Authors (name, student id number or social security, email), date 6.3.2016 SERVICE X ANALYSIS DOCUMENT Document no: Version: File: 0.555 Created: Last saved: Printed: 30.01.2006 15.03.2005 --- Version history 0.01 26.1.2006 Document created Author1 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. USE CASES ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. USE CASE DIAGRAM............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. USE CASE DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.1. Use Case 1: The first use case .................................................................................................................... 3 3. REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. 3.2. 4. ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 4 4.1. 4.2. 5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 4 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 4 SYSTEM OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 4 ANALYSIS OBJECT MODEL .................................................................................................................................... 4 USER INTERFACE SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................. 5 5.1. UI DIALOGUE DIAGRAM....................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2. UI TASKS ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 5.2.1. Task list ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2.2. Task specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 5 6. 1 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 First author’s name with email address 2 (6) Table 1. Name Some term Global Definitions Description Description of the term that needs an explanation 1. Introduction This document should be started only after the topic has been accepted by the assistant of the course. This chapter introduces the selected service. The chapter also provides the results of the survey of technologies with reasoning for the technology selections. 2. Use Cases 2.1. Use Case diagram This chapter contains the use case diagram(s) for the service. All the diagrams must be presented as UML which can be drawn with e.g. Prosa, Visio, Rhapsody or Rational Rose. Figure 1. A sample Use Case diagram 2.2. Use Case descriptions 2.2.1. Use Case 1: The first use case Actors: Add the actors here (such as User John) Preconditions: List the preconditions here Description: Describe the use case here. All the use cases should have value to the actor(s) as such, e.g. accomplish some meaningful task. E.g. John does something and the service starts (Exception [1]). John can then search his calendar and find the information he was looking for. Optional: List possible optional things here Exceptions: [1] Describe the possible exception here. Post-conditions: John has accomplished something useful to him with the service. 3 (6) 3. Requirements Presents the list of requirements for the system. Technical requirements present the requirements for the hardware/software platform, whereas the functional requirements define the requirements for the developed software. Priorities: 1=must implement 2=should implement (time allowing) 3=be nice to have 3.1. Technical Requirements Table 2. #No 1.1 Technical Requirements Description The first technical requirement Priority 1 3.2. Functional Requirements Table 3. #No Description 1.1 The first functional requirement Functional Requirements Referred Use Cases 1 Priority 1 4. Architectural analysis Architectural analysis gives reader a system overview at one glance. 4.1. System overview Presents the overall structure of the developed software, e.g. different layers of the software and interfaces to the environment. Group can select the chart type that presents the system with the most descriptive way. 4.2. Analysis object model This chapter presents the initial classes and their relations between each other and the actors. Analysis object model is derived from the use cases. Info-desk worker uses uses PIN code User creates uses Registration service Figure 2. creates Info-desk service Temporary user-id A sample Analysis Object diagram 4 (6) 5. User Interface Specification 5.1. UI Dialogue diagram This chapter presents how the user accesses functionality through different views of the software. visitor registry main * set visitor data * do: 1 do: 2 employee ok back / cancel set employee data * ok show success * ok do: 3 Figure 3. back / cancel do: 4,5 A sample Dialogue diagram 5.2. UI Tasks Presents the GUI task list and explains how the tasks can be performed with the specified user interface. Use case / sequence Operation Operation GUI Task Use cases or sequences do not have the details of U.I Figure 4. Typically one operation needs one or more GUI tasks. Operation Operation Actions Elementary actions, such as pressing a button or moving a slider Relations between use cases/scenarios and GUI tasks 5.2.1. Task list A sample task list: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select employee or visitor Set pin-code and cell phone number Set employee user-id, password and phone number Show the success of setting employee / visitor data 5.2.2. Task specifications A sample task specification: Task #1: Select employee or visitor The user has opened a web browser and entered to the registration service main page. The service asks to choose an employee or visitor link. User clicks the visitor or employee link. The system opens a new web page. User can close the web application if he chooses to. 5 (6) 6. References [1] A reference that provides some information related to the service or the software analysis. 6 (6)