Chapter 7: Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry

DISCLAIMER: these notes are provided to assist you in mastering the course material but they are not intended as a replacement of the
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Chapter 7: Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
7.1 States, Systems & Processes
Back to the macroscopic:
 System of interest, closed or open
 The rest = universe
 Extensive – sum of parts
 Intensive – same in each part, eg. T, P
Thermodynamic state is at equilibrium when none of its properties change with time
 Described by an equation of state, eg. PV = nRT (for ideal gas as model system)
Thermodynamic process – a change in state
 Reversible process occurs via a series of thermodynamic states
State functions: V, T, P, internal energy E (change depends only on initial and final
points, independent of pathway)
Two questions:
 Will a process occur spontaneously?
 How far will the process go?
 These addressed by the first two laws of thermodynamics, First Law here, Second Law in
chapter 8
7.2 First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy, Work & Heat
 Mechanical work, w = F(rf – ri) = Ma(rf – ri), a displacement
But, distance = velocity x time, and a = (vf – vi)/t
 v - v i  v i  v f 
w  M f
 t  2 
v f - v i v i  v f 
M 2 M 2
vf v i   (kinetic energy)
PV-work: eg. piston in cylinder
Fi = PiA
if Pext < Pi , expansion
w = - Fext (hf – hi)
= - Pext  V
here,  V > 0, hence w < 0, i.e.- the system does work
if  V < 0 (compression), w > 0, i.e.- work is done on the system
Chem 59-110 (’02)
(see Fig. 7.1)
 Above concerned with kinetic and potential energy
 Also internal thermal or heat energy (recall gas molecules)
 Characterized as specific heat capacity, heat required to raise temp of 1 g, 1 oC
q = McsT
= heat transferred to a body of mass M, specific heat capacity cs to cause temp change of
 Often given in calories (1 cal defined for 1 g of water raised from 14.5 to 15.5 oC; 1 cal =
4.184 J)
 See Example 7.2
First Law of Thermodynamics
 Energy change in a system is due to the mechanical work done and heat transferred
E = q + w
 Note, Esystem = - Esurroundings , so that Euniverse = 0
 And, E a state function, although q and w are not (pathway-dependent)
7.3 Heat Capacity, Enthalpy & Calorimetry
Heat capacity of system, C, energy required to raise temp 1 K
 Specify whether constant P, define Cp, or constant V, define Cv
 Eg. Table 7.1 for Cp’s (specific, since per g)
 Or, as molar quantities, cp, cv
Heat transfer
qv = n cv (T2 – T1) = n cv T
qp = n cp (T2 – T1) = n cv T
These determined in calorimeters
 Constant volume, “bomb” calorimeter
 Easier to do at constant pressure, determine enthalpy
E = qp + w
= qp - PextV
hence, qp = E + PextV
=  (E + PV)
= H
H = enthalpy, a state function at constant P (a correction on internal energy when
some used for expansion work rather than raising temp)
7.4 First Law & Ideal Gases
Read for interest, no testing
Eg. relates cp and cv: cp = cv + R (this for gases; for solids and liquids, cp  cv)
Chem 59-110 (’02), ch. 7, Thermodynamics & Thermochem
7.5 Thermochemistry
Enthalpies of Reactions
 Energy changes accompanying reactions
Eg. CO(g) +  O2(g)  CO2(g) + heat
(283 kJ)
i.e.- “heat” is a product, released out of system to surroundings
therefore, H has negative sign, exothermic
(opposite: endothermic, positive sign, for reverse reaction)
Additivity of reaction enthalpies: Hess’s Law, see Fig. 7.14
Similarly, treat phase changes like reactions, eg. Hfus , Hvap , etc., Table 7.2
 Eg. could calculate Hsubl for H2O from Table)
Standard State Enthalpies
 No absolute
 First define a reference point standard state
 Solids & liquids: stable state at 1 atm & specified temp
 Gases: gas phase at 1 atm, specified temp, ideal behaviour
 Solutions: 1 M at 1 atm, specified temp, ideal behaviour
 Temp usually 25oC (298.15 K)
Then define a zero point
 Chemical elements in their standard states at 298.15 K have enthalpies of zero (use
superscript o, “naught”)
Standard enthalpy change for a reaction, Ho
 All reactants and products in their standard states
Standard enthalpy of formation, Hfo
 For 1 mole of a compound from the elements in their standard states at 1 atm and 25oC
Eg. H2(g) +  O2(g)  H2O(l); Ho = -285.83 kJ
Therefore, Hfo(H2O(l)) = - 285.83 kJ mol-1
 With a table of Hfo’s, can calculate Ho for any reaction
 Example 7.7 for: 2 NO(g) + O2(g)  2 NO2(g)
In general: for aA + bB  cC + dD
Ho = cHfo(C) + dHfo(D) - aHfo(A) - bHfo(B)
Eg. calculate heat of combustion of octane, C8H18
C8H18(l) + 12.5 O2(g)  8 CO2(g) + 9 H2O(l)
Hfo (kJ mol-1)
Chem 59-110 (’02), ch. 7, Thermodynamics & Thermochem
Horxn = 8 Hfo(CO2) + 9 Hfo(H2O) - Hfo(C8H18) - 12.5 Hfo(O2)
= 8 (-393.51) + 9 (-285.83) - (-250.0) - 0
= -5470.6 kJ
Extension to bond enthalpies, Table 7.3 (read for interest)
7.6 Reversible Processes in Ideal Gases
Not just initial and final states in equilibrium, but every point along the path
Two situations:
 Isothermal – constant temp,
E = 0 (ideal gas), therefore, w = -q
 Adiabatic – no heat transfer into or out of system
q = 0, therefore, E = w
Read for interest
Suggested Problems
1 – 15, 23 – 35, odd
Chem 59-110 (’02), ch. 7, Thermodynamics & Thermochem