Exam #2 Study Guide, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Lecture 11: the skull Be familiar with the embryonic origins , location and components of: Neurocranium (ethmoid, sphenoid, otic capsule, occipital) Splanchnocranium (palatoquadrate cartilage, Meckel’s cartilage, basi/hypohyal, ceratohyal, hyomandibular) The evolution of the inner ear (malleus, incus, stapes) Dermatocranium (premaxilla, maxilla, nasal, frontal, parietal, post-parietal, lacrimal, prefrontal, postfrontal, postorbital, jugal, dentary, splenial, angular, surangular) What is meant by temporal fenestration? Anapsids, synapsids, diapsids Lecture 12: the axial skeleton General functions of axial skeleton General components of axial skeleton Centrum, neural arches, neural spines, haemal arch, haemal spine, transverse process (diapophysis, parapophysis, zygapophysis), basapophysis Evolution of spine Notochord Derived fishes, lissamphibia, amniotes, reptiles, birds, mammals Cranio-vertebral joint Differences among fishes, amphibians, reptiles/birds, mammals Sternum Function, specializations among animals discussed Lecture 13: the appendicular skeleton General functions and components Fin and limb functions Phylogeny Know basic trends and evolutionary trajectories (e.g. specializations and reductions/repositions of bones for changes in posture/locomotion and size) Lecture 14: terrestrial locomotion Understand the trends in Taxa, Locomotion, Trunk, Pelvic Girdle, Pectoral Girdle, Limb, Foot, Muscles for: Straddling or Sprawling Posture Erect/Upright Posture Cursorial Specializations in Mammals Lecture 15: swimming and flying thrust lift Types of swimming two general trends: (1) undulation/oscillation (2) rowing/paddling Flight Principles Types of Flight Passive Active For bats as well as bird, know: Basic Wing Terms, Basic Aerodynamics, Requirements for Flight, Wings, Pectoral Girdle, Axial Skeleton, Major Flight Muscles, (Downstroke, Upstroke or Recovery) Lecture 16: gill respiration In vertebrates, three separate areas are often used for respiration. pharynx which in vertebrates is normally equated with gills skin digestive tract which in vertebrates is usually equated with the lungs. Introductory Terms Ventilation Respiration Diffusion Perfusion Designs for Gas Exchange Countercurrent Crosscurrent Uniform Pool or Concurrent Evolutionary Origin Pharyngeal Pouch Embryonic Development Limitations of Gills Benefits Some Internal Gills (analogs - none are true homologs) Septal, Opercular Gill Ventilation Ram Ventilation Rhythmic Ventilation Lecture 17: lung respiration Overview Lepidosaurs, Testudines, Crocodilians, Aves, Mammals Lungs and their ducts Pleura, pleural cavity. Trachea, bronchi, and lung structure Lung Design Constraints Phylogenetic Variation in Tetrapod Lungs Design & Efficiency Lissamphibia Non-Mammalian Amniotes Mammals Birds You have outlines/study guides for the following lectures: Lecture 18: circulation I (the heart) Lecture 19: Aortic and Venous vasculature Potentially useful links for additional materials Auburn Univ. - Comp. Vert. Anatomy - Bio. 3010 http://www.auburn.edu/academic/classes/zy/0301/comparative_home/comparative_home.html Eastern Kentucky Univ., G. Richison's Comp. Vert. Anat. ,Bio. 342 - good notes & graphics http://www.biology.eku.edu/RITCHISO/342syl.htm Kent Univ. - Comp. Anatomy http://www.personal.kent.edu/~tbills/index.htm Lander Univ., Comparative Vert. Anatomy, Bio. 308, Lecture Outlines http://www.science.lander.edu/rsfox/308lecture.html Murray State Univ., Dr. T. Dertinger's Compative Anatomy Atlas http://campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/terry.derting/anatomyatlas/Index.htm Univ. of Dallas, Bio. 3323 Comp. Vertebrate Anatomy http://www.udallas.edu/biology/Brown/Anatomy/anatomysyllabus.html