3- D Art Class

3- D Art Class- Mrs. Britton
Lesson Plan: Paper Mache Animal
Assignment Description:
For this assignment, we will be examining the animal figures art of Mexican Alebrije’s and Australian Aboriginal Dot Paintings. We will be
constructing a realistic paper mache animal from direct observation (photograph) and choosing to decorate it in either one of the styles.
Assignment Goals:
The purpose of this assignment is to expand your knowledge of Mexican and Australian cultures, build 3-D construction skills (particularly
paper mache), further painting skills, and create a representation artwork from direct observation.
Objectives, Students will be able to:
Broaden knowledge of Mexican and Australian cultures.
Build construction and painting skills through using a variety of materials and techniques.
Produce a 3-D representation from direct observation, paying attention to mass, proportion, and scale.
Recognize complementary and analogous colors on the color wheel.
Mexican Alebrije, Australian Aboriginal Dot Painting, Scale, Proportion, Mass, Balance, Pattern, Complementary, Analogous.
First we will discuss Mexican Alebrijes and Aboriginal Dot Painting art using different tools as motivation.
Second you will get an image of your chosen animal and sketch the animal in the “chunks” you will build it in.
Third you will start constructing your sections and assembling your animal.
Fourth, you will paper mache your animal, and complete a mid-process checklist.
Fifth, you will apply a white coat of paint to your entire animal, and we will take a vocabulary quiz.
Sixth, you will choose the style in which to paint your animal (Alebrije or Dot painting).
Seventh, you will complete a written critique of your animal in your critique notebook.
1.5-1.7, 2.7, 2.11, 3.4, 3.7, 4.4-4.7, 5.5, 6.3-6.4, 7.2-7.3, 8.5, 10.2
For this lesson you will receive four grades:
- a vocabulary quiz grade
- a mid-process grade
- a final project grade
- a written critique grade