Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes Practice Questions

Porifera, Cnidaria, & Platyhelminthes Practice Questions
Part I. Label the diagrams shown below. Choose from the following labels:
basal disc
nerve cords
flame cells
Part II. Life Cycle. Label the life cycle diagram below. Choose from the following
new sponge develops
dividing cells (spongocoel)
larva released
Part III. Fill in the blank. Fill in the missing structure/process for each statement below.
1. In a jellyfish, food enters the body and wastes are removed from the body through the
2. In sponges, waste water is removed through the _________________.
3. In a jellyfish and all flatworms, the process of diffusion is used for these two life
processes: _________________________ and ______________________
4. In a sponge, the ___________________ transport nutrients and make egg and sperm
5. Spicules provide __________________________ for the sponge.
6. Water is drawn into the sponge by the beating of the _______________, which are
attached to the collar cells.
7. Sponges are not capable of _________________ since they have no nerve cells.
8. Hydra have a nervous system made up of a loosely connected band of nerve cells
called a _______________.
9. In a hydra, the _________________ sting and immobilize the prey, then the
__________________ grab the prey and stuff it into the mouth.
10. In a sponge, the ________________ trap the food particles, while the
_________________ digest the food particles.
11. All three phyla of animals are capable of __________________, a process in which
the animal regrows missing parts.
12. Budding is a type of ________________ reproduction because it involves only one
13. In harsh conditions, sponges produce internal buds which can break off and grow into
adult sponges when the conditions improve. This process is called
14. The planaria will move by secreting ____________ and pushing through it with its
15. Planaria and flukes feed with a tube called a ______________ that shoots from its
mouth and brings food into the body.
16. In planaria, flukes, and jellyfish, food is digested inside a hollow tube in the body
called a _____________. Enzymes made in the inside cell layer called the
_______________ digest their food.
17. In all flatworms, tubes called ____________ filter and remove waste.
18. A ________________ feeds on the digested food of its host organism.
19. Flukes and tapeworms are considered to be _______________ because they live
inside of a host organism and cause harm to them.
20. A _____________ feeds on the blood and tissues of its host organism.
21. A planaria is capable of detecting light through its ___________________.
22. A planaria is capable of learning to go through mazes because of their ____________.
23. Both a tapeworm and a fluke infection can be detected by examining the
_____________ for the presence of the eggs.
24. How a fluke and a tapeworm infection can be treated with ____________.
Part IV. Short answer.
25. How do all three groups of animals compare in terms of the type of symmetry seen?
26. How do Porifera, Cnidaria, and planaria compare in terms of their diet?
27. How do Porifera, Cnidaria, and free-living flatworms compare in terms of their
28. How do all three groups of animals compare in terms of their gender?
29. How do the medusa and polyp body forms seen in the Phylum Cnidaria compare?
30. How can someone become infected with a tapeworm? What would be some
symptoms of infection?
31. How can a person become infected with a fluke? What would be some signs of
33. How can you prevent becoming infected with a tapeworm or a fluke?