November and December Newsletter 2015

200 Main Street, P.O. Box 1300
Wellfleet, MA 02667-1300
The Rev. Paul Cullity, Pastor
Phone (508)349-6877
FAX (508)349-7732
AN IMPORTANT REMINDER for those of you who are still waiting to return
your pledge card. Please do it today. We need to know that we will be able
to have lights and heat this next year!!
Do you think that you don’t know what is going on at church these days?
Please consider getting involved. You are definitely needed and wanted. We
do care when you are not worshipping with us each Sunday. Come and bring
a friend.
We need to shore up our Church community. If you have any ideas for things
you would like to have happen. . . .a game time, a potluck supper, a tea or a
get-together at someone’s home, please call the church office
(508-349-6877) or me (508-349-2508).
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Nancy Cook
Stewardship Committee
Family & Friends of
Ethel “Duch” Crowell who died on October 12th.
Elizabeth “Liz” Pickering who died on October
Change of Address
George Vitek
15 Seapine Road
Wellfleet, MA 02667
James & Joan Baker
15 Main Street, Unit B
Orleans, MA 02653
Joan Thompson
P.O. Box 3035
Wellfleet, MA 02667
Thank you…
The Lasker Family - Matthew and Erin, Cynthia
and John - thanks our Wellfleet church friends for
the many prayers, cards and concerns regarding
Ian's health. Ian continues to make remarkable
progress and to thrive as he returns to his happy life
at home, at pre-school and at play.
Military List
Please call the church office with names of family
members or other loved ones who are serving in the
armed forces of our Country.
Andrew Porteus, son of Nancy & Jonathan Porteus;
Simon Berrio, son of Beth & Buddy Berrio, grandson
of Duch Crowell; Mark Spillan; Danny James;
Versalles Washington, brother of Frank Thomas ;
Keith Lajoie, nephew of Holly & David Lajoie; Matt
Perry, grandson of Jewell Barker.
11/1 Donna Grout
11/7 Judy Ann DePierri & Jacob DiPinto
11/8 Walter Eibensteiner
11/9 Kyle DiPinto
11/13 Kendra Lindberg
11/22 Juniper O’Campbell
11/25 Donna Jordan
11/29 Fred Young
12/11 Mary Cullity & Jordan Nye
12/16 Ruth Marriott
12/17 Sarah Porteus
12/21 Martha Possner
12/23 Dottie Downs & Betsey Patterson
12/24 Siri Lindberg
12/27 David Lajoie
12/30 Brittany Souza
Please contact the church office to add a name or update
this list.
“If one member suffers, all suffer together…If one
member is honored, all rejoice together.”(1 Cor. 12:26)
May the presence of Jesus Christ be with those on our
PRAYER LIST and with those who care for them. Pray
Bill Beik
Joyce Dutton
Carol French
Donna Jordan
Betsy Searcy
Amy Costa
Cassandra Evans
Sueko Hall
Nancy Nye
Ann Swanson
And for those who are chronically ill and confined to
their homes, nursing homes and hospitals. Please
notify the pastor when family or friends are
Pastor Paul’s Sabbatical
One of the aspects of life-long ministry that we
have not experienced in this church is the need for
pastors to take a sabbatical time every five or six
years. This is a time of refreshment and renewal, an
opportunity to look at the calling to ministry in a
new way, and an opportunity for the church to
experience a different voice for a period of time.
This year, Pastor Paul is taking a three-month
Sabbatical from September 1st through November
30th. The idea of sabbatical was introduced to our
congregation in worship on July 26th, by the Rev.
Don Remick, our Southeast Area Conference
Minister. Rev. Pancheta Peterson will lead worship
for November. The work of pastoral care and
pastoral emergencies will be facilitated by Rev. Eric
Spencer, who can be reached through our church
office for that entire time.
ALL SAINT’S DAY – November 1, 2015
is also observed as Totenfest or Memorial Sunday,
when those who have died in the past year are
remembered in prayer. On this Memorial Sunday, we
remember in prayer and give thanks to God for the
following persons:
David Ambrose
Joanne Berquist
Dave Blake
Ethel Crowell
Raymond Crowell
Fran Devasto
Richard Dorr
David Ernst
Letitia Fricker
Cheryl Hautanen
Alfred Hill
Robert “Bob” Jordan
Bradford Lawson
Arthur H. MacBriar Jr.
Warren Marsh
Moira Myers
Elizabeth Pickering
Marcy Rea
Tom Reinhart
Rev. Richard Stoughton
Shirley Semple
Vicki Blakeley Schmidt
Nancy Spillane
Richard Tesson
Edwina Wright
Rev. Pancheta Peterson Preaching in November
November 1: ( Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost)
Ushers: Dianne Eib & Dot Oberding
Greeters: Erik & Carol Spencer
Reader: Ellen Wright
Comm. Svrs.: Donna Grout, Dianne Eib, Dot Oberding
& Ellen Wright
First Reading: John 11:32-44
Gospel Reading: Revelation 21:1-6A
Sermon Title: Another Chance at Life
November 8: ( Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost)
Usher: Dianne Eib
Greeter: volunteer needed
Reader: volunteer needed
Coffee Hour: Erik & Carol Spencer
First Reading: Mark 12:38-44
Gospel Reading: Psalm 146
Sermon Title: The Poverty Within
November 15: ( Twenty-fifth after Pentecost)
Ushers: two volunteers needed
Greeter: Jana Currier
Reader: Cyndy Van Hook
Coffee Hour: Mona & Jon Antonuzzo
First Reading: Psalm 16
Gospel Reading: Mark 13:1-8
Sermon Title: Que Sera, Sera
November 22: (Thanksgiving Sunday)
Ushers: two volunteers needed
Greeter: volunteer needed
Coffee Hour: volunteers needed
First Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-7
Gospel Reading: Revelation 1:4b-8
Sermon Title: Called To Be Priests
November 29: (First Sunday of Advent)
Ushers: two volunteers needed
Greeter: volunteer needed
Coffee Hour: volunteers needed
First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Gospel Reading: Luke 21:25-36
Sermon Title: The Precious Gift of Advent
Nauset InterFaith Thanksgiving Service
Each year, the Nauset InterFaith Association
sponsors an Interfaith Thanksgiving service to
gather as a united people throughout the lower
Cape, to give thanks to God for the blessings of the
year, and to take time to remember those who are
less fortunate. This year, the service will be held at
the Eastham United Methodist Church, at 4:00 p.m.
on Sunday, November 22nd . All the churches and
faith communities of our region are invited, and we
can help by attending, by bringing some baked
goods to contribute to a fellowship time following
the Service, and by bringing a financial gift for the
ministries to the poor and homeless in our region.
These services are an opportunity to remember that
like the Pilgrims so many years ago, we are all in
this together, and rely on our neighbors and friends
to survive. Let’s give thanks together!
White Gift Sunday - December 6th
You’re invited to bring in a toy wrapped in white
paper and marked for a boy or a girl. Please
consider the teen members of our communities
whose families are in need. Stop and Shop offers a
variety of appropriate gift certificates for purchase,
such as iTune cards, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy and
American Express gift cards. T.J. Maxx in Orleans
also has gift cards available. Please label gift cards
“for teenager” or “for child”. Gifts for teens will
be donated to the Lower Cape Outreach and
children’s gifts will be donated to Mass Appeal for
Homeless Prevention Council Adopt-A-Family
for Christmas - Giving the Gift of Hope. On
November 29th and December 6th & December
13th we will take a special offering to support this
program. Our goal is to raise $200.00 to adopt one
The Adopt-a-Family program, originally suggested
by HPC supporters, has provided Lower Cape
children with holiday gifts for nearly 17 years. In
2014, they were able to give 284 children from 130
families, gifts of toys, clothes and bikes. Without
the generosity of our community, these kids would
not have had their Christmas wishes come true.
How It Works
Case managers at HPC work with clients, as well as
local schools and churches, to identify families in
need. They then match the families with community
members and organizations who want to provide
gifts for them.
Clients' full names and records are completely
confidential, they offer first names, ages of children,
and share their gift wish lists. After the families are
"adopted", each donor decides what they'd like to
give and either shops for the gifts or provides the
cash and HPC will do the shopping.
Village Church Fair
Saturday, Dec. 5th
Baked Goods, Christmas Cookie Stroll
Knit goods
Christmas Raffle
Gift wrapping
Unique America Doll clothing
White Elephant Sale
Luncheon available
Remember: He’s making a list,
checking it twice…….
* The Craft Team is currently in need of coffee
cans for the cookie exchange and bakers. Please
contact the church office if you are able to help.
The Craft Team meets every Monday from 1 to
3pm in Fellowship Hall. All are invited &
welcome to participate.