Crystals -

Perhaps the greatest value of crystals is their use in healing. They have long been known
for their curative effects when used in the preparation of tinctures; for their protective
characteristics when worn as amulets and talismans; and for their ability to enhance the
energy fields of the body as they emit uniform vibrations. They have the power of a
living stone.
The energy field of this quartz, called piezoelectricity, is a major contributor to our
communication systems. Computers, sonar, watches, radio stations—all use this amazing
and constant, undeviating energy field. The piezo-electrical property of crystals means
that they are capable of holding an electrical charge, and because of this quality, these
minerals amplify healing work or meditation, which in turn speeds up the process. Quartz
is the most economical source of this energy. To reduce the cost even further, laboratories
are growing quartz from a slice of the real thing. It has been found that the laboratory
grown specimens are the preferred kind. They are better because they are more uniform,
clearer, and of a higher quality.
Crystals store and conduct energy. They can even absorb one kind of energy and emit
another when squeezed, heated or cooled. Quartz crystal absorbs both magnetism from
the Earth’s core and radiation from the Sun, and then emits that energy. Kirlian
photography has recorded this energy emission, which appears in photographs as a whitelight aura radiating from a blue star center. The energy radiant from clear quartz and
other crystals is resonant with the human aura; this is its healing attribute.
The resonance occurs rapidly, within a few moments of holding a crystal or gemstone in
the hand. Energy from crystals passes through and penetrates all matter, even into human
cells. Crystal energy transmission has a magnetic polarity similar to the natural aura
polarity used in laying on of hands. Its strong ability to match aura energy and resonate
with it makes crystal a powerful healing tool. Clear quartz contains the greatest human
resonance and the ability to transmit any color, to focus a chosen strand of its rainbow
white light spectrum and use it to transmit, store, duplicate and magnify color and aura
An interesting phenomenon happens when you begin to work with crystals—for
whatever reason. You will start becoming aware of an energy or force greater than what
you presently contain. This force has been called your Higher Self, and it encompasses
"that which you are capable of becoming. "It is your perfected self. Quartz crystals, in
their wonderfully helpful way, will help you tune in to this higher aspect of yourself.
A positive act is to give a friend a quartz crystal. This helps form a link between you and
him/her. It helps you to communicate psychically with that person. It is also a wonderful
way to send healing energies to someone, especially if you both have similar crystals. A
gift of a crystal instills a beneficial impact in the receiver.
Abalone: Usually found off the coasts of S. America, Japan, and China. Used by athletes to help build and
protect muscle tissue. Also benefits the heart and helps in digestion. Nicknamed the sea ears, the Abalone’s
flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior was used by the Native Northwest American Indians as a
natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers.
Agate: Composed of microscopic crystals of Quartz laid down in colorful bands or
ribbons. The appearance of the stone is waxy and soft. Almost always translucent
and occasionally transparent. Agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a
better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds selfconfidence. This is Chalcedony Qtz. Red, orange, yellow, browns: Solid,
Grounding. For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Centering, taking heart.
Bloodsugar, anorexia/food issues, lymphnodes, Balances emotions. Insight,
Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury/burns. Gaze into for meditation. Left/Right brain balance.
Pineal, pituitary; coordination. Patience, peace. Cools.
Black/Banded Agate: This is a stone for grounding and centering the energies of the Root or Base Chakra.
Use for self control, grounding, resilience, quiet power, grounding, invisibility, peace and anxiety. Black
agate is considered a receiving stones and is used for calming, soothing, inward meditation and reflection.
When used for Chakra healing and balancing, Black Agate represents the element earth, and is therefore
related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the
physical plane. Ideally, when using black stones at the Root Chakra, they bring us health, prosperity,
security, and dynamic presence.
Blue Lace: Helps to focus on the inner source of love within you that transforms and heals all wounds.
Contains the qualities of flight, air, movement, and grace. Highly inspirational when working with the inner
self. Works well with not only the Throat Chakra, but the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Strengthens
hereditary skeletal structure, outward manifested growths, Arthritis.
Botswana: Gray and waxy in appearance. Strongly recommended for firefighters, people who smoke, and
for anyone who comes in regular contact with excessive amounts of heat or smoke. Helpful for anyone who
wants to quit smoking. Beneficial to the circulatory system, the skin, and the brain. A pleasant side effect
may be giddiness. Soothes depression.
Fire: Most often found in North America. Comes in shades of orange, brown, blue, or green. Strong
connection to the energies of the earth. Excellent stone to use before meditating. Induces a feeling of
relaxation. Helps alleviate problems relating to the stomach and endocrine system. Helps you examine and
deal with problems in a calm and safe manner. Helps take the edge off difficult experiences. Recommended
for dentists, optometrists, and those in the healing profession.
Moss: Connects one to Nature. Translucent, transparent agate containing inclusions of minerals that look
like moss or foliage. Improves ego and self-esteem, emotional balance and strengthens positive personality
traits. Allows one to see all the beauty one's eyes touch.
Plum (Purple) Agate: Is the stone of meditation and spiritual transformation. This stone works on the
upper Chakra. It assists in allowing trust with your own intuition and opens the spiritual flood gates to a
realm of endless possibilities. It gives us the space to "be" our spiritual selves and clears the mind for
extraordinary vision and insight. Agate is composed of microscopic crystals of Quartz laid down in colorful
bands or ribbons. The appearance of agate is waxy and soft. Almost always translucent and occasionally
transparent. Agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work
to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence.
Red/Banded Agate: This is a stone for grounding and centering the energies of the Root or Base Chakra.
The color for theRoot Chakra is red or black and it is grounded with your power. When this Chakra is open,
you feel in good health and connected with your physical body. It is used to ground your essence into your
physical body. This Chakra gives you determination, grounds you and helps in survival in the physical
realms. Red is a projecting stones which assists in destroy disease, strengthens conscious, courage, strength,
physical energy, luck, and success. Red stones are used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood,
relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds.
Albite: White translucent stone with a bluish tinge. Moonstones are a cut and
polished form of Albite. Helps relieve depression and can be used as a booster
for the immune and respiratory systems. Soothing for mental stress. Strengthens
the spleen and thymus. Found in North America, England, France, Japan, and
Alexandrite: (A chrysoberyl.) Clear violet-green, lt. blue or orange-yellow
iridescence. Extremely rare. Alexandrite changes color with source of light. That
is incandescent light vs sunlight vs flourescent light. Opens Heart, Solar Plexus,
and especially Crown Centers. For healing, centering, self-esteem. Rare and
Powerful. Opens to higher self, disattachment, psychicness, spiritual love, joy,
and luck. Excellent tissue regeneration; especially Central Nervous System.
Amazonite: Properties: This stone represents prosperity. A gentle friendly, calming,
soothing stone, which opens throat, heart, and solar plexus Chakra. Used for selfexpression, artistic creativity and healing. This is a great stone for communication,
confidence and leadership. Reduces self-damaging behavior, increases self-respect,
grace, self-assuredness with communication. Great over a door to bring in new
business. Green stone instrumental in distilling the raw information used for personal
expression. Helps filter information and combines it with natural intuition. Enhances
masculine qualities. Good for anyone involved in the arts. Utilize Amazonite in order to encourage the
pursuit of your unique path in life. Amazonite is used to disperse negative energy.
Folk Remedies: Amazonite is believed to effect the throat, thyroid, thymus, nerve and Brain paths by gently
soothing the brain and nervous system.
Feng Shui: Amazonite is used in the Northeast area for self cultivation, in the Southwest area for partners
and relationships and for dispersing negative energy in any room.
History: Amazonite (KAlSi308) is a form of pale green Microcline, a potash feldspar found in Brazil,
U.S.S.R., and U.S. Named for its place of discovery in the Amazon basin, this stone was believed to be jade
for centuries. The parallel shadings caused by the presence of lead, give amazonite its intense color. The
best crystals are found near Pike's Peak. It was used in jewelry in the India, Mesopotamia and the Sudan. In
Egypt, amazonite was made into tablets in parts of the Book of the Dead and found in the tomb of King
Amber: Clear yellow or orange, this ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree)has electromagnetic
properties. Great for past life work and weight gain. Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, moods
balance, confidence. Stomach anxiety, spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell
regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies via orange and yellow. Excellent detoxification and
protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. Sacred use
(incense/worn) by Asian and American Indians, and worldwide. Useful on the brain, lungs, thyroid, spleen,
endocrine system, inner ear, and neurological tissue. Draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes
negative energy. It is a grounding healer. Can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression
and bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid. Amber should be cleansed after
being used for healing to dispense the negative energy it has absorbed.
Amethyst: Properties: The stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for
contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions.
Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when
sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective
on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the
energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color
that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this
transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is
the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust;
surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can
receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master
Healing stone.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is the most recommended stone for stress relief. Amethyst has a direct link to
the mind. It bolsters the production of the hormones, and strengthens the cleansing organs, the circulatory
system and blood, the immune system, and body metabolism. Headaches, eyes, scalp/hair, pituitary, pineal
and blood sugar balance. Famous ancient detoxifying stone. Especially helps in sobriety, as well as alcohol,
food, sex and other addictions. It soothes the nervous system and assists in the transmission of neural
signals. Helps you feel less scattered and more in control of your faculties. Memory skills and motivation
improve. Goals are clearer, more realistic, and easier to achieve. However, you must use this stone
cautiously with subjects who have paranoid or schizoid tendencies. Can benefit people with insomnia or
troubled sleep. Ideal for those who meditate. Promotes selflessness. Useful in dispelling rage, anger, fear,
and anxiety, and is a good stone for clarifying and remembering dreams. Helps relieve physical and
emotional pain. Strongly recommended that when using Amethyst in conjunction with other stones or
crystals, Rose Quartz is used.
Feng Shui: Amethyst is used primarily anywhere to help bring change. Used in the Southeast direction, in
the Center for balance and spirituality and in the Northeast for wisdom.
History: Amethyst belongs to the Quartz family (SiO2 + Fe), found in Brazil, Canada, Sri Lanka, and parts
of East Africa. Color varies from a deep violet to a pale lavender, almost to the point of being clear. Known
as the prize stone since the days of ancient Egypt, Amethyst holds an honored place in the Crown Jewels of
England, frequently known as the "Rose de France", a popular jewelry item during the Victorian age and
worn by every Pope since the sixteenth century.
Ammonite: Properties: Ammonite is a stone of protection. It provides for insight and it
helps to assist one in seeing the ‘whole picture.’ Gives stability to it's user. Since it is
associated with the Root Chakra, it encourages ones survival instincts and is
Folk Remedies: Believed to ease birthing pains and bring relaxation. It helps to remind
us to keep breathing, due to its circular design.
Feng Shui: Ammonite is believed by Feng Shui masters to be associated to the scales of the mythical
creature "Chi Lin" Therefore, it is said to be a powerful wealth stone and brings prosperity, grandeur and
illustrious sons, similar to the potency of the Chi Lin.
History: Now extinct, the ammonite mollusk was a shelled cephalopod, usually appearing in a coiled, spiral
shape. The extinction of ammonites coincided with the extinction of dinosaurs. Ammonites inhabited the
world’s oceans and now appear as fossils in marine rocks. Because of their rapid evolution and wide
distribution, ammonite fossils provide a useful tool for indexing and dating rocks. It is said that the original
discus used by the ancient Greeks in their Olympics was in fact a fossilized ammonite. In India, ammonite
fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in various ceremonies. They are mostly collected in
Nepal, from the bed of the River Gandaki where it cuts through Jurassic sediments. These fossils are known
as "shaligram shila". The word ammonite is derived from Ammon, an Egyptian god who took the form of a
ram. Ammonites are similar in appearance to a ram's horn.
Angelite: Properties: This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the
physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of
blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and
animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. Most
effective on the Throat Chakra, Angelite helps in self expression, communication and
allows us to speak our mind, helping us to become more assertive. Its soothing effects
on the Throat Chakra works beautifully in calming and soothing anxiety or overactive
children. Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support. Angelite is often used for psychic
connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance. Angelite is utilized
for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths
to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the
"upstream struggle" during new endeavors.
Folk Remedies: Angelite has been used with great results for atrophy of the Thymus. It is used for relieving
throat inflammation and to balance the thyroid. Angelite also repairs and soothes tissues and blood vessels.
It is very useful for weight control. It aligns physical and etheric fields for healing the self and others.
Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or depleted areas. Provides a protective energy field around the area where
it is placed.
Feng Shui: Use this stone in the Northeast area for wisdom and knowledge and in the Center area for
balance and harmony.
History: Fairly new discovery in Peru with in the last 25 years and found during the Harmonic Conversion.
Angelite (CaSO4) is a solid pale blue form of calcium sulfate or "anhydrate", which is gypsum that has lost
water and crystallized. It sometimes shows traces of white calcium mineral.
Apache Tears: Properties: The stones are said to bring good luck to those possessing
them. Black obsidian is a powerful Meditation stone. The purpose of this gemstone is
to bring to light that which is hidden from the conscious mind. It dissolves suppressed
negative patterns and purifies them. It can create a somewhat radical behavior change
as new positive attitudes replace old, negative, egocentric patterns.The Apache tears
are also said to balance the emotional nature and protect one from being taken
advantage of. It can be carried as an amulet to stimulate success in business endeavors.
It is used at the Root Chakra for grounding and protection.
Folk Remedies: Eases and releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, to help heal and go on with life. For looking
within, protection, vision quest/purpose. Gently grounds and unblocks lower body and endocrine
glands/Chakra. Helps healing.
Feng Shui: This stone is used in any direction in order to attract good luck and protection.
History: The haunting legend about the Apache Tear is about the Pinal Apaches, who had made several
raids on a settlement in Arizona. The military and some volunteers trailed the tracks of the stolen cattle and
waited for dawn to attack the Apaches. The Apaches, confident in the safety of their location, were
completely surprised and out-numbered in the attack. Nearly 50 of the band of 75 Apaches were killed in
the first volley of shots. The rest of the tribe retreated to the cliff's edge and chose death by leaping over the
edge rather than die at the hands of the white men. For years afterward those who ventured up the
treacherous face of Big Pacacho in Arizona found skeletons, or could see the bleached bones wedged in the
crevices of the side of the cliff.
The Apache Women and the lovers of those who had died gathered a short distance from the base of the
cliff where the sands were white, and for a moon they wept for their dead. They mourned greatly, for they
realized that not only had their 75 brave Apache warriors died, but with them had died the great fighting
spirit of the Pinal Apaches.
Their sadness was so great, and their burden of sorrow so sincere that the Great Father imbedded into black
stones the tears of the Apache Women who mourned their dead. These black obsidian stones, when held to
the light, reveal the translucent tear of the Apache.
Apatite: Transparent dk. blue, yellow, clear...Weight loss. Helps to deepen
meditation. Blue and purple are used especially to heal and stimulate throat Chakra
and kidney point for self-expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high
blood pressure, stuttering. Reducing hunger. High Calcium content strengthens bones,
muscles, mineral assimilation. Use yellow on Solar Plexus and Brow Chakra. A
mineral still in its embryonic stage as a healer. Comes in many forms and colors.
Easily confused with half a dozen other minerals. Found in transparent, translucent,
and opaque forms. Varies in color from white to brown to green to yellow and even violet. Crystal form is
hexagonal and glassy in appearance. Found all over North America as well as in Mexico, Norway, USSR
and Sri Lanka. Most commonly confused with Fluorite and Aquamarine. Benefits muscle tissue and
general motor skills. Promotes calcium absorption. Eases hypertension and restores clear thought.
Apophyllite: Clear, white, light green striated crystals. Helps one connect tot spirit and act in truth. Very
powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body
travel. Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart Chakra as it opens the brow
and crown chakras. Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self + angelic realm contact.
Helps see truth for growth.
Mirror Apophylite has the additional reflective qualities of being able to recieve back what intentions are
sent into the "mirror' of this stone. It has been used for centuries in India in the "art of gazing". One Mirror
Apophylite is usually passed down from generation to generation. It is often called upon to reflect doings
from the past to its user, in order to see both the good and the bad aspects of a families' past. Allowing the
gazer to be aware of and work on improving the defieciencies from within. It provides a clear and absolute
connection between the physical bodies and the astral bodies of its user. Mirror Apophylite is an extremely
powerful crystal and will also enrich the users' intuitive capacities by stimulating the Third Eye Chakra.
Aqua Aura: Clear quartz with metallic light blue tint from electrical infusion of gold
(amplifies quartz conductivity). Created by treating crystals of natural quartz with an
infusion of pure gold. Quartz is placed in a pressurized chamber at high temperature
and exposed to pure vaporized gold. The resulting bond creates the rich blue color
called Aqua Aura. This is truly a `master' vibrational crystal, as with all energies the
conscious use of this energy towards enlightenment is always the prime goal. Aqua
Aura Quartz has an energy that can enhance one's intuition and communication, calm
one's nerves, and energize one's mental abilities. It is also said to help one's inner beauty to shine, and to
attract wealth and success. It increases the ability to send energy & alter consciousness for meditation,
telepathy, healing. Opens/clears throat. The aqua aura crystal can help with the thymus gland, located
between the heart and throat under the sternum, which is now known to play a vital part in maintaining the
body's immunity against all diseases. It will cool fevers and bring calm to the aura, allowing for a flowing
peaceful energy. This crystal also works very well with any kind of facial work due to it overall healing
energies of the upper chakras, most notably.
Aqua Aura can work as a shield from psychic or psychological attack. Intrusion from outside sources are
quickly dissipated by transmutation into pure loving energy, which can work in a healing process which
caused the attack. Aqua aura will help you find your own space again. The aqua aura quartz crystal will
bring wisdom to expressive communication, encouraging peace and guard against opposing energies. Aqua
aura quartz is even more shielding than an aquamarine crystal, because its gold inclusion.
Aquamarine: Properties: This stone has the calming, soothing energy of the sea. This is the stone of
courage. Tranquilizing, uplifting, openness, innocence, lightheartedness, creativity, communication, selfawareness, confidence, purpose. Throat, Spleen, Heart Chakra. Used for protection on journeys, especially
those who travel on water. Affects etheric and mental levels. Helps stabilize and harmonize unsettled
surroundings. Helps reduce fears. Has an affinity with sensitive and mystical people. Increases creativity
and sharpens intuition. Excellent stone for meditation. Helps one attune to nature. Quiets the mind and
reduces stress. Helps bring about a tolerance toward others. Recommended as a purifier of the throat and
helps sore throats. Clears blocked communication and aids the user in verbal expression. This stone allows
us to find our individually and be ourselves. It is helpful to those who wear it, in regards to finding love,
promoting fidelity and smoothing out differences between others.
Folk Remedies: A great stone for stress relief. This crystal is used to strengthen the immune system,
thymus, lymphnodes, Filters out unnecessary information to the brain. Calms the nerves. Clarifies
perception and strengthens the body's cleansing organs such as the liver, spleen, thyroid, and kidneys.
Helps the eyes, jaw, neck, stomach, teeth, throat, mouth and ears. This is a very important stone for the
Thymus. Releases anxiety, fear, restlessness, peaceful stillness. Allows for better breathing with allergies.
This is good stone when recovering from and illness.
Feng Shui: Used in the Southwest (relationship, love) and in negative directions (courage, protection).
History: A beryl stone, (Be3Al2Si6O18) Found in the US, Mexico, USSR, Brazil, and India. Has a
soothing influence. This stone is usually clear light blue, blue-green. The stone also occurs in a golden
yellow color. It is a good stone for teachers, counselors, chiropractors, genetic engineers, lecturers, and
massage, reiki and crystal therapy practitioners. Was given to sailors as protection against drowning and for
courage in battle. Used to symbolize the moon due to its connection to the Earth's tides.
Aragonite: Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal, or white needle crystals. Deep, peaceful meditation;
uplifts emotions. Centering, overview, patience under stress, helps us navigate
business/managerial/personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand. Giving and receiving easily.
Balances yin-yang. Eyes, brain, Central Nervous System, heart, opens spiritual/brow chakra for day-to-day
living with an open heart and mind.
Aventurine: Properties: Aventurine seems to enable abundance and brings good luck and
money, joy, balance and clarity. Universal love, truth and prosperity are traits we can gain
by working with Aventurine. Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart, enhances creativity
and working with spirit guides. Green is the color of healing and Aventurine, as a member
of the quartz family, has a concentrated ability to dissolve emotional blockage. It's a
particularly effective crystal for emotional healing and is especially helpful when worn for
this purpose or placed on the heart center during Chakra balancing. It helps to balance the
emotions, and is one of the best stones to wear or carry during stressful periods. It can also be used in
crystal layouts when stress is internalized in the solar plexus area. It is also used with stones which have a
seemingly more harsh energy. Aventurine is often referred to as the all-purpose healer. This means not only
that it is considered by many to be good for physical disorders, but that it is healing on all levels. It helps us
to find solutions to life's problems.
Folk Remedies: Aventurine works with lungs, heart, adrenal glands, calming troubled emotions, and sexual
organs. It is known as the "heart healer". Historically also known to draw out heat of fevers, inflammation,
nervous system, stress. In your bath water, a soft, soothing stone for general healing. Heals emotional
pain/fear/imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.
Feng Shui: Works in any area or in your life, which needs an emotional lift. It helps with any negative
direction where better choices or good luck is needed. Aventurine is associated with the North area related
to career and the West area relating to creativity.
History: A member of the quartz family, Aventurine, (SiO2) is a green chalcedony that contains small
inclusions of one of several shiny minerals which give the stone a glistening effect. The glistening effect of
Aventurine is known as aventurescence. The color of the aventurescence depends on the mineral included
in the stone. Mica inclusions give the give the stone a yellowish or silverish glitter or sheen. Goethite and
Hematite inclusions give the stone a reddish or grayish glitter or sheen. Fuschite inclusions give the stone a
greenish sheen. Aventurine may be green, orange, brown, yellow, or gray.
Azurite: Solid deep blue, blue-purple. A blue copper-based stone found in association
with Malachite, which is its cousin. Less common than Malachite but found in abundance
in Arizona. Activates brow and throat Chakra more assertive communication and alert,
quite, deep access to subconscious and other times/places/lives. Psychicness, creativity,
decisiveness, deeper insight, seeing truth, reduces depression, anger, abnormal cell
growth. High copper content stimulates thyroid, sinus, skin cleansing, spleen, nervous
system, mental and etheric bodies. Referred to as the jewel of wisdom. It is said to
increase psychic abilities. Esoteric gem literature states that Azurite can restructure
molecules, revitalize the brain, rebuild gray matter, and aid in developing embryonic
babies in the womb. The deep blue stone helps you release the past and gracefully
anticipate and accept the future simultaneously. Cultivates the ability to reach into the
subconscious and examines states of mind. This cleanses the mind and makes one more
capable of insight and pure thought. Helps one recognize the resources within
themselves. Benefits the spleen, thyroid, bones, and skin. An integral part of many crystal
and gemstone-healing layouts. Also enhances meditation.
Barite/Barium: Barium, is an orthorhombic mineral form of barium sulfate(BaSO4).
It is the chief barium ore and is also called barytes and barite. It is a white or colorless
mineral which is often tinged with blue, brown, gray, red or yellow. It's name is
derived from the Greek word "barys" meaning heavy. Barite is used by the Native
Americans in their cerimonial practices. They used it to go from physical mattter to the
spiritual. In Dream Therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state,
allowing one to remember their dreams. On a physical level, Barite is used to cleanse
the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions. The Blue
variety of Barite is used to stimulate conversation as well as to give the courage needed to speak in front of
large crowds. This sky-blue colored cluster of crystals, made of orthorhombic structure, is often seen as
Celestite also called celestine. Barite is found all over the world either in masses, crystals or the famous
desert rose. Some of the many countries are Mexico, Canada, England and the USA.
BERYL Family:
Properties: Beryl stones represent a group of minerals, which include aquamarine, emerald, golden or
yellow beryl, heliodor and morganite, to name a few. Beryl assists its possessor in learning how to filter out
distractions and unnecessary stimulation. Good for relieving stress, calming the mind. This stone works
with the particular color in relation to each Chakra center. This stone is known to stimulate communication
(blue), acceptance and healing (green), reawakens the love of married people (pink), supports spiritual
growth (gold and white) and gives us strength and power (yellow).
Folk Remedies: Beryl has been used for centuries to help stomach, intestines, ulcers, nausea and eating
disorders. It works with the mental body for exhaustion, depression and stimulates the mind, nervous
system, spine and bones. Beneficial for elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Helps
strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants.
Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Beryl is often used as a sedative.
Feng Shui: Beryl stones are used in the Center area for harmony, balance and spiritual growth, in the North
area for personal journey and in the Southwest area for relationships of any kind.
History: This stone is found in the US, India, and USSR. It is found in shades of yellow, gold, white, blue,
or green. Beryl stones' color results in the amount of metals found within these minerals. Beryl was used as
cutting tools in the Upper Paleolithic period, as ceremonial stones in the rites of magic and used to signify
greatness. Famous forms of beryl include Morganite, found by industrialist, JP Morgan, Heliodor, called
the gift of the sun and Bixbite, named after Maynard Bixby, who cataloged the minerals of Utah.
Bloodstone: Properties: The martyr stone aptly named, due to the legend of this
stone being at the foot of the cross and stained by the drops of blood from Jesus.
Metaphysically, bloodstone is used to either promote a calm, tranquil atmosphere
that is grounding or revitalize insufficient energy. A great stone for mental
exhaustion. This stone represents both courage and strength and is used for
achieving these attributes. It is associated with honesty and integrity and is useful
in removing obstacles in life. A classic stone for wealth, it attracts abundance and
good luck. Most effective on the Heart (green) and Root (red) Chakra.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is one of the most recommended stones for blood and circulation issues.
Bloodstone is an immune stimulator and energy cleanser. It is believed to neutralize toxins. Believed to be
helpful with menstrual cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids, birthing/reproductive issues and
imbalance. It has been used for cleansing heart and blood circulation, marrow, thymus and lungs. Helps
purify toxic blood and detoxify the kidneys, liver, and spleen. It can be placed in a bowl of water or in bath
water to ensure peaceful sleep.
Feng Shui: Bloodstone is used primarily anywhere to quell negative energy. Used in the East direction to
honor our ancestors, in the Southeast for abundance and in the Southwest for relationships and love (use a
pair of stones in this direction).
History: Bloodstone, also called "Heliotrope" (named for it's sun "red" glow - helios - setting over a green
sea) is from the quartz family (Si02). It is a type of chalcedony, similar to jasper. The green color is caused
by small crystals of actinolite and the red patches are from streaks of iron oxide. Found in the
Mediterranean, USSR and India, this stone was used by the Babylonians for amulets, seals and decor.
Because of its deep green color with flecks of red, often resembling drops of blood, it was used throughout
Europe as a carving stone for making scenes of the crucifixion. It was often carried by soldiers during war
because it was believed to stop bleeding and heal wounds faster.
Boji Stones: Iron-magnetite concretion. Solid round, grey-brown discs with high iron. Grounding,
electromagnetic. Balances body's energy field. Many have found they reduce pain by holding 1 in each
hand. Recharges electrically in sun. (Store boji's apart -magneticness neutralizes each other. Also
wearing/holding with tiger's eye or other stone containing asbestos may bring on ill feeling.) Rough "male"
and smooth "female" stones both have + and - charge.
Brass: Flattens and grounds energy. (poor conductor); not generally used for healing. can
dull/block energy. May be used as shield, reducing sensitivity and awareness. A common
alloy made by combing Copper and Zinc. Recommended by healers as helpful to people
who have unusually high levels of metal in their bloodstream, since it is a blood cleanser
and detoxifier. Also used for hair loss.
Calcite: Abundant crystal that comes in shades of white, gray, black, green, yellow, blue, brown, or red.
Beneficial for the cleansing organs, bones, joints, and for sharpening mental clarity. Helps boost memory.
Helps one draw more insight from books or personal experience by making important information easier to
remember. Soft. Athletes use Calcite because they feel it can aid the bones and joints that are stressed or
injured during practice or competition. Calcite is strongly recommended for those involved in the healing
Lime Green: Tranquility; soothes spiritual heart; helps us learn from lessons in each situation and new
options. Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel and recall. Helps us replace fears, old ways with healthier
ones. Cleans toxins and fumes from body. Needs cleansing if sticky.
Green Calcite helps you adjust to the transition from a stagnant or negative situation to a challenging,
more fulfilling, and positive one.
Gold or yellow calcite is used by people who meditate because the color is linked to the sun and light.
Recommended for astral projection. Spine, bones. Detoxification of kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Decalcifying
Clear/Optical: Clearer vision & communication, wellness, general cleansing.
Blue Clacite: Eases pain (especially back).
Orange Calcite: Uplifting, joy, happiness, humor.
Carnelian: Properties: This stone represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic
abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite,
encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and
sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel
anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or
to historical events. Carnelian can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater
success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate. Carnelian is
one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in
the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms.
Folk Remedies: Carnelian is believed to warm, cleanses and purify the blood of the liver and kidneys,
stimulate appetite, emotions, passion, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps,
arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas. Historically also used to pull excess fever out through the feet. Carnelian is
said to strongly influence the reproductive organs hence its connection to the 2nd Chakra and is excellent
for lower back trouble.
Feng Shui: Carnelian is used in the Center area for harmony and balance, in the South area for success, in
the West area for creativity and in the Southeast area for self worth.
History: Carnelian is a form of Chalcedony (jasper) quartz, (SiO2). This stone does not have the typical
lattice, usually found in quartz, but is formed from the dissolving of other minerals containing silicates.
These closely packed fibers form in concentric circles or parallel bands. Carnelian comes in a variety of
colors ranging from red to orange and, in some cases, even dark brown. Carnelian is one of the oldest
stones used in jewelry dating back to 3000 BCE and was found in Egyptian tombs. Gem quality carnelian is
called "Sard", which refers to the ancient Greek and Roman word "sardius". Carnelian is one of the stones
found in the breastplate of Aaron.
Cat's Eye: See Chrysoberyl.
Celestite: White, clear, or cool lt. blue cluster crystals. Gentle. Soothes nerves, stress. Quiets mind.
Serenity, harmony, easiness, stillness for receiving, connection to spirit, overview, creativity. Helps Throat
Chakra. Honesty, openness, stress, worry, hearing, thyroid, potassium/manganese deficiency, Central
Nervous System, tiredness, fades in sunlight.
Cerussite: Clear/misty white to brown. Helps us be centered, confident, capable and versatile amidst life's
challenges. Grounding to here/now and higher self. Graciousness, good listening/communication skills.
Translate higher concepts to everyday language. Psychicness, clarity. Shows what we can/can't change.
Letting go (stress, addictions..) Insomnia, Central Nervous System, coordination, general healing. Both
grounds root chakra and opens crown (& Throat) Chakra. Plant growth , protection against bugs.
Chalcedony: A type of Quartz that heads a family which includes Agate, Carnelian, Jasper, Tiger's Eye,
and Onyx. Found in the US, Sri Lanka, USSR, Mexico and Brazil. Gray is most common color but stone
are found in shades of white, black, blue, and brown. Helps ease self-doubts, makes one more reflective.
Eases bad dreams and problems related to the eye, gall bladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory
organs. Cleansing in nature and will promote healing of open sores. It needn't be cleaned afterward since it
has such strong cleansing qualities of its own. Fosters teh maternal instinct and is said to aid lactation.
Charoite: Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo & violet
Chakra to transmute/lift us out of emotions, fear. Seeing old patterns with new
possibilities. Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly (mentally, physically,
psychically), faster healing. Some find useful also for entity release work and alcohol/liver
Chrysoberyl: Translucent Gold or Green Cat's Eye (often confused with qtz. Tiger's Eye, but rarer).
Usually clear, green or green/brown, nongreasy. For acquiring more prosperity. Confidence, self-pride,
healing. Amplifies other gems Some are irradiated to turn green- trust your feeling with each stone.
Chiastolite: The "Cross Stone". This crystal is a variety of Andalusite. This
stone is sliced to a 1/4 of and inch as a pendent with an adjustable cord. It
exhibits the axis and angle in a different color from the rest of the crystal
forming a natural cross. It is used as a sign of devotion towards awareness and
dispels negativity. It signifies both death and re-birth and helps one to
understand the realization of immortality. It is used as a bridge for "crossing
over". It helps one to assimilate during times of change. It provides insight to
answers when problem solving. This powerful crystal balances one's perspective in both creativity and
practicality. During illness, it helps to maintain spirituality, lessens fever, balances blood flow, increases
secretion of milk in nursing mothers and repairs chromosome damage.
Chinese Writing Stone: This is a limestone matrix with andalusite crystals. It is also
called Porphory. It received the name Chinese Writing Rock or Stone because of the
crystaline structure resembling the Chinese characters of the written language. The
stone is found in the Yangtzi River Valley of the Hunan Province of China and also it
is known to be found in the Auburn, California region of the foothills of the Sierra
Nevadas. Chinese Writing Stone is a mineral that is used to help one access
information from ancient texts and the Akashic Records. It is and excellent stone for
dreaming, assisting one into a dream state. It is a stone of re-affirmation, re-alignment and re-commitment.
It helps one to adjust to change, accept responsibility and stimulate originality.
Chrysocolla/Gem Silica: Solid Lt. blue/blue-green. Gentle, soothing, friendly.
Excellent for Heart Chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for
allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light,
love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity,
thyroid. Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper
draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis...), Excellent therapeutic
assistance for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field. Dreams and
Earth healing.
A stone found in shades of blue or green. Mined in Mexico, Zaire, Chile, USSR and US. Resembles
Turquoise and its properties are similar to it. Benefits arthritis and other bone diseases as well as the organs
of the digestive tract, and ulcers become less problematic. Relieves hypertension and stressful conditions
due to fear or gilt. Helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Help develop personal confidence.
Historically used by musicians, perhaps because of its reputation for having healing properties for throat
and lungs.
Chrysoprase: Bright translucent green chalcedony. Uplifts heart Chakra. Greater flexibility, wisdom,
generosity, self-confidence. Heals depression, excess self-focus, emotions/sexual imbalance. Placed on
heart, neck, or on brown for meditation.
A quartz stone found in the USSR, Brazil, Australia, and US. A bright green crystal similar in color to
green apples. Helps one achieve greater personal insight, feel more clam, become less egotistical, and more
open to new surroundings and situations. Stimulates creativity and draws out unknown talents. Enhances
fertility for both sexes. Helps guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Also helps gout, mental illness,
and eye problems.
Citrine: Properties: This stone is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional
clarity, problem solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence and selfdiscipline. It reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Citrine is one of two crystals which
never have to be cleansed of negative energy. An energizing and highly beneficial
crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which
makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They
can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life.
Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide
you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive
direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive
criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. This stone is great with help
in achieving goals. Because of its matrix of iron and quartz, it is most effective on the Sacral/Sexual/Navel
Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra. The grounding abilities of citrine help to alleviate
anxiety, as the more orange encourages creative flow and sexual arousal, where the more yellow citrine has
a soothing affect on the digestive system. Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing
the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the
lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.
Folk Remedies: Eases digestion, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies. Detoxification: Spleen,
kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines. Citrine promotes physical activity, which in turn improves
digestion and helps the cleansing organs. May also work as a detoxifier for the blood. Ancient cultures have
used citrine for protection against evil spirits and in particular, against snake bites. Citrine has been used to
reverse degenerative diseases and in treating chronic fatigue. It is considered the eliminator as it is used on
the abdomen for eliminating constipation. It is also a wonderful stone used as an elixir for menstrual
disorders, PMS and symptoms from menopause.
Feng Shui: This joyful stone is used specifically in the Southeast direction of your home for
wealth/prosperity. It can also be used in the Center area for spiritual growth and guidance. In the West
direction for creativity and North for personal journeys.
History: Citrine (SiO2) gets its unique orange to yellow color from a matrix of ferric iron and quartz. Its
color is usually a pale golden yellow, but can be found in darker shades as well, although some literature
considers the darkest crystals to be Smoky Quartz. The Celtic people of Scotland call the dark Citrine
crystals Morion and Cairngorm. Citrine was used in Rome as engraved figurines given as gifts. Citrine has
been given other names in other cultures including the merchant stone or the golden stone of wealth.
Dark citrine has been call ox blood. Natural citrine tends to be a very pale yellow. Much of the citrine on
the market today is "created" by adding heat to a poor quality of amethyst, turning it orange. When citrine
forms naturally with amethyst, it is called Ametrine.
Cobalt-Calcite: (Calcite, pink from Cobalt) Brings love, patience, gentleness, compassion. Soothes
intensity of feelings. Mental and emotional balance. Works wonders on the heart chakra and allows healing
to transpire.
Copper: Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into
wearer's energy field. Next to skin: Detoxes and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation
problems. 3rd chakra: stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Built up in joints as arthritis.
Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Energize with sun.
A plentiful metal ore that ranges in color from a soft red-brown to a deep brick red. Assists in the fight
against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, particularly when used in conjunction with
other stones. Helps stabilize the metabolism and heightens the immune system. The blood also benefits
from Copper. Beneficial for the lungs, improving the exchange of oxygen and filtering out pollutants. Soft
tissue and mucous membranes retain more moisture and become less susceptible to irritation. An excellent
aid for increasing your ability to express and accept true feelings. Balance personal reserve and confidence.
Coral: Calcium and calcite. Coral brings diplomacy and concurrence, quiets emotions, brings peace to
innerself. Facilitates intuition, imagination, visualization, expedite, accelerate the transfer of knowledge.
Strengthens both circulatory and bone structure in the body. Stimulates tissue regeneration and nourish
blood cells. Helps with disorders of the spinal, alimentary canals, nervous system and thalamus. Different
colors of Coral can be used alone, in combination, or all together. Sympathetic to both the skeletal structure
and the circulatory system. Good stone for ailments of the bones and blood such as arthritis and anemia.
Also benefits the cleansing organs and thymus. Helps battle mental illnesses. Has a true link with the past
and can pass knowledge along.
Red and orange: stimulates Root and Spleen Chakra for energy and warmth, fertility. Energizes emotions.
Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system; thyroid, metabolism; meridians; spine, bone and tissue
regeneration. (Avoid if high blood pressure, fever, anxious.)
Pink: Heart Chakra, increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.
White: Soothes; heals meridians, stress, smell ability, nerves.
Black: Creativity, repels lower energies.
Blue: activates and energizes the Throat Chakra. Also used to illuminate the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing
psychic awareness and capabilities of the user. Facilitates the improvement/permanence in pursuit of
commerce, improves communication abilities, treatment of throat ailments and cleansing of mucoid system.
Corundum: Second hardest mineral. Insight to the unknown. Intuitive awareness, stimulates ambition,
confidence. Subdues and calms emotions, harsh and irritable attitudes, releases anger. Soothes and smooths
the skin, eye disorders, brings peace to the body.
Creedite: A white stone found in the US and Mexico. Beneficial to the body's cleansing system. Useful for
blood detoxification. Helps one discover how best to express themselves and intuitively understand other
people. Will also benefit the nervous system by aiding in the transmission of nerve impulses.
Cuprite: Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of Root and Spleen Chakras, Kundalini energy,
will power. Also, with Heart Chakra. Strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina
and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and
confidence/security issues. Access past life.
A red to brown mineral found in the US, Australia, Mexico, and USSR. Beneficial for metabolical
imbalances. Helps the heart and blood, muscle tissue, and skeletal system. Helpful for people having
difficulty dealing with father or authority figures. Considered helpful in investigating past-life experiences.
Danburite: Clear crystal. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our
body, mind, and spirit (and relationships) with loving light. Excellent to cleanse,
purify, or debrief. Fills Crown Chakra with joy and illumination. Brings truth, honesty,
a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit. Strengthens mind, nervous
system, life force, awareness. Excellent healing tool.
Desert Rose: A gypsum. Lt. brown. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and
mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to
Selenite.) Quiets the mind. Used to access past/future lives, assists in bring
material persuits related to business. Provides flexibility to one's nature,
strengthens decisions, align the spinal column and removes energy blockage.
Stabilizes epileptic disorders.
Diamond: (Carbon) When considering the use of a Diamond for healing purposes,
one must ignore its monetary value and concentrate upon the stone's unique
relationship with energy. It is frequently combined with other gems or crystals. If
used with an Aquamarine, a Diamond will increase the cleansing properties and
mental soothing that Aquamarine helps to produce. It worn or carried alone, it will
amplify the energy of the wearer. Unfortunately, this includes any negative energy
the wearer might possess as well. Some literature contends that the blue light within
the color spectrum of a Diamond is beneficial for glaucoma. Diamonds are beneficial to the brain and
testicles. Some recommend it for diseases of the bladder but only in desperate cases. In all cases, the stone
needs to touch the skin in order to increase its effectiveness. Emeralds and Amethyst Quartz are especially
amplified by Diamonds.
Powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer's strengths and
weaknesses: Prosperity, generosity/ vs. miserly; love vs. distrust; overview, spirituality vs. lust, immediate
gratification. Used with loving, clear intent; clears blocks, opens Crown Chakra: spiritual love, peace.
Clarity, trust, confidence. Cleanse thoroughly (It can hold our other's previous attitudes, emotions...)
Ancients also used for detoxing.
Diopside/Enstatite: Clear, deep green. Deep healing and expansion of Heart center, love, commitment,
trust humbleness, heart, lungs. A brown, green, or white stone found in Japan, Germany, Ireland, and the
US. Diopside is found in similar colors and is mined in the USSR and India in addition to the countries
already mentioned. These stones are mentioned together because they have identical properties. Clear, deep
green. Deep healing and expansion of Heart center, love, commitment, trust humbleness, heart, lungs. Both
benefit the circulatory system and cleansing organs. Mental clarity results from healing layouts that include
Enstatite and/or Diopside. Diopside is recommended for public speakers, students, and surgeons.
Dioptase: Tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Its powerful green reaches deep into the Heart Chakra to
release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse, neglect...Converts loss (recent/childhood) into self-love.
Empowers heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, ability to love deeply, unconditionally.
Connects emotional heart with spiritual heart to receive abundance. Promotes genuineness, sincerity,
emotional balance, self-worth, deep well-being. Central Nervous System, lungs, heart, blood pressure,
stress. Can send healing deep into the earth.
Dolomite: Properties: This stone soothes hurt, loneliness, and quells anxiety. Facilitates giving and
receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity and an energy uplift. This stone encourages charitable actions.
Since it is associated with the Chakra by its color, it also has the propensity to control energy leakage from
the Chakra due to trauma. It is used for energy alignment, balance and energy blockage. The lesson this
crystal teaches is that "everything happens for a reason".
Folk Remedies: This stone is most noted for its work with energy balancing. The calcium content in
Dolomite strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman's reproductive system; and helps PMS.
Feng Shui: Dolomite is utilized in the Center area for grounding, balance and energy protection.
History: This tri-rhombohedral crystalline structure forms in large masses and ranges in a variety of colors.
EILAT Stone: Properties: This semi-precious gemstone's healing abilities have
been documented due to the elements which comprise Eilat stone and together
have the ability to create, store and conduct energy. It also can maintain this
activity for many, many years. This stone also has an uncanny ability to absorb
many types of pain. It excels in healing emotional and physical aspects of Heart
(lungs) and Throat Chakra. Eilat is unique because when placed on the Solar
Plexus Chakra, it aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, and body. Use
to bring wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression and to ehance creativity. Balances yin/yang.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is the most recommended for whole body healing. It flushes out and heals hurt,
fear, stress and loss. Used by healers as an antidepressant. Benefits sinuses, mouth, bone and tissue
regeneration. Draws out pain, inflammation and cools fever.
Feng Shui: Eilat is used primarily anywhere to help bring balance. Used in the Center for good health,
balance and spirituality.
History: Eilat is a very unique stone, with a mixture of Chrysocolla, Malachite, Turquoise, and sometimes
is found with Silver and Native Copper. These are some of the most healing minerals on the planet.
Elestial: Special form of clear/smokey qtz. Changes confusion/illusions to clarity,
seeing truth, overview. Psychicness, openness to higher self/God/spirituality.
Stimulates crown chakra/pineal to rise above situations, emotions. May initially
intensify lower thoughts (ego, denial, self-judging...) to release these blocks to open
heart/mind. Healing brain cells from drug/alcohol use. "All-seeing Stone" brings
infusion of light. Use as a bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras.
Emerald: Properties: Emerald is a symbol of love and good fortune. This stone is
used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty.
It used against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination.
Most effective on the Heart Chakra perhaps because it access desires held deep
within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing,
and infinite patience. Lifts depression, helps with insomnia, knowingness of the
heart and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental
equilibrium. The pale, clear, green Emeralds are valuable in meditative work, as well as healing. It works
best when combined with a Diamond or worn alone. It gives wisdom from the mental plane, so that the
possessor is motivated to give love and wisdom to others. Do not wear an Emerald constantly. It should
only be worn when the wearer feels the need to have it near. They were used to strengthen memory, to aid
in eloquence, and to reveal the truth or falsity of a lover's oaths.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is the most recommended stone for breathing issues, heart health, swollen
lymphnodes, blood problems, the thymus, the pancreas ( for blood sugar rebalance), labor/delivery,
eyesight, and the etheric field. Excellent general healer. Emerald was considered an ancient blood
detoxifier and anti-poison. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar
diabetes. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counselors, masseurs,
optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It improves
psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance. Also enhances the immune
Feng Shui: Emerald is used primarily in the Southeast direction for wealth, in the Southwest direction for
relationships and in the North for personal growth and journeys.
History: A member of the Beryl family of stones, Emerald, (Be3Al2Si6O18) is found in shades of green
varying from very light to very deep. It deep color is due to the presence of chromium. The "emerald cut"
was created to avoid chipping the corner of the stone and helps to enhance the color. Emeralds have been
prized by the ancient Babylonians and Indians, loved and honored by Cleopatra and made into stunning
jewelry by the Egyptians. Emeralds were also used by the Aztecs, Incas and Mayan cultures for carving,
adornment and medicine.
Epidote: Deep green, striated. Strengthens over all health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina.
Helps take good care of one's self (food, rest, etc.)
Fairies' Cross: See Stuarolite.
Flint: A gray, white, black, red, or brown stone found in all countries around the world. Beneficial to the
entire body. All tissue, internal or external, will be helped, but especially the cardiopulmonary and
cleansing systems. Helps one feel more whole and healthy. Gives a strong boost to your mental state and is
extremely helpful for persons who have been afflicted by degenerative diseases.
Fluorite: All rainbow colors. Usually translucent and come in shades of white, brown,
blue, yellow, purple, red, or colorless. Important balancer, healer. Opens heart
(especially green), Throat Brow, Crown Chakra for clarity, overview, seeing additional
truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Benefits
the teeth and bones. People with arthritis, rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported
some relief from their conditions when they employ Fluorite in their healing regimen.
Helps to rekindle sexual appetite and heighten intuitive powers. It is suggested using
Fluorite in conjunction with Calcite and Pyrite. Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual
awakening. Helps one become more aware of the higher levels of reality and can anchor and free one from
overstimulation on the psychic plane.
Clear and Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight,
sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems.
Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all Chakra. Green Fluorite is a valuable helper in
grounding excess energies.
Blue: Throat, nose, ears, soothing; Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.
Yellow: Focus, cooperation, group alignment. Yttrium: Lavender, well-being, serenity,peace, connection
with universe/God/eternal life force.
Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk)
Double Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; Crown
Chakra, illuminating karmic lessons.
Fuchsite: Fuchsite is a CHROME-mica, Muscovite is a white mica. Lightheartedness, friendliness,
compassion, recovery, immunity. Speeds deeper healing.
Garnet: Ranges in color from deep emerald green through yellow, brown, and red.
Common to the US, but found all over the world. Stimulates creativity, passion, and
the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms,
energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by
ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxing and strengthening blood,
muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance,
antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang
(avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) Root Chakra. Orange:
Warmth, energy. When Garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life
information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed
on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Green Garnets are healing
stones. Red represent love and help the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. Square-cut
Garnets help bring about business opportunities and filter out concerns that are not one's own. Rectangular
shapes aid in the matter of intellect or the earth. Garnets teach patience and constancy and are not to be
used lightly. They develop love and compassion. They sharpen self-perception and extend that openness to
others. Help calm anger, particularly anger directed towards the self.
Gem Silica: Gem quality Chrysocolla. Highly Evolved. See Silica.
Geodes: Geodes are spherical stones containing cavities lined with crystalline structure
growing towards the center. It usually contains quartz, amethyst, citrine, or clacite.
Facilitates astral travel and assistance in the pursuits of mathamatics. Allow one to both
recognize and analyze the decision-making process. Allows freedom to shape one's
future, connection to the higher planes, stimulates communication skills. Used in the
treatment of hands, lungs and nervous disorders.
Gold: An excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor, especially on Solar
plexus and Heart Chakra. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming
sun energy. Often worn by teachers/healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood...)
Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (Greed too). Yang. Pink = Gold + copper.
Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects. White: Combines sun and moon's energy, thus
higher conductor and amplifier. A regenerator, helping one renew oneself. Works on the physical, mental,
and spiritual planes. It benefits the nervous system and improves the ability of the nerves to transmit
information in the most efficient manner. Helps digestion and helps the body in the proper assimilation of
food. Benefits the circulatory system and blood. Helps control hormonal and chemical imbalances. Can be
of great importance to individuals with degenerative diseases, such as heart disease or arthritis. Helps the
brain work more efficiently. It works well with all crystals and gemstones. Can be used in conjunction with
Copper and Silver, which aid in boosting its abilities in specific instances. Gold settings: Gold is ruled by
the Sun a masculine planet, and therefore imparts a more assertive energy to crystals & minerals that are
mounted in it.
Goldstone: Medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass
with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL
glasses, such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives.
Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to
Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body.
Granite: Granite has been honored by many cultures, particulary the Aboriginal and Mayan cultures, as a
sacred and powerful stone. Allowing for increased protection and abundance. Composed primarily of
quartz and feldspar, it also may contain Orthoclase, which is a form of feldspar which can form in platelike layers, short prismatic crystals and tabular inclusions. This stone works well on skepticism. Allows for
diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Granite
also has been used to strengthen the hair and ailments associated with face and head. Common rock found
world-wide. Widely accepted as a building material but also has healing properties. Comes in shades of
pink, green, gray, yellow, and white. Benefits the bones and muscle and soft tissue. Use in conjunction with
Flint to stimulate the regeneration of the body's tissue.
Hawk's Eye/Falcon's Eye: Natural Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps
gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and
unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens
meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help
gently attune the third eye and will enhance psychic abilities.
Properties: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated
with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite
condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances
concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed
work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more
confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster
low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used
for astral protection. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. If
worn, Hematite should be placed near the base of the spine.
Folk Remedies: Hematite is associated with the Spleen, blood, and cleansing. The iron in this mineral has a
strong effect on the blood. Used in supporting the kidney's blood-cleansing function. Recommended for
those with anemia. Helps in tissue regeneration. Hematite is given to those who need to regroup after jet
lag, stress, birth and anesthesia. Hematite aids absorption of iron in the small intestines and benefits all
fluid functions in the body.
Feng Shui: Used in the Center area for balancing and grounding, in the Southeast for self worth and in the
Northeast area for self-cultivation.
History: Hematite is silver-gray metallic, which is an iron ore (iron oxide Fe2O3). Found in the US, Brazil,
and Canada. Hematite is derived from the Greek word meaning "blood". In soft powder or sedimentary
form, this crystal is called "red ocher". Egyptians used hematite to calm hysteria and anxiety and was used
for amulets. Roman soldiers wore it for protection. The Chinese see hematite as being more Yang in nature.
Native Americans used red ochre for ceremonies and for war paint.
Herkimer Diamonds: Properties: These clear crystals closely resemble
Diamonds but are really Quartz. Considered a "Dream stone", they are used in
meditation or under your pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the
light and dream recall. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the brain
powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; and can be used as a bridge to
stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra centers, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong,
clear channel for psychic readings and meditation. This stone helps you choose a direction to follow that
will offer the path of least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a
person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences.
Folk Remedies: This crystal Help to increase (raise) the energy levels of those handling the stone as well as
the healing qualities of other stones. Very useful in helping to lessen the pressures of day-to-day life and
the stress and tension-related diseases that can result. They help you recognize the signs of stress before it
can do physical damage. Strongly recommended to use with Amethyst (recall, dream stone), Rose Quartz
(heart felt desires) and Hematite (to ground and focus).
Feng Shui: Herkimer Diamond is used primarily anywhere to help clear and move energy where there is
stagnation. Used in the Northeast direction for wisdom and self-knowledge, in the East for community and
in the Southwest for drawing relationships closer.
History: First found in Herkimer, New York, this special clear quartz.(SiO2) was first
thought to be a diamond due to its brilliance. It encourages stabilization and a dynamic
exchange of energy. Cleanse this stone often.
Hiddenite: A spodumene, like kunzite. Green. Best known for drawing prosperity. Clears heart to receive.
Eases love or dollar loss. Calming.
Howlite: Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving,
calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and
other calcium aspects of body.
Iolite: (Cordierite) Clear bluish-lavender. Opens a light pathway from Throat Chakra up through Crown.
Truth, simplicity, imagery, peace. Living at higher awareness level. Iolite is considered a very strong
"Shaman" stone, and can stimulate visions. Alcohol/addiction detoxificator, sobriety. A newer stone
recently more available. Iolite is one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It
can open one to psychic talents and expand them, and is excellent for use on the third eye and crown
chakras. It can also enhance curiosity. It is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps
one grow spiritually in a peaceful approach. Iolite is also said to help build relationships.
Ivory: Because of the fact that Ivory is generally considered to be the bone of mammals, and most Ivory
comes from elephants, walruses, and whales and poachers have killed so many that certain species are on
the brink of extinction, use Ivory ONLY if you are very drawn to it. It can be found mostly in white or
cream, although some shades of pink and yellow do exist. It is especially well suited for ailments of the
bones, joints, and teeth. Also benefits the skin and the circulatory system. Helps you become more
introspective and analytical. It may make you more in tune with animals and nature, but you have to have
this desire in order to open a path for this expression. When considering Ivory for yourself, you must
always consider why it is important to possess it. If its spiritual value is great enough, you can proceed with
the purchase and simply wrestle with the ecological ramifications (it would perhaps help to make a spiritual
offering to the animal who died.) But if Ivory is only perceived as jewelry that has nice side effects or as an
object of great monetary values, then it would seem wisest to forget it.
Jade: Properties: The ancient Chinese culture has revered Jade for centuries. Jade is considered the health,
wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina,
love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is
considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used
on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to
mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the
heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of
harm's way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone.
Folk Remedies: Jade works with the lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification,
nervous system. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain
ailments or organs. Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of
Feng Shui: Jade is used in positive directions for longevity and a good life. Used in the Center area for
harmony and balance, in the Northeast area for wisdom and in the Southwest area for love and partnership.
(Be sure to use two stones together in this area, never one or three).
History: There are two varieties of Jade, Jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) and Nephrite (Ca2[MgFe]5Si8O22[OH]2.
Nephrite is quite similar to Jadeite in its healing abilities, but its colors are creamier and less translucent
than Jadeite; Nephrite is the more commonly found variety. Jade may come in a variety of colors, green,
blue, black, violet, white, yellow and a reddish and brownish variety. Each with its own slightly different
Blue Jade: A peaceful and passive energy source. Helps people who meditate to relax and gain an inner
serenity. A quiet teacher of patience and slow, steady progress. It is a wonderful stone to give to people
who feel restricted or overcome by situations beyond their control.
Brown Jade: A stone that connects us tot he earth. A good stone to use to help settle matters of the home
or to adjust to a new environment.
Green Jade: Most common. Very calming to the nervous system. The color green is representative of life
or growth. Helps one channel passions in a constructive way, making expressions of love easier.
Lavender Jade: In touch with the emotions. Beneficial to people who have been hurt by love or need to
discover the gentleness within themselves. Can help one learn restraint and subtlety in matters of emotional
Red Jade: A passionate and active stone. Caution is advised here: it can have such a stimulating influence
that the wearer becomes agitated and feels the need to express anger. It can help you extract those feelings
and come to terms with them. Use Red Jade to blow off steam, to release tension.
White or Cream Jade: Helps one direct their energy to its most advantageous outlet. Helps filter out
distraction and allows you to envision the best result of a given situation. Also suggested for the eyes.
Yellow and Orange Jade: Both are similar enough to be considered together. Both impart the gift of joy
and happiness. They teach the interconnectedness of all beings. Help organs that process food and waste in
our bodies.
Jasper: Properties: This stone is a methodical and meticulous worker of practical,
down to earth solutions. It has the ability to foster and nurture and its energy is used for
grounding and protection. Considered more effective if it is used for long periods of
time because it works slowly. Each color of Jasper has additional, specific qualities
when used alone. Jasper is very effective when use on the Root Chakra.
Folk Remedies: Jasper is a general tissue regeneration; mineral assimilation; and general healing. Darker
colors are more grounding. Suggested to be used for elixirs because it will not over-stimulate any part of
the body. Jasper works well in conjunction with Opals. Recommended for executives as an assist in quick
thinking. Also helps them endure stress.
Feng Shui: Jasper is used primarily anywhere to help bring change. Used in the Center for balance and
grounding and in the West for children, in the Soutwest (as a pair) for relationships and in the East for
community and family.
History: Jasper is chalcedony (SiO2) quartz. Multicolored due to impurities, which will turn the stone
yellow, orange, brown and green, are the most popular colors. Jasper has additional metaphysical properties
based on its color and specific qualities based on its mineral formation, such as the addition of iron in red
jasper or ocean jasper, found close to the sea. Jasper stone was used in ancient Persia and Syria as jewelry,
bowls and adornments. Native American traditions use jasper for connecting with the spirit world and for
protection when traveling.
Brown Jasper: Helps one find stability and balance. Benefits ailments that result from environmental
pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Keep in
mind that this process takes some time since Jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more ecologically
aware. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis.
Green Jasper: Is used for Respiratory/Heart Chakra work. Especially suited to tempering aspects of your
life that have taken on too great an importance. Works as a gentle daily reminder that the whole is only the
result of all the parts. Works best on ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and the cleansing organs.
Ocean Jasper: Ocean Jasper® is produced from only one mine near Marovato, Madagascar. The deposit,
being located at the edge of the ocean, can only be seen and collected at low tide. This remote area has no
roads so the material must be transported to civilization by boat. Technically considered "Orbicular Jasper"
in reference to its colorful orbs, some have adopted the name "Moon Jewel Jasper." But "Ocean Jasper"
seems most fitting, as it was found right along the shore. Orbicular jasper's distinctive patterns are made up
of round or spherical inclusions of contrasting colors floating in solid jasper. The orbs can range in
diameter from a millimeter to a centimeter, and frequently show a particularly dramatic concentric banding.
How orbicular jasper forms is still a scientific mystery. This stone helps one to accept responsibilities,
develop patience and help with circular breathing during meditation. Orbicular Jasper allows for nutritional
stabilization, to improve digestion and assist in detoxification and elimination.
Red Jasper: This stone works much like Bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in
battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to
light before they are a threat. Also used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia,
stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds. Red Jasper can be used at the Root Chakra and represents Earth,
Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our
foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our
sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us
health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. The color for the root chakra is red and it is grounded
with your power. Red stones are considered projecting stones and are used to destroy disease, strengthen
conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Dense, heavy, and/or opaque.
Yellow Jasper: Yellow jasper beneficial to the endocrine glands and the cleansing organs. Makes one feel
stronger and in better physical condition. Yellow for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas. earthy
grounding. Also used for communication, inspiration, protection, visualization, travel, digestion, nervous
system, skin problems, breathing disorders. Yellow Jasper can be used at the Solar Plexus Chakra and
represents Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition This chakra is known as the power chakra, located
in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When
healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power. The color for
this chakra is yellow. Yellow is very good for getting in touch with your power and to build confidence. It
is your center of will. Yellow stones are considered projecting stones and are used to destroy disease,
strengthen conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success.
Jet: A fossilized organic matter used as a healing stone. A form of petrified
wood similar to coal, though much harder. Has absorbing qualities. Helps draw
out negative energy. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears
that limit their lives. Helps control mood swings and fights deep depression.
Recommended for stimulating psychic experience and guiding one in the quest
for spiritual enlightenment. If worn, it should be set in silver.
Kundalini Quartz: Kundalini Quartz comes from the Congo in Africa. It is a quartz crystal with a smoky
quartz phantom with hematite inclusions. Kundalini can be defined as the potential energy stored in the
nerve center at the base of the spine. It is also said to be an individual’s experience of the universal creative
energy. These Black Phantom Quartz are called Kundalini Quartz because of their ability to raise one’s
energy level from the base chakra (1st) through the crown chakra (7th) and above. The hematite grounds,
the smoky quartz balances and moves primal energies in the body, and the quartz transmits and amplifies
energy. Raising the Kundalini will lead one to a more spiritual, less ego-centered life.
Kunzite: Properties: Kunzite is a
powerful, high level stone. It is
used against negative energy and
empowers positive and loving
thoughts. Most effective on the
Heart Chakra , it opens the
emotional heart and spiritual heart.
It represents unconditional lovingness and compassion. Used for healing abuse/loss/addictions. Helps
emotional balance, confidence, connection to higher self and oneness. Kunzite is also used on the Brow and
Crown Chakra for the reason that it deepens altered states: psychic readings, healing...being centered
emotionally and spiritually. Strengthens healers and teachers.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is recommended for reducing depression, mood swings, stress, radiation. Used
extensively by the medical profession for psychiatric disorders. Good for the circulatory system and the
lungs. A soothing stone that can help you adjust to the pressures of modern life.
Feng Shui: Kunzite is used in the North for personal growth and journeys and in the Northeast direction for
self-cultivation and for removing obstacles.
History: A member of the Spodumene family with lithium. Pink, clear in color (the green version is called
Hiddenite). Kunzite (LiAlSi2O6) gets its color from manganese. Kunzite has been dubbed the evening
stone due to the fact that it fades in bright sunlight. In addition to being pleochroic, it is sometimes
Kyanite: Properties: Kyanite is considered the "Earth Stone" due to its soothing earth tone colors, as well
as its grounding and tranquil nature. The healing benefits depend on the color it comes in. Blue Kyanite is
most effective when placed on the Throat Chakra in order to open the throat for communication and self
expression. On the Brow (Third Eye) Chakra, it enhances psychic images, foresight, consciousness and
meditation. Kyanite is used to answer questions, especially in imagery, such as in vision, dreams or written
interpretations. It brings out our natural ability to manifest things into reality via thoughts and visualization.
Black Kyanite is best used for grounding and balance at the Root Chakra. This is where it gets its "Mother
Earth" reputation.
Folk Remedies: This stone is know for restoring energy balance and quickly creating tranquility due to the
fact that it is an energy conduit.
Feng Shui: This stone is most often found in light blue and black, which are both the colors representing
Winter, as well as water. Used in the Center direction, according to its "Mother Earth" reputation, it is ideal
for grounding, balance and spiritual growth. It is also used in the North to create success. If you wish to
effect change in your life, use this in the direction you need it most.
History: Kyanite (Al2SiO5) is formed from Andalusite, which recrystallizes when either a decrease in the
temperature or increase in the pressure occurs during its creation. This splintery stone is most often found
in light blue and black and is a variety of the mineral, Disthene.
Labradorite (Spectrolite) : Subtle green/blue/yellow/etc. metallic iridescent. Brings
forth each person's strengths to share with the world. Originality. Easier, more restful
sleep. Helps us relate to others. Opens energy flow to Solar plexus and Brow Chakra
and whatever other centers are most in need. Still evolving along with us. Fragile,
avoid salt cleansing.
Lapis Lazuli: Solid, med. to dk. blue. In meditation, opens Brow Chakra: higher
guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for good of all.
Organizes, quiets mind. Opens Throat/Thyroid Chakra: Self-expression, writing,
creativity, dream insight, allows total awareness...Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia,
autism, shyness, nervous system, depression, serenity, self-acceptance; MS, speech,
hearing, pituitary, DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head), protection stone. Shelters the wearer
like a shield. . Extraordinarily deep blue stone often flecked with Pyrite. Can also be mottled with white
Calcite. Most is currently mined in the USSR and Afghanistan. Beneficial to the respiratory system,
especially the throat and lungs, the cleansing organs, and the nervous system. A good stone for blood
purification and for boosting the immune system. A powerful thought-amplifier and is helpful in aligning
all the elements of the body and mind. Can increase psychic abilities and will open the third eye. Can guide
you in teh direction of mental and spiritual purity. It should be worn as close to the throat as possible or at
least above the diaphragm so that the energy of the wearer is drawn upward.
Larimar: A gentle, soft, sky-blue Caribbean healer. Brings tranquility of water/sea and
air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes
with love. Self-expression, patience, acceptingness, simplicity, creativity, artwork.
With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflammation,
fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and Throat Chakra. (shoulder,
thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.
Lepidolite: Lepidolite is a lithium-mica. It is high in lithium and was originally mined
for the mineral. Solid lavender to soft pink, dull, sparkly. Calms and relaxes. Gently
eases intensity of feelings, stress, mood swings, depression, manic-depression, selfcriticism, anxiety, addictions, worrying. Brings hope, relief, gentleness, self-love,
patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep, mental/emotional balance, well-being. For
master gland and immune system, skin, DNA. Balances Brow Chakra with new
spiritual love. Fragile; salt water cleanse may cause it to break apart.
Lodestone: also called (Magnetite, Iron.) Metallic black, natural magnet. Related to
(and works like) hematite for grounding, clear thinking, focus (detail work, decisions,
etc.). Electromagnetically pulls toxic blocks and pain from energy meridians, pancreas,
and lower glands. The Chinese are said to have been aware of some of the effects of
magnetism as early as 2600 B.C. They observed that stones similar to magnetite, when
freely suspended, had a tendency to assume a nearly north and south direction. Because
of the directional quality of these stones, they were later referred to as lodestones or
leading stones.
Malachite: Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite
and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference
is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and
psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver,
kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with
azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation,
depression, anger; heals blocks. Protects well by powerfully cleaning the auric field,
rapidly absorbing undesirable energies, including: computer, TV, and other radiation, etc. Place in the 4
corners of a room to cleanse carpet toxins/gases. Clean very frequently -- daily if possible! . Often
variegated and is one of the basic ores of Copper. Should be used with extreme care because it can amplify
negative qualities. Caution must always be used when wearing it as jewelry. However, Malachite also
magnifies the positive, and so it is useful if your mood is definitely on the upswing. It should not be used in
healing without careful consideration of who is doing the healing. It is useful for relaxation and
neurological disorders as well as tissue regeneration. It is said to awaken healing qualities and useful in
fighting mental illnesses. Said to stimulate the optic nerve, help the pancreas, spleen, parathyroid, and help
dyslexia. People living near nuclear power plants should keep pieces of Malachite in their homes, since
Malachite may expel plutonium. A warning: Malachite in raw form has dust particles that are highly toxic
and their ingestion should be avoided.
Malachite/Azurite: A natural blending of two beneficial stones. Malachite and azurite are the same
chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the
molecule. A blue-green stone that is helpful to anyone. Malachite has the ability to draw out positive or
negative energy, and Azurite is soothing and calming to the spirit. Together they have the ability to
neutralize energy and produce a sense of calm. Sleep will improve and you will be better able to interpret
your dreams.
Marascite: Silver-gray metallic is an iron ore which is iron oxide (like Hematite) . Marcasite is iron
sulfide. One of the most grounding of all stones (Root Chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into
mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep.
Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us adjust
to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia.
Marble: Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in
shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the
blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in
both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It
enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of the home,
heart and one's constitution. Allows for total recall of dreams as wwell as, provides protection, stablility
and structure both in the physical and emotional mind. Used very often in the fields of Naturopathy and
Homeopathy for its balancing qualities. Ruin Marble provides the additional power of connecting with
intellectual states of mind and knowledge.
Meteorite: Usually solid, dull, mottled, brownish to black. Noniron varieties amplify thoughts/telepathic
sending/receiving, greater awareness, some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd/unusual energy, best
used by those drawn to them. Some believe that since Meteorites are in tune with the energies of the
cosmos and therefore more capable of raising our energies to a universal level. Others believe that that
since they have no connection to Earth, Meteorites can in no way influence our lives. Perhaps a reasonable
way to approach this stone is to try and tune into its energy on an intuitive level and decide whether or not
it would play a good role in your life. (This is a good rule for all stones or gems of the Earth as well).
Microline: See Amazonite.
Mochi Balls: Mochi Balls © are made of Iron and Sandstone. Named after a Native
American tribe who live in the Moqui Desert, they would use these balls for sport,
similar to Marbles. Sacred among the Shamanic members of ancient tribes, they were
also used in rituals to contact extra-terrestrials, for visioning and for journeys. Needing
no special care, the act as a protector when placed in ones environment. They synthesis
male/female duality, liberate one's nature and help to recognize and understand the self.
They realign the energy centers, relieve energy blockage, stimulate Qi energy, ground,
center and protect. They have been used to treat physical instabilities in the veins, muscles, arteries, bone
loss, RNA/DNA balancing, immune system and cellular renewal.
Moldavite: Greenish to brown-green. Variety of Tektite, but twice as rare! (fell to
earth). Dull outside, deep clear green inside. Powerfully expands psychicness,
channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown:
Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth
to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating
from elsewhere be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity,
emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground self
after use and before driving). Fragile - Don't salt cleanse! More rare, expensive and powerful than a plain
Moonstone: Feldspar (contains aluminum). Translucent with white, pink, yellow, soft
sheen. Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness,
Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph.
Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings.
Greater flexibility and flow with life. Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and Pineal for
emotional balance, gracefulness. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler
feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Used for protection against the
perils of travel. Translucent, milky gemstones usually pale blue or green that are cut from Albite. Found in
India and Australia. Known to be of ancient spiritual significance in their connection to the moon and the
intuitive aspect of one's nature. Help cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal
situations. Makes one conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. They open
us up to the feminine and are associated with sensitivity, intuition, and clairvoyance. Beneficial for those
involved in agriculture. Moonstone's effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full
moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones.
May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. It is
recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men.
Morganite/Pink Beryl: Related to Emerald and Aquamarine. Clear/soft pink to violet, translucent to clear.
Inspires spiritual lovingness, compassion, equality, upliftment, empathy, patience. Spiritual Heart Chakra.
Also heart, lungs, breathing, throat, oxygenation. One of the highest frequency stones available.
Mother of Pearl (MOP): Beads/decor made of glossy pearly inside of pearl oyster
shell. (Isn't a stone) Carries the gentle, peaceful healing energy of the sea. Relaxes,
soothes emotions, sensitivity, stress.
Muscovite (MOP): Also known as (Mica) - this crystal appears in sheet-like layers, scales, masses and
tabular crystal. It is the reflection stone. It allows one to reflect on their past and present situations and
gives one the opportunity to both acknowledge and eliminate any traits one wishes to detach from. Mica
provides for clarity in visions and self-reflection. It can be used during fasting times to help reduce hunger,
provide energy, relieve dehydration, bring sparkle to the eyes, sheen to the hair, as well as, help in
situations of insomnia and excessive sleep as with mononucleosis. Often found as inclusion to granite.
Nephrite: Nephrite is quite similar to Jadeite in its healing abilities, but its colors
are creamier and less translucent than Jadeite; Nephrite is the more commonly
found variety. Jade may come in a variety of colors, green, blue, black, violet,
white, yellow and a reddish and brownish variety. Each with its own slightly
different use. Green: Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also
for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity,
humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and
blood detoxification, nervous system. Androgynous. A gentle, steady energy. Properties include its ability
to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Strengthens the
body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in teh removal of toxins. Very beneficial to the heart in
both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way.
Obsidian: Properties:Obsidian is actually natural glass that is formed when hot lava is
submerged in water. This is a strong grounding stone and is known as "the protector".
It is said to "mirror one's soul. This stone brings about objectivity, dis-attachment and
is grounding. It reduces fantasy and escapism. Absorbs and dissolves anger, criticism,
fear, and therefore is protective. This unusual black stone absorbs darkness and
converts it to white light energy. It is a warm and friendly stone, which is used at the
Root Chakra, encouraging ones survival instincts and is grounding. Black obsidian
brings higher Chakra light into lower ones; cleanses and uplifts. Changes fear into flexibility with the
advent of change. Obsidian is used in scrying for divination purposes and often found in mirrors and crystal
balls. Obsidian is used for transformation.
Folk Remedies: Obsidian is believed to draw imbalances to the surface and helps to release them. Problems
or issues that are hard to face can be brought to light with obsidian. It is said to reveal half truths.
Feng Shui: Obsidian is used in the area of North for personal journeys and in the Center area for grounding
and protection.
History: Obsidian is Igneous rock with inclusion. Solid/translucent black to smoky, this stone takes on
many characteristics due to its unique formation. Bubbles of air can get trapped in molten rock, which,
when densely packed, can produce effects that look like rainbows. When clusters of small cristobalite or
feldspar get trapped in the stone, it creates snowflake effects. Apache tears are the results of wind and water
smoothing out the rock. When iron is introduced into the formation, mahogany obsidian is formed.
Obsidian has been used by many cultures for jewelry and tools. Obsidian arrowheads are often found,
dating back centuries.
Apache Tears/Navaho: Represents the tears of Native American women, mourning the death of their
warriors driven over the cliffs by the cavalry. Therefore, this "volcanic glass" has been used to comfort in
times of grief. This stone allows us to see the true meaning of a situation and can provide us with insight
and the understanding to accept it.
Blue: Stimulates Throat Chakra, communication, helps in astral travel, Tarot reading. Helps keep away
negativity and is an extremely protective stone when traveling. Helps with directional knowledge, as well,
particularly for sensitive people.
Green: Heals broken crystals and charges them. Balances Heart Chakra. Assists in energy healing during
Reiki. This beautiful stone allows for a connection with nature and the self-realizations of love, tenderness
and the significance of nuturing.
Obsidian Balls: help to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns, fears, blocking our growth. The
power of the sphere represents the Universe and everything contained in it. Spheres are synonymous with
the "whole" person. Including consciousness, mobility, non attachment, self containment and a powerful
mind. Tied to our spiritual nature, these spheres allow for our purity, clear mind and flexibilty to emerge.
Rainbow: brings light and love to one's life. Allows for the spiritual side in one's nature to be recognized.
Known as the "stone of pleasure", it can bring enjoyment and gratification to one's life. It is also used for
"gazing" especially in matters of love, relationship and the development of one's etheric and physical
Snowflake: This obsidian stone, which has inclusions of phynocryst, gives it the snowflake pattern on it's
surface, and allows us to recognize unnecessary patterns in our lives. Promotes self-esteem and confidence.
Clairaudience and owning our lower aspects for growth; Healthy balance. Allows us to be more sensitive
and aware of the beauty and love that is around us.
Strawberry:This rare stone is a luscious red with the fire of the volcano still in its appearence! Stimulates
the Root Chakra and therefore, our physical energy and validates our self-worth. Grounds us and allows us
to stand up to fear and face anxiety. This red obsidian allows for our dominate qualites to awake as it
balances our male and female energies.
Violet: This rare stone has the cooling properties of the Third Eye, Crown and Transendental Chakra
energies. This is a stone that shows us the power of spirituality and the endless possibilites through
Universal attraction, love and growth. This stones connects us to our intuition, our auric fields and is one of
the most powerful gazing stones for it comes from the earth, yet has the properties of the heavens.
Onyx: Balances and grounds. Reduces sex drive. Promotes fidelity. Absorbs and
flattens emotional intensity. Androgynous. Excellent for centering/aligning total person
with higher powers. Banish grief,enhance self control, wise decision-making,
encourages happiness/good fortune. Can be used to provide a "peek" into the future,
helps one to follow the path alone, promotes personal strength, understand the reality
of the moment, become the master of one's own future. Helps with disorders of soft
tissue, bone marrow and the feet. Black: Root Chakra. Grounding. Green:Heart
Chakra. Yellow: 3rd Seriousness, logic. Blue: 5th Chakra. Found in Italy, US, and in Mexico. The shapes
or patterns that Onyx holds inside it have led some to suggest that Onyx has a picture in it that tells a story
or carries a lesson. An Onyx will retain memory of the physical occurrences surrounding a person. A strong
stone to use in psychometry because it tells the story of the wearer. A strength-giving stone. A good stone
for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well
as strength of mind. Good stone for those who are flighty by nature. A strengthening stone that can help
you approach a lesson or task with greater self-confidence. Said to be good for the teeth and bones. It is
highly recommended that Onyx be used in conjunction with Pearl and Diamond.
Opal: A silicate. Contains water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring
feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). Less inhibition, more spontaneity. Crown
and Brow Chakra. Visualization, imagination, dreams, healing. Easily absorbs, stores emotions and
thoughts. Fragile. Fades/cracks in sun, heat, salt, acidic foods. Moisten frequently with water or oil. Some
cancel/negate other gems. (backfires if not used for good of all) May change color with high
energy/intensity people.
White: Balances Left and Right. Brain. Opals are extremely sensitive and must be treated with great care.
Rarely used in crystal layouts except by someone who wishes to intensify his or her emotional state. They
easily diversify and scatter energy. Some literature states frankly that many who wear this stone have a
fickle nature. Anytime the wearer feels uncomfortable with an Opal, the stone should be removed.
Black/Dark Blue: One of the most potent. Although Opal was regarded as a stone of misfortune, black
Opal is considered an exceptionally lucky stone. It is said that if you dream of Opals, you will receive great
Fire Opals: May stimulate passion, temper, energy. Opals, particularly Fire Opals, are good for business,
though they can adversely affect the solar plexus.
Pearl: Properties: In tune with emotions, water, and women, especially pregnant
women, pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is
from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, therefore it is used for balancing
emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this mineral absorbs
thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with caution. If you feel
excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold that energy until it is cleansed.
Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat
irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It is very nurturing. If using pearls in conjunction with other
gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and
disperse it. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers. Pearl is a cold
and independent mineral, which is used, ironically at the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral/Spleen Chakra, to
stimulate the heart, liver and emotional issues, digestion, immunity weakness and emotional stress. Pearls
are mentally stabilizing, generate beautiful skin and clear toxins. Divers wear pearls for shark protection.
Black: pearls are used for stability, protection and grounding.
Gold: pearls are used for prosperity, ethereal connections and aura cleansing.
Pink: Works especially with the Heart Chakra.
White and cream: pearls represent purity, spiritual balance and can be used to engage the Crown Chakra,
(as well as the other Chakra listed above.)
Folk Remedies: Pearl is a very special "herbal substance" used in Traditional Chinese Medicine since
ancient times. Chinese medical texts credit pearl with the ability to relieve uneasiness of the heart and
mind, to benefit reproduction, to relieve "wandering arthritis," to relieve internal fever, to clear sputum, to
remove visual obstacles and improve eyesight, to promote muscle development and to invigorate blood
circulation. Powdered Pearl is used as a Shen tonic to stabilize the emotions, resolves fright, ease
frustration and anger, brighten the eyes and help regenerate tissue. Pearls can relieve uneasiness,
nervousness, anxiety and tension. Pearls promotes sound sleep, prevents nerve-disorders and nerve
weakness, and are commonly used to prevent or overcome fatigue. Pearls are also used as a major beauty
tonic, because it is believed that oral consumption of Pearl powder results in lustrous, pure, beautiful skin.
Pearls are in the medical arsenal of every acupuncturist and herbalist, even today. Other common names for
pearl include Mother of Pearl. Its pharmaceutical latin name is "Margarita" and the Pinyin name is Zhen
Zhu. Pearl is not just a mineral. It contains dozens of amino acid (eight of the amino acids are "essential,"
in other words, cannot be produced in the body but are required for health), and dozens of minerals,
including: calcium, magnesium zinc, iron, strontium, copper, selenium, silicon, titanium. Pearl contains
calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ferric oxide, silica. Various components in
pearl participate in DNA and RNA metabolic activities, and thus can promote and accelerate cell renewal.
Mucopolysaccharides in Margarita have been shown to prevent wrinkling and to increase libido and sexual
potency in humans.
As a beauty tonic pearl powder is used topically in skin creams to purify the skin. The best pearls, for
herbal purposes, are sea water pearls that come from cold northern waters. The smaller the pearls, the more
powerful their effect. The components in pearl powder help heal blemishes and maintain the health of the
skin by participating in the metabolic activities of the skin. Pearls promote the regeneration of new cells
and makes the skin smooth, fine, elastic and naturally beautiful. High quality pearl powder can promote the
activities of the important natural antioxidant enzyme, SOD, and can help prevent the development of
melanin, which causes freckles and dark patches on the skin. It can help prevent the skin from becoming
old looking, wrinkled and sagging. This is partly due to its stimulation of SOD activity and partly due to
other capacities and nutrients. Consistent use of pearl powder can eliminate blemishes such as colored spots
and even pimples and boils. Constant use can help assure that the skin will age much more slowly and that
it will not be easily harmed by either time or the elements. Pearl is one of the great secrets of the most
beautiful women of the Orient.
As a tonic simply place a little of the pearl powder on your tongue and swallow with a drink. If you buy
hydrolyzed pearl powder, consuming between 500 mg. (1/2 gram) and 1 gram per day is usually sufficient
to achieve the best results. Be consistent and the results will amaze you.
Pearl is extremely safe. Safety studies on hydrolyzed pearl have shown it to be absolutely harmless. It can
be taken by anybody for the course of a lifetime without side effects.
Feng Shui: Pearls are used in the Northeast for self cultivation, in the North area for personal journeys and
also when a stone is needed for the water element.
History: Basically there are two types of pearls: natural and cultivated. Natural pearls are much more
expensive and are considered to be superior to cultivated pearls for both external, cosmetic use, and for
internal, nutritional use. The natural pearls used in herbalism are very small. The smaller the pearl, the
more potent and effective the pearl is as an herb. Some pearls are not much larger than a grain of salt.
These very small pearls, which are softer, can be easily crushed and ground into very fine powder which
can be absorbed with relatively high efficiency by the digestive tract. Natural pearls have more magnesium
carbonate than cultured pearls.
Cultivated pearls are not considered to be of the same herbal quality as natural pearls. They tend to be
large and difficult to grind into fine powder. However, over the last decade a new technology has been
developed in China whereby the cultivated pearls are "hydrolyzed." Through modern advanced
biochemical technology, pearl can now be made virtually totally water soluble. Cultured pearls have more
calcium carbonate than natural pearls.
Hydrolyzed pearl powder, which is pearl that has been broken down for easy and complete absorption,
has been shown in China to help the growth of children's teeth and bones and to improve children's
intelligence. Hydrolyzed pearl has also been shown to be beneficial for habitual constipation, acting
quickly, gently and effectively. Studies indicate that hydrolyzed pearl can lower blood pressure, increase
endurance, and can prevent osteoporosis and various cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies indicate that
hydrolyzed pearl is effective in healing inflammation of the uterus. The solubility rate of this hydrolyzed
pearl is 98%, and of this, studies have shown that 95% is absorbed into the blood stream through the
digestive tract. This ability to absorb is approximately four times the bio-availability of normal ground
pearl, and double that of the finest ground natural pearl. This increased bio-availability and the enormous
reduction in cost makes the hydrolyzed pearl an extraordinary value.
Pecos Diamonds: Pecos diamonds also known as Pecos valley diamonds are colorful
quartz crystals that occur in scattered outcrops of the Permian Seven Rivers Formation
along the Pecos River valley in southeastern New Mexico. Pecos diamonds are formed
inside gypsum. Now and then the gypsum crumbles away, exposing the "diamonds"
which are a variety of double-terminated quartz crystals. Pecos diamonds stabilizes
unsettled emotions. one way of doing this is to by holding them in your hand and rotate
or stroke them with the fingers of the same hand. Another method is to place them in an
area near you and meditate on them. Pecos diamonds will bring joyful feelings to you and your
surroundings. These light hearted gems work on the entire Chakra system since they belong to the silica
family and bring a sense of calmness and peace of mind. They are also said to assist in creativity and
initiation. Motivating us to new ventures, new ideas or to play out an existing plan or goal.
Peridot: Health, Wealth, Protection. Clear bright green/green-yellow.
Clears Heart Chakra, pathway, strengthening breath of life, prosperity,
growth, openness. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas to gently cleanse and
heal the physical heart. (lungs, lymph, breast) The more yellow the gems
the better they are for Solar Plexus Chakra (stomach, liver, adrenal...)
Helps understand relationships, other realities Alleviates depression,
anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety. A visionary stone. Helps connect us to our
destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Can help us visualize not only the ultimate
peak of physical but of spiritual continuation as well. However, if you are confused or fearful, Peridot
should be used in a limited way. It releases toxins and brings them to the surface, thus neutralizing them.
Helps with mental cleansing by highlighting problems. The stomach and other digestive tract organs may
benefit from Peridot. Stimulates tissue regeneration.
Petalite: Petalite is highly spiritual. It has been called the “stone of the Angels “
and will help one connect with one’s guides. It is also said to dissolve negativity
and black magic spells. Petalite has been used on vision quests for strength,
protection, and peace. It will balance one’s yin/yang qualities as well as one’s
mind, body, and spirit. It also enhances one’s ability to feel energy in stones.
Petrified Wood: Sympathetic to the maladies of the skin, muscle tissue, and
circulatory system. Usually comes in shades of brown but can also have stripes
of black or gray in it. Found worldwide. Athletes are well-advised to carry
Petrified Wood with them and use it in healing layouts. Benefits people with
arterial sclerosis, arthritis, rheumatism, senility, and blood clots. Can help us to
investigate past-life experiences. Makes the user more aware of nature.
Phenacite: Milky white to clear crystal. A powerfully loving, healing, spiritual
stone. Clearer stones intensely opens 3rd eye, Crown and Transpersonal Chakra
as a white light channel. Clairvoyance/spiritual communication, meditation,
astral travel, journeys. Helps one to map out a pathway within the dimensions.
Energizes meridians and healing of other stones. It is a powerful stone for
clearing and activating the chakras, in particular, the Third Eye and Crown
chakras. It helps one to go further in meditation, and gives a deep awareness of one’s inner structures, the
chakras in particular. Phenacite in general can be used to amplify the energies of other stones used for
healing, and to balance energy within one. It can also alleviate despair and fear of change, and lead one to
live in love. Russian phenacite in particular raises group and environmental energies. Some pieces also
contain Seraphinite, which is an excellent stone for healing and bringing positive change to one’s life. It
may also help one to contact Angels.
Platinum: A silvery gray metal found in North America, Brazil, and Germany. An expensive and rare
metal, used by medical science as a replacement for bone, since it is in harmony with the body and will not
react chemically with it. Generally considered beneficial for people who experience excess in their lives.
Slows things down and allows you to take greater control. Helps keep hormonal and chemical levels
balanced, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, and may make the heart and circulatory system more
Prehnite: Dreaming and Remembering. Brings new friends. Utilized for meditation.
Enhances the ability to make contact with unseen entities. Multiplies/increases
energy and strengthens ones protective fields. Considered the stone for
dreaming/remembering. Increases ability for prophesy. Allows inner knowing.
Powerful stone, not to be taken lightly. Increases accuracy with predictions.
Pyrite/Fool's Gold: (with iron) One of the most grounding stones in use today. Conducting, Energizing,
Increases Wealth. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scatteredness etc.
like Hematite. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulfur and mineral assimilation,
circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for
grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun's golden energy. A mineralized
crystal that forms in clusters of metallic like cubes. Color varies from a bright gold or brass to shades of
copper or green. Found in most of North America as well as in Chile and Peru. "Fool's Gold". Beneficial to
the respiratory and circulatory systems. Connected to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the
bloodstream. Helps the skin protect itself from the elements, and also aids the digestive tract, lessening
irritation by ingested toxins. The most important gift of Pyrite, though, is its ability to aid mental capacity.
Helps to balance creative and intuitive impulses with scientific and practical ones. communication skills
can also improve with the help of Pyrite, which eases anxiety and frustration. Strongly suggested for people
who tackle large conceptual ideas in business, the arts, or education. Effective in attracting money to its
owner. The stimulation of the mind can be enhanced by using Pyrite in conjunction with Fluorite and
Quartz: "Rock Crystal" : Properties:Quartz is the Master Healer and the "stone of
power"! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store
information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument.
The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw and send energy
therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is used for
transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically
and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to
resonate at the highest healing frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing,
cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.
Folk Remedies: Quartz can be used to facilitate both speaking and receiving information from the spiritual
world, masters, teachers and healers. Stimulates positive thought and healing. Quartz is considered Yin or
Androgynous. Quartz is often used in healing remedies such as crystal elixirs or solarized water, in clusters
during meditation, in reiki grids or laying of stones in a web around you. They are used to clean the aura
and balance chakra energies.
Feng Shui: Quartz can be used anywhere that balance or cleansing is needed. Use quartz in the Center area
for grounding, balance, good health, spirituality and protection. Use in the West area for projects and
History: Quartz (SiO2) is considered solidified light and oxygen. Quartz encompasses a large family of
stones and crystals, all of which are made up primarily of silicon dioxide, one of the most common and
most important substances in the world. Crystals of pure quartz, generally six-sided, can be found in all
shades and colors. Quartz crystals grow singularly or in groups and take on different shapes according to
the temperature at the time of their formation. Quartz crystals can also contain other minerals "frozen"
within, as in Rutilated Quartz. Quartz can form a huge variety of aggregates, clusters, gravel, sand and
single stones. Quartz can be smoky, milky white to clear as water. Quartz was used as tools and weapons
early in history and are now used worldwide in watches, appliances and technology!
Quartz can be formed of microscopic crystals and take on entirely different appearances and qualities.
Other members of the Quartz family include Chalcedony, Agate, Amethyst, Aventurine, Carnelian, Citrine,
Herkimer Diamonds, Jasper, Onyx, Sardonyx and Tiger's Eye. These are treated separately because their
healing qualities are very different from crystal or "rock" quartz.
Blue Quartz: is a fairly rare stone, found in the US and Brazil. Varies in color from pale blue to lavender
or gray. Beneficial effects for the upper torso and related organs. Helps purify the bloodstream and
heighten the body's immunity to disease. Helps you discover or increase your understanding of your
spiritual nature. Has a calming effect upon the mind and stimulates hope. A good healing stone for linking
heart with Throat and Brow Chakra to expand self expression and creativity, plus refining communication
skill to new levels. Eases throat tension. Immune system, thyroid, iodine and B Vitamin use. Some say
shining light through Blue Quartz can help reduce need for glasses. Still evolving. Yin.
Clear Quartz: is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power,
clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz
is considered the "stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all
the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that Clear Quartz crystals can
help balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are
present in an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will
unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the
body. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can
be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the
effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.
Dendritic Quartz: is another variation that, much like Moss Agate, has pictures on its surface. These
shapes often resemble plants or animals. Elestial crystals are crystals that generally have fewer side planes
and blunt ends. These crystals are young and usually much smaller than most other Quartz crystals.
Harlequin Quartz: is a unique blend of two minerals on either end of the light spectrum and is used for
balance, energy and vitality. They provide a beautiful "dancing" energy, which, when activated, stimulates
energy flow on all levels. Harlequins contain red dots or strands of hematite or lepidocrocite. They combine
the properties of quartz with hematite or lepidocrocite, which being red, stimulates physical energy and
circulation. It can be used to stimulate the Root chakra and to provide for a direct pathway between the
base chakra and the heart chakra. It activates all the qualities of the Root chakra, the heart chakra, and the
crown chakra, and provides physical energy to the physical body . It further stimulates the healing qualities
of the heart.
Phantom Crystals: are crystals that at one point finished their growth cycle, then began growing again
later. When looking inside these crystals, you can see a striation that indicates where the original tip was.
For someone drawn to this type of stone, a need for growth is indicated.
Purple Quartz: This stone should not be confused with Amethyst. It has a dark violet color and may have
inclusions or clouding within it. Beneficial to the cleansing organs. Capable of stimulating thoughts and
helping you learn to contemplate and analyze data.
Rose Quartz: (See Rose Quartz under R)
Single and Double-Terminated Clear Quartz: Single-terminated Clear Quartz crystals are six-sided with
a flat bottom and point at the top. These crystals teach us to focus energy on a concentrated point.
Especially useful for people who have a specific area or organ in the body that needs lots of attention. For
mental states, it will help you to focus on the best path to travel in breaking old habits or establishing new
ones. Double-terminated Clear Quartz crystals are a special occurrence in nature. Most terminated crystals
grow out of rock, often in clusters with other crystals. Double-terminated Clear Quartz crystals grow in
clay or other soft materials. It has a point on both ends. They can draw energy as well as direct it. The
center of the crystal works like a neutralizing chamber. One of the points draws negative energy inside,
where it is transformed and purified. The energy then passes out of the crystal through both points. It shows
us that most efficient energy comes from our own center.
Tangerine Quartz: comes from Madagascar and are quartz crystals with a transparent coating of bright
orange over them. Orange is the color of the second, or Navel Chakra, which has to do with the
reproductive organs, and life-giving/creative energy. The energy of Tangerine quartz is bright and giving these are very lively stones. Most stones from Madagascar are unusual and highly energetic, and this is no
exception. Anyone needing to open or activate a blocked or sluggish Navel Chakra would benefit from
working with this stone. As they are long crystals, they could be used like wands to open the chakra and
direct the energy through it.
Window Crystals and Other Esoteric Variations: Even though each crystal has the basic six-sided
crystal shape and may be terminated, there is an additional flat plane, usually diamond-shaped, that give a
view of the inner chamber of the crystal. It teaches the importance of looking within ourselves, even if the
view into our own soul is clouded and imperfect.
Rose Quartz: Properties: Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness,
forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the
Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value
as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it's soothing influence. Helps
diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to
love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in
helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all
change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.
Folk Remedies: Rose Quartz can be used to facilitate emotional healing, ease loss, calm stress, relieve hurt,
dissolve fear, help strengthen low confidence, resolves resentment and quells anger. Slowly eases
childhood traumas/neglect/lack of love and low self-esteem. Rose quartz aligns mental, emotional, and
astral bodies. It is deeply in tune with emotional states. Advantageous for the heart and circulatory systems.
Also helps the cleansing organs. The reproductive organs may become healthier. Said to help increase
fertility. Recommended for artists, acupuncturists, lecturers, and those suffering from low self-esteem.
Cleanse and recharge this stone often. Especially if it fades.
Feng Shui: Rose Quartz can be used to balance both Yin and Yang. Use rose quartz in the Southwest area
for relationships (be sure and use two). Use in the Center area for emotional balance or in any other area
where emotional healing is needed.
History: Rose Quartz (SiO2) can be translucent to clear pink. Found in the US, Brazil, and Japan. It has
been used throughout history in almost every great culture for jewelry, crowns and as decorative objects.
Rhodochrosite: Properties: Gentle and yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to
heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Rhodochrosite is the
"Stone of Love and Balance". Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities,
inner-child issues, abuse and incest. Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust
issues, spiritual and self-love, desire to live and purpose. Best worn 24 hrs. a day. Most
effective for opening the hand healing Chakra. It is used in times of transition by
providing comfort and support. Helps you alleviate irrational fears and paranoia. Will
enhance the dream state.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is recommended for the Solar plexus, stomach (anxiety and emotional issues),
food addictions, anorexia, asthma, eyesight (especially emotional not-seeing, to avoid pain) and thymus.
Specifically used to detox/heal blood, liver, cancer. Works in the bathtub to de-stress the body. A very
beneficial stone for those with asthma or other respiratory illnesses. Helps you filter out the irritants that
trigger respiratory difficulty. Also purifies the circulatory system and the cleansing organs, especially the
kidneys. Suggested to be used in conjunction with Malachite or Copper. Rhodochrosite is used for clearing
and balancing.
Feng Shui: Rhodochrosite is used in the Southwest direction for love, relationships and partners and any
area where there needs to be a shift or transition.
History: Electromagnetic, Rhodochrosite (MnCO3) is a fairly recent discovery in the mineral kingdom it
was discovered in Argentina just before World War II. Also found in rare shades of orange and pink. Has
stripes of various width in shades of white. Most come from the US or USSR. Because remnants of this
stone were also discovered during the time of the Incas, it is sometimes called "Inca Rose". Today,
rhodochrosite is used as an industrial mineral in the production of alloy steel and for floor and wall tiles.
Rhodonite: Properties: Rhodonite is the "Stone of Love"! Rhodonite works with the
Heart Chakra by soothing the heart center as well as the Root Chakra for grounding
and balancing, due to the presence of black oxides in this stone. This balance of colors
allows for a powerful and vibration for caring for one's self. Rhodonite allows for
confidence and self worth. Helps us express confidence and lovingness on physical
plane in day-to-day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service.
It helps us with confusion and allows us to focus. This stone helps to strengthen
mantras, chanting, affirmations, singing and toning.
Folk Remedies: Rhodonite has been used to facilitate stress, heartache, loss and reflection. The Ancients
use it also for speech/hearing problems, growth, fear, illness (emphysema, asthma...) and for soothing
nightmares. Use for trauma, confusion, and confidence. Very beneficial for the growth of bones.
Feng Shui: Rhodonite can be used to balance both Yin and Yang. Use rhodonite in the Center area for
emotional, spiritual balance, in the Southwest area for love, in the Northwest area for helpful people or in
any other area where emotional healing is needed.
History: Rhodonite (Mn+2Fe+2MgCa[SiO3] is red to pink with black inclusions.
Rhyolite: Rhyolite was named "streaming rock" because of its beautiful bands, bubbles
and crystal-rich layers that form as lava flows onto the surface of stone and moves
forward. Rhyolite can look very different, depending on how it erupts. Rhyolite has a
composition similar to granite but has a smaller grain size. It is composed of the lightcolored silicates and is usually buff to pink in color. Because of its varied formational
traits it represents change, variety and progress. It sparks creativity in individuals who
are ready to move forward and make things happen in their life. It allows us to reach
out and beyond our capabilities of what we think we can achieve by helping us to break through the mental
barriers and to reach a profound and joyous state of knowing. Rhyolite shows us how to relish in the vast
potential within ourselves. This is a stone used for meditation, progression in life, focusing on the present
moment and resolving issues not yet complete.
Rubellite/Red Tourmaline: see "Red Tourmaline"
Ruby: Red Corundum. Contains chromium (blood sugar balance). Wealth, Joy, Love,
Sexual Energy and Power. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical
and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength,
leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion, jealousy,
impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love) backfires onto user.
Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol,
caffeine), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, pituitary healing the earth.
This gemstone must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. Classic stone is
usually a deep, brilliant red, but can be found shades of pink or lavender. Found in the US, India, and Sri
Lanka. A powerful stone whose stimulating energy can bring startling things to light. An amplifier of
energy-both positive and negative. Can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. Should be used
with a knowledge of how to gain from the experience. Otherwise you are likely to be overcome by the
passion it stirs up. Can also amplify positive energy. Helps us in all matters of love, including love of
ourselves. Benefits the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the
body. Also suggested for the eyes. Stimulates motivation and visualization.
Rutilated/Rutile Quartz: Clear Quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or
blue/gray titanium fibers that powerfully electrically conduct and amplify
energy/thoughts/programming for healing. Intensifies/deepens altered states. Opens
Crown/Brown Chakra for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one
too spacey or scattered to wear. (Induces Alpha) Stimulates immunity, strength, blue
corona, imagery, dreams. Golden fibers may increase radiation protection and health
rejuvenation. Each stone's energy/qualities are unique. Androgynous. Helpful with
Lung disorders. Contains Rutile in needle-like mineral inclusions. One can find Rutilated versions of most
of the types of Quartz discussed thus far. It heightens whatever energetic influence the regular Quartz
posses and helps direct that boosted energy to problematic areas.
Sapphire: Corundum. Blue, green, pink, purple, clear. Related to Ruby. Blue: Communication, insight,
intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness. Pituitary and Thyroid.
Detoxing skin, body. Antidepressant. Cools, contracts, soothes, thus reducing inflammation, fevers,
nosebleeds. Hearing problems, TB, burns, etc. Nervous system (& Epilepsy) and meridians. Strongest if
next to skin. Especially Throat Chakra. Also: wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces radiation
effects, anxiety, procrastination. Some effects subtle. Black: more grounding. Protection. May strengthen
by posing challenges to overcome. Found in the US, Australia, and India. Lessens tension and aligns the
mental, physical, and spiritual planes. Can be an important stone for people with spiritual confusion or
depression, those involved in situatations out of their control, and anyone with concentration problems.
Black Sapphires are the most protective of all Sapphire colors.
Star Sapphire: Similar to the Blue Sapphire, differs in that it has an aqueous inclusion in its makeup that
creates a refracted five-pointed star on the stone's surface. This star is a focus point in the gem.
Recommended for people who wish to awaken or heighten their psychic abilities. Works as a relaxing
agent during times of extreme physical exertion. Healers of the spirit and and body are often drawn to this
Sard: A porous brick-red stone. Found in the US and India. Not generally considered to be a strong healer,
though it does possess limited properties similar to Carnelians. Suggested for open wounds and conditions
of the blood. Can be beneficial to the cleansing organs and in strengthening to the mind.
Sardonyx: A layered combination of Sard and Onyx. Can include shades of red, brown, black or white.
Found in Brazil and India. Best known for its effect upon the bones and lungs. Recommends its use for
depression and in matters of love. Take care to consider the color combination of the stone. Red stimulates,
brown is grounding, black is absorbing, and white is purifying. The colors do not cancel each other out.
They do, however, buffer each other and maintain a median balance that allows you to affect change.
Recommended for explorers, those engaged in combat, and executives.
Selenite: A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against
cancer and is known to stabalize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck,
immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old recordkeepers of events/information. Smoothes
emotions. Holding crystal,visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher
ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out
through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help
physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and
athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.
Desert Rose: (Selenite) has rose-like flower buds. Known to help new moms increase breast milk.This
beautiful form of selenite forms clusters like rose buds. Very healing and powerful "tool". Works on all the
Chakra, especially the Heart Chakra and brings a sense of calmness and tranquility the longer it is with you.
Serpentine: Properties: This stone is an excellent stone for meditation. It can be used
to clear clouded areas of all the Chakra and especially to assist in opening the Heart
Chakra. It is also believed to help activate the kundalini, or 'serpent fire' energies. By
placing this stone on the Crown Chakra, it initiates the movement of kundilini energy
up the spine. Relaxes one's overall nature.
Folk Remedies: Serpentine emits a profound healing vibration and facilitates the energetic activation of
cellular regeneration. Renders assistance to disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and
mental structure. Works on the heart and lungs by helping to withdraw toxins and activates the absorption
of nutrients and oxygen. It is used in the treatment of diabetes and hypoglycemia, eliminates parasites and
used to increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium.
Feng Shui: Used in the North area for personal journeys and in the Center area to increase spirituality and
find balance.
History: This stone is light to dark green to whitish green in color and displays what appears to look of skin
from a snake, due to its inclusions and variations in color. Worn as an amulet to protect those from
snakebite during ancient times, this stone is especially used as a decorative object and is used a sculptor
stone in Zimbabwe.
Shiva Lingham: Shiva Lingams originate at the Narmada River in the central western
part of India, which is one of India's seven holy sites. Accessible only during the dry
season, these stones are collected from the river bed. Lord Shiva is the supreme being
revered by Hindus, and this fertility stone is often worshipped as his embodiment.
Lingam describes the egg-like shape that is hand-polished to balanced proportions.
Lingam is the sacred Sanskrit word for phallus. In Tantra, the shape embodies the
masculine energy; dynamic expression and knowledge. The markings or Yoni depicts
female energy; wisdom and intuition. The Tantric Shiva Lingam unifies the dualistic female/male world
into harmonious balance. This Sacred Stone relates to the Heart Chakra and represents the harmony and
balance of the soul that is maintained within the hearts of all of us. It is a powerful second Chakra healer
and was used traditionally for births and conception assistance. It is also helpful for those who have second
Chakra related illness due to uncommon rearing and lack of nurturing as infant/child.
Silica: "Gem Silica" The highest, purest form of gem quality Chrysocolla. One of the
highest evolved blue-green stones. (Also see: Chrysocolla.)
Silver: Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind/emotions to
see overview, emotional balance, patience. Like the moon's energy, it has gentle, cool, smoothing effect.
Thus it reduces inflammation, fever, nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems.
Works with pituitary and upper energy centers. Generally Yin. Wear the metal that you feel attracted to.
Works best as a communicator. Should be worn only when it feels right. Benefits the circulation and
detoxifies the blood. Helps the body recognize imbalances or high levels of hormone and chemicals more
readily, enabling them to be naturally corrected. Helps the lungs and throat and reduces irritation by
pollutants and other impurities in the air. Improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Aids those with
degenerative brain disease, poor memory, irrational fears, and emotional imbalance. Also aids in verbal and
representational communication. Helps balance the functions of both sides of the brain. Can be worn as a
belt buckle to improve fertility. Can help resolve sexual problems that result from dysfunction or
impotence. Mental activity is clarified. An increase in your ability to approach intellectual problems. Also
known to lessen anxiety over problem-solving. Suggested use in conjunction with Agate, Jet, Moonstone,
and Turquoise. Silver Settings: Silver is ruled by the Moon a feminine planet, and therefore imparts a
softened less assertive emotional energy to crystals & minerals that are mounted in it.
Smithsonite: Light blue, pink, or lavender fuzzy bubbles. Harmonizes and aligns Heart, Throat, and Brow
Chakra for smoother communications, leadership, perceptiveness and depth in relationships, and expansion
into new areas. Meditation clarity, and receptiveness. Insight via dreams, dream recall. Versatile;
Historically works well in many areas, especially Throat Chakra, nose, lymph, immunity; tissue elasticity.
Chakra corresponds with stone color. Suggested for security and a balanced life. Also helps you deal with
difficult relationships.
Smoky Quartz: Helps to overcome Depression, Nightmares, Stress. Smoky, rootbeer,
or chocolate-colored clear crystals. The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open the
Crown Chakra emanating light down the Root Chakra, inducing Alpha/deep meditation
for channeling/higher guidance, deep relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to
stimulate meridians, kundalini, and correct fertility/PMS/reproductive imbalance.
Stores info well. Alleviates fear, anxiety, depression, emotional Dense, dull,
solid/semisolid black/brown, less attractive. Very grounding, when placed opposite
other smokies. May feel dense, heavy, nonconductive Many were irradiated to turn them this flat, dark
color with white edge of base. If so, they're not useful for conducting light/healing, thus less useful for
wearing or healing. This medium-to-dark brown crystal found in the US, Brazil, and Scotland. A word of
warning is in order regarding choosing Smoky Quartz crystals. Its dark color is caused by impurities,
usually carbon, iron, or titanium. But the color of some Smoky Quartz is caused by the effects of minute
amounts of decaying radium, within the crystal itself. Because of the presence of this natural low-grade
radiation, Smoky Quartz is good for people with radiation-related illness or those in chemotherapy. It is
best to avoid the heavily irradiated crystals. Most gemstone and crystal stores do not sell them, and most
gem experts advise against using them in layouts. Natural Smoky Quartz crystals, like other brown stones,
are closely in tune with the anchoring energy of the earth. Often sued for ailments of the lower torso. The
reproductive organs, muscle tissue, heart, and nervous system all profit. Heightens your understanding of
nature and concern for the environment.
Sodalite: Properties: This stone is most recognized for healing, meditation and
wisdom. This a good stone for general communication for self and writing. It is used
for expressing logic and ideas due to its connection with the Throat Chakra. It is also
used at the Brow Chakra due to the fact that it can access fine levels of intuitive
information and promote the understanding of these concepts. It is also known to
enhance community relationships. Considered a stone that is still evolving, sodalite can
strongly affect changes in your attitude about yourself. It helps you be more objective
and less critical about ways of dealing with existence. It is a stone associated with studying.
Folk Remedies: Known for balancing body energy levels via thyroid, pituitary, lymph, and other glands.
Helps insomnia, as well as neck, mouth, hearing, and blood sugar issues. This stone is cooling and is used
for drawing out infections, cooling burns, sinus inflammation and high blood pressure. Suggested for
balancing the metabolism. Beneficial for the cleansing organs and can boost the immune system. Effective
in combating the effects of natural and artificial radiation and is recommended for those who work around
X-ray equipment or are involved with radioactive material. This stone's Latin name, sodanum is said to
mean "a cure for headaches". Too much of this stone can be exacerbating to anyone who is already in a
long termed depressed state.
Feng Shui: Used in the East area for community, in the Southwest for relationships, Northeast for wisdom,
North for career and South for success.
History: Sodalite (Na4Al3Si3O12Cl) is found in North America, as well as in Brazil and France. The
mineral structure of Sodaite often makes it confused with Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite is named for its high
sodium content and often has veins of white.
Spectrolite: See: Labradorite
Spinel: Red, Blue, Green. Calms alleviates stress, depression. mental rejuvenation.
Most commonly used to aid in detox (together with fasting, enemas, and
alcohol/chemical detox of blood and organs, including skin). Red: Also for strength,
kundalini. Many of the larger ''rubies" in the world are actually spinel. Found in the
US, USSR, Sri Lanka, Italy, and Germany. Encourages moderation of all excesses and aids in the
detoxification of both the blood and the mind. Helps lessen anxieties. Benefits the skin. Said to be an aid in
Star Ruby: Known as the "star of purity", "star fire" or "ruby crystal" is said to promote dreaming and
tends to stimulate connection between the self and your spirit guides. Used as a rod-like conductor, it
provides the pathway from the user to the electrical and magnetic forces. It assists in purifying, and
correcting disoriented energy which leads to atrophy. It helps to align the auric and physical bodies as one.
It is an excellent stone for releasing blocks which keep you from a spiritual path. Star Ruby is a stone of
great energy, development and protection. It releases negative energy and serves as a tool of empowerment.
It helps in the focus of healing energies and chosen pathways.
Staurolite: "Fairy Cross" Brown/grey, crosslike extrusions. Represents four elements and joining of spirit
with earth/matter. Spirituality, compassion, allowingness, dis-attachment; Focus centered on the Here and
Now. This beautiful and rare stone crystalizes in the form of flat and short prismatic crystals with cruciform
crossing. This mineral is a talisman of good luck! Historically, this stone is said to be formed from the tears
of fairies when they were brought the news of the death of Christ. This stone is said to provide a connection
between the physical, astral and extra-terrestrial planes. It can provide an overpowering "release" in
stressful situations and provides support, initiation and incentive in dealing with detrimental habits.
Stichtite: Stichtite is usually found as a deposit on another mineral, for instance, serpentine. It is rarely
found in veins from which half inch or inch thick pieces of the pure mineral can be taken. Stichtite is
formed when continental plates collide. It brings one higher awareness of one’s emotions. In the home, it
creates a tranquil environment, and can be useful in adapting children’s behavior so that it is more
acceptable. It also encourages one to be true to one’s word, to keep an open mind, and to treat all (
including oneself ) with gentleness. Stichtite eases the passage of Kundalini energy through the Heart
Stilbite: Pale pink/gray/white. Pink is especially helpful with loving, creative energy, accepting, allowing,
letting go, manifesting May vivify/heighten physical senses, esp. taste. Detoxifies. Gentle self-expression.
Sugilite: "Lavulite/Royal Azele" Properties: This stone enhances psychic abilities.
Gets you in touch with your Spiritual Guides. Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger,
hurt, unwanted energies. Sugilite brings spirit/light into the physical body and heart for
healing, especially when placed on the Brow Chakra. This stone helps to alleviate
depression/despair, stress. This stone brings peace of mind, well being, spiritual love
and is considered androgynous. It is one of the purple stones, which help to balance
right and left brain function. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new
Folk Remedies: This crystal is an important healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too),
inflammation, stress, dis-ease, toxins, emotional blocks. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and Lt/Rt brain.
Feng Shui: Sugilite is used in the Center direction for balance and any area where there needs to be a shift
or transition.
History: Sugilite (KNa2 [Fe2Mn2Al] 2 Li3Si12O30) is also called "Lavulite/Royal Azele" It can be solid,
violet pink to purple. Found only in the first half of the 20th century, first in Japan then in South Africa,
this stone has been commonly used in the making of jewelry.
Sulphur: Protection, Willpower, Healing Energy. Solid/clear yellow. Rejuvenating, especially if one does
a great deal of thinking/mental wk and little physical exercise. Mental clarity, focus, analysis,
understanding, willpower, discipline, confidence. Used in Egypt and modern hot springs/baths for arthritis,
pain, rheumatism, swelling, lymph, cysts, hemorrhoids. Traditionally very healing for wounds, cleansing
and healing skin, sinus, pancreas, liver, syphilis, appendix, indigestion, insomnia, depression; Strengthens
endocrine glands. Found in garlic, mustard, chives, onions, horseradish, etc. Repels garden bugs.
Sunstone: Honors the God, energizes and empowers one's self. Aventurine feldspar with gold-orange
metallic sheen. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Protection, life force, grounding.
Tanzanite: Rare, Clear, blue-purple-violet Zoisite crystal. (Use clear ones for healing
meditation.) Placed on brow, it powerfully opens brow plus Crown centers for
clairaudience, visions, spiritual connectedness, protection, manifesting. Helps expand
our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair, skin. It was first discovered in Tanzania,
which is how it got its name. This stone stimulates both the Throat chakra and the
Third Eye chakra, and bring together all aspects of communication and psychic power.
Tanzanite is a “stone of magic” that facilitates spiritual awareness and stimulates
insight. It is also said to relieve depression. Tanzanite is known to both dispel and transmute negativity. See
also Zoisite
Tektite: Tektite is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, of
meteoric origin. Tektites are found on earth within a narrow equatorial belt 80
degrees wide. They have been found in Thailand, Australia, Vietnam and the
Philippines. Tektites usually have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the
appearance of being stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when
held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in translucent areas around
the edges. Assists one in attaining knowledge and learning lessons throughout the
travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine, provides insight, strengthens one's energy field. Can
stimulate thought transmissions.
Tiger's Eye: Properties: This stone is most recognized for bringing money, psychic
protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show
us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Yellow/Solar Plexus
and Crown Chakra. Tiger's Eye works on our mental plane by amplifying thinking and
manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, more
centered, less emotional. Tiger's Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and our
faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes
getting in the way. Use Tiger's Eye with malachite or pearl to benefit from their synergy for
mental/emotional balance and true understanding. This stone helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness
into practicality and logic. Has the grounding energy of the earth, but is embellished with a glowing
warmth. A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people and
material things to the wearer. Centers energy and mental focus. This stone helps us to find our closest
version of perfectionism without obsessive behavior.
Folk Remedies: Known for treating digestion and stomach disorders such as diverticular disease, anxiety
and ulcers. Helps with the mending of broken bones and the alignment of bones in the spinal column. It has
been used for disorders of the eyes such as night blindness. Rub with essential oil on front and bottom of
stone before placing it at your solar plexus for detoxification. Tiger eye relieves high blood pressure. The
Chinese categorize this stone as a true balancer of Yin and Yang. Therefore, it balances both sides of the
brain, bringing awareness to perception.
Feng Shui: Used in the Center area for balancing and grounding. The Chinese categorize this stone as a true
balancer of Yin and Yang.
History: A member of the Quartz family, Tiger's Eye is often confused with Cat's Eye. The difference is in
the fibers of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica in Tiger's Eye, which are twisted. (The fibers in
Cat's Eye are straight). Tiger's eye is mined in Western Australia, South Africa, USA, Canada, India,
Namibia, and Burma. Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be
all seeing due to its appearance. The bands in Tiger's Eye display chatoyancy, which resembles an eye of a
tiger, receiving its name due to its similarity.
Red: Strengthens your body force/energy, is grounding and is used at the Root Chakra.
Green or Blue: See Hawk's Eye.
Topaz: The stone of "true love and success in all endeavors". It can be used to manifest
health and correct disorders within the body. They promote understanding, compassion,
kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while
also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain. Instrumental in visualizations for
healing and attracting in meditation and projection. Helps one to creatively change personal
world, enhance awareness, expansiveness and manifestation.
Most common Topaz has a radiant yellow color, but can also be found in shades of green, blue, and brown.
Mined in the US, Mexico, Brazil, and Sri Lanka. Sends out positive energy to all who need it. For those in
crisis or in need of motivation. Recharges and increases the user's energy level. Benefits those who are
problem solvers, such as those involved with the arts or science. An excellent stone for relaxation and
comfort. Calms the nervous system and lessens tension. Also benefits the blood. Sheds light on the path to
your goals. Those in tune with Topaz's positive energy will feel limitless and philanthropic. They will
experience an increase in their personal abilities.
Golden or pink/"Champagne" Crystal. Golden: The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow/solar
plexus gems. A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptivity, high level concepts,
confidence, personal power, stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia, worries, fears, depression, exhaustion,
nervous system stress, stomach anxiety. Also works somewhat with the Crown Chakra. Liver/pancreas
detoxification, bloodsugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener (physically and emotionally).
Radiates warmth,sun/light energy, protection. Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress,
manifesting, higher-self connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance.
Pink and Champagne: Works also especially with the heart for love, spiritual compassion.
Blue: Alignment with our higher self, creative expression, writing, focus on your path. An empathetic
stone. Gives out its warm glow quite readily.
Tourmaline: A powerful, electromagnetic, striated gem. Strengthens body and spirit (and
meridians), transmutes lower frequency thought/energy to a higher frequency of light and
brings light/spirit into the physical. Radiates light protection for wearer. Clears higher
frequency, effectiveness. Especially for nervous system; blood/lymph toxins.
Black: Does not absorb negative energy. It repels it. It is suggested to carry this stone when
you feel surrounded by negativity. A valuable stone for crises and for periods of extreme stress. Helps you
defend against debilitating diseases. Strongly suggested for persons with weakened immune systems.
Cat's Eye Tourmaline: Little information exists. It is suggested that it is a lesser healer because of its
inclusions. Further suggested that derived benefits take place over a long period of time. Use this stone only
if you are very drawn to it. Clear Tourmaline: Has many of the qualities of the other Tourmalines but in a
more low-key manner. Beneficial for the immune system and for detoxification of the entire body.
Suggested it is for the eyes and for nervous disorders such as epilepsy.
Brown Tourmaline: (Dravite) : is said to bring a realization of the “God-within”. It protects one from the
effects of bad karma, and is very gentle for use in grounding. Dravite balances the chakras, cleanses the
aura, and brings a warm sense of Earth and peace to the Higher Self. It also is used to treat intestinal tract
Opalized Tourmaline: Almost the reverse of Cat's Eye Tourmaline. The inclusion, resulting from water,
heightens the effects of the stone. The additional refraction of light helps intensify the healing energy,
accelerating its benefits. It is rare. A valuable addition to one's collection of healing stones. Forcefield,
Protection Stone. Powerfully deflects/shields against unwanted or dark energies, especially for sensitive
people. Grounds spiritual/light energy into Root Chakra, for centeredness amid chaos. Neutralizes fears,
resentment, neurosis, obsessions, intestinal or spine energy blocks, toxins, constipation. Place at feet, knees,
or base of spine for groundedness during/after healing. Radiation protection.
Blue Tourmaline (Indocolite): Same basic qualities as Green, Red, or Watermelon Tourmaline. Especially
benefits the upper torso, the pulmonary system, and the immune system. Some believe it has a religious
nature and that its purpose is to teach spiritual oneness.
Green Tourmaline: A healing stone that some gem healers consider the strongest of all green stones.
Helps achieve balance in all areas. Extremely beneficial for the nervous system, brain, and immunological
system. Stimulates creativity and communication. Helps you recognize and avoid negative energies before
they become damaging. Recommended for people who wish to better understand their own spirituality.
Business, Success. Taking heart, will to live, life-force, prosperity, compassion. Energizes Central Nervous
System (for neuralgia, migraine, burns, etc.) Opens/heals physical and emotional Heart Chakra. Lungs,
asthma. Cleanses meridians and blocks, stimulates new growth, rejuvenates heart, lymph, immune system.
Thymus and entire body health. Yang.
Pink: Emotional and spiritual love, healing loss, emotional pain, fear, self-gentleness (especially with
severe illness like cancer, emphysema). Best in combination with counseling. Most powerful together with
Kunzite or Rhodocrosite. Self-love, compassion, release of old hurt. Trust. See Rubellite.
Red (Rubellite): Strengthens, grounds/rejuvenates, warms. Unites heart and body for love, courage,
passion, energy, stamina, steadiness. High Lithium content (thus pink/red color) brings emotional balance,
lovingness, devotion in a down-to-earth way. Balances body's electrochemistry. Heart and Root Chakra.
Helps detach from personal pain. Releases reproductive, blocks; stimulates fertility. Used to strengthen and
detox blood and immune system and to ease radiation effects. Yang.
Watermelon: (Red/pink and green) Draws Love. Brings together compassion, passion, depth of heart with
life-force and grounding Red). Emotional and spiritual love (light pink) expressed in the physical heart
(Green) Excels for immune system and life-threatening illnesses. Balances metabolism, endocrine system;
harmonizing. Empowers other tourmalines. Yin/yang balance.
Tourmalinated Quartz: Sometimes found embedded in Clear Quartz, Tourmalinated
Quartz provides an energy or " solving atmosphere". Used to actualize an innate
strength in the body. It helps eliminating "crystalized " patterns in the body which have
been destructive in a physical and mental manner in one's life. It also helps in adjusting
imbalances throughout the body.
Turquoise: Lt blue/blue-green. A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent
conductor (high copper). Speech enhancer, Friendship, Communication, Healing. This
gentle, cool, soothing stone is a Native American classic. It opens the Throat Chakra,
for open communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, upliftment; Opens the
Heart Chakra for giving/receiving. Symbolizes our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love
for healing, help. On brow: Psychic connection to great spirit. Strengthens and aligns all meridians,
chakras, and energy fields. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxes from alcohol, poison, pollution, x-ray/sun
radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity"; protection from "evil eye." Brings wisdom. Helps anorexia,
headache, fear, etc. Throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, TMJ, hearing, high blood pressure, creativity
block, depression. Dull, paler, weaker. Works well with Chrysocolla, best with Silver. Used for healing on
every continent! Androgynous, balances yin/yang. Fades in sunlight, sweat, oil, dishwater...Avoid
Found in the US, France, and Tibet. Truly reflects the individual carrying or holding it. Tunes into the
energies of the person and transmits them back into the world. Can also help you get more in tune with
others. A popular stone with creative problem solvers. Meant for those who wish to communicate.
Beneficial for the entire body. Has special applications for the respiratory and immune systems. If you are
sick, Turquoise helps to put you at peace. Recommended for healers, those involved in negotiations,
optometrists, veterinarians, and those who must rely on communications skills to get complex ideas across.
Ulexite: "TV Stone" White/Translucent. Insight into self and others; seeing solutions to difficulties.
Somewhat 3rd eye opening. Some find it helpful for amplifying dreams, imagination, imagery, fantasy
states for creativity (not recommended if addictive or escapism tendency). May fall apart if soaked in
Unakite: We often think of the emotions as originating and residing in the heart, and Unakite can soothe
Heart Chakra issue, but another place where they live, often imprisoned, is in the solar plexus. As young
children, discouraged away from the full expression of our emotions, we learn that shallow breathing helps
us not to feel as much. The repression of feeling can become automatic, and life, while perhaps less painful,
also has less joy.
Unakite can be very helpful in the steady release of feelings long held in. An opaque coral and olive-green
stone (two colors associated with the solar plexus), it consists of three minerals: feldspar, epidote, and
quartz. When one is supported by deepened self-esteem and self-awareness, it is easier to allow old feelings
to arise so that they may be released. Unakite lends another element to self-awareness. In working with this
stone people have noticed that they were able to go deeper than the physical symptoms of an illness and
understanding the mental and emotional sources for it. It is also believed to help release conditions which
have been inhibiting personal growth.
Variscite: Solid cool, pale green. eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety, impatience, stress of a
hectic/pressured day by bringing calm and stillness to even the most busy/talkative mind, thus a good
meditation stone. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the nervous system (Central Nervous
System) and at DNA level. Centers the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra; also slightly helpful for intuition
center. Skin and blood vessel elasticity, impotence/male reproductive healing.
Worry/Stress Stones: This is not one particular kind of stone, but usually any crystal
that is sliced into a thin piece and often have a groove carved into the stone for the
thumb. Worry stones are great to use in a stressful situation. You simply rub the flat
stone with thumb and forefinger. It is said that the stone will absorb the stress from
your body the more you gently rub the stone. Stones that are easily cut, such as agate,
onyx, and quartz, make great Worry stones.
Wulfenite: Translucent yellow to red, mostly orange crystal. Invigorates and harmonizes emotions, passion,
appetite. Warms and grounds. Helps us get in touch with feelings. Used for healing and warming
reproductive (especially women's). Spleen and yellow chakras, and digestion/nutrition assimilation.
Cleanses and uplifts emotions, muddiness, stuckness or imbalance in spleen
Zebra Stone: With black stripes to match it's name sake animal, Zebra stone is one of
the best stones for pain management.
Zircon: All colors. Clear, colorless, natural form: Works with the Crown Chakra and transpersonal point
(and pituitary and pineal) for Universal Truth, intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity and connection
with "All That Is." Eases depression, insomnia. Also historical poison detoxifier. Man-made (cubic
Zirconia or "CZ") is not nearly as strong/effective as natural. "Pink Ice" is pink CZ.
Zoisite: Green and black, often with red streaks of ruby. For trust in the universe,
releasing fears. Strengthens heart, energy/adrenals and reproductive Chakra. General
health. This stone can be used to dispel laziness and idleness. It is often used in treating
disorders of the middle and upper jaios in Chinese Medicine, considered the heart,
spleen, stomach, pancreas and lungs. When Zoisite is shared with ruby in it's matrix, it
shares the same metaphysical properties of both stones. When this stone is found in the
colors of the upper Chakra, clear, blue, purple, violet, it is considered the rare stone,
Tanzanite. is a wonderful place to get the crystals that you
need. They are very informed and helpful!
1. Shealy, Normal, C. M.D.,Ph.D., Thomas, Richard, Alternative Medicine: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of
Natural Healing, Element Books; Reissue edition (September 1, 1996)
2. Babbit, Edwin Dr. The Principles of Light and Color published in 1878.
3. Birren F. (1967) Color Psychology and Color Therapy. New Hyde park, N.Y., University Books
4. Brennan, Barbara Ann “Hands of Light”, Bantam; Reissue edition (May 1, 1988)
5. Bruyere, Rosalyn L. "Wheels of Light", Bon Productions (March 1, 1989)
6. Cunningham, Scott , "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic", Llewellyn
Publications; 1st ed edition (November 1, 1987)
7. Hall, Cally Taylor, Harry, "Smithsonian Handbooks Gemstones", Gem Guides Book Company; 2nd
edition (June 1, 2002)
8. Hall, Judy, "The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals" Walking Stick Press (May 1, 2003)
9. Gardner-Gordon, Joy “Color and Crystals A Journey through the Chakras”, Crossing Press (April 1,
10. Judith, Anodea Ph.D. “Wheels of Life”, Llewellyn Publications; 1st ed edition (September 1, 1987)
11. K.G. Korotkov, Light after Life, Backbone Publishing House. NY 1996
12. Lyman, Kennie ,Simon & Schuster's Guide to Gems and Precious Stones, Fireside (March 13, 1986)
13. Melody, A. Love Is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, Earth-Love Publishing House, Ltd.
(January 1, 1995)
14. Myss, Caroline Ph.D. “Anatomy of the Spirit”, Three Rivers Press (August 26, 1997)
15. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM): A division of the U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services dedicated to research.
16. Raphaell, Katrina, "Crystal Enlightenment: The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing
Stones (Crystals and New Age)" Aurora Press (December 1, 1985)
17. Rappaport, Aviva and Amnon Rapaport. Color Preferences, Color Harmony, and the Quantitative Use
of Colors. Empirical Studies of the Arts Vol. 2 (2) (1984)
18. Stein, Diane, "Healing With Gemstones and Crystals" Crossing Press (November 1, 1996)