ECC_SH_RN - ABB SolutionsBank

ABB Automation Products
Evolution Console Converter for Symphony/Harmony
October 29, 2001
Evolution Console Converter for Symphony/Harmony Release
Jon Bertucci / Product Management – Evolution Products
Distribution List / World
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the release for the immediate sale of the Evolution Console Converter for
Symphony/Harmony. This product represents the continuing development of evolution products for
Symphony/Harmony to the Industrial IT platform. All information regarding this release is provided on the
Solutions Bank (Solutionsbank/Control Products and Systems/Industrial IT – Operate IT/Operate IT B).
This tool is for sale only to internal ABB organizations. It is meant for internal use only, and must
not be sold directly to an external customer (end user). The Evolution Console Converter for
Symphony/Harmony is intended to be used as part of a conversion service offering to existing customers
as they move to Operate IT Process Portal B. It is licensed by the ATCF organization (BU Controls) and
should be purchased by the ABB sales, service and support organizations for their use as part of a
console evolution service. Before selling these conversion services, be sure to enlist the appropriate
organization to implement the actual conversion process and associated services.
The diagram below illustrates the conversion process when using the Evolution Console Converter for
OIS 20-25
OIS 40 thru 44
Files Configured
Via Operator
Station HSI
(ADP, tones etc.)
Files Configured
Via Operator
Station HSI
(ADP, tones etc.)
Files Managed Via
Engineering Workstation
(taglist, displays etc)
Data Converted
Into an OperateIT
ABB Automation Products
The new conversion tool provides an efficient means to gracefully migrate INFI 90/Harmony console
graphics to Operate IT B graphics. This tool supports all installed consoles based on SODG graphics
including MCS, MCS Plus, OIS20-25, LAN 90 PCV, and OIS 40,41,42,43,44. There is no need to create
your entire Process Portal B graphics from scratch when you can simply use this time saving tool.
Graphics can typically be converted and ready to use in 20% of the time it would take to build them from
For worldwide support contact:
Jon Bertucci – Product Manager
Rochester, New York
A description and the capabilities of the new graphics converter tool can be found in the Evolution Console
Converter for Symphony/Harmony PowerPoint presentation located in the Solutions Bank.
(Solutionsbank/Control Products and Systems/Industrial IT – Operate IT/Operate IT B0)
ABB Automation Products
Ordering Instructions and Pricing
Orders for the new Evolution Console Converter for Symphony/Harmony can be placed immediately using
the following process:
Download the Evolution Console Converter for Symphony/Harmony software from Solutions Bank : (If
you are a first time Solutions Bank user, depending on how you access Solutions Bank, you may have
to register for a password - takes about 1 day)
Select DownloadBank
Select DownloadBank Explorer
Select Control Products and Systems
Select Industrial IT – Operate IT
Select Operate IT B0
The Download section will appear. Select Evolution Console Converter For S/H Source Files.
Follow the download instructions to complete the download.
Purchase software license from Wickliffe using the nomenclature below.
 Nomenclature: ST-B-EITCC-AX10000000000001.
This will include a machine ID (dongle)
 Pricing: $10,000 for initial license, $7500 for second license, $5000 for third license, and $1000 for
each additional license after three. In order to receive multiple license discounts all software
licenses must be purchased on the same line of the purchase order. For example, the cost for
six licenses on the same line of the P.O. would be $10000+7500+5000+(3)1000=$25,500 and will
include 6 software licenses and 6 machine IDs. If the same 6 licenses were ordered on separate
P.O. lines the cost would be $60,000.
Note: This is the internal transfer price to local ABB organizations for the software licenses required to run
the software.
A complete product nomenclature listing is available in the associated area in Solutions Bank.
This release is one of many upcoming Industrial IT software converter products, enabling our customers to
take full advantage of the “evolution through enhancement“ stratagy of Industrial IT. The “Evolution Tools“
presentation, highlighting all of the upcoming software converters, is located in the BU Controls After
Sales database on Lotus Notes under StepUp.
We look forward to working with you to make this product, and the associated service offering, a success
for both ABB and our customers. Please forward this to all appropriate individuals in your region to ensure
that all sales, service, support, and training personnel are aware of this important product announcement.
Best Regards,
Jon Bertucci
Evolution Product Manager
ABB Automation Products