CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Construction industry always has the reputation of being among the most dangerous industries. In Malaysia, safety and health of workers have been became great focus in construction industry since the OSHA implemented in year 1994. The laws and regulations were enacted to minimize the hazards of safety and health risks. There are several factors in the construction industry that become the barrier of safety improvement (Anderson: 1998). The factors are shortcoming in the present general level of health and safety education; general apathy and complacency towards health and safety issues; lack of quality and commitment of site management to give site safety issues the priority they need and deserve; lack of sufficient resources allocated to health and safety; over emphasis at site level on production objectives to the obvious at site level on production objectives to the obvious detriment of good safe working practices; failure of government to put sufficient resources into safety enforcement and the lack of focus on the part of some construction professionals in health and safety issues. 1.1 Statement of the Problem Accidents caused injuries and died are relatively common in construction sites in Malaysia. The accidents statistics shown it is increasing and is getting serious. According to Socso Report 2003, total death cases of all the industry is 822 cases and construction industry is one of the highest death cases which scored 95 cases, equivalents to 11.56 % of the overall industry death cases reported. We are facing the construction site workers safety requirements as stated in Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994. The majority of the contractors especially the sub contractors are reluctant to implement occupational safety and health program at construction site. Thus, hopefully this study results can find out the factors that influences the implementation of occupational safety and health program and it could benefit the contractors, employers and the construction industry as a whole. Besides, there are some others problems statement as following: The construction industry has a poor safety and health record There are good reasons to improve the safety and health performance Accident causation is complex but important It is important to measure safety and health performance Existing safety measurement systems are limited in scope and effectiveness Concentrating on proactive measures instead of reactive measures should improve safety and health performance 1.2 There is a need to develop a single standardized measurement technique Objective of Study This study is targeted to study the factors that influence the implementation of occupational safety and health program for the construction firm in Penang state. The study will be conducted through questionnaire survey that to be distributed to 120 contractors in Penang state as the study sample. 1.3 Research Questions What is the employer commitment to construction occupational safety and health? How well is the safety and health program implemented? How do the government enforcement influence the implementation of safety and health program? What is the employee concern regards to the implementation of occupational safety and health program? Is the safety & health committee important in implementing the safety and health program? 1.4 Scope of Study The scope of study is targeted to the contractors G7 and G6 in Penang state. Due to the time constraint, the study only involved contractors G6 and G7 in Penang state. Contractor G6 is meant for contractor registered as Grade 6 under Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) whereby the tender capacity is not exceeding 10 millions and Grade 7 contractor tender capacity is no limit. There are 52 contractors G7 and 53 contractors G6 response to the questionnaire distributed. 1.5 Limitation of Study The limitation of this study mainly is not enough time given to collect more samples. Besides, it is facing difficulties of getting details project information from the construction site. The sample was drawn mainly from the state of Penang. Hence, the results of this study might not reflect the actual situation in Malaysia as a whole. 1.6 Research Hypotheses The major purpose of this study is to educated guess the factors influencing the implementation of safety and health programs for construction firms in Penang state. Factors to be studied are the employer commitment, government regulations and enforcement, employees concern and safety and health committee’s role. 1.7 Significance Of Study The study regarded to the importance of safety at work place has been investigated by numerous researchers especially in construction industry. The findings concluded that safety health is important to the people at a workplace. The employers shall ensure that their employees work safely and go home safely. Lin and Mills found that larger contractors tend to perform better in safety implementation compared to smaller companies generally because they have greater resources to do so. Large firms are associated with larger projects containing more risks and so are typically required to implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures. Small contractors tend no to include the safety and health costs in their tenders, reducing their ability to deal with potential problems. In their research also shown that small firms do not seems to have the ability or motivation to achieve high levels of Occupational Safety and Health when benchmarked against larger firms (Lin and Mills : 2001). According to Holmes research, he found that small construction firms in Australian may not manage Occupational Safety and Health risks as effectively as larger firms. The majority of Australian construction firms were small business and small businesses did not feel the need to focus on Occupational Safety and Heath in their management system instead they often believe that the control of risks is the responsibility of employees. This idea is contrast with the attitude of large companies emphasized that Occupational Safety and Health should be integrated into their entire management system in all the projects within the company (Holmes : 1999). Wilson study shown that safety attitudes varied by the size of company. He questioned that whether the small companies can benefit from higher standards of Occupational Safety and Health practice due to the costs of implementation safety and health programs (Wilson : 2000). Kartam conducted a study found that, in order to achieve safe site operations, construction practitioners need effective monitoring and controlling of safety during post construction and set safety plans as one of the criteria to select contractor. Contractors also need a management system in order to monitor their site operations and measure their implementation in order to eliminate unsafe acts and practices (Kartam : 1997). According to Stephenson and Conheeney , the requirements for development for a multimedia system have been illustrated and the important factors considered for successful implementation. The system shall suitable for construction site use and also the design process and must enable the integration of text, graphics, sound and also animation of practical situations to demonstrate best method and safe practice. This system should be easily accessible to designers and site management team providing the opportunity for effective communication of safety and health issues (Stephenson & at el. : 1999) In conclusion, larger companies would have better awareness regards the important in implementing the safety and health management system, compared to smaller companies in general. Thus, the scope of study will tend to study the factors influencing the implementation of safety and health program in the larger company such G6 and G7 contractors in construction industry who have the better awareness according to the literature review found.