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5-7 Sentence Introduction ¶
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"Bread Slices - Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger." Causes of Malnutrition.
Web. 15 Nov. 2010. < >.
The author, in the article Causes of Malnutrition, argues that child malnutrition is mainly caused by the mothers that are unstable physically, socially, and financially. The author supports his/her argument by explaining that when a mother cannot provide food or produces very little breast milk for their baby, malnutrition can occur and could potentially rob the baby of a long life. The author’s purpose is to suggest that malnutrition in children and babies are mostly caused by mothers so that women who are to become mothers or that already are to check their nutritional status. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for future mothers.
This bona fide website contains a wide range of information about hunger. It is also an organization that persuades the nation’s decision makers to help put a stop to world hunger. I would like to use this website as my primary resource, because it inspires me to help persuade others to take action. This website has created an online petition to end hunger and collected over
10,000 signatures. I would also love to make a petition of my own further into the process of this ongoing project.
"Bread Slices - Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger."
Fact Sheet: Africa’s Progress and Challenges.
Convio. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. < >.
The author, in the article
Fact Sheet: Africa’s Progress and Challenges
, explains that
Sub-African countries has had a decrease in population of the amount of starving people, but
Last Name 2 there is still a high rate of malnourished children. The author supports his/her explanation by comparing the number of hungry people in Sub Africa from 1994 to 2004. The author’s purpose is to inform that although Sub-Africa has decreased the number of hungry people, they still need to work on little improvements so that others can join and contribute to helping Sub-Africa. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for possible participants in decreasing or even putting an end to world hunger.
Bred Slices is a trustworthy website that has various credible contributors, editors, and authors. Hunger is the main focus of this website and this often guides me through my research and papers. This website especially, delivers factual information that is never opinionated. By using links and bibliographies, it is easy to this of Bread Slices as a trusty website. I would like to use this for further research by only providing information that is fact by supporting my explanations with links and citations.
Cuizon, Gwen. "World Hunger Solutions." Web log post. Bukisa . Creative Commons License,
26 Jan. 2009. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
Gwen Cuizon, in the article World Hunger Solutions (2009), explains that the causes of world hunger are not food shortage in the world, but lack of money to provide this food. In addition to this, solutions to world hunger are stated. Cuizon supports her explanation by describing the most highlighted causes and solutions of world hunger. The author’s purpose is to inform ordinary people how they can decrease the high rate of hunger so that more can take action. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for people who might be considering donating their time to the impoverished and hungry people.
This source would be a credible source because when I looked for more background on the author, I was given a number of sites. This author has worked with many other websites and
Last Name 2 works towards fighting world hunger. In addition to this, she adds a sources link to where she has found her information. I can apply Gwen Cuizon’s research to my research by using her suggestions for taking action against world hunger and better illustrating how world hunger is caused, to break down the myths of other possible causes.
Every 5 Seconds . Dir. Pumpuriukas. You Tube . 22 Nov. 2007. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.
Pumpuriukas, in the YouTube video Every 5 Seconds (2007), explains that a child every five seconds is dyeing of hunger and being malnourished. Pumpuriukas supports his/her explanation by illustrating with justifiable reasoning, where the information was found, and horrifying pictures of frail children dying of hunger. The author’s purpose is to inform people how many children are dying from lack of food so that we can take action to reduce the rates of dying children. The author illustrates his/her point in an informal tone for people that might be willing to take action in feeding the impoverished and starving children in different countries.
This is not a credible source, because the author does not show his/her real name and it is a YouTube video that anyone could have made. Although, there is a work sited and he/she is currently studying the facts and solutions to world hunger. This source is relevant to my research paper, because it provides more background on the rates of hunger. This video also expresses an emotional appeal with added music and images. I can take this effect of the video and apply that to my paper.
"Hunger and Malnutrition." Feeding Minds Fighting Hunger . 2006. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.
The author, in the article Hunger and Malnutrition (2006), explains that malnutrition and hunger are not what kills a person, but their side affects and illnesses that they cause. The author supports his/her explanation by describing the illnesses that are caused by hunger and
Last Name 2 malnutrition and breaking them down to show how they apply to a deadly situation. The author’s purpose is to show how a lack of food or poor nutrition can lead to illnesses and eventually death so that people are aware of the pain that hunger is causing and that we need to help the starving people. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for the people who might want to be informed on how important nutrition is and how it affects others.
Even though no author is stated, this web page was created by FMFH, which is a widely known organization that globally encourages students and teachers to take action in fighting world hunger. This web page can be applied in my research paper by showing how important nutrition is to the ordinary person. I can also argue that hunger and malnutrition is not the cause of deaths, but the illnesses and side affects of it. I could use this information that I have learned about the illnesses and further look into other cures, besides eating regularly and making healthy food choices.
"Hunger Graphs." WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide .
14 Sept. 2009. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <>.
The graph, in the article WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting
Hunger Worldwide (2009), explains that in 2008-2009, there was a major increase of the total number of hungry people. The graph supports its explanation by illustrating an increased slope on the line graph. The graph’s purpose is to show the increase and decrease of the number of hungry people in the years 2001-2009 so that possible natural disasters or other destroying problems can be linked to the increase of people. The graph is semi formal for researchers of world hunger who want a small and easy to read visual that shows the pattern of the number of hungry people.
The website that this graph was found on is highly credible. This website has been used many times in my research, because it provides accurate and well documented information. The
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WFP is a widely known organization that fights against hunger and the website can also be useful for further research. This graph is valuable for further research, because I can conclude that natural disasters and possibly recession are some causes of world hunger.
"Hunger Information.” Combining Microfinance, Education, and Health Protection to End
World Hunger: Freedom from Hunger . 1995. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.
The author, in the article Combining Microfinance, Education, and Health Protection to End World Hunger: Freedom from Hunger (1995), explains that chronic hunger is a deadly condition and its victims are mainly children and pregnant women. The author supports his/her explanation by illustrating the effects of chronic hunger and how it can destroy life span and the body. The author’s purpose is to show how chronic hunger effects about 800 people in the world, how it can destroy families, how increasingly severe this problem is so that many will take action in help to solve chronic hunger. The author writes in a semi-formal and depressing tone for mainly mothers with children that will feel emotionally torn by reading the hunger facts and chronic hunger’s effect on children and pregnant women (the main targets).
This source is substantially credible. Freedom of Hunger is not only a website, but an ongoing organization that works actively in fighting world hunger. The web page comes with a contact list and a large bibliography of where the hunger facts were found. This charity website can be used in my further research because I can apply their emotional tone to my research, photos, and future reports. The melancholy statistics and information can be used to persuade others to join in to help fight world hunger.
"ReliefWeb." Humanitarian Organizations Launch Global Campaign to Avert Famine in Africa .
Mercy Corps., 05 Dec. 2002. Web. 05 Dec. 2010.
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The author, in the article Humanitarian Organizations Launch Global Campaign to Avert
Famine in Africa (2002), argues that natural disasters and government are the main causes of world hunger. The author supports his/her argument by describing facts about impoverished countries and how it relates to the natural disasters and the government. The author’s purpose is to show that when natural disasters occur and when the government is unsatisfactory, an increased number of people are starving so that a lacking government will straiten out. This also shows that the people that experience natural disasters are in dire need of food to survive. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for the government officials and locations struck by natural disasters.
This source is somewhat credible by providing quotes, contact information, and accurate facts about world hunger. The only lacking quality to be a highly credible source is that it is not widely known and no authors are stated throughout the entire website. Although there are no authors stated, I will continue to use the article that I have collected. It contains a widespread of correct information, including citations and statistics to support its facts. This will be useful for further research, because it offers another perspective on causes of hunger. Very little amount of times have I heard that world hunger is caused by the government and natural disasters.
Techamuanvivi, Pim. "Fundraising to Fight Hunger." End Hunger Blog . Web. 17 Nov. 2010.
Pim Techamuanvivi, in the blog End Hunger Blog , explains that there are many ways to contribute to the end of hunger and in her blog lists current and upcoming fundraisers, the locations, and their costs. Techamuanvivi supports her explanation by listing fundraisers, raffles, and achievements that have helped fight against world hunger. The author’s purpose is to inform about ways to help fight against world hunger in hopes of more visitors to increase the amount of
Last Name 2 money given to starving persons. The author writes in an informal tone for supporters against hunger.
This blog is credible, because it is created by a noteworthy author and fully describes upcoming fundraisers. After looking through the full website, I do not see any incorrect information or inaccurate results. I would like to come back to this website during further research to view any local current events in help fighting hunger. I also view myself in committing to a large campaign against hunger, that it lands on this blog to attract more participants.
World Hunger Statistics . Dir. Yohin2. You Tube . 09 May 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.
Yohin2, in the YouTube video World Hunger Statistics (2010), explains the statistics about the number of hungry people, how much food is wasted yearly, and how many starving people die of hunger. Yohin2 supports his explanation by illustrating his statements as each statistic is shown. The author’s purpose is to show how the one-sixth of the population is starving and that not many are taking action in order to create an emotional appeal so there is more contributors. The author writes in an informal tone for YouTube views and potential participants against world hunger.
Although, the author of this YouTube video does not state his name or create a bibliography for his information, I have researched some of the hunger facts that he gives, and they are accurate and correct. Therefore, I can say that this source is credible. I would like to use this information in my further research by incorporating these statistics in my PowerPoint and other papers to show how food can affect a person’s life, even a country’s lifestyle. Using this information can also create a sense of guilt from being wasteful and ungrateful for food.
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Zopf, Tom. "Global Issues: World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics 2010." World Hunger
Notes Homepage . 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.
< hunger facts 2002.htm>.
Tom Zopf, in the article Global Issues: World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics
2010 (2010), claims that poverty and conflict are the two main causes of hunger. Zopf supports his claims by describing how much money an average person in an impoverished country lives on per day, including anguish over conflict. The author’s purpose is to point out all of the myths of the causes of hunger in order to state the proven causes, using facts and statistics. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for possible advocates that want to take action against hunger.
This source is highly credible and is notably useful in further research. This website comes with a contact page of the authors and pages of connected links and bibliographies. The author supports his conclusions and statements by including graphs and accurate statistics. By using this webpage, I can refer to graphs that can help better explain poverty and financial situations of impecunious countries.