Extra indirect speech practise

Some more indirect speech exercises
Choose the correct answer.
1. Dan said that he will meet / would meet us at ten o’clock.
2. Paula told Jack that she has been waiting / had been waiting for him for an hour.
3. They said that they didn’t find / hadn’t found work yet.
4. Tony told Mrs Brown that the cat is drinking / was drinking her tea.
5. Sara asked James whether he had made / made an appointment the previous day.
6. Ellen’s parents asked when she was coming / is coming home that night.
7. Sam enquired whether we had ever seen / ever saw the film March of the Penguins.
8. The ski instructor asked how long it had been snowing / has been snowing.
Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.
1. “Stop making so much noise,” the teacher told the students.
The teacher told the students .......................................................................... .
2. “Don’t turn on the television,” Tim’s mother said.
Tim’s mother told him .................................................................................... .
3. “Let’s meet at the café after work,” Anne suggested.
Anne suggested that ...................................................................................... .
Write sentences using the words below.
1. they / had / the / museum / that / been / all / Sandra / working / week / said / at
2. whether / raining / children / was / asked / the / it
3. told / mum / clean / house / my / me / to / the
4. that / playing / Brian / friends / his / basketball / said / were
5. pizza / dinner / night / suggested / a / that / David / ordering / for
Complete the sentences in reported speech.
1. “Will Dan’s father drive us to the party tonight?” Louise asked.
Louise asked whether ........................................................................................ .
2. “I haven’t seen Paul since 2001,” Andrea said.
Andrea told us that she ...................................................................................... .
3. “Don’t look at your partners’ answers,” the teacher ordered the students.
The teacher ordered the students .......................................................................... .
4. “The football team has been practising since six o’clock,” Jim announced.
Jim announced that ........................................................................................... .
5. “When are you finishing work tonight?” Sue asked me.
Sue asked ....................................................................................................... .
6. “Let’s buy a new TV,” suggested Brian.
Brian suggested that .......................................................................................... .
Choose the correct answer.
1. Dan asked me what I think / thought / am thinking of Timothy’s work experience.
2. Peter suggested going / went / to go to the cinema.
3. His sister wanted to know whether he is going / he was going / was he going to the lecture.
4. Jennifer complained that she will have to work / has to work / had to work extra hours the following day.
5. Andrea said that they wouldn’t finish / won’t finish / can’t finish their report that day.
6. The boys reported that it began / had begun / will begin snowing two hours before.
Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.
1. “Janet has just returned from India,” Matthew said.
Matthew said .................................................................................................. .
2. “Let’s go out tonight,” Harry suggested.
Harry suggested that ......................................................................................... .
3. “Can you give me some more information about the job?” Sandra asked the manager.
Sandra asked the manager whether ........................................................................ .
4. “It will definitely snow tomorrow,” the weatherman predicted.
The weatherman predicted that ............................................................................ .
5. “Where did you find this book?” Donna asked.
Donna asked ................................................................................................... .
Choose the correct verb in brackets. Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1. Anne: “My parents won’t allow me to work after school.” (complain / suggest)
2. Shop manager: “We are closing the shop early today.” (order / explain)
3. Teacher: “If you complete the assignment by next week, you’ll get extra marks.” (enquire / promise)
4. Tim: “Don’t forget the party next week, Sam.” (remind / suggest)