Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER This document is intended as a focus for discussion around the SPIDER tools and their functionality with respect to their Moodle equivalent. The document covers the four main areas of SPIDER – “info”, “classes”, “tools” & “comms” and highlights actual and perceived differences from the Moodle equivalent, if it is available. It also touches on the ‘widgets’ feature that allow users to heavily customise their home page and ‘mobile SPIDER’ which are recent significant additions. Executive summary SPIDER differs from Moodle in a number of significant areas. SPIDER offers tools and aggregates information at one or more of the cluster/ department/ degree (“system” or “portal”) level as well as at the class level, and is also ‘academic session aware’; in contrast Moodle only offers class level tools, in the same vein as WebCT before it, and has no effective way to manage academic sessions for archiving easily. This disparity has significant impact on the ability of Moodle to replicate equivalent functionality for many of SPIDER’s tools. In particular the communication, content management and administrative functions of SPIDER rely on the availability of the system level and/ or session awareness. It will require significant effort to reproduce these in Moodle (if it is even feasible) and would require modification of the Moodle core code, which is to be avoided whenever possible. Making these required developments would require an as yet undefined time investment recreating functionality that is already available in SPIDER. At present this is a major stumbling block preventing users switching to Moodle, as they would lose essential tools and functions preventing them carrying out current teaching and support activities. Ian Thompson 05/11/2010 1 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Table of Contents Executive summary .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Info .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Classes ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Sorting and labelling................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Content management ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Class descriptor tool ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Class review tool ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.5 Class data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.6 Revision access ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Tools – General ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 mySettings .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 news & discussion filters ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 3.3 databases*..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Booking system* ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Web site manger* ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Document Store*...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.7 myFiles ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.8 myLinks ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.9 user info ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 4. Tools – Student ...................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 myClass lists .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 4.2 myDegree ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.3 myClasses ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.4 myQuiz and myExam results ............................................................................................................................................. 11 4.5 myAssignments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4.6 myAttendance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4.7 myQuestionnaires .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 4.8 myActivity choices ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 4.9 myPDP ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 4.10 myCounsellor ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 4.11 myGroups ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 4.12 myBlogs .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.13 myDiscussions & myPosts ................................................................................................................................................ 14 4.14 myMessages ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.15 Notes.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 5. Tools – Staff ........................................................................................................................... 15 5.1 myDegree ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 myCounsellees ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 5.3 PDP progress ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15 2 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 5.4 Blogs ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 5.6 Groups tool ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 5.8 Activity Manager ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.9 Web modules ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 5.10 Class lists ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 5.11 myAssignments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.12 Questionnaires ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 5.13 Quizzes – results ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 5.14 Quizzes – quiz builder ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Questions .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Quizzes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.15 Examinations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.16 Lab Data ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.18 Custom tools........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 6. Tools – Admin ........................................................................................................................ 21 7. Comms - news & messaging ................................................................................................... 22 8. Comms – discussion forums.................................................................................................... 23 8.1 ‘community’ forums ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 8.2 ‘unread in’ .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 8.3 forum ratings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23 8.4 group forum overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 9. Widgets ................................................................................................................................. 24 10. Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................... 25 10.1 mobile device support........................................................................................................................................................ 25 3 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 1. Info 1.1 Cluster files non-class dependant content management for cross-class (degree) content (timetables, yearbook/ handbook, elective guide, safety etc) Moodle has this? has programme sites (a class site tagged as a programme); editor rights assigned locally. Can it be added? - 1.2 What’s new allows the user to view a summary list of: Content (by class) Discussion posts (class, community; number, unread) Blog entries that have been posted since a user selected date. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? potential for using RSS feeds from “recent activity” to meet some requirements. Proposal for similar functions based on “mobile app” requirements. Local or ‘external’ tool. 4 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 2. Classes 2.1 Sorting and labelling Users can drag re-order their ‘myClasses’ and add labels Moodle has this? no personalisation available. Can it be added? yes, but would need to scope requirement level before committing to development work. Portal level requirement. 2.2 Content management multiple file upload using AJAX based system for maximum efficiency (no page reloading) and user response via “file manager” tool ability to schedule release/ remove availability of files automatically archiving different approach taken Moodle has this? no Can it be added? Potential to replace Moodle file manager for something better (Moodle 2). Scheduled release of content is on server, but not active. Archiving method different/ less integrated, may cause personal preference issues. Moodle 2.0 can be linked to content repositories, which could be used to deal with these issues. 2.3 Class descriptor tool Enables staff to create/ edit “class descriptor” (learning outcomes, assessment methods etc), including output as pdf. Visible to students when made ‘live’. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? should be available as a central resource and/or allow local systems to provide up to date data to the centre. Proposals to make class catalogue data available to Moodle are underway. 2.4 Class review tool Enables staff to complete class reviews. Tied in to ‘degree’ tools to enable interaction by year coordinator and degree/course co-ordinator/ course director. 5 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Moodle has this? no Can it be added? should be available as a central resource. Potential to use LTI plugin to allow use. 2.5 Class data Data relating to class, much of which is shown on class home page. Includes cluster and department which impact who can manage the class (and effects batch copy tool). Indicates who the co-ordinator(s), teaching staff, PG tutors and class reps are, with contact email/ ‘user info’ link. Shows class’ semester, year, credits. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? available in class catalogue and/or via roles in class, so requires means to present this more prominently. Should be possible. 2.6 Revision access users on SPIDER are able to add any class to their “myClasses”. The class list (students actually enrolled on the class) is stored separately. Classes can be open (any user can see content), or restricted to allow staff only access to archives, or limit archives to students who were on the class list matching the archive’s academic session. Moodle has this? not native but can be done using Moodle network or other means e.g. Portal. Can it be added? Depends on archive model chosen. 6 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 3. Tools – General SPIDER’s tools can either be at the ‘class’ or ‘system’ (portal) level. The former are accessed from each class home page (as in Moodle), and are tied to the class they are used from. The system tools allow for various constructs and activities to be delivered, managed or take place outwith the class level – e.g. degree, department, cohort - and are accessed from the “tools” page. System level tools on SPIDER allow the user to create the ‘activity’ then assign it to one class, several classes, a degree programme, cluster or department, depending on what the tool is designed for. The data generated from the activity is also then visible to the user at the class, multiple class, degree, cluster or department level and is a key feature of SPIDER. This is in contrast to Moodle, where tools are typically available within the class and cannot (out of the box) span multiple classes, cohorts, degrees or departments, as these constructs are not available – Moodle does not store the department/ faculty a (staff) user belongs to nor the degree programme a (student) user is on, in relation to tools and activities. In addition to ‘teaching and learning tools’ SPIDER houses numerous databases and departmental systems. It is not expected that Moodle would replicate all of these, but at present SPIDER users only need to login once to a single system to access ‘teaching’ or these ‘administrative’ or research systems, and losing this ‘single site’ would be a backward step, and general inconvenience. These admin/ research systems are indicated by a *. Some of these tools are interlinked with ‘teaching data’ and/ or rely on SPIDER constructs such as the ‘cluster’, groups, degree, faculty and department designations. These are indicated by . 3.1 mySettings allows the user to modify the ‘theme’ to their own personal preferences (background colour, font colour, link colour, table alt colour, text size) and select from ‘classic’, ‘buttons’, ‘menus’ or ‘text only’ navigation. links to social media (Facebook, Twitter…) & bookmarking (Delicious, Digg, Bookmarkit…) discussion ‘privacy’ settings (can change group/ class/ community discussion options e.g. display real name or nickname) various other settings, mostly replicated in Moodle Moodle has this? no, at least not at this level of customisation. Moodle has themes which are pre-set and do not allow this personalisation. Can it be added? potential for creating themes that incorporate user defined settings. Critical requirement for some users for accessibility reasons. 7 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 3.2 news & discussion filters allow the user to determine what news & discussion posts they see. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? depends on how comms tools are handled. Portal level. 3.3 databases* Image bank Research admin (potentially replaced in time by PURE) Safety policy & records Radiation systems of work Radiation stock and disposals records (university wide with v2) Risk assessment Postgraduate records/ progress reporting Asset register Lab stock database Moodle has this? no Can it be added? not required, as SPIDER will continue to provide this; access to some of these are provided to PG and UG students in a teaching context e.g. safety 3.4 Booking system* Comprehensive tool to allow booking/ tracking of departmental resources (e.g. meeting rooms, laptops, projectors) Moodle has this? no Can it be added? not required, as SPIDER will continue to provide this. 3.5 Web site manger* Used by SIPBS to supplement T4 website management tools. 8 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Moodle has this? no Can it be added? not required, as SPIDER will continue to provide this. 3.6 Document Store* Departmental file storage system. Used by Chemistry, Physics, SIPBS. Repository for files under various ‘stores’. Has access control based on department, user groups, custom lists. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? not sure of requirement – portal/ SharePoint/ Moodle 2. 3.7 myFiles user personal file storage. Minor usage, mostly replaced by ‘web drive’ . Moodle has this? no Can it be added? probably not required, Moodle 2 has if it is. 3.8 myLinks personal list of bookmarks/ web links. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? probably not needed, more a portal feature. 3.9 user info This is not a specific tool as such, but a page accessible from many other tools that shows the ‘user profile’. Depending on your status/ user group and relation to the user you are viewing, it shows data relating to that user – name, email, degree + year, department etc. and for academics, quick 9 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER links to performance/ activity data such as quiz/ exam marks, PDP etc. for all classes the person you are viewing is involved with. Moodle has this? partial implementation, not as comprehensive/ misses aggregation. Requires going in and out of classes to get full picture. Can it be added? dependent on various structures that are not readily available. Mercury has similar features. Portal should provide this. 10 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 4. Tools – Student 4.1 myClass lists allows student to check they are on PEGASUS class lists. Moodle has this? no, but custom development underway. Can it be added? - 4.2 myDegree gives student an overview of their degree (co-ordinator, administration contacts); its classes; an aggregated news feed of degree and related class targeted news items; and files aggregated from the ‘info/ cluster files’ pages particular to the student’s year of study. Moodle has this? meta class, just not requested by users yet. Can it be added? yes. 4.3 myClasses gives the student a listing of all their current classes, indication of news/discussion feed, shortcuts to what’s new and cluster files. Can be sorted/ ordered and labelled by user. Revision access to previous years classes. Moodle has this? partial implementation. No sorting or labelling. No news/ discussion feed information (as not a feature of Moodle). Access to previous years depends on archive method. Can it be added? Portal. 4.4 myQuiz and myExam results gives the student access to aggregated view of all quiz or exam (class test) results. Can be filtered by academic session and/or class code. Moodle has this? not aggregated, have to go in each class to view. Archive method will impact availability of previous session data. 11 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Can it be added? portal level. 4.5 myAssignments gives the student access to an aggregated view of all current (and past) assignments (esubmissions). Allows the student to submit pending assignments to any class. Email notification of submission. Uses “file manager”. Moodle has this? not aggregated. Missing several key features (email, cross class/ session view). Can it be added? not sure of need, but is a convenience. Email receipt may not be needed (was Law School requirement). 4.6 myAttendance shows the student all their entries in the attendance register for all classes. Filtered by academic session. Moodle has this? yes, integrated with gradebook 4.7 myQuestionnaires shows the student all currently available questionnaires (and results if applicable). Sorts by questionnaire type (class, group or ‘site’ wide). Moodle has this? questionnaires are available, aggregation not present. Can it be added? Portal. 4.8 myActivity choices activity chooser – used to get student choices and auto-allocate options. For example, is used to list final year project choices. Students can browse the projects (area, supervisor, techniques, references), make their ‘top 10’ selection (limit set by staff) and the system automatically allocates the cohort their projects based on CMA from the previous session. 12 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Moodle has this? no Can it be added? possibility of LTI plugin but relies on a lot of data structures on SPIDER (cluster, sessions, class, marks) which would have to be replicated/ passed through. 4.9 myPDP integrated PDP access. Custom PDP based on students degree/ year of study. Multiple different PDP for different disciplines/ departments. Moodle has this? not part of core. Can it be added? via external PDP tool (Mahara). Feature differences. Would be critical/ major issue for many departments. Would probably remain on SPIDER. 4.10 myCounsellor shows the student their counsellor’s name and contact details Moodle has this? no Can it be added? should be simple development/ portal issue. 4.11 myGroups shows the students all the groups they belong to (class, site, personal). Allows them to create and manage their own personal groups. Groups automatically have their own private discussion forum & file store. Moodle has this? Class groups appear on class page. Only thing missing is personal groups, and these are more likely to be done on other (non-university) systems. Can it be added? n/a 13 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 4.12 myBlogs allows the student to create their own public and/or private blog, and access other user’s public blogs. Private blogs are linked to the ePDP tools. Moodle has this? blog plugin from OU. Can it be added? not critical tool as optional ‘extra’ (no cohort has compulsory use of this tool at present) 4.13 myDiscussions & myPosts aggregated view of all discussions that this student has in their filters, and list of all their discussion postings Moodle has this? per class basis. Can it be added? aggregation would be via portal. 4.14 myMessages PM tool (+/- email copy) Moodle has this? yes Can it be added? - 4.15 Notes Allows the student to create ‘post it’ type notes. Can be shared. Moodle has this? yes, but no sharing (probably not needed, as limited uptake on SPIDER) 14 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 5. Tools – Staff 5.1 myDegree in addition to the student version of this tool (see above), staff have the ability to manage the cluster/info files aggregation and view all the students on the degree by year. Moodle has this? no, but has programme sites but may require aggregation by Portal. Can it be added? portal for aggregation. 5.2 myCounsellees staff can view a list of all their student counsellees. Can sort and label the students (e.g. by degree/ year of study). Gives quick access to exam results, with “EWS” colour coding to indicate if student is performing poorly/ well, or has had absences. Quick access to quiz results, ePDP and email. Counsellee (and sub-labelled) list can be used as a target option for messaging (see comms, below). Moodle has this? no Can it be added? may be available in Mercury – need to investigate. 5.3 PDP progress Allows staff user to view class or counsellee list of PDP progress – overview of activities completed/ in progress and indication of ‘seen by staff’ or not. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? PDP provided as external tool, but critical to many staff. Would lose integration. 5.4 Blogs As per student, but with shortcuts to counsellees PDP blogs if present. Moodle has this? blog plugin from OU 15 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Can it be added? not critical tool as optional ‘extra’ (no cohort has compulsory use of this tool) 5.5 User lookup allows the staff user to search for a user. Gives access to ‘user info’ page that lists details of that user (viewing users credentials used to determine what data they will see, if any). Moodle has this? different approach taken. Policy limits access to tool. Role requirement. 5.6 Groups tool Staff users can create class, department or personal groups. Class groups have several options for creation (auto, from list, manual) or can be self sign-up with options to determine deadline for signup and whether to allow students to drop group or not. Groups can have sub-groups, and be nested, and can belong to ‘families’ which allows staff to determine which groups students can sign up to (only one group per family e.g. a student can only sign up to one of 10 tutorial groups if they are in the same family). Groups have session awareness, so can be ‘re-used’ year to year with different student cohorts. Staff and PG tutor users in a group can get a group wide and per user overview of discussion activity which is key to many assessed discussion activities. Moodle has this? yes, different means to same ends. Misses some functions (personal, site/department groups), these are present in Moodle 2. Can it be added? - 5.7 Attendance register can create activities and monitor student attendance. Can view multiple attendance activities at once (e.g. Tue and Thu lab attendance). Allows for notes (e.g. to indicate valid reason for absences). Shows absentees week by week or for all weeks, with mailing list output to allow staff to contact absentees. Moodle has this? yes, some additional features e.g. custom fields/ status. Can it be added? - 16 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 5.8 Activity Manager Allows staff to create ‘activities’ that contain simple or complex options that students indicate a preference for. For example, a list of potential final year projects. Students rank their top 10 (or however many) choices. The activities can then be allocated automatically based on student performance e.g. marks from the exam results for a class and the students own preferences. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? as 4.8 above under student version of tool 5.9 Web modules These tools allow staff to create (pageBuilder) or import (pageLoader) web based content ‘modules’ without having to have extensive HTML skills. Student progress through the modules can be monitored, and can be used to limit access to subsequent modules in combination with quiz performance. Not widely used, but critical to the few staff that do use it. Moodle has this? yes via lesson/ web resource. Can it be added? possibly using LTI plugin if missing features. 5.10 Class lists Staff can view the class list for any class they have a connection with. Links to the ‘user info’ page, indicates counsellor, email address. Can be exported. Moodle has this? yes, but class limited/ no aggregation. Can it be added? - 5.11 myAssignments allows staff to set and monitor assignment submissions for any class they are involved with. Can create ‘REAP’ type assignments – these have the option to have pre- or post-submission questionnaires; feedback generator templates to facilitate feedback authoring for staff. Staff can mark, make marks live, give feedback (text, document, feedback generator), export all submissions to zip, batch import feedback files, batch import marks. Email notification of when feedback made, 17 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER with optional attachment of feedback file. Assignments can be anonymous (registration numbers) or show names. Can set up peer marking. Moodle has this? yes, but not all functionality. Can it be added? gaining full functionality would be critical to many departments/ courses. LTI a possibility. 5.12 Questionnaires Staff can create questionnaires for class, groups or clusters. Questionnaires can be anonymous or run in ‘quiz mode’ which allows for ‘marking’ (automated for basic MCQ type, manual for text responses). Responses can be exported in multiple formats (combined, series, formatted, simple) or batch exported. Automated class evaluation questionnaires can be generated, customised by cluster/ department. ‘Nag’ email option to remind students who have not completed or partially completed a questionnaire. Moodle has this? yes, but not all functionality, particularly lacking automated custom class evaluations and ‘nag’. Can it be added? gaining full functionality would be critical. May be possible via LTI. 5.13 Quizzes – results Complex and simple views of quiz results (by class, quiz, individual). Question by question breakdown with stats. Absentee and deadline monitor to see when students fail to attempt or complete attempt late. Moodle has this? yes, but different presentation. Can it be added? - 5.14 Quizzes – quiz builder Questions Varied question types – MCQ single/multi/T-F; drag n drop; drag n label; numeric with LaTeX support (renders variables in TeX). HTML in all of question, options and feedback. Questions can be shared (to cluster, all users) . 18 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER Quizzes Can be run in self assessment (feedback, answer and marks shown), formal assessment (no feedback, mark shown at end) or formal exam (no feedback, no mark) modes. Password, deadline (enforced option), randomisation, activation date, time limit. Subsets and sections with subsets. Drag n drop re-ordering of questions. Numeric options to show/hide correct formula and dis/allow reattempts with new variables. Can allow students to review attempted quizzes. Share quiz and questions between staff. Quizzes can be set to appear in any class the staff member has rights over, results can be filtered by class, session and to show/hide revision attempts. Moodle has this? yes, but different presentation. Can it be added? need to investigate migration mechanisms. 5.15 Examinations View results for any class the user has rights over. View results summary (for cluster, shows all classes, with/without examinations). Upload single or multiple sets of marks (batch copy or mark by mark entry). Email confirmation of marks to co-ordinator. Marks pending until release (made live). Option to show/ hide mean, std dev and ‘rank’ in class to students. Export, filters etc. Moodle has this? gradebook. Similar functionality. No aggregation/ cluster summary, critical to Physics. Can it be added? portal. Check Mercury for similar. 5.16 Lab Data Staff member can create “templates” for capturing lab data (input by students). Data per student or for class can be seen, option to allow students to see own or class. Can tag data with file upload. Moodle has this? database tool Can it be added? via LTi plugin and/or need to investigate database tool 5.17 exam paper builder this recent addition allows staff to create examination papers from a modifiable question bank of 19 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER MCQ, complex MCQ and essay type questions. Outputs a pdf file to be used as final ‘paper’ copy for class and degree examinations. Runs in secure webspace. Moodle has this? no Can it be added? departmental administration tool, not a T&L tool. 5.18 Custom tools SPIDER has various heavily customised tools and activities e.g. SCRIPT, FMT labs, and some ‘legacy’ rich media content which would not migrate easily. It may be possible to launch these using the LTI plugin, but will need more investigation. 20 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 6. Tools – Admin SPIDER admin tools are extensive, but it is perhaps not appropriate at this juncture to discuss these as many are related to the ‘system’ level. 21 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 7. Comms - news & messaging SPIDER’s messaging tools are heavily used, particularly the ‘news’ functions, which are used on a daily basis. Authorised users are able to: Post news to home page +/- class home page (user’s filters determine what they see) Target by one or more of class, year, cluster Email copy post to class list/ custom mailing list Appear automatically in RSS feed (“locked” class news is masked if not logged in) Present news to mobile site Appear in archive automatically, can be browsed month by month, +/- users news filter. PM to individual, group, counsellees/ subsets of counsellees +/- email copy Moodle limitations no post to home page – user must go to every class home page to see news email copy sent 1 hour after post cannot multi-target classes cannot add/ target mailing lists cannot mark news read (home page news weeks old already) archive doesn’t appear to have navigation by month/year Moodle has this? no Can it be added? equivalent will need to be provided, as is critical to all users. Probably best placed at portal level, but with access to the Comms tool from Moodle. 22 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 8. Comms – discussion forums 8.1 ‘community’ forums general, SPIDER (tech), for sale/wanted – for all users on all clusters year 1-5 + PG – cluster specific PharmSOC, BioSOC – society forums (cluster limited) Moodle has this? no Can it be added? can be done using self registration/ enrolment key, yet to be requested. 8.2 ‘unread in’ shows the user which forums have ‘new’ posts since they last ‘marked read’ Moodle has this? yes, but not aggregated. Can it be added? per class basis at present, portal should provide aggregation. 8.3 forum ratings can up/ down rate community forum posts Moodle has this? yes, customised rating values. Can it be added? - 8.4 group forum overview see groups above – authorised users can see posts per user/ group in quick view, with print/ export option to aid marking of formally assigned group work. Moodle has this? via profile, filtered by group. Can it be added? difference in presentation/ aggregation level. 23 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 9. Widgets SPIDER allows users to customise their home page with ‘widgets’. The widgets can either be versions of SPIDER tools or a selection of ‘approved’ external widgets. These include: Blogs Campus maps Clock Cluster files FAQ/help Gmail Library resources SPIDER News feed Twitter, Digg, Facebook Calculator User lookup tool Nemo Google Library Video search (of university video streaming server) Websites ‘in a window’ (BBC, Strathclyde, PEGASUS), user defined External RSS news feeds New widgets can be added by system admins. Moodle has this? no. Can it be added? should be provided by portal system. 24 Tools, functions & features missing from Moodle that are available in SPIDER 10. Miscellaneous 10.1 mobile device support SPIDER has mobile device detection which forwards the user to an alternative, mobile optimised login page and version of the site. This makes use of heavily customised version of “iWeb kit” (a combination of CSS and page layouts) to present certain SPIDER features in a mobile friendly form. At present mobile SPIDER provides: news (current and archive, supports ‘unread’ feature) classes (current content and one year of archive) discussions (community and class, supports ‘unread’ feature) tools are in development, with myExam/Quiz results near completion The development of this aspect of SPIDER, along with the ‘widget’ features have lead to large amounts of the SPIDER ‘core’ being redeveloped to make these and future developments possible and easier. Moodle has this? no. Can it be added? not planned, though Moodle will provide data feeds to central mobile development. 25