Writing Editorials What is an editorial? An editorial is a column or article expressing the author’s opinion, usually trying to persuade readers to adopt the author’s point of view. Often, editorials express the views of a newspaper or publication in which they are written. What do editorials include? 1. Introduction, body, solution, and conclusion. See below: 2. Explanation of the issue 3. A timely news angle 4. ________________________________ 5. No _____________________________ 6. Alternative ____________________________________. A good editorial should _____________________________________________________________________. 7. The conclusion should summarize __________________________________. What are four types of editorials? 1. Editorials of argument and persuasion, which _____________________________________________________________________. 2. Editorials that provide information and interpretations that explain the meaning of a situation or event or identify issues. 3. Editorials of tribute or appreciation, which praise a person or activity. 4. Editorials of entertainment: satire or humoristic. What is the structure of an editorial? Four parts— 1. _______________________________--states the problem 2. Body --_______________________________________ 3. __________________-- ___________________________________ 4. Conclusion—emphasizes the main issue and re-states your point of view. *Taken from http://www.snn-rdr.ca/snn/nr_reporterstoolbox/writingeditorials.html See my website to link.