison Research Grant .Charlotte Sawyer 92 Report of the Treasurer .Jay Ackerman 95 Minutes of Directors' Meeting C.W. Benson 97 Awards ........................................................ ......................................................................... 106 Iris Clinic 108 From the Editor's Desk ............................... ......................................................................... 109 Sections of AIS . 5 Iris Slides ..................................................... 103 Affiliates of AIS . 5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 104 Attention Affiliates 33 Membership Rates 104 Guest Irises Ballot 93 How To Join AIS Robin 105 Membership Campaign British Iris Society 102 How To Register and Introduce 105 103 Commercial Directory 110 COVER: The cover for the January BULLETI:\' is that of four medians which have won places in American iris gardens. (Photo courtesy of Schreiner's Gardens.) Table of Contents #184A Jan 1967 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #185 April 1967 From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7 Complementary Gene Basis for Anthocyanin Production Alice Atchison 10 Changing Times ......................................................................................A. F. Bloese 16 Down-to-Earth Look at New Requirements for AIS Judges W. T. Bledsoe 20 At the Species Level .......................................................................... B. LeRoy Davidson 26 What Makes a Remontant Iris Rebloom? . Robert Paul Hubley 31 A Family Problem .................................................................................... Robert E. Jerrell 35 A Hybridizer's View ................................................................................. Maynard Knopf 37 About Regional Test Gardens ..............................................................Dr. J. R. Durrance 40 The Evolution of One Iris Garden .............................................................. Edith S. Smith 44 Flight Lines ........................................................................................... Peggy Burke Grey 45 The Incomparable Iris .... H. E. Trantham 50 San Diego-Imperial Fall Show 54 Pilgrimage to Aril Land ............................................................................... Violet Lorenz 56 Walker Ferguson's Garden ........................................................................... W. J. Gunther 57 America's Favorites ...................................................................................Larry L. Harder 59 First Show of the Season ........................................................................ Clarke Cosgrove 61 Comments on "Iris Breeding for the Near-Beginner” Gene Simon 62 Happy News from Flooded Florence ...................................................... Flaminia Specht 63 An Iris Freak in the Seedling Patch .............................................................. Z. G. Benson 64 Iris Official Flower of Lockport ................................................................. Mary P. Engel 66 ~~ic ~ In Memoriam ............................................ ........................................................................... 70 U Scientific From the Editor's Desk Sections of AIS Affiliates of AIS 80 5 Iris Slides for Rental 78 5 BULLETIN Adv. Rates. 78 Announcements 74 AIS Membership Rates 79 Guest Irises Milwaukee 75 How to Join AIS Robin. 79 Region meetings. 76 Shows ............................................................ 79 Commercial Directory THE COVER PICTURE of the April BULLETIN is of Chet Tompkin's ethereally beautiful RIBBON ROUND. 83 Table of Contents #186 July 1967 From the President's Desk ................................................................ Hubert A. Fischer 7 Orville Fay-Tools of the Artist's Trade .. Bee Warburton, Lynn Markham 9 Regional Test Gardens C. Robert Minnick 14 April in Alabama ......................................................................................................Ira E. Wood 15 Swamp Flags Come of Age .. Tressie Cook 19 Louisiana Iris Silver Anniversary Heritage Charles W. Amy, Jr. 22 Mary Swords DeBaillon Pearl M. Segura 29 Mary DeBaillon as We Knew Her ...................................................... W. B. MacMillan 30 The Discovery and Collecting of Louisiana Irises .. Dr. Caroline Dormon 32 My Iris Friends ........................................................................................ Mary H. Nelson 33 Quest for Tetraploid Louisiana Irises . Joseph K. Mertzweiller 36 Flight Lines .................................................................................................... Peggy Burke Grey 42 NEMIS Tours Southeast Pennsylvania ............................................................ Bee Warburton 55 Northwest Spring Median Iris Meeting ............................................................ Grace Pederson 57 Two New Books . 58 1968: The Convention, Test and Display Garden .............................................. Roy Oliphant 60 Come West Irisarians .................................................................................................... Joe Ghio 61 1969 AIS Convention 63 Varietal Comments MITG ...................................................................................... Earl Roberts 67 1967 Wichita Early Bloom .................................................................................. Carol Ramsey 68 Varietal Comments . Mildred Brizendine 70 Comments on Newer Dwarf Irises .................................................................... Alta M. Brown 71 Tribute to California Irisarian ........................................................ Peggy Gray, Roy Oliphant 74 In Memoriam 75 At the Species Level ............................................................................................ Roy Davidson 80 Iris Nelsonii ........................................................................................................ L. F. Randolph 82 Negative Evidence of Introgression Affecting Stability of Louisiana Iris .................................................... Randolph, Nelson, Plaisted 83 Protective Fungicide Treatments ................................................................... H. S. MacWithey 84 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting . Clifford W. Benson 90 Minutes of Joint RVP-Directors Meeting .Clifford W. Benson 91 Favorite Guest Irises 94 Colorado State University . Barbara Serdynski 95 From the Editor's Desk 97 Sections of AIS 5 Iris Slides for Rental ......................................... 92 Affiliates of AIS ............................................5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 92 Nat'l. Robin Program Dir. 43 AIS Membership Rates 93 Announcements .......................................... 88 How To Join AIS Robin 93 Commercial Directory 99 THE COVER PICTURE of the July BULLETIN is C. W. Amy's KATHERINE CORNAY, a Louisianian. HC and EC, 1961; HM 1963. Color plates courtesy of C. W. Amy. L. Table of Contents #187 Oct 1967 From the President's Desk ................................................................. Hubert A. Fischer 7 A Day Amongst the "Flag-Lilies" 8 .. Larry L. Harder The Denver Convention ............................................................................... Ben R. Hager 11 Denver Botanic Garden-1967 ......................................................................... Ira E. Wood 12 Long Garden ............................................................................................. D. Steve Varner 16 Denver Convention Notes .............................................................................. Viola Spotts 18 Denver '67 ...................... ········ .................................................................Edith S. Smith 20 Unsung Heroes ............... ............................................................................... Allen Harper 22 Guardian of the Gardens ...................................................................... Gordon Blackwell 24 Fortieth Anniversary Celebration ........................................................... Barbara \Valther 26 Views from the Golden Gate Joe Ghio 29 Psuedacorus Irises ................................................................................... Albert J. Motsch 33 Awards of AIS, 1967 ............................................................................................................ 35 Popularity Poll, 1967 50 BlS Awards ........................................................................................................................... 51 Florence Awards 1967 51 Judges' Choice, 1967 52 Iris in 1967 ....................................................................................Ralph and Helen Lewis 54 Exhibitions Committee Report, 1967 ...............................................WiIIiam T. Bledsoe 64 Anatomy of an Iris Show ..............................................................................G. F. Hanson 77 Birth of the Reblooming Iris Society .................................................Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg 84 At the Species Level ...........................................................................B. LeRoy Davidson 86 In Memoriam ........................................................................................................................ 88 Simplified Iris Embryo Culture ............................................................. Leonard P. Stoltz 90 From the Editor's Desk ......................................................................................................... 99 Symposium, Median Iris Society ........................................................... Donald I. Tufts 102 Sections of AIS ......................................... 5 Iris Slides for Rental 105 Affiliates of AIS ....................................... 5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 106 Nat'I. Robin Program Dir. ...................... 83 AIS Membership Rates .............................. 106 Announcements 104 Commercial Directory 107 THE COVER PICTURE is that of the Schreiner introduction FUJI's MANTLE, top HM and JUDGES' CHOICE winner in 1967. Picture courtesy of Schreiner's. Table of Contents #188A Jan 1968 From the President's Desk .............. ................ .................................... Hubert Fischer 6 Clara Rees ....................................... ................ .............................. Peggy Burke Grey 9 She Walks in Beauty ...................... ................ ......................... :Mrs. J. R. Hamblen 11 SNOW FLURRY ............................ ................ ........................................ The Editors 14 An Opus on Whites ........................ ................ .................................... C. W. Benson 16 The Influence of Snow Flurry ........ ................ ...................................... Les Peterson 20 My White Want List ....................... ................ ...................................... Larry Harder 24 Good Parents ................................... ................ .................................. George Warner 26 That Tiny Brown Speck ................. ................ .................................... C. W. Benson 28 Our Hybridizing Program .............. ................ .................................. Opal L. Brown 33 New Directors ................................. ................ ............................................................. 37 Awards ............................................. ................ .........................................................8, 38 AIS Judges for 1968 ....................... ................ ............................................................. 39 Symposium List .............................. ................ ............................................................. 50 Linger Awhile ................................. ................ ....................................... Joseph Ohio 54 New RVPs ....................................... ................ ............................................................. 59 Along the Iris Trail ......................... ................ ................................. Perry L. Parrish 59 Growing Irises in Nebraska ........... ................ ............................... Les Hildenbrandt 65 Irisphilatelics ................................... ................ ....................................... Ralph Geyer 69 Flight Lines ..................................... ................ ............................. Peggy Burke Grey 76 In Memoriam .................................. ................ ............................................................. 86 First Impressions ............................. ................ .....................................Glenn Corlew 88 I Advertising Rates ........................... ..... 102 Minutes .................................................. 95 Affiliates .......................................... ...... 5 Robin Directory ........................................ 75 Announcements .............................. .... 94 Sectl'ons AIS 1 10 Commercial Directory .................... .. 107 ................................................................. , · Sl'd 101 SpecIes ................................................... . 93 ns I es ......................................... . Membership Rates .......................... .. 101 Statement ................................................ . 97 Membership Campaign .................. .. 100 Treasurer ................................................ ..98 THE COVER PICTURE is that of the popular and vote-getting Gibson introduction, RADIANT ApOGEE. Picture courtesy Cooley's Gardens. THE BACK COVER PICTURE is an arrangement by Carl Starker featuring BUTTERCUP BOWER. Photograph courtesy Schreiner's. 3 Table of Contents #188B Jan 1968 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #189A April 1968 From the President's Desk ................................................................. Hubert Fischer 6 From Whence These Blues ................................................................... .The Editors 9 The Enduringly Popular Blues ........................................................ Bernard Schreiner 11 Singing the Blues ................................................................................. Arthur Watkins 14 The Blues Have More Than Just Their Color .......................................... Les Peterson 18 The Beautiful Blue Iris ......................................................................... Oren Campbell 22 Favorite Blues ....................................................................................... Elsie Zuercher 24 Hybridizing .............................................................................................. Larry Gaulter 28 A Scientific Form of Art ......................................................................... Keith Keppel 32 A Hybridizing Program ............................................................................... John Goett 36 Tales Tell's Pollen Box Tells .......................................................................................... 37 From San Joaquin Valley Hybridizers .............................................. W. B. Schortman 46 Irises We'd Like to See Again .................................................... Hoyt and Edith Smith 49 TB Varietal Comment-1967 Season ...................................................... Les Eberhardt 53 New Varieties .......................................................................................... Myron Beard 58 My Want List ........................................................................................... Larry Harder 64 How I Picture the Iris ..........................................................................,.Frank Drapalik 70 Happiness Is a Silver Medal .......................................................................... Bill Frass 73 The Pot Culture of Japanese Irises ................................................. William Ouweneel 77 Flight Lines ....................................................................... ............. Peggy Burke Grey 86 In Memoriam ..................................................................... ............................................ 99 Is That Our Bus? ............................................................... ............ Rachael Chappell 101 Featuring Iris Pumila ......................................................... ................ Bee Warburton 102 Soil Improvement Program ............................................... ................. Leon B. Losey 105 From the Editor's Desk ...................................................... .......................................... 106 Convention Schedule ......................................................... .......................................... 114 Advertising Directory ................................. 113 Iris Slides ......................................... 119 Advertising Rates ............................... 120 Membership Rates ................................... 119 Affiliates ...................................................... 5 Robin Directory .................................... 85 AIS Pins ................................................ 15 Sections AIS ............................................... 1 Announcements .................................. 112 Species ..................................................... 109 Commercial Directory ........................ 123 Scientific .................................................. 108 THE COVER PICTURE is that of Mrs. John Hope's AM winner, EVER AND EVER. Photo courtesy Cooley's Gardens. THE BACK COVER PICTURE is a Carl Starker arrangement featuring BLUE BARON. Photo courtesy Schreiner's. Table of Contents #189B April 1968 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #190 July 1968 From the President's Desk ........................... m_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hubert Fischer 7 Just-"Golden Gate in '68" ..................................................................... Larry L. Harder 8 The Berkeley Convention .................................................................. Edward Jaeger 18 This is Your Life u •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Editors 21 Flower Power Has a Happening ....................................... ................... Peggy Burke Grey 22 California Grown and Bred ........................................ ---- ................................. Joe Gatty 34 Collecting Iris Antiques and Artifacts ............................. .............................. Aleta Eggle 40 1970 AIS Convention in New York ................................ ...................... William H. Peck 42 These are the Basics .......................................................... .................... Glenn Viehmeyer 44 Annual Presidential Letter ................................................ ................................................... 49 Official 1968 Ballot Results ..........m •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 Come As an Iris ...................................................................................... May Belle Wright 65 Williamson-White Award ........................................... uu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 66 Remontants ..............................................................................................Billy G. Skillman 68 Tender Loving Care Can be Lethal .................................................... Raymond G. Smith 71 In Memoriam .m ................................................................................................... · ............. · .. · 73 Milwaukee Convention, 1969 ......................................................................... .................... 77 Flight Lines ............................................................................................ Peggy Burke Grey 78 From the Editor's Desk ......................................................................................... uu •••••••• 82 Genetics for Iris Breeders ........................................................................ Kenneth K. Kidd 84 Minu tes ................ m ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •• ••••••••••••••••••• 100 Advertising Directory ........................... 105 Commercial Directory ............................... 106 Advertising Rates .................................... 99 Iris Slides .................................................... 100 Affiliates .................................................... 5 Membership Rates ........................................99 Books and Pamphlets ............................ 112 Robin Directory .............................................79 Announcements ....................................... 98 Sections, AIS .................................................. 1 The FRONT COVER is of Don Waters' garden, and features CLIFFS OF DOVER, LADY ROGERS and LAVANESQUE. The BACK COVER is a floral design by Irene S. Nelson entitled SPRING SPRITE and NINEVEH. The INSIDE FRONT COVER is Opan Brown's SEASIDE. The INSIDE BACK COVER is DEBBY RAIRDON (Kuntz), ROYAL TOUCH (Schreiners), ULTRAPOISE (Noyd) and SWAHILI (Plough). Table of Contents #191 October 1968 From the President's Desk ............................................................... Hubert Fischer 7 Saving Irises ....................................................................................... Ellen Crouch 9 The Big Challenge ...................................................................... Robert Schreiner 10 The Quest for Red _______________________________________ The Editors 15 Greig Lapham and Red Irises ..........................................................Earl Browder 18 No Reddy Mix ...................................................................................... Hugo Wall 19 On the Way to Red ...................................................................... Tell Muhlestein 21 Let's Frill and Fancy the Reds ...........................................................Les Peterson 23 Hybridizing for Red Irises ............................................................. M. L. Saddoris 24 Red Robins .................................................................................... Frederick Judy 27 Japanese Iris Awards ............................................................................................... 30 Exhibition Committee Report .................................................... Clarke Cosgrove 30 Judges Choice .......................................................................................................... 44 Popularity Poll ......................................................................................................... 46 New Irises ......................................................................................... Perry Parrish 47 Iris Down Under ................................................................................. Betty Wood 48 Garden State Iris Show ........................................................................ Mary Wais 55 They Bloom in the Summer ..................................................................... Art Day 57 A Texan Reports on Spurias ........................................................Barbara Benson 58 Resistance to Change . ......................................................................Andre Viette 59 The Late Late Show .................................................................Gordon Blackwell 62 Children and Irises ..................................................................... F. G. Stephenson 66 The 1968 Bloom Season .............................................................. Hooker Nichols 67 Profiles-Z. G. Benson, Mrs. Douglas Pattison, Dr. John C. Wister ...................... 70 Flight Lines .............................................................................. Peggy Burke Grey 74 A Garden Restoration Project ............................................................ Carol Wells 82 I. Unguicularis .............................................................................................. Jean, Witt 83 Payne Award ............................................................................ C. A. Swearengen 85 Convention Announcements .......... ........................................................................ 86 Irises in Region IV in 1968 ............ .................................................. Ralph Lewis 89 In Memoriam .................................. ........................................................................ 94 From the Editor's Desk ................... ........................................................................ 96 British Awards ................................ ..................................................................... 101 Af f l Advertising Directory ..................... 105 Convention Dates .................................. 42 Advertising Rates ........................... 102 In~rod~ction ........................................ 102 'l'ates 5 Ins SlIdes ......................................... 101 1 ...........................................................Membership Rates ........................... 100 Announcements ................................... 99 Registration ....................................... 102 Books and Pamphlets ......................112 Sections AIS ............................................1 Commercial Directory .................... 107 Species .................................................101 The FRONT COVER features Schreiner's 1968 introduction, WAR LORD. 3 Table of Contents #192A Jan 1969 From the President's Desk The Iris Show W. T. Bledsoe 7 Mrs. W. E. Burton 78 What I Like About the North Growing Japanese Irises Lura B. Roach 8 W. E. Ouweneel 80 Planned Parenthood, Iris Style Spurias Are Easy to Grow Keith Keppel 15 Archie Owen 83 Some Experiences With Reds The Best in Spurias Jesse E. Wills 17 Archie Owen 84 That Elusive Red Iris Weed Control in Seedling Beds W. B. Schortman 20 H. E. Briscoe 85 New Presidential Team ........................... 22 Awards at Florence ......... ............................. 86 Three New Board Members .................... 23 Philosophy of an Irisarian Four Distinguished Service Medals 25 Dr. W. E. Jones 86 Two Hybridizers Medals ......................... 26 Flight Lines ........... Peggy Burke Grey 88 Seven New RVPs .................................... 27 Display Gardens for Median AIS Judges for 1968 ................................ 31 Irises ................ Bennett C. Jones 99 National Test Garden Awards ................. 41 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Ketchum Memorial Garden Harriet Segessemann 99 Jake H. Scharff 42 New York Botanical Garden The Highways Blossom Harriet Segessemann 100 Bennett C. Jones 44 From the Editor's Desk ...............................101 Birmingham Botanical Gardens Median Symposium .. , ..................... 102 Evelyn Boon 45 Another Breakthrough Region 14 Display Garden H. H. Henkelman 105 Roy Oliphant 47 Mulches on Bearded Irises Iris of Yesteryear Einert and Box 105 Gordon Blackwell 50 Profiles - (Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Presby Needs Your Help Gaskill, Mrs. Ethel Ricker) .... 109 Gordon Blackwell 53 Teens and Twenties ...................Iris Smith 111 University of Washington Arboretum Phil Williams ......................................... 112 Jean Witt 53 At the Species Level ................................... 112 Median Display Garden In Memoriam ......................................... 114 Bruce Richardson 55 Guidelines for Judges Training .................. 114 What Every Iris Grower Should Revision of Awards System .................. 116 Know (in part) .................................. 56 Arilbred Awards ......................................... 117 Controlled Culture Program Point Scale - Collection Classes 118 Clarence Protzmann 70 Book Review .............................................. 118 Milwaukee Convention ............................ 72 1969 Membership Campaign Be Our Guest - Milwaukee 1969 Dr. Hugo Wall 121 Edith M. Kimber 73 Summary 1968 Membership ................. 122 Iris Motif in Art at Milwaukee Minutes .................................................. 124 Clarence Protzmann 74 Treasurer's Report Wichita Bound Jay C. Ackerman 127 Mabel Clare Jendel 75 Statement of Publication ....................... 129 Advertising Directory ............................. 130 Introductions .............................................. 121 Advertising Rates ................................... 121 Iris Slides .................................................... 119 Affiliates ..................................................... 5 Membership Rates .......................................120 Announcements ...................................... 114 Registration ................................................ 121 Books and Pamphlets ............................. 136 Sections AIS ................................................... 1 Commercial Directory ............................ 130 Show Supplies ............................................ 135 The FRONT COVER features Tompkins' 1965 introduction CAMELOT ROSE. 3 Table of Contents #192B Jan 1969 missing (section 2) Table of Contents #193A April 1969 From the President's Desk .................................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 7 Our Garden Cinderella ................................................................... Robert Schreiner 8 Ferdinand Cayeux .................................................................................... Jean Cayeux 13 Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge and Brown Irises ........................... Robert Schreiner and editors 14 The Brown Trail .......................................................................................... Henry Sass 17 Notes on Browns ......................................................................................... Jesse Wills 18 That Brown Iris .................................................................................... Roy Brizendine 20 Brown in Irises .......................................................................................... .The Editors 21 President Honored .......................................................................................................... 25 Twenty-Six Life Members ............................................................................................. 31 Symposium Compilation ....................................................................... Walter Lorenz 38 Milwaukee Convention ................................................................ Clarence Protzmann 46 Convention Calendar ...................................................................................................... 48 Guest Irises at Wichita ............................................................................. W. F. Brown 51 The Grand Ball ......................................................................................William Simon 54 An Alternate ................................................................................... Raymond G. Smith 58 Psychodelic Movement ........................................................................ Larry L. Harder 60 Junior Division Plan ....................................................................................................... 62 Genetics for his Breeders ................................................................... Kenneth K. Kidd 68 On the Species Level .............................................................................. Roy Davidson 86 Happenings Among Spurias ............................................................. Eleanor McCown 89 Germination of Spuria Seed .............................................................. Walker Ferguson 91 Kaempferi Irises in the Midwest .................................................. Clarence Swearengen 92 Japanese Irises in the West ..................................................................... Ben R. Hager 94 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 96 Robin Flight Control ...................................................................................................... 97 Flight Lines .................................................................................................................... 98 Reblooming Iris Symposium ........................................................................................109 Editor's Desk .................................................................................................................110 CORA BAND Wins Towndrow Trophy ..................................................................... 112 Award Winners at Vienna ................... .........................................................................118 Advertising Directory ......................... 110 Introductions ............................................119 Advertising Rates ................................ 121 Iris Slides .................................................119 Affiliates .................................................. 5 Membership Rates ................................... 119 Announcements ................................... 117 Registration .............................................. 119 Books and Supplies ............................. 128 Sections ....................................................... 1 Commercial Directory ......................... 119 Show Supplies .........................................127 The FRONT COVER features Schreiner's GINGERSNAP. (Photo by Schreiner). COVER THREE depicting progress in browns is from pictures from Schreiners and Frank Drapalik. Table of Contents #193B April 1969 missing (Section 2) Table of Contents #194 July 1969 From the President's Desk ·· .. · .................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 6 Red Irises and Cyanidin ·· ............................................ Dr. Peter Werckmeister 7 Proven Method of Growing Irises ................................................... James Tucker 15 Rainbow Trail in California ......... .............................................. Elsie Nicholson 20 Mulching with Sawdu-,t · ........... · ............................................................................. Price and Judkins 25 Wichita Iris Club · ...........· .. ·· .. ···· ............................................ Mabel Jendel 31 Leaf Spot and Other Matters · .. ·· ................................................. Reuben Smith 32 AIS Awards and Milwaukee Convention ............................................................... 33 1969 Membership Campaign · ...... ·· ............................................. Earl Browder 53 Southern California Display Garden ............................... Anderson and Spalding 54 Orville Fay ........ ·· .. · · ... · .. · ................................................. Melba Hamblen 55 Irises in the Moonlight · ....... · .. ····· .. · ...................................... Winifred Ross 56 Iris Seed Germination .. · .. · .... · ... · .............................................. .John Weiler 58 My Hybridizing Experiences ... ...... ............................................. Albert Motsch 62 Something New ....... · .... · .. · .. · ... ............................................. Henry Rowlan 64 Let's Look at Robin Program · ........ ........................................Mrs. W. E. Leake 65 Irises in Japan .. · .. · .... · · . · · ..... ............................................. Lee Eberhardt 65 Standard Dwarfs 1969 · . · .. · ..... · .. · .......................................... Carol Ramsey 67 Dwarf Iris Bloom · .. ··· .. · . ..... ....... · ........................................... Lucille Kavan 69 Fragrance the Ignored .......... ·· . · .. · .. ·· ...................................... John Cochran 71 New York Convention · ...... . ·· ...... ····.· ...................................... William Peck 72 The Smith Garden · .. · .. · .. · .. · . . Catherine Smith 73 The Knocke Garden · .. ···· ....... ·· .. · ............................................. Betty Wood 74 You th .............................................. .......... ........................................................................... 76 Kids-Getting Them Interested ............. ··· ........................................... Hal Stahly 76 Thesis on Siberian Irises ··· ........· .. ·· ......................................... Kevin Vaughn 77 The Joys of AIS · ........... ·· .. · .. · ....... .......................................... Phil Williams 78 The Hybridizing Bug .. · .. ·· .. · .. · .. .. .................................................. Joe Ghio 79 Flight Lines ........................................... ............................................. Peggy Grey 82 In Memoriam " ...................................... .................................................................. 90 Advertising Directory ....................... 53 Introductions ......................................... 96 Advertising Rates ............................. 95 Iris Slides ............................................... 96 Affiliates ............................................. 5 Membership Rates ................................ 96 Announcements ................................ 94 Registrations .......................................... 96 Commercial Directory ...................... 99 Sections ................................................... 1 The FRONT COVER is AN IRIS GROWER'S BOUQUET with ALLEGIANCE, AMETHYST FLAME, BABBLING BROOK, BROWNIE KISS, CROSS COUNTRY, CRYSTAL RIVER, EMMA COOK, FIRST VIOLET, FLUTED HAVEN, JUNGLE SHADOWS, ALKE W ASHINGTON, LICORICE STICK, MARIE PHILLIPS, SKYDIVA, SPARKLING WATERS, THRUWAY, TOLL GATE, WEDDING GOWN, WHOLE CLOTH, and the Siberian KINGFISHER. Table of Contents #195 Oct 1969 From the President's Desk ......................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 6 They'll Never Believe Me .........................................................................Lura B. Roach 7 The Rainbow Trail in Oregon ........................................................... Elsie Mae Nicholson 17 Irises in 1969 ..................................................................................Ralph and Helen Lewis 21 Scorch ............................................................................................................ Dr. J. G. Bald 26 Landscape Planting of Japanese Irises ............................................................ W. A. Payne 30 Intermediate and Standard Dwarf Bearded ..................................................... Alta Brown 33 Ones I Liked at Milwaukee ................................................................. Eleanor Westmeyer 35 Birth of a Convention ........................................................................... Mabel Clare Jendel 36 Flight Lines ............................................................................................ Peggy Burke Grey 37 Laboratory Culture of Iris Seeds ......................................................... Bruce B. Farrington 45 Jubilee in NYC-1970 ................................................................................ William H. Peck 52 Long Island Gardens ........................................................................................ Phyllis Gay 53 Iris Borer and Its Control .......................................................................... John C. Schread 57 Philadelphia Welcomes You ..................................................................... Edward Murray 61 Robert Carney Memorial Fund .............................................................................................65 Collie Terrell .......................................................................................................................... 66 Popularity Poll-1969 .............................................................................................................. 67 No Dykes Medal 1969 ........................................................................................................... 68 Japanese Iris Award ............................................................................................................... 68 Errata Awards ........................................................................................................................ 68 Judges Choice-1969 .............................................................................................................. 69 Median Iris Symposium ........................................................................................................ 72 Median Iris Society Medal .................................................................................................... 73 The New. Look in Japanese Irises .........................................................Gordon Blackwell 74 Bearded Iris Species of Rumania .......................................................................................... 77 Irises (Harry Randall) ..................................................................................... W. J. Gunther 77 Iris First in Soonerland ............................................................................... Perry L. Parrish 78 Easy Composting ................................................................................. Robert Paul Hubley 79 Easy-Does-It Seed Planting ...................................................................Gordon Blackwell 80 The Pitfalls of a Beginner Hybridizer ................................................................ Leah Ralls 81 Iris Tops ....................................................................................... .............. Lynn Markham 82 Swamp Gardens in the Desert ..................................................... .................. Jane Harding 85 The Reinhardt Garden ................................................................. ............ Mattie Reinhardt 87 The Miller Garden ....................................................................... ............... Kathryn Miller 88 Walther Cup ................................................................................. ......................................... 90 The Blodgett Garden ................................................................... ............. Arthur Blodgett 91 Exhibition Committee Report ..................................................... ...... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 92 Youth Section .............................................................................. ....................................... 105 Revisiting Florence ...................................................................... ............. Hubert Fischer 105 In Memoriam ............................................................................... ....................................... 107 Minutes of Directors' Meeting .................................................... ....................................... 108 Advertising Directory .................................. 104 Introductions ....................................112 Advertising Rates .................................. 95 Iris Slides .................................................. 112 Affiliates .................................................. 5 Membership Rates ................................... 112 Announcements ................................... 111 Registrations ............................................ 112 Commercial Directory ......................... 115 Sections ....................................................... 1 The Cover Picture is that of WINE AND ROSES (Hall '63). Both front and back cover are from color 'separations courtesy of Cooley's Gardens. 3 No. 196 A January 1970 Guest Editor: Jesse Wills Editor: J. Arthur Nelson Assistant Editor: Kay N. Negus Associate Editor: Peggy Burke Grey Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 1 Preface ...............................................................................................John C. Wister 4 The Founding of the American Society ............................................John C. Wister 5 Reminiscenses 1938-46 .................................................................... Jesse E. Wills 22 The American Iris Society .................................................................. Guy Rogers 29 Reminiscenses 1953-59 ............................................................. Marion R. Walker 32 Reminiscenses 1960-68 ..............................................................Hubert A. Fischer 38 Organizational Structure of AIS .............................................Clifford W. Benson 44 Registration and Introduction ......................................................... Kay N. Negus 49 Fifty Glorious Years of Hybridizing ...........................................Robert Schreiner 51 Highroad to a Far Horizon ....................................................... Peggy Burke Grey 70 Awards and Honors ......................................................................... Carol Ramsey 83 Judges and Exhibitions ........................ W. T. Bledsoe and Clarke Cosgrove 92 Research and the Scientific Committee ........................................ Thomas Jacoby 95 AIS Bulletins and Books ........................................................... Geddes Douglas 101 Of Historical Interest .............................................................. Helen McCaughey 107 The Iris Legend ................................................................................... Dora Wall 125 The cover picture is of ROY AL GOLD (Hamblen '66). The Golden Anniversary calls for a rich full yellow, and ROYAL GOLD, the highest ranking Award of Merit winner in this color class, met the requirements of the formula set up two years ago for the selection of the cover for this issue .. Table of Contents #196B Jan 1970 From the President's Desk ............................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 6 An Extra Dimension ......................................................................... Roger Nelson 6 Tale of Three Gardens ....................................................................... Molly Price 10 Northeast Median Meeting .................................................................................... 12 New Presidential Team .......................................................................................... 13 Judges Choice Statistics .................................................................. Norman Noe 15 Dykes Medal Vote ..................................................................................................16 Foster Plaque to Dr. Lenz ...................................................................................... 17 15-4-15 .................................................................................. Mrs. Walter Bunker 17 AIS Judges for 1970 ...................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 18 1970 Membership Campaign .......................................................... Earl Browder 30 Color Classification .................................................................... J. Arthur Nelson 31 Median Iris Season ........................................................................... Phyllis Holtz 33 Old Bulletins ........................................................................................................... 36 Membership Dues ................................................................................................... 39 1970 Check List ...................................................................................................... 40 DSM to Ricker and Rundlett .................................................................................. 41 In Memoriam .......................................................................................................... 41 From the Editor's Desk ........................................................................................... 43 At the Species Level ................................................................... LeRoy Davidson 45 Twenty Questions .......................................................................... Austin Morgan 46 Reblooming Iris Show ............................................................................................ 47 Irises Going to Pot? .................................................................... Fred E. Spahn 48 Those Iris People ....................................................................... Rachael Chappell 49 Your AIS Membership Gives You ..........................................................................51 Statement of Ownership .................... ..................................................................... 53 Membership Contest Awards ........... .............................................. Earl Browder 54 Minutes .............................................. ............................................. C. W. Benson 55 Treasurer's Report .............................. ............................................. Jay Ackerman 58 Advertising Directory ....................... 50 Introductions ......................................... 52 Advertising Rates ............................. 55 Iris Slides .............................................. 55 Affiliates ............................................. 5 Membership Rates ................................ 40 Announcements ................................ 52 Registrations ......................................... 52 Commercial Directory ...................... 60 Sections ................................................... 1 The FRONT COVER pictures are, left to right: top row, FLIGHT OF ANGELS (Terrell '68) and GOLDEN MEMORIES (Schortman '69); center row, MARQUESAN SKIES (Blocher '67) and CONNOISSEUR (Hager '66); bottom row, CAMBODIA (Babson '66) and XANADU (Edinger '68). Table of Contents #197 April 1970 From the President's Desk .......................................................................W. T. Bledsoe 5 Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... ...... 6 Guest Iris Ballot ........................................................................................................ ...... 7 Your More Music Survey ................................................................... Roger Nelson 8 AIS Members Speak Their Thoughts .................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 18 New RVPs and Board Member ..................................................................................... 22 Induction of Tetraploidy in Siberian Irises ................................ Dr. Currier McEwen 32 Dykes Medal Voting Revision ........................................................................................ 40 Five Women Win Dykes Medal .................................................................................... 40 AIS Youth Clubs ............................. ................................................... Jayne K. Ritchie 42 For Beginners Only ........................ ....................................................... G. E. Redman 43 The Designer ................................... ............................................................................... 46 Garden Gate at Palmers ................... ............................................................................... 52 Guest Irises, Oregon ........................ ............................................................................... 53 New York Convention .................... ...................................................William H. Peck 54 Convention Program ....................... ........................................................................ 56-5 7 Popularity Poll Statistics ·· ............. .........................................................Norman Noe 58 Ila Crawford ·· .. ······· .. ·· ............ ............................................... Helen McCaughey 60 Schirmer Golden Wedding .............. ...............................................................................62 Let's Talk About Membership ........ ........................................................ Earl Browder 62 Iris in October .................................. .......................................................... Betty Wood 64Japanese Irises in Florence .............. ............................................... Roberta McMullin 66 Austin Memorial ............................. .............................................................................. 68 Elvie B. Page ................................... ............................................. B. LeRoy Davidson 76 A Look at the Future ······ .............. · .......................................................... HaI Stahly 78 AIS Show Supplies ......................... .............................................................................. 83 AIS Books ....................................... .............................................................................. 84 Eugene Buckles ............................... .............................................................................. 85 Edwin Rundledt Honored ................ .............................................................................. 85 Botrytis ............................................ ...................................................... .John L. Maas 86 Flight Lines ...................................... ....................................... Peggy Burke Grey 91 From the Editor's Desk .................... ............................................................................ 100 In Memoriam ................................... ............................................................................ 102 Announcements ............................. ............................................................................ 105 Franklin Cook and President's Cups ............................................................................ 106 Advertising Directory ......................... 101 Introductions ............................................ 105 Advertising Rates ............................... 107 Iris Slides ................................................. 108 Affiliates ................................................. 6 Membership Rates .................................. 107 Announcements .................................. 105 Registrations ............................................ 105 Change of Address ............................. 106 Sections ...................................................... 1 Commercial Directory ........................ 108 The picture on the front cover is that of SHIPSHAPE (Babson '68). It is more blue than our cover picture shows, and standards are more closed. Note the broad hafts, which was our reason for selecting the picture. Table of Contents #198 July 1970 From the President's Desk ......... ...... ................................................ W. T. Bledsoe 5 The New York Convention ........ ...... .................................................... The Editors H Anatomy of a Convention .......... ...... ....................................................... Betty Wood 21 Annual President's Letter .. · ...... ...... · ................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 26 Page of Presidents ..... ... ... . .... ...... ............................................................................27 Epilogue ·· ........... · .. ... · . . .. · · ..... ................................................................................ .................... The Editors 28 Pink Amoenas ....... · . ... · . . .... ...... .................................................... Phil Williams 30 System Not Fair .... ... · . .. · .... · ..... ................................................................................ Bill Gunther 34. Overlooked Wonders ..... ... . .... · ... ...................................................... Joseph Ghio 85 New Jersey Iris Week .... ... . .... ...... ........................................................................... 37 Reminescences 1970 ...... ... . .... ...... ...........................................Mabel Clare Jendel 38 For Junior Members ....... ... . .... ...... ......................................................... Betty Ray 41 Transplanting Bearded Irises ............. .................................................... Jayne Ritchie 42 Region V Youth Day ............... . ...... . ........................................................................... 43 Bumbling Hybridizer .. · ......... .· .... . ......................................................Lorena Reid 44 Florence Awards ...................... . ...... . ........................................................................... 46 Hands Across the Border ......... . · .. · ...................................................... Betty Wood 47 Stepping Out · ............... .......... . ...... . ............................................... Frances Keenan 47 AIS Awards ................... .......... . ...... . .......................................................................... ,19 Louisiana Irises · .. · .....· ........ . .... · . .......................................................C. W. Amy 54 Early Wichita Bloom .. · .......... . ..... .. .......................................................... Lucy Fry 58 Editor's Desk ............................ . ..... .. ..........................................................................61 Swiss Iris Friends .. · ................ . ..... .. .............................................. Elizabeth Weber 66 Growing Irises in Idaho .............· ..... .. ................................................ Wilma Vallette 69 How Far South ........... · ............. . ..... .. ................................................... Ellen Crouch 77 Paul Cook-Practical Visionary .. · .........................................................Bee Warburton 80 Advertising Directory ........................... 55 Introductions ..............................................88 Advertising Rates ................................. 89 Iris Slides ................................................... 90 Affiliates ................................................. 6 Membership Rates .................................... 89 Announcements .................................... 86 Minutes ...................................................... 86 Change of Address ................................56 Registrations .............................................. 88 Commercial Directory ......................... 90 Sections ....................................................... 1 In Memoriam ....................................... 64 Youth ......................................................... 40 The irises on the front cover are, from left to right, and from top to bottom: BUTTERED POPCORN (Palmer '70), KENTUCKY HILLS (Hinkle '69), ARCTIC FANTASY (Olson '70), TYCOON'S GOLD (Niswonger '68), MISS ILLINI (Varner '66) and PINK SLEIGH (Rudolph '70). Table of Contents #199 October 1970 From the President's Desk ............................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 5 Guest Irises .......................................................................................................... 6, 20 Wichi ta Convention ...................................................... .......................................... 7 Wichita Gardens ........................... Jendel, Reynolds, Paulson, Torrey, Ohl, Ramsey, Wall ............................................................. .......................................... 8 Median Iris Society Publications ............................................................................ 20 Exhibition Committee Report ...................................... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 22 Irises from Many Parts Ralph and Helen Lewis ....................................................................................... 38 Betty Wood ...... ' ................................................................................................ 40 Joe Ghio ............ ................................................................................................. 41 Perry Parrish ..... .................................................................................................. 44 Myrtle Cox ....... .................................................................................................. 46 Tell Muhlestein ................................................................................................... 48 H. M. Parker ........................................................................................................ 50 B. Y. Morrison Research Project ............................................................................ 54 Rebloomers ................................. ...................................... Charles V. Applegate 55 Spurias ......................................... ..................................................... Ila Crawford 56 Foment the Society ..................... ....................................................Earl Browder 59 Judges Choice 1970 .................... ........................................................................... 60 Japanese Iris Awards .................. ...........................................................................62 Popularity Poll ............................ ...........................................................................62 B. 1. S. Awards ........................... ........................................................................... 63 Your Favorite Iris ........................ ........................................................................... 64 Erra ta Awards ............................ ........................................................................... 64 Dykes Medal Vote ...................... ........................................................................... 65 Golden Jubilee ............................ .................................................... Maude Dival 66 From the Editor's Desk ...............~ ........................................................................ 76 AIS Historical Report ................. ........................................... Helen McCaughey 81 Rose and Pink Amoenas ............. ....................................................... Jesse Wills 82 Fragrance Garden ........................ ..................................................... Mary Duvall 84 Lord of June ................................ ......................................................... Dora Wall 85 Historical ..................................... ........................................................................... 86 Check List ................................... ..................................................................... 86, 87 Clara Rees ................................... ........................................................................... 88 Advertising Directory ....................... 87 Advertising Rates .............................. 88 Affiliates ....................................... 6, 91 Announcements ................................. 87 Change of Address ....................... 6, 91 Commercial Directory ......................91 In Memoriam .................................... 73 Introductions ............................... 89, 90 Iris Slides ........................................... 90 Membership Rates ............................ 89 Registrations ............................... 89, 90 Sections ............................................... 1 Youth ................................................. 72 The irises on the front cover are, from left to right, and from top to bottom: ROBIN REDBREAST (Gaskill '67), PEARL KEMP (Sheaff '69), NORTHERN AIRE (Goodrock '65), ORVILLE FAY (McEwen '70), NIGHT FROST (C. Benson '71), RARE WINE (J. Nelson, R 69). Table of Contents #200 Jan 1971 From the President's Desk-W. T. Bledsoe ........................................................................ 5 Anthocyanin Pattern-Dr. Peter Werckmeister .................................................................. 7 The Unique Plicata-Robert Schreiner ............................................................................. 13 Bicolors, Plicatas-Keith Keppel ...................................................................................... 20 When Is a Plicata-MayBelle Wright ............................................................................... 22 Why Is a Plicata-Alice Atchison ..................................................................................... 23 Plicata Inheritance-Fred and Mary Megson .................................................................... 27 Progenitor - Plicata-D. C. Nearpass ................................................................................ 31 Plicata Patter-Jim Gibson ............................................................................................... 33 Dwarf and Intermediate Plicatas-Bee Warburton ........................................................... 36 A Heretic Looks at Plicata-Jean Witt ............................................................................. 39 Wichita Convention ........................................................................................................ 51 Personal Glimpses-Mabel Clare Jendel .......................................................................... 52 Little Stranger-Anna Obermeyer .................................................................................... 58 AIS Judges for 1971-Dr. Hugo Wall .............................................................................. 59 Bulletin Deadlines ........................................................................................................... 70 New Jersey Rebloomer Show ..........................................................................................71 Jones Meet Jones ............................................................................................................. 71 Louisiana Iris Meeting-Marie Caillet .............................................................................. 72 Dwarf Society Awards ..................................................................................................... 72 New Board Member and New RVPs ............................................................................... 73 Youth Program-Ann Dasch ............................................................................................. 74 Beginning Flower Arrangement-Larry Harder ................................................................ 75 Scientific Committee-Dr. Raymond Allen ...................................................................... 77 Species ............................................................................................................................. 78 Region 24 Fall Convention-Don Saxton .......................................................................... 80 Flight Lines-Peggy Burke Grey ....................................................................................... 83 Median Society Symposium ............................................................................................ 87 Hybridizers Medal ........................................................................................................... 88 Distinguished Service Medal ........................................................................................... 88 In Memoriam ................................................................................................................... 89 From the Editor's Desk .................................................................................................... 90 Color Classification 1971 ................................................................................................ 95 Board Minutes ................................................................................................................. 98 Treasurer's Report ........................................................................................................ 102 Statement of Ownership .................................... .... 105 #201 April, 1971 From the President's Desk ...................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 5 To Spray Or Not To Spray ........................................................P. P. Pirone 28 Convention ..................................................................... Mabel Clare Jendel 33 Convention at Wichita ............................................................................. 34, 35 Guest Irises Philadelphia ................................................................................ 36 Judges ............................................................................................................... 38 Garden Planning ...................................................................... Elmira Purdy 38 Growing and Showing ................................................................ Mary Wais 40 Reblooming Symposium ................................................................................ 47 Symposium ............................................................................ Center four pages New RVPs ....................................................................................................... 49 The Oranges .............................................................................Roger Nelson 51 Defensive Weapon .................................................................... Bill Gunther 53 Youth ................................................................................................................ 54 Iris Show in November ................................................................................... 54 Dig This Soil .................................................................................. Tom Ford 54 Wise Up ...................................................................................Phil Williams 57 Pollen Daubing Pixies ................................................................. Ann Dasch 59 Bloom Dates ............................................................... Mrs. Dan McNamara 60 In Memoriam ................................................................................................... 61 Reblooming Irises .................................................................... Jack Romine 63 Irises in the Garden ................................................................. Alice Higgins 64 Control of Rust ........................................................................ Robert Raabe 65 Siberian Irises in California ..................................................... Mark Rogers 66 Flight Lines ...................................................................................................... 82 From Editor's Desk ......................................................................................... 77 Advertising Directory .................. 86 Advertising Rates ......................... 88 Affiliates ...............................6, 7, 89 Announcements ............................ 88 Change of Address ....................... 90 Commercial Directory ................. 90 Introductions ............................ 88,90 Membership Dues ......................... 90 Registrations ........................... 88, 90 Sections ........................................... 1 Slides ............................................. 89 The front cover, left to right: Top row: HIGH LINE LA VENDER, McCown '68), BARCELONA (0. Brown '67). Middle row: DIPLOMACY (Keppel '66), PINK TAFFETA (Rudolph '68). Bottom row: WEST COAST (Knopf '68), SKYWATCH (C. Benson '64). #202 July, 1971 From the President's Desk ........................................................................ W. T. Bledsoe 5 Oregon Wants You in '72 ..................................................................... Bennett C. Jones 6 The Wichita Warm Welcome ..................................................................... Harry Kuesel 7 Wichita 1972 ...................................................................................................... Editors 16 Development of Median Irises .................................................................. Zula Hanson 29 Floral Tourists .....................................................................................James La Master 30 The Finis .........................................................................................Mabel Clare Jendel 32 The Tall Bearded Iris and Its Future .............................................................. C. C. Hall 33 Spurias ...................................................................................................... Ila Crawford 38 What's New in Collecting? .......................................................................... Alets Eggle 39 Charming 40-Chromosome Siberians? ................................................Currier McEwen 41 Marguerite Hall Iris Test Garden ................................................................................... 42 Norfolk Mini Tour .....................................................................................Rena Kizziar 43 McCown Wins Big ......................................................................................................... 44 Paul Cook's Wide Iris World ................................................................. Bee Warburton 45 Presidential Letter .................................................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 51 Awards ........................................................................................................................... 52 Theory on Improvement in Siberians ........................................ William G. McGarvey 65 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 73 Flight Lines .................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 74 Iris Chronicles ................................................................................................................ 79 Youth-Views ............................................................................................ Thomas Ford 80 Youth Committee Recipe .............................................................................Ann Dasch 80 Minis for Mods .........................................................................................Jerry Barnard 81 Tom Thumb Junior Garden Club ................................................................................... 84 Ford and Williams Evaluate ................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 85 From the Editor's Desk ................................................................................................... 86 My Experiences with Plicatas ............................................................... Wilma Vallette 95 Advertising ..........................................101 Advertising Rates ................................ 100 Affiliates ................................................. 6 Announcements ..................................... 99 Change of Address ..............................101 Commercial Directory ......................... 109 Introductions ......................................... 99 Membership Dues ............................... 101 Registrations ......................................... 99 Sections .................................................. 1 Slides .................................................. 100 The front cover, left to right: Top row: MAJESTIC PRINCE (Schortman '71) and APROPOS (Babson '64). Bottom row: FLAME AND SAND (G. Carlson '68) and NINEVEH (Keppel '66). #203 October 1971 From the President's Desk ................................................................................ W. T. Bledsoe 5 After One Year ..................................................................................................... Ed Pasahow 6 Swan Lake Gardens ............................................................................... Mrs. Wells E. Burton 8 Exhibition Committee Report .................................................................Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 9 Making Memories ........................................................................................... Roger Nelson 22 Look of Love ................................................................................................ Hooker Nichols 27 The Northeast ..................................................................................................... Ira E. Wood 32 Proof of the Pudding ...................................................................................... Joseph J. Ghio 34 Median Varietal Comment ............................................................................ Bee Warburton 36 Irises for 1971 .................................................................................. Ralph and Helen Lewis 41 Spurias in Concert ........................................................................................James LaMaster 46 Requiem to a Species ....................................................................................... Bill Guenther 49 Irises in the Midwest ...................................................................................Dave Niswonger 51 Varietal Comments ............................................................................................. Roy H. Hall 54 Popularity Poll ........................................................................................................................ 56 Judges Choice ........................................................................................................................ 57 Walther Cup ........................................................................................................................... 59 Japanese Iris Awards .............................................................................................................. 59 Cal-Sibes ................................................................................................................ Jean Witt 60 Oreg~ln in 1972 .............................................................................................. Bennett Jones 63 Early Maturity ...................................................................................... Dr. Currier McEwen 65 Scorch .................................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 66 Dallas Memorial Gardens ...................................................... Joan Courtney-Marlin Carruth 67 Flight Lines ............................................................................................ Julius Wadekamper 68 Youthviews ...................................................................................................... Thomas Ford 78 Turnin' on with Siberians .............................................................................. Carla Coleman 80 The Huntsville Junior Iris Club ....................................................................... The Members 81 Incidental Intelligence ........................................................................................ Betty Wood 84 From the Editor's Desk .......................................................................................................... 84 Hamburg Exposition ..............................................................................................................88 Advertising Rates ..................................... 88 Affiliates .................................................... 6 Announcements ........................................ 88 Change of Address ................................... 90 Commercial Directory .............................. 92 Display Advertising ................................. 91 Introductions ................................... 77,88,90 Membership dues ...................................... 90 Registrations ............................................. 90 Sections ...................................................... 1 Slides ........................................................ 89 Xhe front cover, left to right: Top row: CREDO (Babson '66) and BLUE FASCINATION (Schortman '71). Bottom row: RETA FRY (Terrell '66) and RIPPLING ROSE (Gibson '70). #204 January 1972 From President's Desk .................................................................................. Dr. Hugo Wall 7 Iris Books You Will Use Again and Again ..................................................................... ..... 8 Irises I Like ........................................................... .. .....................................Ron Mullin 9 Foundation ............................................................ .. ........................................................ ... 15 Florence Awards ................................................... .. ........................................................ ... 15 Oregon Convention .............................................. .. ........................................................ ... 16 Oregon ................................................................... .. ........................................................ ... 18 Oregon in '72 ......................................................... .. ........................................................ ... 19 Species .................................................................. .. ........................................................ ... 21 Scorch .................................................................... .. .......................... Julius Wadekamper 21 Variety Comments ................................................ .. ....................................... Don Saxton 25 B.1.S. Jubilee ........................................................ .. ............................................................ 26 Jones Garden ......................................................... .. ................................... Roberta Smith 27 Collecting .............................................................. .. ............................... Gladys Goodrow 28 Foundation Minutes .............................................. .. ............................................................ 28 Plant Excitement ................................................... .. .......................... Eleanor Westmeyer 29 Spurias ................................................................... .. ...................................... Ray Chesnik 31 Iris Rust ................................................................. .. .................................... Robert Raabe 32 Siberians Abroad .................................................. .. ......................... Dr. Currier McEwen 33 Botrytis .................................................................. .. .............................. Dr. R. S. Jackson 35 Presidential Team ................................................. .. ............................................................ 41 Moving Experience .............................................. .. ............................... Paul Hoffmeister 43 New Board Members .......................................... " . ............................................................ 45 Chairman of Judges .............................................. .. ............................................................ 45 Distinguished Service Medals .............................. .. ............................................................ 47 Hybridizers Medals .............................................. .. ............................................................ 47 Statement of Ownership ....................................... .. ............................................................ 50 Minnesota Arboretum ........................................... .. ............................................................ 51 Membership .......................................................... .. .............................. Glenn Corlew 52, 53 Walther Cup .......................................................... .. ............................................................ 54 Southwestern Michigan Awards .......................... .. ............................................................ 54 Flight Lines ........................................................... .. ........................... Julius Wadekamper 55 Scorch .................................................................... .. ............................................................ 60 Profile .................................................................... .. ............................................................ 61 Youth Views ......................................................... .. " ......................................................... 63 Radical Views ....................................................... .. ......................................... Perry Dyer 63 In Memoriam ........................................................ .. ............................................................ 67 B.1.S. Jubilee ........................................................ .. ............................................................ 68 New RVPs ............................................................. .. ............................................................ 69 Judges '72 .............................................................. .. ............................................................ 73 Minutes .................................................................. .. .............................................................88 Treasurer ............................................................... .. ............................................................ 91 Advertising Directory ........................................... .. ............................................................ 93 Editor's Desk ......................................................... .. ............................................................ 93 Affiliates ............................................................... .. .............................................................95 Announcements .................................................... .. .............................................................98 Commercial Directory .......................................... .. .......................................................... 100 AIS Show Supplies ............................................... .. ...........................................................104 The front cover, left to right: Top row: GRAND ROMANCE (Corlew '71), PATTI PAGE (Varner '71). Bottom row, CAPTIVE CLOUD (D. Palmer '71), LILAC TREAT (Niswonger '71). #205 April 1972 From the President's Desk .......................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5 Special Tour ..................................................................................................................... ......8 Press Releases Wanted .................................................................................... Perry Parrish 8 Oregon in 'n-The Third Day .......................................................................... Bennett Jones 9 Convention Schedule ............................................................................................................10 Oregon, Reflections and Anticipations .......................................Joe Gatty, Keith Keppel 12 Sorcerers of Salem Town ................ ............................................................ Roger Nelson 15 Luminata .......................................... .................................................. Median Iris Society 19 Medal to Wilma Vallette ................. ................................................................................... 25 Viruses .............................................. ............................................................O. W. Barnett 27 Region 14 Disease Survey ............... , .......................................................... Robert Raabe 31 Foundation Contributors .................. .................................................................................... 32 Bloom Sequence .............................. ...................................................... Carol McNamara 33 Color Distribution PP ...................... ............................................................ Norman N oe 40 Flower of Royalty ............................ .................................................................Jim Morris 40 Minnesota Irising ............................. ........................................................... Glenn Hanson 41 Close the Deal .................................. ............................................................ Glenn Corlew 42 Irises for the Blind ........................... ....................................................................Jess Max 43 The Wee Ones .................................. .................................................................... Lucy Fry 44 James R. Welch, RVP ...................... .................................................................................... 46 Flight Lines ...................................... ................................................... Julius Wadekamper 47 Youth Views .................................... .................................................................. Tom Ford 53 Kevin Vaughn .................................. .................................................................................... 53 Ann Dasch Says ............................... .................................................................................... 53 A Game for Your Program .............. .................................................................................... 54 In Memoriam .................................... .................................................................................... 64 Keep Your Eye on the Bull ............. ............................................................... Tom Heston 65 At the Species Level ........................ ....................................................... LeRoy Davidson 66 Species Announcements .................. .....................................................................................68 Regional Test Gardens ..................... ......................................................... Robert Minnick 69 From the Editor's Desk .................... .....................................................................................69 Advertising Directory ...................... 70 In Praise of Dwarfs .......................... ............................................................ Glenn Hanson 71 Guest Irises 1974 Roanoke .............. .................................................................................. 112 B.I.S. Jubilee .................................... ...................................................................................112 Advertising Rates ..................................114 Affiliates ............................................ 6, 113 Announcements ..................................... 111 Introductions ......................................... 113 Membership ........................................... 113 Registration ........................................... 113 Slides ..................................................... 114 The front cover, left to right: Top row: CARO NOME (Bob Brown '70), CHERUB CHOIR (Corlew '68). Bottom row: CHERRY JUBILEE (V. Wood '69), FLOATING ISLAND (Siberian: McEwen). #206 July 1972 From the President's Desk ........................................................................ Dr. Hugo Wall 5 The Unusual Becomes the Usual .......................................................................Joe Ghio 7 Oregon 1972 ....................................................................................................... Editors 12 Memories of the Convention ....................................................................... Ron Mullin 21 Cradle of Libertee ................................................................................ Heiter-Newhard 27 Philadelphia-Historic Iris City ....................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 28 New Registrar ................................................................................................................. 29 Annual Presidential Letter ...................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 30 Life, Research and Sustaining Members ........................................................................ 31 Perry Parrish ...................................... ............................................................................. 32 Wynn aline Stinson ........................... .............................................................................32 Mid-Winter Fun with Iris .................. .................................................. Gordon Gullion 33 Paul Cook .......................................... ................................................... Bee Warburton 36 Convention Awards ........................... ............................................................................ 41 AIS Awards ....................................... .............................................................................42 Rebloomers ....................................... ............................................. Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg 47 From the Editor's Desk ...................... ............................................................................ 51 Mrs. Claxton McCrummen ............... ............................................................................ 53 In Memoriam .................. ................. ............................................................................ 53 Color in the Garden ......... ................. ..................................... Ann Dasch-Ed Hubbard 65 Youth Views ........... ....... ................. .............................. ............................................. 59 Scorch ..................... , ..... '" .............. '" ........................... ............. Julius Wadekamper 63 Sclerotium Rolfsii ... ....... ................. .............................. ................ Clarence Denman 65 H. H. Henkelman .... ....... ................. .............................. ............................................. 67 Louisiana Irises ....... ....... ................. .............................. ............................................. 67 Siberian Irises .......... ....... ................. .............................. ........... Dr. Currier McEwen 68 Florence Exposition ........ ................. .............................. ............................................. 70 Tall Bearded Irises Abroad ............... ........................... '" .................... Esmond Jones 71 B.I.S. Awards .................................... .............................. ............................................. 74 Flight Lines ....................................... .............................. ............................................. 75 Currier McEwen ................................ .............................. ............................................. 84 25th Anniversary Ring ...................... .............................. ............................................. 84 Advertising ........................................ .............................. ....................................... 85, 90 Announcements ................................. .............................. ............................................. 91 Commercial Directory ....................... .............................. ............................................. 92 Advertising Rates .................................. 92 Affiliates ...........................................6, 91 Books ....................................... Cover 2, 3 Check List ............................................. 35 Introduction ........................................... 91 Membership .......................................... 91 Registrations ......................................... 91 Slides ..................................................... 92 COVER PICTURE is of BABBLING BROOK, the leader for the Dykes Medal as we go to press. CUP RACE, which, at the moment, is almost tied for the lead, will be the cover picture in January. From the President's Desk #207 ... Dr. Hugo October 1972 Wall 5 Operation Transplant Introductions Needed Good News Why Join a Robin Vigor and Remontancy Twentieth Anniversary, Portland ~edian. Iris Symposium Show Garden, Switzerland Bacterial Leaf Blight From Whole Cloth Tri-State Show A ~odel Show Philadelphia 1973 Youth Views Wichita Youth Brief Commercial ~essage Hybridizers-Philadelphia Convention Intermediates for Conventions Wild Bearded Irises of USA In memoriam Exhibition Report Exhibition Certificates Judges Choice Popularity Poll High Commendation ..... Bylaws ~inutes ..................................................... Robins and Flight Lines How Did Your Garden Grow One Gene Doth Not Plicata ~ake Iris, I Love You AIS Color Classification George Paul Watts 7 Kay Negus 14 A. F. Bloese 15 Lea Dunbar 17 Bill Skillman 19 21 ..... Torn Ford 22 23 . Bee Warburton 24 Rosalie Beasley 25 27 Clarence Denman 28 Dr. Edward ~urray 29 Torn Ford 31 32 Ann Dasch 33 34 Charlotte Gantz 35 Bill Gunther 37 39 41 57 58 61 63 65 70 74 Harold Heiter 83 Alice Atchison 84 Aleta Eggle 86 Robert Hubley 89 Advertising Rates ..... Membership Commercial Directory Introductions Registration Slides 92 Affiliates 6, 91 91 93 91 91 92 The cover pictures are of ELIZABETH STUART, (B. Jones '71); HI Top, (Knocke '72); and ARBITRATOR (Ferguson '66). #208 January 1973 From President's Desk ...................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 5 Philadelphia Convention ......................................................................................... ....... 7 Philadelphia Iris Convention .................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 9 Pod from Flower to Seed ........................................................................... Betty Wood 12 An Iris Holiday ...................................................................................... Ron Mullin 13 New RVPs ............................................................................................................... ..... 18 Membership Campaign ................................................................... Glenn Corlew 20 Statement of Ownership ................................................................................................ 22 AIS Judges for 1973 .............................................................................. Carol Ramsey 23 Japanese Iris ............................................................................................. Bill Gunther 36 Presidential Team .......................................................................................................... 37 New Directors ............................................................................................................... 37 Distinguished Service Medals ....................................................................................... 38 Hybridizers Medal ......................................................................................................... 39 Dr. Denman Honored .................................................................................................... 39 Youthviews .................................................................................................................... 41 Youth Column ............................................................................................ Ann Dasch 41 Backyards and Breakers .......................................................................Robert Bagwell 42 Hybridizing and Checklists .......................................................................... Tom Ford 43 American Iris Society Foundation ..................................................................................45 Robin Section ....................................................................................... Leda Christlieb 47 Flight Lines ................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 48 Awards ...........................................................................................................................58 Iris Dietes .....................................................................................................Al Motsch 59 Dying Blossoms-for Dyeing ...................................................................... Betty Wood 60 Mid American Iris Society .............................................................. Dagmar Fondoble 61 Siberian Diversity ................................................................................. Bee Warburton 62 Spurias-Ample Feeding ............................................................................ Ila Crawford 65 At the Species Level ...............................................................................Roy Davidson 66 Senior Citizens .............................................................................................................. 69 B. 1. S. Jubilee ....................................................................................... Hubert Fischer '70 Advertising Directory ..................................................................................................... 73 Portland '72 ................................................................................................. David Sindt 74 1972 Iris Rainbow .................................................................................. Richard Sloan 76 Oregon from Down Under ........................................................ Gwen and Les Donnell 79 Once upon a Time ............................................................................... Elmer Tiemann 81 From the Editor's Desk .................................................................................................. 82 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 84 AIS Minutes ................................................................................................................... 84 Foundation Minutes ........................................................................................................ 89 Financial Statement ........................................................................................................ 90 Announcements .............................................................................................................. 92 Affiliates ................................................ 6 Advertising Rates ................................. 92 Commercial Directory .......................... 93 Membership Rates ................................ 92 Show Supplies ...................................... 46 Slides .................................................... 93 THE COVER PICTURE is of CUP RACE, the runnerup for the 1972 Dykes Medal. In fact, CUP RACE led at several times during the voting, and three days before the end of the talley, was in the lead. #209 April 1973 From the President's Desk. " ............................................................. Dr. Hugo Wall 5 Affilia tes ....................................................................................... Glenn F. Hanson 5 Convention Program ................................................................................................ ....... 8 Philadelphia's Hinterland ........................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 10 Guest Irises 1974 .................................................................................. Rena Crumpler 12 Guest Irises 1975 ............................................................................. Barbara Serdynski 13 Chicagoland Gardens ............................................................................... Barbara Ross 14 Information on Dietes ............................................................................................... ..... 18 Corrected Nomenclature ............................................................B. LeRoy Davidson 19 Irises in 1972 ............................................................................Ralph and Helen Lewis 25 Random Remarks on Color ............................................................................. Jo Jones 28 Status of Pardanthopis .............................................................................. Dr. Lee Lenz 29 Varietal Comments from Down Under ...................................................... Gilbert Cole 32 Dallas Memorial Gardens ...................................................................... Marlin Carruth 33 Botanic Garden, New Zealand ....................................................................Betty Wood 34 Talk Is Cheap ........................................................................................... Perry Parrish 36 Anthocyanin Pigments in TB Irises ........................................... Wynne and Henderson 37 Weed Control ........................................................................................... Peter F. Rice 44 Historical Report ............................................................................. Helen McCaughey 47 Mid America Median Tour ............................................................................................. 48 Louisianas Everywhere ............................................................................. Joseph Ghio 49 Somewhat Deflated ............................................................................ William Gunther 50 B. Y. Morrison Research Report .................................................................................... 52 Vienna Competition ....................................................................................................... 89 Robins ................................................................................................ Leda Christlieb 103 Flight Lines .................................................................................. Julius Wadekamper 104 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. III Youth Views ............................................................................................ Ford, Dasch 113 From the Editor's Desk ................................................................................................. 114 Announcements ............................................................................................................ 115 Commercial Directory .................................................................................................. 116 The Cover Picture is of ERMINE ROBE, the beautiful and popular white which received an AM in 1972. #210 July 1973 From the President's Desk ................................................................ Dr. Hugo Wall 5 Affiliates ................................................................................................................... .......5 Awards Structure ...................................................................................................... .......6 A Different Convention in '74 .................................................................................. .......7 Johnny Irisseed ..................................................................................... Jess A. Max 9 Median Diary .......................................................................................... Carol Ramsey 13 Philadelphia: Good and Plenty ...................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 19 The Philadelphia Story ................................................................................. Hal Stahly 25 Philadelphia '73 .......................................................................................... The Editors 35 Notice to Introducers ................................................................................... Kay Negus 46 Awards ........................................................................................................................... 47 Florence Awards ............................................................................................................. 53 Annual Presidential Letter ..................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 54 Test Gardens, National and Regional ....................................................... Harry Kuesel 54 Test Garden Notice ......................................................................................................... 57 Golden Anniversary Medal ............................................................................................ 57 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 58 Louisiana Iris Week ........................................................................................................ 59 Sylvester Burke .............................................................................................................. 60 Mabel C. Smith .............................................................................................................. 60 Advertising Directory ..................................................................................................... 62 Don't Damn It ............................................................................................... Bill Simon 63 New Zealand-Australia ................................................................................................... 64 Reblooming Iris Symposium .......................................................................................... 65 From the Editor's Desk ................................................................................................... 65 Dwarf and Median Iris Trip ............................................................ Julius Wadekamper 71 Iris Land USA ........................................................................................... Perry Parrish 73 Mid America Median Meeting ....................................................................................... 74 Down Under ........................ , ..................................................... Bellegamba-Newman 75 AIS Foundation ................... ...........................................................................................77 Research Members .............. ........................................................................................... 78 Sustaining Members ............ ........................................................................................... 78 Youth Views ........................ ....................................................................... Ford-Dasch 79 Robins ................................. ................................................................. Leda Christlieb 81 Flight Lines ......................... .......................................................... Julius Wadekamper 81 Irises in Texas ...................... ................................................................... Cathy Hopper 89 Announcements ................... ........................................................................................... 91 Commercial Directory ......... ........................................................................................... 92 The cover picture is of LIME FIZZ (Schreiners '69), which garnered the second most votes for the Award of Merit in 1972. #211 October 1973 From the President's Desk ..................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall Overview of 1974 Convention .......................................................... F. G. Stephenson 5 7 Tour Gardens 1974 ............................................................................ E. Roy Epperson 14 Bloomtime '73 ............................................................................................. Ron Mullin 17 Region 17's Convention ......................................................................... Dr. C. P. Denman 20 Growing Iris in Arizona Desert ............................................................ Fred Wickenkamp 21 Youthviews .....................................................................................................Thomas Ford 25 Birds Pick Bargains ........................................................................................... Ann Dasch 25 News of Youth .................................................................................................. Ann Dasch 27 State of the Nation, youth ................................................................................. Ann Dasch 29 Apogon Show .................................................................................................. Ila Crawford 37 Flight Lines ......................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 31 Silver Anniversary Wichita .............................................................................. Leota Dyer 39 Test Garden Chairman .......................................................................................................... 42 Exhibition Committee Report ............................................................ Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 43 Exhibition Certificates ....................................................................... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 60 Japanese Iris Awards ....................................................................................................... ..... 61 Regional Test Garden Awards ........................................................................................ ..... 61 Randolph Files ................................................................................. Helen McCaughey 62 Judges Choice .................................................................................................................. ..... 63 HC's ................................................................................................................................. ..... 66 Australian Convention .................................................................................................... ..... 67 Minutes AIS Board ......................................................................................................... ..... 69 Minutes RVP-Board ........................................................................................................ ..... 73 Minutes AIS Foundation ................................................................................................. ..... 73 In Memoriam ................................................................................................................... ......74 Dr. Caroline Dorman .................................................................................. Inez Conger 75 It Never Hurts To Try ....................................................................................... Roy H. Hall 75 The Insistent Iris ........................................................................................... Lincoln Atkiss 77 The Good and Plenty Convention ..................................................... Raymond J. Blicharz 78 Popularity Poll ........................................................................................................................ 84 From the Editor's Desk .......................................................................................................... 87 Advertising ............................................................................................................................. 89 Announcements ...................................................................................................................... 91 Commercial Directory ........................................................................................................... 92 AIS Supplies ............................................................................................................ Covers 2, 3 The cover picture is of TOUCHE, Melba Hamblen's popular 1969 introduction. #212 Florence, May 1973 From the President's Desk January 1974 Nebraska-Home of Adverse Conditions Thornton Abell 11 Annual Statement C. W. Benson 16 The Silver Screen Bryce Williamson 17 Officers, 1974 27 New RVP's 28 Hybridizers Medal 31 Neva Sexton-Double Winner Editor 32 Commercial Grower Experiences 33 In Memoriam 37 Robins Program Explained Flight Lines AIS Judges for 1974 Mrs. Meredith Christlieb 39 Julius Wadekamper 40 Carol Ramsey 46 Registration Presby, 1973 Kay Negus 57 Mrs. F. P. Walther 59 AIS Annual Convention Come to Roanoke Preview: Region 4 in '74 An Invitation 68 W. D. Kelley 69 Dr. D. C. Nearpass 70 Mrs. A. W. Rice 74 Tentative Schedule-Roanoke 74 A Very, Very Special Invitation-Prices 76 Irises Are for Learning Ann Dasch 76 Congratulations, Perry Dyer Ann Dasch 78 Summary of Funds, Reserves and Liabilities Spurias: Old and New Iris in Silver The cover picture is of PINK TAFFETA, Nate Rudolph's popular iris. 79 McCown 81 Aleta Eggle 84 Dr. Ro #213 April 1974 From the President's Desk ..................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 5 From the Guest Editors of This Issue ........................................... Ira and Betty Wood 5 Dr. J. Arthur Nelson ............................................................................ Melba Hamblen 7 Messages from Australia, England, and New Zealand ....................................................... 10 Affiliates ......................................................................................................................... .....11 AIS Annual Convention, Roanoke, Virginia ................................................................. ..... 12 Errata ............................................................................................................................... ..... 14 Optimism in Region 4 ....................................................................... F. G. Stephenson 15 Convention in '74- Virginia Is for Iris Lovers .................................. Rena Crumpler 16 Notice to Hybridizers .......................................................................... Harry B. Kuesel 19 Rebloom in the 1974 Convention Beds ............................................... Lloyd Zurbrigg 20 Another Convention Garden ..............................................................F. G. Stephenson 21 Holly-Rock Gardens ............................................................................ Jeanne W. Price 22 Radford and Blacksburg Gardens ........................................................ Lloyd Zurbrigg 23 Have You Seen a U.F.O.? ................................................................... Franklin E. Carr 25 How To Register an Iris Name ...................................................................................... ..... 25 Problems in Bearded Iris Classification ...............................................Bee Warburton 26 Profile: Stephana Woodside ........................................................................................... ..... 31 Factors Influencing Germination of Japanese Iris Seeds and Health of the Sprouted Seedlings .............................................................. Currier McEwen 32 The Australian Iris Society Convention, 1974 ....................................... Rita Caldwell 37 Greetings from New Zealand ................................................................. Mrs. M. Snow 41 Wallace Stevens .............................................................................................................. ..... 41 AIS Australia-New Zealand Tour ........................................................ Margaret Zurbrigg 42 Welcome, New Top Robin ................................................................... Leda Christlieb 43 Flight Lines .....................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 45 Don't Discard Me ....................................................................................... Larry L. Harder 45 International Symposium on Iris .......................................................................................... 47 Youth Views ......................................................................................................................... 48 Youth Committee Gains New Member ........................................................ Ann Dasch 49 More for the Money for Young Irisarians ......................................... David Mohr 51 Further Experience with Tetraploid Siberian Irises Currier McEwen 52 Profile: Leo Clark, AriLarean .................................................................... Ray Leech 56 Pink Amnenas Yes, But ...........................................................................Dave Niswonger 58 Profile: Lowell G. Harder .......................................................................... ......................... 62 A Distinguished Weaver in Irisdom ......................................... Clarence P. Denman 63 AIS Publications ......................................................................................... ....................... 109 In Memoriam .............................................................................................. ....................... 110 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting .............................................. ....................... 112 Requirements for Affiliation ...................................................................... ....................... 118 Advertisers' Directory ................................................................................ ....................... 119 Errata, 1973 Awards ................................................................................... ........................119 Announcements: Dues and Advertising Rates .......................................... ....................... 120 Guest Irises for Michigan, 1976 ................................................................. ....................... 121 1974 New Membership Campaign ............................................................ ........................122 Membership Campaign Winners ............................................................... ........................123 Iris Slides for Rental .............................................................................. Leon C. Wolford 123 AIS Show Supplies .............................................................................................................. 124 Commercial Directory ......................................................................................................... 125 The Cover Picture is of DUSKY DANCER (Luihn, 1967), H. M. '68; A.M. '70; the dark violet black iris with personality that won seventh position in the Popularity Poll for 1973. #214 July 1974 From the President's Desk .............................................................. Dr; Hugo Wall 5 AIS Convention 1975 ............................................................................................. ......... 6 Progress with Louisiana Irises ............................................... Charles W. Arny, Jr. 7 California Comments ........................................................................ Keith Keppel 12 Carry Me to Old Virginny .................................................................. Joseph Ghio 21 Guest Irises for 1975 Convention .............................................. Barbara Serdynski 24 The Nenon Garden in Virginia ................................................... , Harry B. Kuesel 25 Irises I Liked at the 1974 Convention ..................................... Julius Wadekamper 27 Roanoke and Points West ...................................................................... Perry Dyer 28 An Iris Discussion ......................................................................... Larry L. Harder 33 Siberian Irises at the National Convention .............................. Julius Wadekamper 36 The Alphabet and the Iris Breeder ................................................... Ben R. Hager 38 Weed Control in Irises ....................................... H. C. Mohr and D. C. Milbocker 40 AIS Foundation Contributions ............................................................................... ....... 43 Annual Presidential Letter ....................... '" .................................. Dr. Hugo Wall 45 Minutes of AIS Foundation Meeting ............ ..................................... Cliff Benson 45 From the Guest Editor of this Issue .............. ................................ Perry L. Parrish 46 Awards ......................................................... ......................................................... ....... 47 Nathan Rudolph ........................................... .............................. Clarence Blocher 53 A Median Review ........................................ .......................................... Joe Gatty 55 Notice to Introducers .................................... ........................................ Kay Negus 57 At the Species Level ..................................... ................................... Roy Davidson 58 Miniature Tall Bearded Comment ................ ...........................................Jean Witt 60 A Report on the Iris Borer ............................ .......................................... Len Jugle 61 Iris Seed Pod Borer ...................................... .......................... Julius Wadekamper 62 Guest Irises for Michigan 1976 .................... .................................... Lila Howland 64 In Memoriam ................................................ .......................................................... .......65 Robins .......................................................... ................................... Faye Edelman 68 Flight Lines .................................................. : ........................ Julius Wadekamper 69 Youth Views ................................................ .......................................... Tom Ford 78 Youth Wins Top Honors in Tulsa ............ .............................. Robert S. Benton 79 Happiness in Huntsville ........................... .......................................................... ....... 80 Ann Salutes Young Conventioneers ........ ........................................ Ann Dasch 80 Happy Faces ............................................. ................................... Robert Benton 81 Advertising Directory ................................... .......................................................... .......81 Reflections on Twenty-five Years in Irisdom .............................. William H. Peck 83 Hot Springs Proclamation ....................................................................................... ....... 90 Announcements ....................................................................................................... ....... 91 Commercial Directory ............................................................................................. ....... 92 The Cover Picture is of ... MRS. IRA NELSON (Arny 1969) which won the Debaillon Award in 1973. Photos of Convention by Harry Kuesel. #215 From the President's Desk .................... : ....................................................... D Affiliates of the American Iris Society ..................................................... Gl October 1974 Garden Irises Revised ................................................................................... M San Diego Iris Convention 1975 ..................................................................... Penny Bunker 6 Siberian Ramblings ................................................................................................ Steve Varner 10 Grow Japanese Iris the Easy Way .................................................................... Adolph J. Vogt 11 Lights, Camera, Action .................................................................................. Dorothy Howard 15 Standard Dwarfs 1974 .......................................................................................... Carol Ramsey 16 I Like Plics-So What Else Is New ...........................................................Raymond J. Blicharz 17 Louisianas In A California Garden ......................................................................... Mary Dunn 19 Judges' Choice ............................................................................................................................... 21 Popularity Poll ...............................................................................................................................23 Exhibition Committee Report ........................................................................ Clarke Cosgrove 26 Exhibition Certificates .................................................................................................................. 27 HC's ................................................................................................................................................ 28 Show Reports ................................................................................................................................31 The International Iris Competition in Florence, 1974 ...........................................Betty Wood 44 Helpful Garden Hints ..................................................................................... C. L. Waltermire 48 The $10,000 Club ......................................................................................... Helen McCaughey 50 International Iris Symposium, Czechoslovakia 1974 . Bee Warburton 50 Spurias in the Midwest ......................................................................... Dave Niswonger 57 The Booster Spirit of The High Plains of Texas .. Clarence P. Denman 60 Progress with Reblooming Irises ................................................. Clarence P. Denman 60 The Response of Tall Bearded Irises to Herbicide Mulch Combinations ...................................................... F. W. Dickinson & A. E. Einert 62 Rebloomer is Best in Show ............................................................... Robert E. Creviston, S1'. 68 When I Was 31, It Was a Very Good Year ................................................... Roger R. Nelson 69 From the Guest Editor of This Issue ....................................................................... Ron Mullin 72 The Best of Parents ......................................................................................... Clarke Cosgrove 74 Birth of a Tradition? ................................................................................................. Ann Dasch 76 Convention Phobia '74 ..................................................................................... Michelle Ritchie 77 Flight Lines ................................................................................................ Julius Wadekamper 79 Minutes AIS Board .......................................................................................................................86 Minutes AIS Foundation Trustees ...............................................................................................90 Minutes Joint RVP/Directors .......................................................................................................90 Slide Rental ...................................................................................................................................92 Commercial Directory ..................................................................................................................92 The Cover Picture is KILT LILT, Jim Gibson's 1970 introduction which won an AM in 1973. #216 January 1975 From the President's Desk ............... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove ....................................... 4 You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too ......................William T. Bledsoe ........... 5 From the Guest Editor ............. Philip Edinger ............................................ ............ 7 Convention Program: See You in San Diego in '75 ....................... .......................... 9 Convention Registration Information ............................................. ........................ 10 Central California Invitation .............. W. B. Schortman ............... ........................ 10 Nineteen From Region 15 ................. Sanford Roberts ................... " .......................11 Pacific Thoughts ..............Ed Pasahow ......................................... ........................ 14 European Iris Tour ................ Bee Warburton ............................... ........................ 16 Distinguished Service Medals ........................................................ ........................ 22 Hybridizers' Medals ....................................................................... .........................24 New Presidential Team .................................................................. ........................ 26 New Directors ................................................................................ ........................ 27 New Regional Vice Presidents ....................................................... ........................ 28 The Origin of the C. G. White Hybrids ................. Thomas M. Wilkes ................. 32 What's New in Iris Borer Control ................ Dennis M. Dunbar ............................. 44 Robins .......... Faye Edelman ...................... ............................................................48 Flight Lines ............ Fred Spahn ................. ............................................................49 International News ...................................... ............................................................ 57 In Memoriam .............................................. ............................................................59 At the Species Level ............. Roy Davidson ......................................................... 61 AIS Judges for 1975 ................ Carol Ramsey ........................................................... 64 Minutes of Board of Directors' Meeting ................................................................... 76 AIS Financial Statement .......................................................................................... 83 1974 Membership Campaign Winners ...................................................................... 84 1975 Membership Campaign Announcement ........................................................... 85 Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation .......................................... 86 Affiliates ............................................... 6 Photographers ....................................... 92 Advertising Rates ................................ 91 Publications, Medals .............................. 96 Announcements .................................. 56 Section Dues .........................................91 Commercial Directory ........................ 93 Show Supplies ............................... cover 3 Membership Rates .............................. 91 Slides and Rental .................................. 92 BULLETIN 215, October 1974 ERRATA -page 21, Judges' Choice 1974. Two irises were inadvertently omitted from the Tall Bearded list: Winner's Circle (Plough) with 127 votes, and Starring Role (Palmer) with 69 votes. -page 74, "The Best of Parents," paragraph four. The pollen parent of Swan Ballet was not Great Lakes; it was Muhlestein 47-18 which is Azure Skies X 44-59: Shining Waters x Buto. This information appears in "Corrections in Earlier Registrations," page one of the booklet Registrations and Introductions in 1969. Cover Photograph: Tall bearded iris PINK SLEIGH (Nathan Rudolph 1970), the popular 1973 Award of Merit winner. #217 April 1975 From the President's Desk .................................................. Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 7 San Diego Is Excitement ............................................... Walter & Penny Bunker 9 It's Not Too Late for '76 ................................................................. Jill Copeland 9 The Reblooming Iris Society: Organization and Activities ...................................................................Raymond G. Smith 10 Median Iris Society Display Gardens ............................................. Betty Wood 13 Diary from 'Down under' .......................................... Rosa B. VanValkenburgh 13 Young Ideas Abroad .................................. Ann Dasch, Debbie Beasley 19 The New Zealand Iris Society Convention .................................... Betty Wood 21 Some Shots from 'Down under' ........................................................................... 24 Invitation to New Zealand ...................................................... Mrs. C. J. Cotton 26 Antiques, Anyone? .................................................................... Leda Christlieb 27 We Need a 'Blue-Violet' Color Class .................................... Albert F. deGroat 31 A Progress Report on Control of Iris Leaf Spot .............................................. Raabe, Hurlimann and Farnham 33 Japan in June ................................................................................ Helen Carney 34 More Awards for Medians ............................................................. Betty Wood 35 In Memoriam ....................................................................................................... 37 From the Editor's Desk ........................................................................................ 38 The AIS Slide Program ............................................................D. C. N earp ass 41 Robins .......................................................................................... Faye Edelman 43 Flight Lines ...................................................................................... Fred Spahn 44 Youth Views ..................................................................................... Ann Dasch 56 Guest Irises for Memphis ............................................................. Helen Carney 60 National Test Garden Iris ....................................................... Mrs. R. N. Miller 61 Affilia tes .......................................... 4 Contributions .................................. 12 Announcements .............................. 23 Advertisers ..................................... 40 Advertising Rates ........................... 90 Membership Campaign .................. 62 Membership Rates ........................... 90 Section Dues .................................... 90 Commercial Directory ..................... 95 AIS Publications .............................. 99 AIS Rental Slides ............................ 58 AIS Show Supplies ........................ 100 Photographs in this issue: Rosa B. VanValkenburgh (pp. 14, 16, 24-25). Betty Wood (p. 26). COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Tall bearded iris GRAND WALTZ (Schreiner 1970), an Award of Merit winner in 1973. #218 July 1975 From the President's Desk ..................................................................................... 2 Recollections of San Diego ................................................................................... 4 It's Michigan in '76 ............................................................................ Bill Simon 27 Thoughts from the Editor ................................................................................ ... 28 Perspective ...................................................................................................... ... 29 Paul Cook-The Classic Progenitor Work ............................ Frank Galyon and Bee Warburton 30 Exploring a Noble Heritage ........................................................ Philip Edinger 36 Making Gardens of Irises ........................................................... George Waters 41 Historical Highlights of the Iris ................................................... Nancy Ben ton 44 Support the American Iris Society Foundation ...............................Bill Bledsoe 51 Robins ..................................................................................................................56 Flight Lines ......................................................................................................... 57 Youth-Views ........................................................................................................65 Preliminary Evaluation of Insecticides for Iris Borer Control ............................................................... Richard Lindquist 67 Guidelines for Garden Reporting .........................................................................69 Publicity Begins at Home ....................................................................................70 1975 New Membership Campaign ...................................................................... 71 In Memoriam ....................................................................................................... 72 Annual Presidential Letter ................................................................................... 74 7 Minutes, American Iris Society Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting (1974) ............................................................................ . 4 Minutes, Board of Directors' Meetings (spring) ............................................. . 76 1977 Guest Irises Invitation ........................................................................... . 8 4 Affilia tes, Affiliation ..................... 83 Advertising Rates ........................... 82 Announcements .............................. 80 Commercial Directory 93 Sid DuBose: 36, 37 Larry Harder: 81 (top) W. G. Sindt: 7 (top right), (top), 23 (bottom left) Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 7 (top left), 8 (bottom), 12, 15 (bottom), 17 (top), 19, 21, 23 (top all, bottom right), 24, 26 (bottom) Membership Rates ...........................82 Publications, Medals ........................ 82 Section Dues .................................... 82 Slides ............................................... 87 PHOTOGRAPHERS Adolph Vogt: 25 (bottom), 26 (top) 8 George Waters: 7 (bottom), 25 (top, cen ter), 26 (center) Weezy Wold: 4 Edith Wolford: 70 Betty Wood: 15 (top), 17 (bottom), 81 (bottom) Cover Photograph: Standard Dwarf Bearded GINGERBREAD MAN (Bennett Jones 1969), winner of the 1974 Cook-Douglas Medal. #219 October 1975 From the President's Desk .................................................................................... 2 Thoughts from the Editor ...................................................................................... 4 1975 AIS Awards ................................................................................................. 5 International Awards, 1975 ................................................................................ 12 In Memoriam ......................................................................................................13 The AIS Foundation Is on the Way ........................................... W. T. Bledsoe 15 Foster Memorial Plaque Awarded Bee Warburton ............................................................Barbara Whitehouse 16 The Editorial Staff ............................................................................................ 18 The Culture and Hybridizing of Siberian Irises: A Short History and Report on Current Work .............................................W. G. McGarvey 20 Japanese in a Few "Easy" Lessons ...........................................Thornton Abell 28 Understanding Japanese Culture ..................................................... Ben Hager 30 Perspective .......................................................................................................... 32 Paul Crook-Further Progenitor Work .. F. Galyon B. Warburton 33 Vintage Year ................................................................................ Larry Harder 41 Robins .................................................................................................................46 Flight Lines .........................................................................................................47 Youth-Views .......................................................................................................55 At the Species Level ...........................................................................................58 Exhibition Committee Report-1975 ......................................... Rena Crumpler 65 Award Winners-AIS Shows-1975 ......................................................................66 Exhibition Certificates-AIS Shows-1975 ........................................................... 82 Changes in Exhibition Procedures ............................................ Rena Crumpler 84 Region 19 Test Garden Review ......................................................................... 85 Minutes, AIS Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting .......................................86 AIS Strength Report ....................... ...................................................................86 Advertising Rates ............................ 88 Membership Information .....................88 Affiliates, Affiliation ......................89 Publications, Supplies ..........................92 Announcements .............................. 87 Section Dues ........................................88 Commercial Directory ....................93 Slides ....................................................90 ERRATA BULLETIN 218, July 1975 -page 11. I homachita is not a species but is the clone HOMACHITA, a selected form of I. nelsonii (the specific name for the Louisiana irises originally known as the "Abbeville Reds"). -page 54. Under contributions to the AIS Foundation, in memory of J. Arthur Nelson, it should read Mr. Henry Danielson (Illinois). PHOTOGRAPHERS Thornton Abell: 29 Larry Harder: 43, 45 William G. McGarvey: 24,26 Cover Photograph: The strikingly blue SAPPHIRE HILLS (Schreiners 1971), prominent Award of Merit recipient in 1974. #220 January 1976 Perseverance Pays .................................................................................................. 4 Medals and Awards ............................................................................................... 8 From the President's Desk ...................................................................................... 9 New Appointments .............................................................................................. 10 Popularity Poll-1975 ............................................................................................ 11 Judges' Choice-1975 .............................................................................................14 1975 Top Award Winners .................................................................................... 17 Medians for Every Garden, Betty Wood .............................................................. 20 Convention Information ........................................................................................24 A Michigan Sneak Preview, Bill Simon .............................................................. 25 Convention Bound? Go by Chartered Bus, Fred Spahn ....................................... 26 Weed Control among Irises: Evaluation of Materials and Methods, Rena Crumpler ..................................................................................29 Flight Lines ........................................................................................................... 34 Our Members Write ..............................................................................................39 At the Species Level ............................................................................................ 41 Youth-Views ........................................................................................................ .44 In Memoriam ........................................................................................................ 46 International News ................................................................................................ 46 What Every Irisarian Should Know About the American Iris Society Foundation ..................................................................... 49 AIS Foundation Contributions .............................................................................. 51 More Room for the Standard Dwarf Beardeds, Bee Warburton ............................ 54 AIS Awards Changes, Carol Ramsey .................................................................... 55 Thoughts from the Editor ...................................................................................... 56 AIS Judges for 1976 .............................................................................................. 57 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ........................................................... 70 AIS Financial Statement ....................................................................................... 77 Statement of Ownership ........................................................................................ 79 1976 Membership Campaign ................................................................................ 80 Advertisers .......................................85 Advertising Rates ............................. 48 Affiliates, Affiliation ........................ 81 Announcements ............................... 47 Commercial Directory ..................... 94 PHOTOGRAPHS Doris Foster: 19 (top) Melba Hamblen: 18 (top) William Hawkinson: 19 (bottom) Bennett Jones: 17 Nathan Rudolph: 4, 18 (bottom) H. L. Stahly: 45 Betty Wood: 23 Cover Photograph: Opulent amoena DREAM LOVER (Esther Tams 1971), one of the most popular 1974 Award of Merit winners. Photograph by Larry L. Harder. Membership Information .................. 48 Publications, Supplies .......................82 Section Dues ..................................... 48 Show Supplies ..................................83 Slides ................................................ 84 #221 April 1976 From the President's Desk 2 Pity the Poor Inch Worm Clarke Cosgrove 4 More Sneak Previews-Michigan Style Bill Simon 5 Convention Schedule 7 Reflections and Anticipations James McWhirter 8 1975 Hybridizers' Medals 15 Distinguished Service Medals 16 New Directors 18 Notes from Your Historical Committee Larry Harder 19 Perspective 20 1975 Beardless Award Winners 23 Meet the New RVPs 27 Tetrasomic Segregation At the Plicata Locus Kenneth K. Kidd .29 Stripe Up the Bland Allan Ensminger. 34 Look for a Treat in '76 Larry Harder 36 Convention Registration 39 A Russian Odyssey Hubert Fischer 40 Robins 42 Youth- Views 44 AIS Convention Policies 45 Golden Gate in 1978: A Request for Guests 46 What Iris Growing Is Doing for Your Character Dr. Anne Lee. 48 In Memoriam 49 Thoughts from the Editor 51 From Rags to Riches Janice Green 53 1976 Membership Campaign 57 ERRATA Advertisers Advertising Rates Affiliates, Affiliation Announcements Commercial Directory 93 Membership Information 56 Publications, Supplies .58 Section Dues 55 Show Supplies 93 Slides BULLETIN 220, January 1976 -page 2. The second "Errata" entry is incorrect. Both KOALA and WINTER PANORAMA were still eligible for High Commendation in 1975. -page 7. Footnote #2 should read simply SNOW FLURRY X CHERIE as the parentage of Fay seedling 48-11. PHOTOGRAPHS Foster Allen: 9 top right Charles Amy: 24 top Ray Chesnik: 23 bottom Allan Ensminger: 35 Hubert Fischer: 41 Joseph Ghio: 23 top W. J. Gunther: 18 center Larry Harder: 37, 38 A. W. Hazard: 24 bottom Keith Keppel: 9 top left, bottom; 11 bottom; 12 R. E. Kleinsorge: 21 Virginia Messick: 11 top left and right O. J. Rice: 15, 18 left A. Willott: 25 Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 17 Cover Photograph: Brightly bearded CARO NOME (Bob Brown 1970) a 1974 Award of Merit recipient. 56 .63 56 62 60 #222 July 1976 From the President's Desk .............................................................................. ....... 2 The Way It Was: Michigan '76 ....................................................................... ....... 5 Seed Planting By the Stars ............................................................................. ..... 36 Seed Planting-An Alternative Method .............................. Marion R. Walker ....43 '76 Convention Correction ............................................................................. ..... 44 Hybridizing Goals for Siberian Irises .................................. Currier McEwen .... 45 Thoughts from the Editor ............................................................................... ..... 53 Status of Tetraploid Louisiana Irises ......................... Joseph K. Mertzweiller .... 54 Review: The Genetics of FloweTing Plants .................................. Kenneth K. Kidd .... 57 At the Species Level ................................................................ Roy Davidson .... 59 Our Members Write ....................................................................................... ..... 64 Robins ..................................................................................... Faye Edelman .... 66 Youth-Views .................................................................................................. ..... 68 Chasing Rainbows .................................................................... W. B. Clough .... 69 AIS Foundation Contributions ....................................................................... ..... 72 Annual Presidential Letter .............................................................................. ..... 74 In Memoriam .................................................................................................. ..... 78 Advertising Rates ............................ 80 Membership Campaign .................... 81 Affiliates, Affiliation ....................... 75 Membership, Section Dues .............. 79 Announcements ............................... 79 Publications, Supplies ...................... 82 Commercial Directory ..................... 85 Slides ............................................... 76 PHOTOGRAPHS Philip EdingeT: 6, 8, 9 (top right, lower left), 11, 12, 15, 18 (top right), 20, 21, 23 (top both), 24, 26 (top, lower left), 28, 29, 30 (top), 32 (lower), 33 (top left), 40 Joseph M eTtzweilleT: 55 BTian O. Mulligan: 62 Nathan Rudolph: 46 Rosa Belle Van ValkenbuTgh: 9 (top left, lower right), 16, 18 (top left, lower), 23 (lower), 30 (lower), 32 (top both), 33 (top right), 35 (all) GeoTge W ateTS: 4, 26 (lower right), 33 (lower both) Jean Witt: 60 Cover Photograph: A scene in the Filson garden, Grand Blanc, Michigan-one of the gardens on tour during the Lansing convention. Photograph by Tom Filson. #223 October 1976 From the President's Desk ............................................................................................ 2 1976 AIS Awards ......................................................................................................... 4 Schreiners Honored by Massachusetts Horticultural Society ................................... 11 Florence 1976 ............................................................... Dr. Norman H. Noe ........... 12 1976 Bearded Award VVinners ................................... ............................................. 15 Regional Test Garden Awards ..................................... ............................................. 18 Favorite Guest Irises: 1976 AIS Convention .............. ............................................. 18 Methods for Inducing Tetraploidy in Siberian and Japanese Irises ...................................................................... Currier McEwen .... 20 Sale of Old Bulletins ............................................................................................ ..... 23 Memphis in May-A Convention'77 Preview .. Mrs. Brenda Belus .......................... 24 Cross-Country Comments .................................................................................... ..... 33 Youth-Views ........................................................................................................ ..... 58 A Prediction Made VVithout ESP ..................................................... Ann Dasch .... 59 In Memoriam ........................................................................................................ ..... 61 Our Members VVrite ........................................................................................... ..... 61 Gleanings .............................................................................................................. ..... 64 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ........................................................ ..... 75 Exhibition Committee Report-1976 ..................................... Rena M. Crumpler .... 78 Youth VVinners of AIS Shows-1976 .................................................................. ..... 79 Award VVinners AIS Shows-1976 ..................................................................... ..... 80 Exhibition Certificates-1976 ................................................................................ ..... 88 Advertising Rates ............................... 91 Commercial Directory ............................ 93 Announcements .................................. 90 Membership, Section Dues ..................... 90 ERRATA BULLETIN 222, July 1976 page 71: parentage chart of TULIP FESTIVAL. At the top of the chart PINNACLE is given as CHIVALRY X DESERT SONG, while no parentage is given for seedling 57301. These elements were reversed: 57301 is from CHIVALRY X DESERT SONG; the parentage of PINNACLE was too complex to list there. PHOTOGRAPHERS Deborah AaLseth: 62 Keith KeppeL: 16 (lower left), 36 Brenda BeLus: 24, 26, 29, 30 (top left), 41 (all), 48 (lower), Robert Brooks: 55 (lower) 51, 52, 55 (top right) S. P. DuBose: cover, 15 (top), 16 James Marsh: 17 (top left) Virginia Messick: 55 (top left) Mary Dunn: 36 (lower), 44, 48 Norman N oe: 13 (top) CLeo PaLmer: 16 (lower right) Doris Foster: 16 (top right) Ruby Short: 63 Larry Harder: 4, 36 (top right) Betty Wood: 15 (lower), 19 Cover Photograph: COLCHESTERENSIS (R. VV. VVallace 1910), one of the most striking forms of Iris Laevigata. Photograph by Sidney P. DuBose. #224 Winter 1977 From the President's Desk Popularity Poll-1976 William R. Dykes Medals and Awards Another Dykes Reprint Judges' Choice-1976 Overseas Awards Memphis-"Iris Heaven in '77"-Tennessee 1976 Beardless Award Winners Meet the New RVPs Pennsylvania Notes Sterling U. Innerst Those Controversial Herbicides Jeanne W. Price The Photographer and the Blue Iris Ron Thoman Irisarians Honored Youth-Views In Memoriam At the Species Level Gleanings AIS Foundation Contributions Our Members Write Robins Faye Edelman AIS Judges for 1977 Ron Mullin Sale of Old Bulletins Minutes, AIS Board of Directors Meeting, Fall 1976 AIS Financial Statement 1977 Membership Campaign Advertisers 92 Membership, Section Dues Advertising Rates 56 Publications, Supplies Affiliates 51 Regions, RVPs Announcements 55 Show Supplies Commercial Directory 92 Slides ERRATA BULLETIN 223, October 1976 page 10: Michael, L. should read Michel, L. Keppek, K. should read Keppel, K. page 88: Keith Keppel's 68-19L should read 68-19J, the seedling now registered as Picayune. PHOTOGRAPHS Robert Brooks: 21 top Phyllis Cargill: 50 Glenn Corlew: 20 lower right Sidney DuBose: 21 lower, cover Mary Dunn: 20 top Currier McEwen: 20 lower left Cover Photograph: The coveted Dykes Memorial Medal showing the face that bears the likeness of the medal's namesake William R. Dykes. The year 1977 marks the centenary of Dykes' birth. 4 6 9 10 11 12 15 17 20 22 26 28 30 31 32 34 35 39 48 49 52 57 70 71 78 80 56 82 96 81 53 #225 Spring 1977 From the President's Desk .............................................................................. .......4 New AIS Addresses ....................................................................................... .......5 The World of Irises ....................................................................................................... ........ 6 Queen of Hearts ............................................................................................. .......7 1976 Medals and Awards ............................................................................... ....... 8 Perspective: The Dykes Medal ....................................................................... ..... 12 Guest Speakers for Memphis ......................................................................... .....16 International News ......................................................................................... ..... 16 Classification-Up To Date ......................................................Bee Warburton ....19 South African Sojourn ............................................................ Hubert Fischer .... 22 Robins ..................................................................................... Faye Edelman .... 24 Flight Lines .................................................................................. Sam Reece .... 25 Take Time To Smell the Flowers .. Reuben Smith, Louise Clay Smith ... 33 Tissue Culture for Iris Hybridizers ............................................. John Weiler, Richard Emershad .... 36 Tips on Hybridizing Siberians ................................................... Steve Varner .... 39 At the Species Level ....................................................................................... ..... 41 Rare Species at Michigan Convention ...................................... Jill Copeland .... 44 Our Members Write ....................................................................................... ..... 46 Space City Iris Time: Huntsville '79 .............................................................. ..... 47 Guest Irises: Golden State In '78 .................................................................... .... .48 Project '77: A Preview of Golden State In '78 ................................... .................. 48 Youth-Views ..................................................................................... .................. 54 In Memoriam ..................................................................................... .................. 56 Statement of Ownership .................................................................... .................. 59 Scientific Committee Report ............................................................. .................. 60 Fertility Information Service ............................................... David Silverberg .... 63 How To Register and Introduce an Iris .......................................................... ..... 65 Advertisers .......................................98 Membership, Section Dues ................... 58 Advertising Rates .............................58 Publications, Supplies .......................... 67 Affiliates ......................................... 49 Regions, RVPs ................................... 104 Announcements ............................... 57 Show Supplies ...................................... 68 Commercial Directory ..................... 99 Slides .................................................... 49 #226 Summer 1977 From the President's Desk ......................................................................................2 Memphis-Iris Heaven in '77 ................................................................................... 4 Strictly for the Beginner .............................................................Barbara Boss .. .40 Apogons at Memphis ................................................................... Betty Wood .... 45 Growing Spurias in "Cold Country" ............................................................... ..... 48 A Mysterious Spuria ....................................................................................... ..... 51 The World of Irises Thank You ...................................................................... ..... 52 The Making of a Kilt ...................................................................................... ..... 56 Robins ............................................................................................................ ..... 58 Flight Lines ................................................................................... Sam Reece .... 59 Youth- Views ........................................................................ Rosalie Beasley .... 65 An Interesting Correlation Between Apigenin and Virus Resistance in 'Curtsy' and 'Miss Perky' .................................................. Kevin Vaughn .... 68 A Reclassification of the Siberian Irises ..................................... Lee W. Lenz .... 70 Gleanings ........................................................................................................ ..... 74 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting .................................................... ..... 77 In Memoriam .................................................................................................. ..... 82 AIS Foundation Contributions ........................................................................ ..... 83 Guest Iris Request-Huntsville ......................................................................... ..... 85 Tips on Packing Irises for Shipment ............................................................... ..... 85 1976 Membership Campaign Winners ........................................................... ..... 86 Our Members Write ........................................................................................ ......88 Annual Presidential Letter .............................................................................. ...... 88 PHOTOGRAPHS Mary Dunn: 26 lower Philip Edinger: 14, 15 right, 16, 19 lower, 21 top, 22 lower, 25, 29 top right, lower, 31 lower, 32, 34, 35 lower, 37 top, 39 lower, 46 top, lower right Mary Patricia Engel: 8 top, 15 left, 37 lower James M. Gibson: 56 Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 5, 6, 8 lower left, 9, 10 top, 11, 13, 19 top, 21 lower, 22 top, 26 top, 31 top, 35 top, 39 top left Leland Welsh: 39 top right Edith Wolford: 29 top left Betty Wood: 8 lower right, 10 lower right, 46 lower right ERRATA: BULLETIN 225, Spring 1977 page 52: the photographs of BIRTHDAY SONG and PINK KITTEN were inadver tently transposed: the BULLETIN apologizes to Mr. Corlew -_._-~- Cover Photograph: perennial favorite and 1972 AM winner RASPBERRY RIPPLES (Niswonger 1969). #227 Fall 1977 From the President's Desk .............................................................................................2 1977 AIS Awards ......................................................................................................... 4 In Memoriam: Jesse Wills, Barbara Walther, Ira Wood, Georgia Hinkle, Earl Roberts ................................................................................................. 9 Favorite Guest Irises: Memphis Convention ............................................................. 25 Overseas News: Florence Awards, French Conference Schedule .. 26 Missouri Interlude .................................................................... Leland M. Welsh .... 27 The Best of '77 ............................................................................. Paul H. Dennis .... 32 The Season in Texas ............................................................... Walter A. Moores .... 34 Golden State in '78 ............................................................... Elsiemae Nicholson .... 43 Robins ............................................................................................Faye Edelman .... 50 Flight Lines ......................................................................................... Sam Reece .... 51 Spuria Update from Missouri ....................................................Dave Niswonger .... 56 At the Species Level ............................................................................................. ..... 57 Thoughts from the Editor ..................................................................................... ..... 60 Our Members Write .............................................................................................. .. , .61 Youth- Views .............................................................................. Rosalie Beasley .... 65 Exhibitions Committee Report ....................................................... Jill Copeland .... 67 Award Winners-AIS Shows-1977 ....................................................................... ..... 68 AIS Foundation Contributions ............................................................................. ..... 82 Exhibition Certificates-1977 ................................................................................ ..... 86 Advertising Rates ............................... 85 Membership, Section Dues ..................... 85 Affiliates ............................................. 42 Publications, Supplies ............................. 92 Announcements .................................. 84 Show Supplies ......................................... 89 Commercial Directory ........................ 93 Slides ....................................................... 90 ERRATA BULLETIN 226, Summer 1977 The Williams Printing Company apologizes to BULLETIN readers for inadvertently failing to print the copy submitted for inside front and back covers -Officers. Directors. Chairmen of Standing Committees; and Regions and RVPs. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sam Caldwe!l: 11 (top, lower left) Philip Edinger: 39 Keith Keppel: 35 Olive J. Rice: 24 Leland M. Welsh: 27, 28, 3D, 31 Bryce Williamson; 45 Betty Wood; 17,21 Cover Photograph: the distinctive 1972 Award of Merit winner BAYBERRY CANDLE (De Forest 1968). #228 Winter 1978 From the President's Desk ............................................................................. ....... 4 Honors and Appointments ............................................................................ ....... 6 Results of the Board of Diretcors Election ................................................... ....... 7 Judges' Choice-1977 ..................................................................................... ....... 8 Popularity Poll-1977 ..................................................................................... ..... 12 Overseas News .............................................................................................. ..... 15 Western Wayfaring ................................................................ Richard Sloan .... 17 Rainbow Reflections ................................................................... Sam Reece .... 21 Region 14 We1comes You to California .................................... Iris Nelson .... 25 Convention Information: Rates, Registration, Schedule .................................... 27 A Special Show Experience .............................................. Leland M. Welsh .... 29 Louisianas Move to Minnesota ................................................. Joan Cooper .... 30 How 'Golden Encore' Became Serene Highness ....................... Betty Wood .... 32 Iris U nguicularis ............................................................................ Jean Witt .... 34 Robins .......................................................................... Mary Alice Hembree ... 39 Flight Lines .................................................................................. Sam Reece ... 41 youth-Views ......................................................................... Rosalie Beasley ... 46 In Memoriam .................................................................................................. .... 50 1977 Regional Test Garden Awards .............................................................. .... 50 High Commendation-1977 ............................................................................. .....51 AIS Foundation Contributions ....................................................................... ..... 55 Perspective: The Presby Garden .................................................................... ..... 57 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ................................................... ..... 57 AIS Judges for 1978 ....................................................................................... ..... 66 Statement of Ownership ................................................................................. ..... 80 1978 New Membership Campaign ................................................................ ..... 81 Advertising Rates Announcements Commercial Directory Membership, Section Dues .54 Publications, Supplies 83 53 Regions, RVPs 96 .91 Show Supplies .82 54 #229 Spring 1978 From the President's Desk ......................................................................... .............4 Texas Irisarians Host AIS Board Meeting ............................ Mike Young ........... 5 1977 Top Award Winners ......................................................................... ............. 6 In Memoriam ............................................................................................ ...........11 Meet the New RVPs ................................................................................. ........... 17 Flight Lines ..............................................................................Sam Reece .......... 21 Carl Salbach: Completing the Record ....................................................... ........... 28 Youth-Views ..................................................................... Rosalie Beasley 32 Miniature Tall Bearded Irises-Updated .............................Lee Eberhardt ............ 33 Gleanings ..................................................................................... ........................ 36 Overseas News ............................................................................ ........................ 45 Guest Requests: Oklahoma, Huntsville, St. Louis ............................................46-47 Our Members Write .............................................................................................. 48 AIS Financial Statement ....................................................................................... 50 1978 New Membership Campaign ........................................................................ 57 Advertising Rates ............................ 103 How to Register an Iris ......................... 56 AIS Foundation ................................. 56 Membership, Section Dues ................. 103 Affiliation, Affiliates ........................ 54 Publications, Supplies ........................... 58 Announcements ................................ 56 Regions, RVPs ................................... 104 Commercial Directory ...................... 98 Show Supplies ...................................... 56 Advertisers ........................................ 97 Slides .................................................... 56 -- ERRATA BULLETIN 228, Winter 1978 page 17 (nine lines from the bottom): it should be "Evening in Paris, a deep maroon rather than SONG OF PARIS which is a 1970 introduction of Les Peterson '5. -- --- ----- PHOTOGRAPHERS Ray Chesnik: 10 (lower) Keith Keppel: 6, 7 (top right) Genn Corlew: 9 (lower right) Les Peterson: 9 (top) Sid DuBose: 10 (top left and right) Earl Roberts: 8 (lower), 34 (lower left) Lee Eberhardt: 34 (top left) Melba Hamblen: 7 (top left) Stanley Street: 9 (lower left) Jean Witt: 34 (right) Spuria ARCHIE OWEN (Hager 1973), the 1973 Eric Nies Award winner, as it grows in the Royal Botanical Garden, Ontario, Canada. Photo by Verna Laurin. Cover Photo"ra,.h, #230 Summer 1978 From the President's Desk ....................................................................................... 2 An Appeal for Help ................................................................................................. 4 San Jose Souvenir ................................................................................................... 5 Those Medians in the Coleman Garden ............................................Betty Wood 39 "Prelude to Spring" ......................................................................... Lynn Bausch 40 Try the Miniature Dwarfs ........................................................... Lynda S. Miller 42 In Memoriam ........................................................................................................ 45 Robins ................................................................................ Mary Alice Hembree 51 Flight Lines ........................................................................................ Sam Reece 52 The Growing and Selection of Bearded Iris Seedlings .................................... . Tell Muhlestein 57 I Was Bitten By the Bug .................................................................. Paul Dennis 61 Youth-Views .............................................................................. Rosalie Beasley 62 At the Species Level ............................................................................................. 64 Male Sterile Iris pallida Lam. in Tuscany: Review .............................................. 67 Garden Writers, Irises, and Opportunity ................................... Christine Burton 69 Space City Iris Time: Huntsville '79 .................................................................... 71 AIS Foundation Contributions .............................................................................. 72 Annual Presidential Letter .................................................................................... 74 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ..........................................................74 Winners, 1977 New Membership Campaign ........................................................85 Oklahoma 80!: A Request for Guests ...................................................................85 Advertising rates .............................. 83 How to register an iris ........................... 82 AIS Foundation ................................ 82 Membership, Section dues .. 83 Announcements ............................... 82 Publications, Supplies ........................... 84 Commercial Directory ..................... 88 Slides .................................................... 82 ERRATA BULLETIN 229, Spring 1978 -pages 7 and 31. Please see Section 3 of this BULLETIN for explanation and corrections. PHOTOGRAPHERS Lynn Bausch: 41 Roger & Lynda Miller: 43 Philip Edinger: 9, 11, 13, 15 (top Olive Rice: 7 (lower left) left, bottom), 17, 18,20 (top Adolph Vogt: 7 (top, lower right, bottom), 21, 22, 23, 26, right), 20 (top left) 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 45 Barbara Whitehouse: 15 (top Vi Luihn: 38 right) Cover photograph: Perennially popular tall bearded AM winner STUDY IN BLACK (Plough 1968). #231 Fall 1978 From the President's Desk ..................................................................................... 2 1978 AIS Awards ...................................................................................................4 British Awards, 1978 ........................................................................................... 10 An Account of the International Iris Congress, Orleans, France ........................................... Francesca Thoolen 11 Hybridizer's Medal to Larry Gaulter .. ; .............................................................. 21 Report of 1978 Dwarf Iris Society Convention ........................... Elsie Zuercher 23 Italian Awards from the International Iris Competition, Florence 26 1978, A Season of Continuous Bloom ....................................... Lloyd Zurbrigg 28 English Impressions of the 1978 Convention ................................. Jack Venner 31 Gleanings ..............................................................................................................35 1977 Rebloomer Symposium ...............................................................................42 Space City Iris Time-Huntsville '79 ..................................................................... 44 Gifts to The American Iris Society ...................................................................... 47 In Memoriam ........................................................................................................48 A Shiny Yellow Seed on 'Holden Clough' ...................................Roy Davidson 50 Robins .................................................................................................................. 51 Flight Lines ....................................................................................... Sam Reece 51 Performance (?) ....................................................................................................................... 55 Conclusions (?) An Editorial ................................................................................ 61 Louisiana Iris ........................................................................ Fredrick C. Boutin 63 How To Register and Introduce an Iris ................................................................65 Exhibitions Committee Report-1978 ............................................. Jill Copeland 66 Award Winners-AIS Shows-1978 ........................................................................ 67 Exhibition Certificates, AIS Shows-1978 ............................................................ 84 Advertising rates .............................. 89 Membership, Section dues .. 89 Affiliates .......................................... 85 Publications, Supplies .......................... 91 Announcements ............................... 88 Show Supplies ...................................... 90 Commercial Directory ..................... 92 Slides .................................................... 88 ERRATA 230, Summer 1978, and BULLETIN 231, Fall 1978 -inside front cover. Address is incorrect for Scientific Chairman Dr. Raymond C. Allen; he now lives at 7570 E. Speedway, Lot 155, Tucson, Arizona 85 710. BULLETIN covers are printed two issues at a time; this change will be made in its proper place in the Winter 1979 BULLETIN. BULLETIN 230, Summer 1978 -page 6. In the National Convention Iris Show report, best seedling should read Highline Halo, not Highlight Halo. BULLETIN PHOTOGRAPHERS Janice Chesnik; 5 Keith Keppel; 27, 33 Francesca Thoolen; 13, 15, 18 Lloyd Zurbrigg: 29 Cover Photograph: Commanding neglecta LORD BALTIMORE (Nearpass 1969), a 1973 Award of Merit recipient and second place winner in the Orleans, France, trials described on pages 11-20, #232 Winter 1979 Table of Contents Fall Bulletin Delay .......................................................................................... ....... 4 From the President's Desk ............................................................................... ....... 4 Popularity Poll- 1978 ....................................................................................... .......5 Judges' Choice-1978 ........................................................................................ ....... 8 Regional Test Garden Awards ......................................................................... .... 11 1979 Huntsville Convention Information ........................................................ ..... 12 From the Public Relations Committee .. , ........................................................ ..... 14 Performance (?) Follow-up .............................................................................. ..... 15 Where Are We Going? ................................................... Bernice M. Miller .... 15 Performance In Massachusetts .............................................. Robert Sobek .... 17 Performance In Iowa .......................................................... Leonard Michel .... 19 Iris Vigor ............................................................................... Aleeah Haley ... 21 British Iris Society ........................................................................................... .... 25 Remontants By Chance ........................................................... Walter Moores ... 26 Fringe of the Crescent ............................................................... Clay Osborne .... 29 Siberian Notes: A String of Pearls ............................................................... C. E. Rhodes ....... 34 The Siberian Show ......................................................D. Steve Varner. .. 36 A Good Basic Siberian Bed ......................................... Julius Wadekamper ....37 Siberian Display Gardens .................................................. Forrest McCord .... 37 Introducing Spurias ..................................................................... Joan Cooper ... 38 Robins ........................................................................... Mary Alice Hembree .... 42 Flight Lines ................................................................................... Sam Reece .... 43 In Memoriam .................................................................................................. ......48 High Commendation-1978 ............................................................................. ..... 52 New Membership Campaign .......................................................................... ..... 55 Changeover: Messages from the Editors ........................................................ ..... 58 Congratulations to Dr. Currier McEwen: ................................ Bee Warburton .... 61 ........................................ William McGarvey .................................................. 63 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting .......................................................... 64 AIS Foundation Contributions .............................................................................. 74 AIS Judges For 1979 ...................... ..................................................................... 76 Statement of Ownership ................. ..................................................................... 89 Advertisers ..................................... 107 Membership, Section Dues ................... 92 Advertising Rates .............................92 Publications, Supplies ........................... 90 AIS Foundation ................................93 Regions, RVPs .................................... 112 Announcements ............................... 93 Show Supplies ...................................... 91 Commercial Directory .................... 107 Slides .................................................... 93 PHOTOGRAPHERS Janice Chesnik: cover Mary Dunn: 8 Keith Keppel: 27, top right and lower left Walter Moores: 27, lower right Dave Niswonger: 27, top left Clay Osborne: 31, all Cover Photograph: Radiant 1978 Dykes Medal winner BRIDE'S HALO (H.C. Mohr, 1973) photographed in southern California by Janice Chesnik. #233 Spring 1979 From the President's Desk 4 How a Winner Grows ..................................................................................................................... ....... 5 Species Gallery ..................................................................................................... Leroy Davidson ...... 9 Maybe You Can Do It .............................................................................................. Ben R. Hager .... 13 For Beginners Only ............................................................................................... Karen Glasgow ....17 New RVPs ....................................................................................................................................... ..... 19 Photo Book Review .............................................................................................. George Waters ..... 23 Photo Contest ................................................................................................................................. ...... 24 Hints on Membership ............................................................................................ Robert Bledsoe .... 26 When Visiting a Garden ......................................................................................... Maynard Harp .... 37 Membership Campaign Winners .................................................................................................... ..... 39 Gifts to A IS ..................................................................................................................................... .....41 Gleanings ..................................................................................................................Philip Edinger .. .42 Seed Distribution ..................................................................................................... Hubert Fischer .. .45 Guest Iris Requests .......................................................................................................................... ..... 51 Approved Affiliates ......................................................................................................................... ..... 54 Notice to Affiliates .......................................................................................................................... ..... 57 Ensatin Study ........................................................................................................... Kevin Vaughn .... 61 Notice to Judges .............................................................................................................................. ..... 62 New Zealand Hospitality ............................................................................................ Betty Wood .... 65 Seeing Double .......................................................................................................Marvin Granger .... 67 Bloomin' Remembrances. Larry Gaulter ............................................................................................. 69 Rebloom in Siberians .......................................... ..............................................Currier McEwen ..... 73 Our Readers Write .......................................... 22 Editor's Page .40 In Memoriam .. 22 Membership & Section Dues ......................... 46 Flightlines ........................................................ 29 Youthviews ...................................................... 52 Announcements .34 Library-Publications ....................................... 59 International News .35 Advertising Rates ............................................ 59 Slide Sets 38 ADVERTISERS Avonbank Gardens .83 Baldwin Iris Garden ............... 86 Louise Bellagamba .. 84 Blodgett Gardens .70 Brown's Sunnyhill .90 Ora Burton .83 W.H.Clough .79 Contemporary .79 Cooley's .... 48 Glenn Corlew . Cover 4 .. 50 Cottage Gardens .58 D. & J. Gardens .60 Dunderman .... 36 Echo Hill .. 63 Garden of E. Rainbow .71 Environmental Conc .41 Gene & Gerry's 72 Hamner's .84 K. Heilman .. 83 Heisz C. Helsley Mary Herd Hillview Bennett Jones Evelyn Kegerise Keith Keppel C. & G. Lankow Luibn's Melrose Walter Moores MarlynNelson Dave Niswonger Pacific Coast .... .39 .. 90 .87 .70 .88 .64 .85 ... 88 .72 78 .86 .87 .81 .47,49 Paquet Iris .87 Paw Paw E. Label .................. 85 C. Protzmann .......................... 81 Riverdale .80 Ed Roberts .. 90 Roderick .87 Schreiner's .. Cover 2 Schultz .89 Sellman's .36 G. Shoop .82 D. Sindt .. 89 R. Solomon .89 F. Spahn ... 82 H.J.Spence .. 85 Bion Tolman .64 Verigay . Cover 3 PHOTO AND ART CREDITS: Schreiner's-Cover; Peter Maynard-p 4; Leroy Davidson-pp 10, 11; Betty Wood-pp 65, 66; Currier McEwen-p 76 Cover Photograph: POST TIME (Schreiner 1971), an opulent smooth red tall bearded iris that was awarded an Honorable Mention in 1972 and the Award of Merit in 1974. 3 #234 Summer 1979 Annual Presidential Letter ......... .....................................................................................4 Bloomin' Remembrances .......... Larry Gaulter ................................................................4 Huntsville, 1979 ........................ .................................................................................... 5 Favorite Guest Irises ................. .................................................................................. 25 How Can They Do It ................. .................................................................................. 27 Memories Wanted ........ David Cook ............................................................................ 32 Recruiting Members ......... Margaret Connally ............................................................. 33 Behind the Veil ....... Philip Edinger .............................................................................. 35 New Members ........ .................................................................................................... 38 Tender Love and Care ....... Mike Young ..................................................................... 40 Breeding Tall Bearded Irises .......... Carl Jorgensen ..................................................... 41 New ISA President .........Robert Raabe ........................................................................45 Defense for Rebloomers ..........Bernice Miller .............................................................. 49 Financial Statement ................. ....................................................................................52 Australian Convention .......... John Taylor .................................................................... 61 Directors' Meeting Minutes ............. .............................................................................. 69 PR for Irising ........ Sam Reece ...... .............................................................................. 74 Youth Achievement Contest ........... Jayne Ritchie ........................................................ 76 Transplanting Bearded Irises ........... The World of Irises .............................................. 85 Regular Features President's Desk ....................................... .... ................................................................ 2 Membership Rates ................................ 37 Domestic News .................................... 60 Contribution Information ........................ 46 Editor's Notebook ................................. 64 Contributions ........................................ 47 Announcements .................................... 66 AIS Library List ..................................... 48 Miscellany ............................................ 67 Our Readers Write ........................... 51,77 Youthviews ........................................... 75 In Memoriam ........................................ 53 Flightlines ............................................. 79 Gleanings ............................................. 54 Advertising Rates ................................. 90 International News ................................ 59 Commercial Directory ...........................91 Advertisers George C. Bush .................................... 90 Paolucci & Conningham ....................... 86 C & M H Designs ................................... 88 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ..................... 89 Collins Markers ..................................... 89 Region 17 Convention .......................... 90 Frederick Knocke .................................. 88 Schultz-Instant Fertilizer ....................... 89 Dr. & Mrs. C. McEwen .......................... 87 Tams Iris Gardens ................................ 78 Melrose Gardens .................... Back Cover Photo Credits A. Dasch ... p. 14 (top left & right), p. 21 (mid left & lower right) Robert B. Dasch .......... p. 5, p. 14 (mid), p. 17 (all), p. 21 (top, mid right, lower left) Rosalie Figge ..........p. 6 (bottom), p. 14 (bottom) Larry Harder ......... p. 6 (top, mid), p. 7 (all) Van Valkenburgh ... p. 26 (upper three), p. 28 (all), p. 31 (all), p. 84 (all), p. 96 (all) Cover Photograph ODYSSEY (Sanford Babson, R. 1970, introduced 1971 by Melrose Gardens), and Award of Merit winner, is a popular blue and white TB plicata garden iris. Thanks to Larry Harder for the cover photograph. #235 October 1979 The Winners! ." Iris Awards. , , , . , , , . , . , . , . , . , .. , . , .. , . , ... , . ,, . , . ,4 Bloomin' Remembrances '" Larry Gaulter .,., .. ,.,., .. ,.,., .,.,., .15 First Index Completed, . , . , . , . , , , , , , . , . , , , , . , . , .. , . ... , . , , . , ... , . 16 Photo Contest Results '" George Waters .. , .............. , .. , . , . , .. , . , . , . , . , .. 17 Late News ." BIS Awards , . , . , , , , . , . , . , . , ........... , . , . , .. , . , . , . , ..... , . , 20 OK in '80 ". Burdella Rhodes , . , . , . , . , .. , . , , , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . 21 Officials' Jobs, . , , , , . , . , . , . , , , .. , , , . , . , . , , , .. , . , ........ , ....., . , ......... , .26 Welcome New Members ",.,. ,.,.,. , . , . , . , , . , , ...................... .. , . , . , . , ........ 29 Foundation Report '" John HaNey .. , .............. ,.,.,.,.".,.,., ... ,.,.,., 34 Little Beardeds , . , . , , . , . , . , .. , . , . , . , ...... , . , . , . , ...... , ...... , . , . , ......... 35 Species Gallery '" LeRoy Davidson ,.,.", .. ,., .. ,.,.,.,.,., ................................... ,.43 Spade Is a "" Roger Nelson. , . , . , . , , . , .. , . , , ... , . , . , ............ . , . ....., . , . ,49 Fashions in Louisianas '" Charles Arny .,., .. ,., .. ,.,., ................... . ... ......... ,.,.57 World Organizations ,'.,., .. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .. ,., .................................... , ... ........ ,.,. 71 Convention Irises '" Perry Dyer ,.,."., .. ",.,.".,.,., ........................... . . ,., ....... ,., 72 Show Supplies .'.".'.,.,.,., , . , . , . , . , . , .. , .. , . , . , ....................... . ... ..... , . , . ,85 Decorate with Irises ". Aleta Eggles ,., ............... ,., .. ,., .............. . ... ...... ,., .. ,87 REGULAR FEATURES Presidents Desk. , , . , . , . , . , . , . , .2 Membership Rates. , ... , , .. , . , 53 Gifts to AIS, , . , . , , ...... , . , .... , . , .54 Domestic News, . , .......... , . , ....... ,55 International News .. , ........ .... , . , ,55 ,78 Editor's Notebook, . , . , ...... .. , . , .. 62 Announcements. , . , . , . , .... , . 64 Miscellany .. , .. , . , . , .... ... , . , . , .. 65 Gleanings. , . , . , . , ....... , ..........., .66 Youthviews. , . , ............. ......., . , . ,76 Flightlines, ... , ........, . , . , . , . , . , . Library Supplies, . , . , . , ............. , .89 ADVERTISERS Aril Society .. , . , . , . , . , . , ,84 Paw Paw Labels .. , . , . , , , . , . , .90 Commercial Directory. , ... , . , .91 Schultz Fertilizer, . , . , . , . , . , . , . , 90 Grassroots , .. , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , , . 75 Waltermire ..... , , ..... 84 Nichols Garden. , . , , , . , . , . , . , , 90 World of Irises, . , . , . , .. , , , , . , . , 48 PHOTO & ART CREDITS 0. Rice ",4 upper L. Harder ". 4 lower, 7 upper & middle. 9 middle, 10 upper, 28 lower left S, Branch ".5 left, 42 lower M. Anning ".5 right. 9 upper, 10 lower, 37, 39,42 upper Melrose '" 7 lower, 9 lower, 10 middle L, Davidson '" 45 W. Morton ". 19 K. Keppel ". 49 Van Vaulkenburgh ." 28 upper right C. Arny '" 57, 58, 61 A. Vogt '" 96 COVER PHOTOGRAPH ELIZABETH STUART (B. Jones '71) is a popular pastel tall bearded award winner that garnered an HC in '70, an HM in'72 andanAM in'74, Photo by Bennett Jones, #236 January 1980 From The President's Desk ............................................................................................................ 4 How to Register & Introduce ..........................................................................................................6 Tall Bearded Irises. Recent & Future ..............................................................................................7 Yarn From Iris Fibers ......... W. G. Waters & D. W. Koza ........................................................... 14 Beginning Hybridizing ........... R. D. Koenitzer. jr. ...................................................................... 17 Award Winners AIS Shows 1979 ................................................................................................. 20 Exhibition Certificates AIS Shows 1979 .......................................................................................31 Oklahoma '80! .............................................................................................................................. 33 High Commendation ..................................................................................................................... 41 AIS Financial Statement ............................................................................................................... 43 1980 Membership Campaign ........................................................................................................ 56 Membership Report ...................................................................................................................... 57 AIS Judges .................................................................................................................................... 58 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting ........................................................................................ 79 Regular Features Domestic News ............................................ 36 International News ....................................... 38 Youth Views ................................................ 53 Advertising Rates ........................................ 54 Editor's Notebook ........................................ 44 Flight Lines .................................................. 75 Miscellany ................................................... 45 AIS Contributions ........................................ 50 AIS Library .................................................. 47 Advertisers Bayview ............................................... Cover 2 British Iris Society ........................................ 16 Carr ...............................................................42 Commercial Directory .................................. 90 Contemporary Gardens ................................. 46 Contemporary Gardens ................................. 70 Grassroots ..................................................... 73 Keppel .......................................................... 48 Keppel .......................................................... 69 McGarvey ..................................................... 39 Mohr . Cover 4 Contemporary Gardens ... Jones .... 73 Contemporary Gardens .. Hombre Nelson 46 Contemporary Gardens ........... Latitude Nelson ..................................... ............. 51 Cooper. 16 Cottage Gardens ......... Social Butterfly 49 Gibson 72 Rudolph ............................................... Cover 3 Rudolph ....................................................... 52 Schultz ......................................................... 35 Schultz .........................................................77 Photo Credits Oscoda COHnhj News: 5 Dr. Donald Koza: in minutes & Pg. 95 Frances Winfree: 37 Contributed by Hybridizers: 7, 8, 9, TO, 12 Cover Photograph: 1979 Dykes Medalist MARY FRANCES, created by Larry GauIler, displays form that garnered votes. Photograph by Glenn F. Corlew. #237 April 1980 Sound Advice? ... Jimmy Burch Explains His Opinions. 5 See How They Ran .............. Analysis of the 79 Dykes Voting ............................................................................ 9 Halo Again .................... Patterned Thoughts ....... Phil Edinger .......................................................................... ]2 Overdoers ................... Too Much from Irises ....... Walter Moores IS Tribute to Enthusiasm ... Winning Team Ideas ... Sam Johnson. 18 Best of Parents? ............ Pollen Analysis ... E.T. Browne, Jr. ..............................................................................20 Species Gallery ............. Pair Fare ......... Roy Davidson .................................................................................... 22 Symposium Results .............. Iris Popularity in '79 .............................................................................................27 New RVPs ... Six of Ten New Regional Leaders .................................................................................................38 Canadian Floralies ... First in North America. 50 New Members ............. July to December 1979 ................................................................................................. 51 1979 Winners ............ Membership Contest ........................................................................................................ 54 Denver '82 ............ Guest Request .... ..................................................................................................................55 1980 Approved Affiliates ................. List ........................................................................................................... 56 Regular Features President's Desk .........................................................4 Domestic News International News ................................................... 16 Gleanings ................................................................ 30 Youthviews .............................................................35 Gifts to AIS. 37 Flightlines ............................................................... 43 AIS Library ............................................................. 47 Advertising Rates ................................................... 57 Editor's Notebook ................................................... 58 41 Advertisers Avonbank Iris Gardens Blodgett Iris Gardens Boswell Iris Garden Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens Burch Iris Gardens. Cape Iris (Niswonger) Come 'N' Look (Vallette) Cooley's Cottage Garden Corlew, Glenn Cromwell. C. A. D. & J. Gardens Dennis, Paul Dunn. Mary & Bob Dunderman, Mary Louise Echo Hill (D. Palmer) Foster. Frank Gene & Gerry's Gardens Griffin. John E. Hamner's Iris Hazzard, A. H. Henderson, Dr. Norlan Innerst, Sterling Jones, Bennett C. Kegerise, Evelyn Keppel, Keith LaCresta Gardens Lankow, Carol & George Luihn's Iris Garden 59 8I 86 77 64 67 87 48 66 Cover 3 95 82 86 82 84 65 73 79 80 88 83 61 70 80 85 87 85 76 74 Maple Tree Gardens McClure, W. E. Melrose Gardens Miller, Bernice Minnick's Garden Mission Bell (Hamblen) Moores, Walter Mount Clare (Danielson) Pacific Coast (Williamson) Palmer, Cleo Paw Paw Everlas! Label Peterson, Les Riverdale Iris Roderick Iris Saia, Joe Saxton, Donald Schreiner's Schultz Co. Sexton. Neva Shoop, George Slade Iris Garden Smith, R. G. Spahn. Fred Spence, Herbert Tolman. Bion Varner, Steve Wethersfield Iris (Gadd) Wirz. Alfred 75 82 69 71 78 60 79 72 49 78 73 84 68 76 8I 75 Cover 2 42,46 . 78 77 88 63 85 75 83 62, Cover 4 74 8I Cover: Larry Harder's photograph of LEMON MIST demonstrates its elegant warmth that placed Nathan Rudolph's creation as first runner-up in the Dykes Medal balloting in both '78 and '79. 2 #238 July 1980 Annual Presidential Letter ........ ............................................................................................ 2 Borers in Beardless Irises ......... Helen Tarr .......................................................................... 5 Borer Survey ......... Betty Wood ......................................................................................... 11 Miniature Dwarf Irises ........... David Sindt ......................................................................... 13 Beardless Auction ..........Ainie Busse ................................................................................. 18 OK Was More Than Okay .............Reviewers .................................................................... 21 Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting ............. Carol Ramsey ............................................ 50 Our Readers Write .......... Janice Badger ........ .................................................................... 55 Our Readers Write .......... Allen Harper ......... .................................................................... 57 Youth Show Awards .......... Jim Copeland ..... .................................................................... 64 Soil Conditioning ............ Dr. C. Williamson . .................................................................... 70 Additional Affiliates ..................... ................. .................................................................... 83 Regular Features President's Desk .........................................4 Membership Rates ................................... 69 AIS Library .............................................. 49 Bulletin Deadlines ................................... 72 Youthviews ............................................. 61 Domestic News ....................................... 73 Editor's Notebook .................................... 63 Flightlines ............................................... 75 International News ................................... 65 Commercial Directory ............................. 90 Contributions ........................................... 68 Advertising Rates .................................... 96 Photo Credits M. Anning-p. 60 upper right; W. E. Barr-22 left, 26 upper left & two lower, 28 upper left, 35 right, 37 lower, 44 lower, 45 both left, 46 left, 67 right; A. Dasch-22 right, 26 upper right, 28 lower left, 30 right, 33, 34, 35 left, 36, 40, 43 upper, 43 lower left, 47, 48 upper left, lower right; R. Figge-28 lower right, 30 left, 37 top, 41 both, 42 lower, 45 top right, 46 right, 48 lower left, 67 left; Gilliam-62; Mrs. R. MiIler- 1 1 upper and center left; R. Roytos-44 upper pair; J. Wadekamper-39 both; G. Waters-21, 28 upper left, 42 top, 43 lower right, 45 lower, front cover; L. Welsh-28 top right, 60 left and below; B. Wood-IO three lower, 12. Advertisers Bush ........................................................ 86 Powell ..................................................... 85 C & M H Designs .................................... 74 Redenbo .................................................. 84 Conningham/Paolucci .............................. 87 Rialto (Weiler) ........................................ 88 Cresent (Drake) .. 86 Schultz Fertilizer 81,85 McEwen ................................................. 89 Solomon .................................................. 85 Paw Paw Labels ...................................... 86 Stahly ............................................................ 84 Cover: Median irises bloomed beautifully in the Maltsberger·Mullin Garden in Pawnee Oklahoma during the AlS National Convention. Photo- W. George Waters. #239 October 1980 1980 Awards ............ Exciting results ..................................................................................... 5 A Salute ........................................... ..................................................................................15 Hybridizing IBs ........ Theories ........ Carol Lankow 17 Convention 81 . Previews ................ Orville Dickhaut ....................................................... 23 Ketchem Garden .......... Past & future ........ Mrs. Robert Carney ...................................... 31 Bloomin' Remembrances ........... AIS Memoirs .. Larry Gaulter ......................................... 35 Irises in Virginia .........Varietal critiques ......... Fred Stephenson ...................................... 4 I Wood Ash .. Science and culture .. O.M. Otte ..................................................................... 46 ]980 Favorite Guest Irises .................................................................................................... 55 Highs and Lows ......... Growing in NJ .........Franklin Carr ................................................ 56 Varietal Comments ........... Oklahoma Hosts Report ............................................................ 58 Additional Affiliates ......... .................................................................................................. 83 Congratulations ........... Winners abroad. 84 New Members ............ ........................................................................................................ 85 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 4 Exhibition Supplies ................................. 68 Gifts to AlS .............................................. 16 Domestic News 70 AIS Library ............................................. 22 International News .................................. 73 Affiliation ................................................ 34 Youth Views ........................................... 80 Directory .................................................. 57 Editor's Notebook .................................... 82 Photo Credits R. Bohrer-p. 29, all; J. Boushay-7, lower rt.; H. Briscoe-7, lower left; H. Danielson9, both rt.; A. Dasch-5 mid & lower; R. Dasch-8, top 3 & low rt.; F. Gaulter-36; M. Hamblen-7 top rt. & 10 both; J. Martin-32; Melrose Gardens-9 top left; C. McEwen-8 lower left & ] 4 left; D. Niswonger-14 rt.; J. Scharff-30 all; D. Sindt-7 top left; Summerville N.C. Journal-71; L. Welsh-] 5; B. Williamson-5 top; Jos. Witt-45. Advertisers AIS Pin ...................................................... 2 Schultz ................................................ 77, 78 Commercial Director .......................... 90-96 Advertising Rates ..................................... 96 Melrose Gardens ....................... Back Cover Cover: The brilliance of autumn appears in our October cover subject, the spuria iris variety IMPERIAL BRONZE. Created by Eleanor McCown and introduced in 1971. it won the Eric Nies Award in 1975. Photo by Philip Edinger. #240 January 1981 Symposium Results ............................................................................................................... 7 Borer Survey Preliminary Results .. Betty Wood ................................................................ 10 HC Winners ............................. ...........................................................................................14 After the Rainbow Fades ......... Dr. C. Williamson ............................................................. 17 Vienna Competition Results .... .......................................................................................... 18 Exhibition Reports ................... ........................................................................................... 20 Exhibition Certificates ............. ...........................................................................................27 Convention 81i ........ James Morris .................................................................................... 29 Arils, the Mystique ......... Sharon McAllister ...................................................................... 36 Detective Work ............... .................................................................................................... 40 New Membership Campaign ............................................................................................... 47 How to Register & Introduce an Iris .................................................................................... 52 Our Readers Write ......... W. E. Ouweneel .......................................................................... 53 AIS Judges ..................... ..................................................................................................... 60 Regular Features Annual Statement ...................................... 4 Library .................................................... 45 President's Desk ......................................... 5 Youthviews ............................................. 50 Bulletin Ad Rates ...................................... 6 Domestic News ....................................... 55 Section Rates ........................................... 16 International News ....................................... 57 Editor's Notebook .................................... 35 Approved Affiliates ................................. 59 Membership Rates ................................... 35 Contributions ........................................... 71 Flightlines ................................................ 42 Minutes ................................................... 72 Advertisers Bay View .........................................Cover 4 McGarvey ............................................... 87 B.I.S ........................................................ 89 Randolph ................................................. 86 Campbell ................................................. 56 Robinson ................................................. 83 Commercial Directory ........................ 90-95 Rudolph ..........................................Cover 3 Corlew ..................................................... 51 Schultz ............................................... 88,89 Cottage .................................................... 48 Seminar ................................................... 89 Hamblen .................................................. 85 Skyline ............................................ Cover 2 Harper ...................................................... 70 Willott .......................................................... 88 Keppel ........................................ 46,49,84 Cover: Mystique, hybridized by Joseph Ghio, shows the style that captured the 1980 Dykes Memorial Medal. Photo by Sidney DuBose. #241 April 1981 Border Survey Report, Part II Betty Wood ......................................................................................... 5 Denver Notice to Hybridizers .............. .............................................................................................................. 9 Species Gallery Roy Davidson ............................................................................................................ 10 From Pod to Plant . Margie Robinson ................................................................................................... 17 Colors and Color Patterns . Norian Henderson ................................................................................................ 19 An Evansia Hybrid Roy Davidson ...................................................................................................... 28 Looking Back to Wear ...... ............................................................................................................................... 30 Can You Top This . Dr. Irene Van de Water ......................................................................................... 32 Publicize Your Local Event Robby Browne .................................................................................................... 33 Judging Seedlings Dr. H. C. Mohr ..................................................................................................... 35 Matter of Judgment Peg Edwards ...................................................................................................... 36 Obituary, Orville Fay ................................ ....................................................................................................... 62 Show & Youth Committee Notice .................................................................................................................... 64 Obituary, Guy Rogers ....................................................................................................................................... 64 Request for Guest Irises .................................................................................................................................... 65 Congratulations, Membership Contest Winners .............................................................................................. 73 Convention Iris Show ...................................................................................................................................... 111 REGULAR FEATURES President's Desk .......................................................4 Bulletin Ad Rates ..................................................16 Domestic News .. 41 International News ............................................... 44 Flightlines ............................................................ .48 Membership Rates ................................................ 53 Library ...................................................................60 Contributions ........................................................ 61 Y outhviews .......................................................... 63 Editor's Notebook ................................................. 66 Approved Affiliates ...............................................67 ADVERTISERS Avonbank Iris (Zurbrigg) .. 99 Benson, Cliff ..........................................................74 Blodgett Iris ...........................................................89 Boswell Iris .95 Brenton Point State Park .97 Brown's Sunnyhill .................................................96 Burch Iris .............................................................. 75 Cape Iris (Niswonger) .......................................... 78 Clough, W.H ....................................................... 103 Collins, J.R ......................................................... 101 Contemporary ....................................................... 76 Cooley's Gardens .. 59 Cottage Gardens .. 77 Crescent Garden ................................................. 102 o & J Gardens (Meek) ......................................... 97 Dunderman, Mary Louise .................................... 91 Echo Hill (D. Palmer) ........................................... 79 Ensminger, Allan .................................................. 80 For Pleasure (Danielson-Stopani) ........................ 81 Gibson Iris ............................................................ 82 Griffin, John .......................................................... 90 Hamner's Iris ......................................................... 93 Harper, Brett .. 40 Hawkins, Nancy Fish ............................... 56, 57, 58 HeIsey, Calvin ...................................................... 93 Hillcrest Iris (Nichols) ........................................ 102 Hillview Gardens .................................................. 40 Illini Iris (Varner) ................................................. 88 Innerst, Sterling .83 Cover: Iris Country (R. Nelson) ....................................... 98 Kegerise, Mrs. Richard P .................................... 100 Keppel, Keith ........................................................92 Luihn's Iris .............................................................84 M.A.D. Iris (Dunn) ...............................................99 Markwardt, Alfred .. 103 Maryott, William .Cover 3 Melrose Gardens .................................................. 85 Mission Bell (Hamblen) .104 Mohr Gardens .............................................. Cover 4 Moores, Walter ................................................... 100 Morgan, Richard ................................................. 103 Pacific Coast ................................................... 54, 55 Paw Paw Everlast Label ..................................... 102 Peterson, Les ......................................................... 86 Powell, Loleta ....................................................... 94 Riverdale Iris (Hanson) .90 Rawdon, Louise .................................................. 104 Roderick Iris .. 87 Rowlan, Henry ...................................................... 92 Royal Iris (Johnson) .89 Schreiner's ... Cover 2 Schultz Company .103,104 Sexton, Neva .......................................................101 Shoop, George .......................................................95 Spahn, Fred .. 91 Vagabond (F. Foster) ............................................96 Wedow Iris ............................................................94 Wethersfield Iris (Gadd) .98 hybridized by Jonnye Rich, shouts for attention as a dynamic, globular 10" arilmed of half Onco lineage and winner of the CG. White Award in 1976. Photo by Keith Keppel. LOUD MOUTH. #242 July 1981 Annual Presidential Letter ..................... ...............................................................................2 And We Met Them in St. Louis ............. Reviewers ..............................................................5 More Borer Thoughts .......... Reprint, Orville Fay .............................................................. 28 Congratulations ................... ............................................................................................... 30 Familiar Faces Accepting Major Awards ............................................................................31 Special Awards Presented .................................................................................................... 33 Popular Vote Winners ......................................................................................................... 35 Research on Bacterial Soft Rot .. Saxton, Sharma, Gashaw ................................................. 38 Obituary, Frank Crouch ....................... ............................................................................... 52 Miscellany ........................................... ............................................................................... 53 Obituary, Arnold Schliefert ................. ............................................................................... 56 Letter from "Iris en Provence" ............. Pierre Anfosso ....................................................... 57 Pollen Daubers Seminar ...................... ............................................................................... 59 Invitation for Guest Irises .................... ............................................................................... 74 Contributions to AIS Foundation ......... ............................................................................... 75 Beauties in a Box ........ Nicholson ...... ............................................................................... 77 Photo Credits .............. ........................ ............................................................................... 79 Obituary, Glenn Hanson ...................... ............................................................................... 80 Understanding pH .......... 0. M. Otte . ............................................................................... 81 Our Readers Write .......... Georjean McLaren ..................................................................... 83 Conventional Humor ...... .................................................................................................... 84 Our Readers Write .......... Cecil Wadleigh .......................................................................... 85 REGULAR FEATURES President's Desk ........................................ .4 Flightlines .....................................................61 Library .................................................... .46 Youth Views .................................................. 67 International News ................................... 47 Editor'sNotebook ..........................................71 Domestic News ........................................ 51 Membership Rates ........................................ 78 Slides ....................................................... 60 Contributions ................................................ 79 ADVERTISERS F. Crandall ........................ 89 Mrs. Kegerise .....................88 Seaways .............................. 87 C. A. Cromwell ................ 89 Paw Paw Labels ..................... .45 D. Sindt ......................... 86 Ench. Rainbow ................. 88 Saxton .................................86 TowPath ............................. 66 Varigay ....................... Cover4 Schultz Fert ................ 78, 88 West .................................... 86 Cover: The popular Award of Merit recipient BLUE LUSTER at home in Brown's Sunnyhill Garden, photo by originator, Opal Brown, 1973 #243October 1981 1981 Awards ..................................................................................... . ................................. 5 HybridizingMemories ..........................................W. B. Schortman ............................... 25 The Name Game ................................................... D. Willott. .......... ............................... 31 AConventionalInvitation ............................................ AnneJohnson ............................... 32 Report from Colorado Springs ...................... L. Shoemaker ........... H. Kuesel ............. 37 Experiences with Bacterial Soft Rot ....................................R. Browne .......................... 40 St. Louis Favorites .............................................................................................................. 45 Faux Pas I Have Made ....................................... 1. Van de Water ..................................... 46 Pod Appreciation ............................................... M. Wilkins ............................................ 47 Obituary, Eugene Hunt. ..................................... ................................................................ 69 W. B. Schortman ........................... ................................................................ 77 C. R. Minnick ................................ ................................................................ 79 Recruit AIS Members ................................................ J. Burch ......................................... 80 Minutes, May 12 & 13 ............................................C. Ramsey ....................................... 83 REGULAR FEATURES President's Desk .................. .................... 4 AISAffiliates ...............................................55 Slides ................................... .................. 24 International News ...................................... 56 Gifts to AIS ......................... .................. 29 Youth Views ................................................64 Membership rates ................ .................. 30 Library .........................................................68 Hybridizers' Notice ............. , ............... .43 Flightlines .................................................... 70 Moving ................................ ................. .44 Editor's Notebook ........................................78 Domestic News ................... .................. 52 Advertising Rates ........................................95 ADVERTISERS Arnold Art ................................... Cover 3 Schultz .................................................... 63, 77 Charjoy ........................................ Cover 4 Shook ............................................................ 81 4-Square ...................................... Cover 2 Society, Louisianas ...................................... 69 Microform .............................................. 82 Commercial Directory ................................ 89 PHOTO CREDITS M. Anning-6, 7 lower, 9 lower 18 both H. Danielson- 13 lower H. Kuesel-39 T. Magee- 33, 34 all, 36 all B. Osborne- 17, 18 lower right, 44 S. Tyler- 54 M.Welsh- 8 top, 11 lower, 13 both top, 14 lower right, 15 lower left, 16 lower both, 18 lower left G. Corlew-9 top, 12 alL 14 top, 15 top S. DuBose- 7 top C. McEwen-14 lower left, 16 top H. Metcalf- 28 L. Shoemaker- 35 both D. Willott- 8 lower, 10 both, 11 top, 15 lower right COVER: This year's Dykes Medalist BROWN LASSO. (Buckles-Niswonger), a border bearded proved that an outstanding iris of any classification can triumph. Its luscious tones and crisp form were photographed by Philip Edinger. #244 January 1982 1982 Symposium Results 7 Border Patrol Jubilant Philip Edinger 10 Through Different Eyes Perry Dyer 12 Iristime in the Rockies Harlan Clark 18 Rendezvous '82-Annual Convention 20 Japanese Iris Flowers with Multiple Parts Beyond the Normal Sequence of Threes W. L. Ackerman and Margot Williams 22 HC Winners 28 Exhibition Reports ................................................................................................ 31 Exhibition Certificates 38 The Moth Trap Ruth Schulz 42 Awards in Vienna ................................................................................................. 50 AIS Judges 52 Regular Features Statement of Ownership President's Desk. AIS Sales Items Show Supplies. Editor's Blues Flightlines 4 International News 47 5 17 40 43 .. 44 Approved Affiliates Minutes Youth Contributions In Memoriam. 63 64 77 78 81 Advertisers Bay View Bellagamba . British Iris Society Commercial Directory Corlew Cottage Flanagan Gartman Gibson Hamblen Cover 4 89 6 90-95 51 48 89 76 82 83 Keppel .49,84 Klehm (Rudolph) Cover 3, 85 McGarvey. 86 Nelson, R. 89 Pacific Coast Hyb .. 46,87 Scheve 88 Schultz 80,89 Sooner State. 9 Varigay ... Cover 2 Cover: Memories of the St. Louis convention live on, assisted by this shot of the irises at the Missouri Botanic Garden. Visible in the background is the famous Climatron. Photo by W. George Waters. #245 April 1982 Denver Rendezvous '82 .................... Tom Magee 6 Meet the New RVPs ............................................... 8 Jaymie Heathcock Appointed Publication Sales Director ............................... 12 Burch is New Membership Secretary .................. 14 Our New Treasurer: Francesca Thoolen .......................................... 16 Distinguished Service Medals Awarded ........................................................... 17 New Board Members ............................................ 18 Editorial Staff Changes ......................................... 19 Ben Hager Awarded Foster Memorial Plaque .............................................. 20 Cold Climate Rebloomers .................Earl E. Hall 22 Judging Reblooming Irises ................................... Walter A. Moores 24 Cross-Country Comments: 1981 Rebloom ........................ Lloyd Zurbrigg 25 Sunbelt, U.S.A .. Myrna Pollock 28 The Track Record of Recent Dykes Medalists ....................... Ron Thoman 30 pH Studies with Tall Bearded Iris .......................... Hurley, Einert, & Hileman 32 Box Score- ...........................Elsiemae Nicholson 38 Notice to Affiliates .................... Dorothy Howard 58 Approved Affiliates ................................................59 Regular Features Advertising Rates ................................................... 4 Editor's Page ........................................................... 4 President's Desk ..................................................... 5 AIS Sales Items .13,68 Membership Rates ............................................... 15 Membership Campaign ........................................ 40 How to Register an Iris. 41 Guest Iris Requests ......................................... 42,43 Flight Lines ............................................................ 44 nternational News ................................................49 Youth Views ...........................................................53 Membership Contest Winners .. 55 In Memoriam .........................................................62 Elizabeth Jones ................................................63 Frank Chowning ...............................................63 Hubert Fischer ..................................................64 Gifts to AIS ............................................................ 66 Domestic News ..................................................... 67 Advertisers Albers, Donovan ..................... 70 Avonbank (Zurbrigg) . 69 Benson, Cliff 70 Biodgelliris Gardens ...............71 Boswell Iris Garden .71 Brown's Sunnyhill .. 72 Burch Iris Gardens .................. 73 C & A Iris Garden (Quadros) ........................... 76 Cape Iris Gardens (Niswonger) ........................ 74 Clough, W. H ........................... 83 Cooley's Gardens ................... 57 Contemporary Gardens (P. Dyer) ............................. 75 Cromwell, C. A., 11 . 77 0& J Gardens (Meek) ............. 78 Dennis, Paul H ........................ 75 East Wind Garden (Bausch) 77 Echo Hill Garden (D. Palmer) ........................ 79 Fuller's Gardens ............... 80,81 Hall's Flower Garden 82 Hamner's Iris Garden. 83 Helsley, Calvin .................. 56, 82 Hillcrest Iris Gardens (Nichols) ..............................84 Hillview Gardens (Gartman) ...........................84 Innerst, Sterling 85 Kansas Rainbow Garden (Jeffries) .............................. 86 Kegerise, Mrs. Grant 87 Keppel, Keith .. 88 Koza, Dr. Donald ..................103 La Cresta Gardens (Anning) 87 Long's Gardens ................. 90,91 Luihn, Walt .. 89 MAD. Iris Gardens (Dunn) 89 Mallory, Robert ....................... 86 Maryolliris Gardens .. Cover 3 Melrose Gardens .92 Michel, Leonard ......................93 Mohr Gardens ................Cover 4 Palmer, Cleo ........................... 93 Paw Paw Everlast Label .. 103 Pleasure Iris Gardens (Danielson) ................... 94,95 Powell's Gardens .................... 96 Region 8. 83 Region 12 ............................... 15 Rialto Gardens (Weiler) ......... 97 Riverdale Iris Gardens (Hanson) . 96 Robinson, Margie ................... 98 Roderick Iris Garden .98 Rowlan, Henry C .................... 99 Saia, Joe L. .......................... 103 Saxton Iris Garden ............... 102 Schreiner's Gardens .. Cover 2 Schultz Co ......................... 72,78 Sexton, Neva .........................100 Shamrock Iris Garden (Mahoney). 100 Shoop, George ..................... 101 Skyline Gardens 101 Spahn, Fred E .. 102 Summit Iris (Jorgensen) 88 Tow Path Lane Gardens (Waite) ..............................103 Varigay Gardens (Ensminger) 104 Varner, D. Steve ................... 105 Vander Velde, Roger .............. 79 Commercial Directory 106-111 Cover: Opal Brown's QUEEN OF HEARTS, perennial favorite and Dykes runner-up, as photographed by Glenn Corlew. #246 July 1982 The Chartreuse Ruffles Story .................................... Nathan Rudolph. 7 Elmohr Got There First! ............................................. Howard Shockey .. 10 So You Want to Be a Hybridizer ................................ Joe Gatty .......................... 11 How They Grow, New Mexico Style ........................... Margaret Dean ................. 13 Median Meanderings ................................................. Maryann Anning ............... 24 Aphids ....................................................................... Jean Erickson . 28 Proper Fertilization is More Than a Pile of Manure .. O. M. Otte .. 30 Eileen Allison is New RVP for Region 11 .............................................................. 37 Roots ........................................................................ Keith Keppel 40 Considering a Public Display Garden? .. Michael L. Heger ... 43 Observations on Irises in North-Central Florida .. Hervey Caton. 47 Experimenting with Irises in Florida .. Marjorie Starkey 49 Unique Aspects of Judging Species Irises ... Jean G. Witt and B. LeRoy Davidson ........... 50 Is There a Horticultural Future for I. X Sibosa? .. Robert Egli ................................ 57 Review: The Iris (Mathew) .. Roy Davidson .......................................................... 59 Review: The Iris (Rodionenko) ...................................Bee Warburton ................. 60 A Few Chirps from the Robin Lady ............................ Jeane Stayer 64 Regular Features President's Desk 4 AIS Sales Items ........................... 38-39 International News ........................... 54 Flight Lines ....................................... 65 Domestic News .. 70 Editor's Page .................................... 71 Youth Views ..................................... 72 Affiliates ........................................... 74 In Memoriam .................................... 75 David Lyon ...................................76 Ethel Ricker ..................................76 Jake Scharff ................................. 77 Contributions .....................................78 Advertising Rates ..............................80 Membership Rates ............................95 Advertisers Bartlett, Nancy .................................. 81 Maple Tree Gardens (Harder) .... 86 Bush, George C ................................ 89 Markwardt, Alfred .. 89 Carr, Franklin E. 73 Maryott's Iris Gardens ...................... 85 Commercial Directory .................. 90-95 Paw Paw Label Co ........................... 86 Cordon Bleu Farms . Cover, 2, 82 Santa Rosa Iris Society .................... 88 Eagleville Florist (Williams) .. 83 Schultz Co ........................................ 89 Fuller's Gardens ... Cover 3 Seaways Garden (McEwen) .87 Granger's Iris Garden 84 Sellman's Iris Garden ....................... 88 Lyons, D. M .... 82 Vagabond Garden (Foster) .. Cover 4 Cover: International Iris Trial Gardens in Florence, Italy. A listing of this year's winners is on Page 55. Color photo by Dr. Federico Strada, reprinted courtesy of the new AIS booklet, Irises for Everyone. #247 October 1982 1982 AIS Awards Rocky Mountain High Denver Botanic Gardens Botanic Garden Post-Script Long's Gardens Colorado State University Plantings The McCarthy Garden The Wooten Garden The Varnum Garden Convention Popular Vote Winners The Mary Swords DeBaillon Award Awards Chart Plan Now For Boston Proper Fertilization is More Than a Pile of Manure (cont'd) Gleanings 5 17 20 22 24 27 Elvan Roderick Bill Maryott Ron Mullin Dave Niswonger Betty and Jimmy Burch 33 Bennett Jones ·35 Myrna Pollock 37 40 Marie Caillet 42 Glenn Corlew 48-49 Shirley Varmette 51 0 M.Otte Philip Edinger 53 59 Minutes, Board Meeting In Memoriam Lerton Hooker Helen McCaughey Henry Sass Gifts to AIS Affiliates Membership Rates 79 84 84 85 86 86 87 94 Regular Features President's Desk AIS Sales Items Iris Profiles: George Shoop International News Domestic News Youth Views Flight Lines AIS Slides Rental 4 39 64 66 68 69 72 78 Advertisers Boehm Porcelain Commercial Directory Eagleville Florist (Williams) Neel, Laurence Cover 2 89 77 58 Schulz Company 71 Sooner State I ris Society 62 Windberg Galleries Covers 3 and 4, 96 Cover: The 1982 Dykes Medal Winner VANITY, with the Melrose Gardens fields where it originated as a background. Photo by Sid DuBose. #248 January 1983 1983 Boston Convention Information. 6-7 Boston Convention, Guest Iris Preview .. .Barbara Schmieder, Marian Schmuhl, Agnes Waite ........................................................................... 9 Organizing a Rhizome Sale .. .Dean Brand 13 Share Your lrising .. .Dr. Candace Williamson-Murdock .. 15 Irises in the Midwest ..... Elsie Zuercher ............................................................... 16 1983 Symposium ......... ....................................................................................... 22 Irises Winning High Commendation .25 1982 Awards for Japanese Irises 27 1982 Exhibitions Committee Report ... Glenn Corlew 28 Exhibition Certificates - 1982 . 36 Iris Thoughts from Abroad ..... C.E.C. Bartlett ...................................................... 38 The Mysterious Red Seed ..... Jayne Ritchie 41 Review N.Y. Botanical Garden Encyclopedia of Horticulture. Jean G. Witt. 44 Compilation of a Louisiana Iris Checklist ... Charles Fritchie 45 1983 New Membership Campaign 50 Iris Travels ... Currier McEwen 54 AIS Judges - 1983 ... 76 REGULAR FEATURES President's Desk 4 Membership Rates 5 AIS Sales Items 8 Iris Profiles: Gordon Plough .. 42 The Bulletin Board 47 Advertising Rates 47 International News ........................... 52 Flashback ......................................... 57 Robin Chirps. 61 Flight Lines 62 Youth Views .66 Minutes, Board of Directors 68 Treasurer's Report .75 In Memorium 81 Ada Buxton. 81 Contributions ... 82 Statement of Ownership .. 84 ADVERTISERS Bay View (Ghio) .. Cover 4 Commercial Directory Corlew Cottage. Gibson Hillcrest (Nichols) Iris Country (Nelson) Keppel .90-95 Cover 2 48 85 ... 86 46 Klehm (Rudolph) Mission Bell (Hamblen) Pacific Coast (Williamson) Schultz Co. Sooner State 49, 87 Cover 3, 88 89 51 21 .87 Cover: Guest irises with the Denver Botanic Gardens Conservatory in the background. Rendezvous '82 photo contest winner by Donald 0 Roos #249 April 1983 Gold Medal Awarded to Melba Hamblen. 5 Hybridizers' Medal Awarded to Henry Danielson ........................ .................... 6 Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Jean Witt. 7 New Board Members 9 New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................... .................. 10 An Approach to Breeding Amoena and Bicolour Irises ............... . Barry Blyth ............................................................................. .................. 16 Boston Convention Information .................................................. ............. 22-23 The Capitola Story ........ Roy Oliphant ....................................... .................. 24 Labeling the Iris Garden .... ........................................................ .................. 27 Recycled Iris Fibers! .......... Marian Schmuhl .............................. .................. 32 Indianapolis Conventioll - Guest Request .................................. .................. 33 An Alternative to Increased Dues ............................................... .................. 38 Forced Sowing of Iris Seed ......... Koen Engelen ....................... .................. 48 Northwest Performance .......... Terry Aitken ............................... .................. 55 Publicity, Promotion and Parades ... Elizabeth Brown ................ .................. 60 REGULAR FEATURES President's Desk ............................ 4 Membership Rates ............................ 51 Gleanings .. 34 Youth Views ......................................................................... 52 Robin Chirps ................................ 39 AIS Sales Items ................................. 58 Flight Lines ................................... 40 Approved Affiliates 61 International News ....................... 43 In Memoriam .67 Denkewitz Irises .......................43 Irises in East Germany. 44 Bernard Schreiner. 66 Emma Cook ............................. 67 IGA - Munich. Arthur Hazzard ......................... 68 45 Profiles: Elvan Roderick • The Bulletin Board. .46 Gifts to AIS ........................................ 69 50 Advertising Rates .............................100 LIST OF ADVERTISERS ... 49 Cover: Japanese irises in a Japanese public garden. Photo by Seiko Takuma, from Irises for Everyone, The American Iris Society, 1982. #250 July 1983 White Lightning ................................................. Keith Keppel. 4 AIS Bylaws Approved. 5 Pacific Coast I rises in Gardens. B. Leroy Davidson 6 George Stambach and the Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris ................................ R. C. Richards ............. 11 PCNs in Minnesota ............................................................ Joan Cooper. 13 Garden Comments ................................................. Lewis Lawyer e1. al. 14 Specific Species: Iris Tenax Jean Witt ...................... 17 Bacterial Soft Rot of I rises ............................... Jim Browne .................. 22 "American" Irises .............................................. ...................................... 23 Recommended for Beginners ........................... ...................................... 24 TheCreamoftheCrop ......................................... KennethH.Mohr ............ 33 Annual Presidential Letter ................................. ...................................... 40 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps ... Harry B. Kuesel ..... 41 Regular Features President's Desk. Profiles: Franklin Carr AIS Sales Items International News Vienna I ris Competition Florence Competition Affiliates 3 Contributions to AISF . 67 .. 58 In Memoriam. 69 60 John C. Wister .................. 70,75 .61 Flight Lines ................................. 77 .61 Youth Views. 84 .64 Membership Rates .. 85 .66 Advertising Rates ... 96 List of Advertisers Commercial Directory .. 90-96 Schultz Co ............................................... 89 Iris .32 Seaways (McEwen) . 88 Jensen ....................................... 87 Tow Path Lane (Waite) .................. 86 Mueller 86 Varigay (Ensminger) ....................................................... Cover 4 Paw Paw .................................................... 86 Wagontrails (Claussen) .. 89 Rowlan ..................................................................................... 87 Wight. 87 Photo Credits M. Anning: 14, 16,26,36,37. R. Figge: 62. L. Harder: 34. R. Hardy: 19. C. Hauksdottir: 11. P Mayer: 70. C. Summerfield: 74. R. Tweed: 42-57. J. Vickers: 59. Cover: WHITE LIGHTNING (Gatty '74). See Story on Page 4. Photo by K. Keppel. ERRATA BULLETIN 223, October 1976 page 79: the 2nd place winner in the Region 24 Huntsville show was Amy Craig rather than Sheila Saxton. Cover Photograph: the popular Siberian EGO (McGarvey 1966), winner of the Morgan Award in 1972. Advertising Directory ............................ 95 Advertising Rates ................................... 96 Affiliates in April ................................... 96 Announcements ..................................... 95 Change of Address ................................. 98 Commercial Directory ......................... 107 Guest Irises ............................................ 96 In Memoriam ......................................... 80 Introductions ................................... 95, 96 Membership Dues ................................. 98 Membership List ................................... 97 Slides .................................................... 97 Registrations ......................................... 95 Sections ................................................... 1 Youth .................................................... 74 The color cover, left to right. First row, BLUE SHIMMER (J. Sass '41), BLUE PETTICOATS (Schreiners '65). Second row, RHAGE8 (Mead-Reidel '34), ECHO ONE (Schortman '66). Third row, TIFFANY (H. C. Sass '38), CHARMED CIRCLE (Keppel '69). TABLE OF CONTENTS #251 Oct 1983 1983AISAwards 4 Boston Convention Impressions of the Boston Convention .......................... Jean Erickson ......................... 16 Convention Awards ....................................................... ................................................ 19 The Waite Garden ......................................................... Ray Blicharz .......................... 22 Stanley Park .............................................................................. Catherine Long Gates. 24 The Warburton Garden .................................................. Betty Wood ............................ 26 The Schmuhl Garden ..................................................... Jim Browne ............................ 28 The Hall Garden ............................................................ Jean Quick ............................. 31 The Whitehouse-Shaw Garden ...................................... Hooker Nichols. 33 I rises at the Case Estates .............................................. Jane I. Hall ............................. 34 The Schmieder Garden ............................................................ Marg and Don Saxton .. 36 To the Evergreen Shore in '84 ............................................. Sigrid Asmus .......................... 37 The 19831ris Season in Virginia ......................................... Fred G. Stephenson ................ 40 The "With-Iris" Plants ......................................................... Loleta K. Powell .................... 44 Irises Do Enjoy CompanionshipOther ThanYours ............................................................ Loretta Aaron .. 46 Morelris Companions .......................................................... JoeGatty ................................ .49 Arilmeds: Twenty Years of Frustration ............................... Jonnye Rich ............................ 50 Dwarf and Intermediate Notes ............................................ Carl and LaRue Boswell .................. 54 Looking at Them in the Southern Hemisphere Barry Blyth ................................................. 64 Requirements for Affiliation ............................................................................................... 71 Regular Features President's Desk. 3 In Memoriam ................................................ 74 Gleanings ................................................55 Edwin Rundlett .............................................. 74 Iris Profiles: Ron Mullin .........................60 Gifts to AIS ................................................... 75 AIS Sales Items .......................................62 Photo Credits ................................................. 75 International News .................................. 63 Howto Register an Iris ................................... 76 Flight Lines .. 68 Minutes: Board Meeting ................................... 77 Youth Views ........................................... 72 Iris Slides for Rentals 86 Membership Rates .................................. 73 Advertising Rates .......................................... 96 List of Advertisers Charjoy Gardens ...........................Cover 4 Petasus ............................................................ 89 Horticulture Magazine ............................ 88 Schultz Co ..................................................... 87 Iris Society of Australia .......................... 87 Sooner State Iris Society .............................. 71 Commercial Directory .......................90-96 Cover: RUFFLED BALLET, the 1983 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Keith Keppel. TABLE OF CONTENTS #252 Jan 1984 1984 Symposium 5 1984 Seattle Convention Information 8 Seattle Preview: Evergreen Shore the Year Before The Ste. Michelle Winery Sigrid Asmus ... 10 Rhododendron Species Foundation Garden Terry Aitken 12 Notes on the Various Gardens Sigrid Asmus, Paul Black, E. J. Cass, Virginia Del Judge, Lorena Reid, George Shoop, Jean Witt 14 Irises Winning High Commendation, 1983 22 Awards to Japanese I rises, 1983 24 New Membership Campaign .25 Scorch: Mystery Killer at Large Paul Black 32 A Critique on Iris Auctions Allen Harper 34 1983 Exhibitions Committee Report Glenn F. Corlew 37 Exhibition Certificates, 1983 44 Robin Directors 56 AIS Judges, 1984 57 About the Bulletins 63 The American Iris Society Foundation 66 Regular Features President's Page AIS Sales Items Flashback The Bulletin Board Youth Views International News 1983 Vienna Competition Contributions to AISF 4 In Memoriam 21 Jay Ackerman 26 Forrest McCord 47 Treasurer's Report 50 Minutes, Board of Directors 52 Membership Rates 54 Statement of Ownership 67 68 68 68 69 70 79 80 Advertisers Bay View (Ghio) Carr Cherry Lane (Corlew) Commercial Directory Cottage Evergreen Labels Four-Square Gibson Hillcrest (Nichols) Cover 4 Iris Garden Tour (Varnum) 82 Keppel Cover 2 Klehm (Rudolph) .89-95 Mission Bell (Hamblen) 48 Pacific Coast (Williamson) 82 Robinson 65 Schultz Co. 83 Sooner State-Seminar 84-85 Varigay (Ensminger) 81 49, 85 Cover 3, 86 87 .51 88 20 24 46 Cover: Pacific Northwest, where irises are grown as row crops. Partial view of fields at Schreiner's Gardens, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Keith Keppel. TABLE OF CONTENTS #253 April 1984 Seattle Convention Information ........................... ................................................. 5 Novelty Irises ...................................................... Ben R. Hager .......................... 6 Fun and Fantasy .................................................. Allan Ensminger .. 12 Space Age Irises .................................................. James A Mahoney ................ 18 Seeing Double ..................................................... Austin Morgan ...................... 22 Unwanted Novelties .............................................Keith Keppel ........................ 24 Dorothy Palmer: 1983 Hybridizers' Medal Winner ..............................................27 AIS Board of Directors, New Members ............................................................... 28 1983 Distinguished Service Medal Winners ........................................................ 30 The Dykes Medal ................................................................................................. 34 Australasian Dykes Medal .................................... John 0. Baldwin .. 35 Southern California Iris Impressions .................... Dr. Edward Murray ............... 38 Rules for Robin Directors and Members .............. ............................................... 66 Voting for Guest Irises ......................................... Bobbi Whitehouse ................ 66 Golden State Reunion: Guest Request .................. ............................................... 67 Regular Features President's Page .................................. 4 Flight Lines .......................................... 56 The Bulletin Board ...........................26 Approved Affiliates .............................. 69 AIS Sales Items ................................37 In Memoriam ........................................ 72 Iris Profiles: Barry Blyth .................. 50 Cora May Pickard ................................. 72 International News .......................... 52 Gifts to AIS ...........................................73 Youth Views ..................................... 54 Membership Rates ...............................112 Questions and Suggestions ................................. 55 List of Advertisers .. 68 Cover: In keeping with this issue's Novelty Iris theme, some non-conforming tall beardeds Clockwise, starting at the top; FUNTASTIC, SNOW SPOON, PINK MAGNOLIA, FUll HOUSE, JUST FOR lAUGHS, TWICE THRilLING and SKY HOOKS, with UNFURLED FLAG in the center Photo by Melrose Gardens Photo Credits J T Aiken, 14 left; M. Anning, 16; l. Blyth, 50, 51; A Ensminger, 14 rt., 15; K. Keppel, 8 rt., 25,39,40,41,43,48; D. Koza, 9 left; J Mahoney, 19 center left; D. Meek, 9 rt.; H Rowlan, 19 bottom left; G. Schifferli, 8 left; D. Sindt, 19 rt.; l. Stayer, 29 rt., 54; G. Waters, 32 rt.; l. Welsh, 32 bot. left. TABLE OF CONTENTS #254 July 1984 New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................................... ........... 5 Spurias; A Brief History ................................................. Eleanor McCown ........ 10 A Baker's Dozen of the Most Popular Spurias ...................................... Floyd Wickenkamp .. 13 Spuria Irises in Australia ........................................... Trevor Nottle .................... 14 Spurias in the High Plains ......................................... Harry Kuesel .................... 16 Spurias Do Grow Up North ....................................... Francis Brenner ................ 19 Mustard Seed Fungus in Spuria Iris .......................... Ben R. Hager .................... 20 Matching Iris to Microclimate ................................... Pan ayot i Callas ............... 24 Show Business .......................................................... Margaret Dean ................. 33 Beginner's Luck: Don't Count on It ........................... Irene OUe ........................ 36 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps (Part II) Harry Kuesel ................................. 47 Regular Features President's Desk ................................ 4 How to Register and Introduce AIS Sales Items ............................... 32 an Iris .................................................... 79 International News .......................... 64 Contributions to AISF ........................... 80 Youth Views ................................... 67 In Memoriam ........................................ 82 Questions and Suggestions . 68 Thornton Abell ............................ 82 Profiles: Kay Nelson ........................ 70 Earl Browder ............................... 82 Advertising Rates ............................ 71 Wilma Greenlee ........................... 83 Robin Directors ................................ 72 Herbert Parker ............................. 83 Flight Lines ..................................... 73 AIS Affiliates ........................................ 84 Bulletin Board ................................. 78 Membership Rates ................................ 96 Advertisers B & D Lilies ..................................... 85 Mueller, A. Theodore ............................ 85 Cordon Bleu Farms ............... Cover 2 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ........................ 86 Dutch Gardens ................................. 87 Peterson, Les ......................................... 86 Dyer, Floyd ..................................... 87 Quadros, Carl ........................................ 86 Evergreen Plant Labels .................... 85 Schultz Co ............................................. 87 Helsley, Calvin ...................... Cover 4 Seaways Gardens (McEwen) 88 Commercial Directory ................................................... 89-96 Cover: Spuria Irises growing at Cordon Bleu Farms, San Marcos, California. Photo by Janice Chesnik. TABLE OF CONTENTS #255 Oct 1984 1984 AIS Awards ................................................................................................... 4 Seattle, 1984 ......................................................................................................... 20 President's Cup ................................................................................................ 23 Franklin Cook Cup .......................................................................................... 24 Favorite Guest Irises ....................................................................................... 24 Rhododendron Species Foundation Garden ................................ Perry Dyer .................................. 26 Chateau Ste. Michelle ................................ Adele Lawyer ............................. 29 The Hansen Garden .................................... Bill Maryott ................................ 32 The Noyes Garden ...................................... AI Roderick ................................ 34 The Cass Garden ........................................ Bobbie Shepard .......................... 36 The Lankow Garden ................................... Gordon Green ............................. 36 The Fisher Garden ...................................... Hooker Nichols .......................... 38 The Ritchie Garden .................................... Jean Erickson ............................. 39 Roy Davidson's Woodland Garden Mary Duvall ............................................ 40 The Dexter Garden ..................................... Joe Gatty .................................... 44 The Brooks Garden .................................... Eric Tankesley-Clarke ................ 46 The Crandall Garden .................................. Jim Morris .................................. 47 Detecting and Hybridizing With Chimera and Tetraploid Louisiana Irises .... Joseph K. Mertzweiller ... 51 Performance of Louisiana Irises in New Orleans ...............................................Charles Fritchie .......................... 55 The Judge, the Apprentice and the Show ............................................................. 60 Regular Features President's Page .................................. 3 Profiles: Jeane Stayer ......................... , 72 AIS Sales Items ............................... 49 Youth Views ....................................... , 74 Bulletin Board ................................. 50 Minutes, Board Meeting ....................... 76 Flashback ........................................ 62 In Memoriam ............................... ........ 88 Flight Lines ..................................... 67 S. Stillman Berry ......................... ........ 86 Membership Rates .......................... 69 Gifts to AIS .................................. ... , .. 88 International News .......................... 70 Advertising Rates ........................ ........ 96 Photo Credits ..................... ....................................................... 96 Advertisers Commercial Directory ............... 89-96 Schultz Co .............................................. 85 Florida Iris Society .......................... 73 Sloan, Richard J ........................... Cover 4 4-Square .......................................... 73 Wight's Iris Delights ............................. 66 Cover: Roy Davidson's Garden, as seen during the Seattle Convention. Photo by Merry Haveman. TABLE OF CONTENTS #256 Jan 1985 Indianapolis Convention Information .................................................................... 6 Indianapolis-1985 Convention Gardens . George & Helen Lyford ................... 7 Symposium-1985 ....................................................... .......................................... 14 Irises Winning High Commendation, 1984 .............. .......................................... 18 Exhibition Certificates Issued During 1984 ............... .......................................... 20 1984 Awards for Japanese Irises ................................ .......................................... 22 Exhibitions Committee Report for 1984 .................... .......................................... 23 Ethics in Judging ........................................................ .......................................... 30 Irises in the Pine Tree State ........................................ Ted White ......................... 33 Convention 84 Medians ............................................. Jim Morris ........................ 39 An Iris Display Garden is Born Again ....................... Mark Dienstbach .............. 43 1985 Membership Contest ......................................... .......................................... 53 AIS Judges-1985 ........................................................ .......................................... 70 Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting-November, 1984 ........................................ 76 Regular Features President's Page .................................. 4 Flight Lines .......................................... 62 AIS Sales Items .....................................................5 Profiles: Robert Schreiner .. 66 Slides for Rental ................................................... 13 Questions & Suggestions .. 67 The Bulletin Board ...........................22 Advertising Rates ..................................67 Youth Views ................................... 46 Contributions to AISF ...........................68 International News .......................... 54 In Memoriam ........................................ 69 Russia-Rodionenko .................... 54 AIS Financial Statement ....................... 84 British Iris Society Awards 56 Statement of Ownership ................................. 85 Japanese Iris Tour ....................... 57 Membership Rates ................................ 99 Seattle Impressions ..................... 61 Advertisers Bay View (Ghio) ................... Cover 4 McCord .................................................. 86 Commercial Directory ............... 92-99 McGarvey .............................................. 86 Corlew ................................... Cover 2 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ......................... 89 Cottage (McWhirter) ....................... 52 Moonshine (Byers) ................................ 90 Evergreen Labels ............................ 69 Redstone (Kennedy) .............................. 86 4-Square Iris .................................... 87 Region 14 .............................................. 87 Gibson ............................................. 88 Schultz Co ............................................. 87 Helsley .................................................... " 50-51 Sooner State-Seminar ........... 48 Klehm (Rudolph) .. Cover 3, 91 Varigay (Ensminger) ........................................ 49 Cover: 1984 Dykes Medal WinnerVICTORIA FALLS. Photo courtesy of Schreiner's Gardens. TABLE OF CONTENTS #257 April 1985 Indianapolis Convention Information ............................................................................ 6 Bee Warburton: AIS Gold Medal Winner ..................................................................... 8 Recollections ....................................................... Bee Warburton ................................ 8 Distinguished Service Medal Goes to Adolph Vogt. ................................................... 13 1984 Hybridizers' Medals: Luihn, Mertzweiller .......................................................... 14 New AIS Directors ...................................................................................................... 16 New Regional Vice Presidents .................................................................................... 17 Show Time .................................................................................................................. 22 America's Most Popular Tall Bearded Irises ...............................................................Stanley Coates ............................... 27 Thoughts on the Popularity Poll .......................... Coulson Squires ............................ 29 All This and a Dykes, Too! ................................. Charles M. Zurek ........................... 32 Making That First Cross ...................................... Sharon McAllister. 34 1984 Bloom Report ............................................. Margaret Dean ............................... 38 Fiesta Phoenix-Guest Iris Request ....................... ....................................................... 48 Golden State-Guest Iris Request .......................... ....................................................... 49 Watch That Beard! .............................................. Henry Danielson ........................... 62 1984 Membership Contest Results ...................... ....................................................... 63 Summer Shade .................................................... ....................................................... 70 Regular Features President's Page .....................................4 In Memoriam ............................................ 56 AIS Sales Items ..................................... 5 William Edward Levingston Advertising Rates .................................. 7 Molly Price Membership Rates .............................. 21 Carl Quadros International News ............................. 43 Gifts to AIS ...............................................61 1984 Vienna Competition .. 44 Youth Views ......................................................... 64 Bulletin Board .................................... 47 Approved Affiliates, 1985 ......................... 66 Flight Lines ........................................ 50 List of April Advertisers ... 62-63 Cover: Seattle Convention Memories. Visitors viewing the siberians and water irises in the Davidson garden. Photo by Bettie Osborne. Additional Photo Credits: Page 8, Bettie Osborne; Page 16 right, Don Koza; Page 51, Merry Haveman; Page 55, Greg Schifferli; Page 65, Long's Iris Gardens. TABLE OF CONTENTS #258 July 1985 The Society for Siberian Irises ........................ Peg Edwards ................................ 7 Siberian Irises for Landscape Use .. Ainie Busse ................................................... 9 "Those Blue Iris" ............................................. Calvin Helsley .......................... 11 Request for Siberian Guest Plants ................... .................................................... 18 Siberian Notes from IIlini Iris ......................... Steve Varner ............................... 20 How to Pollinate Siberian Irises ..................... Bee Warburton .......................... 23 Update on Tetraploidy in Siberian Irises ........................................................... Currier McEwen ........................ 26 Hybrids Involving Siberian Irises ................... Tomas Tamberg ......................... 30 Frills and Furbelows ........................................ Bee Warburton ........................... 34 The Morgan Award .........................................Harry Kuesel .............................. 37 Hip! Hip! Hooray! for Historical Irises Carolee Clay .......................................... 43 Species: The Fallible Concept that Endures ....................................................... Roy Davidson ............................ 44 An Emerging Pattern: Zonals .......................... Robert Schreiner ........................ 46 Notes on the American Dykes Medal Winners .......................................................Robert Jensen ...................... 57 Regular Features AIS Sales Items .................................. 3 Bulletin Board ...................................... 68 President's Page .................................4 Youth Views ......................................... 74 International News .......................... 49 Flight Lines ........................................... 76 Wisley Trials ............................... 49 Contributions to AISF ...........................84 Iris Society of Australia .............. 50 In Memoriam ........................................ 85 International Robin News 51 Eva Smith ......................................................... 85 Florence Competition ................. 52 Affiliates ............................................... 86 The Dykes Medal ........................ 56 How to Register an Iris ........................ 87 Membership Rates .......................... 96 Advertisers Avonbank (Zurbrigg) ........................ 71 McFarlane Designs .............................. 74 Bartlett, Nancy .................................. 72 Melrose Gardens ......................... Cover 4 Bush, George C ................................72 Paw Paw Everlast Labels. 74 East Wind Garden (Bausch) 71 Schultz Co ......................................................... 70 Evergreen Plant Labels .... 72 Seaways Gardens (McEwen) 73 Commerical Directory ... 88-96 Cover: With this issue's emphasis on siberian irises, it seemed fitting to picture Iris delavayi, from the 40-chromosome subseries Chrysographes. Photo by Harry Foster, courtesy of the British Iris Society slide library. TABLE OF CONTENTS #259 Oct 1985 1985 AIS Awards ........................................... ....................................................... 4 Indianapolis 1985 ........................................... ..................................................... 14 McFadden Garden ...................................... Roy Bohrer ................................. 15 Wann Garden ............................................. Melody Wilhoit .......................... 20 Norrick Garden .......................................... Jim and Vera Hummel ................ 24 Clarke Garden ............................................ Ainie Busse ................................. 25 Wampler Garden .........................................Bernadine Avent ......................... 27 Stam Garden .............................................. Agnes Waite ............................... 30 Winton Garden ............................................Lillian Gristwood ....................... 34 Hobbs Garden ............................................ Jayne Ritchie .............................. 35 Zuercher-Soules Garden ............................ Jim Browne ................................ 38 Stall cop Garden ........................................ Audrey Machulak .......................41 Favorite Guests and Cup Winners ............. ..................................................... 47 Preview of Golden State Reunion ................... Bryce Williamson ...................... 54 Iris Club Activities .......................................... Michael Moller ........................... 62 Regular Features President's Page ................................. 3 In Memoriam ........................................ 79 Photo Credits ................................... 51 Neva Sexton ................................ 76 Bulletin Board .................................. 52 Jack Taylor .................................. 79 Advertising Rates ............................ 66 Gifts to AIS ........................................... 79 Flight Lines ..................................... 68 Minutes, AIS Board .............................. 80 Youth Views ................................... 74 Membership Rates ................................ 96 AIS Sales Items ....................... Cover 4 Advertisers Evergreen labels .............................. 87 Sooner State Iris Society ...................... 51 MacFarlane Designs ........................ 87 Tours and Travel International 67 Schultz Company ............................ 75 Yunker, Nadine .................................... 66 Commercial Directory .... 88-96 Cover: BEVERLY SillS, 1985 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo courtesy of Melrose Gardens. TABLE OF CONTENTS #260 Jan 1986 Special Meeting Notice ........................................................................................... 6 San Jose Convention Registration Information ....................................................... 8 Filoli Estate Tour ................................................................................ .................... 9 Airfare Discount to San Jose .............................................................. .................. 10 Golden State Reunion .............................................. Iris Irene Nelson ................. 13 1986 Symposium ................................................................................ .................. 16 Irises Winning High Commendation, 1985 ........................................................... 20 1985 Awards to Japanese Irises .......................... ................................................. 21 Exhibitions Committee Report ........................... James G. Burch ........................ 22 1985 Exhibition Certificates ............................... .................................................. 28 Perennials Among the Irises ............................... Barbara Roberts ...................... 31 Romancing the Irises .......................................... Chandler Fulton ...................... 41 AIS Membership ................................................ .................................................. 60 Regular Features President's Desk ................................ 4 Contributions to AISF ...........................63 AIS Sales Items ..................................5 In Memoriam ........................................ 65 Iris Slides for Rent ........................... 33 Franz Kurzmann ................................... 65 International News .......................... 34 AIS Judges for 1986 .............................. 66 Second Tour of Japan ................. 35 AIS Financial Statement ....................... 72 Bulletin Board ................................. 54 Statement of Ownership ........................ 73 Flight Lines ..................................... 55 Minutes, Board of Directors .. 74 Youth Views .................................... 61 Advertisers Aitken's Salmon Creek .................... 53 Melrose ................................................. 84 Bay View (Ghio) ................... Cover 4 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ......................... 85 British Iris Society ........................... 52 Moonshine (Byers) ................................ 86 Cottage (McWhirter) ....................... 48 Rowlan .................................................. 87 Evergreeen Labels ........................... 15 Schultz Co ............................................. 30 Joe Pye Weed (Warburton) .. 81 Sooner State-Seminar ......................................... 7 Kary (Peterson) ............................... 80 21 st Century (Spence) Cover 2 Keppel ..................................... 49, 83 Varigay (Ensminger) ......................... 44, 46 Klehm (Rudolph) " Cover 3, 82 Sellman ......................................................... 51,59 Commercial Directory ... 88-95 Cover: In the grey days of winter, few sights are more welcome than the bulbous harbingers of the iris season. Here is Iris reticulata SPRINGTIME, as photographed by Maureen Foster in her garden in Wales. TABLE OF CONTENTS #261 April 1986 1985 Hybridizers' Medals: D, Foster, O. D, Niswonger, , , , , , , , , , , 6 Hilda Crick New Board Member , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9 Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Ben Hager , , , , , 10 New Regional Vice Presidents ………….. 10 The Vernal Iris , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Roy Davidson , , , , , , , , , , Miniature Tall Bearded Update 19 Jean Witt , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 22 Notes on Florence ….. , , Gian Luigi Sani , , , , , , , , , , 29 Foreign Trade …… Keith Keppel , , , , , , , , , , , , 39 Guest Iris Request: Sooner State '88 ………., 49 1986 Membership Contest Rules ….. 50 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps "Harry Kuesel , , , , , , , , , , , , 62 Regular Features President's Page … 4 Youth Views , ,, , , , 61 AIS Sales Items……………….5 In Memoriam, , , ,, ,74 International News ,,,,28 Advertising Rates ' , , , , 74 Flight Lines ….43 Gifts to AIS , , , , , , 75 Bulletin Board …..48 Membership Rates ' , , , 115 Approved Affiliates, , , , , , , , ,51 List of April Advertisers , , , , , 73 Cover: A truly American iris-Iris verna, photographed in habitat in the Appalachian Mountains by Leland Welsh, See Roy Davidson's article on this species, starting on Page 19, ADDITIONAL PHOTO CREDITS Mary Louise Dunderman, 24; Merry Haveman, 23 top right: Don Koza, 27 bottom right; Sharon McAllister, 25; Robertson's Photography, 8; Prof. Gian Luigi Sani, 33, 35; Greg Schifferli, 23 bottom left; SenchukCrandall, 16 top right; David Sindt, 23 top left and bottom right; Bob Tweed, 63-71; Jean Witt, 27 top right. TABLE OF CONTENTS #262 July 1986 Arils and Arilbreds: A Brief History ........................Sharon McAllister ............................... 6 Awards for Arilbred Irises ....................................... Sharon McAllister .............................. 11 Glossary of Aril Terms ............................................ ............................................................ 17 Understanding Aril Characteristics and Form ................................................................... Elm Jensen ........................................ 20 Culture of Arils and Arilbreds: Getting Started ................................................................. Sharon McAllister ............................. 27 Culture and Disease Control of Arillrises .............................................................. John Holden ...................................... 33 Growing and Breeding Arilbred Irises in California ............................................................ Ben Hager ......................................... 46 Arils and Arilbreds in Southern New Mexico ........................................................ Luella Danielson ................................ 50 Arillrises in the Ohio River Valley ........................... Sam Norris ......................................... 52 Producing Tetraploid Arils ....................................... Sam Norris ......................................... 56 Judging the English Box .......................................... Stephen Wells .....................................63 Janice Badger to Head Robin Program ..................... ............................................................65 Rating Iris Scents ..................................................... Louise C. Smith ................................. 68 It's a Small Iris World .............................................. Raymond J. Blicharz ......................... 74 Regular Features President's Page ..........................................4 In Memoriam .......................................... 81 AIS Sales Items .........................................32 William G. McGarvey. Flight Lines ..............................................66 Contributions to AIS International News ................................... 72 Foundation Youth Views .............................................76 Advertising Rates. How to Register an Iris .... 78 Membership Rates ..... 79 82 84 95 Advertisers Allen, J. R ................................................ 84 Iris Pond (Mahan) .......................................... 86 Cape Iris (Niswonger) ............................. 86 Markham, Lynn ..............................................75 Celestial (Stadler) .................................... 85 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ...............................86 Cherry Lane (Corlew) .................... Cover 2 Roderick Iris ................................................... 77 Evergreen Labels ..................................... 77 Schultz Co ..................................................... 75 Graphic Arts Group ....................... Cover 4 Shepard Iris ..................................................... 85 Greenleaf Commercial Directory ..................................................................................... 87-95 Technologies .............................Cover 3 Photo Credits Larry Harder, p. 79; Elm Jensen, pp. 20-26; Melrose Gardens, p. 14; Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens, p. 9; Leland Welsh, p. 15. Drawings on pp. 17 and 19 are by Doris Foster. Cover: The oncocyclus species Iris samariae, as photographed by Virginia Ross. Use of separation courtesy of Pacific Horticulture. , TABLE OF CONTENTS #263 Oct 1986 1986 AIS Awards .................................................................................................................. 6 Golden State Reunion San Jose, 1986 ............................................... ..... Ronn Dunn ........................................ 17 Melrose Gardens ........................................... ..... Perry Dyer ......................................... 19 Keppel-Gatty Garden ..................................... .....Everette Lineberger ........................... 27 Bay View Gardens ......................................... .... Jean Morris ........................................ 30 Coleman Garden ............................................ .... Carol Lankow ....................................34 Dabel Garden ................................................. .... Jess Quintana, Roy Krug ................... 40 Maryott Garden .............................................. ...... Terry Aitken ................................... 44 Petermeier Garden .......................................... ... Sigrid Asmus, Greg Hastings. 48 Williamson Garden ......................................... ... Mary Bruner ...................................... 50 Convention Cup Winners .............................. " .. ............................................................ 53 Favorite Guest Irises ........................................ ... ........................................................... 54 1987 Phoenix Convention Registration Information ................................................... " .. ............................................................ 56 Fiesta Phoenix '87 ................................................ ... Carroll Elmore ................................... 60 Progressive Attitudes in Judging ......................... ... Brian Clough ..................................... 64 Computers in Irisdom .......................................... ... Stephen Wells .................................... 67 Regular Features President's Page ......................................... 3 International News ....................................... 78 Slides for Rent ........................................... 5 Bulletin Board .......................................... 70 1986 Awards, Florence ....................... 79 1985 Awards, Vienna ......................... 80 Advertising Rates .............................. 70 Board Minutes, April 1986 ............................ 80 Membership Rates ................................... 72 In Memoriam ...............................................86 Youth Views ........................................... 73 Gifts to AIS ................................................. 86 Flight Lines ...................................." 74 Photo Credits ................................................ 96 Advertisers Burrows, Nancy ....................................... 72 Society for Siberian Irises ............................... 4 Evergreen Labels ..................................... 66 Sooner State Iris Society ................................. 4 Schultz Co ............................................... 77 Commercial Directory .............................. 88-96 Cover: SONG OF NORWAY, 1986 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Keppel. TABLE OF CONTENTS #264 Jan 1987 Fiesta Phoenix '87 - Registration Information ........................................................................ 6 Gardens (and Gardeners) of Fiesta Phoenix '87. Carroll Elmore ............................................ 9 Presby Memorial Iris Gardens ................................................ Fred L. Harvey .................... 14 1987 Symposium .................................................................... ............................................. 18 Irises Winning High Commendation, 1986 ............................ ............................................. 22 1986 Awards for Japanese Irises ............................................ ............................................. 23 Embryo Culture of Bearded Irises .......................................... John Holden ........................ 24 Down with Squinting .............................................................. Rosalie Yerkes Figge . 36 Exhibitions Committee Report for 1986 ................................. James G. Burch ................... 38 Exhibition Certificates, 1986 .................................................. ............................................. 44 Fabulous Foetidissima ............................................................ Cy Bartlett. .......................... 55 Iris tenuis: Unique Oregon Endemic ....................................... Roy Davidson ...................... 64 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 4 Membership Rates ........................................ 69 Youth Views ........................................... 46 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 70 International News ................................. 48 In Memoriam ................................................ 71 AIS Sales Items ...................................... 54 AIS Judges, 1987 ........................................... 72 Flight Lines ............................................ 59 Minutes, Board of Directors ........................... 78 Advertising Rates ................................... 66 Treasurer's Report. ......................................... 88 Bulletin Board ........................................ 68 Statement of Ownership ................................. 89 Advertisers Aitken's Salmon Creek ........................... 50 Klehm (Rudolph) ............................ Cover 3, 91 Bayview (Ghio) ............................ Cover 4 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ................................... 92 British Iris Society ...................................17 Mueller .......................................................... 58 Cherry Lane (Corlew) ................... Cover 2 Pleasure (Danielson) .................................. 94-95 Cottage ................................................... 52 Schultz Co ......................................................87 Evergreen Labels .................................... 95 Skyline (Wolford) .......................................... 93 Hillcrest (Nichols) ............................ 62-63 Society for Siberian Irises ...............................87 Joe Pye Weed ......................................... 67 Sooner State I ris Society ...............................47 Keppel ............................................. 53, 90 Cover: Presby Gardens in bloom. Photo by Fred L. Harvey. Photo Credits: Hyram Ames-48, 49; Ginny Burton-23; Fred L. Harvey-14, 16, 17; Jean Witt - 66. TABLE OF CONTENTS #265 April 1987 Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Ronald Mullin ...................................................... 6 1986 Hybridizer's Medal: Jonnye Rich ................................... .............................................. 7 Emma Hobbs New Board Member ......................................... .............................................. 8 New Regional Vice Presidents ............................................... ............................................ 10 Remontancy in the Iris Garden ...............................................Dr. Lloyd Zurbriggl Bill Maryott ........................ 16 Tall Bearded Reblooming Symposium-1986 .......................... ............................................ 20 The Saga of Remontant SOB ..................................................Dr. John Weiler ..................21 Remontant Medians Introduced Before 1980 ......................... ............................................ 23 Remontant Medians Introduced Since 1980 ........................... ............................................ 25 Reblooming: Species or Clonial Trait? ........................................... William G. McGarvey. 25 Is Iris Aphylla Remontant? ..................................................... Bee Warburton ................... 28 Everything is Falling into Place ..............................................Allan Ensminger ................. 31 These Are Different ................................................................ George Shoop ..................... 33 Use All Of It .................................................................................................. Kathleen Beardsley .............34 Varietal Comments ................................................................................ Bennett C. Jones .. 36 Iris in Pennsylvania ................................................................................. Sterling Innerst .. 37 Bloom Season in the Northwest .............................................. Terry Aitken ....................... 41 Sooner State-Guest Iris Request ............................................. Barbara Thain ..................... 44 Region 21-Guest Iris Request. . Allan Ensminger .................. 44 1987 Membership Contest Rules ............................................ Reverend Everett Lineberger ........................... 49 1986 Membership Contest Report .......................................... Reverend Everett Lineberger ........................... 50 Memphis Area Iris Society-Guest Iris Request. Marilyn Powell .......................................... 55 Iris Society of MassachusettsGuest Iris Request ............................................................. Lucy Burton ........................ 83 Society for Japanese Irises-Guest Iris Request. Diana Nicholls ......................................... 101 Regions and Regional Vice Presidents ............................................................................... 112 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 4 Youth Views ................................................. 65 Flight Lines ............................................. 45 Membership Rates ......................................... 66 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 53 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 67 International News .................................. 59 In Memoriam ................................................. 68 Advertising Rates .................................... 63 Slides for Rent ............................................. 102 List of April Advertisers ... 71 Cover: Iris Missouriensis growing in the wild in Colorado. Photo by Leland Welsh. Photo Credits: Maryann Anning -43; James Burke-11, Charles Claussen -13; Allan Ensminger - 32; Margaret Gaines - 11, Emma Hobbs - 9; Ramona Howard - 13; Lofton Photography13; Jess Quintana-13; G. Schifferli -39; Agnes Waite-11; George Walters- 7; Dr John Weiler - 25; Dorothy Willott - 39; Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg - 11, 17, 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS #266 July 1987 Photo Index . 4 New Publications Sales Director ........................................... Jim Rasmusson. 7 Extended Bloom on Tall Bearded Irises ................................ Terry Aitken 9 Guest Editor .. Terry Aitken. 9 Edo, Higo or Ise? ................................................................... Anna Mae Miller and Robert Bauer ...................... 10 Color Patterns & Textures in Japanese Irises .... Terry Aitken. 13 Japanese Iris Culture. Ben Hager ......................................................................................... 15 Growing Japanese Irises in Kentucky .................................... Adolph Vogt ....................... 17 Growing Japanese Irises in an Alkaline Environment ..................................................................... John W Wood ..................... 18 Influence of Pond Culture ...................................................... John W Wood ..................... 19 Japanese Irises-Ten I Recommend ..........................................Sterling Innerst ................... 20 Goals in Hybridizing Japanese Irises ......................................Jonnye Rich ........................ 22 Hybridizing Directions ...........................................................John W Wood ..................... 24 Tetraploidy in Japanese Irises. Dr Currier McEwen ............................................................ 25 Exploring the Genetic Variability in Japanese Irises. Dr. W L. Ackerman .. 29 Continuing, Repeat and Re-Bloom. Dr. Currier McEwen ........... 34 Growing Japanese Irises from Seed Lorena Reid .........................36 From Pollenation to Bloom in Two Years ...................................................... John Coble .. 39 Photo Recording Japanese Iris Seedlings. Lorena Reid ........................ 41 Japanese Irises-Problems and Solutions. Ben Hager ...........................42 Japanese Nursery Sells Iris Plants in the Spring. Ben Hager .. 45 Companion Plants Blooming with Japanese Irises .................................................................................. Anna Mae Miller 46 Japanese Iris Display Gardens. Claire B. Barr 47 Japanese Iris Conventions. John Coble. 49 Arranging with Japanese Irises Mrs. Betty Black. 52 Saga School of Ikebana. Saga School, Portland, OR. 53 Sogetsu School of Ikebana. Sogetsu School, Portland, OR ....................... 54 Ikebana. Sylvia Wong 55 Editors' Robin ......................................................................... Ruth Schulz and Clarence Mahan ..... 62 Approved Affiliates for 1987 .................................................. James A. Copeland .. 74 Regular Features President's Desk .......................................... 5 Youth Views .. 67 Flight Lines .............................................. 69 Membership Rates ..................................... 7 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 8 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 82 International News ................................... 65 In Memoriam .......................................... 85 Advertising Rates ..................................... 63 List of July Advertisers ........................... 87 TABLE OF CONTENTS #267 Oct 1987 Growing Bearded Iris As a Nursery Robert, Ray and David Crop ................................................................ Schreiner ...................................... 4 Live Mulch for Irises ...................................... Lynda S. Miller ...........................10 The Garden at the Pointe Hotel ...................... .................................................... 12 Thr Bruner Garden ......................................... Chandler and Elaine Fulton ..............................13 The Errigo Garden .......................................... John and Evelyn White .. 15 The Johnsen Garden ....................................... John and Lucy Burton .................17 The Kary Garden ............................................ Sterling Innerst ............................19 The Miller Garden .......................................... Barbara Schnieder ...................... 21 The Mosca Garden ......................................... Shirley L. Pope ........................... 22 The Parrish Garden ......................................... Ethel Baukus ............................... 24 The Schumacher Garden ................................ Lavone Ney ................................ 27 The Don & Bobbie Shepard Garden. Mel and Lynn Bausch ................................ 30 The Solomon Garden ...................................... Ruth Wilder ................................ 33 The Spiess Garden .......................................... Leda Christlieb ........................... 34 The Wickencamp Garden ............................... Bernice Miller ............................. 36 The Convention Cup Winners ........................ ..................................................... 38 Favorite Guest Irises ....................................... ..................................................... 39 Fun-Without Irises-at "Fiesta Phoenix '87" ............................................................ 42,43 1987 AIS Awards ................................................................................................ 44 Sooner State '88 .................................................................................................... 56 Inthe News ........................................................................................................... 66 International Competition for I rises-Florence, Italy ............................................ 67 Midwest Survival ............................................Mary Ferguson ........................... 68 The Iris World Revisited ................................ Lynn F Markham ....................... 71 Regular Features President's Desk ................................ 3 Gifts to AIS ......................................... 77 AIS Membership Rates ................... 11 Board Minutes, April 1987 .. 78 Round Robin ................................... 59 Advertising Rates .................................. 84 Slides for Rent ....................... 60 & 61 Photo Credits .......................................... 85 Youth Views .................................... 74 AIS Sales Items .................................... 86 List of October Advertisers .. 75 AIS Display Screen .......................................... 87 Conventions Dates ........................... 76 Front Cover: Elvan Roderick Garden, Desloge, Missouri. Photo by G. Waters. TABLE OF CONTENTS #268 Jan 1988 Sooner State '88 Registration Information .............................. .............................................. 6 A Good Omen ........................................................................ Perry Dyer ............................ 8 Iris Specifics .......................................................................... Eric Tankesly-Clarke .. 12 1988 Symposium ................................................................... .............................................25 Fiesta Phoenix-Medians '87 ................................................... Jean Morris .......................... 29 Irises with Alpines in the Rock Garden .................................. Leo Blanchette .................... 32 Cannington 1987 .................................................................... Jennifer Hewitt .................... 35 The 1987 Median Season in Massachusetts ........................... Lucy Burton ........................ 39 Irises Winning High Commendation 1987 ............................. ............................................ 41 1987 Japanese Iris Awards ..................................................... ............................................. 44 1958 Symposium of the Median Iris Society ......................... ............................................. 56 Exhibitions Committee Report for 1987 ................................ Emma Hobbs ...................... 60 State of the Art: Median Hybridizing Trends ......................... ............................................. 66 Pink MTB-Where, oh Where? Not Here! ............................... Dorothy Guild .................... 71 Having Fun with Table Iris .................................................... Terry Varner ....................... 73 MTB Amoena Plicatas ........................................................... Lois Kennedy ...................... 89 Exhibition Certificates 1987 .................................................. ............................................. 95 Regular Features President's Page ........................................ 4 Membership Rates ........................................ 54 International News .................................. 35 Convention Dates .......................................... 55 Contributions to AIS AIS Judges 1988 ................................................................................ 77 Foundation ......................................... 45 Treasurer's Report. ........................................ 86 In Memoriam .......................................... 46 Round Robin ................................................. 91 lIa Crawford ...................................... 46 Minutes, Bd. of Directors .............................. 97 Mary Williamson ............................... 47 How to Register an Iris ................................105 Bernice Roe ....................................... 48 Advertising Rates .........................................114 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 49 Bulletin Copy Deadlines ..............................114 Youth Views ........................................... 50 Statement of Ownership ............................... 115 Iris Profiles Regions and RVPs ........................................................................................... 116 Ken & Agnes Waite ............................52 Advertisers in this issue .............................................................. 104 Front Cover: Standard dwarf bearded irises growing in Joe Pye Weed's Garden, Bedford, Massachusetts. Photo by Jan Sacks Photo Credits: Pages 14-24-Eric Tankesley-Clarke Pages 40, 53-Marian Schmuhl Page 44-Lorena Reid Page 54-Connie Hall Pages 55, 67 -Shirley Pope Page 70-- Ted White Pages 89-90--L. & G. Kennedy Page 104-Bee Warburton 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS #269 Apr 1988 Distinguished Service Medal .................................................. .............................................. 5 New Directors ......................................................................... .............................................. 6 In Praise of White Swirl ..........................................................Currier McEwen ................... 9 New RVPs .............................................................................. ............................................ 11 Additional Guests for Memphis .............................................. ............................................ 15 Prairie in Bloom-1990 Request for Guests ............................. Allan Ensminger ................. 16 Announcing the Louisiana Iris Book ...................................... ............................................. 18 What's Happening to Louisiana Irises .....................................Marie Caillet ....................... 19 Role of the Abbeville Irises .................................................... Joe Mertzweiller ................. 25 Growing Louisianas in Arizona ..............................................Don Shepard ....................... 31 Implications for Louisiana Irises in North Florida. Betsy Smith .......................................... 32 Award of Merit Revelations ....................................................Ken and Agnes Waite. 33 Growing Louisianas ................................................................Mary Dunn ......................... 34 Growing Louisianas in the Midwest .......................................Melody Wilhoit .................. 37 My Goals in Hybridizing Louisiana Irises ..............................Henry Rowlan ..................... 44 Growing Louisianas in Southeastern Pennsylvania .......................................................................... Larry Westfall ..................... 46 Louisiana Irises in Minnesota ................................................ Joan Cooper ........................ 48 The Louisianas-A Love Story From Maryland ...................... Doris Simpson .................... 52 1987 Membership Contest Winners ....................................... Everette Lineberger .. 55 1988 Membership Contest Rules ........................................... ............................................. 56 There Is Hope ........................................................................ Dot Hujsak .......................... 65 In The Bud ............................................................................. Oliver Eldridge ................... 68 One Fourth Aril Medians-An Open Field ............................... Walter Moores .................... 69 AIS Calendars, A Review ...................................................... Olive Rice ......................... 107 Regular Features President's Message .................................. 4 Awards Errata ............................................... 54 Convention Dates .................................... 10 Flightlines ..................................................... 57 Membership Rates .................................. 17 Advertisers .................................................. 108 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 42 Commercial Directory ................................. 109 In Memoriam .......................................... 43 Advertising Rates ........................................ 119 Contribution Information ........................ 43 Slides Rental ............................................... 119 Gifts to AIS ............................................. 50 RVPs ........................................................... 120 Youth Views ........................................... 51 Front Cover: MARIE CAILLET (Conger '63) growing in the garden of Marie Caillet, Little Elm, Texas. (Photo by Marie Caillet) Photo Credits: p. 7 lower left, G. Paul Bishop; p. 11 right, Harry Green; p. 14 lower right, Robert 0. Johnson; p. 20, 23, 24, 30, Mertzweiller; p. 35, 45, Ron Mullin; p. 39, 41, Melody Wilhoit; p. 66, 67, Dot Hujsak. TABLE OF CONTENTS #270 July 1988 Start Something Great in Memphis ............................ , .............................................. , ........ 4 Tips for Small-Scale Hybridizers ............ ................... ...........Margie Robinson. 7 Improving Iris Seed Germination ........... ................... , Chris Vizvarie .. 8 Breaking the Rules ................................. , ........... , .. , ......... Chris Vizvarie ............ .... , . 10 An Amateur Gives Advice .. , .. , .. , Ron Mullin, .. , .. , .. , . 10 100 Years of Hybridizing ............................. , ....... .............. Audrey Machulak ............... 12 DC in 91; A Request of Guests ..................... ......... ...................... , .. ' .. , ., ...................... 18 Scientific Report .............................. , .......... ........ , ......................... , .. Adele lawyer. , . , 19 How Much Would You Pay For Irises .......... ......... ., ........... Chandler Fulton ......... ........ 22 Breakdown of Iris Registrations .. , ., ..................... .............. Allen Harper .............. , ...... 28 An Iris Should Earn the Dykes ................. ............. ......................................... H. l. Ames .30 The Iris in the Perennial Border ................ , ........... ., ............ Peggy Estes, .................. , .. 35 Stars of an Outstanding Season ................ ............. ............... Rachel Drumm .............. , .. 38 Bloom Season in the Tennessee Hills ..................... ............... Phil Williams ...................... 40 Pacificas From Seed. , ............................................ .............................. Adele l.awyer .. , . 53 Approved AIS Affiliates for 1988 .......................... ................................ Jim Copeland .. , .59 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps ....................... ............... Harry Kuesel ..................... 66 Regular Features President's Message ............. ... , ...............3 AIS Sales Items ............................. ..... .... , . 77 In Memoriam ............ .......... ... ................. 5 Iris Slides ....................................... ..... , ...... 78 Gifts to AISF ............ .......... ... .............. 26 Advertising Rates ........................... ....... , .. , 78 Youth Views ........ , .. ......... , .. .............. 29 Commercial Directory ................... , ............. 79 Advertisers ............... , ....... , .. .............. 34 Front Cover: On the Cover is the winner of the Board of Directors Award, WHITE SWIRL, Photo by George Waters. Photo Credits: Loretta Aaron-page 37. All others unless otherwise designated-Ron Mullin. TABLE OF CONTENTS #271 Oct 1988 1987 AIS Awards ................................................................... ...............................................6 Memphis Preview ................................................................... Jim Browne ......................... 18 Miniature Tall Bearded Irises ................................................. Lynda Miller ...................... 21 International Competition-Vienna .......................................... ............................................. 23 International Competition-Florence ........................................ .............................................24 Convention Awards ................................................................ .............................................27 Favorite Guest Irises-1988 ..................................................... Dorothy Howard .................28 Sooner State '88 Sooner State '88 ................................................................. Evelyn Jones .......................30 OSU Tech Garden ............................................................. Jim Morris .......................... 31 Carol Warner ...................... 35 Spence Garden ............................................................................. Marg & Don Saxon .. 38 Dean Brand ........................ 40 David Ray Hooten .............. 42 Shoemake Garden .............................................................. Ramona Howard ................. 43 Deaton Garden ................................................................... Leda Christlieb ................... 44 Black Garden ..................................................................... Bill Rinehart ....................... 45 Carol Lankow ..................... 48 Shelley Garden .................................................................. Audrey Machulak ............... 50 Perkins Garden .................................................................. Mary Ann Collins ............... 53 Ellis Garden ............................................................................................ Agnes Waite .. 55 Cole Garden .......................................................................Dick Pettijohn ..................... 57 Skrapka Garden .................................................................Betty Jamieson ................... 59 Pappan Garden ...................................................................Lynda Miller ...................... 61 Clark-Nichols Garden ....................................................... Connie Hall ......................... 63 Will Rogers Park Garden ...................................................Larry Harder ....................... 65 Parrish Garden ...................................................................Don Delmez ........................ 68 Minutes of Board Meeting ................................................ Claire Barr ......................... 81 Regular Features President's Message ................................... 3 AIS Slides ................................................. 5 Contributions and Gifts ........................... 25 Gift to AIS ............................................... 26 Editor's page ............................................ 73 Youth Views ............................................ 74 Advertisers This Issue ............................. 74 Flight Lines ............................................. 75 Membership Rates ................................... 79 AIS sales items ........................................ 80 Commercial Directory ............................. 86 Bulletin Advertising Rates ...................... 96 Copy Deadlines ....................................... 96 Photo Credits: Terry Aitken: 16; Paul Black: 12 lower right, 45; Marie Caillet: 7 lower right, 13 center left, 37; C. A. Cromwell: 67; Mary Dunn: S center right, 13 upper right, center right, 41; Perry Dyer: 7 upper right; Sharon Eisele: 29 top, 34, 56, 64 bottom; Dennis Gates: 73 bottom; Paul Gossett 47 left, Bonnie Hadaway: 55; Ben Hager: 7 center, S upper left, 12 right center, 13 lower right; Larry Harder: 5S; Emma Hobbs: 36, 3S, 46, 50, 53, 59, 62, 65 left, Lois Kennedy: S center left; Keith Keppel: Slower right, 11 upper left, 12 upper left; Don Koza: 4S, 51,52,69 top bottom, 70 bottom, 71 top, center left, 72, top; Bill Maryot!: 11 upper right, 16 upper left; Eleanor McCown: 7 lower left; Lynda Miller: 16 bottom; Ron Mullin: 11 lower left, 39, 47 right, 54, 60 bottom; Dave Niswonger: S upper right, lower left, 13 lower left; Betty Osborne: 9 upper left; Melinda Robbins: 2S, 29; Schreiners: 7 upper left, 9 lower left, 11 center right; Larry Stayer: 6S, 69 middle, 70 top, middle, 71 center right, bottom, 72 center, bottom, 73 top; Steve Varner: 12 top right, Ken Waite: 11 lower right, 12 center left, George Waters: 17, 27; John Weiler: 11 center left; Bryce Williamson: 9 upper right; Dorothy Williott: 60 top, 63, 64 top, 65 right; Gene Gaddie: 12 lower left. COVER: TITAN'S GLORY, 1987 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Schreiners 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #272 Jan 1989 Memphis Convention Registration Information ...................... .............................................. 5 Japanese Iris Awards ............................................................... .............................................. 9 1989 Symposium .................................................................... ............................................ 10 Irises winning HCs in 1988 ..................................................... ............................................ 14 AIS Robin Program .................................................................Janice Badger ..................... 17 Judges Training in January ......................................................Judges' Training Committee .......................... 23 Iris Culture on the West Coast ................................................ Bill Maryott ........................ 33 Bearded Iris Culture for Northern Climates ............................ Sterling Innerst 33 Growing Irises in the South .....................................................James G. Burch ................... 37 Tall (Bearded) Tales from Texas .............................................Jim Coward ........................ 40 Spuria Irises ............................................................................ Ray John ............................. 43 Iris Time in the Pacific Northwest ..........................................James McWhirter ................ 47 Loomis Test Garden ................................................................Shelly Moller ......................51 Growing Bearded Irises in the Eastern Seaboard-South ....................................................................... Everette Lineberger . 56 Exhibitions Committee Report. ............................................... Emma Hobbs ...................... 57 1988 Exhibition Certificates ................................................... ............................................ 63 Japanese Iris Society Convention ........................................... Anna Mae Miller ................ 67 RHS Wisley Trial Results ...................................................... ............................................. 69 Growing Bearded Irises in Albuquerque. Howard Shockey ................................................. 70 An Amateur Hybridizer's Experiment ..................................... Leroy Penrod ...................... 74 Financing the Foundation .. Richard T Pettijohn ............ 75 Awards of the British Iris Society ........................................... ............................................ 87 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 4 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 78 In Memoriam ........................................... 16 How to Register an Iris ........................... 79 Flightlines ................................................ 19 Contribution Information ........................ 85 AIS Judges for 1989 ................................. 26 Contributions to AISF ............................. 86 Youth Views ............................................ 50 Financial Statement. ................................ 52 AIS Membership Rates ............................ 77 Statement of Ownership .......................... 53 Commercial Directory 96-106 Minutes of Directors' Meeting 88 ADVERTISERS Arilian Acres (Shockey) .................. Cover 2 Bay View (Ghio) ............................. Cover 4 British Iris Society ................................... 49 Cottage (McWhirter) ................................ 54 Evergreen Labels ..................................... 85 Hillcrest (Nichols) .................................... 80 Keppel ................................................ 55,81 McClure Estate .......................................... 9 Median Muster ........................................ 84 Mission Bell (Hamblen) .......................... 84 Pleasure (Danielson) ................................ 82 Robinson ........................................ Cover 3 Seaways (McEwen) .. 83 Schultz Plant Food ................................... 85 Sooner State Iris Society .......................... 87 COVER: Cal-Sibe iris from a cross made by Jean Witt using Ripple Rock X Unknown; Jean sent the seeds to the Signa Seed Exchange. The seedling was raised by Pat Farmer of Tacoma, Washington. It was photographed by George Waters in the Witt garden in Seattle. Color separations used are courtesy of the American Iris Society Calendar for 1988. TABLE OF CONTENTS #273 Apr 1989 1988 Hybridizer's Medal. ....................................................... .............................................. 6 New Regional Vice Presidents ............................................... .............................................. 8 The Use of Vapam in the Garden ........................................... Lewis Lawyer ..................... 16 Iris Postmark Available .......................................................... ............................................ 19 DC in 1991, A Request for Guests ......................................... ............................................ 20 A World Without Flowers ......................................................Audrey Machulak ............... 21 Preliminary Report on Genetics of the Louisiana Iris ..................................................................... Bobby Bennett and Michael Arnold .................. 22 Down Under is Tops .............................................................. Dennis Gates ...................... 28 Are You a Diletante ............................................................... Florence Stout .................... 31 A New Iris is Born ................................................................. Mark Dienstbach ................ 34 Iris Proliferations ................................................................... Lucy Fry ............................. 35 Death of a Glamour Queen .................................................... Bernice Miller .....................36 The Iris: A Passport to See the World .................................... Koen Engelen ..................... 38 The Iris Project ....................................................................... George Gessert ................... 41 Soil, Where Does it Come From and Where Does it Go .......................................................................... David L. Williams ............. 47 Regular Features President's Message .................................. 4 Contribution Information ........................ 27 In Memoriam .......................................... 26 Contributions to AIS ................................27 Youth Views ........................................... 46 Commercial Directory ...................... 97-107 AIS Sales Items ......................................... 5 Editor's Page ........................................... 95 Advertizers 96 Photo Credits: Bruce Phillips, 7; Larry Stayer, 11; Koen Engelen, 39, and 40 right; Lesley Blyth, 40 left. Front Cover: These irises were photographged by Marie Caillet in her garden at Little Elm, Texas for The Louisiana Iris, edited by Caillet and Mertzweiller. Color separations are courtesy of the American Iris Society Calendar for 1989. TABLE OF CONTENTS #274 July 1989 Annual Presidential Letter ...................................................... ...............................................4 1989 Membership Contest ..................................................... Mary Kearney ....................... 6 1988 Membership Contest Winners ....................................... ............................................... 7 Beardless Irises-1992 Request for Guests .............................. ............................................... 7 Siberians Irises in Cultivation-A History ............................... Roy Davidson ....................... 9 Siberian Iris Review ............................................................... Harry Foster & Jennifer Hewitt ................................. 12 How and When to Plant Siberian I rises ................................. Anna Mae Miller ................. 18 Siberian Irises in Oklahoma ................................................... Burdella Rhodes .................. 19 Siberian Irises at Draycott ...................................................... Carol Warner ...................... 26 Siberian Iris Culture in Maine ................................................ Shirley Pope ........................ 28 Free Arilbred Seeds ................................................................ Lin Flanagan ....................... 29 Irises at the Hartford Flower Show ........................................ Ruth Schulz ........................ 30 Growing Siberian Irises in the Pacific Northwest Tom & Ellen Abrego .. 32 Siberian Iris Culture in the Carolinas ..................................... John W. Wood .................... 36 Approved AIS Affiliates for 1989 .......................................... James Copeland .................. 42 In Quest of Fertile Arilmedians .............................................. Sharon McAllister ............... 49 Three Good and Easy American Natives ............................... Jean Witt ............................. 53 Growing Siberians in Missouri ...............................................Louise Bellagamba .. 59 A Convention Gardener's Memories of Guest Plants ..................................................................................... J.D. Spence ......................... 60 Prairie in Bloom-A Preview ....................................................Gene Gaddie .63 Irises in Montana .................................................................... Ronn Dunn .64 What About Pollen .................................................................. Dave Niswonger ................. 66 Medians Have Merit ............................................................... Ron Mullin ......................... 73 Something You Might Want to Try ........................................ ............................................ 76 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 3 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 5 Youth Views ............................................ 21 Contribution Information ..........................40 Contributions to AISF ............................... 40 In Memoriam ............................................42 Advertisers This Issue ..............................67 Flight Lines ..............................................68 AIS Slides For Rent .................................72 From the Editor ........................................ 76 How to Register an Iris ............................77 Commercial Directory ............................. 78 Photo Credits: Joe Watson-21, Joe Witt-55 right, 56 left, Jean Witt-54, 55 left, 56 right, 57; Ron Mullin-20; Bob Rousseau-29, 30. Front Cover: Siberian irises thrive along the Maine coast in the garden of Currier and Elisabeth McEwen. w.G. Waters photo. TABLE OF CONTENTS #275 Oct 1989 1989 AWARDS ............................................ ....................................................................... 5 The Late Show ..............................................Keith Keppel ............................................... 17 Convention Awards ...................................... ..................................................................... 24 Favorite Guest Irises .................................... Jim Browne .................................................. 25 Miller Garden ................................................Betty Jamieson ............................................ 26 Sowell Garden .............................................. Mary Duvall ................................................ 27 Reinke Garden ..............................................Carol Morgan .............................................. 29 Cherry Garden .............................................. Bill Maryott ................................................. 29 Koonce Garden ............................................. Betty Burch ..................................................30 Church Garden ............................................. Joe and Martha Christopher ......................... 31 Medians at Memphis ..................................... Lucy Fry .......................................................33 A Report From New Jersey Ben Watson ..............................................................................36 Ketchum Garden ........................................... Bill Rinehart .................................................43 Phill Williams . 46 Dean Brand ..................................................48 Browne Garden ............................................. Ramona Howard ......................................... 51 Pierce Garden ................................................ Dennis and Catherine Gates .. 53 Irene Shockey .............................................. 54 Bush Garden ................................................. Jim and Ruth Burke ...................................... 57 Hudson Garden ............................................. Dick Pettijohn .............................................. 59 Median Muster .............................................. Eugene Tremmell ........................................ 61 Median Muster Awards Lucy Burton ................................................. 65 Median Muster. Ethel Baukus ................................................ 66 Gardens of Prairie in Bloom Gene Gaddie ................................................ 68 Early Spring Thoughts .. Tom and Ellen Abrego ................................ 71 International Competition-Florence .............. ...................................................................... 78 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 3 Irises Slides Needed ................................ 75 Advertisers ................................................. 3 In Memoriam .................................... 76, 78 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 4 Gifts to AIS .................................................. 77 Youth Views ............................................ 19 Iris Slides to Rent. .................................. 79 Bulletin Advertising Rates .. 74 Minutes of Board Meeting ...................... 80 AIS Membership Rates ............................ 74 Commercial Directory .................................. 86 Contribution Information ......................... 75 PHOTO CREDITS: Schreiners 6, 7, 8 bottom, 9 middle and bottom, 13 middle; Ben Hager 8 top, 12 top right; Dave Niswonger 8 left middle, 12 top left and middle left; Terry Aitken 8 right middle, Bettie Osborne 9 top, 12 bottom; Ron Mullin 10 top, 41 middle & bottom, 42 bottom, 47, 73 top; Paul Black 10 middle; Carl Boswell 10 bottom left, 11 bottom right; Earl Hal110 bottom right; Mary Dunn 11 top; Henry Rowlan 11 middle left; Calvin Helsley 11 middle right; Dorothy Willott 11 bottom left, 13 top left; Bob Hollingworth 13 top right; Lu Danielson 13 bottom; Ken Fisher 12 middle right; John Coble 24, 73 bottom; Larry Harder 25; Bill Barr 26,28 top right, 33, 50, 52, 56; Emma Hobbs 28 top, left & bottom, 32, 58, 60; Don Koza 37,38 middle & bottom, 39 top, middle, bottom left, 40 top left, middle right, bottom; Larry Stayer 38 top, 39 bottom right, 40 top right, middle left, 41 top, 42 top; Lucy Burton 63, 64. FRONT COVER: A garden of tall-bearded iris seedlings is ablaze with color. Photographed by George Waters, the color separations are courtesy of the American Iris Society calendar for 1989. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #276 Jan 1990 Airline Discounts .............................................. Jeane Stayer ........................................................ 6 Omaha Registration Information ........................Kay Nelson ......................................................... 7 Omaha-A Rare Treat ......................................... Gene Gaddie ..................................................... 10 Meeting a Friend in Florence ............................ James Rasmussen .............................................. 12 Thoughts, Recollections, and Comments ......................................................... Joe Gatty ........................................................... 15 A Star is Born ................................................... Anne S. Lowe ................................................... 19 Siberian Progress .............................................. D. Steve Varner ................................................ 20 Good Impressions ............................................. Clarence Mahan ................................................ 22 Two Regions Get Together ............................... Bill Rinehart ..................................................... 24 Irises in the Soviet Union .................................. Joe Ghio ............................................................ 25 Exhibitions Committee Report .. Emma Hobbs ............................................................................. 26 1989 Exhibition Certificates .............................. ........................................................................... 34 Beautiful Japanese Irises ................................... Rosalie Yerkes Figge ........................................ 36 Irises Winning High Commendation in 1989 ................................................................................ 37 Japanese Iris Awards/Payne Award .................. ........................................................................... 38 The Pick of the Littles ....................................... Paul Black ......................................................... 39 Japanese Irises-Recommendations for the Garden ......................................................... Diana Nicholls .................................................. 40 Japanese Irises 1989 .......................................... Shirley Paquet .................................................. 41 Royal Horticultural Society AwardslWisley ..... ........................................................................... 49 1990 Symposium .............................................. Ken and Agnes Waite ....................................... 50 Making Wise Selections .. Margie Robinson ................................................................................. 54 Report from the Tall Bearded Robin Chairman .......................................................... Libby A. Cross .................................................. 56 Perspectives of a New Member ......................... Gwen Baggett .................................................... 57 Collecting Wild Iris in China ............................ Dr. James W. Waddick ...................................... 63 Dr. Waddick in China ....................................... George Waters .................................................. 79 A Myth: Vitamin B-1 as a Transplant Aid .............................................. Adele S. Lawyer ............................................... 84 Rare Irises Among Those on Threatened List .................................................................... Martha Makholm ............................................... 85 1990 Membership Contest ................................ Lucy Fry ............................................................ 87 First SPCNI Spring Expedition ......................... Adele S. Lawyer ................................................ 89 An Issue: Why The Rush? ................................. Clarence Mahan ................................................ 94 R~gular Features President's Desk ............................................. 4 Membership Rates ......................................... 5 AIS Judges, 1990 ......................................... 43 Youth Views ................................................ 55 Contributions to AISF ..................................81 Contribution Information ............................. 82 In Memoriam ............................................... 83 Minutes, Board of Directors ......................... 96 Statement of Ownership ............................ 101 AIS Financial Statement .............................102 Commercial Directory ................................109 Advertising Rates .......................................119 Advertisers This Issue: Aitken's Salmon Creek ................................. 62 Arilian Acres (Shockey) ..................... Cover 2, 104 Bay View (Ghio) ................................. Cover 4 British Iris Society ..................................... 108 Celestial Gardens (Stadler) ........................... 59 Cottage Gardens (McWhirter) ...................... 60 Hillcrest (Nichols) .............................. 106, 107 Keppel ...................................................61,103 Klehm ................................................. Cover 3 John R. Knaus ........................................... 107 1990 Convention ........................................... 9 Region 7 .................................................... 108 Seaways & Pope Perennials ....................... 105 Schultz Company ........................................ 83 Sooner State .............................................. 107 Photo Credits: James Rasmussen 14: Dr. James Waddick 71, 72, 75: George Shoop 80: Adele Lawyer 90, 92, 94. FRONT COVER: Ted Kipping photographed Iris bracteata growing amid wild phlox in the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon. Color separations are courtesy of the American Iris Society calendar for 1990. TABLE OF CONTENTS #277 April 1990 Distinguished Service Medals Awarded .......................................................................................... 6 James G. Burch, Kay Nelson ..................................................................................................... 7 New Director-Dave Niswonger ........................................................................................................ 8 New Membership Secretary-Marilyn Harlow .................................................................................. 9 New RVPs ..................................................................................................................................... 10 1992 Request for Guest Irises ........................................................................................................ 17 Iris Roundup '93--Guest Beardless Irises ....................................................................................... 18 Ruth Holleyman .................................................Sam Norris ......................................................... 19 The Luminata Color Pattern ...............................Stahly, Keppel, Nelson ..................................... 21 Membership Notebooks .....................................Sharon McAllister .............................................. 22 Hybridizing at Meadowbrook Gardens . Audrey Machulak ........................................................... 25 Irises and Ikebana ............................................. Suky Mahan ....................................................... 28 Expanding Our Iris Horizons .............................Lavone Ney ....................................................... 30 Japanese Irises or Hanoshobu ............................Diana Nicholls ...................................................32 The Future of Arils is with the Tetraploids ........................................................ Jerry Simmons ...................................................33 1989 Season Remembered .................................Ronald Mullin ....................................................34 The Origins of Remontancy .............................. Clarence Mahan .................................................39 Southeast Texas Ramblings Among Louisiana Irises ................................................. Albert Faggard ..................................................45 Hybridizing with Unusual Members of Hexagonae ........................................................ Joe Mertzweiller ................................................ 50 Iris Postmark Available ..................................... Jerry Cathey ...................................................... 48 Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Garden .. Mike Moller ................................................................ 69 Regular Features President's Desk ............................................. 3 AIS slides ..................................................... 64 Membership Rates ......................................... 4 Gifts to AIS .................................................. 65 Contribution Information ............................... 4 In Memoriam ............................................... 66 Advertising Rates ....................................... 115 Bulletin Board .............................................. 68 Youth Views ................................................ 33 Commercial Directory ............................... 104 AIS Sales Items ........................................... 49 Advertisers this issue ................................. 115 FRONT COVER: On the cover is the Dykes Medal Winner STEPPING OUT (Schreiners '64). This iris first appeared on the Popularity Poll in 1966 in tenth place. By 1968, it was in first place. As the decade of the 90's begins, STEPPING OUT is still in the top five after spending nearly two decades in first place. This certainly qualifies it as a classic. TABLE OF CONTENTS #278 July 1990 Annual Presidential Letter ................................. ............................................................................. 5 Shoulders .......................................................... Ben Hager ........................................................... 8 Looking Back .................................................... Rick Ernst ......................................................... 15 Try a Youth Member in a Leadership Role .............................................................. Jerry Simmons ................................................... 24 Approved Affiliates 1990 .................................. Dave Niswonger ................................................ 28 SOBs, Past, Present, and Future ........................ Cleo Palmer ....................................................... 35 The Iris Rainbow in 1989 .................................. Ken Mohr .......................................................... 36 Nebraska in 1989 .............................................. Hooker Nichols ................................................. 40 Growing Spurias in Southern Idaho .................. Robert L. Jensen ................................................ 46 Let's Discuss Spurias ........................................ Floyd W. Wickenkamp ..................................... 48 Getting Started With Spurias ............................ Marilyn Holloway .............................................51 Yes, But Why Black Ones? ............................... Thom Ericson .................................................... 53 Rebloom in Texas ............................................. Walter Moores .................................................. 54 1989 Membership Contest Winners .................. Mary Kearney ................................................... 55 Reblooming Irises in Region 21 ........................ James Ennenga .................................................. 56 Kansas Bloom in Early Spring .......................... James Fry .......................................................... 58 Do We Really Understand the Awards? Ronald Mullin ................................................................ 60 California Bloom in 1990 ................................. Carol Jarratt ...................................................... 68 Floral Design With Siberian Irises .................... Anna Mae Miller ............................................... 71 Regular Features President's Desk .............................................. 4 Advertisers this Issue ....................................87 AIS Sales Items ............................................... 6 Editor's Comments ...................................... 57 Iris Slides for Rent .......................................... 7 AIS Membership Rates ................................. 74 Youth Views ................................................. 24 Contribution Information .............................. 14 In Memoriam ................................................ 25 How to Register and Introduce an Iris 75 Contributions to AI SF .................................. 26 Commercial Directory ................................. 76 Photo Credits: Cooley's Gardens 18, 19, 20, 22, 23. ON THE COVER: BEVERLY SillS, the iris that has swept all the awards, is pictured on the cover. In this issue, Ben Hager gives credit to the many hybridizers who had a hand in producing this outstanding iris. Photo by Hager. TABLE OF CONTENTS #279 Oct 1990 AIS AWARDS 1990 ........................................ ............................................................................ 4 Go National in '91 ............................................ Phil Ogilvie ...................................................... 17 Convention Awards ......................................... .......................................................................... 22 Prairie in Bloom ............................................... Ronald Mullin .................................................. 23 Emerald Valley ................................................ Jean Erickson ................................................... 24 The Iris Den ..................................................... Bill Maryott ..................................................... 27 Observations of Early Arrival .......................... Jane Hall .......................................................... 28 Omaha: A Youth View .................................... Jerry Simmons ................................................. 29 Sass Memorial Garden ..................................... Clarence Mahan ...............................................31 Walter Moores ................................................. 33 Jim Browne ...................................................... 34 Varigay Gardens .............................................. James McWhirter ............................................. 37 Wulf's Backachers ............................................ Barbara Schmieder .......................................... 38 Virginia Hodges ............................................... 39 Boys' Town ....................................................... David Miller .................................................... 40 Bill Rinehart .................................................... 42 Bumblebee Gardens .......................................... Ethel Baukus ................................................... 44 Gary Sides ....................................................... 46 Maple Tree Gardens .......................................... Mrs. Walter Machulak ..................................... 47 Schliefert ..........................................................June Richards .................................................. 52 Little By Little .................................................. Roger Mazur .................................................... 53 Bumblebee Gardens .......................................... Vera Hummel ...................................................55 The Iris Den ...................................................... Vera Hummel ...................................................56 Little By Little .................................................. Hooker Nichols ................................................57 Attention All Youth .......................................... Jerry Simmons ..................................................62 An Iris Season in Review .................................. Ted White .........................................................62 The Iris Versicolor Development Program ............................................................ Dumas-Quesnal and Huber ............................... 70 Remontant Iris .................................................. Bob Maddern .................................................... 72 Standard Dwarfs in Massachusetts .................... Lucy Burton ..................................................... 75 Tops These Last 20 Years ................................. Stan Coates ....................................................... 77 Fine Performers for a Few Dollars .................... Robert L. Jensen ............................................... 78 Fragrance Anyone ............................................. Libby Cross ...................................................... 80 Observations on Longevity of Tall Bearded Iris Seed .............................................. Leonard Stoltz ........................ .-: ..................... 82 Follow Up on Ruth Holleyman ......................... Joe Mertzweiller ..................... ......................... 84 Youth Membership Contest .............................. Lucy Fry ................................. ......................... 86 Signal or Color Spot ......................................... Howard Shockey .................... ......................... 88 Regular Features President's Desk ............................................. 3 AIS Slides for Rent ...................................... 21 Membership Rates ....................................... 51 Youth Views ................................................ 60 AIS Sales Items ........................................... 87 Gifts to AIS ................................................. 92 In Memoriam .............................................. 93 Contribution Information ............................ 93 Minutes of Directors' Meeting ..................... 96 Commercial Directory ............................... 100 Advertising this issue on pages 93, 94, & 95 Photo Credits: Terry Aitken 6 lower left, 9 upper left, 13 lower right; Charles Arny 6 upper right; Lu Danielson 6 upper left; Mary Dunn 9 upper right; Allan Ensminger 9 lower right, middle right; Frank Foster 13 lower right; Lucy Fry 13 lower left; Gene Gaddie 13 middle right; Joe Ghio 6 middle left; Ben Hager 10 middle; Bernard Hamner 9 middle left; Larry Harder 5 upper left, 26; Bob Hollingworth 11 upper right, bottom; Sterling Innerst 13 middle right; Bennett Jones 12 lower left; Ardi Kary 5 lower left; Keith Keppel 10 lower right, 12 upper right; Don Koza 26, Ron Mullin 27, 45, 52; Dave Niswonger 5 lower right, 12 lower right; Melinda Robbins 5 upper right; Henry Rowlan 9 lower left; Schreiners 8, 10 top; Howard Shockey 88, 89, 90, 91, Dave Silverberg 9 middle right; Hal Stahly 11 upper left; Steve Stevens 12 upper left; Dennis Stoneburner 30, 59; Steve Varner 6 lower right; John Weiler 10 lower left; Dorothy Willott 6 middle right, 13 upper left; Lloyd Zurbrigg 11 middle. ON THE COVER: The latest Dykes Medal Winner JESSE'S SONG. Photo by Bryce Williamson. TABLE OF CONTENTS #280 Jan 1991 Washington, DC, Registration Information ................................. .................................................... 7 Go National in '91 Phil Ogilvie ............................. 11 Exhibition Committee Report, 1990 Lillian Gristwood ..................... 14 AIS Awards-Japanese Irises 22 Additional Guest Irises for Atlanta ............................................. .................................................. 25 October Bulletin Errata ............................................................... .................................................. 26 Boys' Town ................................................................................. Dean Brand .. 26 Median Bloom in Nebraska. Lucy Fry ...................................28 The Ones That Get Away ........................................................... Lynn F Markham ..................... 31 1991 Membership Contest Lucy Fry ...................................35 Contemporary Views-1990 Perry Dyer ............................... 37 Edge of Frost-A Bloomin~onder F Paul Magin 68 Experiences in Florence. John Weiler .............................. 75 Best of the Best .......................................................................... Austin Morgan ......................... 77 Voice of an Amateur Marie Caillet .. 79 Water Absorbing Polymers as a Soil Amendment. Eugene Loop ............................ 80 Polymers as an Aid to Water Penetrations ... Adele S. Lawyer ..................................................... 84 Iris X Pacifica-Ghio . Norian Henderson. 85 International Hybridizing Network ............................................ Jerry Simmons 87 Symposium 1991 ....................................................................... James Copeland .92 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting 111 Regular Features . From the President's Desk .............................. 4 Youth Views .... 67 AIS Membership Rates .................................. 5 Contributions to AI SF . 70 Contribution Information ............................... 5 In Memoriam ... 72 AIS Sales Items . 6 AIS Financial Statement .. 96 AIS Conventions List . 36 Statement of Ownership .. 97 AIS Slides For Rent ..................................... 53 AIS Judges 1991 .98 Commercial Directory ...................................... 113 ADVERTISERS THIS ISSUE Aitken's Salmon Creek 61 Arilian Acres (Shockey) .. Cover 2, 55 Avonbank (Zurbrigg) . 56 Bay View (Ghio) . Cover 4 British Iris Society ....................................... 57 Cottage (McWhirter) .................................... 62 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ............................... 64 Iris Species Group .. Cover 3 Keppel ... 58, 63 Markham ...................................................... 54 Pleasure (Danielson) .................................... 59 Region 7 .. 57 Roris .. 60 Seaways/Pope 65 Schultz .........................................................66 Sooner State Iris Society 66 ON THE COVER: Photographer Susan Schwiesow applies her talent for composing pictures in her shot of the iris gardens at Giverny, France. The gardens have been replanted according to the original design of their owner, painter Claude Monet. Color separations are courtesy of the American Iris Society's calendars TABLE OF CONTENTS #281 April 1991 Hybridizer's Medal-George Shoop ............................................................. ~ ................................. 5 New Director-Bennett Jones ........................................................................ .................................. 6 New RVPs ................................................................................................... .................................. 8 Iris Roundup '93-Request for Guests ........................................................... ................................ 13 1990 Membership Contest Report .............................................. Lucy Fry .................................. 14 There's No Business Like Show Business .................................. C. J. Simon ............................... 17 Some Show-Entering Tips ......................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 19 Iris Postmark .............................................................................. ................................................. 21 Bring Back the Vigor ................................................................. Anne S. Lowe .......................... 22 Planned Parenthood through Pollen Preservation Sharon McAlister ............................................. 26 Judges' Roster Additions ............................................................ .................................................. 28 Iris Versicolor Development ...................... Monique Dumas-Quesnel & Tony Huber ................. 29 Request for Information: AIS Robins ........................................ Howard Brookins ..................... 29 Results of Directors' Election ..................................................... .................................................. 30 1990 Japanese Iris Society Convention Report. Bud Maltman .......................... 31 Contemporary Views-Medians & Louisianas . Perry Dyer ................................ 35 On the Dykes Medal Vote .......................................................... Ben Hager ............................... 41 Preparing a Convention Garden ................................................. Allan Ensminger ....................... 43 Preservation of Antique Siberian Irises ...................................... Wilma Little ............................. 47 Club Activities to Increase Enjoyment ....................................... Shirley Gresty ........................... 48 Versicolor X Ensata Hybrids .. Monique Dumas-Quesnel & Tony Huber ..................... 51 Growing Irises-Love and Hate ................................................... Lorene Logue ........................... 66 The Lesson of 1990 ................................................................... David R. Rogers ..................... 105 Regular Features President's Message ....................................... 4 Book Review ................................................46 AIS Membership Rates ................................ 15 AIS Slides .............................................. 49, 50 Contribution Information ............................. 15 AIS Sales Items ......................................... 101 Gifts to AIS .................................................. 16 Advertisers This Issue ............................... 106 Youth Views ................................................ 17 Commercial Directory ............................... 107 Front Cover: Louisiana irises, billowing clouds and willows relected in a Texas pond, evoke a romantic mood captured by photographer Edith Wolford. Color separations are courtesy of the American Iris Society's calendars. TABLE OF CONTENTS #282 July 1991 Annual Presidential Letter .............................................................................................................. 4 Oregon '94-Request for Beardless Guest Irises .............................................................................. 5 Region 5 Comes Alive in '92 ......................................................................................................... 6 Pacific Coast Iris Cultivars ....................................................................Lewis and Adele Lawyer. 8 Intermediate Irises: A Personal Symposium .............................. Bennett Jones ........................... 13 Outstanding Intermediates ........................................................ Hooker Nichols ........................ 14 Double the Fun-Hybridizing Teams .......................................... .................................................. 17 Our Addiction to Irises ............................................................ Tony and Dorothy Willott .. 17 Hybridizing History of the Meeks ..................................... Joyce Meek .............................. 20 The Millers ........................................................................ Lynda Miller ............................ 22 The Dunns ......................................................................... Mary Dunn ............................... 23 Judges Handbook Revisions Available ..................................... .................................................. 25 Choosing Intermediates for Your Garden .................................. Dorothy Willott ........................ 26 AIS Affiliates 1991 ................................................................... Dave Niswonger ...................... 29 International Competition-Florence .......................................... .................................................. 38 Should Gardens Have "God Parents?" ...................................... Donna Aldridge ....................... 44 Container Growing of Bearded Irises ........................................ David R. Rogers ....................... 46 Iris Scents .................................................................................................. Louise Clay Smith .. 51 Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens ................................... Mike Moller ............................. 59 AIS Dues Will Increase ............................................................. Marilyn Harlow ....................... 62 Let's Talk Favorites ................................................................... Dale Satterwhite ...................... 63 1991 Youth Achievement Awards ............................................ Catherine Long Gates .............. 65 Maybe You Wanted to Know .................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 67 Favorite Guest Irises-Omaha 1990 ............................................ ................................................. 71 The 1991 Season-Marvelous ..................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 74 Regular Features President's Message. 3 Membership Rates ....................................... 48 AIS Sales Items ..............................................7 In Memoriam ............................................... 39 Contribution Information ............................. 39 Contributions to AISF .. 40 Slides for Rent ...................................... 42, 43 Youth Views ................................................ 65 How to Register and Introduce an Iris ...................................................... 72 Advertising Rates ........................................ 74 Commercial Directory ................................. 84 Advertisers This Issue Ames ................................................... Cover 4 Rancho de la Flor de Lis .............................. 73 Cape Iris Gardens ......................................... 50 Cordon Bleu ................................................. 49 Paw Paw Everlast Labels .............................. 48 Schultz Company ........................................ 74 Dr. James Waddick ..................................... 49 ON THE COVER: Having received praise from across the country for its quality, RARE EDITION (Gatty '80) is an IB which won the Sass Medal and was a runner-up for the Dykes Medal. Photo by Keith Keppel TABLE OF CONTENTS #283 Oct 1991 Region 5 Comes Alive-Registration Information 6 1992 Convention Preview. Shirley Paquet 8 Region 5 Comes Alive-The Gardens .. Yvonne W. Darnell ..........................................................10 1991 AIS Awards ......................................................................James Copeland ....................... 12 How About Red Irises ...................................................................................... Adele S. Lawyer. 23 Meet the Lacks ............................................................................................................................. 24 New Director-Howard Shockey ................................................................................................... 24 Favorite Guest Irises 1991 26 Remembrances of Washington '91 .............................................Jim Browne .............................. 27 The 1991 Convention. Bill Rinehart ............................ 31 Convention Medians. Lynda Miller ............................ 35 The Green Box Gardens .............................................................Audrey Machulak .. 38 Rebert Garden. Lucy Burton ........................................................................................................ 43 Westminster City Hall ...............................................................Jim Browne 45 Weber Garden .. John Burton. 46 Nicholls Garden .........................................................................Judy Hollingworth ................... 48 Cox Garden ................................................................................Ardi Kary . 49 GlenCairn Garden. Margaret Sutton ....................... 52 Heydon Observatory Hooker Nichols ....................... 53 Figge Garden. Betty Burch ............................. 55 Lawson Garden. Marky Smith ............................ 57 The Iris Pond. Barbara Schmieder. 59 Draycott Garden Anna Mae Miller & Joan Verwilst . 61 Growing Tall Bearded Irises Simplified and Uncomplicated. Phil Williams ........................... 71 Addendum to "The Lesson of 1990." Sharon McAllister. 73 Honor Thy Members James W. Waddick .................. 74 1991 Season in Review Dean Brand ............................. 75 A Season To Remember Bryce Williamson .................... 82 Looking Good in the Late Season Mitch Jameson ........................ 91 How to Register an Iris. 101 Regular Features From the President. 4 Membership Rates 5 Youth Views ..... 64 Gifts to AIS .. 65 Contribution Information .. 66 In Memoriam .............................................. 67 Minutes of Directors' Meeting. 94 Photo Credits ..............................................100 Slides for Rent. .......................................... 102 AIS Sales Items 103 Commercial Directory. 104 Advertising Rates 116 Advertisers This Issue: Polly Black Cover 2; Burch 80; Sooner State 81; Richard Tasco 81; Wight's Iris Garden 80 ON THE COVER: The Dykes Winner for 1991 is EVERYTHING PLUS seen on the front cover Photo by Niswonger. TABLE OF CONTENTS #284 Jan 1992 New Directors ............................................................................ .................................................... 6 Atlanta-Region 5 Comes Alive .................................................. .................................................... 9 Atlanta-The City ........................................................................ Yvonne Ward Darnell 13 Iris Pariensis, Tadpole Shrimp, and Gambling ........................... James W. Waddick ................... 14 I rises at the Detroit Zoo ............................................................ Harold Stahly ........................... 18 Best of the Best #2 ..................................................................... Austin Morgan ......................... 20 A Three Year Summary of HM Voting ...................................... Leonard Michel ........................ 24 Test of Dykes Medal Irises ........................................................ Bud Leufert .............................. 26 British Iris Society Anniversary ................................................. .................................................. 27 Growing Irises in East Germany ................................................ Uwe Kirschstein ....................... 28 Obsession ................................................................................... Grace E. Webber ...................... 32 Let's Have More Beautiful Irises ................................................ Mrs. W. A. Machulak ............... 34 Feedback to Hybridizers ............................................................ Donna Aldridge ........................ 35 The Serendipity Series ............................................................... Sharon McAllister .................... 36 Dr. Loomis Iris Trial Gardens .................................................... Mike Moller ............................. 38 Hybridizing Louisiana Tetraploid Irises-Tetraploid and Interploidy Hybridizing ............................................ Joseph K. Mertzweiller .. 42 Symposium 1992 ....................................................................... James Copeland ........................ 68 AIS Awards-Japanese Irises ............................................ James Copeland .. 72 High Commendation-1991 James Copeland ................................................................................. 72 Exhibition Committee Report .................................................... Lillian Gristwood ..................... 73 Exhibition Certificates-1991 ...................................................... ................................................. 81 1992 Symposium Voting Per Cents ........................................... .................................................. 83 AIS Membership Report ............................................................ Marilyn Harlow. 96 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ................................ ............................................... 101 Regular Features President's Desk ............................................. 4 Contribution Information ............................. 96 Membership Rates ......................................... 5 Youth Views ................................................ 31 AIS Judges 1992 .......................................... 84 In Memoriam ............................................... 93 Contributions to AIS .................................... 94 Statement of Ownership ............................... 97 AIS Financial Statement ............................... 98 AIS Slides for Rent. ..................................... 99 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 100 Commercial Directory ................................107 Advertisers This Issue Adamgrove ........................ 56 Keith Keppel .......................... 61, 65 Roris Gardens ..................53 Aitken's Salmon Creek 62 Knee Deep in June ............................... 66 Seaways/Pope ................. 52 Arilian Acres .. Cover 2, 64 Long's Garden ............................... 63 Schultz Co .......................... 54 Bay View Gardens Cover 4 Melrose Garden .. Cover 3 Society for Japanese British Iris Society ............. 66 Mission Bell Garden ............. 57 Irises ....................................... 54 Cottage Gardens 58, 59, 60 Pleasure Iris Garden .................... 55 Sooner State .......................... 67 John H. Burton .................... 51 Region 7 ............................... 67 James W. Waddick ................ 57 ON THE COVER: The rolling hills of rural Carroll County, Maryland, provided breathtaking views to those who attended the 1991 American Iris Society's convention in the nation's capital and environs. Piece de resistance among the many delightful gardens on tour was that of Doris and Owings Rebert near Westminster. The Rebert's palette included a spectrum in all available hues, and ranged from historical to modern irises: Painter Claude Monet would have been delighted. Color separations are courtesy of American Iris Society calendars. The photo is by George Waters. TABLE OF CONTENTS #285 April 1992 Rainbow's End-A request for Guest Irises ...................... ...................................................... 5 1991 Awards-Corrected List ......................................... ...................................................... 6 Special Awards-Carol Ramsey ....................................... ...................................................... 8 Bernard Hamner 9 Lloyd Zurbrigg ........................... ...................................................... 9 Francesca Thoolen ...................... .................................................... 11 James Rasmussen ....................... ....................................................11 Invitation to Visit Region 5 Gardens .............................. Everette Lineberger 13 1991 Membership Contest Rules .................................... Jim Fry 14 New RVPs ...................................................................... .................................................... 15 1991-An Iris Season in Review ...................................... Ted White ................................... 23 Judges? Where Are They? .............................................. w. W. Steinhauer 29 Intermediates .................................................................. Robert L. Jensen. 30 Down With Plicating 32 Donald J. Boen Region Five Comes Alive in 1992 .. Yvonne Darnell 33 To Win-You Must Enter. Mrs. W. A. Machulak . The Gentle Art of Dead-Heading Oliver Eldridge ........................... 38 34 How About Trying Some Spurias ................................... Maxine Perkins 40 Border Patrol ................................................................. Walter A. Moores . 42 Remembrances of New Jersey ....................................... Joe Gatty .................................... 51 A New Life--A Renewed Concern . Roger Nelson . 54 Iris Postmark Available ................................................. Jerry Cathey. 57 New Species Awards ......................................................Bob Pries 69 1992 Membership Contest Rules ......................................................................................... 73 Regular Features President's Desk ........................................ 4 AIS Sales Items. 74 Youth Views ........................................... 39IrisSlidesforRent. 75 Gifts to AIS ............................................ 44 Bulletin Advertising Rates .......................... 108 In Memoriam .......................................... 45 Advertisers This Issue ................................ 109 Contribution Information ........................ 50 Commercial Directory ................................ 110 AIS Membership Rates ........................... 72 ON THE COVER: Japanese irises and waterlilies furnish a kOI pool in a large private oriental garden Photograph by George Waters. TABLE OF CONTENTS #286 July 1992 Annual Presidential Letter ........................................ ................................................... 5 What Is Iris Germanica? ........................................... Norian Henderson ..................... 6 A Method for Using Insecticide ........................... " Harry Bishop ............................. 11 Arilbred Seeds Available ....................................... ...................................................... 13 The Symbolism of Plants ..................................... ...................................................... 13 A New Wave of Popularity ....................................... John Coble ............................... 14 Those Sensational MTBs ............................................W. Terry Varner ...................... 17 Iris Hybridizers in Japan ............................................. Hiroshi Shimizu ...................... 20 Iris Pariensis or Iris Missouriensis ..............................Norian Henderson .................... 23 Notice from the Board ................................................ ................................................. 24 Just Try to Fool Mother Nature ................................. Carol Warner ........................... 25 AIS Affiliates ............................................................ Dave Niswonger ...................... 27 Contemporary Views-1991 ....................................... Perry Dyer ............................... 36 Old Members-New Members .................................... Audrey Machulak .................... 48 Pigment Printing ........................................................ David L. Merrill .......................53 Rower Forms and Variations in Louisiana Irises .......................................................................... Marie Caillet ........................... 56 Popular PCI Cultivars ................................................ Lewis and Adele Lawyer. 64 Systems for Numbering Seedlings ............................ Sharon McAllister ....................74 What the Editor Has Heard ........................................ Ronald Mullin ......................... 76 Let's Design a Medal ................................................. ................................................. 81 Regular Features President's Desk .................................... 4 Contributions to AISF .............................. 50 Youth Views ......................................... 5 Iris Slides for Rent. .................................. 84 Conventions Scheduled ........................ 11 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 85 AIS Membership Rates ....................... 12 Minutes of Directors' Meeting ................. 86 Bulletin Errata ..................................... 13 How to Register an Iris ............................ 91 Display Screen for Rent ..................... 47 From the Editor's Desk ............................. 92 In Memoriam ...................................... 49 Commercial Directory .............................. 93 Contribution Information ................... 50 Bulletin Advertising Rates ...................... 107 Advisers This Issue Franklin Carr ............................................... 83 Pacific Coast Hybridizers ........ Cover 4 Cooley's ...............................................Cover 3 Paw Paw Everlast Labels .................83 Greater Kansas City Iris Society ......... 81 Schultz Company .....................................83 Dale Johnson ...................................... 80 Leon White ...................................... Cover 2 Moonshine Gardens ............................ 82 ON THE COVER: A distinctive native American iris is the elegantI,;s purdyii. sometimes hard to find but not yet designated an endangered species. Photograph by George Waters, color separations courtesy of American Iris Society calendars. TABLE OF CONTENTS #287 Oct 1992 Texas Roundup in 1993 ...................................... ......................................................... 5 1992 AIS Awards ................................................ ......................................................... 6 Safe Garden Chemical Application ..................... Mark Dienstbach ........................... 18 Watson and Yearwood Gardens .......................... Jean Morris ................................... 22 Ken Duke Garden ................................................ David Miller ................................. 27 Garden of Deen Day Smith ................................. Clarence Mahan ............................ 29 Lewis Garden ...................................................... Jim Morris ..................................... 32 Hawkins Garden .................................................. Carol Warner ................................ 34 Jellum Garden ..................................................... Beverly Dopke .............................. 36 Lockerly Arboretum ............................................ Melody Wilhoit ............................. 38 Turner Garden ..................................................... Jerry Wilhoit ................................. 40 Betty Hartzog Garden ......................................... Bobbie Shepard ............................. 41 Jean and Jerry Kopp Garden ............................... Larry Harder ................................. 43 Stewart Garden .................................................... Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh 46 Convention Awards ............................................. Ralph Bullard ................................ 50 Iris Awards-Florence, 1992 ................................. ....................................................... 53 Stars of the '92 Bloom Season ............................. Dorothy Cantwell .......................... 54 Northwest '92 ...................................................... Terry Aitken ................................. 57 Choice Irises From Two Seasons ........................ Paul Gossett .................................. 58 Amy Poole's Iris Research Project ...................... Amy Poole .................................... 59 Color Photography for Irisarians ......................... George Waters .............................. 64 The Crocus, A Sign to Fertilize ........................... Stan Cherniss ................................ 73 Some Other Tips on Fertilizing ........................... ....................................................... 73 Something Old, Something NewA Call to Action .................................................. Louise Clay Smith ........................77 Reflections on the Stages of Hybridizing Life .................................................. Sharon McAllister ......................... 79 AIS Library Project ............................................. Mike Lowe ................................... 85 Regular Features President's Message ............................... 4 Bulletin Advertising Rates ....................... 84 Gifts to AIS ......................................... 74 AIS Sales Items ........................................ 86 In Memoriam ...................................... 75 AIS Slides ................................................ 87 Contribution Information .................... 76 AIS Membership Rates ............................ 90 Youth Views ....................................... 82 Commercial Directory .............................. 91 Advertisers This Issue ......................... 84 AIS Conventions Scheduled ................ 84 Photo Credits: T. Aitken 9 lower left, 10 middle; P. Black 15 mid left; C. Boswell 10 lower right; Brookins 31 middle, 45 middle & bottom, 50; B. Brown 11 upper right; M. Caillet 17 mid right & bottom; M. Dunn 8 upper left; A. Ensminger 9 upper left, 10 upper right, 17 upper left; J. Fry 15 lower left; B. Hager 8 upper right, 9 upper right, 15 upper left & mid right; Hall 8 lower right; Hollingworth 8 lower left, 11 mid right & bottom; B. Jones 9 lower left, 10 upper left; K: Keppel 15 upper right, 17 mid left; A. Miller 11 mid left; L. Miller, 21, 23, 24,25,26 middle & bottom, 27, 28, 31 top & bottom, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 42, 45 top, 46, 47, 51 top; J. Mogi114, J. Morris 26 top; D. Niswonger 11 upper left; Schreiners 16, H. Stahly 17 upper right; Stayer 48,49,51 bottom; Varner 15 lower right; Wood 10 lower left. On The Cover: Pictured on the cover is DUSKY CHALLENGER, the 1992 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo courtesy of Schreiners Gardens. TABLE OF CONTENTS #288 Jan 1993 Fort Worth Convention Information ......................... .................................................. ......... 6 Clark Garden ............................................................ Hooker Nichols 9 Duncanville Garden .................................................. Keith Smith .............................. ....... 10 Greenknoll ................................................................ Gordon Green ........................... ....... 11 Fort Worth Botanic Garden ...................................... Rilla Hickerson , .. 12 New Directors .......................................................... .................................................. ....... 13 Arranger's Corner .....................................................Carolyn Hawkins ...................... ....... 24 Japanese Iris Display Garden Program ........... ' .. Claire Barr .................................... , 27 How to Read a Catalog ............................................ Marilyn Harlow ........................ ....... 29 Observations of a Beginning Hybridizer .................. J. Farron Campbell .................... ....... 34 Container Grown Irises ............................................ Edward Myhro .......................... ....... 35 Exhibition Committee Report .................................. Lillian Gristwood ...................... ....... 36 Exhibition Certificates-1992 .................................... Lillian Gristwood ...................... .......44 AIS Awards-Japanese Irises ..................................... Kenneth Waite .......................... ...... 46 High Commendation-1992 ....................................... Kenneth Waite .......................... ...... 47 Further Notes About Versicolor-Ensata Hybrids ................................................................. Monique Dumas-Quesnel. 48 What Do You Expect From AIS ............................... Audrey Machulak ............................. 49 Dr. Loomis Iris Test Garden Report ......................... Mike Moller. 63 XXXVI Con corso Internazionale Dell Iris .............. Margie Robinson , .. 66 Bylaws Revision Election Results ........................... Jeane Stayer. ............................. ....... 68 Changes in AIS Bylaws ........................................... ................................................... ....... 68 Symposium 1993 ......................................................Kenneth Waite ......................... , 72 Growing Irises for Drought Conditions in Southern California .............................................. Barb Wight ....................................... 76 Toasted Melons and Bubble Ruffles ........................ Ronald Mullin ...................................77 Developing an Eye for Irises-Writing Varietal Comments .............................................. Sharon McAllister. ........................... 78 Regular Features President's Desk .......................................... 4 Membership Rates ...................................... 5 AIS Judges 1993 ....................................... 15 Youth Views ............................................. 33 In Memoriam ............................................ 61 Contribution Information .......................... 61 Contributions to AISF .............................. 62 AIS Slides for Rent ................................... 70 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 71 Statement of Ownership ..................... , " 82 AIS Financial Statement. ......................... 83 Minutes of Directors' Meeting ................. 84 Announcements ....................................... 92 Commercial Directory ............................. 93 Bulletin Advertising Rates ..................... 107 Advertisers This Issue Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden ................ 53 Arilian Acres ............................. Cover 2, 50 Bay View Gardens ........................... Cover 4 British Iris Society ................................... 51 B. J. Brown .............................................. 57 Cottage Gardens ...................................... 54 D. & J. Gardens ....................................... 55 Holland Gardens ...................................... 61 Iris Connoisseurs of Michigan ................. 56 Knee Deep in June ................................... 52 MAD Gardens ................................. Cover 3 Median Spree '93 .................................... 59 Pleasure Iris Gardens .............................. 57 Pope's Perennials ..................................... 58 Region 7 AIS ........................................... 58 Roris Gardens .......................................... 60 Schultz Company .................................... 51 Sooner State Iris Society .......................... 61 Superstition Gardens ............................... 52 On The Cover: A scene from Lockerly Arboretum in Atlanta, Georgia, features Louisiana irises. Photo by Paul Gossett. TABLE OF CONTENTS #289 April 1993 AIS Convention Hershey, PA A Request for Guests ............................................................. 5 Four Women Honored by AIS (Gates, Stayer, Dunderman, Dunn) ....................................... 6 NewRVPs ................................................................ ............................................................. 9 Contributors to Wister Medal Fund ......................... Barbara Schmieder ............................ 17 1993 Membership Contest Rules ............................. ........................................................... 18 1992 Membership Contest Results .......................... Clarence Mahan ................................ 19 A Basic Guide to Cultural Practices ........................ J. Farron Campbell ............................ 20 New Approved Awards System ............................... ........................................................... 24 Twelve Things to Keep the Exhibitions Chairman from Losing Her Cool .......................... 25 Merger of LISA and SIL .......................................... Joseph Mertzweiller .......................... 25 Registration of Species and Inter-Species Crosses ... ........................................................... 26 Corrections in List of Judges ....................................Hilda Crick ....................................... 26 Iris Post Mark Available .......................................... Jerry Cathey ...................................... 27 A New Control Agent for Leaf Spot and Rust ..........Adele Lawyer ................................... 27 Excerpts From International Robins .........................Shirley Varmette ............................... 31 Iris Season Review ................................................... Robert L. Jensen ............................... 32 Irises in Trees ........................................................... Keith Keppel .................................... 34 Those Lesser Known Awards ................................... Ronald Mullin .................................. 38 A Challenge for Judges .............................................Judges Training Committee .............. 40 Contemporary Views-1992 ....................................... Perry Dyer ........................................ 41 Transgenic Modifications for Irises .......................... Raymond G. Smith ........................... 54 Practice What You Preach ........................................ Perry Dyer ........................................ 72 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 4 Youth Views ................................................ 30 In Memoriam ........................................... 28 AIS Slides .................................................. 110 Contribution Information ......................... 28 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 111 Gifts to AIS ............................................. 28 AIS Membership Rates .............................. 112 AlS Conventions ...................................... 29 Commercial Directory ................................ 113 Advertisers This Issue Blodgett ................................................... 74 Markham .......................................................92 Burch ....................................................... 75 Melrose .........................................................59 Burton ...................................................... 76 Messick .........................................................93 Cape ................................................... 78, 79 Mid-America ...........................................93 Carr ........................................................... 77 Miller's Manor ......................................... 94 Cooley's ................................65,66,67,68 Milwood Rorist & Nursery ................................95 D & J .................................................. 82, 83 Ohio Gardens ...........................................87 East Wind ................................................. 77 Pacific Coast .......................................69 98 Ensata ............................................. Cover 4 Paw Paw Label Co ...................................... : 85 Fan ............................................................ 97 Rainbow Acres .............................. 100, 101 Gardener's Bookshelf .............................. 109 Rainbow's End .........................................95 Hahn .................................................. 61, 74 Region 7 ........................................................96 Hillcrest .................................................... 84 Region 14 ................................................73 Illini .......................................................... 76 Rialto ................................................. 60, 99 Innerst ....................................................... 63 Roberts ..................................................102 Iris Country ............................................. 85 Schreiners ............................................. Cover 2 Iris Pond .................................................. 86 Schultz ........................................................102 Joe Pye Weed's ........................................ 87 Seaways Garden ..........................................103 Jones ........................................................ 88 Shepard ................................................ 104 105 Kegerise ................................................... 77 Shoop ........................................................: 106 Keppel ............................................ Cover 3 Stahly ..........................................................107 Long's ................................................. 62, 89, 90 Stanek ...................................................107 McAllister ................................................ 90 Superstition ................................................. 105 MAD ........................................................91 Sutton's ....................................................... 108 Varigay .............................................. 70, 71 On The Cover: A scene from Cooley's Garden in Silverton, Oregon shows tall bearded irises at peak bloom. Photo courtesy of Cooley's Garden. TABLE OF CONTENTS #290 July 1993 Annual Presidential Letter ........................................................................ ............................ 4 AIS Poster Contest ..................................................... James Rasmussen . 4 California '9~Request for Beardless Guest hises ..... 5 Soft Rot or Blight .................................................... Dave Niswonger 8 Wister Medal Design Competition Winner .. Lynn Markham ................................. 13 Arranger's Corner .................................................... Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 14 Iris X Conglomerata ................................................ Norian Henderson ............................. 17 AIS Affiliates-1993 ................................................. Dave Niswonger . 22 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps .........................Harry Kuesel .................................... 31 Short Items of Interest .............................................. .......................................................... 42 Seedling Patch Surprises-Arilbred Style Sharon McAllister .. 43 Brown Lasso. F.c.c. ..................................................Cy Bartlett ........................................ 58 Contemporary Views-Medians .................................Perry Dyer ........................................ 59 Mulching With Dust ................................................. Dave Niswonger ............................... 63 Why Not?-A Garden of All-Time Tall Bearded Favorites Stan Coates ....................................... 64 Hanashobu Display in Japan. Hiroshi Shimizu ............................... 67 Dusky Challenger-The Tenth Number One Since 1948 Stan Coates ....................................... 78 Voting the Symposium Ballot Dennis Stoneburner .. 79 Minutes of Directors' Meeting ..................................Jeanne Plank ..................................... 80 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 3 Contributions to AISF ............................. 74 Youth Views .............................................. 6 In Memoriam .......................................... 75 Bulletin Advertising Rates ......................... 7 Contribution Information ........................ 76 AIS Conventions ..................................... 30 AIS Membership Rates ................................ 89 AIS and Section Slides ............................ 50 Commercial Directory ...................................90 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 57 Advertisers This Issue Aril Society International .........................77 Paw Paw Label Company ........................ 78 Eon Industries ........................................... 16 Powell's Gardens ......................................51 Ennenga's Iris Garden ...................... Cover 4 Region 23 ................................................ 49 Just Crazy About ............................... 52-56 Schultz Company .......................................... 78 On The Cover: A rainbow of color is seen in Silverton, Oregon, as irises at Cooley's Gardens bloom profusely. Photo Courtesy of Cooley's Gardens. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #291 Oct 1993 1993 AIS Awards ....................................................Bennett Jones ...................................... 4 What I Liked About the Convention ........................Peter J. DeSantis ............................... 13 Convention Comments from a New Yorker ........... Jane I. Hall ........................................ 14 The Gordon Green Garden ...................................... Melody Wilhoit ................................ 15 The Tom Burseen Garden ........................................ Opal Wulf ......................................... 17 Duncanville Garden ................................................. f91ey Probst ..................................... 17 Charlie Brown's Garden ........................................... ~verette Lineberger .......................... 19 The Clark Garden .................................................... Orville and Lu Dickhaut ................... 20 Clark's Mineral Wells Garden .................................. Gus Sindt .......................................... 22 The Fort Worth Botanic Garden .............................. Sheldon Butt ..................................... 24 Fort Worth Botanic Garden ..................................... Barbara Schmieder ........................... 27 Firenze 1993-lntemational Iris Competition ............ .......................................................... 30 Convention Awards ................................................. .......................................................... 36 Favorite Guest Irises ................................................ Joe and Donna Spears ....................... 37 Contributors to Wister Medal Fund ......................... Barbara Schmieder ........................... 37 The American Iris Society Foundation .................... Eric Tankesley-Clarke ...................... 42 Miniature Tall Bearded Irises in Massachusetts .. Lucy Burton .......................................... 43 A Letter to the Editor ............................................... Jo Anne Glandon ............................... 44 Turning Trash into Treasure .................................... Barbara Flynn ...................................45 A Letter to the Scientific Editor ............................... Samuel Norris ...................................45 Presenting the Wister Medal and Its Designer ......... Lynn Markham ................................. 46 Whites Brighten the Garden .................................... Robert L. Jensen .............................. 51 Median Spree in '93 ................................................. Barbara Schmieder ............................ 57 Rainbow's End, 1994 Convention Gardens .............. Marky Smith ..................................... 60 Rainbow's End-Portland Information ....................... Barbara Aitken .................................. 67 Request for Fragrant TB Rhizomes ......................... David Shahak .................................... 75 From the Editor ....................................................... ........................................................... 77 A Topical Collection of Iris Stamps-VI ................... Harry Kuesel ..................................... 79 A Letter From Cy Bartlett ........................................ ........................................................... 91 Awards System Chart .............................................. ......................................................... 108 Regular Features President's Desk ......................................... 3 AIS Membership Rates ............................ 12 Youth Views ............................................ 39 Creative Designs ...................................... 48 AIS Display Screen ................................. 51 AIS Conventions Scheduled .................... 67 Gifts to AIS ..............................................68 Contribution Information ........................ 69 In Memoriam ..................................... 70-75 Iris Slides for Rent .................................. 76 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 78 Commercial Directory ............................. 92 Bulletin Advertising Rates .................... 106 How to Register an Iris ......................... 107 Advertisers This Issue Just Crazy About ................................ 52-56 NancyHarkins ...........................................67 Schultz Company .................................... 77 On The Cover: The 1993 Dykes Winner, Edith Wolford. Photo by Ben Hager. Photo Credits: Terry Aitken 10 center right, lower left, 36; Carl Boswell center right 11; Doug Goodnight 20; Larry Harder 10 upper right; Bob Hollingworth 11 upper left; Don Koza 32, 34 top and bottom; Eleanor McCown 11 lower right; Lynda Miller 10 center right; Ron Mullin 11 center left; Hooker Nichols 22,23 top; Melinda Robbins 10 lower right; Henry Rowlan 11 upper right; Schreiners 10 upper left; Larry Stayer 23 bottom, 31, 33, 34 middlp 35, 38 top and middle, 41 top; Vem Wood 11 lower left; Opal Wulf 38 hntt~- TABLE OF CONTENTS #292 Jan 1994 New Directors ........................................................... ............................................................ 5 AISConvention--Portland ......................................... ............................................................ 8 1993 Japanese Iris Awards ....................................... Bennett Jones ................................... 12 Contributors to Wister Medal Fund .......................... Barbara Schmieder ........................... 12 1993 Society for Japanese Irises Convention Carol Warner .................................... 15 Facts, Not Fear ......................................................... Adele Lawyer ................................... 17 The Siberian Iris Convention .................................... Anna Mae Miller .............................. 19 Dave Niswonger ............................... 19 Donna Aldridge ................................ 22 Popularity Poll--Siberian Iris Convention ................. .......................................................... 25 Some Notes on the Gibson Plicatas .......................... Keith Keppel .................................... 26 The Well Kept Secret (Spurias) ................................ Sheldon Butt ..................................... 31 Dividing Japanese Irises ...........................................John White ........................................ 33 Iris Gardening in the Winter Ronald Mullin .................................. 34 Scorch Revisited and a New Theory Dr. Raymond Smith .......................... 36 Keith Keppel Wins Foster Memorial Plaque ............ .......................................................... 39 At the Species Level .. Roy Davidson ................................... 40 Arranger's Corner .. Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 42 1994 Symposium ...................................................... Bennett Jones ................................... 45 A Visit with Ben Hager ............................................ Lowell Baumunk .............................. 49 A California Visit at Bloomtime ............................... Phil Williams .................................... 74 Reports on Italian Iris Species .................................. Maretta Colasante ............................. 82 Exhibition Committee Report ................................... Lillian Gristwood ............................. 89 Exhibition Certificates 1993 ..................................... .......................................................... 97 High Commendation Awards 1993 ........................... Bennett Jones ................................. 100 Minutes of Board of Directors' Meeting .................. Jeanne Clay Plank .. 101 AIS Poster Contest .................................................. ......................................................... 109 Regular Features From the President's Desk 4 AIS Financial Statement ............................... 54 AIS Membership Rates .............................. 9 AIS Sales Items ............................................ 55 Contribution Information ........................... 9 AIS Membership Rates ................................. 56 In Memoriam ........................................... 10 AIS Slides for Rent ...................................... 57 Contributions to AIS Foundation ............. 13 AIS Judges 1994 .......................................... 68 Youth Views ............................................ 16 How to Register an Iris ............................ 88 Bulletin Advertising Rates ....................... 52 Commercial Directory ........................... 110 Statement of Ownership .......................... 53 RVPs ..................................................... 124 Advertisers This Issue Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden .. Cover 3 Melrose Gardens ...................................... 58 Arilian Acres ........................... Cover 2, 61 Region 7 .................................................. 60 Bay View Gardens ......................... Cover 4 Schultz Company .......................................... 67 Lucy Burton ............................................ 60 Sooner State Iris Society ............................... 60 Just Crazy About ....................... 64, 65, 66 Stake Ups ....................................................... 58 Keith Keppel ..................................... 59, 63 Stockton Iris Gardens .................................... 62 Knee Deep in June .................................. 67 On The Cover: Siberian irises perform beautifully in a Michigan garden. Photo by Hollingworth. TABLE OF CONTENTS #293 April 1994 AIS Medal Winners ............................................................................................................... 5 New Regional Vice Presidents .............................................................................................. 9 Judges' Roster Correction .................................................................................................... 13 Beardless Guest Irises in '94 Convention Gardens ................................................................... Tom Abrego ...................................... 16 1994 Japanese Iris Society Convention ................... Ginny Burton .................................... 19 Request for Guest Irises--Sacramento ...................... Abe Feuerstein .................................. 20 1993 Membership Contest Results .......................... Melody Wilhoit ................................. 23 1994 Membership Contest ....................................... James McWhirter .............................. 24 Growing Bearded Irises ........................................... Phil Williams .................................... 25 Median Fix '96-Request for Guests .......................... Terry Aitken ..................................... 26 Those Versatile MOBs ............................................ Dorothy and Tony Willott ................. 27 Iris Postmark ........................................................... Jerry Cathey ...................................... 33 Japanese Iris Terminology ....................................... John Wood ........................................ 35 Growing Califomicae from Seed ............................. Adele Lawyer ................................... 37 Before You Apply Fertilizer .....................................Lewis Lawyer ................................... 38 Photographers, Your Help Is Needed .................................................................................. 42 The Louisiana Irises .................................................Norian Henderson ............................. 73 Dr. Loomis Iris Trial Gardens ...................................Mike Moller ...................................... 82 Design Comer ...........................................................Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 86 Regular Features President's Message ................................... 4 Contribution Information .............................. 31 Bulletin Advertising Rates ....................... 17 In Memoriam ........................................... 32 AIS Membership Rates ............................ 18 Gifts to AIS ............................................. 32 AIS Slides for Rent .................................. 21 Youth Views ................................................ 34 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 22 How to Register/Introduce an Iris .......... 107 AIS Conventions ..................................... 26 Commercial Directory ........................... 108 Advertisers This Issue AAA Engravers .......................................99 Markham ...................................................... 91 Blodgett ...................................................43 McAllister ..................................................... 92 Brown's Sunnyhill ................................... 44 Melrose ......................................................... 92 Burch ....................................................... 45 Messick ................................................... 93 Cape ................................................... 46,47 Miller's Manor ......................................... 94 Cooley's ................................ 61, 62, 63, 64 Misty Hill ....................................................... 95 Terri Culotta ......................................... Cover 3 Waiter Moores ........................................ 96 o & J Gardens ........................................... 48, 60 Ohio Gardens ......................................... 93 Earthheart ................................................ 49 Paw Paw Label Co ........................................ 90 Eight Mile Grove ..................................... 44 Pacific Coast ................................................. 97 Ensata Gardens ........................................ 59 Rainbow's End ........................................ 96 Eon Industries .......................................... 43 Rancho de Los Rores ............................ 101 Chun Fan ................................................. 53 Ed Roberts .............................................. 98 Fort Iris Garden ....................................... 97 Margie Robinson ..................................... 99 Illini Irises ............................................... 50 Schreiners ....................................... Cover 2 Innerst ...................................................... 51 Schultz Co ............................................... 98 Iris Country ............................................. 50 Shepard Iris Garden .............................. 100 Iris Pond .................................................. 58 George Shoop ....................................... 101 Joe Pye Weed's ........................................ 52 R. G. Smith ................................................. 102 Bennett Jones ..................................... 53, 65 Spanish Fork ......................................... 103 Just Crazy About .............68, 69, 70, 71, 72, Hal Stahly ............................................. 104 Keith Keppel .................................. Cover 4 Stanley Iris Garden ....................................... 89 Long's .................................. 54, 55, 66, 67 Sutton's Green Thumber ............................... 105 MAD Garden ........................................... 90 Varigay Gardens ..................................... 56, 57 Zebra Gardens ..................................... 106 On The Cover: A planting of tall bearded irises in California by Bill Maryott. Photo provided by Maryott's. TABLE OF CONTENTS #294 July 1994 Annual Presidential Letter ..................................................................................................... 4 Michigan '97 A Requestfor Beardless Guest Irises ................................................................ 6 Median Irises Foreward ................................................................. Jim Morris ...........................................7 How Median Irises Began ....................................... Lee Eberhardt .....................................7 Easiest to Grow Irises----Standard Dwarf Bearded Lynda Miller ....................................... 11 The Intermediate Bearded Iris ................................. Dave Niswonger ...............................15 Border Bearded Irises .............................................. Lynn Markham ................................. 18 Survey of Recent Miniature Tall Bearded Registrations Jean Witt ......................................23 *** Plicata, Luminata-and Glaciata? ..........................:. Keith Keppel. .....................................27 Why Hellcat. ........................................................... Terry Aitken .....................................29 SLI Annual Convention ........................................... Perry Dyer ........................................ 30 A Visit With Keith Keppel ...................................... Lowell Baumunk .............................. 36 SPCNI Expedition 1994 .......................................... Adele Lawyer .................................... 40 Marion Shull, Artist, Botanist, Artist ....................... Clarence Mahan ................................ 43 Medians in 1993 ...................................................... Perry Dyer. ....................................... 45 Dr. Loomis Iris Trail Gardens ................................. Mike Moller ...................................... 48 Approved Affiliates 1994 ........................................ Dave Niswonger ............................... 56 Design Comer .......................................................... Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 64 Irisis Growing June to November in Pennsylvania .. Sterling Innerst ................................. 71 Southern Gardening in Spring and Summer ............ Betty Burch .......................................72 Collecting Irises in Western China .......................... James W. Warrick ............................. 74 Regular Features President's Message ................................... 3 In Memoriam ...........................................52 AIS Conventions ....................................... 4 Contribution Information ......................... 53 AIS Membership Rates ............................. 5 Contributions to AISF .............................. 54 Youth Views ............................................ 34 Iris Slides for Rent ................................... 69 Bulletin Advertising Rates ...................... 35 AIS Sales Items ...................................... 70 Commercial Directory ............. .............. 93 Advertisers This Issue W. H. Cough .................................. Cover 4 Ruby Short ............................................... 68 Hillcrest Gardens ..................................... 67 J. & B. Wight .......................................... 68 Paw Paw Label Co .................................. 68 On the Cover is PECCADILLO, a border bearded iris, from the Median Class. Photo courtesy of Keith Keppel. 2 . ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS #295 Oct 1994 In Memory of Kay Nelson-Keppel ........................... .............................................................5 International Species Symposium ............................. .............................................................9 Gardens of 75 in '95 .................................................. .......................................................... 12 One Way to Plant Bearded Iris Seeds ....................... Paul Black ........................................ 19 Performance Report on Container Growing ............. Edward Myhro ................................. 21 Cooley's Garden ....................................................... James Morris .................................... 22 An Afternoon Delight ............................................... Anne Lowe ........................................24 Salmon Creek Garden ............................................... Ramona Howard .............................. 28 Abbey Garden .......................................................... Jean Erickson ................................... 31 The Craig Garden ..................................................... Barbara Schmieder ........................... 34 Schreiners 1994 ........................................................ Larry Harder ..................................... 36 Schreiners' Garden .................................................... Audrey Machulak ............................. 40 Chehalem Garden ..................................................... Carol Warner .................................... 43 The Plotner Garden .................................................. Dolores Denney ................................ 45 D & J Garden ........................................................... Phil Williams .................................... 48 The Ludi Garden ...................................................... Roger P. Mazur ................................ 50 Photo Gallery ........................................................... .......................................................... 53 1994 AIS Awards ..................................................... Melody Wilhoit ................................ 61 Convention Awards .................................................. Marky Smith ..................................... 67 Median Bloom in Portland ...................................... Jean Morris ....................................... 69 Beardless Irises at the Convention ............................Clarence Mahan ................................ 72 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ............. Joanne King ...................................... 89 Regular Features President's Message ................................... 3 How to Register and Introduce an Iris. 77 Advertising Rates ...................................... 4 Design Corner .............................................. 78 AIS Membership Rates .............................. 6 AIS Sales Items ............................................ 81 Youth Views .............................................. 7 Iris Slides for Rent ........................................ 82 International News .................................. 18 Contributions to AIS ....................................83 AIS Conventions .................................... 35 Contribution Information ..............................85 Photo Credits this Issue .......................... 76 In Memoriam ............................................... 85 Advertisers this Issue .............................. 76 Commercial Directory ................................. 96 Regional Vice Presidents ..................... 112 On the Cover is the 1994 Dykes Medal winner SILVERADO. Color separation was provided by the Schreiners. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #296 Jan 1995 New Director - Lynda Miller .............................................. ................................................... 5 1995 Convention Information ........................................... ................................................... 6 AIS Judges for 1995 ........................................................... Hilda Crick .............................. 11 Growing Spurias in Arid Climates ...................................... Royd Wickenkamp .................. 20 Poster Contest Won by Nancy Harkins .............................. James Rasmussen .................... 21 Culture of Spurias in the Midwest ......................................Dave Niswonger ...................... 22 Additional Show Information .............................................UlIian Gristwood ..................... 23 The SU Convention in Summerville .................................. Carol Warner ........................... 24 Through a Lens .................................................................. Mike Lowe ............................... 25 International News ............................................................. Oarence Mahan ........................ 26 Policy on Obituaries .......................................................... .................................................. 35 AIS Condensed Financial Statement .................................. Glenn Corlew ........................... 36 Statement of Ownership .................................................... .................................................. 37 Dr. Loomis Iris Trial Gardens ............................................ Mike Moller .............................37 About the Bulletin ............................................................. ..................................................42 1995 Tall Bearded Iris Symposium ................................... Melody Wilhoit ........................43 High Commendations for 1994 .......................................... Melody Wilhoit ........................60 Exhibition Certificates 1994 .............................................. Lillian Gristwood .................... 61 Return to Our Roots ........................................................... William Griese ........................ 63 ATTENTION HYBRIDIZERS ......................................... Keith Keppel ............................64 Exhibition Committee Report ............................................ UlIian Gristwood ..................... 65 Minutes of Board of Directors' Meeting ............................Joanne King ............................. 75 Regular Features President's Desk ...................................... 4 Contribution Information ....................... 32 Slides for Rent... ..................................... 8 AIS Sales Items ...................................... 9 Contributions to AISF ............................ 33 In Memoriam ......................................... 35 Membership Rates ................................ 10 AIS Conventions .................................. 18 Youth Views ......................................... 19 How to Register arxI IntrocIuce an Iris .. 48 Section Conventions - 1995 ................... 54 Advertisers this issue .............................84 Bulletin Advertising Rates .................... 32 Commercial Directory ............................85 On the cover is a scene from The Iris Pond, the garden of Clarence and Suky Mahan in McLean, Virginia. Photo by Dennis B. Gates. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS #297 April 1995 New AIS Treasurer ......................................................... ............................................... ........ 5 Distinguished ServicG Medal to Crick ........................... ............................................... ........ 6 Request for Guest Irises-Michigan ................................. ............................................... ........ 7 Convention Information ................................................. Sterling Innerst ...................... ........ 8 Meet the New RVPs ....................................................... ............................................... ...... 12 An Idea for Local Meetings. ""-.: ................................... Pete Rudkin ........................... ...... 16 JIS Convention ............................................................... Carol Warner ......................... ...... 17 Preparing Iris for Exhibition ........................................... Sheldon Butt .......................... ...... 17 International News .......................................................... Clarence Mahan .................... ...... 24 1995 Membership Contest .............................................. James P. McWhirter ............. : ..... 29 1994 Season Review ....................................................... Ted White .............................. ...... 30 Composting .................................................................... Jerry Bowers .......................... ...... 42 In Memoriam-Blue Sapphire .......................................... Joe Ghio ................................ ..... .45 Ladybug, Ladybug, Make This Your Home ................... Sharon McAllister. ................ ..... .46 Measuring Width ............................................................ Jim Craig ............................... ...... 49 Germination Indoors ....................................................... John Coble and Bob Bauer .... ..... .50 ATTENTION HyBRIDiZERS! ...................................... Keith Keppel ......................... ..... .52 Iris Post Mark .................................................................Jerry Cathey ........................... ...... 62 Design Corner ................................................................. Carolyn Hawkins ................... ...... 64 What Does the Membership Secretary Do? .................... Marilyn Harlow ..................... ...... 68 Regular Features President's Message ................................ .4 Youth Views ............................................ 9 Bulletin Advertising Rates ..................... 23 AIS Conventions ................................... 26 Gifts to AIS ........................................... 27 In Memoriam .........................................28 Contribution Information .......................28 AIS Sales Items .....................................53 AIS Slides ..............................................54 AIS Membership Rates ......................... 62 Commercial Directory .......................... 96 RVPs .................................................. 112 ADVERTISERS THIS ISSUE Patricia Allen ......................................... 83 Blodgett Garden .................................... 74 Lucy Burton ........................................... 93 Cape Iris Garden .............................. 76, 77 Cooley's ............................... 56, 57, 58, 59 J & V Craig ........................................... 75 Cricket Hill ............................................ 89 D & J Garden ........................................78 Eon Industries ........................................75 Friendship Garden .................................79 Hahn's ....................................................74 Hillcrest ................................................ 80 Innerst ................................................... 55 Iris Pond ............................................... 81 Iristocrat Acres ..................................... 81 Joe Pye Weed's ..................................... 90 Bennett Jones ........................................ 82 Evelyn Kegerise ................................... 81 Keith Keppel .......................... 83, Cover 4 Long's ................................................... 84 MAD. Garden ....................................... 85 Markham .............................................. 86 Messick ................................................. 87 Mid America ......................................... 87 Miller's Manor ...................................... 88 Mountain View .............................Cover 3 Northshore ............................................ 82 Ohio Gardens ........................................ 90 Olsen ..................................................... 89 Paw Paw Labels .................................... 89 Rainbow's End ...................................... 89 Roberts .................................................. 82 Schreiner's .................................... Cover 2 Shepard ................................................. 91 Spanish Fork ......................................... 92 Stahly .................................................... 93 Sutton .................................................... 94 Varigay ........................................... 60, 61 Zebra ..................................................... 95 ON THE COVER: With the Flatiron Mountains as a backdrop, irises burst into a glorious array of color in Long's Garden in Boulder, Colorado. Photo by Dennis Gates. 3 Diamond 75th Anniversary Issue 1995 (#297A May 1995) American Iris Society From the Desk of the President, Clair Barr From the Desk of the Scholarship Committee, Jean Witt The AIS Youth Program, Jean Morris History of the Last 25 Years, Larry Harder Benchmarks of an Era, Larry Harder Tall Bearded Iris An Interview with Bob, Dave, and Ray Shreiner Pink Color in Irises, Ben Hagar Variegated Flower Color, Allan Ensminger Variegated Foliage, Allan Ensminger Popular Plicatas, Keith Keppel Over the Horizon, Terry Aitken Future Development of Bearded Iris, Bill Baryott Median Iris Lilliputs to Medians, Jim Morris MTBs in Review, Jean Witt Siberian Iris Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow Spuria Iris Introduction, Tom Abrego Spurias, Today & Tomorrow, Dave Niswonger Japanese Iris Society for Japanese Iris, John Coble Reblooming Iris Milestones of Remontancy, John Weiler Dwarf Iris A Window to the little Ones, Erik Tankesley-Clarke Pacific Coast Iris An Historical Summary, Lewis Lawyer Pacific Coast Irises Today, Gigi Hall The Future of PCNs, Joseph Ghio Species Iris SIGNA Historic Iris Historic Iris Preservation Society, Larry Doucette & Anne Lowe 5 6 7 11 26 31 35 42 43 44 46 49 52 56 59 72 74 79 84 89 93 96 103 105 108 p. 2 Diamond Anniversary issue Aril Society International Yesterday & Today at Pleasure Iris Gardens, Mrs. Henry Danielson Progress in Aril and Arilbred Hybridizing, Howard Shockey 114 Louisiana Iris The Society for Louisiana Iris, Marie Caillet Louisianas Today, Perry Dyer Milestones in Development of Louisianas, Joseph Mertzweiller 112 117 119 122 Photo Credits Front Cover: 75th Anniversary Poster, by Nancy Harkins Inside Front Cover: SAN FRANCISCO, L. Harder; STEPPING OUT· T. Aitken; JESSE'S SONG· Schreiners Page 15: DEBBY RAIRDON, T. Aitken; NEW MOON, T. Aitken: SHIPSHAPE· Schreiners; SKYWATCH, Mike Noller; BABBLING BROOK, Schreiners. Page 16: MARY FRANCES, Larry Harder; KILT LILT, T. Aitken; PINK TAFFETA, Larry Harder; DREAM WVER, Mike Moeller; BRIDE'S HAW, Schreiners. Page 29: RUFFLED BALLET, Schreiners; VANnY, Mike Moeller; VICTORIA FALLS, T. Aitken; MYSTIQUE, T. Aitken; BEVERLY SILLS, T. Aitken. Page 30: EVERYTHING PLUS, Dave Niswonger; DUSKY CHALLENGER, Schreiners; TITAN'S GWRY, Schreiners; SONG OF NORWAY, Schreiners; EDITH WOLFORD, T. Pjtken. Page 47: SILVERADO, Schreiners; TB Seedling "A", T. Aitken; TB Seedling "B", Schreiners; TB Seedling "C, Schreiners. Page 48: BROWN LASSO, Schreiners; BE DAZZLED, T. Aitken; PANDA, T. Aitken; RARE EDITION, T. Aitken. Page 61: DOTTED LINE, T. Aitken; WHITE SWIRL, Dave Silverberg; BUTTER AND SUGAR, Dave Silverberg; Floral Arrangement, Anna Mae Miller. Pages 62 & 63: Portrait, Glenn Corlew. Page 64: Convention Guest, T. Aitken; CINNAMON STICK, Dave Niswonger; Spuria Planting, T. Aitken; Cut Flowers - Tom Abrego Page 77: TUPTIM, John Coble; LIGHT AT DAWN, John Coble; McEwen Garden on Tour, T. Aitken; Hugh F. Knight Garden, John Coble. Page 78: FRANKINCENSE, John Weiler; MOTHER EARTH, John Weiler; Rebloom IB, T. Aitken; Rebloom TB, John Weiler. Page 95: GOLD CANARY, T. Aitken; I.reichenbachii, E. Tanksley-Clark; SPARKLING EYES, Schreiners; ATROVIOLACEA, E. Tanksley-Clark. Page 96: WILD PACIFIC COAST, Lawyer; LATIN BWOD, T. Aitken; UP ALL NIGHT, T. Aitken; WS WMAS, T. Aitken; SIERRA BUTTERFLIES, Lawyer. Page 109: Copeland PXE-1, T. Aitken; I.1aevigatae a1bopurpurea, T. Aitken; I.1aevigatae alba, T. Aitken; I.virginica X Tet LA, J. Mertzweiller. Page 110: WINTER OLYMPICS, T. Aitken; ARGUS PHEASANT, T. Aitken; WABASH· T. Aitken; RAMESES, T. Aitken. Inside Back Cover: Oncocyc1us, H. Shockey; TINY TYKE, T. Aitken; Oncogeliabred, H. Shockey; OYEZ, Scott Jordan; Oncogeliabred, H. Shockey. Back Cover: Australian Hybrid, Perry Dyer; CAJUN SUNRISE, Perry Dyer; PROFESSOR IKE, Perry Dyer. TABLE OF CONTENTS #298 July 1995 Symposium Corrections ................................................Melody Wilhoit ............................. 4 Attention Membership Contest Participants ......................................................................... .4 Annual Presidential Letter ..................................................................................................... 5 Colorado '98 Request for Beardless Guest Irises ................................................................... 6 The SIGNA Species Symposium ................................... Bob Pries ....................................... 7 Design Corner ............................................................... Carolyn Hawkins ........................ 1 0 International News ........................................................ Clarence Mahan ............................13 Planting and Care of Bearded Irises ............................... Ronald Mullin .............................. 15 Approved Affiliates 1995 .............................................. Dave Niswonger ...........................17 Strategies for Hybridizing ............................................. Marty Schafer ............................... 26 Preview Tour in Sacramento ......................................... Joyce Ragle ..................................31 Can They Grow Irises in Montana? ............................... Jerry and Donna Bowers .............. 34 The Gardens of Missoula ............................................... Ronald Mullin .............................. 35 What's New in Garden Labels ....................................... Lewis Lawyer .............................. 37 New Zealand Iris Society Convention 1995 .................. Dorothy Wood ............................. 38 From Sea to Shining Sea ............................................... Graeme Grosvenor.. ..................... 39 Hybridizing for Double Louisiana Irises ....................... Marvin Granger ........................... 44 The Season in Review ................................................... Ronald Mullin .............................. 46 Judging Italian Style ...................................................... Marilyn Harlow ........................... 49 How to Register and Introduce an Iris ........................... ...................................................... 60 Regular Features President's Message ................................. 3 AIS Sales Items .................................... 62 Youth Views .......................................... 23 Iris Slides for Rent ................................ 63 Contributions to AISF .......................... 57 AIS Conventions ...................................68 In Memoriam ....................................... 59 Advertising Rates ..................................68 Contribution Information ..................... 59 Commercial Directory ...........................69 Membership Rates ............................... 61 Advertisers This Issue ........................... 84 On the front cover is a scene from the Rojahn Garden during the 1995 convention in Pennsylvania. On the back cover are Miniature Tall Bearded irises in the Leader Garden in Pennsylvania. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #299 Oct 1995 1995 AIS AWARDS ..................................................... Bennett & Evelyn Jones ................ 5 Seventy-five in '95 ......................................................... Ron Mullin .................................. 17 Innerst Garden ...............................................................Marky Smith ................................ 19 The Lellder Garden ........................................................Clarence Mahan ........................... 22 Innerst Garden .............................................................. Paul Gossett ................................. 24 60 Years With Iris ......................................................... AnneLowe ................................... 26 The Marquart Garden ..................................................... Barbara Schmieder. ..................... 28 The Betty and Glenn Bowers Garden ............................. Jim Morris .................................... 30 1996 Japanese Iris Convention ..................................... ...................................................... 32 Strawser Garden ............................................................. BiIl Rinehart.. .............................. 33 Society for Japanese Irises Favorite Guest Irises ............ ...................................................... 34 Convention Awards ........................................................ ...................................................... 34 Carl and Gloria Rojahn Garden ...................................... Jean Morris ................................... 35 Griffie Garden ................................................................ Marjorie Jansen ............................ 37 Corrections in Affiliate Listing ....................................... ...................................................... 38 Medians in Pennsylvania ................................................ Lynda Miller ................................ 39 Favorite Guest Irises, 1995 ............................................. Gloria Rojahn ............................ ..41 A Date With an Iris ........................................................ Clarence Mahan ............................46 More About Roots .......................................................... Lucy Burton ............................... .47 Beardless Iris Culture ..................................................... Dianna Nicholls ............................59 Raising Species Iris From Seeds: ................................... Elaine P. Hurlbert.. ...................... 60 A Round Robin Is ........................................................... Libby Cross ................................. 67 Back to Basics: A Cultural Program for Louisiana Irises ....................................................Ruth Wilder ................................. 74 Design Corner ............................................................... Carolyn Hawkins ......................... 76 Minutes of Directors Meeting ........................................ Jeanne Plank, Marilyn Harlow .82 Regular Features President's Message .................................4 International News ................................ 63 AIS Conventions ................................... 13 In Memoriam ........................................ 68 Bulletin Advertising Rates .....................13 Contributions to AIS ............................. 72 Iris Slides for Rent .................................14 Contribution Information ...................... 73 AIS Membership Rates .........................15 Photo Credits ........................................ 75 AIS Sales Items .................................... 16 Commercial Directory ........................... 89 Youth Views ........................................ 54 ON THE COVER: The 1995 Dykes Medal Winner HONKY TONK BLUES is pictured on the front cover. Photo is courtesy of Schreiner's Garden. INSIDE FRONT COVER: The Evelyn Kegerise Garden. Photo by Bob Plank. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS #300 Jan 1996 A Capitol Idea .......................................................................... ............................................ 6 California Is Ready ................................................................... Jay Hudson ........................ 8 New Bulletin Editor .................................................................. ............................................ 9 Native Iris After the Convention .............................................. Adele Lawyer: ................ 1 0 Bennett Jones Wins Foster Memorial Plaque ........................... Marky Smith ................ 11 A Glossary of Iris Terms .......................................................... Bill Maryott ..................... 17 Notice to Foreign Hybridizers .................................................. Keith Keppel .................... 19 Median Fix in '96 ...................................................................... .......................................... 20 Siberian Pre-Convention Tour-Schmieder Garden ................... Lynn Markham ................ 21 Joe Pye Weed's Garden ...... Currier McEwen .............. 23 Smith Garden ..................... Shirley Pope ..................... 24 M.A.S.S. Medley Information ..... ............................................ Barbara Schmieder ........... 25 Two Puzzling Groups of Siberian Irises: Biology and Proposed Common Names ............................... Dr. Chandler Fulton ......... 26 Unity ........................................................................................ Betty Wilkerson ............... 36 AIS Judges for 1996 ................................................................. Glenn Corlew ................... 37 Keep 'Em Hying ....................................................................... Libby Cross ...................... 44 1995 JIS Awards ...................................................................... .......................................... 46 High Commendation for 1995 .................................................. .......................................... 47 AIS Liability Insurance ............................................................ Mike Lowe ..................... ..48 1996 Tall Bearded Symposium ................................................. Melody Wilhoit.. .............. 49 1995 SJI Convention ................................................................ Peter Weixlmann ............. 54 Exhibition Committee Report ................................................... Lillian Gristwood ............. 61 Statement of Ownership ........................................................... .......................................... 81 AIS Library Contract ................................................................ .......................................... 84 AIS Condensed Financial Statement ........................................ Bonnie Nichols ................ 86 AIS Membership Rates ............................................................. .......................................... 87 World Iris Association .............................................................. Dave Niswonger .............. 91 Minutes of Board of Directors' Meeting ................................... .......................................... 93 Regular Features President's Message ...................................4 AIS Sales Items ............................................ 82 International News .................................. 12 Iris Slides for Rent.. ................................. 83 Youth Views ............................................ 15 Section Conventions ................................ 90 Contributions to AISF ............................ 74 Bulletin Advertising Rates ............................ 91 Contribution Information ......................... 76 Commercial Directory ........................... 101 In Memoriam ........................................... 77 RVPs ..................................................... 116 AIS Conventions ..................................... 80 Advertisers This Issue AIS Display Screen ................................. 91 Keith Keppel ........................................... 56 Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden ....... Cover 3 Knee Deep in June ................................. .47 Arilian Acres .............................. Cover 2,89 Pope's Perennials ..................................... 88 Nancy Bartlett ......................................... 90 Rampart Productions ............................... 73 Bay View Gardens (Ghio) ............. Cover 4 Sooner State Iris Society ............................... .45 Cascade Bulb and Seed ............................ 20 Stockton Iris Gardens (Feuerstein) .58, 59 Nancy Harkins ......................................... 90 Superstition Iris Gardens .........................55 ON THE COVER: This is a scene from the beautiful M.A.D. Iris Garden of Bob and Mary Dunn. It is one of the gardens that can be visited before the 1996 Convention. (Photo by Mary Dunn) TABLE OF CONTENTS #301 April 1996 Hybridizer's Medal Winners ................................................................................... , ..................... 6 Colorado: Request for Guest Irises .......................................................................... .................... 10 JIS Convention ........................................................................................................ .................... 11 New RVPs .............................................................................................................. .................... 12 Iris Show Exhibition Techniques .................................................... Bonnie Nichols ...................19 The Need for Iris Research .............................................................. Jean Witt ............................ 22 A Proposal to Establish International Collections of Rare Species Irises ...................................................................... G. I. Rodionenko .................25 Rating Spurias for Garden Value .................................................... Maxine Perkins ...................27 Hybridizing ..................................................................................... Hooker Nichols .................. 31 How Do You Treat a Guest Speaker ............................................... Lynda Miller ....................... 34 Iris House Mysteries ....................................................................... Ron Mullin .......................... 36 Miniature Dwarf Beardeds .............................................................. Ada Godfrey ....................... 37 Robin Round Up ............................................................................. Libby Cross ......................... 39 1995 Season in Review ................................................................... Dean Brand .........................41 Programs, Speakers, and All That.. ................................................. Ron Mullin ......................... 49 Iris Postmark Available ................................................................... Jerry Cathey ........................51 Space Age Irises: The Future Is Bright.. .......................................... Jim Hedgecock .................... 52 Is It Wise to Make Iris Crosses ....................................................... Ron Mullin ......................... 53 More About Roots ........................................................................... Koen Engelen ..................... 55 1996 Membership Contest .............................................................. Lynda Miller ....................... 83 1995 Membership Contest .............................................................. Lynda Miller ....................... 84 Regular Features President's Message ....................................... 4 AIS Conventions ............................................ 9 Design Corner ...............................................44 AIS Display Screen .......................................45 International News ........................................46 AIS Slides to Rent.. ...................................... 57 In Memoriam ............................................... 72 Bulletin Advertising Rates ........................... 77 Youth Views .................................................78 Contributions to AIS .................................... 81 Contribution Information ............................. 82 From the Editor ............................................ 85 AIS Sales Items ........................................... 86 Section Conventions .................................. 101 Commercial Directory ............................... 108 AIS Membership Rates .............................. 124 RVPs ......................................................... 124 Advertisers This Issue Bridge in Time ............................................. 87 Lucy Burton ..................................................88 Cape Iris Garden .....................................90, 91 Contemporary Gardens ................................. 89 Cooley's ...................................... 61, 62, 63, 64 J. & V. Craig ................................................ 92 D. & J. Garden ............................................. 93 Diamonds and Gold International ................. 89 Eartheart Gardens .......................................... 94 Eon Industries ............................................... 88 Garden of East Wind ..................................... 85 Carolyn Hawkins .......................................... 56 Hermit Medlar's Walk ................................... 88 Sterling Innerst .............................................. 67 The Iris Pond ................................................. 66 Joe Pye Weed's .............................................. 95 Keith Keppel... ..................................... Cover 4 KiwiPac Tours .............................................. 95 Long's ..................................................... 58, 59 M.A.D. Garden ............................................. 97 Lynn Markham ............................................ 60 Virginia Messick .......................................... 96 Mid America Gardens ................................. 98 Miller's Manor ............................................. 99 Misty Hill Farm ......................................... 100 Walter Moores ............................................. 65 Ohio Garden .............................................. 101 Rainbow Acres ....................................Cover 3 Rainbow's End ........................................... 101 Ed Roberts ................................................... 95 SChreiner's ..........................................Cover 2 Shepard Iris Garden ................................... 102 Spanish Fork .............................................. 103 Hal Stahly .................................................... 96 Stanley Iris Garden ...................................... 77 Superstition Gardens ................................. 105 Sutton's Green Thumber ..................... 104,105 Varigay Garden ..................................... 70, 71 Winterberry Garden ............................... 68, 69 Zebra Gardens ....................................106, 107 ON THE COVER: A scene from Phil Williams' Rockytop Garden in Tennessee. Photo by Earnest Royal. #302 July 1996 Regular Features: Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 3 AIS Sections Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 6 President's Message Page 8 Editor's Message Page 10 Youth Views Page 16 Flight Lines Page 71 Contributions Page 83 AIS Slides For Rent Page 84 Official AIS Storefront Page 86 Index of Advertisers Page 88 Shopping Section Articles: Page 14 Robin Roster Page 18 New Contact for AIS Insurance Page 19 Request for Beardless Guest Iris Page 20 AIS Library Page 22 The Rare Iris of Russia Page 29 Genetic Engineeripg of Iris Page 32 Culture Corner Page 34 International News Page 38 The New Regional Vice Presidents Page 40 Contemporary Views Page 68 New Iris Book Planned Page 69 Dr. Loomis Awards Page 74 Official AIS Affiliates Page 82 Request for Japanese Guest Iris Page 86 Convention Award Winners Page 87 New Advertising Rates Front & Bock Cover Photos (by Robert Plank): Sherman-Yee garden in the foothills of Altadena, California, token during the Region 15 Trek in 1994. Pictured on front cover are George and Kay Sherman-Yee, with their children Claire and Paul. #303 Oct 1996 Regular Features: Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 3 AIS Sections Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 6 President's Message Page 9 Editor's Message Page 10 Corrections to previous Bulletins Page 12 Youth Views Page 84 Contributions Page 86 Index of Advertisers Page 94 Official AIS Storefront Page 96 AIS Slides For Rent Page 97 Shopping Section Page II2 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Articles: Page II Photographer's Secrets Page 16 Robin Roster Page 18 Convention Gardens Page 44 Membership Contest Page 45 Alfalfa, the Magic Elixir Page 47 Contemporary Views, Part 2 Page 55 Photos of Award Winning Irises Page 63 Design Corner Page 67 International News Page 73 Streaking is in! Page 77 1996 AIS Awards Page 87 AIS Board Minutes Front Cover Photo by Michoel Moller: BEFORE THE STORM, 1996 Dykes Medol winner. Bock cover photo of Sterling 8. Borboro Innerst by Corol Worner; Innerst seedlings by Terry Aitken. #304 Jan 1997 Regular Features : Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page I04 Page I05 Page I06 Page I08 Page I09 Page 124 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message Editor's Message Corrections to previous Bulletins Youth Views Contributions Index of Advertisers Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent Shopping Section AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Articles: Page 8 American Iris Society Convention Page !O Say Yes to Michigan! Page 13 Future Conventions Page 19 International News Page 24 International Iris Competition Page 25 Nematodes Page 28 100 Favorite Iris Page 31 Median Fix-Portland, Oregon Page 38 Mass Medley Page 42 Species at the Medley Page 44 SJI Convention Page 48 High Altitude Iris Page 50 Robin Roster Page 51 Science Corner Page 58 AIS Awards-Part II: Japanese Iris Page 67 Design Corner Page 70 Favorite Guest Iris Page 71 Opal Brown Page 73 Approved AIS Judges Page 80 Show Winners of '96 Page 92 Minutes of Board of Directors Fall Meeting Page !O5 Bee Warburton Medal Front (over Photo by Terry Aitken: Schafer-Socks Gorden Bock (over: Photo of Opal Brown by Francis Jones. Photo of Geniality and Winter Olympics by Terry Aitken. #305 April 1997 Regular Features: Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 3 AIS Sections Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger Page 9 Editor's Message, TerryAitken Page 10 Corrections to previous Bulletins Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris Page 17 International News, Clarence Mahan Page 92 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkim Page 101 Index of Advertisers Page 102 Contributions Page 104 Official AIS Storefront Page 106 AIS Slides For Rent Page 107 Shopping Section Page 124 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Articles: Page 15 Page 24 Page 28 Page 36 Page 39 Page 42 Page 45 Page 48 Page 59 Page 60 Page 66 Page 70 Page 74 Page 75 Page 84 Page 88 Page 95 Page 99 Page 100 Future Convention Schedule Irises and the Internet, Scott Aitken New RVPs, BarbaraAitken It's Magic - Horned Iris, Bill Maryott Breeding for Space-Age Iris, Lloyd Zurbrigg Plumed Delight - SA Hybridizing, George Sutton Horned Seedlings, Sterling Innerst Bearded Iris Rebloom (part I), Donald M. Spoon, Ph.D Request for Guest Iris Membership Contest Winners First Aid Tips for Irises, Terry Aitken New AIS Directors, BarbaraAitken AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder Love in a Cold Climate, Marky Smith How the Iris Saved Civilization, Clarence Mahan World Iris Association, Lech Komarnicki Rebloomers, Sterling Innerst AIS Judges, Revised Memorial, Richard Pettijohn, Roger Mazur Front (over Photo: species I. pseudocorus 'Ivory', as seen in the Marble Gorden, Harvard, 1M; port of the MAS.S. Medley tour, 1996. Photo by Terry Aitken #306 July 1997 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 14 Page 70 Page 75 Page 86 Page 80 Page 82 Page 84 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views, Jean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Contributions to AIS Foundation Index of Advertisers Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent Shopping Section Articles: Page 22 1997 Affiliates List Page 31 Bearded Iris Rebloom (part 2), Donald Spoon, Ph.D Page 43 Annual President's Letter, Dave Niswonger Page 44 Convention Awards Page 45 Hybridizers Medal Page 53 Distinguished Service Medal Page 55 Alfalfa Again Page 57 Colchicine, Sam Norris Page 64 Guest Iris Request Page 65 Advice for Beginning Hybridizers, Clarence Mahan Page 69 High Commendation Awards Page 74 How to Register Iris, Keith Keppel Page 77 In Memoriam: Evelyn Jones, Lillian Gristwood, Cleo Palmer Page 83 Revised Bulletin Advertising Rates F rant Cover Photo by Robert Plank: Rebert Garden. Bock cover photo by Terry Aitken: POST TIME (Schreiner '71) AM, 0 benchmark in iris breeding for" red". #311 Oct 1997 Regular Features: Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 3 AIS Sections Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 14 Page 20 Page 90 Page 92 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views, Jean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Contributions to AIS Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 19 Page 24 Page 40 Page 44 Page 45 Page 49 Page 53 Page 54 Page 59 Page 61 Page 70 Page 79 International iris Competition 1997 Convention Garden Reviews Post Convention Reviews Favorite Guest Iris Technicolor Feast, Marky Smith Preview, 1998 Convention, Linda Dory Message from Moscow, Sergey Loktev In Memoriam: Joseph K. Mertzweiller In Memoriam: Dr. D.C. Nearpass 1997 AIS Awards Big Ideas for Little Irises, Tom Tadfor Little Minutes from AIS Board Meeting Front Cover Photo by Robert Plonk: THORNBIRP (M. Byers '89), 1997 Dykes Memorial Medal winner. #308 Jan 1998 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 14 Page 77 Page 75 Page 97 Page 98 Page 100 Page 101 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, TerryAitken Youth Views,]ean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Contributions to AIS Foundation AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 12 Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 20 Page 20 Page 21 Page 24 Page 25 Page 27 Page 30 Page 32 Page 37 Page 42 Page 53 Page 64 Page 66 Page 67 Page 80 Page 85 Page 88 Page 89 Page 93 Page 95 Change in Iris Registration, Keith Keppel Future Conventions '98 Natioinal Convention Registration New Committee, Iris Larson Silent Auction, Carla Lankow Convention Boutique, Rickie Morgan Thornbird as a Breeder, Terry Aitken Proposed Mission Statement, Bonnie Nichols Sand & Soap, Marie Gebert AIS Library, Keith McNames Exhibition Report, Mike Moller Membership Contest, Lynda Miller C.G. White, Tom Craig C.G. White, Analysis, Sharon McAllister AIS Judges. Glenn Corlew Exhibition Report, Mike Moller Exhibition Committee, Mike Moller AIS Show Reports Symposium Results World Iris Society, Sergey Loctev Dorothy Stahley, Anna Mae Miller A Good Thing,]eanne Clay Plank In Memoriam: Mary Dunn Financial Report Front ond bock cover photos by Terry Aitken. Front RUFFLES AND LACE (Hamblen '82), HM '84. Bock: FAME (Weiler '86), Colnomio. #309 April 1998 Regular Features: Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 3 Page 4 Page 7 Page 10 Page 13 Page 21 Page 73 Page 99 Page 104 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views, Jean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Contributions to AIS Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 18 Youth Fundraiser, Kevin Gormley Page 30 Page 31 Page 35 Request for Guest Iris Destiny Dallas 2000 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken Iris Borer Control, Page 42 Page 47 Page 55 Page 77 Page 80 Page 94 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 New AIS Directors New RVPs Climate Tolerance Ways & Means, Iris Larson Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting High Commendation Awards In Memoriam: Evelyn Kegerise In Memoriam: Doris Foster In Memoriam: B.j. Brown Stanton A. Gill and Michael J Raupp Front cover photo by Robert Plonk: Dykes Medol winners ot Roris Gorden, Col~omio, 1996. Bock cover photo by Terry Aitken: lADY FRIEND #310 July 1998 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 9 Page 12 Page IS Page 72 Page 85 Page 86 Page 88 Page 89 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, TerryAitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 8 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 27 Page 29 Page 34 Page 36 Page 38 Page 40 Page 43 Page 47 Page 48 Page 50 Page 57 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 75 Page 77 Page 82 Page 83 Annual President's Letter, Dave Niswonger Request for Guest Bearded Iris Request for Guest Beardless Iris Landscape Iris Revolution, Don & Ginny Spoon Climate Tolerance, TerryAitken The I mesopotamica Problem, Ben Hager Hybridizing: Colors & Paterns,joe Ghio Hybridizing: Toward Pinks, Bill Maryott Hybridizing: Amoenas & Rims, Dave Niswonger Coals & Embers, Marky Smith Dark Fire, Keith Keppel Iris Lacustris, Maureen S. Martin Ensicolor Hybrids, Oleg A. Amekhin Honorary Awards Explained, Claire Barr & Harold Stahly Hybridizers Medal Gold Medal Awarded Convention Awards Official AIS AffIliates Storefront Update, Iris Larson TB Iris Society Petition for Recognition How to Register an Iris, Keith Keppel AIS Foundation contributions #311 Oct 1998 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 13 Page 66 Page 90 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Dave Niswonger Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,Jean Morris International News, Clarence Mahan Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 19 Page 20 Page 44 Page 48 Page 57 Page 64 Page 65 Page 69 Page 71 Page 72 Page 74 Page 79 Page 88 International Iris Competition, Florence, Italy Denver: 1998 AIS National Convention: Baumunk Garden, Scott Jordan; Chapman Garden, Kathie Kasperek; Ever's Garden, Bill Maryott & Jean Morris; Hudson Garden,Joe Griner, Long's Garden, Marky Smith; Loomis Garden, Shirley Pope; Love Garden, Gigi Hall; Miller Garden, George Sutton; Knudtson Garden, Terry Aitken; Stetson Garden,Jean & Jim Morris; Townsend Garden, Carol Warner, Union Printers Garden, Anne Lowe Ten Irises & an Eggplant, Clarence Mahan Allan Ensminger's Rebloomers, Don Spoon 1998 AIS Awards Favorite Guest Irises, '98 AIS Convention Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker Iris News on the Internet, Scott Aitken Opal Brown, 1934-1998 Ila Nunn, 1902-1998, Marie Caillet Tribute to Monty Byers, Ben Hager & Kitty Loberg Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Contributions to AIS Front cover photo by Robert Plonk: CONJURATION (Byers '89), 1998 Dykes Memoriol Medol winner. #312 Jan 1999 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page lO Page 12 Page 59 Page 67 Page 86 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton Directory of Display Ads Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 21 Page 23 Page 31 Page 39 Page 41 Page 44 Page 46 Page 51 Page 55 Page 59 Page 60 Page 62 Page 64 Page 71 Page 80 Page 83 Page 83 Page 84 1999 AIS Convention Invitation New AIS Directors New Regional Vice Presidents Approach to Red Iris, Don Spoon Rocky Road to Red Irises, Terry Aitken AIS Library Update, Keith McNames Denver Convenion Review, Gisela Dathe 1998 AIS Show Winners Report 1998 AIS Artistic Show Report 1998 AIS Youth Show Report 1998 Display Report 1998 Exhibition Certificates lOO Favorite Iris Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Membership Contest, Lynda Miller Memoriam: Norman]. Frisch In Memoriam AIS Foundation #313 April 1999 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 7 Page 9 Page I6 Page 20 Page n8 Page I20 Page I2I Page 122 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,Jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page I4 Median Guest Request Page IS Bearded Guest Request Page 27 New Zealand Irises, TerryAitken Page 42 Irises in Germany, Susan Weber Page 48 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken Page 52 Compost or Snake Oil, Terry Aitken Page 54 Show Prep for Beginners, Terry Aitken Page 58 Bearded Iris Seeds, George Sutton Page 60 Seedling Selection, Rick Ernst Page 63 Companion Plants, Ray Schreiner Page 65 Fertile Intermediates, Marky Smith Page 70 The Great Clarence Mystery, Don Spoon Page 76 Siberian Iris Culture,John Coble Page 79 Siberian Hybridizing, Anna Mae Miller Page 8I '98 Spuria Convention, Bruce Filardi Page 85 Handbook for Judges & Show Officials, E. Roy Epperson Page 99 Robins Anyone?, LibbyA. Cross Page I03 AIS Contributions & Gifts Page I07 To Be a Bee, Don Spoon Page I09 AIS Display Screens Page no 1999 AIS Judges Page II? AIS Financial Report Front cover photo: Marky Smith. Unidentified toll bearded iris in the Chapman Garden, 1998 AIS Convention in Denver. #314 July 1999 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 9 Page IO· Page 71 Page 98 Page IOO Page IOI Page I02 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,]ean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 14 Page 16 Page 22 Page 25 Page 31 Page 33 Page 36 Page 37 Page 42 Page 43 Page 45 Page 53 Page 63 Page 78 Page 83 Page 95 Page 95 Page 96 Flightlines LycopenePink TB's: Boring???, Harald Mathes Crested Irises, William A. Shear Convention Reflections, Bill Shear Growing Techniques, Rick Tasco Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Memphis 2002 - Request For Beardless Guest Iris 1999 International Iris Competition, Clarence Mahan Iris Stolonifera, Carla Lankow Gardening from the Soil Up In Memory - Frederick W. Gadd, Lynn Markham An Adventure With Reticulatas, Alan McMurtrie A Solution For Erwinia, Adam Fikso Approved AIS Mfiliates for 1999 Minutes of the Meeting of the AIS Board of Directors In Memoriam AIS Display Screens American Iris Society Foundation Front cover photo: Terry Aitken. CHASING RAINBOWS (Hager '98) in the Watson Gorden, 1999 AIS Convention in Oklahoma City #315 Oct 1999 Regular Features: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,]ean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Page 90 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Filardi Articles: Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 22 Page 26 Page 30 Page 64 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 2000 Convention Invitation Destiny Dallas 2000, Lew Begley Flightlines, Barbara Figge Black is Black, Sylvain Ruaud Hybridizer & Service Awards Oklahoma Convention Garden Reviews: Twister City,]im Morris; Contemporary Gardens of Perry Dyer,]im & Jean Morris; Beasley Garden, Peter Weixlmann; Fernandes Garden, Sara Marley; Hawley Garden, Lew Begley; Watson Garden, Herb Holk; Woodruff Garden, Kitty Loberg; Scott Garden, Carla Lankow; Parrish Garden, Tom Abrego; Rex Matthews Garden, Fran Evers; Jones Garden, Nyla Hughes; Will Rogers Park, Shirley Trio 1999 AlS Awards 1998 High Commendation Awards Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker Favorite Guest Iris Deen Day Smith and the Iris, Carolyn Hawkins Ben Hager, Memorial Harry Kuesel, Memorial, Fran Evers Ruth Simmons, Ron Mullin AIS Contributions & Gifts Front cover photo: Schreiner. 1999 Dykes Medal winner HELLO DARKNESS (Schreiner '92). #316 Jan 2000 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page10 Page 13 Page 18 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 17 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 48 Page 52 Page 57 Page 61 Page 77 Page 79 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page !O3 Page !OS Page !O6 Page n6 International Cooperation, Milan Blazek Destiny Dallas 2000 Convention Update Convention Silent Auction, Maxine Perkins Siberian Convention HIPS Convention Future Conventions Schedule Meet the New RVPs Northwest Arilbreds, Marky Smith Hybridizers Speak: Recent Introductions, Bruce Filardi Hybridizers Speak: Introductions for 2000, Bruce Filardi Variegated Foliage,jean Witt, Ginney & Don Spoon, Rick Tasco & Roger Duncan, Brad Kasperek,john Weiler, Terry Aitken Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Flight Lines, Barbara Figge Favorite Siberian &Japanese Iris Postal, Statement of Ownership Approved AIS Judges, Ron Mullin New Emeritus Judges Exhibition Committee Report, E. Roy Epperson Shows: AIS, Artistic, Youth, Displays Exhibition Certificates High Commendation Awards Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting AIS Foundation Donations Front cover photo: Aitken. Variegated and purple based faliage of ZEBRA BLUSH (Kasperek '95). #317 April 2000 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 'Page 6 Page 7 Page II Page 13 Page 16 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, TerryAitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Page 124 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Filardi Articles: Page IS Page 24 Page 26 Page 30 Page 38 Page 42 Page 44 Page 50 Page 62 Page 64 Page 66 Page 73 Page 82 Page 85 Page 87 Page 89 Page IOO Page I02 Page I04 Page IIO Page II4 Page II6 Page II9 Page 120 Page 122 Page 123 How to Register and Introduce an Iris, Keith Keppel Guest Iris Request Hybridizer & Service Medals Dr. Currier McEwen, Gold Medal Award, Curier McEwen Dr. G. 1. Rodionenko, Warburton Medal Colored Foliage,jean Witt Striped & Streaked, Robert Strohman Chimera, George Sutton & Mike Sutton Peace On Earth, Allan Ensminger Saddleback Caterpiller, William Shear The Hybridizers Speak, Bruce Filardi Iris Move, Pau[Black Culture Corner, Terry Aitken Experiences With Reemay, Ted White Mulching Iris Down Under, Barry Blyth Iris Borer, Verbena Bud Moths, Don & Ginny Spoon What's the Hurry, Rick Ernst Crosses with Intermediates, Sergey Loktev AIS Foundation Report 100 Favorite Iris, 2000 Symposium Report Flight Lines, Barbara Figge Lemon, Clarence Mahan Memoriam, Maynard Edwin Harp AIS Contributions & Gifts AIS Display Screens Info Iris Postmark Jerry Cathey Front cover photo: Aitken. DUSKY CHALLENGER (Schreiner '86), 1992 Dykes Medal recipient. #318 July 2000 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 12 Page 14 Page 17 Page 85 Page 86 Page 88 Page 89 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,Jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 Page II Page 12 Page 21 Page 25 Page 31 Page 37 Page 43 Page 48 Page 50 President's letter to TBIS, Clarence Mahan Annual President's Letter, Clarence Mahan Applications: Editor & Membership Chair German View of the Decade, Rainer Zeh Glimpse at Moraea,John Weiler Japanese Iris Convention Diversity in Louisianas, Kevin Vaughn The Orange Brick Road, Heather Pryor Forget Think Big!, Bernard Pryor John Taylor's Hybridizing, Page 53 Page 55 Page 57 Page 63 Page 65 Page 68 Page 80 Page 82 Page 84 Hybridizing Louisianas in Australia,Janet Hutchinson Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Avis and the Darktops, Keith Keppel Iris City, Greg & Nancy McCullough Flightlines, Barbara Figge Minutes of AIS Board Meeting Electronic World ofIris,JohnJones Memoriam, Wilbert Gustav Sindt AIS Foundation Bruce Filardi, Graeme Grosvenor, andJohn Taylor Front cover photo: Aitken. Ghio seedling #94-1 18H2, at Addison Garden, Texas. Back cover 8. inside back cover photo: Aitken. Marie Caillet Garden, Texas #319 Oct 2000 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 10 Page II Page 14 Page 76 Page 78 Page 80 Page 81 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 28 Page 58 Page 69 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Historical Chronicles Project, Anner Whitehead 2001 AIS Convention Announcement Hip, Hips, Hooray, Ruth & Jim Burke Pacific Coast Iris, Colin Rigby 2000 Convention Garden Reviews: Addison, Argyle Acres, Begley, Burseen, Clark, Dallas Arboretum, Farmers Branch, Little Elm, and Stanley. AIS Medals & Awards Iris pumila, Tony & Dorothy Willott Favorite Guest Iris Dr. Loomis Awards, Russ Eacker AIS Contributions & Gifts Front cover photo: Stoirwoy to Heoven (Lorry Louer). Photo by Schreiner's Gordens. Winner of the Dykes Memoriol Medal. #320 Jan 2001 Regular Features Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan Page 10 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Page 14 Youth Views,jean Morris Page IS International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Page 126 Official AIS Storefront Page 128 AIS Slides For Rent Page 129 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 130 Shopping Section Articles: Page 12 Digital Photography, Scott Aitken Page 18 2001 AIS Convention Preview,jane Bury Page 21 2001 AIS Convention Invitation Page 22 Silent Auction Page 23 Median Odyssey Invitation Page 24 Request for guest Japanese Irises Page 25 Future Convention Schedule Page 26 Rebloom & Iris Aphylla, Jim Craig Page 27 Experiences with Rebloom, Larry Lauer Page 28 Progenitors in Rebloom, Walter Moores Page 30 In Memoriam Page 31 Search for Constant Bloom, Don & Ginny Spoon Page 50 Experiences with Rebloom, Lloyd Zurbrigg Page 55 Meet the New RVPs Page 67 How to Register an Iris, Keith Keppel Page 68 New Introductions in 2001, Bruce Filardi Page 74 AIS Judges Page 81 Exhibition Report, E. Roy Epperson Page 82 AIS Shows of 2000 Page 92 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Page 96 100 Favorite Iris Page 101 AIS Financial Statement Page 102 Postal Statement of Ownership Page 103 Membership Contest, Linda Miller Page 106 Rober Schreiner, 1910 - 2000, Bennett Jones, Keith Keppel Page II2 Eleanor McCown, 19II - 2000, Bob Brooks Page II3 AIS Foundation Call For Proposals Page II4 AIS Board Meeting Minutes Front cover photo: TOTAL RECALL (Ben Hager '92). Photo by 1. Aitken. #321 April 2001 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 10 Page II Page 14 Page 18 Page 91 Page 92 Page 94 Page 95 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,]ean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 23 Page 26 Page 27 Page 30 Page 33 Page 37 Page 42 Page 48 Page 50 Page 57 Page 62 Page 63 Page 67 Page 74 Page 76 Page 77 Page 79 Page 82 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Request for Bearded Guest iris Request for Beardless Guest iris 20 Iris In 2000, Bruce Filardi Australia Convention What Goes On at AIS Convention, Walter Moores Ensata X Siberian Crosses, Sam Norris Ensata X Siberian Crosses, Christy Hensler AIS Gift Shop,]ohnJones Reblooming Medians, Terry Aitken Culture Corner, Terry Aitken Chicken Feathers Revisited, Terry Aitken Problem Compost, Bonne Scott Dial Away Rot, Debby Cole Warburton Medal 2000, Anne Blanco White Genetically Engineered Iris, Terry Aitken Memoriam: Neil Bertinot, Ken Durio Memoriam: Roy Davidson,]ean Witt Memoriam: ChetTompkins, Keith Keppel Memoriam: Julius Wadekamper,]oan Cooper Memoriam: Lois Kuntz, Region 13 Orris Root, George Waters Dues Increase Update, Anner Whitehead In Memoriam AIS Contributions & Gifts Front cover photo: I. Pseudacorus at Schreiner's Garden. Photo by T. Aitken. #322 July 2001 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page IO Page 12 Page 15 Page 94 Page 92 Page 95 Page 96 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Index of Advertisers Annual President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,Jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi AIS Slides For Rent Official AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 28 Page 30 Page 31 Page 38 Page 40 Page 46 Page 49 Page 51 Page 52 Page 62 Page 66 Page 71 Page 77 Page 89 Page 90 Page 90 Page 91 Future Conventions More on Iris Culture, Rick Ernst HC Awards Never Say Never, TerryAitken Extended Bloom Season for Louisianas, Marie Caillet My First Convention, Michelle Panek Reblooming Louisianas, Heather Pryor Extending Bloom Season in Japanese Irises, TerryAitken Mathes Breeding, Lynne Markham A Trip to Presby, Rick Tasco and Roger Duncan My First Convention, Bruce Filardi Advertising Policy Hybridizer and Service Medals Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann Convention 2001 and Counting, George Hilton,Jr. Approved Mfiliates, 2001 Board Minutes AIS Foundation Memoriam: Foster Allen, Bennett Jones Memoriam: Clifford W. Benson, Larry Harder In Memoriam Front (over photo: Rebert Garden, photo by Robert Plank Back (over photo: Mathes Seedling R( -aph-B 1, photo by Terry Aitken #323 Oct 2001 Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 15 Page 92 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Clarence Mahan Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 11 High Commendation Awards for 2000 Page 22 Page 31 Page 66 Page 68 Page 69 Page 71 Page 73 Page 74 Page 77 Page 84 Page 86 Page 88 AIS Awards 2001 AIS Convention 2001,York Garden Reviews Favorite Guest Irises, 2001 AIS Convention Memphis Beckons, Elke Longsworth Never Say Never, Revisited, Terry Aitken Interspecies Crosses, Tony Huber Breeding for Reblooming Siberians, Terry Aitken Soft Rot, David Hull Flightlines, edited by Clarence Mahan About Immortality, Rosalie Figge AIS Contributions & Gifts In Memoriam Front Cover: YAQUINA BLUE (Schreiner), photo by Schreiner #324 Jan 2002 Regular Features Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 108 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Index of Advertisers Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 15 Page 17 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 23 Page 24 Page 27 Page 40 Page 48 Page 52 Page 53 Page 66 Page 68 Page 71 Page 77 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 95 Page 96 Page 106 How to Register and Introduce an Iris AIS Convention Registration Form AIS Convention Hotel Information Eye Shadow Irises, Hiroshi Shimizu Murphy's Law, Bennett Jones Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker 2002 Memphis Convention Gardens, Elke Longworth The Hybridizers Speak, Bruce Filardi On the Road Again, Terry Aitken In Memoriam: Larry Harder, Cal Reuter In Memoriam: Earl Hall, Lloyd Zurbigg Meet the New RVPs Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins 100 Favorite Iris, 2002 Tall Bearded Symposium Approved AIS Judges for 2002 Exhibition Certificates for 2001 AIS Foundation Contributions Exhibition Committee Report, E. Roy Epperson AIS Shows, Winners of 2001 Median Top Ten Postal Statement Membership Contest 2002, Lynda Miller 2002 Silent Auction Board Meeting Minutes AIS Financial Statement #325 April 2002 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 12 Page 17 Page 106 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 20 Page 25 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 35 Page 39 Page 54 Page 63 Page 67 Page 68 Page 71 Page 76 Page 77 Page 79 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 McEwan Page 94 Page 97 Page 102 New Director Bios Medal Winners HC Awards for 2001 Hybridizer's Medal Recipients, Keith MeN ames To Vote or Not to Vote?, E. Roy Epperson A New Interspecies Hybrid, Bruce Hornstein The Santa Rosa Iris Society, Dean Linscott How to Win Blue Ribbons, Clarence Mahan Myth and Reality: Organic Superiority, Lynda Chalker-Scott In Memoriam Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann Meet New RVP Jerry Wilhoit Iris Postmark Available,jerry Cathey Horticultural Notes Attention: All Robin Directors and Members, Libby Cross Request for Guest Bearded Irises, California, April, 2004 Request for Guest Beardedless Irises, St. Louis, 2005 In Memoriam: Larry Ernst Distinguished Service Medal Recipients, Keith McNames In Memoriam: Lewis Lawyer, George Waters AIS Gold Medal Recipients, Keith McNames Medians Galore in 2004 SJI Guest Iris Request, Dover Delaware, June 2005 Comments Regarding Japanese X Siberian Hybrids, Dr. Currier Middle European Iris Society Convention, Anna & David Cadd The Influence of Iris Aphylla, Lynn Markham AIS Contributions and Gifts #326 July 2002 Regular Features Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 12 Page 15 Page 106 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Annual President's Message, Terry Aitken Youth Views,jean Morris International News Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 17 Page 21 Page 25 Page 28 Page 42 Page 47 Page 55 Page 59 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 76 Page 78 Page 88 Page 95 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins Mission Accomplished, Sara Marley Memphis 2002, Robert Strohman Attempts to Discover Cause of Scorch, Currier McEwen Iris Ensata x Sibirica Hybrids, Tomas Tamberg Presby Memorial Iris Gardens, Deborah Walker 2001-A Vintage Year in the Northwest, Terry Aitken Irises for Shade, Marty Schafer In Memoriam AIS Convention Liaison Update In Memoriam: Barbara Jean Figge, Karen Bergamo AIS Mfiliate Award Contest, Bob Keup Corrections Bob Plank: 2001 Distinguished Service Award, Barbara Aitken AIS Foundation Contributions Flight Lines, compiled by Peter Weixlmann Approved Mfiliates 2002 List April 2002 AIS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes #327 Oct 2002 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 16 Page 106 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,Jean Morris International News Official AIS Storefront AIS Slides For Rent AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 17 Page 17 Page 19 Page 21 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 27 Page 28 Page 30 Page 35 Page 38 Page 39 Page 42 Page 43 Page 58 Page 59 Page 68 Page 78 Page 82 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 90 Page 83 Page 100 Page 108 AIS National Convention Gardens Memphis Botanic Garden, Jim & Jean Morris Dabney Nursery, Dorothy Stiefel LeBlond Garden,Judy Keisling The Longworth Garden, E. Roy Epperson The Madlinger Garden,Jill Bonino The Nave Garden, Shirley Pope West Tennessee Iris Society Garden, Carol Warner The Hamilton Garden,Joanne Prass-Jones Garden of Jean and Steven Stone,Jeanne Plank Judges' Challenge, Carolyn Hawkins Favorite Convention Guest Irises Irises Among the Battlefields of America, Clarence Mahan 2003 Silent Auction AIS Awards 2002 HC Awards for 2002 Notes Regarding Hensler's Hybrids, Fulton, Whitney & McEwen Celebrating Currier's Centennial, Chandler Fulton Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, Carol & Russ Eacker In Memoriam: Carryl Jean Meyer, Missoula Iris Society In Memoriam: Frederick G. Stephenson, E. Roy Epperson In Memoriam FLAGA Iris Society,Joyce Thrift Importing Rhizomes, Bruce Filardi What Makes Elmohr Special?, Betty Roberts Ten Irises and a Lily, Clarence Mahan AIS Contributions and Gifts AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder #328 Jan 2003 Regular Features Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 105 Page 106 Page 109 Page 110 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 14 Page 16 Page 27 Page 34 Page 38 Page 43 Page 51 Page 56 Page 66 Page 72 Page 73 Page 75 Page 76 Page 78 Page 80 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 How to Register and Introduce an Iris Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann Meet the New 2003RVPs Caparne-Welch and Morgan-Wood Medals, Clarence Mahan 100 Favorite Iris, 2003 Tall Bearded Iris Symposium AIS Comes to Virginia in 2003, Clarence Mahan 2003 AIS National Convention Registration Information Approved AIS Judges for 2003, Hooker & Bonnie Nichols Flat Out and Up to Date!, Clive Russell In Memoriam Dark Irises, Karen Platt 2003 Silent Auction Median Iris Society Symposium, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio Exhibition Certificates for 2002,jason Leader AIS Shows, Winners of 2002,jason Leader Importing Rhiziomes: An Update, Bruce Filardi So You're Thinking of Moving, Mary E. Brown Membership Date Change, Mary E. Brown AIS Foundation Contributions AIS Board Meeting Minutes AIS Calendar #329 April 2003 Regular Features : Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 18 Page 121 Page 122 Page 125 Page 126 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,Jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 15 Page 22 Page 25 Page 27 Page 31 Page 43 Page 54 Page 55 Page 59 Page 62 Page 81 Page 82 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 92 Page 97 Page 100 Page 103 Spurias From Around the World Leaf Spot, Rick Ernst Meet the New 2003 RVPs Meet the New 2003 Directors Hybridizer Medal Winners Iris Reproduction, Don Spoon Additional Show Awards,Jason Leader Santa Rosa Iris Society Experimental Garden, Dean Linscott In Memoriam Contemporary Views-2002, Perry Dyer Revisions to The Handbook for Judges and Show Officials Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins 2005 - Request for Bearded Guest Irises 2006 - Invitation to Beardless Hybridizers Chirps From Mama Robin, Libby Cross Potting Irises, Harold Peters To Burn or Not To Burn, Opal & Henry Wulf Rot!, MD. Faith Effects of Mulches on Bearded Irises, E. Einert and C. O. Page 107 Page 109 Page 112 Page 114 Page 116 Page 120 In Memoriam: Claire Barr, Rosalie Figge & Clarence Mahan In Memoriam: Marion R. Walker, Dave Niswonger In Memoriam: Joe Hoage, Catherine Long Gates Symptoms of Micronutrient Shortages in Plants, Cleo Palmer Contributions and Gifts Statement of Ownership Box #330 July 2003 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 10 Page 12 Page 15 Page 89 Page 90 Page 93 Page 94 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 9 Page 11 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 25 Page 27 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 34 Page 47 Page 51 Page 58 Page 62 Page 63 Annual President's Letter Late Breaking News Virginia 2003: We Saw the Stars, Robert Strohman A Convention Overview, Debbie Babuscio 2006 Invitation to Beardless Hybridizers Warburton Medal: Maria Colasante, Clarence Mahan Distinguished Service Award: Sara Marley Distinguished Service Award: Keith McNames Favorite Guest Irises: 2003 AIS National Convention Lost and Found at National Premio Firenze, 2002, TerryAitken Hybridizing Tall Bearded Irises, Dave Niswonger Use of Alfalfa Meal, Dr. David G. Holm Plicatas, Luminatas, and Glaciatas, Keith Keppel The Evolution of a Hybridizer, M.D. Faith The 2004 National Convention, Yvette Meador 2003 Membership Contest Wmners, LyndaMiller & Nancy Pocklinton Page 65 Page 67 Page 68 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 74 Page 75 Page 75 Page 76 Page 81 Bloom Stalk Proliferation, Steve Pode New Patterns, New Words, Sylvain Ruaud 2003 Spuria Convention,] Lee Miller AIS Calendar Exhibition Report Update,jason Leader AIS Foundation Contributions In Memoriam: Dean Brand, Paul Gossett In Memoriam: Albert Dierckes In Memoriam Approved Affiliates for 2003 Minutes of the AIS Board of Directors Meeting #331 October 2003 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 12 Page 16 Page 91 Page 92 Page 95 Page 96 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,Jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 15 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 25 Page 28 Page 29 Page 31 Page 34 Page 38 Page 42 Page 43 Page 54 Page 58 50th Anniversary of the Sidney B. Mitchell Iris Society How to Register and Introduce an Iris Blandy Garden,Judy Keisling Kuppert Garden, George Hilton, fr. Siberian Popularity Poll for 2002 Lord Fairfax Garden,Jeanne Plank SJI Popularity Poll for 2003 Edgehill Garden,Jim andfean Morris The Rose Garden, Dorothy Stieftl The Garden of Gina and Jim Schroetter, Paul Black Winterberry Gardens, Shirley Trio and Riley Probst Eric Nies Medal, Clarence Mahan Premio Firenze 2003, Marlry Smith AIS Convention 2004, Fresno, California, Betty Coyle Evolutionary Trends Among Oncocyclus Irises, Yuval Sapir Page 66 Page 67 Page 74 Page 75 Page 79 Page 80 Page 82 Page 85 Page 86 Page 89 Clarence G. White Medal, Clarence Mahan AIS Awards 2003 High Commendation Awards for 2000 In Memoriam: Currier McEwen, Chandler Fulton In Memoriam In Memoriam: Marvin Granger, Marie Caillet In Memoriam: Wellington F. Scott Jr.,Jim Morris In Memoriam: Ruth Wilder, Everette Lineberger AIS Contributions and Gifts Section Publications #332 January 2004 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 12 Page 14 Page 109 Page 110 Page 113 Page 114 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 17 Page 18 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 29 Page 31 Page 34 Page 38 Page 46 Page 54 Page 61 Page 64 Page 70 Page 71 Page 73 Page 75 Page 77 Page 78 Page 83 Page 86 Page 88 Page 89 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 How to Register and Introduce an Iris Meet the New 2004 RVPs Classroom Iris Project Website, Valerie Mertz Statement of Ownership AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder AIS Has a Gift for You, Joyce Poling and Clarence Mahan AIS Participates in Flower Shows,joyce Poling Advantages of Being an AIS Affiliate, Rita Gormley Musings ... on National in 2003, irises, pedigrees and other topics, Don Spoon In Memoriam: Dr. John Randall Durrance, Mary Ann Cuthbert Approved AIS Judges for 2004, Hoooker T Nichols Region 14's Bountiful Boutique California 2004 Convention Information, Betty & Bill Coyle 2004 Silent Auction California 2004 Convention Information 2004 California Convention Registration Form the Geek Dinner Misconception, Robin Shadlow Report of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Chandler Fulton 2003 Exhibition Report,jason Leader Exhibition Certificates for 2003 AIS Youth Shows Winners for 2003 Bronze Medals/Certificates AIS Adult Artistic Shows Winners for 2003 AIS Youth Artistic Shows Winners for 2003 AIS Calendar 100 Favorite Iris 2004 Tall Bearded Iris Symposium, Gerry Snyder Page 97 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington In Memoriam AIS Foundation Donations Minutes - Fall Board Meeting #333 April 2004 Note there are two #333 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 13 Page 18 Page 20 Page 21 Page 24 Page 27 Page 29 Page 71 Page 77 Page 84 Page 86 Page 89 Page 90 Page 92 Page 94 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Meet the New 2004 AIS Directors Meet the New 2004 RVPs Invitation to Bearded Iris Hybridizers In a Qyandary, Keith Keppel In Qyest of Red, Terry Aitken Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens: 2003, Carol & Russ Eaker Oh, Iris, Where Art Thou?, Robert Treadway The Origin of Irises in Russia, Nina Alexeeva Looking Hard in Florida, Patrick O'Connor Rhizome Rubles, Cheryl Deaton Symposia on a Web Page, Gerry Snyder AIS Display Screens, Joyce Poling Request for Guest Beardless Irises Ensata Extravaganza Iris Species Database, Dennis Kramb If You Try Sometimes ... ,Michele Bersillon In Memoriam: JaNiece Mull, Bill Smoot I Remember Bernard Hamner, Bill Rinehart In Memoriam: Joe Griner, Cathy Button In Memoriam: Dorothy Curtis Howard, Paul Gossett and Ron Mullin In Memoriam: Agnes M. Waite, Lynn Markham In Memoriam: Ginny Burton, Betty Black In Memoriam In Memoriam: Eugene Kalkwarf, Gary White AIS Contributions and Gifts AIS Foundation Donations #333 July 2004 Note there are two #333 Regula Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 13 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 21 Page 25 Page 26 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 38 Page 41 Page 65 Page 68 Page 71 Page 76 Page 79 Annual President's Letter to the American Iris Society Pacific Coast Natives, Robert Strohman Qyestions from Readers Hybridizer Medalist Bios Meet the New AIS Membership Secretary AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington From Betty Coyle Request for Guest Beardless Irises 2004 AIS Convention Awards, John Pesek 2003 Popularity Polls How to Make a Red Iris, Rick Ernst Qyick Review of 2004 Standouts, Bruce Filardi The Hybridizing of Bernhard Hamner, Bill Rinehart Remembering Mary Tharp, Neil A. Mogensen Hedgecock Urges Iris Enthusiasts to Plant Spuria, Page 82 Page 87 Page 92 Page 94 Page 96 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 The State of Spuria Irises, Dr. James W Waddick Award Winners at Median Convention, 2004 Request for Guest Beardless Irises AIS Calendar National Conventions Minutes of the AIS Board of Directors Meeting In Memoriam: Minnie Colquitt, Marie Caillet In Memoriam: Mary Brown, Rosalie Yerkes Figge In Memoriam AIS Contributions and Gifts AIS Foundation Donations Glenn Guenterberg with Jim Hedgecock #335 October 2004 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 15 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Terry Aitken Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views,Jean Morris International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 17 Page 19 Page 21 Page 28 Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 Page 32 Page 56 Page 64 Page 67 Page 70 Page 71 Page 73 Page 75 Page 76 Page 82 Page 83 Page 86 Page 87 Page 97 Page 101 Page 103 Page 104 Page 106 Page 107 Qyestions & Anthers AIS Calendar AIS Awards 2004 HC Awards 2004 Digital Slide Shows,JohnJones Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington New Digital AIS Slide Programs, Bill Mull Electronic World ofIrises,JohnJones Spectrum Red Irises, Dr. Don Spoon Sutton's Iris Gardens, Jim and Jean Morris Superstition Garden, Riley Probst and Shirley Trio Nicholson's Woodland Garden, Robin Shadlow The Church Gardens, Dorothy Stiefel The Martin Garden, Kathy Chilton Ray's Iris Acres, E. Roy Epperson The Kreps Garden, Bob andJeanne Plank Lone Oak Garden, Cheryl Deaton Going to Fresno, Catherine Council In Memoriam AIS Mfiliates List AIS St. Louis Convention 2005, Nyla Hughes Early Bird Registration for 2005 AIS Convention 2005 Silent Auction Section Publications AIS Contributions and Gifts AIS Foundation Donations #337 April 2005 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 20 Page 124 Page 125 Page 128 Page 129 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, Jeanne Clay Plank Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 12 Page 13 Page 15 Page 17 Page 20 Page 22 Page 26 Page 64 Request for Guest Bearded Irises Qyestions and Anthers AIS Calendar: National Conventions In Qyest of Hardy Plicatas, Paul Black Bayer and the Borer, John Baker Getting Serious About Space Age Genetics, Neil Mogensen Kiwis in America, Brian Harris Why We Attend AIS National Conventions, Page 65 Page 66 Page 70 Page 71 Page 73 Page 73 Page 74 Page 83 Page 85 Page 89 Page 92 Page 97 Page 99 Page 83 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 William Caparne Stamps In Memoriam: Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg In Memoriam Taking Photos at the Convention, Char Holte Convention Roommates 2005 Louisiana Iris Convention Notice Intermediate Bearded Fertility Study, 2004, Marky D. Smith Medians Galore, 2004, Char Holte Irises in English Gardnens,Jill Bonino The Fogbound Effect, Sylvain Ruaud Enzymatic Reations and Japanese Iris, Lee Walker Welcome the Recorders, Bob Pries Growing and Hybridizing Irises in Slovakia, Anton Mego Medians Galore, 2004, Char Holte AIS Foundation Donations AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts In Memoriam: Dorothy E. Guild, Laura Buelow and Bruce Filardi Gisela and Wo!fkang Dathe #338 July 2005 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 15 Page 107 Page 108 Page 111 Page 112 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Index of Advertisers Annual President's Letter Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton International News AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 8 Page 14 Page 17 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 44 Page 48 Page 65 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 71 Page 73 Page 76 Page 78 Page 80 Page 90 Page 91 Page 93 Page 93 Page 94 Page 97 Page 98 Page 101 AIS Special Honorary Awards, 2003 Late Breaking News AIS Special Honorary Awards 2004 AIS Calendar: National Conventions/Fall Board Meetings St. Louis and the "Heartbeat of America, Robert Strohman Qyestions and Anthers Request for Guest Bearded Irises Request for Guest Beardless Irises The Founding of AIS: A New York Story, Anner M. Whitehead The Iris Season in Germany, Manfred Beer Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins National D.A.R Conservation Award, Jim Morris A Tale of Two Calendars, TerryAitken Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens 2004, Carol & Russ Eacker Historic Irises at Shows, Joe Spears Some Thoughts on Bloom Season, Sergey Loktev Interspecies Hybrids: Looking Back on My Life, Akira Horinaka What is SIGNA?, Will Plotner The Annual Show of the Iris Society of South Africa, Fred Barnicoat 2005 AIS Affiliates AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder 2005 AIS Convention Iris Awards, Riley Probst In Memoriam: Sanford Babson, John Wight In Memoriam In Memoriam: Olive Rice Waters AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts The Red Iris Project: An Update, Rick Ernst The Changing Face of Genetics, Neil Mogensen . #339 October 2005 Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 14 International News Page 16 Section Happenings,Jim Morris Page 107 AIS Slides For Rent Page 108 AIS Storefront Page 111 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 112 Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 Page 19 Page 21 Page 25 Page 32 Page 33 Page 60 Page 64 Page 67 Page 67 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 73 Page 77 Page 78 Page 80 Page 81 Page 83 Page 84 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 90 CD of Newer Irises AIS Calendar Flight Lines AIS Awards 2005 AIS Insurance HC Awards for 2005 Reigning Iris 2006, AIS Convention,John Ludi AIS Convention 2006, Optional Tours, Larry Nunn AIS Convention 2006, Registration Form A Tale of Two Calendars, TerryAitken 2005 Silent Auction Follow-up to April Article on Space Age Genetics, Neil Mogensen Membership Survey, Bob Pries The Missouri Botanical Garden, Kathy Chilton andJane Troutman The Theissen Garden, Annette Milch The Garden of Rita and Tom Gormley, Judy Keisling The Skaggs Garden, Lynda Love The Garden of Jim and Jean Morris, Helen Schueler The Garden of Mae Porch, Barbara Sautner The Southview School Garden, Jill Bonino The Hughes Garden, Susan Boyce Sheraton Hotel Gardens, Char Holte The Gardens ofJoe Devous and GeoffHewett, Cheryl Deaton 50 Years ofHybridizing,foseph Ghio and Keith Keppel talk with George Walters Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 AIS Foundation Donations AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts In Memoriam AIS Board Business Digest #340 Jan 2006 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank Page 8 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 14 International News Page 17 Section Happenings, Jim Morris Page 22 AIS Calendar 2006 Page 109 AIS Slides For Rent Page 110 AIS Storefront Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 114 Shopping Section Articles: Page 13 Region 14 Redwood Iris Society Celebrates 50 Years Page 16 AIS Insurance Page 20 How to Register and Introduce an Iris, Mike Lowe Page 23 CD of Newer Irises Page 24 Reigning Iris 2006 Convention Update Page 25 Reigning Iris 2006 Registration Form Page 27 2006Silent Auction, Portland, Oregon Page 28 2006 Convention Host Gardens Page 39 A Letter From Your Editor, Bruce Filardi Page 41 Another Approach to Red Irises, Neil Mogensen Page 56 Gem of Convention in the Diamond State, Rita Gormley Page 65 2006 Siberian/Species Convention Registration Form Page 66 Statement of Ownership Page 67 Treasurer's Report, Compiled by Jill Bonino Page 69 Approved AIS Judges for 2006 Compiled byJudy Keisling Page 75 A Nice Letter From One of Our Members, Linda Stirling Page 76 Exhibition Committee Report for 2005, E. Roy Epperson Page 87 Exhibition Certificates for 2005, E. Roy Epperson Page 89 The Tulsa Area Iris Society and Historic Irises, Paul Gossett Page 90 Reigning Iris: All That it Can Be (part 1), Bill Rinehart Page 93 In Memoriam Page 94 Symposium Results, Compiled by Gerry Snyder Page 98 Franciris, E. Roy Epperson Page 102 AIS Foundation Donations Page 103 AIS Contributions Page 105 AlS Board Business Digest #341 April 2006 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank Page 9 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Page 10 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 13 Section Happenings, Jim Morris Page 16 International News Page 23 AIS Calendar 2006 Page 109 AIS Slides For Rent Page 110 AIS Storefront Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 114 Shopping Section Articles: Page 15 AIS Insurance Page 19 Westward Ho to Portland,John Ludi Page 19 Special Honors Awards of 2005 Page 20 Request for Bearded Iris Page 22 AIS 2006 Photo Contest Page 25 Open Letter to USDN APHIS, Bruce Filardi Page 28 Meet the New RVPs Page 67 AIS Iris Conservation Policy Page 67 Preparing for Portland, A Road Less Traveled, Pat Otterness Page 71 Preparing Irises for Exhibition at Iris Shows, Sheldon Butt Page 78 Reigning Iris: All That It Can Be (part two), Bill Rinehart Page 82 2005 Nominating Committee Seeks Recommendations Page 83 Scleranthus Annuus, Dr. Don Spoon Page 89 The Iris That Lost Its Name, Clarence Mahan Page 90 In Memoriam Page 91 Tall Bearded Irises in the Perennial Border, Bob Pries Page 93 Request for Guest Beardless Irises, AIS Convention 2009 Page 94 New Zealand Iris Society Convention, Carol Warner Page 96 2009 Siberian/Species Convention 2009 Request for Iris Page 97 Dr. Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, 2005, Carol & Russ Eacker Page 98 In Memoriam: Thomas Blanco White Page 101 Exerpts From Response to Bruce Filardi from USDN APHIS Page 103 Qyestions & Anthers Page 106 Calling All Judges, Bruce Filardi Page 108 AIS Contributions, compiled by Donna James #342 July 2006 Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank Page 9 Index of Advertisers Page 10 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Page 12 International News Page 14 Section Happenings, Jim Morris Page 16 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 19 AIS Calendar 2006 Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 109 AIS Storefront Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 113 Shopping Section Articles: Page 9 Page 11 Page 18 Page 20 Page 21 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 28 Page 34 Page 36 Page 52 Page 68 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 82 Page 84 Page 85 Page 92 Page 93 Annual President's Letter,jeanne Clay Plank Late Breaking News AIS Insurance National Convention Awards, 2006,judy Nunn AIS 2006 Photo Contest Request for Bearded Iris: Lone Star State 2008 Request for Guest Beardless Irises: Overland Park, Kansas 2009 2009 Siberian/Species Convention Request for Iris A Return to Paradise, Robert Strohman Raining Iris: A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole, Pat Otterness Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins Speculations on the Origin of the Fleur-de-Lis, Kristen Faith Laing The Whitehall Mansion Projecct, Spencer Farley Anthocyanic Vacuolar Inclusions and Iris Genetics, Chuck Chapman New York Times Article on Irises The MEIS (Middle European Iris Society)Convention, 2006 Judging in Florence, Bruce Filardi Fighting Gophers, Moles, and Voles, Anna Cadd The Nies Chronicles, Nancy Nies Flightlines: Hybridizing Iris, Shannon Hiatt RHS Color Chart Information Food for Thought: A Call to Hybridizers to Breed Better Garden Plants, W. George Waters Page 96 In Memoriam: Rosalie Yerkes Figge, Clarence E. Mahan Page 100 In Memoriam: Elsiemae Nicholson,joyce Ragle Page 101 In Memoriam: Calvin Henry Reuter, Gary White, Mmjorie Jansen and Carolyn Lingenfelter Page 102 In Memoriam: Marianne Schumacher,jim Morris Page 103 In Memoriam Page 104 AIS Foundation Donations Page 108 AIS Contributions, comPiled by DonnaJames #343 Oct 2006 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 14 Page 18 Page 23 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank Index of Advertisers Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton International News AIS Calendar 2006 Section Happenings,jim Morris AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Shopping Section Articles: Page 9 Page 17 Page 19 Page 20 Page 25 Page 31 Page 32 Page 44 Page 65 Page 67 Page 69 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 86 High Commendation Awards for 2006 AIS Insurance AIS Library Update Questions and Anthers AIS Awards 2006 Vandalism at the Presby Memorial Gardens 2007 Silent Auction, Oklahoma City, OK A Peek at Pigments, Chuck Chapman Oklahoma Gardens Prepare for the 2007 AIS Convention, Hugh Stout AIS 2007 Convention Entry Form National Convention Gardens, 2006 What Fun to be Registrar,judy Nunn CD of Pacific Coast Native Iris A Second Helping: More Food For Thought, Terry Aitken And Another Helping: Further Comments on George Waters' "Food for Thought" Article, Anner Whitehead Page 88 Harvesting a Field of Dreams, Pat Otterness Page 91 Dr. Loomis Memorial Iris Trial Gardens, Carol and Russ Backer Page 93 A Century of Iris and More, Catherine Long Gates Page 98 May Minutes of the AIS Page 102 In Memoriam: Arthur G. Blodgett, Char Holte Page 103 In Memoriam: Lee Eugene Eberhardt,jim Morris Page 104 In Memoriam: Gene Gaddie,jim Morris Page 104 In Memoriam Page 105 In Memoriam: Jim Gristwood, Ron James Page 106 AIS Contributions, compiled by DonnaJames Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations #344 Jan 2007 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank Page 9 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Page 10 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 14 International News Page 18 AIS Calendar 2006 Page 19 Section Happenings,jim Morris Page 22 Milestones Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 109 AIS Storefront Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 113 Shopping Section Articles: Page 23 Missoula, Montana Iris Society, Carolyn Addee Page 24 How to Register and Introduce an Iris Page 26 Winners of the 2006 Photo Contest, Kitty Loberg Page 28 Special Honors Page 29 Book Reviews Page 40 2006 Seedlings, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio Page 50 The Way Aheard: Further Discussion, George Waters Page 52 Additional Comments, Eugene Baxley Page 65 Deductible Contributions to "Qualified Organizations", Bob Plank Page 68 2007 Silent Auction Page 69 2007 National Convention Registration Page 71 Approved AIS Judges for 2007,judy Keisling Page 78 2007 AIS Symposium Results, Gerry Snyder Page 81 Treasurer's Report Page 84 2006 Show Summary,jim Giles Page 85 AIS 2005 Exhibition Report Page 89 Exhibition Certificates for 2005 Page 92 AIS Youth Shows Page 93 Bronze Medals/Certrificates Awarded for Outstanding Commercial & Ed. Exhibit Page 94 AIS Artistic Shows: Adult & Youth Winners of 2006 Page 97 Minutes of the AIS Page 102 In Memoriam: Dr. & Col. Herbert C. Holk, Bill Rinehart Page 102 In Memoriam: Dr. Elizabeth A. Wood,jim Morris Page 105 AIS Contributions, comPiled by Donnajames Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations #345 April 2007 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 15 Page 18 Page 22 Page 99 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi Index of Advertisers Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Section Happenings,jim Morris International News, Anna & David Cadd Questions & Anthers AIS Calendar Milestones,jim Morris AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 16 Request for Guest Bearded Irises Page 20 An Oaklahoma Centennial Celebration, Paul Gossett Page 24 The Brummitts of Banbury, George Waters Page 27 The AIS 2007 Photo Contest Page 30 Dr. Hosack's Irises: The Elgin Botanic Garden, 1801-1811, Anner M. Whitehead Page 40 2006 Seedlings: Part 2, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio Page 43 The Nature of Iris Seed Germination, Vincent Christopherson Page 50 More Complicated Than You Think,jean Witt Page 74 The Presby Memorial Iris Gardens 80th Anniversary Page 78 A Project for the New Year: Adopt-a-Public-Garden,jeanne Plank Page 80 Assorted quick news items Page 81 'Swerti' or 'Swertii'?, Phil Edinger Page 82 The AIS on the Internet,john Jones Page 84 A Few Words from Milan Blazek, Czech Republic Page 84 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder Page 85 Contemporary Views, Perry Dyer Page 94 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken Page 97 Growing Irises in the Center of Europe, Zdenik Seidl Page 100 Further Food for Thought, Cindy Rust Page 101 Outside Looking In, Michele Bersillon Page 103 My Story, Peaches in Wine (with assistance from Heather Pryor) Page 105 AIS Nominating Committee Seeks AIS Board of Directors Nominees Page 106 Contributions, DonnaJames #346 July 2007 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 13 Page 15 Page 17 Page 20 Page 23 Page 108 Page 109 Page 112 Page 113 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message,]eanne Clay Plank Guest Editor's Message,]im Morris Index of Advertisers Annual President's Letter Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Questions & Anthers, Terry Aitken Milestones,]im Morris Section Happenings,]im Morris AIS Calendar AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 8 Page 12 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 31 Page 65 Page 68 Page 72 Page 75 Page 77 Page 80 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 89 Officer Generic Email Addresses, john jones Statement of Ownership Request for Guest SPURIA Irises Request for Guest Beardless Irises Lone Star State in 2008, Nelda Moore AIS National Convention Awards, 2007, Ron Mullin Bulling Garden, Ken Roberts The Hampton Garden, Harold Griffie Mike and Tona McVicker Garden, Lynn Williams Oklahoma State Capitol Garden, Nancy Price The Oklahoma State University Garden Master Planting,]ill Bonino Oklahoma State University Iris Garden,]im andjill Copeland Petal Pushers Garden, Vince Lewonski The Stahl Garden, Nyla Hughes Stout Garden, Kathy Chilton Will Rogers Garden, Stephen Blecher AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder Median Stars in Oklahoma City,]ean Morris SPCNI, From SIGNA, via 'Canyon Snow', Richard Richards, Terri Hudson and Debby Cole Page 92 Hiroshi Shimizu, 2006 AIS Hybridizers' Medal Winner, Clarence Mahan Page 94 International Iris Competition, Florence, Italy, 2007, E. Roy Epperson Page 95 Australian Dykes Medal, Sharon Drinkwater Page 96 Franciris® 2007, Chantal Sulmont Page 97 Errata, Bruce Filardi Page 98 "To Be or Not To Be" The Issue of Deadheading, Paul Black Page 100 Wanted, Self-Cleaning Iris, Bob Pries Page 101 Display Advertising Rate Reduction Page 102 Photography Challenges and Ideas in Convention Gardens,]erry Hoke Page 104 In Memoriam, General Listing Page 106 Donations to AIS, Donna James #347 Oct 2007 Table of Contents Regular Features: Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris Page 10 Index of Advertisers Page 13 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 18 Milestones,jim Morris Page 22 Section Happenings, Jim Morris Page 24 Donations to the AIS Page 73 AIS Calendar Page 93 AIS Insurance Page 104 AIS Foundation Donations Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 109 AIS Storefront Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 113 Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 Officer Generic Email Addresses,john Jones Page 12 A Note from the AIS Library, Tracy Plotner Page 16 Errata Page 17 2008 Silent Auction Page 27 HC Awards for 2007, E. Roy Epperson Page 27 AIS Awards 2007 Page 64 Winners of the 2007 Photo Contest, Kitty Loberg Page 66 Advertising in the Bulletin, Terry Aitken Page 68 Board Meeting Report, Susan Boyce Page 74 Prairie Gold: The MIS Recap Page 82 Reticulata Iris, Alan McMurtie Page 86 The Value of Reciprocal Crosses in Bearded Irises, Pat Otterness Page 88 Time for a Diploid Revival, Tom Silvers Page 90 The Blessings of a Rock, Robert Pries Page 91 Siberian Irises: a Brief History, Bob Hollingworth Page 94 Walker Ross: the Iris and the Man, Chuck Chapman Page 96 Happenings of Region 4, Ginny Spoon Page 98 A Friend Indeed, Paul W Gossett Page 99 Climate Change and Iris Gardening, Robert Pries Page 100 Mysteries of Marketing Irises, Terry Aitken Page 105 Display Advertising Rate Reduction Page 106 A Beardless Iris Rebloom Hypothesis, Terry Aitken Regular Features: #348 Jan 2008 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 8 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Page 24 Section Happenings, Jim Morris Page 28 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 92 In Memoriam Page 92 AIS Insurance Page 93 Milestones,]im Morris Page 96 AIS Foundation Donations Page 97 Donations to AIS Active Funds Page 99 AIS Calendar Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 109 AIS Storefront Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 113 Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 Invitation to 2008 AIS National Convention in Austin Texas, David Lewis Steed, Ph.D Page 12 Convention Overview Page 13 Austin 2008 Guest Gardens, Nelda Moore Page 15 New Listing Layout for 2008, Ashley Lewis Page 17 2008 AIS National Convention Registration Form Page 19 Geek Dinner Announcement Page 20 2008 Silent Auction Page 21 A Convention to Remember: 2008 National Japanese Iris Page 22 Honorary Awards for 2008 Page 23 Sidney Linnegar: Nominated for Warburton Medal, Clarence Mahan Page 27 Errata Page 30 Andrew Wheeler Awarded AIS Scholarship, Terry Aitken and Stephanie Markham Page 32 Public Exhibits Toolbox, Robert Pries Page 33 Hafts or Not, Terry Aitken Page 49 Spotlight on the Median Iris Society, Rita Gormley Page 54 Fragrance in Irises?, Terry Aitken Page 55 Irene Nelson?, Terry Aitken Page 56 "Glitter", A Future Hybridizing Direction?, Terry Aitken Page 57 Designing a Plant, The Lily-Gilding Game, Lynn Markham Page 64 How to Look up Your AIS Membership online Page 64 2007 Nominating Committee seeks recommendations for AIS Board of Directors Page 65 AIS 2007 Exhibition Report Page 68 Exhibition Certificates for 2007 Page 71 AIS Youth Shows for 2007 Page 72 Bronze Medals/Certificates Page 71 AIS Artistic Shows, Adult and Youth Winners of 2007 Page 76 International News Page 80 Judges' Update,]udy Keisling Page 82 Approved AIS Judges for 2008, Compiled by Judy Keisling Page 87 How to Register and Introduce an Iris, Anne & Mike Lowe Page 89 Symposium Results Page 100 Statement of Ownership Page 101 Treasurer's Report for the Year Ended September 30, 2007 Page 103 AIS Board Minutes Digest Regular Features: #349 April 2008 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris Page 10 Index of Advertisers Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 13 Milestones,]im Morris Page 18 Section Happenings,]im Morris Page 21 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames Page 23 AIS Foundation Donations Page 70 AIS Calendar Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 110 AIS Storefront Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 114 Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 The Rumor Factory, Terry Aitken Page 17 Errata Page 24 IRS E-Card for Affiliates, Regions and Sections,]ill Bonino Page 26 Introducing Iris Program Resources Chair, Janet Smith Page 27 Introducing AIS Treasurer Jill Bonino Page 29 AIS 2008 Photo Contest Page 31 Request For Bearded Iris: Mad About Iris 2010 Convention Page 47 Some Thoughts on Design, Carolyn Hawkins Page 50 Reflections on the British Iris Society Convention, Anna and David Cadd Page 55 Optimistic Scrutiny, Brock Heilman Page 60 Growing and Selecting Iris in Slovenia, Izidor Golob Page 67 A Note From the AIS Librarian, Tracy Plotner Page 71 Culture Comer, Rita Gormley Page 76 The Quest for a Yellow Japanese Iris,]ohn White Page 78 A Germination Experiment, Kelly D. Norris Page 82 The Case for Separating 1\vo Key Components of Judging Iris, Richard C. Richards Page 86 A Breeder's Life, Robin Shadlow Page 90 How Fungi Function, Sandra Dark Page 91 The Other Irids, Part I, Robert Pries Page 93 A Milestone of the Las Vegas Iris Society, Mary Lee Fortner Page 95 Plicata Locus Color Patterns in Bearded Iris, Dr. Don Spoon Regular Features: #350 July 2008 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 8 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Annual President's Letter, E. Roy Epperson Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Page 11 Milestones,jim Morris Page 14 Section Happenings,jim Morris Page 17 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 23 AIS Calendar Page 97 AIS Foundation Donations Page 98 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 110 AIS Storefront Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 114 Shopping Section Articles: Page 20 Request for Guest Beardless Irises, AIS Convention 2011 Page 21 Page 22 Page 24 Page 25 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 31 Page 32 Page 54 Page 65 Page 66 Page 68 Page 80 Page 81 Page 88 Request for Guest Irises: French Iris Society Request for Japanese Irises, 2011 AIS National Convention Awards 2008 2009 AIS National Convention, Debbie Hughes Louisiana Iris Convention 2008, Tom W Dillard AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder 'A Convention to Remember', Sodety For Japanese Iris Convention, Teny Aitken Thanks To the Geeks Among Us!!!, Rita Gormley AIS Library Request for Materials, Tracy Plotner Growing Louisianas in the Northwest, Terry Aitken Top Fifteen Favorite Guest Irises of 2008 International Iris Competition Winners, Florence 2008 2008 AIS National Convention Garden Reports Introducing Tracy Plotner, Tracy Plotner Culture Corner Louisianas, The Evolution of a Native American Species and the Society Devoted to Them, Robert Treadway Page 92 Minutes Digest, April 2008 Page 100 2009 Bearded Iris Symposium Ballot Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 13 Page 14 Page 16 Page 32 Page 97 Page 106 Page 108 Page 110 Page 113 Page 114 #351 Oct 2008 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Index of Advertisers Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris Milestones,]im Morris Errata Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Section Happenings,]im Morris AIS Calendar AIS Foundation Donations Donations to AIS, DonnaJames AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 18 Iris Society of Minnesota: "Beardless Iris Tyme", June 2009 Page 19 Page 20 Page 24 Page 25 Page 33 Page 65 Page 70 Page 75 Page 77 Page 80 Page 82 Page 84 Page 86 Page 89 Page 91 Page 95 Page 97 Page 102 2009 Silent Auction 3 Trails KC, May 2009 HC Awards for 2008 AIS Awards, 2008 Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins Culture Comer The Other Irids, Part II: Fascinated with Si5yrinchiums, Edmund and Rita Heaton 2008 National Convention form Youth's View, Gabe Lockhart Preserving Kleinsorge Irises, Mike Unser Historic Iris Preservation Society, Paul Gossett Winners of the 2008 AIS photo Contest, Kitty Loberg Why Belong to AIS, Cheryl Deaton Commercial Iris Production: The Way We Do It, Kelly D. Norris Storybook Irises,]ean E. Morris Species and the Historic Garden, Laetitia Munro Bob Pries On: The Next Generation's AIS, Bob Pries Outstanding Hybridizers of the 20th Century: The British Faction, Anne Lowe A Review of Dwarf Species, Lowell Baumunk Regular Features: Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 14 Page 18 Page 20 Page 30 Page 98 Page 104 Page 106 Page 110 Page 112 Page 115 Page 116 #352 Jan 2009 Officers & Committee Chairpeople AIS Sections Regions & Regional Vice Presidents President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Index of Advertisers Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Milestones,jim Mor.ris International News, Anna and David Cadd Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Section Happenings,jim Morris AIS Calendar Minutes Digest Donations to AIS, DonnaJames AIS Foundation Donations AIS Slides For Rent AIS Storefront AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Shopping Section Articles: Page 23 3 Trails KC, An Experience to Remember, Debbie Hughes Page 25 3 Page 27 Page 28 age 25 Page 33 Page 59 Page 60 Page 65 Page 69 Page 70 Page 73 Page 76 Trails KC Registration Form 2009 Silent Auction How to Register and Introduce an Iris, Anne & Mike Lowe P AIS Awards, 2008 Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins Climate Challenging Irises, Terry Aitken All In a Flower? Issues in Modem Iris Development, Kelly D. Norris Survivors of the North Country, Kate Brewitt A Visit to Marky Smith's Garden, Terry Aitken Twventy-five Years on My Knees, Marky Smith Symposium Results Book Review: Dream Gardener: Pioneer Nurseryman Bertrand H. Farr, Page 78 Page 83 Page 84 Page 86 Page 87 Page 92 Page 93 Page 105 Page 107 Page 109 AIS 2008 Exhibition Report AIS Youth Shows for 2008 Exhibition Certificates for 2008 Bronze Medals/Certificates for Commercial & Education Exhibits Approved AIS Judges for 2009 AIS 2011 National Convention in Victoria, BC Firenze 2008 Report AIS Insurance Treasurer's Report Statement of Ownership Clarence Mahan Regular Features: #353 April 2009 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AIS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 9 Index of Advertisers Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly Norris Page 12 Milestones,jim Morris Page 16 Section Happenings,jim Morris Page 18 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 20 International News, Anna and David Cadd Page 24 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames Page 25 AIS Insurance Page 26 AIS Foundation Donations Page 67 AIS Calendar Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent Page 111 AIS Storefront Page 114 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 115 Shopping Section Articles: Page 27 Page 49 Page 62 Page 65 Page 68 Page 70 Page 72 Page 83 Page 87 Page 88 Page 90 Page 91 Page 93 Page 95 Bob Pries On: Unsung Heroes of the Plant World, Bob Pries Louisianas, You're So Vein!, Terry Aitken Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins AIS 2009 Photo Contest registration Errata Request for Bearded Iris, Victoria 2011 Contemporary View-200712008, Part 1, Perry Dyer Experiments with Small Arilbreds, Lowell Baumunk Introducing the new AIS Exhibitions Chairwoman,jayne Adams 2009 AIS National Convention: 3 Trails KC,judy Keisling Sir Michael Foster Memorial Plaque, Terry Aitken Emeritus Judge: Recognition for Outstanding Service,judy Keisling An Editor's Lament,judy Keisling The Age of Rebloomers is Here Today, Ken Page 97 Page 100 Page 103 Page 107 The Average Member, Charles I. Coldsmith Roberts Alophia Drummondii, Rodney Barton Hands Across the Prairie: From Kalamazoo to Dubuque, Rita Gormley A Tribute to Richard Cayeux, Clarence Mahan Regular Features: #354 July 2009 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople Page 5 AlS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 8 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Annual President's Letter, E. Roy Epperson Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Page 11 Milestones,]im Morris Page 17 Section Happenings,]im Morris Page 19 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 24 AlS Calendar Page 75 AlS Insurance Page 100 Donations to AlS, Donna James Page 102 AlS Foundation Donations Page 108 AlS Slides For Rent Page III AlS Storefront Page 114 AlS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 115 Shopping Section Articles: Page 18 Library Update Page 20 15 Favorite Guest Irises at the 2009 AlS National Convention Page 22 Request for Guest Irises, Siberian Iris and SIGNA, 2012 Page 23 Request for Guest Beardless Irises, National Convention, 2012 Page 25 Mad About Iris: AlS National 2010 Convention, Madison, WI Page 30 Culture Corner: Weed Control-Nutsedge and Wild Onions Page 32 Report from Down Under, Pat Toolan Page 36 Beardless Iris Tyme National Convention, Terry Aitken Page 62 2009 National Convention Garden Writeups Page 76 Contemporary Views, Part 2 of 3, Parry Dyer Page 92 2010 Tall Bearded Iris Symposium Ballot Page 103 Minutes Digest of May Board of Directors Meeting, Susan Boyce "'ll Regular Features: # 355 Oct 2009 Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairmen Page 5 AlS Sections Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson Page 8 Index of Advertisers Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken Page 11 Milestones,jim Morris Page 16 Section Happenings,jim Morris Page 18 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton Page 25 AlS Calendar Page 106 Donations to AlS, Donna james Page 108 AlS Foundation Donations Page 108 AlS Slides For Rent Page 111 AlS Storefront Page 114 AlS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page 115 Shopping Section Articles: Page 10 Page 20 Page 21 Page 23 Page 26 Page 27 Page 65 Page 67 Page 68 Page 74 Page 75 Page 77 Page 80 Page 81 Page 84 Page 86 Page 92 Page 95 Letter to the Editor News from the Library, Tracy Plotner 2010 AlS National Convention Registration Form 2009 AlS Photo Contest Winners, Kitty Loberg High Commendation Awards for 2009, Ruth Barker AlS Awards, 2009 Pardancanda: A new iris extends season,jan Sacks Iris Clunker Program, Linda Smith Going to Kansas City: A Median Review,jean E. Morris In Search of the Elusive Photograph,janet Smith The Shade Wars, R. Dennis Hager Iris and Children, Phil Williams To eBay or Not to eBay, David Headrick I Just Volunteered To Be Show Chair, What Do I Do? Test Gardens: Expectations Versus Results, Robert Pries On Starting New Iris Clubs, Gary White What are Pseudatas?,jill Copeland Contemporary Views, Part 3 of 3, Perry Dyer