VNIP Bibliography 2012 - Vermont Nurses in Partnership

289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
Bibliography and Resource list
Focus on Specific Content Areas and/or Instructional Modalities
1. Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2011) Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach / Edition
5, Elsevier Health Sciences,
2. Alfaro-LeFevre. (2009) Applying Nursing Process: Promoting Collaborative Care, 7th Edition , Lippincott
3. Alspach, JoAnn Grif. (2000) From Staff Nurse to Preceptor: A Preceptor Development Program, 2nd Ed., 2000,
American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
4. Armstrong, G.E., Spencer, T.S. & Lenburg, C.B. (2009). Using quality and safety education for nurses to enhance
competency outcome performance assessment: A synergistic approach that promotes patient safety and quality
outcomes, Journal of Nurs Educ., 48, 686-693.
5. Badeau, K. Problem-Based Learning: An Educational Method for Nurses in Clinical Practice. Journal for Nurses in
Staff Development. Nov/Dec 2010 Vol 26 No 6; pp 244 – 249
6. Benner, P. (1984). From Novice to expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park, CA:
7. Benner, P., Leonard, V., Day, L., Sutphen, M. (2009) Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation (JosseyBass/Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Series)
8. Cohen, Shelley (2006), Critical Thinking in the Emergency Department, Skills to Assess, Analyze, and Act
9. Facione, N., & Facione, P. (2008) “Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment,” from Critical Thinking and Clinical
Reasoning in the Health Sciences: A Teaching Anthology, 2008. Published by Insight Assessment / The California
Academic Press: Millbrae CA. pp. 1-13
10. Felder, R.M., (1996) Index of Learning Styles, Matters of Style,
ASEE Prism, 6(4), 18-23 (December 1996).
11. Fleming, N., VARK - a Guide to Learning Styles
12. Gibson, S. (2009). Enhancing intergenerational communication in the classroom: Recommendations for successful
teacher-student relationships. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30, 37-39. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from the
EBSCO host database.
13. Green M., Zick, A., Makoul, G. (2009) Defining Professionalism From the Perspective of Patients, Physicians, and
Nurses Academic Medicine, Vol. 84, NO. 5 / May 2009
14. Harder, Nicole. (2009) Evolution of Simulation Use in Health Care Education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Vol 5,
Issue 5, pp. e169-e172 Sept 2009.
15. Heims, Marsha L; Boyd, Sheryl T. (1990) Concept-Based Learning Activities in Clinical Nursing Education June 1990
29(6) Journal of Nursing Education
16. Nielsen, Ann.(2009) Concept-Based Learning Activities Using the Clinical Judgment Model as a Foundation for
Clinical Learning. June, 2009 48(6) Journal of Nursing Education
17. Nielsen, Ann; Stragnell, Susan; and Jester, Pricilla. (2007) Guide for Reflection Using the Clinical Judgment Model.
November 2007 46(11) Journal of Nursing Education
18. Noone, Joanne. (2009) Teaching to the Three Apprenticeships: Designing Learning Activities for Professional
Practice in an Undergraduate Curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education Vol. 48 No. 8 August 2009.
19. O’Rouke, M. (2009) WEBCASTS: Professional Role Competency - Leading and Transforming Practice at the Point of
Care to Ensure Quality Care and Patient Safety. March 17, 2009 at 2:00 PM EST accessed on 5/21/09 at:
20. Robert Wood Johnson. ((c) 2010). QSEN - Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. Retrieved September 30, 2010,
from QSEN - Quality and Safety Education for Nurses:
21. Ross, Amy Miner; Noone, Joanne; Luce, Linda L.; and Sideras, Stephanie A. (2009) Spiraling Evidence-Based Practice
and Outcomes Management Concepts in an Undergraduate Curriculum: A Systematic Approach. June, 2009 48(6)
Journal of Nursing Education
22. Sheffield, D. (2009). Practice Makes Perfect- Not! Online Bookstore: Dorrance Pub. Co., Inc. Retrieved at, M. (2006, May 31). "Integrating Generational Perspectives in Nursing". . Vol.
11 No. 2, Manuscript 1. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing:
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration
289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
23. Teach, R., & Murff, E. (2008). Are the Business Simulations We Play Too Complex? Developments in Business
Simulation and Experiential Learning , 35, 205 - 211. , 35, 205 - 211.
24. Tschannen, D., Keenan, G., Aebersold, M., Kocan, M., Lunday, F., Averhart, V. (2011) Implications of Nursephysician Relations: Report of a Successful Intervention. Nurs Econ. 2011;29 (3):127-135. © 2011 Jannetti
Publications, Inc. Posted: 10/06/2011;
Internship, Residency & Competency Program Developmental process
25. American Association of Colleges of Nursing . (n.d.). Nurse Residency Program Executive Summary . Retrieved
October 20, 2010, from University Health System Consortium - UHC · 2001 Spring Road · Suite 700 · Oak Brook, Illinois
26. Boyer, S. (1999) Courses Without Classrooms. JNSD: Vol. 15 - Issue 3 - pp 116-119
27. Boyer, S. (2002) Education -Practice Collaboration builds Internship and Preceptor Programs, Nursing Education
Perspectives, Vol 23, No 2. Mar/Apr 2002 pp. 81-85.
28. Boyer, S. (2011). Preceptorship: Pathway to Safe Practce and Clinical Reasoning. In P. &. Joseph, Nursing Leadership:
A Concise Encyclopedia 2nd Edition (pp. P. 29 - 31). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
29. Boyer, S. (2011). Vermont Nurses In Partnership: Developing Nurses Competence within a Complex, High-Acuity
Healthcare Environment. In A. Bushy, & D. Molinari, Rural Nurse: Transition to Practice. New York: Springer Publishing
30. Boyer,S. (2008) Competence and Innovation in Preceptor Development – Updating our Programs.JNSD, Vol 24, No. 2,
31. Dellasega, C. G.-K. (2009). An Exploratory Study of the Orientation Needs of Exprienced Nurses . The Journal of
Continuing Education in Nursing . July 2009 - Vol 40, No 7 , Vol 40, No 7, pp. 311 – 316
32. Duchscher, J.B. (2008). A process of becoming: the stages of new nursing graduate professional role transition.
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(10), 441-450.
33. Duchscher, J.B. (2009). Transitional shock: The initial stage of role adaption for newly graduated registered nurses.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(5), 1103-1113.
34. Hendren, R. (2010). Nurse Residency Programs Pay for Themselves. Health Leaders Media, August 31,2010
35. Kramer et al (2012) The Organizational Transformative Power of Nurse Residency Programs JONA April-June 2012
pp. 155+
36. LaDuke, S. (2001). The Role of Staff Development in Assuring Competence. Journal for Nurses in Staff Dev., Vol. 17,
No. 5, 221-135
37. Lenburg, C. (2010). Competency Outcomes and Performance Assessment for Contemporary Nursing Education. In L.
Caputi, (Ed.). Teaching nursing: The art and Science, Volume 2, (2nd ed.), pp. 175-215, Glen Ellyn, IL: College of DuPage
38. Lenburg, C. (Sept. 30, 1999): The Framework, Concepts and Methods of the Competency Outcomes and
Performance Assessment (COPA) Model. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol 4, No. 2, Manuscript 2. Available:
39. Lenburg, C., Abdur-Rahman, V., Spencer, F., Boyer, S., Klein, C.(2011) Implementing the COPA Model in Nursing
Education and Practice Settings: Promoting Competence, Quality Care, and Patient Safety. Nurs Ed Perspectives: Sept
2011, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 290-296.
40. Lenburg, C., Klein, Abdur-Rahman, Spencer, Boyer, S. (2009) THE COPA MODEL: A Comprehensive Framework
Designed to Promote Quality Care and Competence for Patient Safety. Nursing Education Perspectives: Sept. 2009, Vol.
30, No. 5, pp. 312-317.
41. Luhanga, F., Yonge, O., Myrick, F. (2008) Hallmarks of Unsafe Practice: What Preceptors Know. (JNSD):Volume
24(6)November/December 2008pp 257-264
42. Molinari, D. (2008). A New Type of Rural Nurse Residency. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing (39)1 4246.
43. Hargreaves, L., Nichols, A., Shanks, S., & Halamak, L. (2010). A handoff report card for nursing orientation. Journal
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration
289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
of Nursing Administration, 40(10), 424-431.
Research Data
44. Aiken, L., Clarke, S., Cheung, R., Sloan, D. M. & Silber, J. H. (2003). Educational levels of hospital nurses and surgical
patient mortality. JAMA, 290(12), 1617 – 1623.
45. Bobay, K Gentile, D. Hagle, M. (2009) The relationshoip of nurses’ professional characteristic to levels of clinical
nursing expertise. Applied Nursing Research, Vol 22, p 48 – 53
46. del Bueno, D. (2005). A Crisis in Critical Thinking. Nursing Educ Perspectives. Vol 26 (no. 5). 278-282.
47. Fero, L, et al. (2009) Critical thinking ability of new graduate and experienced nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Vol 65, No. 1, PP. 139-148 (10)
48. Foundation for Nursing Excellence. (2009). Evidence- Based Transition to Nursing Practice Initiative in North
Carolina; Summary of Phase 1 findings. Raleigh, NC: NC Center for Nursing Excellance,
49. Golden, T. (2008) An Outcomes-Based Approach to Improve Registered Nurse Retention. Journal for Nurses in Staff
Development - JNSD. 24(3):E6-E11, May/June 2008.
50. Halfer, K. & Graf, E. (2006) Graduate Nurse Perceptions of the Work Experience. Nurs Econ. 2006; 24(3): 150-155.
51. Hickey, M. (2009) Preceptor Perceptions of New Graduate Nurse Readiness for Practice. JNSD: Vol 25(1)
January/February 2009 pp 35-41
52. Kaeding Toni. The Report on Nursing, December, 1998. Report Commissioned by the Vermont Association of
Hospitals and Health Systems Retrieved on 9/14/2011 from
53. Kalisch, B., Landstrom, G., Williams, R. (2009) Missed Nursing Care: Errors of omission Nurs Outlook 2009; 57: 3-9
54. Lee T-Y, Tzeng W-C, Lin C-H & Yeh M-L (2009) Effects of a preceptorship programme on turnover rate, cost, quality
and professional development. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 1217–1225
55. Meretoja R; Koponen L. A systematic model to compare nurses' optimal and actual competencies in the clinical
setting. J Adv Nurs. 2012; 68(2):414-22
56. Office of Nursing Workforce Research, Practice and Development. (2005). Registered Nursing in Vermont.
Retrieved November 28, 2005, from
57. Olson, M. (2009) The “Millennials”: First year in practice. Nurs Outlook 2009; 57: 10-17
58. Pellico, L. B. (2009). What newly licensed registered nurses have to say about their first experiences. Nurs Outlook ,
pp. 194 - 203.
59. Porter-O’Grady, T. (2009) Commentary on Lee T-Y, Tzeng W-C, Lin C-H & Yeh M-L (2009) Effects of a preceptorship
programme on turnover rate, cost, quality and professional development. JCN, 18, 3207–3209
60. Quinn, J. (2010). Nurse satisfaction, retention efforts pay huge dividends at UMHC. Retrieved September 11, 2010
61. Sorensen, H., Yankech, L. (2008) Precepting in the Fast Lane: Improving Critical Thinking in New Graduate Nurses.
JCEN Vol. 39 No. 5 May 2008
62. Trepanier, S.; Early,S.; Ulrich, B.; Cherry, B.; (2012) New Graduate Nurse Residency Program. Nurs
Econ. 2012;30(4):207-214. © 2012 Jannetti Publications, Inc
63. VanWymgeeren, K. & Stuart, T. (2009). Increasing New Graduate Nurse Retention From a Student Nurse
Perspective. RN Jour. p. 1-4
Altmann, T. K. (2006). Preceptor Selection, Orientation, and Evaluation in Baccalaureate Nursing Education. International
Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 1.
Anna C. Ehrenberg, M. H. (2007). Problem-based learning in clinical nursing education: Integrating theory and practice .
Nurse Education in Practice, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 67-74 .
Bailey, C. M. (2011). Professional tears: developing emotional intelligence around death and dying in emergency work .
Journal of Clinical Nursing , Volume 20, Issue 23-24, pages 3364–3372.
Billay, D. M. (2008). Preceptorship: An integrative review of the literature. . Nurse Education in Practice , Volume 8, Issue
4, Pages 258-266 .
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration
289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
Boyer, S. (2011). Preceptorship: Pathway to Safe Practce and Clinical Reasoning. In P. &. Joseph, Nursing Leadership: A
Concise Encyclopedia 2nd Edition (pp. P. 29 - 31). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Bridie McCarthy MSc, R. R. (2006). Translating person-centred care: a case study of preceptor nurses and their teaching
practices in acute care areas . Journal of Clinical Nursing , Volume 15, Issue 5, pages 629–638.
Bridie McCarthy, S. M. (2008). Assessing undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice: Do preceptors use
assessment strategies? . Nurse Education Today, Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 301-313 .
Claire Budgen, L. G. (2008). An overview of practice education models . Nurse Education Today, Volume 28, Issue 3,
Pages 273-283 .
Duffy, A. (n.d.). Guiding students through reflective practice – The preceptors experiences. A qualitative descriptive
study . Nurse Education in Practice, Volume 9, Issue 3, May 2009, Pages 166-175 .
Farnell S., D. D. (2006). ‘It's not like the wards’. Experiences of nurses new to critical care: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 319-331 .
Hautala, K. T.-K. (2007). Nurses' Perceptions of Stress and Support in the Preceptor Role . Journal for Nurses in Staff
Development: , Volume 23 - Issue 2 - pp 64-70.
Henderson, A., Fox, R., & Malko-Nyhan, K. (2006). An Evaluation of Preceptors’ Perceptions of Educational Preparation
and Organizational Support for Their Role. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Volume 37 • Issue 3:
Hickey, M. T. (2009). Preceptor Perceptions of New Graduate Nurse Readiness for Practice . Journal for Nurses in Staff
Development - JNSD:, Volume 25 - Issue 1 - pp 35-41.
Huston, C. J. (2006). Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams &
Kaeding, T. (n.d.). VONL - Current State of Nursing in Vermont. . Retrieved from
Karin Hallin, E. D. (2009). Being a personal preceptor for nursing students: Registered Nurses’ experiences before and
after introduction of a preceptor model . Journal of Advanced Nursing , Vol. 65, Iss. 1, pages 161–174.
Kristiina Hyrkäs, M. S. (2007). Changes in the preceptor role: re-visiting preceptors’ perceptions of benefits, rewards,
support and commitment to the role . Journal of Advanced Nursing , Volume 60, Issue 5, pages 513–524.
Lillibridge, J. (2007). Using clinical nurses as preceptors to teach leadership and management to senior nursing students:
A qualitative descriptive study . Nurse Education in Practice, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 44-52.
McCallum, J. (2007). The debate in favour of using simulation education in pre-registration adult nursing. Nurse
Education Today, Volume 27, Issue 8, Pages 825-831 .
Mohide, E. A., & Matthew-Maich, N. (2007). Engaging nursing preceptor-student dyads in an evidence-based approach
to professional practice . Evidence Based Nursing, 10: 36-40.
Newhouse, R., Hoffman, J., Suflita, J., & Hairston, D. (2007). Evaluating an Innovative Program to Improve New Nurse
Graduate Socialization Into the Acute Healthcare Setting . Nursing Administration Quarterly:, January/March
2007 - Volume 31 - Issue 1 - p 50-60.
Nielsen, A., Stragnell, S., & and Jester, P. (2007). Guide for Reflection Using the Clinical Judgment Model. Journal of
Nursing Education, 46(11) .
Robyn Fox, A. H.-N. (2005). They survive despite the organizational culture, not because of it’: A longitudinal study of
new staff perceptions of what constitutes support during the transition to an acute tertiary facility.
International Journal of Nursing Practice , Volume 11, Issue 5, pages 193–199.
Schumacher, D. L. (2007). Caring Behaviors of Preceptors as Perceived by New Nursing Graduate Orientees. Journal for
Nurses in Staff Development - JNSD, Volume 23 - Issue 4 - pp 186-192.
Smedley, A. M. (2008). Becoming and Being a Preceptor: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Continuing Education in
Nursing, 39: (4): 185-191.
Yonge, O., Billay, D., Myrick, F., & and Luhanga, F. (2007). Preceptorship and Mentorship: Not Merely a Matter of
Semantics. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 19.
Zahner, S. (2006). Partnerships for Learning Population-Based Public Health Nursing: Web-Delivered Continuing
Education for Public Health Nurse Preceptors. . Public Health Nursing. , Volume 23, Issue 6, pages 547–554.
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration
289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
Zilembo M, M. L. (2008). Nursing students perceptions of desirable leadership qualities in nurse preceptors: a
descriptive survey. Source Contemp Nurse, 27(2):194-206.
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration