An Opportunity To Serve - Turner Chapel AME Church

An Opportunity To Serve
If you are a person with a vision, who can build a purpose-driven team,
If you are an encourager and an effective communicator,
If you hold yourself and others accountable,
If you are honest and upright,
If you are dedicated,
If leading is your gift,
If you possess a Servant ‘s heart,
And you are serious about making a difference,
We invite you to consider this opportunity.
Over the next few weeks, Pastor Marcus will be making appointments to leadership positions for this
conference year. If leadership is one of your gifts and you are interested in being considered, this is
your opportunity to express your interest. To ensure that we are aware of your interest, you should
complete one of the attached forms and submit prior to the deadline of Sunday, October 2, 2011.
1. Complete the form and place it in one of the boxes that are stationed at 3 locations below:
a. 2nd floor vestibule – right outside the sanctuary
b. 2nd Floor near the chapel and the door leading outside.
c. 2nd Floor Fairground Street Exit
d. 1st floor Receptionist area.
2. Forms will be collected from the boxes by a member of the Leadership Commission Team.
3. Your information will be reviewed and shared with the appropriate leader and the Pastor for
consideration if and when a position becomes available in your area of interest. You may be
contacted during this review process for clarification or additional information.
4. Once a final decision has been made, you will be notified of your status.
Adult Dance Ministry
Audio Ministry
Drama/Mime Ministry
Greeters Ministry
Hands of Faith Sign Language Ministry
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Music Ministry
Visual (PowerPoint) Ministry
WORSHIP PURPOSE - Rev. Tar-U-Way bright
The ministry expresses praise through graceful movements and creative presentation. Its intent is to
inspire worshippers to enter into the presence of the Lord.
This ministry provides audio services for the worship service and special events.
To encourage, develop and exercise gifts in the areas of fine arts and drama through appropriate
workshops and presentation of plays, musicals and other similar activities.
Persons in this ministry meet and greet both members and visitors at Sunday services and special
church events.
This ministry gives the deaf community access to the worship experience.
This prayer group meets regularly to pray for God's blessings upon the ministries. They coordinate
various prayer meetings in order to call on the Lord for specific needs.
The purpose of this ministry is to provide music for the worship experience.
This ministry provides visual services through the use of PowerPoint for the worship service and
special events.
Stewardess Board
The Stewardesses assist the Stewards with their duties relative to Baptism and Holy Communion.
More specifically, they provide the elements for Holy Communion, which includes dressing the
pulpit and altar rail. Stewardesses are appointed by the Senior Pastor.
Media Distribution (Tape) Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the duplication and sales of audio and visual media.
To Have and to Hold Wedding Ministry
This ministry communicates the church's policy regarding wedding procedures to couples planning
weddings at Turner. They also give necessary support and direction to the wedding party during the
planning process on the wedding day.
Usher Board
Ushers are the Lord's "doorkeepers". They provide support that assist with the smooth and efficient
running of the service. This includes aspects during the service such as: greeting worshippers and
directing them to available seating, assisting worshippers and providing direction during offering
and communion.
Video Ministry
This ministry provides video services for the worship service and special events.
Adult Athletics Ministry
This ministry develops and coordinates fellowship opportunities through participation in various
women, men and co-ed athletic leagues. Activities include bowling, softball, basketball, flag football,
tennis and group fitness classes.
Golden Agers Ministry (Seniors)
The seniors ministry coordinates activities and fellowship opportunities to benefit the elderly. The
ministry provides assistance, care and guidance to its members.
Healthcare Ministry
The Healthcare Ministry encourages a healthier congregation by increasing members' awareness of
health-care issues. The ministry sponsors informational events throughout the year. They also
provide First Aide care during church services.
Entrepreneurs Ministry
This ministry is comprised of people who have the entrepreneurial spirit and are interested in
sharing their gifts, skills and experience to help others grow, to empower members of the church
and community through service and education.
Keeping the Covenant Married Couples
The purpose of this ministry is to support, encourage and instruct married couples of the church and
community. The ministry plans fellowship activities, seminars, small group bible studies, workshops
and retreats for the married population of the church, all of which are designed to build stronger
Christian marriages.
Keeping Turner Connected Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to connect members to Turner Chapel through bonding, focused
communication, small groups and fellowship activities that promote unity with each other thereby
building a strong TCC family.
New Members Ministry
This ministry assists in the orientation of new members by organizing and scheduling orientation
classes, facilitating class fellowships, receptions and coordinating the receiving of new members into
full membership.
Pastor’s Hospitality
This ministry caters to the pastor's and visiting minister's needs during worship services and special
Regarding Women Ministry
This ministry is designed to address needs and issues that pertain specifically to women. Through a
variety of activities, women can grow spiritually and become connected. Activities include Bible
Study classes, seminars, workshops, revivals, retreats/advances, shopping trips and more.
Singles with Anointed Vision
The purpose of this ministry it to connect and empower single individuals within the Body of Christ
at Turner Chapel through workshops, seminars, bible studies and fellowships.
Son’s of Allen Men’s Fellowship
This ministry develops and implements an array of activities through which men gather to
fellowship and address specific issues and challenges.
TCC Career Ministry
This ministry provides support, encouragement and instruction to the unemployed and
underemployed. The ministry facilitates workshops and seminars designed to meet the needs of job
seekers and those desiring career advancement.
Tender Loving Care Ministry
This ministry is comprised of coordinators who provide support and recognition to members of
ministries. They connect with members during special moments providing heartwarming and
memorable expressions of love.
Young Adult Soldiers United
This ministry fosters an environment for spiritual development, encourages fellowship among
members of the Body of Christ, encourages the use of gifts/talents as well as provides opportunities
for community service and evangelism for young adults.
EVANGELISM PURPOSE - Rev. Bernard McNair and Rev. Joanne McNair
ACTS 29 / Street Ministry
This ministry goes to the streets and various areas in the community to witness and canvass for lost
souls. This ministry goes to the hedges and the highways presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to lost
souls and unbelievers and informing them about the gift of salvation and Turner Chapel. This
ministry tries to increase Turner members awareness and to help them to understand the
importance of evangelizing.
Adoption and Foster Care Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to increase awareness about adoption and foster care as well as
recruit potential parents and grandparents.
Alpha 2 Omega Ministry
Alpha to Omega is a weekly 12 Step group discussion meeting for individuals who are currently
struggling or previously struggled with addiction to drugs and alcohol. The sessions are designed to
assist individuals understand the difference between short-term abstinence and long-term recovery
and to assist individuals move beyond their addictions and develop a close working relationship with
God in a clean and sober state.
Benevolence Ministry
This ministry tries to assist members with financial problems and deal with hardship situations
members and community people may be dealing with.
College Harvest Ministry
College Connect is a ministry of Turner Chapel which ministers to the needs of the college minded
students in the Atlanta Metro area. Bible study, fellowships, spiritual growth, and developing an
intimate relationship with Christ are many opportunities the college student will experience as they
prepare for their purpose in Christ. College Connect is not just for the undergraduate but for grad
students alike. Proverbs 9:9 is the foundational scripture for C (squared) @ TCC: Give instruction to
a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.
Computer Ministry
We reach out and teach computer skills to the church members and to the community. We deliver
Basic Computer skills, MS Word MS Excel and MS PowerPoint classes.
Elder Care & Disability Ministry
This ministry visits a local nursing home monthly to minister to the residents and provides for the
needs of the elderly.
Food Share Ministry
This ministry provides food at a minimum fee on a monthly basis to members and the others from
the community.
Meals of Compassion Ministry
This ministry prepares, serves and provides food to the hungry in the Cobb County area with
volunteers from the different Turner Chapel ministries. The ministry ministers to the hungry by
meeting their physical needs with food.
Prison Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to communicate the love of God to those who are incarcerated and
their families. The primary goal is to bring lost souls and unbelievers into Christ's kingdom. The focus
areas are: in prison worship services, aftercare programs, in prison visitations and correspondence
bible study.
Social Action Ministry
This ministry explores local community, County, National and International issues which might affect
the church.
Visitors Recognition Ministry
This ministry provides spiritual support for visitors who are transitioning to membership and who
are visiting at Turner.
Women Building Women Ministry
Women spend time as mentors to young girls, presenting themselves as role models and friends.
Women’s Missionary Society
This ministry endeavors to create opportunities and resources to address the changing needs and
concerns of people throughout the world. They meet regularly to discuss the bible and are involved
in mission activities in the community. This ministry will plan and participate in Mission Trips to local
and international areas. Assist with mission needs in the community and abroad.
Church at Study
This ministry is responsible for nurturing and developing the spiritual growth of all members of the
congregation through the study of the Bible and other biblically sound materials throughout the
week. This ministry emphasizes age/stage spiritual development as well as spiritual guidance
needed to navigate everyday practical life situations covering the gamut of health and wholeness,
money management to child rearing and relationships.
HIV/AIDS Ministry
This ministry provides educational opportunities on the topic of HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge Keepers
This ministry sponsors various educational and cultural events which enhance our knowledge of
African, African-American and Caribbean Heritage and experience. It instructs on the history,
traditions, doctrine and disciplines of the AME Church to encourage participation among the
members. This ministry is responsible for keeping a written and pictorial history of the activities and
achievements of Turner Chapel. We act as the custodian for all documents and mementos of the
Lay Organization
This is the official organization in the church for non-clergy persons. This ministry is responsible for
organizing and training lay members of the church. They encourage love and appreciation for the
history, tradition and principles of African Methodism.
Vacation Bible Study
This ministry coordinates the biblical study for Vacation Bible Study week. It offers not only the
Word of God, but praise and opportunities for fellowship.
Sunday Church School
The Church School provides opportunities for biblical training and spiritual growth. These Sunday
activities and classes are offered to children and adults.
Adopt-a-Grad Ministry
The ministry is designed to keep graduates connected with Turner while they are matriculating
through college. The free registration entitles them to monthly sermon and bulletin mailings,
devotionals, on-line Y.A.S.O.U.L. updates and member sponsors, to keep them in touch during the
school year.
Boy Scouts
This organization introduces young boys to the physical, social and spiritual values of Scouting and
other wholesome activities for their growth and development.
Education Ministry
The mission of this ministry is to provide communication between and support of students and
families in expanding their postsecondary educational awareness and college preparedness
GEMZ (female mentoring)
The female mentoring ministry.
Girl Scouts
This ministry introduces young girls to the physical, social and spiritual values of Scouting and other
wholesome activities for their growth and development.
Iron Sharpens Iron Academy (male mentoring) The focus of this ministry is to mentor young boys and provide positive role models to positively
influence their lives.
Rites of Passage
Spiritual Boot-camp / Baptism Class
Youth Ushers
Young People’s Division (AME Youth
Leadership Organization)
Angelic (Youth dance 6th – 12th)
1st Steppers Children’s Choir (1st – 6th)
Portraits of Praise (audition only)
S.T.O.M.P. (Boys step team 6th – 12)
Reflections of Him Mime Ministry
REJOICE! (Children’s dance 1st – 5th)
S.T.E.P. (Boys step team 2nd – 5th)
Wallah (African drum & dance)
Voices of Praise Youth Choir (7th – 12th)
Young Daughters of the King
10 week program for rising 6th grade students. Children are guided through various spiritual,
relational & physical training activities.
Class which instructs 3rd - 5th grade students to the importance of knowing what we believe
through introduction of meditation and journaling.
Ushers for worship services upon request, 5th through 12th grade students.
The youth service and leadership organization of the A.M.E. Church. Youth involved in this
organization become active in the church on all connectional levels (area, state, & Episcopal).
Youth dance for grades 6th – 12th.
Children's choir for 1st through 6th grade students
Advanced liturgical dance ministry for males and females of all ages. (Audition only)
Boys step team for grades 6th – 12th.
Mime ministry for males and females 5 years through 10th grade.
Liturgical dance ministry for males and females 1st - 5th grade.
Boys step team for grades 2nd – 5th.
African drum team for males and females 5 years old through 12th grade.
Youth choir for 7th through 12th grade students.
Young girls step team
Workers in the nursery ministry care for small children during worship services, bible study, choir
rehearsals, and other church sponsored activities.
Pee Wee Church (Pre-K – Kindergarten)
Workers in Pee Wee Church begin the formation of our children as worshippers; through songs,
dance, and age appropriate interactive scripture lessons.
Children’s Church ( 1st – 5th)
Workers in Children's Church continue the formation of our children as worshippers; through songs,
dance, and age appropriate interactive scripture lessons.
The R.O.C.K. Middle School Church (6th – 12th)
Workers in The R.O.C.K. Church assist in the transition a child to ayouth worshippers. At this level,
we begin to allow the youth to establish their own voice to be used in song, dance, spoken word and
age appropriate
interactive scripture lessons.
Teen Church ( 9th – 12th )
Workers in Teen Church continue the formation of our youth as worshippers. At this level, we begin
to solidify the youth's identity in God. Youth are encouraged to become the emerging voices that
will lead the next generation of true worshippers through song, dance, spoken word and age
interactive scripture lessons.
The Next Episode (11th -12th Second Sun. only)
Workers in The Next Episode focus our youth being prepared for the next episodes of their lives.
Topics consist of spiritual preparation, academic preparation, and social preparation for life outside
of your parents home
Youth Bible Study Teachers
Workers take the responsibility of instruction of children and youth on the methods of using biblical
text for life application.
The purpose of this Service Area is to help members learn about how God has uniquely designed and shaped individuals to minister in specific ways.
The goal is to assist members with discovering the habits that lead to understanding their gift area; thereby, empowering them to use their talents,
not only for personal goals but to uplift the Body of Christ and the community. The Service Area accomplishes this task through the following teams:
Prayer, SHAPE, Follow Up/Coaches, Ministry Fairs and Marketing.
Information Technology Ministry
The Technology Ministry installs, configures and maintains Turner Chapel's computer hardware and
software. The ministry also provides technological support for the office staff and ministries of the
Kitchen Committee
This committee prepares weekly meals for Church at Study and special events.
TCC Bookstore
Provides educational merchandise to enhance the spiritual development of the congregation and
Van Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to transport Turner members and visitors on Sundays.
Communications Ministry
Provides receptionist support for the front desk during Worship services.
Parking Lot Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to facilitate a smooth entry and exit out of the parking lot for both
members and visitors during worship services and major events.
World Wide Web Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to develop and maintain the church website and assist the
administrative staff with the internet and other internal systems support.